@ -80,21 +80,72 @@ sft::Octave::Octave(cv::Rect bb, int np, int nn, int ls, int shr) |
sft::Octave::~Octave(){} |
bool sft::Octave::train( const cv::Mat& trainData, const cv::Mat& _responses, const cv::Mat& varIdx, |
bool sft::Octave::train( const cv::Mat& _trainData, const cv::Mat& _responses, const cv::Mat& varIdx, |
const cv::Mat& sampleIdx, const cv::Mat& varType, const cv::Mat& missingDataMask) |
{ |
std::cout << "WARNING: sampleIdx " << sampleIdx << std::endl; |
std::cout << "WARNING: trainData " << trainData << std::endl; |
std::cout << "WARNING: trainData " << _trainData << std::endl; |
std::cout << "WARNING: _responses " << _responses << std::endl; |
std::cout << "WARNING: varIdx" << varIdx << std::endl; |
std::cout << "WARNING: varType" << varType << std::endl; |
bool update = false; |
return cv::Boost::train(trainData, CV_COL_SAMPLE, _responses, varIdx, sampleIdx, varType, missingDataMask, params, |
return cv::Boost::train(_trainData, CV_COL_SAMPLE, _responses, varIdx, sampleIdx, varType, missingDataMask, params, |
update); |
} |
void sft::Octave::setRejectThresholds(cv::Mat& thresholds) |
{ |
dprintf("set thresholds according to DBP strategy\n"); |
// labels desided by classifier
cv::Mat desisions(responses.cols, responses.rows, responses.type()); |
float* dptr = desisions.ptr<float>(0); |
// mask of samples satisfying the condition
cv::Mat ppmask(responses.cols, responses.rows, CV_8UC1); |
uchar* mptr = ppmask.ptr<uchar>(0); |
int nsamples = npositives + nnegatives; |
cv::Mat stab; |
for (int si = 0; si < nsamples; ++si) |
{ |
float decision = dptr[si] = predict(trainData.col(si), stab, false, false); |
mptr[si] = cv::saturate_cast<uchar>((uint)(responses.ptr<float>(si)[0] == 1.f && decision == 1.f)); |
} |
std::cout << "WARNING: responses " << responses << std::endl; |
std::cout << "WARNING: desisions " << desisions << std::endl; |
std::cout << "WARNING: ppmask " << ppmask << std::endl; |
int weaks = weak->total; |
thresholds.create(1, weaks, CV_64FC1); |
double* thptr = thresholds.ptr<double>(0); |
cv::Mat traces(weaks, nsamples, CV_64FC1, cv::Scalar::all(FLT_MAX)); |
for (int w = 0; w < weaks; ++w) |
{ |
double* rptr = traces.ptr<double>(w); |
for (int si = 0; si < nsamples; ++si) |
{ |
cv::Range curr(0, w + 1); |
if (mptr[si]) |
{ |
float trace = predict(trainData.col(si), curr); |
rptr[si] = trace; |
} |
} |
double mintrace = 0.; |
cv::minMaxLoc(traces.row(w), &mintrace); |
thptr[w] = mintrace; |
std::cout << "mintrace " << mintrace << std::endl << traces.colRange(0, npositives) << std::endl; |
} |
} |
namespace { |
using namespace sft; |
class Preprocessor |
@ -194,10 +245,10 @@ void sft::Octave::processPositives(const Dataset& dataset, const FeaturePool& po |
void sft::Octave::generateNegatives(const Dataset& dataset) |
{ |
// ToDo: set seed, use offsets
sft::Random::engine eng; |
sft::Random::engine idxEng; |
sft::Random::engine eng(65633343L); |
sft::Random::engine idxEng(764224349868L); |
int w = boundingBox.width; |
// int w = boundingBox.width;
int h = boundingBox.height; |
Preprocessor prepocessor(shrinkage); |
@ -278,7 +329,7 @@ bool sft::Octave::train(const Dataset& dataset, const FeaturePool& pool, int wea |
uptr[x] = CV_VAR_ORDERED; |
uptr[nfeatures] = CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL; |
cv::Mat trainData(nfeatures, nsamples, CV_32FC1); |
trainData.create(nfeatures, nsamples, CV_32FC1); |
for (int fi = 0; fi < nfeatures; ++fi) |
{ |
float* dptr = trainData.ptr<float>(fi); |
@ -292,11 +343,36 @@ bool sft::Octave::train(const Dataset& dataset, const FeaturePool& pool, int wea |
bool ok = train(trainData, responses, varIdx, sampleIdx, varType, missingMask); |
if (!ok) |
std::cout << "ERROR:tree couldnot be trained" << std::endl; |
std::cout << "ERROR: tree can not be trained " << std::endl; |
#if defined SELF_TEST |
cv::Mat a(1, nfeatures, CV_32FC1); |
cv::Mat votes(1, cvSliceLength( CV_WHOLE_SEQ, weak ), CV_32FC1, cv::Scalar::all(0)); |
std::cout << a.cols << " " << a.rows << " !!!!!!!!!!! " << data->var_all << std::endl; |
for (int si = 0; si < nsamples; ++si) |
{ |
// trainData.col(si).copyTo(a.reshape(0,trainData.rows));
float desision = predict(trainData.col(si), votes, false, true); |
std::cout << "desision " << desision << " class " << responses.at<float>(si, 0) << votes <<std::endl; |
} |
#endif |
return ok; |
} |
float sft::Octave::predict( const Mat& _sample, Mat& _votes, bool raw_mode, bool return_sum ) const |
{ |
CvMat sample = _sample, votes = _votes; |
return CvBoost::predict(&sample, 0, (_votes.empty())? 0 : &votes, CV_WHOLE_SEQ, raw_mode, return_sum); |
} |
float sft::Octave::predict( const Mat& _sample, const cv::Range range) const |
{ |
CvMat sample = _sample; |
return CvBoost::predict(&sample, 0, 0, range, false, true); |
} |
void sft::Octave::write( CvFileStorage* fs, string name) const |
{ |
CvBoost::write(fs, name.c_str()); |
@ -327,8 +403,8 @@ void sft::FeaturePool::fill(int desired) |
pool.reserve(nfeatures); |
sft::Random::engine eng(seed); |
sft::Random::engine eng_ch(seed); |
sft::Random::engine eng(8854342234L); |
sft::Random::engine eng_ch(314152314L); |
sft::Random::uniform chRand(0, N_CHANNELS - 1); |