@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ static void calcPixelCostBT( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2, int y,
int minD , int maxD , CostType * cost ,
PixType * buffer , const PixType * tab ,
int tabOfs , int , int xrange_min = 0 , int xrange_max = DEFAULT_RIGHT_BORDER )
//TODO: This function was changed and modified old function's behabior. Check they in tests
int x , c , width = img1 . cols , cn = img1 . channels ( ) ;
int minX1 = std : : max ( maxD , 0 ) , maxX1 = width + std : : min ( minD , 0 ) ;
@ -311,9 +310,9 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
const CostType MAX_COST = SHRT_MAX ;
int minD = params . minDisparity , maxD = minD + params . numDisparities ;
Size SADWindowSize ; //4e: SAD means Sum of Absolute Differences
SADWindowSize . width = SADWindowSize . height = params . SADWindowSize > 0 ? params . SADWindowSize : 5 ; //4e: and this is always square
int ftzero = std : : max ( params . preFilterCap , 15 ) | 1 ; //4e:ftzero clips x-derivatives. I think, this story with arrays is about non-realized SIMD method
Size SADWindowSize ;
SADWindowSize . width = SADWindowSize . height = params . SADWindowSize > 0 ? params . SADWindowSize : 5 ;
int ftzero = std : : max ( params . preFilterCap , 15 ) | 1 ;
int uniquenessRatio = params . uniquenessRatio > = 0 ? params . uniquenessRatio : 10 ;
int disp12MaxDiff = params . disp12MaxDiff > 0 ? params . disp12MaxDiff : 1 ;
int P1 = params . P1 > 0 ? params . P1 : 2 , P2 = std : : max ( params . P2 > 0 ? params . P2 : 5 , P1 + 1 ) ;
@ -323,11 +322,11 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
int SW2 = SADWindowSize . width / 2 , SH2 = SADWindowSize . height / 2 ;
bool fullDP = params . mode = = StereoSGBM : : MODE_HH ;
int npasses = fullDP ? 2 : 1 ; //4e: 2 passes with different behaviour for Hirshmueller method.
const int TAB_OFS = 256 * 4 , TAB_SIZE = 256 + TAB_OFS * 2 ; //4e: array is such big due to derivative could be +-8*256 in worst cases
int npasses = fullDP ? 2 : 1 ;
const int TAB_OFS = 256 * 4 , TAB_SIZE = 256 + TAB_OFS * 2 ;
PixType clipTab [ TAB_SIZE ] ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < TAB_SIZE ; k + + ) //4e: If ftzero would = 4, array containment will be = -4 -4 -4 ... -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 ... 4 4 4
for ( k = 0 ; k < TAB_SIZE ; k + + )
clipTab [ k ] = ( PixType ) ( std : : min ( std : : max ( k - TAB_OFS , - ftzero ) , ftzero ) + ftzero ) ;
if ( minX1 > = maxX1 )
@ -340,25 +339,25 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
// NR - the number of directions. the loop on x below that computes Lr assumes that NR == 8.
// if you change NR, please, modify the loop as well.
int D2 = D + 16 , NRD2 = NR2 * D2 ; //4e: Somewhere in code we need d+1, so D+1. One of simplest solutuons is increasing D-dimension on 1. But 1 is 16, when storage should be aligned.
int D2 = D + 16 , NRD2 = NR2 * D2 ;
// the number of L_r(.,.) and min_k L_r(.,.) lines in the buffer:
// for 8-way dynamic programming we need the current row and
// the previous row, i.e. 2 rows in total
const int NLR = 2 ; //4e: We assume, that we need one or more previous steps in our linear dynamic(one right here).
const int LrBorder = NLR - 1 ; //4e: for simplification of calculations we need border for taking previous dynamic solutions.
const int NLR = 2 ;
const int LrBorder = NLR - 1 ;
// for each possible stereo match (img1(x,y) <=> img2(x-d,y))
// we keep pixel difference cost (C) and the summary cost over NR directions (S).
// we also keep all the partial costs for the previous line L_r(x,d) and also min_k L_r(x, k)
size_t costBufSize = width1 * D ;
size_t CSBufSize = costBufSize * ( fullDP ? height : 1 ) ; //4e: For HH mode it's better to keep whole array of costs.
size_t minLrSize = ( width1 + LrBorder * 2 ) * NR2 , LrSize = minLrSize * D2 ; //4e: TODO: Understand why NR2 per pass instead od NR2/2 (Probably, without any reason. That doesn't make code wrong)
size_t CSBufSize = costBufSize * ( fullDP ? height : 1 ) ;
size_t minLrSize = ( width1 + LrBorder * 2 ) * NR2 , LrSize = minLrSize * D2 ;
int hsumBufNRows = SH2 * 2 + 2 ;
size_t totalBufSize = ( LrSize + minLrSize ) * NLR * sizeof ( CostType ) + // minLr[] and Lr[]
costBufSize * ( hsumBufNRows + 1 ) * sizeof ( CostType ) + // hsumBuf, pixdiff //4e: TODO: Why we should increase sum window height one more time?
CSBufSize * 2 * sizeof ( CostType ) + // C, S //4e: C is Block sum of costs, S is multidirectional dynamic sum with same size
width * 16 * img1 . channels ( ) * sizeof ( PixType ) + // temp buffer for computing per-pixel cost //4e: It is needed for calcPixelCostBT function, as "buffer" value
costBufSize * ( hsumBufNRows + 1 ) * sizeof ( CostType ) + // hsumBuf, pixdiff
CSBufSize * 2 * sizeof ( CostType ) + // C, S
width * 16 * img1 . channels ( ) * sizeof ( PixType ) + // temp buffer for computing per-pixel cost
width * ( sizeof ( CostType ) + sizeof ( DispType ) ) + 1024 ; // disp2cost + disp2
if ( buffer . empty ( ) | | ! buffer . isContinuous ( ) | |
@ -371,7 +370,7 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
CostType * hsumBuf = Sbuf + CSBufSize ;
CostType * pixDiff = hsumBuf + costBufSize * hsumBufNRows ;
CostType * disp2cost = pixDiff + costBufSize + ( LrSize + minLrSize ) * NLR ; //4e: It is containers for backwards disparity, made by S[d] too, but with other method
CostType * disp2cost = pixDiff + costBufSize + ( LrSize + minLrSize ) * NLR ;
DispType * disp2ptr = ( DispType * ) ( disp2cost + width ) ;
PixType * tempBuf = ( PixType * ) ( disp2ptr + width ) ;
@ -383,21 +382,21 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
int x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , dx , dy ;
if ( pass = = 1 ) //4e: on the first pass, we work down, so calculate directions down, diagdown and right
if ( pass = = 1 )
y1 = 0 ; y2 = height ; dy = 1 ;
x1 = 0 ; x2 = width1 ; dx = 1 ;
else //4e: on the second pass, we work up, so calculate directions up, diagup and up
y1 = height - 1 ; y2 = - 1 ; dy = - 1 ;
x1 = width1 - 1 ; x2 = - 1 ; dx = - 1 ;
CostType * Lr [ NLR ] = { 0 } , * minLr [ NLR ] = { 0 } ; //4e: arrays for L(x,y,r,d) of previous and current rows and minimums of them
CostType * Lr [ NLR ] = { 0 } , * minLr [ NLR ] = { 0 } ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < NLR ; k + + ) //4e: One of them is needed, and one of them is stored. So, we need to swap pointer
{ //4e: Yes, and this is done at the end of next cycle, not here.
for ( k = 0 ; k < NLR ; k + + )
// shift Lr[k] and minLr[k] pointers, because we allocated them with the borders,
// and will occasionally use negative indices with the arrays
// we need to shift Lr[k] pointers by 1, to give the space for d=-1.
@ -418,28 +417,28 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
if ( pass = = 1 ) // compute C on the first pass, and reuse it on the second pass, if any.
int dy1 = y = = 0 ? 0 : y + SH2 , dy2 = y = = 0 ? SH2 : dy1 ; //4e: for first line's block sum we need calculate half-window of costs and only one for other
int dy1 = y = = 0 ? 0 : y + SH2 , dy2 = y = = 0 ? SH2 : dy1 ;
for ( k = dy1 ; k < = dy2 ; k + + )
CostType * hsumAdd = hsumBuf + ( std : : min ( k , height - 1 ) % hsumBufNRows ) * costBufSize ; //4e: Ring buffer for horizontally summed lines
CostType * hsumAdd = hsumBuf + ( std : : min ( k , height - 1 ) % hsumBufNRows ) * costBufSize ;
if ( k < height )
calcPixelCostBT ( img1 , img2 , k , minD , maxD , pixDiff , tempBuf , clipTab , TAB_OFS , ftzero ) ;
memset ( hsumAdd , 0 , D * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < = SW2 * D ; x + = D ) //4e: Calculation summed costs for all disparities in first pixel of line
for ( x = 0 ; x < = SW2 * D ; x + = D )
int scale = x = = 0 ? SW2 + 1 : 1 ;
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
hsumAdd [ d ] = ( CostType ) ( hsumAdd [ d ] + pixDiff [ x + d ] * scale ) ;
if ( y > 0 ) //4e: We calculate horizontal sums and forming full block sums for y coord by adding this horsums to previous line's sums and subtracting stored lowest
{ //4e: horsum in hsumBuf. Exception is case y=0, where we need many iterations per lines to create full blocking sum.
if ( y > 0 )
const CostType * hsumSub = hsumBuf + ( std : : max ( y - SH2 - 1 , 0 ) % hsumBufNRows ) * costBufSize ;
const CostType * Cprev = ! fullDP | | y = = 0 ? C : C - costBufSize ; //4e: Well, actually y>0, so we don't need this check: y==0
const CostType * Cprev = ! fullDP | | y = = 0 ? C : C - costBufSize ;
for ( x = D ; x < width1 * D ; x + = D )
@ -475,8 +474,8 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
for ( x = D ; x < width1 * D ; x + = D ) //4e: Calcluates horizontal sums if (y==0). This piece of code is calling SH2+1 times and then result is used in different way
{ //4e: to create full blocks sum. That's why this code is isolated from upper case.
for ( x = D ; x < width1 * D ; x + = D )
const CostType * pixAdd = pixDiff + std : : min ( x + SW2 * D , ( width1 - 1 ) * D ) ;
const CostType * pixSub = pixDiff + std : : max ( x - ( SW2 + 1 ) * D , 0 ) ;
@ -486,7 +485,7 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
if ( y = = 0 ) //4e: Calculating first full block sum.
if ( y = = 0 )
int scale = k = = 0 ? SH2 + 1 : 1 ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < width1 * D ; x + + )
@ -495,13 +494,13 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
// also, clear the S buffer
for ( k = 0 ; k < width1 * D ; k + + ) //4e: only on first pass, so it keep old information, don't be confused
for ( k = 0 ; k < width1 * D ; k + + )
S [ k ] = 0 ;
// clear the left and the right borders
memset ( Lr [ 0 ] - NRD2 * LrBorder - 8 , 0 , NRD2 * LrBorder * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ; //4e: To understand this "8" shifts and how they could work it's simpler to imagine pixel dislocation in memory
memset ( Lr [ 0 ] + width1 * NRD2 - 8 , 0 , NRD2 * LrBorder * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ; //4e: ...00000000|NRD2-16 of real costs value(and some of them are zeroes too)|00000000...
memset ( Lr [ 0 ] - NRD2 * LrBorder - 8 , 0 , NRD2 * LrBorder * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ;
memset ( Lr [ 0 ] + width1 * NRD2 - 8 , 0 , NRD2 * LrBorder * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ;
memset ( minLr [ 0 ] - NR2 * LrBorder , 0 , NR2 * LrBorder * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ;
memset ( minLr [ 0 ] + width1 * NR2 , 0 , NR2 * LrBorder * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ;
@ -624,7 +623,7 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
int Cpd = Cp [ d ] , L0 , L1 , L2 , L3 ; //4e: Remember, that every Cp is increased on P2 in line number 369. That's why next 4 lines are paper-like actually
int Cpd = Cp [ d ] , L0 , L1 , L2 , L3 ;
L0 = Cpd + std : : min ( ( int ) Lr_p0 [ d ] , std : : min ( Lr_p0 [ d - 1 ] + P1 , std : : min ( Lr_p0 [ d + 1 ] + P1 , delta0 ) ) ) - delta0 ;
L1 = Cpd + std : : min ( ( int ) Lr_p1 [ d ] , std : : min ( Lr_p1 [ d - 1 ] + P1 , std : : min ( Lr_p1 [ d + 1 ] + P1 , delta1 ) ) ) - delta1 ;
@ -665,7 +664,7 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
CostType * Sp = S + x * D ;
int minS = MAX_COST , bestDisp = - 1 ;
if ( npasses = = 1 ) //4e: in this case we could take fifth direction almost for free(direction "left")
if ( npasses = = 1 )
int xm = x * NR2 , xd = xm * D2 ;
@ -815,7 +814,7 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
disp1ptr [ x + minX1 ] = ( DispType ) ( d + minD * DISP_SCALE ) ;
for ( x = minX1 ; x < maxX1 ; x + + ) //4e: Left-right check itself
for ( x = minX1 ; x < maxX1 ; x + + )
// we round the computed disparity both towards -inf and +inf and check
// if either of the corresponding disparities in disp2 is consistent.
@ -826,8 +825,8 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
int _d = d1 > > DISP_SHIFT ;
int d_ = ( d1 + DISP_SCALE - 1 ) > > DISP_SHIFT ;
int _x = x - _d , x_ = x - d_ ;
if ( 0 < = _x & & _x < width & & disp2ptr [ _x ] > = minD & & std : : abs ( disp2ptr [ _x ] - _d ) > disp12MaxDiff & & //4e: To dismiss disparity, we should assure, that there is no any
0 < = x_ & & x_ < width & & disp2ptr [ x_ ] > = minD & & std : : abs ( disp2ptr [ x_ ] - d_ ) > disp12MaxDiff ) //4e: chance to understand this as correct.
if ( 0 < = _x & & _x < width & & disp2ptr [ _x ] > = minD & & std : : abs ( disp2ptr [ _x ] - _d ) > disp12MaxDiff & &
0 < = x_ & & x_ < width & & disp2ptr [ x_ ] > = minD & & std : : abs ( disp2ptr [ x_ ] - d_ ) > disp12MaxDiff )
disp1ptr [ x ] = ( DispType ) INVALID_DISP_SCALED ;
@ -840,8 +839,6 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
//TODO: Assumation: Let's pretend, that we allocate memory for pixDiff and tempBuf independently in each thread, with full size, needed for original calcBT
//TODO: Redo size of this arrays even if situation with independent allocation will still.
struct CalcVerticalSums : public ParallelLoopBody
CalcVerticalSums ( const Mat & _img1 , const Mat & _img2 , const StereoSGBMParams & params ,
@ -852,7 +849,7 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
SW2 = SH2 = ( params . SADWindowSize > 0 ? params . SADWindowSize : 5 ) / 2 ;
ftzero = std : : max ( params . preFilterCap , 15 ) | 1 ;
P1 = params . P1 > 0 ? params . P1 : 2 ;
P2 = std : : max ( params . P2 > 0 ? params . P2 : 5 , P1 + 1 ) ; //TODO: think about P1/S(x,y) Proportion
P2 = std : : max ( params . P2 > 0 ? params . P2 : 5 , P1 + 1 ) ;
height = img1 . rows ;
width = img1 . cols ;
int minX1 = std : : max ( maxD , 0 ) , maxX1 = width + std : : min ( minD , 0 ) ;
@ -861,7 +858,7 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
D2 = D + 16 ;
costBufSize = width1 * D ;
CSBufSize = costBufSize * height ;
minLrSize = ( width1 + LrBorder * 2 ) ;
minLrSize = width1 ;
LrSize = minLrSize * D2 ;
hsumBufNRows = SH2 * 2 + 2 ;
Cbuf = alignedBuf ;
@ -874,10 +871,11 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
static const CostType MAX_COST = SHRT_MAX ;
static const int ALIGN = 16 ;
static const int TAB_OFS = 256 * 4 ;
static const int npasses = 2 ;
int x1 = range . start , x2 = range . end , k ;
size_t pixDiffSize = ( ( x2 - x1 ) + 2 * SW2 ) * D ;
size_t auxBufsSize = pixDiffSize * sizeof ( CostType ) + //pixdiff size
width * 16 * img1 . channels ( ) * sizeof ( PixType ) + 32 ; //tempBuf //TODO: Probably it's better 6 instead of 16(alignment?)
width * 16 * img1 . channels ( ) * sizeof ( PixType ) + 32 ; //tempBuf
Mat auxBuff ;
auxBuff . create ( 1 , ( int ) auxBufsSize , CV_8U ) ;
CostType * pixDiff = ( CostType * ) alignPtr ( auxBuff . ptr ( ) , ALIGN ) ;
@ -886,7 +884,7 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
// Simplification of index calculation
pixDiff - = ( x1 > SW2 ? ( x1 - SW2 ) : 0 ) * D ;
for ( int pass = 1 ; pass < = 2 ; pass + + ) //TODO: rename this magic 2.
for ( int pass = 1 ; pass < = npasses ; pass + + )
int y1 , y2 , dy ;
@ -899,18 +897,18 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
y1 = height - 1 ; y2 = - 1 ; dy = - 1 ;
CostType * Lr [ NLR ] = { 0 } , * minLr [ NLR ] = { 0 } ; //4e: arrays for L(x,y,r,d) of previous and current rows and minimums of them
CostType * Lr [ NLR ] = { 0 } , * minLr [ NLR ] = { 0 } ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < NLR ; k + + ) //4e: One of them is needed, and one of them is stored. So, we need to swap pointer
{ //4e: Yes, and this is done at the end of next cycle, not here.
for ( k = 0 ; k < NLR ; k + + )
// shift Lr[k] and minLr[k] pointers, because we allocated them with the borders,
// and will occasionally use negative indices with the arrays
// we need to shift Lr[k] pointers by 1, to give the space for d=-1.
// however, then the alignment will be imperfect, i.e. bad for SSE,
// thus we shift the pointers by 8 (8*sizeof(short) == 16 - ideal alignment)
Lr [ k ] = hsumBuf + costBufSize * hsumBufNRows + LrSize * k + D2 * LrBorder + 8 ;
Lr [ k ] = hsumBuf + costBufSize * hsumBufNRows + LrSize * k + 8 ;
memset ( Lr [ k ] + x1 * D2 - 8 , 0 , ( x2 - x1 ) * D2 * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ;
minLr [ k ] = hsumBuf + costBufSize * hsumBufNRows + LrSize * NLR + minLrSize * k + LrBorder ;
minLr [ k ] = hsumBuf + costBufSize * hsumBufNRows + LrSize * NLR + minLrSize * k ;
memset ( minLr [ k ] + x1 , 0 , ( x2 - x1 ) * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ;
@ -922,60 +920,37 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
if ( pass = = 1 ) // compute C on the first pass, and reuse it on the second pass, if any.
int dy1 = y = = 0 ? 0 : y + SH2 , dy2 = y = = 0 ? SH2 : dy1 ; //4e: for first line's block sum we need calculate half-window of costs and only one for other
int dy1 = y = = 0 ? 0 : y + SH2 , dy2 = y = = 0 ? SH2 : dy1 ;
for ( k = dy1 ; k < = dy2 ; k + + )
CostType * hsumAdd = hsumBuf + ( std : : min ( k , height - 1 ) % hsumBufNRows ) * costBufSize ; //4e: Ring buffer for horizontally summed lines
CostType * hsumAdd = hsumBuf + ( std : : min ( k , height - 1 ) % hsumBufNRows ) * costBufSize ;
if ( k < height )
calcPixelCostBT ( img1 , img2 , k , minD , maxD , pixDiff , tempBuf , clipTab , TAB_OFS , ftzero , x1 - SW2 , x2 + SW2 ) ;
memset ( hsumAdd + x1 * D , 0 , D * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ;
for ( x = ( x1 - SW2 ) * D ; x < = ( x1 + SW2 ) * D ; x + = D ) //4e: Calculation summed costs for all disparities in first pixel of line
for ( x = ( x1 - SW2 ) * D ; x < = ( x1 + SW2 ) * D ; x + = D )
int xbord = x < = 0 ? 0 : ( x > ( width1 - 1 ) * D ? ( width1 - 1 ) * D : x ) ;
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
hsumAdd [ x1 * D + d ] = ( CostType ) ( hsumAdd [ x1 * D + d ] + pixDiff [ xbord + d ] ) ;
if ( y > 0 ) //4e: We calculate horizontal sums and forming full block sums for y coord by adding this horsums to previous line's sums and subtracting stored lowest
{ //4e: horsum in hsumBuf. Exception is case y=0, where we need many iterations per lines to create full blocking sum.
if ( y > 0 )
const CostType * hsumSub = hsumBuf + ( std : : max ( y - SH2 - 1 , 0 ) % hsumBufNRows ) * costBufSize ;
const CostType * Cprev = C - costBufSize ;
// We need to calculate C[x1] in different way, because hsumadd is already calculated
// We don't doing then for x==0, because original function has forgotten to do this //TODO: Check: does this original still exist?
if ( x1 ! = 0 )
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
C [ x1 * D + d ] = ( CostType ) ( Cprev [ x1 * D + d ] + hsumAdd [ x1 * D + d ] - hsumSub [ x1 * D + d ] ) ;
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
C [ x1 * D + d ] = ( CostType ) ( Cprev [ x1 * D + d ] + hsumAdd [ x1 * D + d ] - hsumSub [ x1 * D + d ] ) ;
for ( x = ( x1 + 1 ) * D ; x < x2 * D ; x + = D )
const CostType * pixAdd = pixDiff + std : : min ( x + SW2 * D , ( width1 - 1 ) * D ) ;
const CostType * pixSub = pixDiff + std : : max ( x - ( SW2 + 1 ) * D , 0 ) ;
// #if CV_SIMD128
// if( useSIMD )
// {
// for( d = 0; d < D; d += 8 )
// {
// v_int16x8 hv = v_load(hsumAdd + x - D + d);
// v_int16x8 Cx = v_load(Cprev + x + d);
// v_int16x8 psub = v_load(pixSub + d);
// v_int16x8 padd = v_load(pixAdd + d);
// hv = (hv - psub + padd);
// psub = v_load(hsumSub + x + d);
// Cx = Cx - psub + hv;
// v_store(hsumAdd + x + d, hv);
// v_store(C + x + d, Cx);
// }
// }
// else
// #endif
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
@ -987,8 +962,8 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
for ( x = ( x1 + 1 ) * D ; x < x2 * D ; x + = D ) //4e: Calcluates horizontal sums if (y==0). This piece of code is calling SH2+1 times and then result is used in different way
{ //4e: to create full blocks sum. That's why this code is isolated from upper case.
for ( x = ( x1 + 1 ) * D ; x < x2 * D ; x + = D )
const CostType * pixAdd = pixDiff + std : : min ( x + SW2 * D , ( width1 - 1 ) * D ) ;
const CostType * pixSub = pixDiff + std : : max ( x - ( SW2 + 1 ) * D , 0 ) ;
@ -996,10 +971,9 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
hsumAdd [ x + d ] = ( CostType ) ( hsumAdd [ x - D + d ] + pixAdd [ d ] - pixSub [ d ] ) ;
// Return to coordinates, which is needed by CalcCostBT
if ( y = = 0 ) //4e: Calculating first full block sum.
if ( y = = 0 )
int scale = k = = 0 ? SH2 + 1 : 1 ;
for ( x = x1 * D ; x < x2 * D ; x + + )
@ -1008,26 +982,19 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
// also, clear the S buffer
for ( k = x1 * D ; k < x2 * D ; k + + ) //4e: only on first pass, so it keep old information, don't be confused
for ( k = x1 * D ; k < x2 * D ; k + + )
S [ k ] = 0 ;
// [formula 13 in the paper]
// compute L_r(p, d) = C(p, d) +
// min(L_r(p-r, d),
// L_r(p-r, d-1) + P1,
// L_r(p-r, d+1) + P1,
// min_k L_r(p-r, k) + P2) - min_k L_r(p-r, k)
// where p = (x,y), r is one of the directions.
// we process all the directions at once:
// 0: r=(-dx, 0)
// 1: r=(-1, -dy)
// 2: r=(0, -dy)
// 3: r=(1, -dy)
// 4: r=(-2, -dy)
// 5: r=(-1, -dy*2)
// 6: r=(1, -dy*2)
// 7: r=(2, -dy)
// [formula 13 in the paper]
// compute L_r(p, d) = C(p, d) +
// min(L_r(p-r, d),
// L_r(p-r, d-1) + P1,
// L_r(p-r, d+1) + P1,
// min_k L_r(p-r, k) + P2) - min_k L_r(p-r, k)
// where p = (x,y), r is one of the directions.
// we process one directions on first pass and other on second:
// r=(0, dy), where dy=1 on first pass and dy=-1 on second
for ( x = x1 ; x ! = x2 ; x + + )
@ -1043,88 +1010,12 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
const CostType * Cp = C + x * D ;
CostType * Sp = S + x * D ;
// #if CV_SIMD128
// if( useSIMD )
// {
// v_int16x8 _P1 = v_setall_s16((short)P1);
// v_int16x8 _delta0 = v_setall_s16((short)delta0);
// v_int16x8 _delta1 = v_setall_s16((short)delta1);
// v_int16x8 _delta2 = v_setall_s16((short)delta2);
// v_int16x8 _delta3 = v_setall_s16((short)delta3);
// v_int16x8 _minL0 = v_setall_s16((short)MAX_COST);
// for( d = 0; d < D; d += 8 )
// {
// v_int16x8 Cpd = v_load(Cp + d);
// v_int16x8 L0, L1, L2, L3;
// L0 = v_load(Lr_p0 + d);
// L1 = v_load(Lr_p1 + d);
// L2 = v_load(Lr_ppr + d);
// L3 = v_load(Lr_p3 + d);
// L0 = v_min(L0, (v_load(Lr_p0 + d - 1) + _P1));
// L0 = v_min(L0, (v_load(Lr_p0 + d + 1) + _P1));
// L1 = v_min(L1, (v_load(Lr_p1 + d - 1) + _P1));
// L1 = v_min(L1, (v_load(Lr_p1 + d + 1) + _P1));
// L2 = v_min(L2, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d - 1) + _P1));
// L2 = v_min(L2, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d + 1) + _P1));
// L3 = v_min(L3, (v_load(Lr_p3 + d - 1) + _P1));
// L3 = v_min(L3, (v_load(Lr_p3 + d + 1) + _P1));
// L0 = v_min(L0, _delta0);
// L0 = ((L0 - _delta0) + Cpd);
// L1 = v_min(L1, _delta1);
// L1 = ((L1 - _delta1) + Cpd);
// L2 = v_min(L2, _delta2);
// L2 = ((L2 - _delta2) + Cpd);
// L3 = v_min(L3, _delta3);
// L3 = ((L3 - _delta3) + Cpd);
// v_store(Lr_p + d, L0);
// v_store(Lr_p + d + D2, L1);
// v_store(Lr_p + d + D2*2, L2);
// v_store(Lr_p + d + D2*3, L3);
// // Get minimum from in L0-L3
// v_int16x8 t02L, t02H, t13L, t13H, t0123L, t0123H;
// v_zip(L0, L2, t02L, t02H); // L0[0] L2[0] L0[1] L2[1]...
// v_zip(L1, L3, t13L, t13H); // L1[0] L3[0] L1[1] L3[1]...
// v_int16x8 t02 = v_min(t02L, t02H); // L0[i] L2[i] L0[i] L2[i]...
// v_int16x8 t13 = v_min(t13L, t13H); // L1[i] L3[i] L1[i] L3[i]...
// v_zip(t02, t13, t0123L, t0123H); // L0[i] L1[i] L2[i] L3[i]...
// v_int16x8 t0 = v_min(t0123L, t0123H);
// _minL0 = v_min(_minL0, t0);
// v_int16x8 Sval = v_load(Sp + d);
// L0 = L0 + L1;
// L2 = L2 + L3;
// Sval = Sval + L0;
// Sval = Sval + L2;
// v_store(Sp + d, Sval);
// }
// v_int32x4 minL, minH;
// v_expand(_minL0, minL, minH);
// v_pack_store(&minLr[0][x], v_min(minL, minH));
// }
// else
// #endif
int minL = MAX_COST ;
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
int Cpd = Cp [ d ] , L ; //4e: Remember, that every Cp is increased on P2 in line number 369. That's why next 4 lines are paper-like actually
int Cpd = Cp [ d ] , L ;
L = Cpd + std : : min ( ( int ) Lr_ppr [ d ] , std : : min ( Lr_ppr [ d - 1 ] + P1 , std : : min ( Lr_ppr [ d + 1 ] + P1 , delta ) ) ) - delta ;
@ -1144,7 +1035,6 @@ struct CalcVerticalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
static const int NLR = 2 ;
static const int LrBorder = NLR - 1 ;
const Mat & img1 ;
const Mat & img2 ;
CostType * Cbuf ;
@ -1178,7 +1068,7 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
minD = params . minDisparity ;
maxD = minD + params . numDisparities ;
P1 = params . P1 > 0 ? params . P1 : 2 ;
P2 = std : : max ( params . P2 > 0 ? params . P2 : 5 , P1 + 1 ) ; //TODO: think about P1/S(x,y) Proportion
P2 = std : : max ( params . P2 > 0 ? params . P2 : 5 , P1 + 1 ) ;
uniquenessRatio = params . uniquenessRatio > = 0 ? params . uniquenessRatio : 10 ;
disp12MaxDiff = params . disp12MaxDiff > 0 ? params . disp12MaxDiff : 1 ;
height = img1 . rows ;
@ -1192,7 +1082,7 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
costBufSize = width1 * D ;
CSBufSize = costBufSize * height ;
D2 = D + 16 ;
LrSize = 2 * D2 ; //TODO: Check: do we need this value or not?
LrSize = 2 * D2 ;
Cbuf = alignedBuf ;
Sbuf = Cbuf + CSBufSize ;
@ -1200,13 +1090,11 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
void operator ( ) ( const Range & range ) const
int y1 = range . start , y2 = range . end ;
static const CostType MAX_COST = SHRT_MAX ;
static const int ALIGN = 16 ;
size_t auxBufsSize = LrSize + width * ( sizeof ( CostType ) + sizeof ( DispType ) ) + 32 ;
size_t auxBufsSize = LrSize * sizeof ( CostType ) + width * ( sizeof ( CostType ) + sizeof ( DispType ) ) + 32 ;
Mat auxBuff ;
auxBuff . create ( 1 , ( int ) auxBufsSize , CV_8U ) ;
CostType * Lr = ( CostType * ) alignPtr ( auxBuff . ptr ( ) , ALIGN ) + 8 ;
CostType * Lr = ( ( CostType * ) alignPtr ( auxBuff . ptr ( ) , ALIGN ) ) + 8 ;
CostType * disp2cost = Lr + LrSize ;
DispType * disp2ptr = ( DispType * ) ( disp2cost + width ) ;
@ -1227,132 +1115,48 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
// clear buffers
memset ( Lr - 8 , 0 , LrSize * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ;
Lr [ - 1 ] = Lr [ D ] = Lr [ D2 - 1 ] = Lr [ D2 + D ] = MAX_COST ;
minLr = 0 ;
[ formula 13 in the paper ]
compute L_r ( p , d ) = C ( p , d ) +
min ( L_r ( p - r , d ) ,
L_r ( p - r , d - 1 ) + P1 ,
L_r ( p - r , d + 1 ) + P1 ,
min_k L_r ( p - r , k ) + P2 ) - min_k L_r ( p - r , k )
where p = ( x , y ) , r is one of the directions .
we process all the directions at once :
0 : r = ( - dx , 0 )
1 : r = ( - 1 , - dy )
2 : r = ( 0 , - dy )
3 : r = ( 1 , - dy )
4 : r = ( - 2 , - dy )
5 : r = ( - 1 , - dy * 2 )
6 : r = ( 1 , - dy * 2 )
7 : r = ( 2 , - dy )
// [formula 13 in the paper]
// compute L_r(p, d) = C(p, d) +
// min(L_r(p-r, d),
// L_r(p-r, d-1) + P1,
// L_r(p-r, d+1) + P1,
// min_k L_r(p-r, k) + P2) - min_k L_r(p-r, k)
// where p = (x,y), r is one of the directions.
// we process all the directions at once:
// we process one directions on first pass and other on second:
// r=(dx, 0), where dx=1 on first pass and dx=-1 on second
for ( x = 0 ; x ! = width1 ; x + + )
int delta = minLr + P2 ;
CostType * Lr_ppr = Lr + ( ( x & 1 ) ? 0 : D2 ) ;
Lr_ppr [ - 1 ] = Lr_ppr [ D ] = MAX_COST ; //TODO: Well, probably, it's better do this once before.
CostType * Lr_p = Lr + ( ( x & 1 ) ? D2 : 0 ) ;
const CostType * Cp = C + x * D ;
CostType * Sp = S + x * D ;
// #if CV_SIMD128
// if( useSIMD )
// {
// v_int16x8 _P1 = v_setall_s16((short)P1);
// v_int16x8 _delta0 = v_setall_s16((short)delta0);
// v_int16x8 _delta1 = v_setall_s16((short)delta1);
// v_int16x8 _delta2 = v_setall_s16((short)delta2);
// v_int16x8 _delta3 = v_setall_s16((short)delta3);
// v_int16x8 _minL0 = v_setall_s16((short)MAX_COST);
// for( d = 0; d < D; d += 8 )
// {
// v_int16x8 Cpd = v_load(Cp + d);
// v_int16x8 L0, L1, L2, L3;
// L0 = v_load(Lr_ppr + d);
// L1 = v_load(Lr_p1 + d);
// L2 = v_load(Lr_p2 + d);
// L3 = v_load(Lr_p3 + d);
// L0 = v_min(L0, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d - 1) + _P1));
// L0 = v_min(L0, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d + 1) + _P1));
// L1 = v_min(L1, (v_load(Lr_p1 + d - 1) + _P1));
// L1 = v_min(L1, (v_load(Lr_p1 + d + 1) + _P1));
// L2 = v_min(L2, (v_load(Lr_p2 + d - 1) + _P1));
// L2 = v_min(L2, (v_load(Lr_p2 + d + 1) + _P1));
// L3 = v_min(L3, (v_load(Lr_p3 + d - 1) + _P1));
// L3 = v_min(L3, (v_load(Lr_p3 + d + 1) + _P1));
// L0 = v_min(L0, _delta0);
// L0 = ((L0 - _delta0) + Cpd);
// L1 = v_min(L1, _delta1);
// L1 = ((L1 - _delta1) + Cpd);
// L2 = v_min(L2, _delta2);
// L2 = ((L2 - _delta2) + Cpd);
// L3 = v_min(L3, _delta3);
// L3 = ((L3 - _delta3) + Cpd);
// v_store(Lr_p + d, L0);
// v_store(Lr_p + d + D2, L1);
// v_store(Lr_p + d + D2*2, L2);
// v_store(Lr_p + d + D2*3, L3);
// // Get minimum from in L0-L3
// v_int16x8 t02L, t02H, t13L, t13H, t0123L, t0123H;
// v_zip(L0, L2, t02L, t02H); // L0[0] L2[0] L0[1] L2[1]...
// v_zip(L1, L3, t13L, t13H); // L1[0] L3[0] L1[1] L3[1]...
// v_int16x8 t02 = v_min(t02L, t02H); // L0[i] L2[i] L0[i] L2[i]...
// v_int16x8 t13 = v_min(t13L, t13H); // L1[i] L3[i] L1[i] L3[i]...
// v_zip(t02, t13, t0123L, t0123H); // L0[i] L1[i] L2[i] L3[i]...
// v_int16x8 t0 = v_min(t0123L, t0123H);
// _minL0 = v_min(_minL0, t0);
// v_int16x8 Sval = v_load(Sp + d);
// L0 = L0 + L1;
// L2 = L2 + L3;
// Sval = Sval + L0;
// Sval = Sval + L2;
// v_store(Sp + d, Sval);
// }
// v_int32x4 minL, minH;
// v_expand(_minL0, minL, minH);
// v_pack_store(&minLr[x], v_min(minL, minH));
// }
// else
// #endif
int minL = MAX_COST ;
int minL = MAX_COST ;
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
int Cpd = Cp [ d ] , L ; //4e: Remember, that every Cp is increased on P2 in line number 369. That's why next 4 lines are paper-like actually
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
int Cpd = Cp [ d ] , L ;
L = Cpd + std : : min ( ( int ) Lr_ppr [ d ] , std : : min ( Lr_ppr [ d - 1 ] + P1 , std : : min ( Lr_ppr [ d + 1 ] + P1 , delta ) ) ) - delta ;
L = Cpd + std : : min ( ( int ) Lr_ppr [ d ] , std : : min ( Lr_ppr [ d - 1 ] + P1 , std : : min ( Lr_ppr [ d + 1 ] + P1 , delta ) ) ) - delta ;
Lr_p [ d ] = ( CostType ) L ;
minL = std : : min ( minL , L ) ;
Lr_p [ d ] = ( CostType ) L ;
minL = std : : min ( minL , L ) ;
Sp [ d ] = saturate_cast < CostType > ( Sp [ d ] + L ) ;
minLr = ( CostType ) minL ;
Sp [ d ] = saturate_cast < CostType > ( Sp [ d ] + L ) ;
minLr = ( CostType ) minL ;
memset ( Lr - 8 , 0 , LrSize * sizeof ( CostType ) ) ;
Lr [ - 1 ] = Lr [ D ] = Lr [ D2 - 1 ] = Lr [ D2 + D ] = MAX_COST ;
minLr = 0 ;
for ( x = width1 - 1 ; x ! = - 1 ; x - - )
@ -1361,136 +1165,30 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
CostType * Lr_ppr = Lr + ( ( x & 1 ) ? 0 : D2 ) ;
Lr_ppr [ - 1 ] = Lr_ppr [ D ] = MAX_COST ;
CostType * Lr_p = Lr + ( ( x & 1 ) ? D2 : 0 ) ;
const CostType * Cp = C + x * D ;
CostType * Sp = S + x * D ;
int minS = MAX_COST , bestDisp = - 1 ;
// #if CV_SIMD128
// if( useSIMD )
// {
// v_int16x8 _P1 = v_setall_s16((short)P1);
// v_int16x8 _delta0 = v_setall_s16((short)delta0);
// v_int16x8 _delta1 = v_setall_s16((short)delta1);
// v_int16x8 _delta2 = v_setall_s16((short)delta2);
// v_int16x8 _delta3 = v_setall_s16((short)delta3);
// v_int16x8 _minL0 = v_setall_s16((short)MAX_COST);
// for( d = 0; d < D; d += 8 )
// {
// v_int16x8 Cpd = v_load(Cp + d);
// v_int16x8 L0, L1, L2, L3;
// L0 = v_load(Lr_ppr + d);
// L1 = v_load(Lr_p1 + d);
// L2 = v_load(Lr_p2 + d);
// L3 = v_load(Lr_p3 + d);
// L0 = v_min(L0, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d - 1) + _P1));
// L0 = v_min(L0, (v_load(Lr_ppr + d + 1) + _P1));
// L1 = v_min(L1, (v_load(Lr_p1 + d - 1) + _P1));
// L1 = v_min(L1, (v_load(Lr_p1 + d + 1) + _P1));
// L2 = v_min(L2, (v_load(Lr_p2 + d - 1) + _P1));
// L2 = v_min(L2, (v_load(Lr_p2 + d + 1) + _P1));
// L3 = v_min(L3, (v_load(Lr_p3 + d - 1) + _P1));
// L3 = v_min(L3, (v_load(Lr_p3 + d + 1) + _P1));
// L0 = v_min(L0, _delta0);
// L0 = ((L0 - _delta0) + Cpd);
// L1 = v_min(L1, _delta1);
// L1 = ((L1 - _delta1) + Cpd);
// L2 = v_min(L2, _delta2);
// L2 = ((L2 - _delta2) + Cpd);
// L3 = v_min(L3, _delta3);
// L3 = ((L3 - _delta3) + Cpd);
// v_store(Lr_p + d, L0);
// v_store(Lr_p + d + D2, L1);
// v_store(Lr_p + d + D2*2, L2);
// v_store(Lr_p + d + D2*3, L3);
// // Get minimum from in L0-L3
// v_int16x8 t02L, t02H, t13L, t13H, t0123L, t0123H;
// v_zip(L0, L2, t02L, t02H); // L0[0] L2[0] L0[1] L2[1]...
// v_zip(L1, L3, t13L, t13H); // L1[0] L3[0] L1[1] L3[1]...
// v_int16x8 t02 = v_min(t02L, t02H); // L0[i] L2[i] L0[i] L2[i]...
// v_int16x8 t13 = v_min(t13L, t13H); // L1[i] L3[i] L1[i] L3[i]...
// v_zip(t02, t13, t0123L, t0123H); // L0[i] L1[i] L2[i] L3[i]...
// v_int16x8 t0 = v_min(t0123L, t0123H);
// _minL0 = v_min(_minL0, t0);
// v_int16x8 Sval = v_load(Sp + d);
// L0 = L0 + L1;
// L2 = L2 + L3;
// Sval = Sval + L0;
// Sval = Sval + L2;
// v_store(Sp + d, Sval);
// }
// v_int32x4 minL, minH;
// v_expand(_minL0, minL, minH);
// v_pack_store(&minLr[x], v_min(minL, minH));
// }
// else
// #endif
//TODO:Next piece of code is came from postprocessing. Be very careful with joining them!!!
// #if CV_SIMD128
// if( useSIMD )
// {
// v_int16x8 _minS = v_setall_s16(MAX_COST), _bestDisp = v_setall_s16(-1);
// v_int16x8 _d8 = v_int16x8(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), _8 = v_setall_s16(8);
// for( d = 0; d < D; d+= 8 )
// {
// v_int16x8 L0 = v_load(Sp + d);
// v_int16x8 mask = L0 < _minS;
// _minS = v_min( L0, _minS );
// _bestDisp = _bestDisp ^ ((_bestDisp ^ _d8) & mask);
// _d8 = _d8 + _8;
// }
// v_int32x4 _d0, _d1;
// v_expand(_minS, _d0, _d1);
// minS = (int)std::min(v_reduce_min(_d0), v_reduce_min(_d1));
// v_int16x8 v_mask = v_setall_s16((short)minS) == _minS;
// _bestDisp = (_bestDisp & v_mask) | (v_setall_s16(SHRT_MAX) & ~v_mask);
// v_expand(_bestDisp, _d0, _d1);
// bestDisp = (int)std::min(v_reduce_min(_d0), v_reduce_min(_d1));
// }
// else
// #endif
int minL = MAX_COST ;
int minL = MAX_COST ;
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
int Cpd = Cp [ d ] , L ; //4e: Remember, that every Cp is increased on P2 in line number 369. That's why next 4 lines are paper-like actually
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
int Cpd = Cp [ d ] , L ;
L = Cpd + std : : min ( ( int ) Lr_ppr [ d ] , std : : min ( Lr_ppr [ d - 1 ] + P1 , std : : min ( Lr_ppr [ d + 1 ] + P1 , delta ) ) ) - delta ;
L = Cpd + std : : min ( ( int ) Lr_ppr [ d ] , std : : min ( Lr_ppr [ d - 1 ] + P1 , std : : min ( Lr_ppr [ d + 1 ] + P1 , delta ) ) ) - delta ;
Lr_p [ d ] = ( CostType ) L ;
minL = std : : min ( minL , L ) ;
Lr_p [ d ] = ( CostType ) L ;
minL = std : : min ( minL , L ) ;
Sp [ d ] = saturate_cast < CostType > ( Sp [ d ] + L ) ;
if ( Sp [ d ] < minS )
minS = Sp [ d ] ;
bestDisp = d ;
Sp [ d ] = saturate_cast < CostType > ( Sp [ d ] + L ) ;
if ( Sp [ d ] < minS )
minS = Sp [ d ] ;
bestDisp = d ;
minLr = ( CostType ) minL ;
minLr = ( CostType ) minL ;
//Some postprocessing procedures and saving
for ( d = 0 ; d < D ; d + + )
@ -1531,17 +1229,17 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
int _d = d1 > > DISP_SHIFT ;
int d_ = ( d1 + DISP_SCALE - 1 ) > > DISP_SHIFT ;
int _x = x - _d , x_ = x - d_ ;
if ( 0 < = _x & & _x < width & & disp2ptr [ _x ] > = minD & & std : : abs ( disp2ptr [ _x ] - _d ) > disp12MaxDiff & & //4e: To dismiss disparity, we should assure, that there is no any
0 < = x_ & & x_ < width & & disp2ptr [ x_ ] > = minD & & std : : abs ( disp2ptr [ x_ ] - d_ ) > disp12MaxDiff ) //4e: chance to understand this as correct.
if ( 0 < = _x & & _x < width & & disp2ptr [ _x ] > = minD & & std : : abs ( disp2ptr [ _x ] - _d ) > disp12MaxDiff & &
0 < = x_ & & x_ < width & & disp2ptr [ x_ ] > = minD & & std : : abs ( disp2ptr [ x_ ] - d_ ) > disp12MaxDiff )
disp1ptr [ x ] = ( DispType ) INVALID_DISP_SCALED ;
static const int NLR = 2 ;
static const int LrBorder = NLR - 1 ;
static const int DISP_SHIFT = StereoMatcher : : DISP_SHIFT ;
static const int DISP_SCALE = ( 1 < < DISP_SHIFT ) ;
static const CostType MAX_COST = SHRT_MAX ;
static const int ALIGN = 16 ;
const Mat & img1 ;
const Mat & img2 ;
Mat & disp1 ;
@ -1567,68 +1265,41 @@ struct CalcHorizontalSums: public ParallelLoopBody
int disp12MaxDiff ;
} ;
This is new experimential version of disparity calculation , which should be parralled after
TODO : Don ' t forget to rewrire this commentaries after
computes disparity for " roi " in img1 w . r . t . img2 and write it to disp1buf .
that is , disp1buf ( x , y ) = d means that img1 ( x + roi . x , y + roi . y ) ~ img2 ( x + roi . x - d , y + roi . y ) .
minD < = d < maxD .
disp2full is the reverse disparity map , that is :
disp2full ( x + roi . x , y + roi . y ) = d means that img2 ( x + roi . x , y + roi . y ) ~ img1 ( x + roi . x + d , y + roi . y )
note that disp1buf will have the same size as the roi and
disp2full will have the same size as img1 ( or img2 ) .
On exit disp2buf is not the final disparity , it is an intermediate result that becomes
On exit disp1buf is not the final disparity , it is an intermediate result that becomes
final after all the tiles are processed .
the disparity in disp1buf is written with sub - pixel accuracy
( 4 fractional bits , see StereoSGBM : : DISP_SCALE ) ,
using quadratic interpolation , while the disparity in disp2buf
is written as is , without interpolation .
disp2cost also has the same size as img1 ( or img2 ) .
It contains the minimum current cost , used to find the best disparity , corresponding to the minimal cost .
static void computeDisparitySGBMParallel ( const Mat & img1 , const Mat & img2 ,
static void computeDisparitySGBM_HH4 ( const Mat & img1 , const Mat & img2 ,
Mat & disp1 , const StereoSGBMParams & params ,
Mat & buffer )
//#if CV_SIMD128
// // maxDisparity is supposed to multiple of 16, so we can forget doing else
// static const uchar LSBTab[] =
// {
// 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
// 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
// 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
// 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
// 7, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
// 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
// 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0,
// 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0
// };
// static const v_uint16x8 v_LSB = v_uint16x8(0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80);
// bool useSIMD = hasSIMD128();
const int ALIGN = 16 ;
const int DISP_SHIFT = StereoMatcher : : DISP_SHIFT ;
const int DISP_SCALE = ( 1 < < DISP_SHIFT ) ;
int minD = params . minDisparity , maxD = minD + params . numDisparities ;
Size SADWindowSize ; //4e: SAD means Sum of Absolute Differences
SADWindowSize . width = SADWindowSize . height = params . SADWindowSize > 0 ? params . SADWindowSize : 5 ; //4e: and this is always square
int ftzero = std : : max ( params . preFilterCap , 15 ) | 1 ; //4e:ftzero clips x-derivatives. I think, this story with arrays is about non-realized SIMD method
int P1 = params . P1 > 0 ? params . P1 : 2 , P2 = std : : max ( params . P2 > 0 ? params . P2 : 5 , P1 + 1 ) ; //TODO: think about P1/S(x,y) Proportion
Size SADWindowSize ;
SADWindowSize . width = SADWindowSize . height = params . SADWindowSize > 0 ? params . SADWindowSize : 5 ;
int ftzero = std : : max ( params . preFilterCap , 15 ) | 1 ;
int P1 = params . P1 > 0 ? params . P1 : 2 , P2 = std : : max ( params . P2 > 0 ? params . P2 : 5 , P1 + 1 ) ;
int k , width = disp1 . cols , height = disp1 . rows ;
int minX1 = std : : max ( maxD , 0 ) , maxX1 = width + std : : min ( minD , 0 ) ;
int D = maxD - minD , width1 = maxX1 - minX1 ;
int SH2 = SADWindowSize . height / 2 ;
int INVALID_DISP = minD - 1 ;
const int TAB_OFS = 256 * 4 , TAB_SIZE = 256 + TAB_OFS * 2 ; //4e: array is such big due to derivative could be +-8*256 in worst cases
const int TAB_OFS = 256 * 4 , TAB_SIZE = 256 + TAB_OFS * 2 ;
PixType clipTab [ TAB_SIZE ] ;
for ( k = 0 ; k < TAB_SIZE ; k + + ) //4e: If ftzero would = 4, array containment will be = -4 -4 -4 ... -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 ... 4 4 4
for ( k = 0 ; k < TAB_SIZE ; k + + )
clipTab [ k ] = ( PixType ) ( std : : min ( std : : max ( k - TAB_OFS , - ftzero ) , ftzero ) + ftzero ) ;
if ( minX1 > = maxX1 )
@ -1637,28 +1308,25 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBMParallel( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
return ;
CV_Assert ( D % 16 = = 0 ) ; //TODO: Are you sure? By the way, why not 8?
CV_Assert ( D % 16 = = 0 ) ;
// NR - the number of directions. the loop on x below that computes Lr assumes that NR == 8.
// if you change NR, please, modify the loop as well.
int D2 = D + 16 ; //4e: Somewhere in code we need d+1, so D+1. One of simplest solutuons is increasing D-dimension on 1. But 1 is 16, when storage should be aligned.
int D2 = D + 16 ;
// the number of L_r(.,.) and min_k L_r(.,.) lines in the buffer:
// for 8-way dynamic programming we need the current row and
// for dynamic programming we need the current row and
// the previous row, i.e. 2 rows in total
const int NLR = 2 ; //4e: We assume, that we need one or more previous steps in our linear dynamic(one right here).
const int LrBorder = NLR - 1 ; //4e: for simplification of calculations we need border for taking previous dynamic solutions.
const int NLR = 2 ;
// for each possible stereo match (img1(x,y) <=> img2(x-d,y))
// we keep pixel difference cost (C) and the summary cost over NR directions (S).
// we keep pixel difference cost (C) and the summary cost over 4 directions (S).
// we also keep all the partial costs for the previous line L_r(x,d) and also min_k L_r(x, k)
size_t costBufSize = width1 * D ;
size_t CSBufSize = costBufSize * height ;
size_t minLrSize = ( width1 + LrBorder * 2 ) , LrSize = minLrSize * D2 ; //TODO: We don't need LrBorder for vertical passes and we don't need Lr buffer for horizontal passes.
size_t minLrSize = width1 , LrSize = minLrSize * D2 ;
int hsumBufNRows = SH2 * 2 + 2 ;
size_t totalBufSize = ( LrSize + minLrSize ) * NLR * sizeof ( CostType ) + // minLr[] and Lr[]
costBufSize * hsumBufNRows * sizeof ( CostType ) + // hsumBuf //4e: TODO: Why we should increase sum window height one more time?
CSBufSize * 2 * sizeof ( CostType ) + 1024 ; // C, S //4e: C is Block sum of costs, S is multidirectional dynamic sum with same size
costBufSize * hsumBufNRows * sizeof ( CostType ) + // hsumBuf
CSBufSize * 2 * sizeof ( CostType ) + 1024 ; // C, S
if ( buffer . empty ( ) | | ! buffer . isContinuous ( ) | |
buffer . cols * buffer . rows * buffer . elemSize ( ) < totalBufSize )
@ -1671,8 +1339,8 @@ static void computeDisparitySGBMParallel( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
for ( k = 0 ; k < ( int ) CSBufSize ; k + + )
Cbuf [ k ] = ( CostType ) P2 ;
parallel_for_ ( Range ( 0 , width1 ) , CalcVerticalSums ( img1 , img2 , params , Cbuf , clipTab ) ) ;
parallel_for_ ( Range ( 0 , height ) , CalcHorizontalSums ( img1 , img2 , disp1 , params , Cbuf ) ) ;
parallel_for_ ( Range ( 0 , width1 ) , CalcVerticalSums ( img1 , img2 , params , Cbuf , clipTab ) , 8 ) ;
parallel_for_ ( Range ( 0 , height ) , CalcHorizontalSums ( img1 , img2 , disp1 , params , Cbuf ) , 8 ) ;
@ -2331,7 +1999,7 @@ public:
if ( params . mode = = MODE_SGBM_3WAY )
computeDisparity3WaySGBM ( left , right , disp , params , buffers , num_stripes ) ;
else if ( params . mode = = MODE_HH4 )
computeDisparitySGBMParallel ( left , right , disp , params , buffer ) ;
computeDisparitySGBM_HH4 ( left , right , disp , params , buffer ) ;
computeDisparitySGBM ( left , right , disp , params , buffer ) ;