@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ |
#include <QIODevice> |
#include <QShortcut> |
#include <QStatusBar> |
#include <QVarLengthArray> |
//Macro here
#define CV_MODE_NORMAL 0 |
@ -108,7 +109,9 @@ public slots: |
double getPropWindow(QString name); |
void setPropWindow(QString name, double flags ); |
double getRatioWindow(QString name); |
void setRatioWindow(QString name, double arg2 ); |
void setRatioWindow(QString name, double arg2 ); |
void saveWindowParameters(QString name); |
void loadWindowParameters(QString name); |
}; |
class CvTrackbar : public QHBoxLayout |
@ -133,6 +136,7 @@ private: |
CvTrackbarCallback callback; |
QPointer<CvWindow> parent; |
int* dataSlider; |
}; |
class CvWindow : public QWidget |
@ -146,37 +150,39 @@ public: |
void updateImage(void* arr); |
void displayInfo(QString text, int delayms ); |
void displayStatusBar(QString text, int delayms ); |
void readSettings(); |
void writeSettings(); |
ViewPort* getView(); |
QString name; |
int flags; |
QPointer<QBoxLayout> layout; |
QPointer<QStatusBar> myBar; |
QPointer<QLabel> myBar_msg; |
//QPointer<CustomLayout> layout;
protected: |
void readSettings(); |
void writeSettings(); |
//parameters (will be save/load)
QString param_name; |
int param_flags; |
protected: |
virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event); |
private: |
QPointer<ViewPort> myview; |
int status;//0 normal, 1 fullscreen (YV)
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcut_r_Zoom; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcut_imgRegion; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcut_Plus; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcut_Minus; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcut_Left; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcut_Right; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcut_Up; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcut_Down; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcutZ; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcutPlus; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcutMinus; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcutLeft; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcutRight; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcutUp; |
QPointer<QShortcut> shortcutDown; |
void icvLoadTrackbars(QSettings *settings); |
void icvSaveTrackbars(QSettings *settings); |
}; |
enum type_mouse_event {mouse_up = 0, mouse_down = 1, mouse_dbclick = 2, mouse_move = 3}; |
static const int tableMouseButtons[][3]={ |
@ -186,6 +192,7 @@ static const int tableMouseButtons[][3]={ |
}; |
class ViewPort : public QGraphicsView |
{ |
@ -195,20 +202,24 @@ public: |
void updateImage(void* arr); |
void startDisplayInfo(QString text, int delayms); |
void setMouseCallBack(CvMouseCallback m, void* param); |
int getRatio(); |
void setRatio(int arg); |
//parameters (will be save/load)
QTransform param_matrixWorld; |
int param_keepRatio; |
IplImage* image2Draw_ipl; |
QImage image2Draw_qt; |
int mode_display;//opengl or native
int nbChannelOriginImage; |
void setRatio(int flags); |
int getRatio(); |
public slots: |
void scaleView(qreal scaleFactor, QPointF center, bool process1stParam); |
void imgRegion( ); |
void scaleView(qreal scaleFactor, QPointF center); |
void moveView(QPointF delta); |
void resetZoom(); |
void ZoomIn(); |
@ -220,21 +231,14 @@ public slots: |
void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * ); |
private: |
QPoint deltaOffset; |
QPoint computeOffset(); |
QPoint mouseCoordinate; |
QPointF positionGrabbing; |
QRect positionCorners; |
QTransform matrixWorld; |
QRect positionCorners; |
QTransform matrixWorld_inv; |
float ratioX, ratioY; |
CvMouseCallback on_mouse; |
void* on_mouse_param; |
int mode; |
int keepRatio; |
bool isSameSize(IplImage* img1,IplImage* img2); |
QSize sizeHint() const; |
QPointer<CvWindow> centralWidget; |
@ -270,64 +274,66 @@ private slots: |
void stopDisplayInfo(); |
}; |
//here css for trackbar
/* from http://thesmithfam.org/blog/2010/03/10/fancy-qslider-stylesheet */ |
static const QString str_Trackbar_css = QString("") |
+ "QSlider::groove:horizontal {" |
+ "border: 1px solid #bbb;" |
+ "background: white;" |
+ "height: 10px;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::sub-page:horizontal {" |
+ "background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1," |
+ "stop: 0 #66e, stop: 1 #bbf);" |
+ "background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0.2, x2: 1, y2: 1," |
+ "stop: 0 #bbf, stop: 1 #55f);" |
+ "border: 1px solid #777;" |
+ "height: 10px;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::add-page:horizontal {" |
+ "background: #fff;" |
+ "border: 1px solid #777;" |
+ "height: 10px;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::handle:horizontal {" |
+ "background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1," |
+ "stop:0 #eee, stop:1 #ccc);" |
+ "border: 1px solid #777;" |
+ "width: 13px;" |
+ "margin-top: -2px;" |
+ "margin-bottom: -2px;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::handle:horizontal:hover {" |
+ "background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1," |
+ "stop:0 #fff, stop:1 #ddd);" |
+ "border: 1px solid #444;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::sub-page:horizontal:disabled {" |
+ "background: #bbb;" |
+ "border-color: #999;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::add-page:horizontal:disabled {" |
+ "background: #eee;" |
+ "border-color: #999;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::handle:horizontal:disabled {" |
+ "background: #eee;" |
+ "border: 1px solid #aaa;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}"; |
+ "QSlider::groove:horizontal {" |
+ "border: 1px solid #bbb;" |
+ "background: white;" |
+ "height: 10px;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::sub-page:horizontal {" |
+ "background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1," |
+ "stop: 0 #66e, stop: 1 #bbf);" |
+ "background: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0.2, x2: 1, y2: 1," |
+ "stop: 0 #bbf, stop: 1 #55f);" |
+ "border: 1px solid #777;" |
+ "height: 10px;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::add-page:horizontal {" |
+ "background: #fff;" |
+ "border: 1px solid #777;" |
+ "height: 10px;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::handle:horizontal {" |
+ "background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1," |
+ "stop:0 #eee, stop:1 #ccc);" |
+ "border: 1px solid #777;" |
+ "width: 13px;" |
+ "margin-top: -2px;" |
+ "margin-bottom: -2px;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::handle:horizontal:hover {" |
+ "background: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:1, y2:1," |
+ "stop:0 #fff, stop:1 #ddd);" |
+ "border: 1px solid #444;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::sub-page:horizontal:disabled {" |
+ "background: #bbb;" |
+ "border-color: #999;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::add-page:horizontal:disabled {" |
+ "background: #eee;" |
+ "border-color: #999;" |
+ "}" |
+ "QSlider::handle:horizontal:disabled {" |
+ "background: #eee;" |
+ "border: 1px solid #aaa;" |
+ "border-radius: 4px;" |
+ "}"; |
#endif |