@ -324,15 +324,34 @@ icvLoadWindowPos( const char* name, CvRect& rect ) |
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "Width", NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&rect.width, &dwSize); |
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "Height", NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)&rect.height, &dwSize); |
if( rect.x != (int)CW_USEDEFAULT && (rect.x < -200 || rect.x > 3000) ) |
rect.x = 100; |
if( rect.y != (int)CW_USEDEFAULT && (rect.y < -200 || rect.y > 3000) ) |
rect.y = 100; |
if( rect.width != (int)CW_USEDEFAULT && (rect.width < 0 || rect.width > 3000) ) |
rect.width = 100; |
if( rect.height != (int)CW_USEDEFAULT && (rect.height < 0 || rect.height > 3000) ) |
rect.height = 100; |
// Snap rect into closest monitor in case it falls outside it. // Adi Shavit
// set WIN32 RECT to be the loaded size
POINT tl_w32 = { rect.x, rect.y }; |
POINT tr_w32 = { rect.x + rect.width, rect.y }; |
// find monitor containing top-left and top-right corners, or NULL
HMONITOR hMonitor_l = MonitorFromPoint(tl_w32, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); |
HMONITOR hMonitor_r = MonitorFromPoint(tr_w32, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL); |
// if neither are contained - the move window to origin of closest.
if (NULL == hMonitor_l && NULL == hMonitor_r) |
{ |
// find monitor nearest to top-left corner
HMONITOR hMonitor_closest = MonitorFromPoint(tl_w32, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); |
// get coordinates of nearest monitor
mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); |
GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor_closest, &mi); |
rect.x = mi.rcWork.left; |
rect.y = mi.rcWork.top; |
} |
if (rect.width != (int)CW_USEDEFAULT && (rect.width < 0 || rect.width > 3000)) |
rect.width = 100; |
if (rect.height != (int)CW_USEDEFAULT && (rect.height < 0 || rect.height > 3000)) |
rect.height = 100; |
RegCloseKey(hkey); |
} |