objdetect: updated barcode test

Maksim Shabunin 2 years ago
parent 463cd09811
commit 2b3424b536
  1. 181

@ -4,116 +4,129 @@
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/objdetect/barcode.hpp"
#include <set>
using namespace std;
namespace opencv_test{namespace{
typedef std::vector<std::string> stringvec;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> datasetType;
typedef std::set<string> StringSet;
inline stringvec explode(const std::string &s, const char &c)
// Convert ';'-separated strings to a set
inline static StringSet toSet(const string &line)
std::string buff;
stringvec v;
for (auto n:s)
StringSet res;
string::size_type it = 0, ti;
while (true)
if (n != c) { buff += n; }
else if (n == c && !buff.empty())
ti = line.find(';', it);
if (ti == string::npos)
buff = "";
res.insert(string(line, it, line.size() - it));
res.insert(string(line, it, ti - it));
it = ti + 1;
if (!buff.empty()) { v.push_back(buff); }
return v;
return res;
inline datasetType buildDataSet(std::string result_file_path)
// Convert vector of strings to a set
inline static StringSet toSet(const vector<string> &lines)
std::ifstream result_file;
datasetType dataset;
std::string line;
if (result_file.is_open())
while (std::getline(result_file, line))
stringvec result = explode(line, ',');
std::string filename = result[0];
if (dataset.find(filename) == dataset.end())
dataset[filename] = result[1];
return dataset;
StringSet res;
for (const string & line : lines)
return res;
inline datasetType initValidation(std::string path)
// Get all keys of a map in a vector
template<typename T, typename V>
inline static vector<T> getKeys(const map<T, V> &m)
const std::string valid_path = findDataFile(path);
return buildDataSet(valid_path);
vector<T> res;
for (const auto & it : m)
return res;
struct BarcodeResult
string type;
string data;
TEST(BARCODE_BarcodeDetector_single, regression)
map<string, BarcodeResult> testResults {
{ "single/book.jpg", {"EAN_13", "9787115279460"} },
{ "single/bottle_1.jpg", {"EAN_13", "6922255451427"} },
{ "single/bottle_2.jpg", {"EAN_13", "6921168509256"} },
{ "multiple/4_barcodes.jpg", {"EAN_13;EAN_13;EAN_13;EAN_13", "9787564350840;9783319200064;9787118081473;9787122276124"} }
typedef testing::TestWithParam< string > BarcodeDetector_main;
TEST_P(BarcodeDetector_main, interface)
const std::string root = "barcode/single/";
datasetType validation = initValidation(root + "result.csv");
auto bardet = barcode::BarcodeDetector();
datasetType::iterator iterator = validation.begin();
while (iterator != validation.end())
const string fname = GetParam();
const string image_path = findDataFile(string("barcode/") + fname);
const StringSet expected_lines = toSet(testResults[fname].data);
const StringSet expected_types = toSet(testResults[fname].type);
const size_t expected_count = expected_lines.size(); // assume codes are unique
// TODO: verify points location
Mat img = imread(image_path);
ASSERT_FALSE(img.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
barcode::BarcodeDetector det;
vector<Point2f> points;
vector<string> types;
vector<string> lines;
// common interface (single)
std::string img_name = iterator->first;
std::string result = iterator->second;
std::string image_path = findDataFile(root + img_name);
Mat img = imread(image_path);
EXPECT_FALSE(img.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points;
std::vector<std::string> infos;
std::vector<std::string> formats;
bardet.detectAndDecodeWithType(img, infos, formats, points);
EXPECT_FALSE(points.empty()) << "Nothing detected: " << image_path;
bool is_correct = false;
for (const auto &ans : infos)
if (ans == result)
is_correct = true;
EXPECT_TRUE(is_correct) << "No results for " << img_name;
bool res = det.detect(img, points);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_count * 4, points.size());
TEST(BARCODE_BarcodeDetector_detect_multi, detect_regression)
const std::string root = "barcode/multiple/";
datasetType validation = initValidation(root + "result.csv");
auto bardet = barcode::BarcodeDetector();
datasetType::iterator iterator = validation.begin();
while (iterator != validation.end())
std::string img = iterator->first;
size_t expect_corners_size = std::stoi(iterator->second);
std::string image_path = findDataFile(root + img);
Mat src = imread(image_path);
EXPECT_FALSE(src.empty()) << "Can't read image: " << image_path;
std::vector<Point> corners;
bardet.detectMulti(src, corners);
EXPECT_EQ(corners.size(), expect_corners_size) << "Can't detect all barcodes: " << img;
string res = det.decode(img, points);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, expected_lines.count(res));
// common interface (multi)
bool res = det.detectMulti(img, points);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_count * 4, points.size());
bool res = det.decodeMulti(img, points, lines);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_lines, toSet(lines));
// specific interface
bool res = det.decodeWithType(img, points, lines, types);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_types, toSet(types));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_lines, toSet(lines));
bool res = det.detectAndDecodeWithType(img, lines, types, points);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_types, toSet(types));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_lines, toSet(lines));
TEST(BARCODE_BarcodeDetector_basic, not_found_barcode)
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, BarcodeDetector_main, testing::ValuesIn(getKeys(testResults)));
TEST(BarcodeDetector_base, invalid)
auto bardet = barcode::BarcodeDetector();
std::vector<Point> corners;
