@ -41,3 +41,27 @@ QUnit.test('findHomography', function(assert) { |
assert.ok(mat instanceof cv.Mat); |
}); |
QUnit.test('Rodrigues', function(assert) { |
// Converts a rotation matrix to a rotation vector and vice versa
// data64F is the output array
const rvec0 = cv.matFromArray(1, 3, cv.CV_64F, [1,1,1]); |
let rMat0 = new cv.Mat(); |
let rvec1 = new cv.Mat(); |
// Args: input Mat, output Mat. The function mutates the output Mat, so the function does not return anything.
// cv.Rodrigues (InputArray=src, OutputArray=dst, jacobian=0)
// https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html#void%20Rodrigues(InputArray%20src,%20OutputArray%20dst,%20OutputArray%20jacobian)
// vec to Mat, starting number is 3 long and each element is 1.
cv.Rodrigues(rvec0, rMat0); |
assert.ok(rMat0.data64F.length == 9); |
assert.ok(0.23 > rMat0.data64F[0] > 0.22); |
// convert Mat to Vec, should be same as what we started with, 3 long and each item should be a 1.
cv.Rodrigues(rMat0, rvec1); |
assert.ok(rvec1.data64F.length == 3); |
assert.ok(1.01 > rvec1.data64F[0] > 0.9); |
// Answer should be around 1: 0.9999999999999999
}); |