@ -41,103 +41,62 @@ |
#include "test_precomp.hpp" |
#if 0 |
#include <string> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <fstream> |
#include <iterator> |
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" |
using namespace cv; |
using namespace std; |
#if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 |
//#if 0
#else |
#define MARKERS1 |
#ifdef MARKERS |
#define marker(x) cout << (x) << endl |
#else |
#define marker(x) |
#endif |
struct TempDirHolder |
class CV_HighGuiTest : public cvtest::BaseTest |
{ |
string temp_folder; |
TempDirHolder() |
{ |
temp_folder = tempfile(); |
exec_cmd("mkdir " + temp_folder); |
~TempDirHolder() { exec_cmd("rm -rf " + temp_folder); } |
static void exec_cmd(const string& cmd) { marker(cmd); int res = system( cmd.c_str() ); (void)res; } |
TempDirHolder& operator=(const TempDirHolder&); |
}; |
protected: |
void ImagesTest(const string& dir); |
void VideoTest (const string& dir, int fourcc); |
class CV_HighGuiTest : public CvTest |
{ |
public: |
CV_HighGuiTest(); |
void run(int); |
bool ImagesTest(const string& dir, const string& tmp); |
bool VideoTest(const string& dir, const string& tmp, int fourcc); |
bool GuiTest(const string& dir, const string& tmp); |
void run(int); |
}; |
CV_HighGuiTest::CV_HighGuiTest(): CvTest( "z-highgui", "?" ) |
{ |
support_testing_modes = CvTS::CORRECTNESS_CHECK_MODE; |
} |
CV_HighGuiTest::~CV_HighGuiTest() {} |
double PSNR(const Mat& m1, const Mat& m2) |
Mat tmp; |
absdiff( m1.reshape(1), m2.reshape(1), tmp); |
multiply(tmp, tmp, tmp); |
double MSE = 1.0/(tmp.cols * tmp.rows) * sum(tmp)[0]; |
double MSE = 1.0/(tmp.cols * tmp.rows) * sum(tmp)[0]; |
return 20 * log10(255.0 / sqrt(MSE));
} |
bool CV_HighGuiTest::ImagesTest(const string& dir, const string& tmp) |
void CV_HighGuiTest::ImagesTest(const string& dir) |
{ |
int code = CvTS::OK; |
string _name = dir + string("shared/baboon.jpg"); |
ts->printf(ts->LOG, "reading image : %s\n", _name.c_str()); |
Mat image = imread(dir + "shared/baboon.jpg"); |
image.convertTo(image, CV_8UC3); |
if (image.empty()) |
{ |
ts->set_failed_test_info(CvTS::FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA); |
return false; |
const string exts[] = {"png", "bmp", "tiff", "jpg", "jp2", "ppm", "ras"};
ts->set_failed_test_info(ts->FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA); |
return; |
} |
const string exts[] = {"png", "bmp", "tiff", "jpg", "jp2", "ppm", "ras" };
const size_t ext_num = sizeof(exts)/sizeof(exts[0]);
for(size_t i = 0; i < ext_num; ++i) |
{ |
ts->printf(CvTS::LOG, "ext=%s\n", exts[i].c_str()); |
string ext = exts[i]; |
string full_name = tmp + "/img." + ext; |
imwrite(full_name, image);
string full_name = dir + "img." + ext; |
ts->printf(ts->LOG, " full_name : %s\n", full_name.c_str()); |
imwrite(full_name, image); |
Mat loaded = imread(full_name);
if (loaded.empty()) |
{ |
ts->printf(CvTS::LOG, "Reading failed at fmt=%s\n", ext.c_str()); |
ts->printf(ts->LOG, "Reading failed at fmt=%s\n", ext.c_str()); |
ts->set_failed_test_info(ts->FAIL_MISMATCH); |
continue; |
@ -145,62 +104,68 @@ bool CV_HighGuiTest::ImagesTest(const string& dir, const string& tmp) |
double psnr = PSNR(loaded, image); |
if (psnr < thresDbell) |
{ |
ts->printf(CvTS::LOG, "Reading image from file: too big difference (=%g) with fmt=%s\n", psnr, ext.c_str()); |
ts->printf(ts->LOG, "Reading image from file: too big difference (=%g) with fmt=%s\n", psnr, ext.c_str()); |
ts->set_failed_test_info(ts->FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY); |
vector<uchar> from_file; |
FILE *f = fopen(full_name.c_str(), "rb"); |
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); |
size_t len = ftell(f);
vector<uchar> from_file(len); |
long len = ftell(f);
from_file.resize((size_t)len); |
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); |
size_t read = fread(&from_file[0], len, sizeof(vector<uchar>::value_type), f); (void)read; |
from_file.resize(fread(&from_file[0], 1, from_file.size(), f)); |
fclose(f); |
vector<uchar> buf;
imencode("." + exts[i], image, buf); |
if (buf != from_file) |
{ |
ts->printf(CvTS::LOG, "Encoding failed with fmt=%s\n", ext.c_str()); |
ts->printf(ts->LOG, "Encoding failed with fmt=%s\n", ext.c_str()); |
ts->set_failed_test_info(ts->FAIL_MISMATCH); |
Mat buf_loaded = imdecode(Mat(buf), 1); |
if (buf_loaded.empty()) |
{ |
ts->printf(CvTS::LOG, "Decoding failed with fmt=%s\n", ext.c_str()); |
ts->printf(ts->LOG, "Decoding failed with fmt=%s\n", ext.c_str()); |
ts->set_failed_test_info(ts->FAIL_MISMATCH); |
} |
psnr = PSNR(buf_loaded, image); |
if (psnr < thresDbell) |
{ |
ts->printf(CvTS::LOG, "Decoding image from memory: too small PSNR (=%gdb) with fmt=%s\n", psnr, ext.c_str()); |
ts->printf(ts->LOG, "Decoding image from memory: too small PSNR (=%gdb) with fmt=%s\n", psnr, ext.c_str()); |
ts->set_failed_test_info(ts->FAIL_MISMATCH); |
} |
} |
return code == CvTS::OK;
ts->printf(ts->LOG, "end test function : ImagesTest \n"); |
} |
bool CV_HighGuiTest::VideoTest(const string& dir, const string& tmp, int fourcc) |
void CV_HighGuiTest::VideoTest(const string& dir, int fourcc) |
string src_file = dir + "shared/video_for_test.avi";
string tmp_name = tmp + "/video.avi"; |
string tmp_name = dir + "video.avi"; |
ts->printf(ts->LOG, "reading video : %s\n", src_file.c_str()); |
CvCapture* cap = cvCaptureFromFile(src_file.c_str()); |
if (!cap) |
{ |
ts->set_failed_test_info(CvTS::FAIL_MISMATCH); |
return false; |
ts->set_failed_test_info(ts->FAIL_MISMATCH); |
return; |
} |
CvVideoWriter* writer = 0; |
@ -208,7 +173,7 @@ bool CV_HighGuiTest::VideoTest(const string& dir, const string& tmp, int fourcc) |
int counter = 0; |
for(;;) |
{ |
IplImage* img = cvQueryFrame( cap ); |
IplImage * img = cvQueryFrame( cap ); |
if (!img) |
break; |
@ -218,42 +183,35 @@ bool CV_HighGuiTest::VideoTest(const string& dir, const string& tmp, int fourcc) |
writer = cvCreateVideoWriter(tmp_name.c_str(), fourcc, 24, cvGetSize(img));
if (writer == 0) |
{ |
marker("can't craete writer"); |
ts->printf(ts->LOG, "can't create writer\n"); |
cvReleaseCapture( &cap ); |
ts->set_failed_test_info(CvTS::FAIL_MISMATCH); |
return false;
ts->set_failed_test_info(ts->FAIL_MISMATCH); |
} |
} |
cvWriteFrame(writer, img);
cvReleaseVideoWriter( &writer );
cvReleaseCapture( &cap ); |
marker("mid++"); |
cap = cvCaptureFromFile(src_file.c_str()); |
marker("mid1"); |
CvCapture *saved = cvCaptureFromFile(tmp_name.c_str());
if (!saved) |
{ |
ts->set_failed_test_info(CvTS::FAIL_MISMATCH); |
return false;
ts->set_failed_test_info(ts->FAIL_MISMATCH); |
} |
const double thresDbell = 20;
bool error = false; |
counter = 0; |
for(;;) |
IplImage* ipl = cvQueryFrame( cap ); |
IplImage* ipl = cvQueryFrame( cap ); |
IplImage* ipl1 = cvQueryFrame( saved ); |
if (!ipl || !ipl1) |
break; |
@ -263,54 +221,35 @@ bool CV_HighGuiTest::VideoTest(const string& dir, const string& tmp, int fourcc) |
if (PSNR(img1, img) < thresDbell) |
error = true; |
ts->set_failed_test_info(ts->FAIL_MISMATCH); |
cvReleaseCapture( &cap ); |
cvReleaseCapture( &saved ); |
if (error) |
{ |
ts->set_failed_test_info(CvTS::FAIL_MISMATCH); |
return false;
} |
return true;
ts->printf(ts->LOG, "end test function : ImagesVideo \n"); |
} |
void CV_HighGuiTest::run( int /*start_from */) |
TempDirHolder th; |
if (!ImagesTest(ts->get_data_path(), th.temp_folder)) |
return; |
{ |
ImagesTest(ts->get_data_path()); |
#if defined WIN32 || defined __linux__ |
#if !defined HAVE_GSTREAMER || defined HAVE_GSTREAMER_APP |
if (!VideoTest(ts->get_data_path(), th.temp_folder, CV_FOURCC_DEFAULT)) |
VideoTest(ts->get_data_path(), CV_FOURCC_DEFAULT); |
if (!VideoTest(ts->get_data_path(), th.temp_folder, CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'))) |
return; |
VideoTest(ts->get_data_path(), CV_FOURCC('X', 'V', 'I', 'D')); |
if (!VideoTest(ts->get_data_path(), th.temp_folder, CV_FOURCC('M', 'P', 'G', '2'))) |
#endif |
//if (!VideoTest(ts->get_data_path(), th.temp_folder, CV_FOURCC('D', 'X', '5', '0'))) return;
#endif |
ts->set_failed_test_info(CvTS::OK); |
} |
CV_HighGuiTest HighGui_test; |
VideoTest(ts->get_data_path(), CV_FOURCC('M', 'P', 'G', '2')); |
VideoTest(ts->get_data_path(), CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G')); |
#endif |
#endif |
} |
TEST(Highgui_HighGui, regression) { CV_HighGuiTest test; test.safe_run(); } |