Merge pull request #10145 from allnes:vedeoio_avi_container

Alexander Alekhin 7 years ago
commit 30b33a4413
  1. 2
  2. 191
  3. 720
  4. 614
  5. 1017
  6. 87
  7. 14
  8. 24

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ endif()
set(videoio_hdrs set(videoio_hdrs
${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/precomp.hpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/precomp.hpp
) )
set(videoio_srcs set(videoio_srcs
${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/cap_images.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/cap_images.cpp
${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/cap_mjpeg_encoder.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/cap_mjpeg_encoder.cpp
${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/cap_mjpeg_decoder.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/cap_mjpeg_decoder.cpp
) )
file(GLOB videoio_ext_hdrs file(GLOB videoio_ext_hdrs

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#ifndef __OPENCV_BUILD
# error this is a private header which should not be used from outside of the OpenCV library
#include "opencv2/core/cvdef.h"
#include "opencv2/videoio/videoio_c.h"
#include <deque>
namespace cv
AVI struct:
LIST ('hdrl'
'avih'(<Main AVI Header>)
LIST ('strl'
'strh'(<Stream header>)
'strf'(<Stream format>)
[ 'strd'(<Additional header data>) ]
[ 'strn'(<Stream name>) ]
[ 'indx'(<Odml index data>) ]
[LIST ('strl' ...)]
[LIST ('strl' ...)]
[LIST ('odml'
'dmlh'(<ODML header data>)
[LIST ('INFO' ...)]
LIST ('movi'
{{xxdb|xxdc|xxpc|xxwb}(<Data>) | LIST ('rec '
['idx1' (<AVI Index>) ]
xx - stream number: 00, 01, 02, ...
db - uncompressed video frame
dc - commpressed video frame
pc - palette change
wb - audio frame
JUNK section may pad any data section and must be ignored
typedef std::deque< std::pair<uint64_t, uint32_t> > frame_list;
typedef frame_list::iterator frame_iterator;
struct RiffChunk;
struct RiffList;
class VideoInputStream;
enum Codecs { MJPEG };
//Represents single MJPEG video stream within single AVI/AVIX entry
//Multiple video streams within single AVI/AVIX entry are not supported
//ODML index is not supported
class CV_EXPORTS AVIReadContainer
void initStream(const String& filename);
void initStream(Ptr<VideoInputStream> m_file_stream_);
void close();
//stores founded frames in m_frame_list which can be accessed via getFrames
bool parseAvi(Codecs codec_) { return parseAviWithFrameList(m_frame_list, codec_); }
//stores founded frames in in_frame_list. getFrames() would return empty list
bool parseAvi(frame_list& in_frame_list, Codecs codec_) { return parseAviWithFrameList(in_frame_list, codec_); }
size_t getFramesCount() { return m_frame_list.size(); }
frame_list& getFrames() { return m_frame_list; }
unsigned int getWidth() { return m_width; }
unsigned int getHeight() { return m_height; }
double getFps() { return m_fps; }
std::vector<char> readFrame(frame_iterator it);
bool parseRiff(frame_list &m_mjpeg_frames);
bool parseAviWithFrameList(frame_list& in_frame_list, Codecs codec_);
void skipJunk(RiffChunk& chunk);
void skipJunk(RiffList& list);
bool parseHdrlList(Codecs codec_);
bool parseIndex(unsigned int index_size, frame_list& in_frame_list);
bool parseMovi(frame_list& in_frame_list)
//not implemented
return true;
bool parseStrl(char stream_id, Codecs codec_);
bool parseInfo()
//not implemented
return true;
void printError(RiffList& list, unsigned int expected_fourcc);
void printError(RiffChunk& chunk, unsigned int expected_fourcc);
Ptr<VideoInputStream> m_file_stream;
unsigned int m_stream_id;
unsigned long long int m_movi_start;
unsigned long long int m_movi_end;
frame_list m_frame_list;
unsigned int m_width;
unsigned int m_height;
double m_fps;
bool m_is_indx_present;
enum StreamType { db, dc, pc, wb };
class BitStream;
// {xxdb|xxdc|xxpc|xxwb}
// xx - stream number: 00, 01, 02, ...
// db - uncompressed video frame
// dc - commpressed video frame
// pc - palette change
// wb - audio frame
class CV_EXPORTS AVIWriteContainer
bool initContainer(const String& filename, double fps, Size size, bool iscolor);
void startWriteAVI(int stream_count);
void writeStreamHeader(Codecs codec_);
void startWriteChunk(int fourcc);
void endWriteChunk();
int getAVIIndex(int stream_number, StreamType strm_type);
void writeIndex(int stream_number, StreamType strm_type);
void finishWriteAVI();
bool isOpenedStream() const;
bool isEmptyFrameOffset() const { return frameOffset.empty(); }
int getWidth() const { return width; }
int getHeight() const { return height; }
int getChannels() const { return channels; }
size_t getMoviPointer() const { return moviPointer; }
size_t getStreamPos() const;
void pushFrameOffset(size_t elem) { frameOffset.push_back(elem); }
void pushFrameSize(size_t elem) { frameSize.push_back(elem); }
bool isEmptyFrameSize() const { return frameSize.empty(); }
size_t atFrameSize(size_t i) const { return frameSize[i]; }
size_t countFrameSize() const { return frameSize.size(); }
void jputStreamShort(int val);
void putStreamBytes(const uchar* buf, int count);
void putStreamByte(int val);
void jputStream(unsigned currval);
void jflushStream(unsigned currval, int bitIdx);
Ptr<BitStream> strm;
int outfps;
int width, height, channels;
size_t moviPointer;
std::vector<size_t> frameOffset, frameSize, AVIChunkSizeIndex, frameNumIndexes;

@ -40,652 +40,11 @@
//M*/ //M*/
#include "precomp.hpp" #include "precomp.hpp"
#include <deque> #include "opencv2/videoio/container_avi.private.hpp"
#include <stdint.h>
namespace cv namespace cv
{ {
const uint32_t RIFF_CC = CV_FOURCC('R','I','F','F');
const uint32_t LIST_CC = CV_FOURCC('L','I','S','T');
const uint32_t HDRL_CC = CV_FOURCC('h','d','r','l');
const uint32_t AVIH_CC = CV_FOURCC('a','v','i','h');
const uint32_t STRL_CC = CV_FOURCC('s','t','r','l');
const uint32_t STRH_CC = CV_FOURCC('s','t','r','h');
const uint32_t VIDS_CC = CV_FOURCC('v','i','d','s');
const uint32_t MJPG_CC = CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G');
const uint32_t MOVI_CC = CV_FOURCC('m','o','v','i');
const uint32_t IDX1_CC = CV_FOURCC('i','d','x','1');
const uint32_t AVI_CC = CV_FOURCC('A','V','I',' ');
const uint32_t AVIX_CC = CV_FOURCC('A','V','I','X');
const uint32_t JUNK_CC = CV_FOURCC('J','U','N','K');
const uint32_t INFO_CC = CV_FOURCC('I','N','F','O');
String fourccToString(uint32_t fourcc);
String fourccToString(uint32_t fourcc)
return format("%c%c%c%c", fourcc & 255, (fourcc >> 8) & 255, (fourcc >> 16) & 255, (fourcc >> 24) & 255);
#ifndef DWORD
typedef uint32_t DWORD;
#ifndef WORD
typedef uint16_t WORD;
#ifndef LONG
typedef int32_t LONG;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct AviMainHeader
DWORD dwMicroSecPerFrame; // The period between video frames
DWORD dwMaxBytesPerSec; // Maximum data rate of the file
DWORD dwReserved1; // 0
DWORD dwFlags; // 0x10 AVIF_HASINDEX: The AVI file has an idx1 chunk containing an index at the end of the file.
DWORD dwTotalFrames; // Field of the main header specifies the total number of frames of data in file.
DWORD dwInitialFrames; // Is used for interleaved files
DWORD dwStreams; // Specifies the number of streams in the file.
DWORD dwSuggestedBufferSize; // Field specifies the suggested buffer size forreading the file
DWORD dwWidth; // Fields specify the width of the AVIfile in pixels.
DWORD dwHeight; // Fields specify the height of the AVIfile in pixels.
DWORD dwReserved[4]; // 0, 0, 0, 0
struct AviStreamHeader
uint32_t fccType; // 'vids', 'auds', 'txts'...
uint32_t fccHandler; // "cvid", "DIB "
DWORD dwFlags; // 0
DWORD dwPriority; // 0
DWORD dwInitialFrames; // 0
DWORD dwScale; // 1
DWORD dwRate; // Fps (dwRate - frame rate for video streams)
DWORD dwStart; // 0
DWORD dwLength; // Frames number (playing time of AVI file as defined by scale and rate)
DWORD dwSuggestedBufferSize; // For reading the stream
DWORD dwQuality; // -1 (encoding quality. If set to -1, drivers use the default quality value)
DWORD dwSampleSize; // 0 means that each frame is in its own chunk
struct {
short int left;
short int top;
short int right;
short int bottom;
} rcFrame; // If stream has a different size than dwWidth*dwHeight(unused)
struct AviIndex
DWORD ckid;
DWORD dwFlags;
DWORD dwChunkOffset;
DWORD dwChunkLength;
struct BitmapInfoHeader
DWORD biSize; // Write header size of BITMAPINFO header structure
LONG biWidth; // width in pixels
LONG biHeight; // height in pixels
WORD biPlanes; // Number of color planes in which the data is stored
WORD biBitCount; // Number of bits per pixel
DWORD biCompression; // Type of compression used (uncompressed: NO_COMPRESSION=0)
DWORD biSizeImage; // Image Buffer. Quicktime needs 3 bytes also for 8-bit png
// (biCompression==NO_COMPRESSION)?0:xDim*yDim*bytesPerPixel;
LONG biXPelsPerMeter; // Horizontal resolution in pixels per meter
LONG biYPelsPerMeter; // Vertical resolution in pixels per meter
DWORD biClrUsed; // 256 (color table size; for 8-bit only)
DWORD biClrImportant; // Specifies that the first x colors of the color table. Are important to the DIB.
struct RiffChunk
uint32_t m_four_cc;
uint32_t m_size;
struct RiffList
uint32_t m_riff_or_list_cc;
uint32_t m_size;
uint32_t m_list_type_cc;
#pragma pack(pop)
class MjpegInputStream
MjpegInputStream(const String& filename);
MjpegInputStream& read(char*, uint64_t);
MjpegInputStream& seekg(uint64_t);
uint64_t tellg();
bool isOpened() const;
bool open(const String& filename);
void close();
operator bool();
bool m_is_valid;
FILE* m_f;
MjpegInputStream::MjpegInputStream(): m_is_valid(false), m_f(0)
MjpegInputStream::MjpegInputStream(const String& filename): m_is_valid(false), m_f(0)
bool MjpegInputStream::isOpened() const
return m_f != 0;
bool MjpegInputStream::open(const String& filename)
m_f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
m_is_valid = isOpened();
return m_is_valid;
void MjpegInputStream::close()
m_is_valid = false;
m_f = 0;
MjpegInputStream& MjpegInputStream::read(char* buf, uint64_t count)
m_is_valid = (count == fread((void*)buf, 1, (size_t)count, m_f));
return *this;
MjpegInputStream& MjpegInputStream::seekg(uint64_t pos)
m_is_valid = (fseek(m_f, (long)pos, SEEK_SET) == 0);
return *this;
uint64_t MjpegInputStream::tellg()
return ftell(m_f);
MjpegInputStream::operator bool()
return m_is_valid;
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviMainHeader& avih);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviStreamHeader& strh);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, BitmapInfoHeader& bmph);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, RiffList& riff_list);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, RiffChunk& riff_chunk);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviIndex& idx1);
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviMainHeader& avih)
{*)(&avih), sizeof(AviMainHeader));
return is;
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviStreamHeader& strh)
{*)(&strh), sizeof(AviStreamHeader));
return is;
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, BitmapInfoHeader& bmph)
{*)(&bmph), sizeof(BitmapInfoHeader));
return is;
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, RiffList& riff_list)
{*)(&riff_list), sizeof(riff_list));
return is;
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, RiffChunk& riff_chunk)
{*)(&riff_chunk), sizeof(riff_chunk));
return is;
MjpegInputStream& operator >> (MjpegInputStream& is, AviIndex& idx1)
{*)(&idx1), sizeof(idx1));
return is;
AVI struct:
LIST ('hdrl'
'avih'(<Main AVI Header>)
LIST ('strl'
'strh'(<Stream header>)
'strf'(<Stream format>)
[ 'strd'(<Additional header data>) ]
[ 'strn'(<Stream name>) ]
[ 'indx'(<Odml index data>) ]
[LIST ('strl' ...)]
[LIST ('strl' ...)]
[LIST ('odml'
'dmlh'(<ODML header data>)
[LIST ('INFO' ...)]
LIST ('movi'
{{xxdb|xxdc|xxpc|xxwb}(<Data>) | LIST ('rec '
['idx1' (<AVI Index>) ]
xx - stream number: 00, 01, 02, ...
db - uncompressed video frame
dc - commpressed video frame
pc - palette change
wb - audio frame
JUNK section may pad any data section and must be ignored
typedef std::deque< std::pair<uint64_t, uint32_t> > frame_list;
typedef frame_list::iterator frame_iterator;
//Represents single MJPEG video stream within single AVI/AVIX entry
//Multiple video streams within single AVI/AVIX entry are not supported
//ODML index is not supported
class AviMjpegStream
//stores founded frames in m_frame_list which can be accessed via getFrames
bool parseAvi(MjpegInputStream& in_str);
//stores founded frames in in_frame_list. getFrames() would return empty list
bool parseAvi(MjpegInputStream& in_str, frame_list& in_frame_list);
size_t getFramesCount();
frame_list& getFrames();
uint32_t getWidth();
uint32_t getHeight();
double getFps();
bool parseAviWithFrameList(MjpegInputStream& in_str, frame_list& in_frame_list);
void skipJunk(RiffChunk& chunk, MjpegInputStream& in_str);
void skipJunk(RiffList& list, MjpegInputStream& in_str);
bool parseHdrlList(MjpegInputStream& in_str);
bool parseIndex(MjpegInputStream& in_str, uint32_t index_size, frame_list& in_frame_list);
bool parseMovi(MjpegInputStream& in_str, frame_list& in_frame_list);
bool parseStrl(MjpegInputStream& in_str, uint8_t stream_id);
bool parseInfo(MjpegInputStream& in_str);
void printError(MjpegInputStream& in_str, RiffList& list, uint32_t expected_fourcc);
void printError(MjpegInputStream& in_str, RiffChunk& chunk, uint32_t expected_fourcc);
uint32_t m_stream_id;
uint64_t m_movi_start;
uint64_t m_movi_end;
frame_list m_frame_list;
uint32_t m_width;
uint32_t m_height;
double m_fps;
bool m_is_indx_present;
AviMjpegStream::AviMjpegStream(): m_stream_id(0), m_movi_start(0), m_movi_end(0), m_width(0), m_height(0), m_fps(0), m_is_indx_present(false)
size_t AviMjpegStream::getFramesCount()
return m_frame_list.size();
frame_list& AviMjpegStream::getFrames()
return m_frame_list;
uint32_t AviMjpegStream::getWidth()
return m_width;
uint32_t AviMjpegStream::getHeight()
return m_height;
double AviMjpegStream::getFps()
return m_fps;
void AviMjpegStream::printError(MjpegInputStream& in_str, RiffList& list, uint32_t expected_fourcc)
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected end of file while searching for %s list\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str());
else if(list.m_riff_or_list_cc != LIST_CC)
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected element. Expected: %s. Got: %s.\n", fourccToString(LIST_CC).c_str(), fourccToString(list.m_riff_or_list_cc).c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected list type. Expected: %s. Got: %s.\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str(), fourccToString(list.m_list_type_cc).c_str());
void AviMjpegStream::printError(MjpegInputStream& in_str, RiffChunk& chunk, uint32_t expected_fourcc)
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected end of file while searching for %s chunk\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected element. Expected: %s. Got: %s.\n", fourccToString(expected_fourcc).c_str(), fourccToString(chunk.m_four_cc).c_str());
bool AviMjpegStream::parseMovi(MjpegInputStream&, frame_list&)
//not implemented
return true;
bool AviMjpegStream::parseInfo(MjpegInputStream&)
//not implemented
return true;
bool AviMjpegStream::parseIndex(MjpegInputStream& in_str, uint32_t index_size, frame_list& in_frame_list)
uint64_t index_end = in_str.tellg();
index_end += index_size;
bool result = false;
while(in_str && (in_str.tellg() < index_end))
AviIndex idx1;
in_str >> idx1;
if(idx1.ckid == m_stream_id)
uint64_t absolute_pos = m_movi_start + idx1.dwChunkOffset;
if(absolute_pos < m_movi_end)
in_frame_list.push_back(std::make_pair(absolute_pos, idx1.dwChunkLength));
//unsupported case
fprintf(stderr, "Frame offset points outside movi section.\n");
result = true;
return result;
bool AviMjpegStream::parseStrl(MjpegInputStream& in_str, uint8_t stream_id)
RiffChunk strh;
in_str >> strh;
if(in_str && strh.m_four_cc == STRH_CC)
uint64_t next_strl_list = in_str.tellg();
next_strl_list += strh.m_size;
AviStreamHeader strm_hdr;
in_str >> strm_hdr;
if(strm_hdr.fccType == VIDS_CC && strm_hdr.fccHandler == MJPG_CC)
uint8_t first_digit = (stream_id/10) + '0';
uint8_t second_digit = (stream_id%10) + '0';
if(m_stream_id == 0)
m_stream_id = CV_FOURCC(first_digit, second_digit, 'd', 'c');
m_fps = double(strm_hdr.dwRate)/strm_hdr.dwScale;
//second mjpeg video stream found which is not supported
fprintf(stderr, "More than one video stream found within AVI/AVIX list. Stream %c%cdc would be ignored\n", first_digit, second_digit);
return true;
return false;
void AviMjpegStream::skipJunk(RiffChunk& chunk, MjpegInputStream& in_str)
if(chunk.m_four_cc == JUNK_CC)
in_str.seekg(in_str.tellg() + chunk.m_size);
in_str >> chunk;
void AviMjpegStream::skipJunk(RiffList& list, MjpegInputStream& in_str)
if(list.m_riff_or_list_cc == JUNK_CC)
//JUNK chunk is 4 bytes less than LIST
in_str.seekg(in_str.tellg() + list.m_size - 4);
in_str >> list;
bool AviMjpegStream::parseHdrlList(MjpegInputStream& in_str)
bool result = false;
RiffChunk avih;
in_str >> avih;
if(in_str && avih.m_four_cc == AVIH_CC)
uint64_t next_strl_list = in_str.tellg();
next_strl_list += avih.m_size;
AviMainHeader avi_hdr;
in_str >> avi_hdr;
m_is_indx_present = ((avi_hdr.dwFlags & 0x10) != 0);
DWORD number_of_streams = avi_hdr.dwStreams;
CV_Assert(number_of_streams < 0xFF);
m_width = avi_hdr.dwWidth;
m_height = avi_hdr.dwHeight;
//the number of strl lists must be equal to number of streams specified in main avi header
for(DWORD i = 0; i < number_of_streams; ++i)
RiffList strl_list;
in_str >> strl_list;
if( in_str && strl_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && strl_list.m_list_type_cc == STRL_CC )
next_strl_list = in_str.tellg();
//RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read
next_strl_list += (strl_list.m_size - 4);
result = parseStrl(in_str, (uint8_t)i);
printError(in_str, strl_list, STRL_CC);
printError(in_str, avih, AVIH_CC);
return result;
bool AviMjpegStream::parseAviWithFrameList(MjpegInputStream& in_str, frame_list& in_frame_list)
RiffList hdrl_list;
in_str >> hdrl_list;
if( in_str && hdrl_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && hdrl_list.m_list_type_cc == HDRL_CC )
uint64_t next_list = in_str.tellg();
//RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read
next_list += (hdrl_list.m_size - 4);
//parseHdrlList sets m_is_indx_present flag which would be used later
RiffList some_list;
in_str >> some_list;
//an optional section INFO
if(in_str && some_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && some_list.m_list_type_cc == INFO_CC)
next_list = in_str.tellg();
//RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read
next_list += (some_list.m_size - 4);
in_str >> some_list;
//an optional section JUNK
skipJunk(some_list, in_str);
//we are expecting to find here movi list. Must present in avi
if(in_str && some_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == LIST_CC && some_list.m_list_type_cc == MOVI_CC)
bool is_index_found = false;
m_movi_start = in_str.tellg();
m_movi_start -= 4;
m_movi_end = m_movi_start + some_list.m_size;
//if m_is_indx_present is set to true we should find index
//we are expecting to find index section after movi list
uint32_t indx_pos = (uint32_t)m_movi_start + 4;
indx_pos += (some_list.m_size - 4);
RiffChunk index_chunk;
in_str >> index_chunk;
if(in_str && index_chunk.m_four_cc == IDX1_CC)
is_index_found = parseIndex(in_str, index_chunk.m_size, in_frame_list);
//we are not going anywhere else
printError(in_str, index_chunk, IDX1_CC);
//index not present or we were not able to find it
//parsing movi list
//not implemented
parseMovi(in_str, in_frame_list);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse avi: index was not found\n");
//we are not going anywhere else
printError(in_str, some_list, MOVI_CC);
printError(in_str, hdrl_list, HDRL_CC);
return in_frame_list.size() > 0;
bool AviMjpegStream::parseAvi(MjpegInputStream& in_str, frame_list& in_frame_list)
return parseAviWithFrameList(in_str, in_frame_list);
bool AviMjpegStream::parseAvi(MjpegInputStream& in_str)
return parseAviWithFrameList(in_str, m_frame_list);
class MotionJpegCapture: public IVideoCapture class MotionJpegCapture: public IVideoCapture
{ {
public: public:
@ -702,12 +61,9 @@ public:
void close(); void close();
protected: protected:
bool parseRiff(MjpegInputStream& in_str);
inline uint64_t getFramePos() const; inline uint64_t getFramePos() const;
std::vector<char> readFrame(frame_iterator it);
MjpegInputStream m_file_stream; Ptr<AVIReadContainer> m_avi_container;
bool m_is_first_frame; bool m_is_first_frame;
frame_list m_mjpeg_frames; frame_list m_mjpeg_frames;
@ -779,23 +135,6 @@ double MotionJpegCapture::getProperty(int property) const
} }
} }
std::vector<char> MotionJpegCapture::readFrame(frame_iterator it)
RiffChunk chunk;
m_file_stream >> chunk;
std::vector<char> result;
result.resize(chunk.m_size);[0]), chunk.m_size); // failed with MSVS2008
return result;
bool MotionJpegCapture::grabFrame() bool MotionJpegCapture::grabFrame()
{ {
if(isOpened()) if(isOpened())
@ -818,7 +157,7 @@ bool MotionJpegCapture::retrieveFrame(int, OutputArray output_frame)
{ {
if(m_frame_iterator != m_mjpeg_frames.end()) if(m_frame_iterator != m_mjpeg_frames.end())
{ {
std::vector<char> data = readFrame(m_frame_iterator); std::vector<char> data = m_avi_container->readFrame(m_frame_iterator);
if(data.size()) if(data.size())
{ {
@ -840,6 +179,8 @@ MotionJpegCapture::~MotionJpegCapture()
MotionJpegCapture::MotionJpegCapture(const String& filename) MotionJpegCapture::MotionJpegCapture(const String& filename)
{ {
m_avi_container = makePtr<AVIReadContainer>();
open(filename); open(filename);
} }
@ -850,7 +191,7 @@ bool MotionJpegCapture::isOpened() const
void MotionJpegCapture::close() void MotionJpegCapture::close()
{ {
m_file_stream.close(); m_avi_container->close();
m_frame_iterator = m_mjpeg_frames.end(); m_frame_iterator = m_mjpeg_frames.end();
} }
@ -858,56 +199,23 @@ bool MotionJpegCapture::open(const String& filename)
{ {
close(); close();; m_avi_container = makePtr<AVIReadContainer>();
m_frame_iterator = m_mjpeg_frames.end(); m_frame_iterator = m_mjpeg_frames.end();
m_is_first_frame = true; m_is_first_frame = true;
if(!parseRiff(m_file_stream)) if(!m_avi_container->parseRiff(m_mjpeg_frames))
{ {
close(); close();
} } else
return isOpened();
bool MotionJpegCapture::parseRiff(MjpegInputStream& in_str)
bool result = false;
{ {
RiffList riff_list; m_frame_width = m_avi_container->getWidth();
m_frame_height = m_avi_container->getHeight();
in_str >> riff_list; m_fps = m_avi_container->getFps();
if( in_str && riff_list.m_riff_or_list_cc == RIFF_CC &&
((riff_list.m_list_type_cc == AVI_CC) | (riff_list.m_list_type_cc == AVIX_CC)) )
uint64_t next_riff = in_str.tellg();
//RiffList::m_size includes fourCC field which we have already read
next_riff += (riff_list.m_size - 4);
AviMjpegStream mjpeg_video_stream;
bool is_parsed = mjpeg_video_stream.parseAvi(in_str, m_mjpeg_frames);
result = result || is_parsed;
m_frame_width = mjpeg_video_stream.getWidth();
m_frame_height = mjpeg_video_stream.getHeight();
m_fps = mjpeg_video_stream.getFps();
} }
return result; return isOpened();
} }
Ptr<IVideoCapture> createMotionJpegCapture(const String& filename) Ptr<IVideoCapture> createMotionJpegCapture(const String& filename)

@ -40,8 +40,12 @@
//M*/ //M*/
#include "precomp.hpp" #include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/videoio/container_avi.private.hpp"
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include <deque> #include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#define WITH_NEON #define WITH_NEON
@ -49,22 +53,6 @@
namespace cv namespace cv
{ {
namespace mjpeg
#define fourCC(a,b,c,d) ((int)((uchar(d)<<24) | (uchar(c)<<16) | (uchar(b)<<8) | uchar(a)))
static const int AVIH_STRH_SIZE = 56;
static const int STRF_SIZE = 40;
static const int AVI_DWFLAG = 0x00000910;
static const int AVI_DWSCALE = 1;
static const int AVI_DWQUALITY = -1;
static const int JUNK_SEEK = 4096;
static const int AVIIF_KEYFRAME = 0x10;
static const int MAX_BYTES_PER_SEC = 99999999;
static const int SUG_BUFFER_SIZE = 1048576;
static const unsigned bit_mask[] = static const unsigned bit_mask[] =
{ {
@ -79,279 +67,84 @@ static const unsigned bit_mask[] =
}; };
class BitStream static const uchar huff_val_shift = 20;
{ static const int huff_code_mask = (1 << huff_val_shift) - 1;
huff_val_shift = 20,
huff_code_mask = (1 << huff_val_shift) - 1
m_buf.resize(DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE + 1024);
m_start = &m_buf[0];
m_end = m_start + DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE;
m_is_opened = false;
m_f = 0;
m_current = 0;
m_pos = 0;
~BitStream() static bool createEncodeHuffmanTable( const int* src, unsigned* table, int max_size )
{ {
close(); int i, k;
} int min_val = INT_MAX, max_val = INT_MIN;
int size;
bool open(const String& filename)
m_f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb");
if( !m_f )
return false;
m_current = m_start;
m_pos = 0;
return true;
bool isOpened() const { return m_f != 0; }
void close() /* calc min and max values in the table */
for( i = 1, k = 1; src[k] >= 0; i++ )
{ {
writeBlock(); int code_count = src[k++];
if( m_f )
m_f = 0;
void writeBlock() for( code_count += k; k < code_count; k++ )
size_t wsz0 = m_current - m_start;
if( wsz0 > 0 && m_f )
{ {
size_t wsz = fwrite(m_start, 1, wsz0, m_f); int val = src[k] >> huff_val_shift;
CV_Assert( wsz == wsz0 ); if( val < min_val )
min_val = val;
if( val > max_val )
max_val = val;
} }
m_pos += wsz0;
m_current = m_start;
} }
size_t getPos() const size = max_val - min_val + 3;
return (size_t)(m_current - m_start) + m_pos;
void putByte(int val) if( size > max_size )
{ {
*m_current++ = (uchar)val; CV_Error(CV_StsOutOfRange, "too big maximum Huffman code size");
if( m_current >= m_end ) return false;
void putBytes(const uchar* buf, int count)
uchar* data = (uchar*)buf;
CV_Assert(m_f && data && m_current && count >= 0);
if( m_current >= m_end )
while( count )
int l = (int)(m_end - m_current);
if (l > count)
l = count;
if( l > 0 )
memcpy(m_current, data, l);
m_current += l;
data += l;
count -= l;
if( m_current >= m_end )
} }
void putShort(int val) memset( table, 0, size*sizeof(table[0]));
m_current[0] = (uchar)val;
m_current[1] = (uchar)(val >> 8);
m_current += 2;
if( m_current >= m_end )
void putInt(int val) table[0] = min_val;
{ table[1] = size - 2;
m_current[0] = (uchar)val;
m_current[1] = (uchar)(val >> 8);
m_current[2] = (uchar)(val >> 16);
m_current[3] = (uchar)(val >> 24);
m_current += 4;
if( m_current >= m_end )
void jputShort(int val) for( i = 1, k = 1; src[k] >= 0; i++ )
{ {
m_current[0] = (uchar)(val >> 8); int code_count = src[k++];
m_current[1] = (uchar)val;
m_current += 2;
if( m_current >= m_end )
void patchInt(int val, size_t pos) for( code_count += k; k < code_count; k++ )
if( pos >= m_pos )
ptrdiff_t delta = pos - m_pos;
CV_Assert( delta < m_current - m_start );
m_start[delta] = (uchar)val;
m_start[delta+1] = (uchar)(val >> 8);
m_start[delta+2] = (uchar)(val >> 16);
m_start[delta+3] = (uchar)(val >> 24);
{ {
long fpos = ftell(m_f); int val = src[k] >> huff_val_shift;
fseek(m_f, (long)pos, SEEK_SET); int code = src[k] & huff_code_mask;
uchar buf[] = { (uchar)val, (uchar)(val >> 8), (uchar)(val >> 16), (uchar)(val >> 24) };
fwrite(buf, 1, 4, m_f);
fseek(m_f, fpos, SEEK_SET);
void jput(unsigned currval) table[val - min_val + 2] = (code << 8) | i;
uchar v;
uchar* ptr = m_current;
v = (uchar)(currval >> 24);
*ptr++ = v;
if( v == 255 )
*ptr++ = 0;
v = (uchar)(currval >> 16);
*ptr++ = v;
if( v == 255 )
*ptr++ = 0;
v = (uchar)(currval >> 8);
*ptr++ = v;
if( v == 255 )
*ptr++ = 0;
v = (uchar)currval;
*ptr++ = v;
if( v == 255 )
*ptr++ = 0;
m_current = ptr;
if( m_current >= m_end )
void jflush(unsigned currval, int bitIdx)
uchar v;
uchar* ptr = m_current;
currval |= (1 << bitIdx)-1;
while( bitIdx < 32 )
v = (uchar)(currval >> 24);
*ptr++ = v;
if( v == 255 )
*ptr++ = 0;
currval <<= 8;
bitIdx += 8;
} }
m_current = ptr;
if( m_current >= m_end )
static bool createEncodeHuffmanTable( const int* src, unsigned* table, int max_size )
int i, k;
int min_val = INT_MAX, max_val = INT_MIN;
int size;
/* calc min and max values in the table */
for( i = 1, k = 1; src[k] >= 0; i++ )
int code_count = src[k++];
for( code_count += k; k < code_count; k++ )
int val = src[k] >> huff_val_shift;
if( val < min_val )
min_val = val;
if( val > max_val )
max_val = val;
size = max_val - min_val + 3;
if( size > max_size )
CV_Error(CV_StsOutOfRange, "too big maximum Huffman code size");
return false;
memset( table, 0, size*sizeof(table[0]));
table[0] = min_val;
table[1] = size - 2;
for( i = 1, k = 1; src[k] >= 0; i++ )
int code_count = src[k++];
for( code_count += k; k < code_count; k++ )
int val = src[k] >> huff_val_shift;
int code = src[k] & huff_code_mask;
table[val - min_val + 2] = (code << 8) | i;
return true;
} }
return true;
static int* createSourceHuffmanTable(const uchar* src, int* dst, static int* createSourceHuffmanTable(const uchar* src, int* dst,
int max_bits, int first_bits) int max_bits, int first_bits)
int i, val_idx, code = 0;
int* table = dst;
*dst++ = first_bits;
for (i = 1, val_idx = max_bits; i <= max_bits; i++)
{ {
int i, val_idx, code = 0; int code_count = src[i - 1];
int* table = dst; dst[0] = code_count;
*dst++ = first_bits; code <<= 1;
for (i = 1, val_idx = max_bits; i <= max_bits; i++) for (int k = 0; k < code_count; k++)
{ {
int code_count = src[i - 1]; dst[k + 1] = (src[val_idx + k] << huff_val_shift) | (code + k);
dst[0] = code_count;
code <<= 1;
for (int k = 0; k < code_count; k++)
dst[k + 1] = (src[val_idx + k] << huff_val_shift) | (code + k);
code += code_count;
dst += code_count + 1;
val_idx += code_count;
} }
dst[0] = -1; code += code_count;
return table; dst += code_count + 1;
val_idx += code_count;
} }
dst[0] = -1;
return table;
std::vector<uchar> m_buf;
uchar* m_start;
uchar* m_end;
uchar* m_current;
size_t m_pos;
bool m_is_opened;
FILE* m_f;
namespace mjpeg
class mjpeg_buffer class mjpeg_buffer
{ {
@ -593,11 +386,6 @@ public:
{ {
rawstream = false; rawstream = false;
nstripes = -1; nstripes = -1;
height = 0;
width = 0;
moviPointer = 0;
channels = 0;
outfps = 0;
quality = 0; quality = 0;
} }
@ -611,20 +399,15 @@ public:
void close() void close()
{ {
if( !strm.isOpened() ) if( !container.isOpenedStream() )
return; return;
if( !frameOffset.empty() && !rawstream ) if( !container.isEmptyFrameOffset() && !rawstream )
{ {
endWriteChunk(); // end LIST 'movi' container.endWriteChunk(); // end LIST 'movi'
writeIndex(); container.writeIndex(0, dc);
finishWriteAVI(); container.finishWriteAVI();
} }
} }
bool open(const String& filename, double fps, Size size, bool iscolor) bool open(const String& filename, double fps, Size size, bool iscolor)
@ -639,222 +422,74 @@ public:
if( strcmp(ext, ".avi") != 0 && strcmp(ext, ".AVI") != 0 && strcmp(ext, ".Avi") != 0 ) if( strcmp(ext, ".avi") != 0 && strcmp(ext, ".AVI") != 0 && strcmp(ext, ".Avi") != 0 )
return false; return false;
bool ok =; if( !container.initContainer(filename, fps, size, iscolor) )
if( !ok )
return false; return false;
CV_Assert(fps >= 1); CV_Assert(fps >= 1);
outfps = cvRound(fps);
width = size.width;
height = size.height;
quality = 75; quality = 75;
rawstream = false; rawstream = false;
channels = iscolor ? 3 : 1;
if( !rawstream ) if( !rawstream )
{ {
startWriteAVI(); container.startWriteAVI(1); // count stream
writeStreamHeader(); container.writeStreamHeader(MJPEG);
} }
//printf("motion jpeg stream %s has been successfully opened\n", filename.c_str()); //printf("motion jpeg stream %s has been successfully opened\n", filename.c_str());
return true; return true;
} }
bool isOpened() const { return strm.isOpened(); } bool isOpened() const { return container.isOpenedStream(); }
void startWriteAVI()
startWriteChunk(fourCC('R', 'I', 'F', 'F'));
strm.putInt(fourCC('A', 'V', 'I', ' '));
startWriteChunk(fourCC('L', 'I', 'S', 'T'));
strm.putInt(fourCC('h', 'd', 'r', 'l'));
strm.putInt(fourCC('a', 'v', 'i', 'h'));
strm.putInt(cvRound(1e6 / outfps));
strm.putInt(1); // number of streams
void writeStreamHeader()
// strh
startWriteChunk(fourCC('L', 'I', 'S', 'T'));
strm.putInt(fourCC('s', 't', 'r', 'l'));
strm.putInt(fourCC('s', 't', 'r', 'h'));
strm.putInt(fourCC('v', 'i', 'd', 's'));
strm.putInt(fourCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'));
// strf (use the BITMAPINFOHEADER for video)
startWriteChunk(fourCC('s', 't', 'r', 'f'));
strm.putShort(1); // planes (1 means interleaved data (after decompression))
strm.putShort(8 * channels); // bits per pixel
strm.putInt(fourCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'));
strm.putInt(width * height * channels);
// Must be indx chunk
endWriteChunk(); // end strf
endWriteChunk(); // end strl
// odml
startWriteChunk(fourCC('L', 'I', 'S', 'T'));
strm.putInt(fourCC('o', 'd', 'm', 'l'));
startWriteChunk(fourCC('d', 'm', 'l', 'h'));
endWriteChunk(); // end dmlh
endWriteChunk(); // end odml
endWriteChunk(); // end hdrl
startWriteChunk(fourCC('J', 'U', 'N', 'K'));
size_t pos = strm.getPos();
for( ; pos < (size_t)JUNK_SEEK; pos += 4 )
endWriteChunk(); // end JUNK
// movi
startWriteChunk(fourCC('L', 'I', 'S', 'T'));
moviPointer = strm.getPos();
strm.putInt(fourCC('m', 'o', 'v', 'i'));
void startWriteChunk(int fourcc)
CV_Assert(fourcc != 0);
void endWriteChunk()
if( !AVIChunkSizeIndex.empty() )
size_t currpos = strm.getPos();
size_t pospos = AVIChunkSizeIndex.back();
int chunksz = (int)(currpos - (pospos + 4));
strm.patchInt(chunksz, pospos);
void writeIndex()
// old style AVI index. Must be Open-DML index
startWriteChunk(fourCC('i', 'd', 'x', '1'));
int nframes = (int)frameOffset.size();
for( int i = 0; i < nframes; i++ )
strm.putInt(fourCC('0', '0', 'd', 'c'));
endWriteChunk(); // End idx1
void finishWriteAVI()
int nframes = (int)frameOffset.size();
// Record frames numbers to AVI Header
while (!frameNumIndexes.empty())
size_t ppos = frameNumIndexes.back();
strm.patchInt(nframes, ppos);
endWriteChunk(); // end RIFF
void write(InputArray _img) void write(InputArray _img)
{ {
Mat img = _img.getMat(); Mat img = _img.getMat();
size_t chunkPointer = strm.getPos(); size_t chunkPointer = container.getStreamPos();
int input_channels = img.channels(); int input_channels = img.channels();
int colorspace = -1; int colorspace = -1;
int imgWidth = img.cols;
int frameWidth = container.getWidth();
int imgHeight = img.rows;
int frameHeight = container.getHeight();
int channels = container.getChannels();
if( input_channels == 1 && channels == 1 ) if( input_channels == 1 && channels == 1 )
{ {
CV_Assert( img.cols == width && img.rows == height ); CV_Assert( imgWidth == frameWidth && imgHeight == frameHeight );
colorspace = COLORSPACE_GRAY; colorspace = COLORSPACE_GRAY;
} }
else if( input_channels == 4 ) else if( input_channels == 4 )
{ {
CV_Assert( img.cols == width && img.rows == height && channels == 3 ); CV_Assert( imgWidth == frameWidth && imgHeight == frameHeight && channels == 3 );
colorspace = COLORSPACE_RGBA; colorspace = COLORSPACE_RGBA;
} }
else if( input_channels == 3 ) else if( input_channels == 3 )
{ {
CV_Assert( img.cols == width && img.rows == height && channels == 3 ); CV_Assert( imgWidth == frameWidth && imgHeight == frameHeight && channels == 3 );
colorspace = COLORSPACE_BGR; colorspace = COLORSPACE_BGR;
} }
else if( input_channels == 1 && channels == 3 ) else if( input_channels == 1 && channels == 3 )
{ {
CV_Assert( img.cols == width && img.rows == height*3 ); CV_Assert( imgWidth == frameWidth && imgHeight == frameHeight*3 );
colorspace = COLORSPACE_YUV444P; colorspace = COLORSPACE_YUV444P;
} }
else else
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Invalid combination of specified video colorspace and the input image colorspace"); CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Invalid combination of specified video colorspace and the input image colorspace");
if( !rawstream ) if( !rawstream ) {
startWriteChunk(fourCC('0', '0', 'd', 'c')); int avi_index = container.getAVIIndex(0, dc);
writeFrameData(, (int)img.step, colorspace, input_channels); writeFrameData(, (int)img.step, colorspace, input_channels);
if( !rawstream ) if( !rawstream )
{ {
frameOffset.push_back(chunkPointer - moviPointer); size_t tempChunkPointer = container.getStreamPos();
frameSize.push_back(strm.getPos() - chunkPointer - 8); // Size excludes '00dc' and size field size_t moviPointer = container.getMoviPointer();
endWriteChunk(); // end '00dc' container.pushFrameOffset(chunkPointer - moviPointer);
container.pushFrameSize(tempChunkPointer - chunkPointer - 8); // Size excludes '00dc' and size field
container.endWriteChunk(); // end '00dc'
} }
} }
@ -863,7 +498,10 @@ public:
return quality; return quality;
return frameSize.empty() ? 0. : (double)frameSize.back(); {
bool isEmpty = container.isEmptyFrameSize();
return isEmpty ? 0. : container.atFrameSize(container.countFrameSize() - 1);
return nstripes; return nstripes;
return 0.; return 0.;
@ -889,16 +527,12 @@ public:
void writeFrameData( const uchar* data, int step, int colorspace, int input_channels ); void writeFrameData( const uchar* data, int step, int colorspace, int input_channels );
protected: protected:
int outfps;
int width, height, channels;
double quality; double quality;
size_t moviPointer;
std::vector<size_t> frameOffset, frameSize, AVIChunkSizeIndex, frameNumIndexes;
bool rawstream; bool rawstream;
mjpeg_buffer_keeper buffers_list; mjpeg_buffer_keeper buffers_list;
double nstripes; double nstripes;
BitStream strm; AVIWriteContainer container;
}; };
#define DCT_DESCALE(x, n) (((x) + (((int)1) << ((n) - 1))) >> (n)) #define DCT_DESCALE(x, n) (((x) + (((int)1) << ((n) - 1))) >> (n))
@ -1758,6 +1392,10 @@ void MotionJpegWriter::writeFrameData( const uchar* data, int step, int colorspa
} }
//double total_dct = 0, total_cvt = 0; //double total_dct = 0, total_cvt = 0;
int width = container.getWidth();
int height = container.getHeight();
int channels = container.getChannels();
CV_Assert( data && width > 0 && height > 0 ); CV_Assert( data && width > 0 && height > 0 );
// encode the header and tables // encode the header and tables
@ -1784,7 +1422,7 @@ void MotionJpegWriter::writeFrameData( const uchar* data, int step, int colorspa
double inv_quality = 1./_quality; double inv_quality = 1./_quality;
// Encode header // Encode header
strm.putBytes( (const uchar*)jpegHeader, sizeof(jpegHeader) - 1 ); container.putStreamBytes( (const uchar*)jpegHeader, sizeof(jpegHeader) - 1 );
// Encode quantization tables // Encode quantization tables
for( i = 0; i < (channels > 1 ? 2 : 1); i++ ) for( i = 0; i < (channels > 1 ? 2 : 1); i++ )
@ -1792,9 +1430,9 @@ void MotionJpegWriter::writeFrameData( const uchar* data, int step, int colorspa
const uchar* qtable = i == 0 ? jpegTableK1_T : jpegTableK2_T; const uchar* qtable = i == 0 ? jpegTableK1_T : jpegTableK2_T;
int chroma_scale = i > 0 ? luma_count : 1; int chroma_scale = i > 0 ? luma_count : 1;
strm.jputShort( 0xffdb ); // DQT marker container.jputStreamShort( 0xffdb ); // DQT marker
strm.jputShort( 2 + 65*1 ); // put single qtable container.jputStreamShort( 2 + 65*1 ); // put single qtable
strm.putByte( 0*16 + i ); // 8-bit table container.putStreamByte( 0*16 + i ); // 8-bit table
// put coefficients // put coefficients
for( j = 0; j < 64; j++ ) for( j = 0; j < 64; j++ )
@ -1807,7 +1445,7 @@ void MotionJpegWriter::writeFrameData( const uchar* data, int step, int colorspa
qval = 255; qval = 255;
fdct_qtab[i][idx] = (short)(cvRound((1 << (postshift + 11)))/ fdct_qtab[i][idx] = (short)(cvRound((1 << (postshift + 11)))/
(qval*chroma_scale*idct_prescale[idx])); (qval*chroma_scale*idct_prescale[idx]));
strm.putByte( qval ); container.putStreamByte( qval );
} }
} }
@ -1820,49 +1458,49 @@ void MotionJpegWriter::writeFrameData( const uchar* data, int step, int colorspa
int idx = i >= 2; int idx = i >= 2;
int tableSize = 16 + (is_ac_tab ? 162 : 12); int tableSize = 16 + (is_ac_tab ? 162 : 12);
strm.jputShort( 0xFFC4 ); // DHT marker container.jputStreamShort( 0xFFC4 ); // DHT marker
strm.jputShort( 3 + tableSize ); // define one huffman table container.jputStreamShort( 3 + tableSize ); // define one huffman table
strm.putByte( is_ac_tab*16 + idx ); // put DC/AC flag and table index container.putStreamByte( is_ac_tab*16 + idx ); // put DC/AC flag and table index
strm.putBytes( htable, tableSize ); // put table container.putStreamBytes( htable, tableSize ); // put table
BitStream::createEncodeHuffmanTable( BitStream::createSourceHuffmanTable( createEncodeHuffmanTable(createSourceHuffmanTable( htable, hbuffer, 16, 9 ),
htable, hbuffer, 16, 9 ), is_ac_tab ? huff_ac_tab[idx] : is_ac_tab ? huff_ac_tab[idx] : huff_dc_tab[idx],
huff_dc_tab[idx], is_ac_tab ? 256 : 16 ); is_ac_tab ? 256 : 16 );
} }
// put frame header // put frame header
strm.jputShort( 0xFFC0 ); // SOF0 marker container.jputStreamShort( 0xFFC0 ); // SOF0 marker
strm.jputShort( 8 + 3*channels ); // length of frame header container.jputStreamShort( 8 + 3*channels ); // length of frame header
strm.putByte( 8 ); // sample precision container.putStreamByte( 8 ); // sample precision
strm.jputShort( height ); container.jputStreamShort( height );
strm.jputShort( width ); container.jputStreamShort( width );
strm.putByte( channels ); // number of components container.putStreamByte( channels ); // number of components
for( i = 0; i < channels; i++ ) for( i = 0; i < channels; i++ )
{ {
strm.putByte( i + 1 ); // (i+1)-th component id (Y,U or V) container.putStreamByte( i + 1 ); // (i+1)-th component id (Y,U or V)
if( i == 0 ) if( i == 0 )
strm.putByte(x_scale*16 + y_scale); // chroma scale factors container.putStreamByte(x_scale*16 + y_scale); // chroma scale factors
else else
strm.putByte(1*16 + 1); container.putStreamByte(1*16 + 1);
strm.putByte( i > 0 ); // quantization table idx container.putStreamByte( i > 0 ); // quantization table idx
} }
// put scan header // put scan header
strm.jputShort( 0xFFDA ); // SOS marker container.jputStreamShort( 0xFFDA ); // SOS marker
strm.jputShort( 6 + 2*channels ); // length of scan header container.jputStreamShort( 6 + 2*channels ); // length of scan header
strm.putByte( channels ); // number of components in the scan container.putStreamByte( channels ); // number of components in the scan
for( i = 0; i < channels; i++ ) for( i = 0; i < channels; i++ )
{ {
strm.putByte( i+1 ); // component id container.putStreamByte( i+1 ); // component id
strm.putByte( (i>0)*16 + (i>0) );// selection of DC & AC tables container.putStreamByte( (i>0)*16 + (i>0) );// selection of DC & AC tables
} }
strm.jputShort(0*256 + 63); // start and end of spectral selection - for container.jputStreamShort(0*256 + 63); // start and end of spectral selection - for
// sequential DCT start is 0 and end is 63 // sequential DCT start is 0 and end is 63
strm.putByte( 0 ); // successive approximation bit position container.putStreamByte( 0 ); // successive approximation bit position
// high & low - (0,0) for sequential DCT // high & low - (0,0) for sequential DCT
buffers_list.reset(); buffers_list.reset();
@ -1877,18 +1515,18 @@ void MotionJpegWriter::writeFrameData( const uchar* data, int step, int colorspa
for(unsigned k = 0; k < last_data_elem; ++k) for(unsigned k = 0; k < last_data_elem; ++k)
{ {
strm.jput(v[k]); container.jputStream(v[k]);
} }
strm.jflush(v[last_data_elem], 32 - buffers_list.get_last_bit_len()); container.jflushStream(v[last_data_elem], 32 - buffers_list.get_last_bit_len());
strm.jputShort( 0xFFD9 ); // EOI marker container.jputStreamShort( 0xFFD9 ); // EOI marker
/*printf("total dct = %.1fms, total cvt = %.1fms\n", /*printf("total dct = %.1fms, total cvt = %.1fms\n",
total_dct*1000./cv::getTickFrequency(), total_dct*1000./cv::getTickFrequency(),
total_cvt*1000./cv::getTickFrequency());*/ total_cvt*1000./cv::getTickFrequency());*/
size_t pos = strm.getPos(); size_t pos = container.getStreamPos();
size_t pos1 = (pos + 3) & ~3; size_t pos1 = (pos + 3) & ~3;
for( ; pos < pos1; pos++ ) for( ; pos < pos1; pos++ )
strm.putByte(0); container.putStreamByte(0);
} }
} }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/videoio/container_avi.private.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
using namespace cv;
namespace opencv_test
TEST(videoio_avi, good_MJPG) {
String filename = BunnyParameters::getFilename(".mjpg.avi");
AVIReadContainer in;
frame_list frames;
EXPECT_EQ(frames.size(), static_cast<unsigned>(BunnyParameters::getCount()));
EXPECT_EQ(in.getWidth(), static_cast<unsigned>(BunnyParameters::getWidth()));
EXPECT_EQ(in.getHeight(), static_cast<unsigned>(BunnyParameters::getHeight()));
EXPECT_EQ(in.getFps(), static_cast<unsigned>(BunnyParameters::getFps()));
TEST(videoio_avi, bad_MJPG) {
String filename = BunnyParameters::getFilename(".avi");
AVIReadContainer in;
frame_list frames;
EXPECT_EQ(frames.size(), static_cast<unsigned>(0));
TEST(videoio_avi, basic)
const String filename = cv::tempfile("test.avi");
const double fps = 100;
const Size sz(800, 600);
const size_t count = 10;
const uchar data[count] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0xA};
const Codecs codec = MJPEG;
AVIWriteContainer out;
ASSERT_TRUE(out.initContainer(filename, fps, sz, true));
EXPECT_EQ(out.getWidth(), sz.width);
EXPECT_EQ(out.getHeight(), sz.height);
EXPECT_EQ(out.getChannels(), 3);
out.writeStreamHeader(codec); // starts LIST chunk
size_t chunkPointer = out.getStreamPos();
int avi_index = out.getAVIIndex(0, dc);
out.putStreamBytes(data, count);
size_t tempChunkPointer = out.getStreamPos();
size_t moviPointer = out.getMoviPointer();
out.pushFrameOffset(chunkPointer - moviPointer);
out.pushFrameSize(tempChunkPointer - chunkPointer - 8);
out.endWriteChunk(); // ends LIST chunk
out.writeIndex(0, dc);
AVIReadContainer in;
frame_list frames;
EXPECT_EQ(in.getFps(), fps);
EXPECT_EQ(in.getWidth(), static_cast<unsigned>(sz.width));
EXPECT_EQ(in.getHeight(), static_cast<unsigned>(sz.height));
ASSERT_EQ(frames.size(), static_cast<unsigned>(1));
std::vector<char> actual = in.readFrame(frames.begin());
ASSERT_EQ(actual.size(), count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(, data[i]) << "at index " << i;

@ -41,4 +41,18 @@ inline void generateFrame(int i, int FRAME_COUNT, cv::Mat & frame)
#endif #endif
} }
class BunnyParameters
inline static int getWidth() { return 672; };
inline static int getHeight() { return 384; };
inline static int getFps() { return 24; };
inline static double getTime() { return 5.21; };
inline static int getCount() { return cvRound(getFps() * getTime()); };
inline static std::string getFilename(const std::string &ext)
return cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "video/big_buck_bunny" + ext;
#endif #endif

@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ typedef tuple<string, int> Backend_Type_Params;
class Videoio_Bunny : public Videoio_Test_Base, public testing::TestWithParam<Backend_Type_Params> class Videoio_Bunny : public Videoio_Test_Base, public testing::TestWithParam<Backend_Type_Params>
{ {
BunnyParameters bunny_param;
public: public:
Videoio_Bunny() Videoio_Bunny()
{ {
ext = get<0>(GetParam()); ext = get<0>(GetParam());
apiPref = get<1>(GetParam()); apiPref = get<1>(GetParam());
video_file = BunnyParameters::getFilename(String(".") + ext);
video_file = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "video/big_buck_bunny." + ext;
} }
void doFrameCountTest() void doFrameCountTest()
{ {
@ -181,18 +181,12 @@ public:
return; return;
} }
const int width_gt = 672; EXPECT_EQ(bunny_param.getWidth() , cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH));
const int height_gt = 384; EXPECT_EQ(bunny_param.getHeight(), cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT));
const int fps_gt = 24;
const double time_gt = 5.21;
const int count_gt = cvRound(fps_gt * time_gt); // 5.21 sec * 24 fps
EXPECT_EQ(width_gt, cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH));
EXPECT_EQ(height_gt, cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT));
double fps_prop = cap.get(CAP_PROP_FPS); double fps_prop = cap.get(CAP_PROP_FPS);
if (fps_prop > 0) if (fps_prop > 0)
EXPECT_NEAR(fps_prop, fps_gt, 1); EXPECT_NEAR(fps_prop, bunny_param.getFps(), 1);
else else
std::cout << "FPS is not available. SKIP check." << std::endl; std::cout << "FPS is not available. SKIP check." << std::endl;
@ -204,7 +198,7 @@ public:
{ {
if (count_prop > 0) if (count_prop > 0)
{ {
EXPECT_EQ(count_gt, count_prop); EXPECT_EQ(bunny_param.getCount(), count_prop);
} }
} }
@ -215,13 +209,13 @@ public:
cap >> frame; cap >> frame;
if (frame.empty()) if (frame.empty())
break; break;
EXPECT_EQ(width_gt, frame.cols); EXPECT_EQ(bunny_param.getWidth(), frame.cols);
EXPECT_EQ(height_gt, frame.rows); EXPECT_EQ(bunny_param.getHeight(), frame.rows);
count_actual += 1; count_actual += 1;
} }
if (count_prop > 0) if (count_prop > 0)
{ {
EXPECT_NEAR(count_gt, count_actual, 1); EXPECT_NEAR(bunny_param.getCount(), count_actual, 1);
} }
else else
std::cout << "Frames counter is not available. Actual frames: " << count_actual << ". SKIP check." << std::endl; std::cout << "Frames counter is not available. Actual frames: " << count_actual << ". SKIP check." << std::endl;
