diff --git a/doc/tutorials/app/orbbec_astra.markdown b/doc/tutorials/app/orbbec_astra.markdown
index b95053b8ea..01a685db57 100644
--- a/doc/tutorials/app/orbbec_astra.markdown
+++ b/doc/tutorials/app/orbbec_astra.markdown
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Using Orbbec Astra 3D cameras {#tutorial_orbbec_astra}
### Introduction
-This tutorial is devoted to the Astra Series of Orbbec 3D cameras (https://orbbec3d.com/product-astra-pro/).
+This tutorial is devoted to the Astra Series of Orbbec 3D cameras (https://orbbec3d.com/index/Product/info.html?cate=38&id=36).
That cameras have a depth sensor in addition to a common color sensor. The depth sensors can be read using
the open source OpenNI API with @ref cv::VideoCapture class. The video stream is provided through the regular
camera interface.
@@ -18,9 +18,11 @@ camera interface.
In order to use the Astra camera's depth sensor with OpenCV you should do the following steps:
--# Download the latest version of Orbbec OpenNI SDK (from here ).
+-# Download the latest version of Orbbec OpenNI SDK (from here ).
Unzip the archive, choose the build according to your operating system and follow installation
- steps provided in the Readme file. For instance, if you use 64bit GNU/Linux run:
+ steps provided in the Readme file.
+-# For instance, if you use 64bit GNU/Linux run:
$ cd Linux/OpenNI-Linux-x64-
$ sudo ./install.sh
@@ -31,17 +33,44 @@ In order to use the Astra camera's depth sensor with OpenCV you should do the fo
$ source OpenNIDevEnvironment
--# Run the following commands to verify that OpenNI library and header files can be found. You should see
- something similar in your terminal:
+ To verify that the source command works and OpenNI library and header files can be found, run the following
+ command and you should see something similar in your terminal:
- If the above two variables are empty, then you need to source `OpenNIDevEnvironment` again. Now you can
- configure OpenCV with OpenNI support enabled by setting the `WITH_OPENNI2` flag in CMake.
+ If the above two variables are empty, then you need to source `OpenNIDevEnvironment` again.
+ @note Orbbec OpenNI SDK version and newer does not provide `install.sh` any more.
+ You can use the following script to initialize environment:
+ @code{.text}
+ # Check if user is root/running with sudo
+ if [ `whoami` != root ]; then
+ echo Please run this script with sudo
+ exit
+ fi
+ ORIG_PATH=`pwd`
+ cd `dirname $0`
+ if [ "`uname -s`" != "Darwin" ]; then
+ # Install UDEV rules for USB device
+ cp ${SCRIPT_PATH}/orbbec-usb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/558-orbbec-usb.rules
+ echo "usb rules file install at /etc/udev/rules.d/558-orbbec-usb.rules"
+ fi
+ OUT_FILE="$SCRIPT_PATH/OpenNIDevEnvironment"
+ echo "export OPENNI2_INCLUDE=$SCRIPT_PATH/../sdk/Include" > $OUT_FILE
+ echo "export OPENNI2_REDIST=$SCRIPT_PATH/../sdk/libs" >> $OUT_FILE
+ chmod a+r $OUT_FILE
+ echo "exit"
+ @endcode
+-# Now you can configure OpenCV with OpenNI support enabled by setting the `WITH_OPENNI2` flag in CMake.
You may also like to enable the `BUILD_EXAMPLES` flag to get a code sample working with your Astra camera.
Run the following commands in the directory containing OpenCV source code to enable OpenNI support: