@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ AKAZEFeatures::AKAZEFeatures(const AKAZEOptions& options) : options_(options) {
ncycles_ = 0 ;
reordering_ = true ;
if ( options_ . descriptor_size > 0 & & options_ . descriptor > = MLDB_UPRIGHT ) {
if ( options_ . descriptor_size > 0 & & options_ . descriptor > = cv : : AKAZE : : DESCRIPTOR_MLDB_UPRIGHT )
generateDescriptorSubsample ( descriptorSamples_ , descriptorBits_ , options_ . descriptor_size ,
options_ . descriptor_pattern_size , options_ . descriptor_channels ) ;
@ -124,16 +125,16 @@ int AKAZEFeatures::Create_Nonlinear_Scale_Space(const cv::Mat& img)
// Compute the conductivity equation
switch ( options_ . diffusivity ) {
case PM_G1 :
case AKAZEOptions : : PM_G1 :
pm_g1 ( evolution_ [ i ] . Lx , evolution_ [ i ] . Ly , evolution_ [ i ] . Lflow , options_ . kcontrast ) ;
break ;
case PM_G2 :
case AKAZEOptions : : PM_G2 :
pm_g2 ( evolution_ [ i ] . Lx , evolution_ [ i ] . Ly , evolution_ [ i ] . Lflow , options_ . kcontrast ) ;
break ;
case AKAZEOptions : : WEICKERT :
weickert_diffusivity ( evolution_ [ i ] . Lx , evolution_ [ i ] . Ly , evolution_ [ i ] . Lflow , options_ . kcontrast ) ;
break ;
case AKAZEOptions : : CHARBONNIER :
charbonnier_diffusivity ( evolution_ [ i ] . Lx , evolution_ [ i ] . Ly , evolution_ [ i ] . Lflow , options_ . kcontrast ) ;
break ;
default :
@ -170,8 +171,8 @@ class MultiscaleDerivativesInvoker : public cv::ParallelLoopBody
public :
explicit MultiscaleDerivativesInvoker ( std : : vector < TEvolution > & ev , const AKAZEOptions & opt )
: evolution_ ( & ev )
, options_ ( opt )
: evolution_ ( & ev )
, options_ ( opt )
@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ private:
void AKAZEFeatures : : Compute_Multiscale_Derivatives ( void )
cv : : parallel_for_ ( cv : : Range ( 0 , ( int ) evolution_ . size ( ) ) ,
MultiscaleDerivativesInvoker ( evolution_ , options_ ) ) ;
MultiscaleDerivativesInvoker ( evolution_ , options_ ) ) ;
/* ************************************************************************* */
@ -255,11 +256,10 @@ void AKAZEFeatures::Find_Scale_Space_Extrema(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& kpts)
vector < cv : : KeyPoint > kpts_aux ;
// Set maximum size
if ( options_ . descriptor = = SURF_UPRIGHT | | options_ . descriptor = = SURF | |
options_ . descriptor = = MLDB_UPRIGHT | | options_ . descriptor = = MLDB ) {
if ( options_ . descriptor = = cv : : AKAZE : : DESCRIPTOR_MLDB_UPRIGHT | | options_ . descriptor = = cv : : AKAZE : : DESCRIPTOR_MLDB ) {
smax = 10.0f * sqrtf ( 2.0f ) ;
else if ( options_ . descriptor = = MSURF _UPRIGHT | | options_ . descriptor = = MSURF ) {
else if ( options_ . descriptor = = cv : : AKAZE : : DESCRIPTOR_KAZE _UPRIGHT | | options_ . descriptor = = cv : : AKAZE : : DESCRIPTOR_KAZE ) {
smax = 12.0f * sqrtf ( 2.0f ) ;
@ -574,15 +574,15 @@ class Upright_MLDB_Descriptor_Subset_Invoker : public cv::ParallelLoopBody
public :
Upright_MLDB_Descriptor_Subset_Invoker ( std : : vector < cv : : KeyPoint > & kpts ,
cv : : Mat & desc ,
std : : vector < TEvolution > & evolution ,
AKAZEOptions & options ,
cv : : Mat descriptorSamples ,
cv : : Mat descriptorBits )
: keypoints_ ( & kpts )
, descriptors_ ( & desc )
, evolution_ ( & evolution )
, options_ ( & options )
cv : : Mat & desc ,
std : : vector < TEvolution > & evolution ,
AKAZEOptions & options ,
cv : : Mat descriptorSamples ,
cv : : Mat descriptorBits )
: keypoints_ ( & kpts )
, descriptors_ ( & desc )
, evolution_ ( & evolution )
, options_ ( & options )
, descriptorSamples_ ( descriptorSamples )
, descriptorBits_ ( descriptorBits )
@ -641,15 +641,15 @@ class MLDB_Descriptor_Subset_Invoker : public cv::ParallelLoopBody
public :
MLDB_Descriptor_Subset_Invoker ( std : : vector < cv : : KeyPoint > & kpts ,
cv : : Mat & desc ,
std : : vector < TEvolution > & evolution ,
AKAZEOptions & options ,
cv : : Mat descriptorSamples ,
cv : : Mat descriptorBits )
: keypoints_ ( & kpts )
, descriptors_ ( & desc )
, evolution_ ( & evolution )
, options_ ( & options )
cv : : Mat & desc ,
std : : vector < TEvolution > & evolution ,
AKAZEOptions & options ,
cv : : Mat descriptorSamples ,
cv : : Mat descriptorBits )
: keypoints_ ( & kpts )
, descriptors_ ( & desc )
, evolution_ ( & evolution )
, options_ ( & options )
, descriptorSamples_ ( descriptorSamples )
, descriptorBits_ ( descriptorBits )
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ private:
void AKAZEFeatures : : Compute_Descriptors ( std : : vector < cv : : KeyPoint > & kpts , cv : : Mat & desc )
// Allocate memory for the matrix with the descriptors
if ( options_ . descriptor < MLDB_UPRIGHT ) {
if ( options_ . descriptor < cv : : AKAZE : : DESCRIPTOR_ MLDB_UPRIGHT) {
desc = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( ( int ) kpts . size ( ) , 64 , CV_32FC1 ) ;
else {
@ -699,29 +699,19 @@ void AKAZEFeatures::Compute_Descriptors(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& kpts, cv::Mat
switch ( options_ . descriptor ) {
case SURF_UPRIGHT : // Upright descriptors, not invariant to rotation
switch ( options_ . descriptor )
cv : : parallel_for_ ( cv : : Range ( 0 , ( int ) kpts . size ( ) ) , SURF_Descriptor_Upright_64_Invoker ( kpts , desc , evolution_ ) ) ;
break ;
case SURF :
cv : : parallel_for_ ( cv : : Range ( 0 , ( int ) kpts . size ( ) ) , SURF_Descriptor_64_Invoker ( kpts , desc , evolution_ ) ) ;
break ;
case MSURF_UPRIGHT : // Upright descriptors, not invariant to rotation
case cv : : AKAZE : : DESCRIPTOR_KAZE_UPRIGHT : // Upright descriptors, not invariant to rotation
cv : : parallel_for_ ( cv : : Range ( 0 , ( int ) kpts . size ( ) ) , MSURF_Upright_Descriptor_64_Invoker ( kpts , desc , evolution_ ) ) ;
break ;
case MSURF :
case cv : : AKAZE : : DESCRIPTOR_KAZE :
cv : : parallel_for_ ( cv : : Range ( 0 , ( int ) kpts . size ( ) ) , MSURF_Descriptor_64_Invoker ( kpts , desc , evolution_ ) ) ;
break ;
case MLDB_UPRIGHT : // Upright descriptors, not invariant to rotation
case cv : : AKAZE : : DESCRIPTOR_ MLDB_UPRIGHT: // Upright descriptors, not invariant to rotation
if ( options_ . descriptor_size = = 0 )
cv : : parallel_for_ ( cv : : Range ( 0 , ( int ) kpts . size ( ) ) , Upright_MLDB_Full_Descriptor_Invoker ( kpts , desc , evolution_ , options_ ) ) ;
@ -729,7 +719,7 @@ void AKAZEFeatures::Compute_Descriptors(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& kpts, cv::Mat
cv : : parallel_for_ ( cv : : Range ( 0 , ( int ) kpts . size ( ) ) , Upright_MLDB_Descriptor_Subset_Invoker ( kpts , desc , evolution_ , options_ , descriptorSamples_ , descriptorBits_ ) ) ;
break ;
case MLDB :
case cv : : AKAZE : : DESCRIPTOR_ MLDB:
if ( options_ . descriptor_size = = 0 )
cv : : parallel_for_ ( cv : : Range ( 0 , ( int ) kpts . size ( ) ) , MLDB_Full_Descriptor_Invoker ( kpts , desc , evolution_ , options_ ) ) ;
@ -783,7 +773,7 @@ void AKAZEFeatures::Compute_Main_Orientation(cv::KeyPoint& kpt, const std::vecto
// Loop slides pi/3 window around feature point
for ( ang1 = 0 ; ang1 < ( float ) ( 2.0 * CV_PI ) ; ang1 + = 0.15f ) {
ang2 = ( ang1 + ( float ) ( CV_PI / 3.0 ) > ( float ) ( 2.0 * CV_PI ) ? ang1 - ( float ) ( 5.0 * CV_PI / 3.0 ) : ang1 + ( float ) ( CV_PI / 3.0 ) ) ;
ang2 = ( ang1 + ( float ) ( CV_PI / 3.0 ) > ( float ) ( 2.0 * CV_PI ) ? ang1 - ( float ) ( 5.0 * CV_PI / 3.0 ) : ang1 + ( float ) ( CV_PI / 3.0 ) ) ;
sumX = sumY = 0.f ;
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < Ang . size ( ) ; + + k ) {
@ -812,195 +802,6 @@ void AKAZEFeatures::Compute_Main_Orientation(cv::KeyPoint& kpt, const std::vecto
/* ************************************************************************* */
* @ brief This method computes the upright descriptor of the provided keypoint
* @ param kpt Input keypoint
* @ note Rectangular grid of 20 s x 20 s . Descriptor Length 64. No additional
* Gaussian weighting is performed . The descriptor is inspired from Bay et al . ,
* Speeded Up Robust Features , ECCV , 2006
void SURF_Descriptor_Upright_64_Invoker : : Get_SURF_Descriptor_Upright_64 ( const cv : : KeyPoint & kpt , float * desc ) const {
float dx = 0.0 , dy = 0.0 , mdx = 0.0 , mdy = 0.0 ;
float rx = 0.0 , ry = 0.0 , len = 0.0 , xf = 0.0 , yf = 0.0 ;
float sample_x = 0.0 , sample_y = 0.0 ;
float fx = 0.0 , fy = 0.0 , ratio = 0.0 , res1 = 0.0 , res2 = 0.0 , res3 = 0.0 , res4 = 0.0 ;
int x1 = 0 , y1 = 0 , x2 = 0 , y2 = 0 , sample_step = 0 , pattern_size = 0 , dcount = 0 ;
int scale = 0 , dsize = 0 , level = 0 ;
const std : : vector < TEvolution > & evolution = * evolution_ ;
// Set the descriptor size and the sample and pattern sizes
dsize = 64 ;
sample_step = 5 ;
pattern_size = 10 ;
// Get the information from the keypoint
ratio = ( float ) ( 1 < < kpt . octave ) ;
scale = fRound ( 0.5f * kpt . size / ratio ) ;
level = kpt . class_id ;
yf = kpt . pt . y / ratio ;
xf = kpt . pt . x / ratio ;
// Calculate descriptor for this interest point
for ( int i = - pattern_size ; i < pattern_size ; i + = sample_step ) {
for ( int j = - pattern_size ; j < pattern_size ; j + = sample_step ) {
dx = dy = mdx = mdy = 0.0 ;
for ( int k = i ; k < i + sample_step ; k + + ) {
for ( int l = j ; l < j + sample_step ; l + + ) {
// Get the coordinates of the sample point on the rotated axis
sample_y = yf + l * scale ;
sample_x = xf + k * scale ;
y1 = ( int ) ( sample_y - 0.5f ) ;
x1 = ( int ) ( sample_x - 0.5f ) ;
y2 = ( int ) ( sample_y + 0.5f ) ;
x2 = ( int ) ( sample_x + 0.5f ) ;
fx = sample_x - x1 ;
fy = sample_y - y1 ;
res1 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Lx . ptr < float > ( y1 ) + x1 ) ;
res2 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Lx . ptr < float > ( y1 ) + x2 ) ;
res3 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Lx . ptr < float > ( y2 ) + x1 ) ;
res4 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Lx . ptr < float > ( y2 ) + x2 ) ;
rx = ( 1.0f - fx ) * ( 1.0f - fy ) * res1 + fx * ( 1.0f - fy ) * res2 + ( 1.0f - fx ) * fy * res3 + fx * fy * res4 ;
res1 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Ly . ptr < float > ( y1 ) + x1 ) ;
res2 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Ly . ptr < float > ( y1 ) + x2 ) ;
res3 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Ly . ptr < float > ( y2 ) + x1 ) ;
res4 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Ly . ptr < float > ( y2 ) + x2 ) ;
ry = ( 1.0f - fx ) * ( 1.0f - fy ) * res1 + fx * ( 1.0f - fy ) * res2 + ( 1.0f - fx ) * fy * res3 + fx * fy * res4 ;
// Sum the derivatives to the cumulative descriptor
dx + = rx ;
dy + = ry ;
mdx + = fabs ( rx ) ;
mdy + = fabs ( ry ) ;
// Add the values to the descriptor vector
desc [ dcount + + ] = dx ;
desc [ dcount + + ] = dy ;
desc [ dcount + + ] = mdx ;
desc [ dcount + + ] = mdy ;
// Store the current length^2 of the vector
len + = dx * dx + dy * dy + mdx * mdx + mdy * mdy ;
// convert to unit vector
len = sqrt ( len ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dsize ; i + + ) {
desc [ i ] / = len ;
/* ************************************************************************* */
* @ brief This method computes the descriptor of the provided keypoint given the
* main orientation
* @ param kpt Input keypoint
* @ param desc Descriptor vector
* @ note Rectangular grid of 20 s x 20 s . Descriptor Length 64. No additional
* Gaussian weighting is performed . The descriptor is inspired from Bay et al . ,
* Speeded Up Robust Features , ECCV , 2006
void SURF_Descriptor_64_Invoker : : Get_SURF_Descriptor_64 ( const cv : : KeyPoint & kpt , float * desc ) const {
float dx = 0.0 , dy = 0.0 , mdx = 0.0 , mdy = 0.0 ;
float rx = 0.0 , ry = 0.0 , rrx = 0.0 , rry = 0.0 , len = 0.0 , xf = 0.0 , yf = 0.0 ;
float sample_x = 0.0 , sample_y = 0.0 , co = 0.0 , si = 0.0 , angle = 0.0 ;
float fx = 0.0 , fy = 0.0 , ratio = 0.0 , res1 = 0.0 , res2 = 0.0 , res3 = 0.0 , res4 = 0.0 ;
int x1 = 0 , y1 = 0 , x2 = 0 , y2 = 0 , sample_step = 0 , pattern_size = 0 , dcount = 0 ;
int scale = 0 , dsize = 0 , level = 0 ;
// Set the descriptor size and the sample and pattern sizes
dsize = 64 ;
sample_step = 5 ;
pattern_size = 10 ;
const std : : vector < TEvolution > & evolution = * evolution_ ;
// Get the information from the keypoint
ratio = ( float ) ( 1 < < kpt . octave ) ;
scale = fRound ( 0.5f * kpt . size / ratio ) ;
angle = kpt . angle ;
level = kpt . class_id ;
yf = kpt . pt . y / ratio ;
xf = kpt . pt . x / ratio ;
co = cos ( angle ) ;
si = sin ( angle ) ;
// Calculate descriptor for this interest point
for ( int i = - pattern_size ; i < pattern_size ; i + = sample_step ) {
for ( int j = - pattern_size ; j < pattern_size ; j + = sample_step ) {
dx = dy = mdx = mdy = 0.0 ;
for ( int k = i ; k < i + sample_step ; k + + ) {
for ( int l = j ; l < j + sample_step ; l + + ) {
// Get the coordinates of the sample point on the rotated axis
sample_y = yf + ( l * scale * co + k * scale * si ) ;
sample_x = xf + ( - l * scale * si + k * scale * co ) ;
y1 = ( int ) ( sample_y - 0.5f ) ;
x1 = ( int ) ( sample_x - 0.5f ) ;
y2 = ( int ) ( sample_y + 0.5f ) ;
x2 = ( int ) ( sample_x + 0.5f ) ;
fx = sample_x - x1 ;
fy = sample_y - y1 ;
res1 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Lx . ptr < float > ( y1 ) + x1 ) ;
res2 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Lx . ptr < float > ( y1 ) + x2 ) ;
res3 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Lx . ptr < float > ( y2 ) + x1 ) ;
res4 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Lx . ptr < float > ( y2 ) + x2 ) ;
rx = ( 1.0f - fx ) * ( 1.0f - fy ) * res1 + fx * ( 1.0f - fy ) * res2 + ( 1.0f - fx ) * fy * res3 + fx * fy * res4 ;
res1 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Ly . ptr < float > ( y1 ) + x1 ) ;
res2 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Ly . ptr < float > ( y1 ) + x2 ) ;
res3 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Ly . ptr < float > ( y2 ) + x1 ) ;
res4 = * ( evolution [ level ] . Ly . ptr < float > ( y2 ) + x2 ) ;
ry = ( 1.0f - fx ) * ( 1.0f - fy ) * res1 + fx * ( 1.0f - fy ) * res2 + ( 1.0f - fx ) * fy * res3 + fx * fy * res4 ;
// Get the x and y derivatives on the rotated axis
rry = rx * co + ry * si ;
rrx = - rx * si + ry * co ;
// Sum the derivatives to the cumulative descriptor
dx + = rrx ;
dy + = rry ;
mdx + = fabs ( rrx ) ;
mdy + = fabs ( rry ) ;
// Add the values to the descriptor vector
desc [ dcount + + ] = dx ;
desc [ dcount + + ] = dy ;
desc [ dcount + + ] = mdx ;
desc [ dcount + + ] = mdy ;
// Store the current length^2 of the vector
len + = dx * dx + dy * dy + mdx * mdx + mdy * mdy ;
// convert to unit vector
len = sqrt ( len ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dsize ; i + + ) {
desc [ i ] / = len ;
/* ************************************************************************* */
* @ brief This method computes the upright descriptor ( not rotation invariant ) of
@ -1271,8 +1072,8 @@ void Upright_MLDB_Full_Descriptor_Invoker::Get_Upright_MLDB_Full_Descriptor(cons
const std : : vector < TEvolution > & evolution = * evolution_ ;
// Matrices for the M-LDB descriptor
cv : : Mat values_1 = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( 4 , options . descriptor_channels , CV_32FC1 ) ;
cv : : Mat values_2 = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( 9 , options . descriptor_channels , CV_32FC1 ) ;
cv : : Mat values_1 = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( 4 , options . descriptor_channels , CV_32FC1 ) ;
cv : : Mat values_2 = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( 9 , options . descriptor_channels , CV_32FC1 ) ;
cv : : Mat values_3 = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( 16 , options . descriptor_channels , CV_32FC1 ) ;
// Get the information from the keypoint
@ -1484,12 +1285,12 @@ void MLDB_Full_Descriptor_Invoker::Get_MLDB_Full_Descriptor(const cv::KeyPoint&
int level = 0 , nsamples = 0 , scale = 0 ;
int dcount1 = 0 , dcount2 = 0 ;
const AKAZEOptions & options = * options_ ;
const AKAZEOptions & options = * options_ ;
const std : : vector < TEvolution > & evolution = * evolution_ ;
// Matrices for the M-LDB descriptor
cv : : Mat values_1 = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( 4 , options . descriptor_channels , CV_32FC1 ) ;
cv : : Mat values_2 = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( 9 , options . descriptor_channels , CV_32FC1 ) ;
cv : : Mat values_1 = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( 4 , options . descriptor_channels , CV_32FC1 ) ;
cv : : Mat values_2 = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( 9 , options . descriptor_channels , CV_32FC1 ) ;
cv : : Mat values_3 = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( 16 , options . descriptor_channels , CV_32FC1 ) ;
// Get the information from the keypoint
@ -2077,11 +1878,11 @@ inline float get_angle(float x, float y) {
if ( x < 0 & & y > = 0 ) {
return static_cast < float > ( CV_PI ) - atanf ( - y / x ) ;
return static_cast < float > ( CV_PI ) - atanf ( - y / x ) ;
if ( x < 0 & & y < 0 ) {
return static_cast < float > ( CV_PI ) + atanf ( y / x ) ;
return static_cast < float > ( CV_PI ) + atanf ( y / x ) ;
if ( x > = 0 & & y < 0 ) {