@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
from __future__ import division
import ast
import fnmatch
import logging
import numbers
import os , os . path
@ -45,15 +46,55 @@ no_speedup_style = no_time_style
error_speedup_style = xlwt . easyxf ( ' pattern: pattern solid, fore_color orange ' )
header_style = xlwt . easyxf ( ' font: bold true; alignment: horizontal centre, vertical top, wrap True ' )
def collect_xml ( collection , configuration , xml_fullname ) :
xml_fname = os . path . split ( xml_fullname ) [ 1 ]
module = xml_fname [ : xml_fname . index ( ' _ ' ) ]
class Collector ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , config_match_func ) :
self . __config_cache = { }
self . config_match_func = config_match_func
self . tests = { }
module_tests = collection . setdefault ( module , OrderedDict ( ) )
def collect_from ( self , xml_path ) :
run = parseLogFile ( xml_path )
for test in sorted ( parseLogFile ( xml_fullname ) ) :
test_results = module_tests . setdefault ( ( test . shortName ( ) , test . param ( ) ) , { } )
test_results [ configuration ] = test . get ( " gmean " ) if test . status == ' run ' else test . status
module = run . properties [ ' module_name ' ]
properties = run . properties . copy ( )
del properties [ ' module_name ' ]
props_key = tuple ( sorted ( properties . iteritems ( ) ) ) # dicts can't be keys
if props_key in self . __config_cache :
configuration = self . __config_cache [ props_key ]
else :
configuration = self . config_match_func ( properties )
if configuration is None :
logging . warning ( ' failed to match properties to a configuration: %r ' , props_key )
else :
same_config_props = [ it [ 0 ] for it in self . __config_cache . iteritems ( ) if it [ 1 ] == configuration ]
if len ( same_config_props ) > 0 :
logging . warning ( ' property set %r matches the same configuration %r as property set %r ' ,
props_key , configuration , same_config_props [ 0 ] )
self . __config_cache [ props_key ] = configuration
if configuration is None : return
module_tests = self . tests . setdefault ( module , OrderedDict ( ) )
for test in run . tests :
test_results = module_tests . setdefault ( ( test . shortName ( ) , test . param ( ) ) , { } )
test_results [ configuration ] = test . get ( " gmean " ) if test . status == ' run ' else test . status
def make_match_func ( matchers ) :
def match_func ( properties ) :
for matcher in matchers :
if all ( properties . get ( name ) == value
for ( name , value ) in matcher [ ' properties ' ] . iteritems ( ) ) :
return matcher [ ' name ' ]
return None
return match_func
def main ( ) :
arg_parser = ArgumentParser ( description = ' Build an XLS performance report. ' )
@ -83,23 +124,15 @@ def main():
sheet_conf = dict ( global_conf . items ( ) + sheet_conf . items ( ) )
if ' configurations ' in sheet_conf :
config_names = sheet_conf [ ' configurations ' ]
else :
try :
config_names = [ p for p in os . listdir ( sheet_path )
if os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( sheet_path , p ) ) ]
except Exception as e :
logging . warning ( ' error while determining configuration names for %s : %s ' , sheet_path , e )
config_names = sheet_conf . get ( ' configurations ' , [ ] )
config_matchers = sheet_conf . get ( ' configuration_matchers ' , [ ] )
collection = { }
collector = Collector ( make_match_func ( config_matchers ) )
for configuration , configuration_path in \
[ ( c , os . path . join ( sheet_path , c ) ) for c in config_names ] :
logging . info ( ' processing %s ' , configuration_path )
for xml_fullname in glob ( os . path . join ( configuration_path , ' *.xml ' ) ) :
collect_xml ( collection , configuration , xml_fullname )
for root , _ , filenames in os . walk ( sheet_path ) :
logging . info ( ' looking in %s ' , root )
for filename in fnmatch . filter ( filenames , ' *.xml ' ) :
collector . collect_from ( os . path . join ( root , filename ) )
sheet = wb . add_sheet ( sheet_conf . get ( ' sheet_name ' , os . path . basename ( os . path . abspath ( sheet_path ) ) ) )
@ -126,7 +159,7 @@ def main():
module_styles = { module : xlwt . easyxf ( ' pattern: pattern solid, fore_color {} ' . format ( color ) )
for module , color in module_colors . iteritems ( ) }
for module , tests in sorted ( collecti on . iteritems ( ) ) :
for module , tests in sorted ( collector . tests . iteritems ( ) ) :
for ( ( test , param ) , configs ) in tests . iteritems ( ) :
sheet . write ( row , 0 , module , module_styles . get ( module , xlwt . Style . default_style ) )
sheet . write ( row , 1 , test )