message(WARNING"InferenceEngine version has not been set, 2021.3 will be used by default. Set INF_ENGINE_RELEASE variable if you experience build errors.")
message(WARNING"InferenceEngine version has not been set, 2021.3 will be used by default. Set INF_ENGINE_RELEASE variable if you experience build errors.")
set(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE"2021030000"CACHESTRING"Force IE version, should be in form YYYYAABBCC (e.g. 2020.1.0.2 -> 2020010002)")
set(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE"${INF_ENGINE_RELEASE}"CACHESTRING"Force IE version, should be in form YYYYAABBCC (e.g. 2020.1.0.2 -> 2020010002)")