@ -350,21 +350,79 @@ void convertBGRImageToOpponentColorSpace( const Mat& bgrImage, vector<Mat>& oppo |
} |
} |
} |
} |
struct KP_LessThan |
{ |
KP_LessThan(const vector<KeyPoint>& _kp) : kp(&_kp) {} |
bool operator()(int i, int j) const |
{ |
return (*kp)[i].class_id < (*kp)[j].class_id; |
} |
const vector<KeyPoint>* kp; |
}; |
void OpponentColorDescriptorExtractor::computeImpl( const Mat& bgrImage, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat& descriptors ) const |
void OpponentColorDescriptorExtractor::computeImpl( const Mat& bgrImage, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat& descriptors ) const |
{ |
{ |
vector<Mat> opponentChannels; |
vector<Mat> opponentChannels; |
convertBGRImageToOpponentColorSpace( bgrImage, opponentChannels ); |
convertBGRImageToOpponentColorSpace( bgrImage, opponentChannels ); |
// Compute descriptors three times, once for each Opponent channel
const int N = 3; // channels count
// and concatenate into a single color surf descriptor
vector<KeyPoint> channelKeypoints[N]; |
Mat channelDescriptors[N]; |
vector<int> idxs[N]; |
// Compute descriptors three times, once for each Opponent channel to concatenate into a single color descriptor
for( int ci = 0; ci < N; ci++ ) |
{ |
channelKeypoints[ci].insert( channelKeypoints[ci].begin(), keypoints.begin(), keypoints.end() ); |
// Use class_id member to get indices into initial keypoints vector
for( size_t ki = 0; ki < channelKeypoints[ci].size(); ki++ ) |
channelKeypoints[ci][ki].class_id = ki; |
descriptorExtractor->compute( opponentChannels[ci], channelKeypoints[ci], channelDescriptors[ci] ); |
idxs[ci].resize( channelKeypoints[ci].size() ); |
for( size_t ki = 0; ki < channelKeypoints[ci].size(); ki++ ) |
{ |
idxs[ci][ki] = ki; |
} |
std::sort( idxs[ci].begin(), idxs[ci].end(), KP_LessThan(channelKeypoints[ci]) ); |
} |
vector<KeyPoint> outKeypoints; |
outKeypoints.reserve( keypoints.size() ); |
int descriptorSize = descriptorExtractor->descriptorSize(); |
int descriptorSize = descriptorExtractor->descriptorSize(); |
descriptors.create( static_cast<int>(keypoints.size()), 3*descriptorSize, descriptorExtractor->descriptorType() ); |
Mat mergedDescriptors( (int)keypoints.size(), 3*descriptorSize, descriptorExtractor->descriptorType() ); |
for( int i = 0; i < 3/*channel count*/; i++ ) |
int mergedCount = 0; |
// cp - current channel position
for( size_t cp[] = {0, 0, 0}; cp[0] < channelKeypoints[0].size() && cp[1] < channelKeypoints[1].size() && cp[2] < channelKeypoints[2].size(); ) |
{ |
const int maxInitIdx = std::max( channelKeypoints[0][idxs[0][cp[0]]].class_id, |
std::max( channelKeypoints[1][idxs[1][cp[1]]].class_id, |
channelKeypoints[2][idxs[2][cp[2]]].class_id ) ); |
while( channelKeypoints[0][idxs[0][cp[0]]].class_id < maxInitIdx && cp[0] < channelKeypoints[0].size() ) { cp[0]++; } |
while( channelKeypoints[1][idxs[1][cp[1]]].class_id < maxInitIdx && cp[1] < channelKeypoints[1].size() ) { cp[1]++; } |
while( channelKeypoints[2][idxs[2][cp[2]]].class_id < maxInitIdx && cp[2] < channelKeypoints[2].size() ) { cp[2]++; } |
if( cp[0] >= channelKeypoints[0].size() || cp[1] >= channelKeypoints[1].size() || cp[2] >= channelKeypoints[2].size() ) |
break; |
if( channelKeypoints[0][idxs[0][cp[0]]].class_id == maxInitIdx && |
channelKeypoints[1][idxs[1][cp[1]]].class_id == maxInitIdx && |
channelKeypoints[2][idxs[2][cp[2]]].class_id == maxInitIdx ) |
{ |
{ |
CV_Assert( opponentChannels[i].type() == CV_8UC1 ); |
outKeypoints.push_back( keypoints[maxInitIdx] ); |
Mat opponentDescriptors = descriptors.colRange( i*descriptorSize, (i+1)*descriptorSize ); |
// merge descriptors
descriptorExtractor->compute( opponentChannels[i], keypoints, opponentDescriptors ); |
for( int ci = 0; ci < N; ci++ ) |
{ |
Mat dst = mergedDescriptors(Range(mergedCount, mergedCount+1), Range(ci*descriptorSize, (ci+1)*descriptorSize)); |
channelDescriptors[ci].row( idxs[ci][cp[ci]] ).copyTo( dst ); |
cp[ci]++; |
} |
mergedCount++; |
} |
} |
} |
mergedDescriptors.rowRange(0, mergedCount).copyTo( descriptors ); |
std::swap( outKeypoints, keypoints ); |
} |
} |
void OpponentColorDescriptorExtractor::read( const FileNode& fn ) |
void OpponentColorDescriptorExtractor::read( const FileNode& fn ) |