@ -323,17 +323,34 @@ double cv::computeECC(InputArray templateImage, InputArray inputImage, InputArra
Scalar meanTemplate , sdTemplate ;
int active_pixels = inputMask . empty ( ) ? templateImage . size ( ) . area ( ) : countNonZero ( inputMask ) ;
int type = templateImage . type ( ) ;
meanStdDev ( templateImage , meanTemplate , sdTemplate , inputMask ) ;
Mat templateImage_zeromean = Mat : : zeros ( templateImage . size ( ) , templateImage . type ( ) ) ;
subtract ( templateImage , meanTemplate , templateImage_zeromean , inputMask ) ;
Mat templateMat = templateImage . getMat ( ) ;
Mat inputMat = inputImage . getMat ( ) ;
* For unsigned ints , when the mean is computed and subtracted , any values less than the mean
* will be set to 0 ( since there are no negatives values ) . This impacts the norm and dot product , which
* ultimately results in an incorrect ECC . To circumvent this problem , if unsigned ints are provided ,
* we convert them to a signed ints with larger resolution for the subtraction step .
if ( type = = CV_8U | | type = = CV_16U ) {
int newType = type = = CV_8U ? CV_16S : CV_32S ;
Mat templateMatConverted , inputMatConverted ;
templateMat . convertTo ( templateMatConverted , newType ) ;
cv : : swap ( templateMat , templateMatConverted ) ;
inputMat . convertTo ( inputMatConverted , newType ) ;
cv : : swap ( inputMat , inputMatConverted ) ;
subtract ( templateMat , meanTemplate , templateImage_zeromean , inputMask ) ;
double templateImagenorm = std : : sqrt ( active_pixels * sdTemplate . val [ 0 ] * sdTemplate . val [ 0 ] ) ;
Scalar meanInput , sdInput ;
Mat inputImage_zeromean = Mat : : zeros ( inputImage . size ( ) , inputImage . type ( ) ) ;
meanStdDev ( inputImage , meanInput , sdInput , inputMask ) ;
subtract ( inputImage , meanInput , inputImage_zeromean , inputMask ) ;
subtract ( inputMat , meanInput , inputImage_zeromean , inputMask ) ;
double inputImagenorm = std : : sqrt ( active_pixels * sdInput . val [ 0 ] * sdInput . val [ 0 ] ) ;
return templateImage_zeromean . dot ( inputImage_zeromean ) / ( templateImagenorm * inputImagenorm ) ;