5 changed files with 925 additions and 900 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
import sys |
from run_utils import * |
from run_suite import TestSuite |
def exe(program): |
return program + ".exe" if hostos == 'nt' else program |
class ApkInfo: |
def __init__(self): |
self.pkg_name = None |
self.pkg_target = None |
self.pkg_runner = None |
def forcePackage(self, package): |
if package: |
if package.startswith("."): |
self.pkg_target += package |
else: |
self.pkg_target = package |
#============================================================================== |
class Tool: |
def __init__(self): |
self.cmd = [] |
def run(self, args = [], silent = False): |
cmd = self.cmd[:] |
cmd.extend(args) |
return execute(self.cmd + args, silent) |
#============================================================================== |
class Adb(Tool): |
def __init__(self, sdk_dir): |
Tool.__init__(self) |
exe_path = os.path.join(sdk_dir, exe("platform-tools/adb")) |
if not os.path.isfile(exe_path) or not os.access(exe_path, os.X_OK): |
exe_path = None |
# fix adb tool location |
if not exe_path: |
exe_path = getRunningProcessExePathByName("adb") |
if not exe_path: |
exe_path = "adb" |
self.cmd = [exe_path] |
self.cpuinfo = "" |
def init(self, serial): |
# remember current device serial. Needed if another device is connected while this script runs |
if not serial: |
serial = self.detectSerial() |
if serial: |
self.cmd.extend(["-s", serial]) |
# read device cpuinfo |
self.cpuinfo =["shell", "cat /proc/cpuinfo"], silent = True) |
if not self.cpuinfo: |
raise Err("Can not get cpuinfo from Android device") |
def detectSerial(self): |
adb_res =["devices"], silent = True) |
# assume here that device name may consists of any characters except newline |
connected_devices = re.findall(r"^[^\n]+[ \t]+device\r?$", adb_res, re.MULTILINE) |
if not connected_devices: |
raise Err("Can not find Android device") |
elif len(connected_devices) != 1: |
raise Err("Too many (%s) devices are connected. Please specify single device using --serial option:\n\n%s", len(connected_devices), adb_res) |
else: |
return connected_devices[0].split("\t")[0] |
def getOSIdentifier(self): |
return "Android" +["shell", "getprop"], silent = True).strip() |
def getHardware(self): |
hw ="^Hardware[ \t]*:[ \t]*(.*?)$", self.cpuinfo, re.MULTILINE) |
if hw: |
return |
def checkArmHardware(self, expected_abi): |
if expected_abi and "armeabi-v7a" in expected_abi: |
if "ARMv7" not in self.cpuinfo: |
raise Err("Android device does not support ARMv7 commands, but tests are built for armeabi-v7a") |
if "NEON" in expected_abi and "neon" not in self.cpuinfo: |
raise Err("Android device has no NEON, but tests are built for %s", expected_abi) |
#============================================================================== |
class Aapt(Tool): |
def __init__(self, sdk_dir): |
Tool.__init__(self) |
aapt_fn = exe("aapt") |
aapt = None |
for r, ds, fs in os.walk( os.path.join(sdk_dir, 'build-tools') ): |
if aapt_fn in fs: |
aapt = os.path.join(r, aapt_fn) |
break |
if not aapt: |
raise Err("Can not find aapt tool: %s", aapt_fn) |
self.cmd = [aapt] |
def dump(self, exe): |
res = ApkInfo() |
output =["dump", "xmltree", exe, "AndroidManifest.xml"], silent = True) |
if not output: |
raise Err("Can not dump manifest from %s", exe) |
tags = re.split(r"[ ]+E: ", output) |
# get package name |
manifest_tag = [t for t in tags if t.startswith("manifest ")] |
if not manifest_tag: |
raise Err("Can not read package name from: %s", exe) |
res.pkg_name ="^[ ]+A: package=\"(?P<pkg>.*?)\" \(Raw: \"(?P=pkg)\"\)\r?$", manifest_tag[0], flags=re.MULTILINE).group("pkg") |
# get test instrumentation info |
instrumentation_tag = [t for t in tags if t.startswith("instrumentation ")] |
if not instrumentation_tag: |
raise Err("Can not find instrumentation detials in: %s", exe) |
res.pkg_runner ="^[ ]+A: android:name\(0x[0-9a-f]{8}\)=\"(?P<runner>.*?)\" \(Raw: \"(?P=runner)\"\)\r?$", instrumentation_tag[0], flags=re.MULTILINE).group("runner") |
res.pkg_target ="^[ ]+A: android:targetPackage\(0x[0-9a-f]{8}\)=\"(?P<pkg>.*?)\" \(Raw: \"(?P=pkg)\"\)\r?$", instrumentation_tag[0], flags=re.MULTILINE).group("pkg") |
if not res.pkg_name or not res.pkg_runner or not res.pkg_target: |
raise Err("Can not find instrumentation detials in: %s", exe) |
return res |
#=================================================================================================== |
class AndroidTestSuite(TestSuite): |
def __init__(self, options, cache, android_env = {}): |
TestSuite.__init__(self, options, cache) |
sdk_dir = options.android_sdk or os.environ.get("ANDROID_SDK", False) or os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(self.cache.android_executable)) |
log.debug("Detecting Android tools in directory: %s", sdk_dir) |
self.adb = Adb(sdk_dir) |
self.aapt = Aapt(sdk_dir) |
self.env = android_env |
def isTest(self, fullpath): |
if os.path.isfile(fullpath): |
if fullpath.endswith(".apk") or os.access(fullpath, os.X_OK): |
return True |
return False |
def getOS(self): |
return self.adb.getOSIdentifier() |
def getHardware(self): |
return [self.adb.getHardware()] |
def checkPrerequisites(self): |
self.adb.init(self.options.serial) |
self.adb.checkArmHardware(self.cache.android_abi) |
def runTest(self, path, logfile, workingDir, args = []): |
args = args[:] |
exe = os.path.abspath(path) |
if exe.endswith(".apk"): |
info = self.aapt.dump(exe) |
if not info: |
raise Err("Can not read info from test package: %s", exe) |
info.forcePackage(self.options.package) |
|["uninstall", info.pkg_name]) |
output =["install", exe], silent = True) |
if not (output and "Success" in output): |
raise Err("Can not install package: %s", exe) |
params = ["-e package %s" % info.pkg_target] |
ret =["shell", "am instrument -w %s %s/%s" % (" ".join(params), info.pkg_name, info.pkg_runner)]) |
return None, ret |
else: |
device_dir = getpass.getuser().replace(" ","") + "_" + self.options.mode +"/" |
if isColorEnabled(args): |
args.append("--gtest_color=yes") |
tempdir = "/data/local/tmp/" |
android_dir = tempdir + device_dir |
exename = os.path.basename(exe) |
android_exe = android_dir + exename |
|["push", exe, android_exe]) |
|["shell", "chmod 777 " + android_exe]) |
env_pieces = ["export %s=%s" % (a,b) for a,b in self.env.items()] |
pieces = ["cd %s" % android_dir, "./%s %s" % (exename, " ".join(args))] |
log.warning("Run: %s" % " && ".join(pieces)) |
ret =["shell", " && ".join(env_pieces + pieces)]) |
# try get log |
hostlogpath = os.path.join(workingDir, logfile) |
|["pull", android_dir + logfile, hostlogpath]) |
# cleanup |
|["shell", "rm " + android_dir + logfile]) |
|["shell", "rm " + tempdir + "__opencv_temp.*"], silent = True) |
if os.path.isfile(hostlogpath): |
return hostlogpath, ret |
return None, ret |
#=================================================================================================== |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
log.error("This is utility file, please execute script") |
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
import datetime |
from run_utils import * |
class TestSuite(object): |
def __init__(self, options, cache): |
self.options = options |
self.cache = cache |
self.nameprefix = "opencv_" + self.options.mode + "_" |
self.tests = self.cache.gatherTests(self.nameprefix + "*", self.isTest) |
def getOS(self): |
return getPlatformVersion() or self.cache.getOS() |
def getHardware(self): |
res = [] |
if self.cache.getArch() in ["x86", "x64"] and self.cache.withCuda(): |
res.append("CUDA") |
return res |
def getLogName(self, app, timestamp): |
app = self.getAlias(app) |
rev = self.cache.getGitVersion() |
if isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime): |
timestamp = timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") |
if self.options.longname: |
small_pieces = [self.getOS(), self.cache.getArch()] + self.cache.getDependencies() + self.getHardware() + [self.cache.getSIMDFeatures()] |
big_pieces = [app, str(rev), timestamp, "_".join([p for p in small_pieces if p])] |
l = "__".join(big_pieces) |
else: |
pieces = [app, self.cache.getOS(), self.cache.getArch()] + self.getHardware() + [rev, timestamp] |
lname = "_".join([p for p in pieces if p]) |
lname = re.sub(r'[\(\)\[\]\s,]', '_', lname) |
l = re.sub(r'_+', '_', lname) |
return l + ".xml" |
def listTests(self, short = False, main = False): |
if len(self.tests) == 0: |
raise Err("No tests found") |
for t in self.tests: |
if short: |
t = self.getAlias(t) |
if not main or self.cache.isMainModule(t): |
|"%s", t) |
def getAlias(self, fname): |
return sorted(self.getAliases(fname), key = len)[0] |
def getAliases(self, fname): |
# input is full path ('/home/.../bin/opencv_test_core') or 'java' |
res = [fname] |
fname = os.path.basename(fname) |
res.append(fname) # filename (opencv_test_core.exe) |
noext = re.sub(r"\.(exe|apk)$", '', fname) |
res.append(noext) # filename w/o extension (opencv_test_core) |
nopref = None |
if fname.startswith(self.nameprefix): |
nopref = fname[len(self.nameprefix):] |
res.append(nopref) # filename w/o prefix (core) |
if noext.startswith(self.nameprefix): |
res.append(noext[len(self.nameprefix):]) |
if self.options.configuration == "Debug": |
res.append(re.sub(r"d$", '', noext)) # MSVC debug config, remove 'd' suffix |
if nopref: |
res.append(re.sub(r"d$", '', nopref)) # MSVC debug config, remove 'd' suffix |
return set(res) |
def getTest(self, name): |
# return stored test name by provided alias |
for t in self.tests: |
if name in self.getAliases(t): |
return t |
raise Err("Can not find test: %s", name) |
def getTestList(self, white, black): |
res = [t for t in white or self.tests if self.getAlias(t) not in black] |
if len(res) == 0: |
raise Err("No tests found") |
return set(res) |
def isTest(self, fullpath): |
if fullpath == "java": |
return True |
if not os.path.isfile(fullpath): |
return False |
if self.cache.getOS() == "nt" and not fullpath.endswith(".exe"): |
return False |
return os.access(fullpath, os.X_OK) |
def wrapInValgrind(self, cmd = []): |
if self.options.valgrind: |
res = ['valgrind'] |
if self.options.valgrind_supp: |
res.append("--suppressions=%s" % self.options.valgrind_supp) |
res.extend(self.options.valgrind_opt) |
return res + cmd |
return cmd |
def runTest(self, path, logfile, workingDir, args = []): |
args = args[:] |
exe = os.path.abspath(path) |
if path == "java": |
cfg = self.cache.build_type |
if self.options.configuration: |
cfg = self.options.configuration |
cmd = [self.cache.ant_executable, "" % cfg, "buildAndTest"] |
ret = execute(cmd, cwd = self.cache.java_test_binary_dir + "/.build") |
return None, ret |
else: |
if isColorEnabled(args): |
args.append("--gtest_color=yes") |
cmd = self.wrapInValgrind([exe] + args) |
tempDir = TempEnvDir('OPENCV_TEMP_PATH', "__opencv_temp.") |
tempDir.init() |
log.warning("Run: %s" % " ".join(cmd)) |
ret = execute(cmd, cwd = workingDir) |
tempDir.clean() |
hostlogpath = os.path.join(workingDir, logfile) |
if os.path.isfile(hostlogpath): |
return hostlogpath, ret |
return None, ret |
def checkPrerequisites(self): |
if self.cache.getArch() == "x64" and hostmachine == "x86": |
raise Err("Target architecture is incompatible with current platform") |
def runTests(self, tests, black, workingDir, args = []): |
self.checkPrerequisites() |
args = args[:] |
logs = [] |
test_list = self.getTestList(tests, black) |
date = |
if len(test_list) != 1: |
args = [a for a in args if not a.startswith("--gtest_output=")] |
ret = 0 |
for test in test_list: |
more_args = [] |
exe = self.getTest(test) |
userlog = [a for a in args if a.startswith("--gtest_output=")] |
if len(userlog) == 0: |
logname = self.getLogName(exe, date) |
more_args.append("--gtest_output=xml:" + logname) |
else: |
logname = userlog[0][userlog[0].find(":")+1:] |
log.debug("Running the test: %s (%s) ==> %s in %s", exe, args + more_args, logname, workingDir) |
if self.options.dry_run: |
logfile, r = None, 0 |
else: |
logfile, r = self.runTest(exe, logname, workingDir, args + more_args) |
log.debug("Test returned: %s ==> %s", r, logfile) |
if r != 0: |
ret = r |
if logfile: |
logs.append(os.path.relpath(logfile, workingDir)) |
return logs, ret |
#=================================================================================================== |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
log.error("This is utility file, please execute script") |
@ -0,0 +1,447 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
import sys, os, platform, re, tempfile, glob, getpass, logging |
from subprocess import check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError, STDOUT |
hostos = # 'nt', 'posix' |
hostmachine = platform.machine() # 'x86', 'AMD64', 'x86_64' |
def initLogger(): |
l = logging.getLogger("") |
l.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) |
ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) |
ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(message)s")) |
l.addHandler(ch) |
return l |
log = initLogger() |
#=================================================================================================== |
class Err(Exception): |
def __init__(self, msg, *args): |
self.msg = msg % args |
def execute(cmd, silent = False, cwd = "."): |
try: |
log.debug("Run: %s", cmd) |
if silent: |
return check_output(cmd, stderr = STDOUT, cwd = cwd).decode("latin-1") |
else: |
return check_call(cmd, cwd = cwd) |
except CalledProcessError as e: |
if silent: |
log.debug("Process returned: %d", e.returncode) |
return e.output.decode("latin-1") |
else: |
log.error("Process returned: %d", e.returncode) |
return e.returncode |
def isColorEnabled(args): |
usercolor = [a for a in args if a.startswith("--gtest_color=")] |
return len(usercolor) == 0 and sys.stdout.isatty() and hostos != "nt" |
#=================================================================================================== |
def getPlatformVersion(): |
mv = platform.mac_ver() |
if mv[0]: |
return "Darwin" + mv[0] |
else: |
wv = platform.win32_ver() |
if wv[0]: |
return "Windows" + wv[0] |
else: |
lv = platform.linux_distribution() |
if lv[0]: |
return lv[0] + lv[1] |
return None |
def readGitVersion(git, path): |
if not path or not git or not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ".git")): |
return None |
try: |
output = execute([git, "-C", path, "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"], silent = True) |
return output.strip() |
except OSError: |
log.warning("Git version read failed") |
return None |
#if __SSE5__ |
# error SSE5 |
#endif |
#if __AVX2__ |
# error AVX2 |
#endif |
#if __AVX__ |
# error AVX |
#endif |
#if __SSE4_2__ |
# error SSE4.2 |
#endif |
#if __SSE4_1__ |
# error SSE4.1 |
#endif |
#if __SSSE3__ |
# error SSSE3 |
#endif |
#if __SSE3__ |
# error SSE3 |
#endif |
#if __AES__ |
# error AES |
#endif |
#if __SSE2__ |
# error SSE2 |
#endif |
#if __SSE__ |
# error SSE |
#endif |
#if __3dNOW__ |
# error 3dNOW |
#endif |
#if __MMX__ |
# error MMX |
#endif |
#if __ARM_NEON__ |
# error NEON |
#endif |
#error NOSIMD |
""" |
def testSIMD(compiler, cxx_flags, compiler_arg = None): |
if not compiler: |
return None |
compiler_output = "" |
try: |
_, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".cpp", text = True) |
with open(tmpfile, "w+") as fd: |
options = [compiler] |
if compiler_arg: |
options.append(compiler_arg) |
prev_option = None |
for opt in " ".join(cxx_flags).split(): |
if opt.count('\"') % 2 == 1: |
if prev_option is None: |
prev_option = opt |
else: |
options.append(prev_option + " " + opt) |
prev_option = None |
elif prev_option is None: |
options.append(opt) |
else: |
prev_option = prev_option + " " + opt |
options.append(tmpfile) |
compiler_output = execute(options, silent = True) |
os.remove(tmpfile) |
m ="#error\W+(\w+)", compiler_output) |
if m: |
return |
except OSError: |
pass |
log.debug("SIMD detection failed") |
return None |
#============================================================================== |
parse_patterns = ( |
{'name': "cmake_home", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY:INTERNAL=(.+)$")}, |
{'name': "opencv_home", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=(.+)$")}, |
{'name': "opencv_build", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^OpenCV_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=(.+)$")}, |
{'name': "tests_dir", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH:PATH=(.+)$")}, |
{'name': "build_type", 'default': "Release", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=(.*)$")}, |
{'name': "git_executable", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^GIT_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=(.*)$")}, |
{'name': "cxx_flags", 'default': "", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=(.*)$")}, |
{'name': "cxx_flags_debug", 'default': "", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING=(.*)$")}, |
{'name': "cxx_flags_release", 'default': "", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING=(.*)$")}, |
{'name': "opencv_cxx_flags", 'default': "", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^OPENCV_EXTRA_C_FLAGS:INTERNAL=(.*)$")}, |
{'name': "cxx_flags_android", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^ANDROID_CXX_FLAGS:INTERNAL=(.*)$")}, |
{'name': "android_abi", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^ANDROID_ABI:STRING=(.*)$")}, |
{'name': "android_executable", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^ANDROID_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=(.*android.*)$")}, |
{'name': "ant_executable", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^ANT_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=(.*ant.*)$")}, |
{'name': "java_test_binary_dir", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^opencv_test_java_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=(.*)$")}, |
{'name': "is_x64", 'default': "OFF", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CUDA_64_BIT_DEVICE_CODE:BOOL=(ON)$")},#ugly( |
{'name': "cmake_generator", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_GENERATOR:INTERNAL=(.+)$")}, |
{'name': "cxx_compiler", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:\w*PATH=(.+)$")}, |
{'name': "cxx_compiler_arg1", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ARG1:[A-Z]+=(.+)$")}, |
{'name': "with_cuda", 'default': "OFF", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^WITH_CUDA:BOOL=(ON)$")}, |
{'name': "cuda_library", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CUDA_CUDA_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=(.+)$")}, |
{'name': "cuda_version", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CUDA_VERSION:STRING=(.+)$")}, |
{'name': "core_dependencies", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^opencv_core_LIB_DEPENDS:STATIC=(.+)$")}, |
) |
class CMakeCache: |
def __init__(self): |
self.setDefaultAttrs() |
self.cmake_home_vcver = None |
self.opencv_home_vcver = None |
self.featuresSIMD = None |
self.main_modules = [] |
def setDummy(self, path): |
self.tests_dir = os.path.normpath(path) |
def read(self, path, fname, cfg): |
rx = re.compile(r'^opencv_(\w+)_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=(.*)$') |
module_paths = {} # name -> path |
with open(fname, "rt") as cachefile: |
for l in cachefile.readlines(): |
ll = l.strip() |
if not ll or ll.startswith("#"): |
continue |
for p in parse_patterns: |
match = p["pattern"].match(ll) |
if match: |
value = match.groups()[0] |
if value and not value.endswith("-NOTFOUND"): |
setattr(self, p["name"], value) |
# log.debug("cache value: %s = %s", p["name"], value) |
match = |
if match: |
module_paths[] = |
if not self.tests_dir: |
self.tests_dir = path |
else: |
rel = os.path.relpath(self.tests_dir, self.opencv_build) |
self.tests_dir = os.path.join(path, rel) |
self.tests_dir = os.path.normpath(self.tests_dir) |
# fix VS test binary path (add Debug or Release) |
if "Visual Studio" in self.cmake_generator: |
if cfg: |
self.tests_dir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, self.options.configuration) |
else: |
self.tests_dir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, self.build_type) |
self.cmake_home_vcver = readGitVersion(self.git_executable, self.cmake_home) |
if self.opencv_home == self.cmake_home: |
self.opencv_home_vcver = self.cmake_home_vcver |
else: |
self.opencv_home_vcver = readGitVersion(self.git_executable, self.opencv_home) |
for module,path in module_paths.items(): |
rel = os.path.relpath(path, self.opencv_home) |
if not ".." in rel: |
self.main_modules.append(module) |
self.flags = [ |
self.cxx_flags_android, |
self.cxx_flags, |
self.cxx_flags_release, |
self.opencv_cxx_flags, |
self.cxx_flags_release] |
self.flags = [f for f in self.flags if f] |
self.featuresSIMD = testSIMD(self.cxx_compiler, self.flags, self.cxx_compiler_arg1) |
def setDefaultAttrs(self): |
for p in parse_patterns: |
setattr(self, p["name"], p["default"]) |
def gatherTests(self, mask, isGood = None): |
if self.tests_dir and os.path.isdir(self.tests_dir): |
d = os.path.abspath(self.tests_dir) |
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(d, mask)) |
if not self.getOS() == "android" and self.withJava(): |
files.append("java") |
return [f for f in files if isGood(f)] |
return [] |
def isMainModule(self, name): |
return name in self.main_modules |
def withCuda(self): |
return self.cuda_version and self.with_cuda == "ON" and self.cuda_library and not self.cuda_library.endswith("-NOTFOUND") |
def withJava(self): |
return self.ant_executable and self.java_test_binary_dir |
def getGitVersion(self): |
if self.cmake_home_vcver: |
if self.cmake_home_vcver == self.opencv_home_vcver: |
rev = self.cmake_home_vcver |
elif self.opencv_home_vcver: |
rev = self.cmake_home_vcver + "-" + self.opencv_home_vcver |
else: |
rev = self.cmake_home_vcver |
else: |
rev = None |
if rev: |
rev = rev.replace(":","to") |
else: |
rev = "" |
return rev |
def getTestFullName(self, shortname): |
return os.path.join(self.tests_dir, shortname) |
def getSIMDFeatures(self): |
return self.featuresSIMD |
def getOS(self): |
if self.android_executable: |
return "android" |
else: |
return hostos |
def getArch(self): |
arch = "unknown" |
if self.getOS() == "android": |
if "armeabi-v7a" in self.android_abi: |
arch = "armv7a" |
elif "armeabi-v6" in self.android_abi: |
arch = "armv6" |
elif "armeabi" in self.android_abi: |
arch = "armv5te" |
elif "x86" in self.android_abi: |
arch = "x86" |
elif "mips" in self.android_abi: |
arch = "mips" |
else: |
arch = "ARM" |
elif self.is_x64 and hostmachine in ["AMD64", "x86_64"]: |
arch = "x64" |
elif hostmachine in ["x86", "AMD64", "x86_64"]: |
arch = "x86" |
return arch |
def getDependencies(self): |
if self.core_dependencies: |
candidates = ["tbb", "ippicv", "ipp", "pthreads"] |
return [a for a in self.core_dependencies.split(";") if a and a in candidates] |
return [] |
#============================================================================== |
def getRunningProcessExePathByName_win32(name): |
from ctypes import windll, POINTER, pointer, Structure, sizeof |
from ctypes import c_long , c_int , c_uint , c_char , c_ubyte , c_char_p , c_void_p |
class PROCESSENTRY32(Structure): |
_fields_ = [ ( 'dwSize' , c_uint ) , |
( 'cntUsage' , c_uint) , |
( 'th32ProcessID' , c_uint) , |
( 'th32DefaultHeapID' , c_uint) , |
( 'th32ModuleID' , c_uint) , |
( 'cntThreads' , c_uint) , |
( 'th32ParentProcessID' , c_uint) , |
( 'pcPriClassBase' , c_long) , |
( 'dwFlags' , c_uint) , |
( 'szExeFile' , c_char * 260 ) , |
( 'th32MemoryBase' , c_long) , |
( 'th32AccessKey' , c_long ) ] |
class MODULEENTRY32(Structure): |
_fields_ = [ ( 'dwSize' , c_long ) , |
( 'th32ModuleID' , c_long ), |
( 'th32ProcessID' , c_long ), |
( 'GlblcntUsage' , c_long ), |
( 'ProccntUsage' , c_long ) , |
( 'modBaseAddr' , c_long ) , |
( 'modBaseSize' , c_long ) , |
( 'hModule' , c_void_p ) , |
( 'szModule' , c_char * 256 ), |
( 'szExePath' , c_char * 260 ) ] |
TH32CS_SNAPMODULE = 0x00000008 |
## CreateToolhelp32Snapshot |
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot= windll.kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot |
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.reltype = c_long |
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.argtypes = [ c_int , c_int ] |
## Process32First |
Process32First = windll.kernel32.Process32First |
Process32First.argtypes = [ c_void_p , POINTER( PROCESSENTRY32 ) ] |
Process32First.rettype = c_int |
## Process32Next |
Process32Next = windll.kernel32.Process32Next |
Process32Next.argtypes = [ c_void_p , POINTER(PROCESSENTRY32) ] |
Process32Next.rettype = c_int |
## CloseHandle |
CloseHandle = windll.kernel32.CloseHandle |
CloseHandle.argtypes = [ c_void_p ] |
CloseHandle.rettype = c_int |
## Module32First |
Module32First = windll.kernel32.Module32First |
Module32First.argtypes = [ c_void_p , POINTER(MODULEENTRY32) ] |
Module32First.rettype = c_int |
hProcessSnap = c_void_p(0) |
hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS , 0 ) |
pe32 = PROCESSENTRY32() |
pe32.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 ) |
ret = Process32First( hProcessSnap , pointer( pe32 ) ) |
path = None |
while ret : |
if name + ".exe" == pe32.szExeFile: |
hModuleSnap = c_void_p(0) |
me32 = MODULEENTRY32() |
me32.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY32 ) |
hModuleSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pe32.th32ProcessID ) |
ret = Module32First( hModuleSnap, pointer(me32) ) |
path = me32.szExePath |
CloseHandle( hModuleSnap ) |
if path: |
break |
ret = Process32Next( hProcessSnap, pointer(pe32) ) |
CloseHandle( hProcessSnap ) |
return path |
def getRunningProcessExePathByName_posix(name): |
pids= [pid for pid in os.listdir('/proc') if pid.isdigit()] |
for pid in pids: |
try: |
path = os.readlink(os.path.join('/proc', pid, 'exe')) |
if path and path.endswith(name): |
return path |
except: |
pass |
def getRunningProcessExePathByName(name): |
try: |
if hostos == "nt": |
return getRunningProcessExePathByName_win32(name) |
elif hostos == "posix": |
return getRunningProcessExePathByName_posix(name) |
else: |
return None |
except: |
return None |
class TempEnvDir: |
def __init__(self, envname, prefix): |
self.envname = envname |
self.prefix = prefix |
self.saved_name = None |
self.new_name = None |
def init(self): |
self.saved_name = os.environ.get(self.envname) |
self.new_name = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=self.prefix, dir=self.saved_name or None) |
os.environ[self.envname] = self.new_name |
def clean(self): |
if self.saved_name: |
os.environ[self.envname] = self.saved_name |
else: |
del os.environ[self.envname] |
try: |
shutil.rmtree(self.new_name) |
except: |
pass |
#=================================================================================================== |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
log.error("This is utility file, please execute script") |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
{ |
IPP static init |
Memcheck:Cond |
fun:ippicvGetCpuFeatures |
fun:ippicvStaticInit |
} |
Reference in new issue