Added Subdiv2D class documentation

Added documentation to the Subdiv2D documentation, based on the previous
Elad Joseph 9 years ago
parent 34b8f1d595
commit 2234016a22
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@ -194,6 +194,19 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
@see cv::ColormapTypes
@defgroup imgproc_subdiv2d Planar Subdivision
The Subdiv2D class described in this section is used to perform various planar subdivision on
a set of 2D points (represented as vector of Point2f). OpenCV subdivides a plane into triangles
using the Delaunays algorithm, which corresponds to the dual graph of the Voronoi diagram.
In the figure below, the Delaunays triangulation is marked with black lines and the Voronoi
diagram with red lines.
![Delaunay triangulation (black) and Voronoi (red)](pics/delaunay_voronoi.png)
The subdivisions can be used for the 3D piece-wise transformation of a plane, morphing, fast
location of points on the plane, building special graphs (such as NNG,RNG), and so forth.
@defgroup imgproc_hist Histograms
@defgroup imgproc_shape Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors
@defgroup imgproc_motion Motion Analysis and Object Tracking
@ -874,16 +887,21 @@ public:
//! @addtogroup imgproc_subdiv2d
//! @{
class CV_EXPORTS_W Subdiv2D
enum { PTLOC_ERROR = -2,
/** Subdiv2D point location cases */
enum { PTLOC_ERROR = -2, //!< Point location error
PTLOC_OUTSIDE_RECT = -1, //!< Point outside the subdivision bounding rect
PTLOC_INSIDE = 0, //!< Point inside some facet
PTLOC_VERTEX = 1, //!< Point coincides with one of the subdivision vertices
PTLOC_ON_EDGE = 2 //!< Point on some edge
/** Subdiv2D edge type navigation (see: getEdge()) */
enum { NEXT_AROUND_ORG = 0x00,
@ -894,27 +912,181 @@ public:
/** creates an empty Subdiv2D object.
To create a new empty Delaunay subdivision you need to use the initDelaunay() function.
CV_WRAP Subdiv2D();
/** @overload
@param rect Rectangle that includes all of the 2D points that are to be added to the subdivision.
The function creates an empty Delaunay subdivision where 2D points can be added using the function
insert() . All of the points to be added must be within the specified rectangle, otherwise a runtime
error is raised.
CV_WRAP Subdiv2D(Rect rect);
/** @brief Creates a new empty Delaunay subdivision
@param rect Rectangle that includes all of the 2D points that are to be added to the subdivision.
CV_WRAP void initDelaunay(Rect rect);
/** @brief Insert a single point into a Delaunay triangulation.
@param pt Point to insert.
The function inserts a single point into a subdivision and modifies the subdivision topology
appropriately. If a point with the same coordinates exists already, no new point is added.
@returns the ID of the point.
@note If the point is outside of the triangulation specified rect a runtime error is raised.
CV_WRAP int insert(Point2f pt);
/** @brief Insert multiple points into a Delaunay triangulation.
@param ptvec Points to insert.
The function inserts a vector of points into a subdivision and modifies the subdivision topology
CV_WRAP void insert(const std::vector<Point2f>& ptvec);
/** @brief Returns the location of a point within a Delaunay triangulation.
@param pt Point to locate.
@param edge Output edge that the point belongs to or is located to the right of it.
@param vertex Optional output vertex the input point coincides with.
The function locates the input point within the subdivision and gives one of the triangle edges
or vertices.
@returns an integer which specify one of the following five cases for point location:
- The point falls into some facet. The function returns PTLOC_INSIDE and edge will contain one of
edges of the facet.
- The point falls onto the edge. The function returns PTLOC_ON_EDGE and edge will contain this edge.
- The point coincides with one of the subdivision vertices. The function returns PTLOC_VERTEX and
vertex will contain a pointer to the vertex.
- The point is outside the subdivision reference rectangle. The function returns PTLOC_OUTSIDE_RECT
and no pointers are filled.
- One of input arguments is invalid. A runtime error is raised or, if silent or parent error
processing mode is selected, CV_PTLOC_ERROR is returnd.
CV_WRAP int locate(Point2f pt, CV_OUT int& edge, CV_OUT int& vertex);
/** @brief Finds the subdivision vertex closest to the given point.
@param pt Input point.
@param nearestPt Output subdivision vertex point.
The function is another function that locates the input point within the subdivision. It finds the
subdivision vertex that is the closest to the input point. It is not necessarily one of vertices
of the facet containing the input point, though the facet (located using locate() ) is used as a
starting point.
@returns vertex ID.
CV_WRAP int findNearest(Point2f pt, CV_OUT Point2f* nearestPt = 0);
/** @brief Returns a list of all edges.
@param edgeList Output vector.
The function gives each edge as a 4 numbers vector, where each two are one of the edge
vertices. i.e. org_x = v[0], org_y = v[1], dst_x = v[2], dst_y = v[3].
CV_WRAP void getEdgeList(CV_OUT std::vector<Vec4f>& edgeList) const;
/** @brief Returns a list of all triangles.
@param triangleList Output vector.
The function gives each triangle as a 6 numbers vector, where each two are one of the triangle
vertices. i.e. p1_x = v[0], p1_y = v[1], p2_x = v[2], p2_y = v[3], p3_x = v[4], p3_y = v[5].
CV_WRAP void getTriangleList(CV_OUT std::vector<Vec6f>& triangleList) const;
/** @brief Returns a list of all Voroni facets.
@param idx Vector of vertices IDs to consider. For all vertices you can pass empty vector.
@param facetList Output vector of the Voroni facets.
@param facetCenters Output vector of the Voroni facets center points.
CV_WRAP void getVoronoiFacetList(const std::vector<int>& idx, CV_OUT std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> >& facetList,
CV_OUT std::vector<Point2f>& facetCenters);
/** @brief Returns vertex location from vertex ID.
@param vertex vertex ID.
@returns vertex (x,y)
CV_WRAP Point2f getVertex(int vertex, CV_OUT int* firstEdge = 0) const;
/** @brief Returns one of the edges related to the given edge.
@param edge Subdivision edge ID.
@param nextEdgeType - Parameter specifying which of the related edges to return.
The following values are possible:
- NEXT_AROUND_ORG next around the edge origin ( eOnext on the picture below if e is the input edge)
- NEXT_AROUND_DST next around the edge vertex ( eDnext )
- PREV_AROUND_ORG previous around the edge origin (reversed eRnext )
- PREV_AROUND_DST previous around the edge destination (reversed eLnext )
- NEXT_AROUND_LEFT next around the left facet ( eLnext )
- NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT next around the right facet ( eRnext )
- PREV_AROUND_LEFT previous around the left facet (reversed eOnext )
- PREV_AROUND_RIGHT previous around the right facet (reversed eDnext )
![sample output](pics/quadedge.png)
@returns edge ID related to the input edge.
CV_WRAP int getEdge( int edge, int nextEdgeType ) const;
/** @brief Returns next edge around the edge origin.
@param edge Subdivision edge ID.
@returns an integer which is next edge ID around the edge origin: eOnext on the
picture above if e is the input edge).
CV_WRAP int nextEdge(int edge) const;
/** @brief Returns another edge of the same quad-edge.
@param edge Subdivision edge ID.
@param rotate - Parameter specifying which of the edges of the same quad-edge as the input
one to return. The following values are possible:
- 0 - the input edge ( e on the picture below if e is the input edge)
- 1 - the rotated edge ( eRot )
- 2 - the reversed edge (reversed e (in green))
- 3 - the reversed rotated edge (reversed eRot (in green))
@returns one of the edges ID of the same quad-edge as the input edge.
CV_WRAP int rotateEdge(int edge, int rotate) const;
CV_WRAP int symEdge(int edge) const;
/** @brief Returns the edge origin.
@param edge Subdivision edge ID.
@param orgpt Output vertex location.
@returns vertex ID.
CV_WRAP int edgeOrg(int edge, CV_OUT Point2f* orgpt = 0) const;
/** @brief Returns the edge destination.
@param edge Subdivision edge ID.
@param dstpt Output vertex location.
@returns vertex ID.
CV_WRAP int edgeDst(int edge, CV_OUT Point2f* dstpt = 0) const;
@ -953,17 +1125,23 @@ protected:
int pt[4];
//! All of the vertices
std::vector<Vertex> vtx;
//! All of the edges
std::vector<QuadEdge> qedges;
int freeQEdge;
int freePoint;
bool validGeometry;
int recentEdge;
//! Top left corner of the bounding rect
Point2f topLeft;
//! Bottom right corner of the bounding rect
Point2f bottomRight;
//! @} imgproc_subdiv2d
//! @addtogroup imgproc_feature
//! @{
