Merge pull request #5846 from mshabunin:backports-3

Alexander Alekhin 9 years ago
commit 178ed63e1a
  1. 26
  2. 39
  3. 6
  4. 34
  5. 13

@ -305,6 +305,30 @@ enum {
#define CV_CMP(a,b) (((a) > (b)) - ((a) < (b)))
#define CV_SIGN(a) CV_CMP((a),0)
#if defined __GNUC__ && defined __arm__ && (defined __ARM_PCS_VFP || defined __ARM_VFPV3__)
# define CV_VFP 1
# define CV_VFP 0
#if CV_VFP
// 1. general scheme
#define ARM_ROUND(_value, _asm_string) \
int res; \
float temp; \
asm(_asm_string : [res] "=r" (res), [temp] "=w" (temp) : [value] "w" (_value)); \
return res;
// 2. version for double
#ifdef __clang__
#define ARM_ROUND_DBL(value) ARM_ROUND(value, "vcvtr.s32.f64 %[temp], %[value] \n vmov %[res], %[temp]")
#define ARM_ROUND_DBL(value) ARM_ROUND(value, "vcvtr.s32.f64 %[temp], %P[value] \n vmov %[res], %[temp]")
// 3. version for float
#define ARM_ROUND_FLT(value) ARM_ROUND(value, "vcvtr.s32.f32 %[temp], %[value]\n vmov %[res], %[temp]")
#endif // CV_VFP
CV_INLINE int cvRound( double value )
#if (defined _MSC_VER && defined _M_X64) || (defined __GNUC__ && defined __x86_64__ && defined __SSE2__ && !defined __APPLE__)
@ -323,6 +347,8 @@ CV_INLINE int cvRound( double value )
#elif defined CV_ICC || defined __GNUC__
# elif CV_VFP
# else
return (int)lrint(value);
# endif

@ -52,13 +52,46 @@ Maximally stable extremal region extractor. ::
void operator()( const Mat& image, vector<vector<Point> >& msers, const Mat& mask ) const;
The class encapsulates all the parameters of the MSER extraction algorithm (see Also see for useful comments and parameters description.
The class encapsulates all the parameters of the MSER extraction algorithm (see [wiki]_ article).
.. note::
* (Python) A complete example showing the use of the MSER detector can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/
* there are two different implementation of MSER: one for grey image, one for color image the grey image algorithm is taken from: [nister2008linear]_ ; the paper claims to be faster than union-find method; it actually get 1.5~2m/s on my centrino L7200 1.2GHz laptop.
* the color image algorithm is taken from: [forssen2007maximally]_ ; it should be much slower than grey image method ( 3~4 times ); the chi_table.h file is taken directly from paper's source code which is distributed under GPL.
* (Python) A complete example showing the use of the MSER detector can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python2/
.. [wiki]
.. [nister2008linear] David Nistér and Henrik Stewénius. Linear time maximally stable extremal regions. In Computer Vision–ECCV 2008, pages 183–196. Springer, 2008.
.. [forssen2007maximally] Per-Erik Forssén. Maximally stable colour regions for recognition and matching. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007. CVPR'07. IEEE Conference on, pages 1–8. IEEE, 2007.
The MSER constructor
.. ocv:function:: MSER::MSER(int _delta=5, int _min_area=60, int _max_area=14400, double _max_variation=0.25, double _min_diversity=.2, int _max_evolution=200, double _area_threshold=1.01, double _min_margin=0.003, int _edge_blur_size=5)
:param _delta: Compares (sizei - sizei-delta)/sizei-delta
:param _min_area: Prune the area which smaller than minArea
:param _max_area: Prune the area which bigger than maxArea
:param _max_variation: Prune the area have simliar size to its children
:param _min_diversity: For color image, trace back to cut off mser with diversity less than min_diversity
:param _max_evolution: For color image, the evolution steps
:param _area_threshold: For color image, the area threshold to cause re-initialize
:param _min_margin: For color image, ignore too small margin
:param _edge_blur_size: For color image, the aperture size for edge blur
Detect MSER regions
.. ocv:function:: void MSER::operator()(const Mat& image, vector<vector<Point> >& msers, const Mat& mask=Mat() ) const
:param image: Input image (8UC1, 8UC3 or 8UC4)
:param msers: Resulting list of point sets
:param mask: The operation mask

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
parser.add_argument("--list", action="store_true", default=False, help="List available tests (executables)")
parser.add_argument("--list_short", action="store_true", default=False, help="List available tests (aliases)")
parser.add_argument("--list_short_main", action="store_true", default=False, help="List available tests (main repository, aliases)")
parser.add_argument("--configuration", metavar="CFG", default="", help="Visual Studio: force Debug or Release configuration")
parser.add_argument("--configuration", metavar="CFG", default=None, help="Force Debug or Release configuration (for Visual Studio and Java tests build)")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--dry_run", action="store_true", help="Do not run the tests")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print more debug information")
@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if not os.path.isdir(path):
raise Err("Not a directory (should contain CMakeCache.txt ot test executables)")
cache = CMakeCache()
cache = CMakeCache(args.configuration)
fname = os.path.join(path, "CMakeCache.txt")
if os.path.isfile(fname):
log.debug("Reading cmake cache file: %s", fname), fname, args.configuration), fname)
log.debug("Assuming folder contains tests: %s", path)

@ -48,22 +48,27 @@ class TestSuite(object):
return sorted(self.getAliases(fname), key = len)[0]
def getAliases(self, fname):
def getCuts(fname, prefix):
# filename w/o extension (opencv_test_core)
noext = re.sub(r"\.(exe|apk)$", '', fname)
# filename w/o prefix (core.exe)
nopref = fname
if fname.startswith(prefix):
nopref = fname[len(prefix):]
# filename w/o prefix and extension (core)
noprefext = noext
if noext.startswith(prefix):
noprefext = noext[len(prefix):]
return noext, nopref, noprefext
# input is full path ('/home/.../bin/opencv_test_core') or 'java'
res = [fname]
fname = os.path.basename(fname)
res.append(fname) # filename (opencv_test_core.exe)
noext = re.sub(r"\.(exe|apk)$", '', fname)
res.append(noext) # filename w/o extension (opencv_test_core)
nopref = None
if fname.startswith(self.nameprefix):
nopref = fname[len(self.nameprefix):]
res.append(nopref) # filename w/o prefix (core)
if noext.startswith(self.nameprefix):
if self.options.configuration == "Debug":
res.append(re.sub(r"d$", '', noext)) # MSVC debug config, remove 'd' suffix
if nopref:
res.append(re.sub(r"d$", '', nopref)) # MSVC debug config, remove 'd' suffix
for s in getCuts(fname, self.nameprefix):
if self.cache.build_type == "Debug" and "Visual Studio" in self.cache.cmake_generator:
res.append(re.sub(r"d$", '', s)) # MSVC debug config, remove 'd' suffix
log.debug("Aliases: %s", set(res))
return set(res)
def getTest(self, name):
@ -101,10 +106,7 @@ class TestSuite(object):
args = args[:]
exe = os.path.abspath(path)
if path == "java":
cfg = self.cache.build_type
if self.options.configuration:
cfg = self.options.configuration
cmd = [self.cache.ant_executable, "" % cfg, "buildAndTest"]
cmd = [self.cache.ant_executable, "" % self.cache.build_type, "buildAndTest"]
ret = execute(cmd, cwd = self.cache.java_test_binary_dir + "/.build")
return None, ret

@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ parse_patterns = (
{'name': "opencv_home", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=(.+)$")},
{'name': "opencv_build", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^OpenCV_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=(.+)$")},
{'name': "tests_dir", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH:PATH=(.+)$")},
{'name': "build_type", 'default': "Release", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=(.*)$")},
{'name': "build_type", 'default': "Release", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:\w+=(.*)$")},
{'name': "git_executable", 'default': None, 'pattern': re.compile(r"^GIT_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=(.*)$")},
{'name': "cxx_flags", 'default': "", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=(.*)$")},
{'name': "cxx_flags_debug", 'default': "", 'pattern': re.compile(r"^CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING=(.*)$")},
@ -174,17 +174,19 @@ parse_patterns = (
class CMakeCache:
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, cfg = None):
self.cmake_home_vcver = None
self.opencv_home_vcver = None
self.featuresSIMD = None
self.main_modules = []
if cfg:
self.build_type = cfg
def setDummy(self, path):
self.tests_dir = os.path.normpath(path)
def read(self, path, fname, cfg):
def read(self, path, fname):
rx = re.compile(r'^opencv_(\w+)_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=(.*)$')
module_paths = {} # name -> path
with open(fname, "rt") as cachefile:
@ -213,10 +215,7 @@ class CMakeCache:
# fix VS test binary path (add Debug or Release)
if "Visual Studio" in self.cmake_generator:
if cfg:
self.tests_dir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, self.options.configuration)
self.tests_dir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, self.build_type)
self.tests_dir = os.path.join(self.tests_dir, self.build_type)
self.cmake_home_vcver = readGitVersion(self.git_executable, self.cmake_home)
if self.opencv_home == self.cmake_home:
