@ -6,9 +6,26 @@ Inspired by http://www.jonathanmccabe.com/Cyclic_Symmetric_Multi-Scale_Turing_Pa |
import numpy as np |
import cv2, cv |
from common import draw_str |
import getopt, sys |
from itertools import count |
help_message = ''' |
USAGE: turing.py [-o <output.avi>] |
Press ESC to stop. |
''' |
print help_message |
w, h = 512, 512 |
args, args_list = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'o:', []) |
args = dict(args) |
out = None |
if '-o' in args: |
fn = args['-o'] |
out = cv2.VideoWriter(args['-o'], cv.CV_FOURCC(*'DIB '), 30.0, (w, h), False) |
print 'writing %s ...' % fn |
a = np.zeros((h, w), np.float32) |
cv2.randu(a, np.array([0]), np.array([1])) |
@ -19,12 +36,8 @@ def process_scale(a_lods, lod): |
v = cv2.GaussianBlur(d*d, (3, 3), 0) |
return np.sign(d), v |
print 'Generating AVI file. Press ESC to stop.' |
out = cv2.VideoWriter('turing.avi', cv.CV_FOURCC(*'DIB '), 30.0, (w, h), False) |
scale_num = 6 |
frame_num = 1000 |
for frame_i in xrange(frame_num): |
for frame_i in count(): |
a_lods = [a] |
for i in xrange(scale_num): |
a_lods.append(cv2.pyrDown(a_lods[-1])) |
@ -37,12 +50,10 @@ for frame_i in xrange(frame_num): |
a += np.choose(mi, ms) * 0.025 |
a = (a-a.min()) / a.ptp() |
out.write(a) |
if out: |
out.write(a) |
vis = a.copy() |
draw_str(vis, (20, 20), 'frame %d / %d' % (frame_i+1, frame_num)) |
draw_str(vis, (20, 20), 'frame %d' % frame_i) |
cv2.imshow('a', vis) |
if cv2.waitKey(5) == 27: |
break |
else: |
print 'done' |
cv2.waitKey() |