load multi/hyperspectral images with using gdal

edgarriba 10 years ago
parent 536634b1fe
commit 1e9bd59f07
  1. 7
  2. 67
  3. 8

@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ returns an empty matrix ( Mat::data==NULL ). Currently, the following file forma
- TIFF files - \*.tiff, \*.tif (see the *Notes* section)
- OpenEXR Image files - \*.exr (see the *Notes* section)
- Radiance HDR - \*.hdr, \*.pic (always supported)
- Raster and Vector geospatial data supported by Gdal (see the *Notes* section)
@ -128,6 +129,10 @@ returns an empty matrix ( Mat::data==NULL ). Currently, the following file forma
codecs supplied with an OS image. Install the relevant packages (do not forget the development
files, for example, "libjpeg-dev", in Debian\* and Ubuntu\*) to get the codec support or turn
on the OPENCV_BUILD_3RDPARTY_LIBS flag in CMake.
- In the case you set *WITH_GDAL* flag to true in CMake and @ref IMREAD_LOAD_GDAL to load the image,
then [GDAL](http://www.gdal.org) driver will be used in order to decode the image by supporting
the following formats: [Raster](http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html),
@note In the case of color images, the decoded images will have the channels stored in B G R order.
@ -257,4 +262,4 @@ CV_EXPORTS_W bool imencode( const String& ext, InputArray img,
} // cv

@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ int gdal2opencv( const GDALDataType& gdalType, const int& channels ){
if( channels == 1 ){ return CV_8UC1; }
if( channels == 3 ){ return CV_8UC3; }
if( channels == 4 ){ return CV_8UC4; }
else { return CV_8UC(channels); }
return -1;
/// UInt16
@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ int gdal2opencv( const GDALDataType& gdalType, const int& channels ){
if( channels == 1 ){ return CV_16UC1; }
if( channels == 3 ){ return CV_16UC3; }
if( channels == 4 ){ return CV_16UC4; }
else { return CV_16UC(channels); }
return -1;
/// Int16
@ -121,6 +123,7 @@ int gdal2opencv( const GDALDataType& gdalType, const int& channels ){
if( channels == 1 ){ return CV_16SC1; }
if( channels == 3 ){ return CV_16SC3; }
if( channels == 4 ){ return CV_16SC4; }
else { return CV_16SC(channels); }
return -1;
/// UInt32
@ -129,6 +132,7 @@ int gdal2opencv( const GDALDataType& gdalType, const int& channels ){
if( channels == 1 ){ return CV_32SC1; }
if( channels == 3 ){ return CV_32SC3; }
if( channels == 4 ){ return CV_32SC4; }
else { return CV_32SC(channels); }
return -1;
@ -225,58 +229,58 @@ void write_pixel( const double& pixelValue,
// input: 1 channel, output: 1 channel
if( gdalChannels == 1 && image.channels() == 1 ){
if( image.depth() == CV_8U ){ image.at<uchar>(row,col) = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16U ){ image.at<unsigned short>(row,col) = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16S ){ image.at<short>(row,col) = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32S ){ image.at<int>(row,col) = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32F ){ image.at<float>(row,col) = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_64F ){ image.at<double>(row,col) = newValue; }
if( image.depth() == CV_8U ){ image.ptr<uchar>(row)[col] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16U ){ image.ptr<unsigned short>(row)[col] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16S ){ image.ptr<short>(row)[col] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32S ){ image.ptr<int>(row)[col] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32F ){ image.ptr<float>(row)[col] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_64F ){ image.ptr<double>(row)[col] = newValue; }
else{ throw std::runtime_error("Unknown image depth, gdal: 1, img: 1"); }
// input: 1 channel, output: 3 channel
else if( gdalChannels == 1 && image.channels() == 3 ){
if( image.depth() == CV_8U ){ image.at<Vec3b>(row,col) = Vec3b(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16U ){ image.at<Vec3s>(row,col) = Vec3s(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16S ){ image.at<Vec3s>(row,col) = Vec3s(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32S ){ image.at<Vec3i>(row,col) = Vec3i(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32F ){ image.at<Vec3f>(row,col) = Vec3f(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else if( image.depth() == CV_64F ){ image.at<Vec3d>(row,col) = Vec3d(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
if( image.depth() == CV_8U ){ image.ptr<Vec3b>(row)[col] = Vec3b(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16U ){ image.ptr<Vec3s>(row)[col] = Vec3s(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16S ){ image.ptr<Vec3s>(row)[col] = Vec3s(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32S ){ image.ptr<Vec3i>(row)[col] = Vec3i(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32F ){ image.ptr<Vec3f>(row)[col] = Vec3f(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else if( image.depth() == CV_64F ){ image.ptr<Vec3d>(row)[col] = Vec3d(newValue,newValue,newValue); }
else{ throw std::runtime_error("Unknown image depth, gdal:1, img: 3"); }
// input: 3 channel, output: 1 channel
else if( gdalChannels == 3 && image.channels() == 1 ){
if( image.depth() == CV_8U ){ image.at<uchar>(row,col) += (newValue/3.0); }
if( image.depth() == CV_8U ){ image.ptr<uchar>(row)[col] += (newValue/3.0); }
else{ throw std::runtime_error("Unknown image depth, gdal:3, img: 1"); }
// input: 4 channel, output: 1 channel
else if( gdalChannels == 4 && image.channels() == 1 ){
if( image.depth() == CV_8U ){ image.at<uchar>(row,col) = newValue; }
if( image.depth() == CV_8U ){ image.ptr<uchar>(row)[col] = newValue; }
else{ throw std::runtime_error("Unknown image depth, gdal: 4, image: 1"); }
// input: 3 channel, output: 3 channel
else if( gdalChannels == 3 && image.channels() == 3 ){
if( image.depth() == CV_8U ){ image.at<Vec3b>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16U ){ image.at<Vec3s>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16S ){ image.at<Vec3s>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32S ){ image.at<Vec3i>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32F ){ image.at<Vec3f>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_64F ){ image.at<Vec3d>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16U ){ image.ptr<Vec3s>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16S ){ image.ptr<Vec3s>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32S ){ image.ptr<Vec3i>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32F ){ image.ptr<Vec3f>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_64F ){ image.ptr<Vec3d>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else{ throw std::runtime_error("Unknown image depth, gdal: 3, image: 3"); }
// input: 4 channel, output: 3 channel
else if( gdalChannels == 4 && image.channels() == 3 ){
if( channel >= 4 ){ return; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_8U && channel < 4 ){ image.at<Vec3b>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16U && channel < 4 ){ image.at<Vec3s>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16S && channel < 4 ){ image.at<Vec3s>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32S && channel < 4 ){ image.at<Vec3i>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32F && channel < 4 ){ image.at<Vec3f>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_64F && channel < 4 ){ image.at<Vec3d>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_8U && channel < 4 ){ image.ptr<Vec3b>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16U && channel < 4 ){ image.ptr<Vec3s>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16S && channel < 4 ){ image.ptr<Vec3s>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32S && channel < 4 ){ image.ptr<Vec3i>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32F && channel < 4 ){ image.ptr<Vec3f>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_64F && channel < 4 ){ image.ptr<Vec3d>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else{ throw std::runtime_error("Unknown image depth, gdal: 4, image: 3"); }
@ -286,6 +290,16 @@ void write_pixel( const double& pixelValue,
else{ throw std::runtime_error("Unknown image depth, gdal: 4, image: 4"); }
// input: > 4 channels, output: > 4 channels
else if( gdalChannels > 4 && image.channels() > 4 ){
if( image.depth() == CV_8U ){ image.ptr<uchar>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16U ){ image.ptr<unsigned short>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_16S ){ image.ptr<short>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32S ){ image.ptr<int>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_32F ){ image.ptr<float>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else if( image.depth() == CV_64F ){ image.ptr<double>(row,col)[channel] = newValue; }
else{ throw std::runtime_error("Unknown image depth, gdal: N, img: N"); }
// otherwise, throw an error
throw std::runtime_error("error: can't convert types.");
@ -362,6 +376,7 @@ bool GdalDecoder::readData( Mat& img ){
// iterate over each raster band
// note that OpenCV does bgr rather than rgb
int nChannels = m_dataset->GetRasterCount();
GDALColorTable* gdalColorTable = NULL;
if( m_dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->GetColorTable() != NULL ){
gdalColorTable = m_dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->GetColorTable();
@ -538,4 +553,4 @@ bool GdalDecoder::checkSignature( const String& signature )const{
} /// End of cv Namespace
#endif /**< End of HAVE_GDAL Definition */
#endif /**< End of HAVE_GDAL Definition */

@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ imread_( const String& filename, int flags, int hdrtype, Mat* mat=0, int scale_d
// grab the decoded type
int type = decoder->type();
if( flags != IMREAD_UNCHANGED )
if( (flags & CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH) == 0 )
type = CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U, CV_MAT_CN(type));
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ imreadmulti_(const String& filename, int flags, std::vector<Mat>& mats)
// grab the decoded type
int type = decoder->type();
if (flags != IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
if ((flags & CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH) == 0)
type = CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U, CV_MAT_CN(type));
@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ imdecode_( const Mat& buf, int flags, int hdrtype, Mat* mat=0 )
size.height = decoder->height();
int type = decoder->type();
if( flags != IMREAD_UNCHANGED )
if( (flags & CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH) == 0 )
type = CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U, CV_MAT_CN(type));
@ -736,4 +736,4 @@ cvEncodeImage( const char* ext, const CvArr* arr, const int* _params )
return _buf;
/* End of file. */
/* End of file. */