@ -26,15 +26,20 @@ def add_item(soup, new_row, is_parameter, text): |
new_row.append(new_item) |
return new_row, soup |
def add_signature_to_table(soup, tmp_row, signature, language): |
def add_signature_to_table(soup, tmp_row, signature, language, type): |
""" Add a signature to an html table""" |
new_item = soup.new_tag('td', style="padding-left: 0.5cm;") |
if str(signature.get('ret', None)) != "None": |
new_item.append(signature.get('ret') + ' =') |
tmp_row.append(new_item) |
tmp_row.append(new_item) |
tmp_row, soup = add_item(soup, tmp_row, False, "cv2." + signature.get('name', None) + '(') |
tmp_name = signature.get('name', None) |
if type is not "method": |
tmp_name = "cv2." + tmp_name |
else: |
tmp_name = "obj." + tmp_name |
tmp_row, soup = add_item(soup, tmp_row, False, tmp_name + '(') |
tmp_row, soup = add_item(soup, tmp_row, True, signature['arg']) |
tmp_row, soup = add_item(soup, tmp_row, False, ')') |
return tmp_row, soup |
@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ def add_bolded(soup, new_row, text): |
return new_row, soup |
def create_description(soup, language, signatures): |
def create_description(soup, language, signatures, type): |
""" Insert the new Python / Java table after the current html c++ table """ |
assert signatures |
tmp_table = soup.new_tag('table') |
@ -64,7 +69,7 @@ def create_description(soup, language, signatures): |
new_row, soup = new_line(soup, tmp_table, new_row) |
for s in signatures: |
new_row, soup = new_line(soup, tmp_table, new_row) |
new_row, soup = add_signature_to_table(soup, new_row, s, language) |
new_row, soup = add_signature_to_table(soup, new_row, s, language, type) |
new_row, soup = new_line(soup, tmp_table, new_row) |
return tmp_table, soup |
@ -79,25 +84,36 @@ def get_anchor_list(anchor, soup): |
a_list.append(a) |
return a_list |
def append_python_signatures_to_table(soup, signatures, table): |
description, soup = create_description(soup, "Python:", signatures) |
description['class'] = 'python_language' |
old = table.next_sibling |
if old.name != 'table': |
old = None |
elif not 'python_language' in old.get('class', []): |
old = None |
# if already existed replace with the new |
if old is None: |
table.insert_after(description) |
def is_static_method(element): |
if element.name == "table": |
tmp_element = element.find('td', {'class': 'memname'}) |
if tmp_element is not None: |
if 'static' in tmp_element.text: |
return True |
else: |
old.replace_with(description) |
table.insert_after(description) |
if element['class'][0] == 'memItemRight': |
if "static" in element.previousSibling.text: |
return True |
return False |
def append_python_signatures_to_table(soup, signatures, table, type): |
if type == "method": |
if is_static_method(table): |
type = "static" + type |
description, soup = create_description(soup, "Python:", signatures, type) |
description['class'] = 'python_language' |
soup = insert_or_replace(soup, table, description, "table", "python_language") |
return soup |
def get_heading_text(a): |
str = "" |
element = a.parent.parent |
element = a.parent |
if element is not None: |
childs = element.find_all('a') |
# the anchor should not be an argument of a function / method |
if childs.index(a) is not 0: |
return str |
element = element.parent |
if element is not None: |
if element.has_attr('class'): |
tmp_class = element["class"][0] |
@ -105,56 +121,80 @@ def get_heading_text(a): |
str = element.parent.find("tr").text |
return str |
def append_python_signatures_to_heading(soup, signatures, element, href): |
def insert_or_replace(soup, element, description, tag_name, tag_class): |
old = element.next_sibling |
if old is not None: |
if old.name != tag_name: |
old = None |
elif not tag_class in old.get('class', []): |
old = None |
# if already existed replace with the new |
if old is None: |
element.insert_after(description) |
else: |
old.replace_with(description) |
return soup |
def new_heading_td(soup, s, href, type): |
if href is None: |
attrs = {'class': 'memItemLeft', 'valign': 'top', 'align': 'right'} |
new_td = soup.new_tag('td', **attrs) |
new_td.append(str(s.get('ret', None))) |
else: |
attrs = {'class': 'memItemRight', 'valign': 'bottom'} |
new_td = soup.new_tag('td', **attrs) |
# make the function name linkable |
attrs_a = {'class': 'el', 'href': href} |
new_a = soup.new_tag('a', **attrs_a) |
tmp_name = str(s.get('name', None)) |
if type is not "method": |
tmp_name = "cv2." + tmp_name |
else: |
tmp_name = "obj." + tmp_name |
new_a.append(tmp_name) |
new_td.append(new_a) |
new_td.append("(" + s['arg'] +")") |
return soup, new_td |
def append_python_signatures_to_heading(soup, signatures, element, href, type): |
if type == "method": |
if is_static_method(element): |
type = "static" + type |
for s in signatures: |
attrs = {'class': 'memitem:python'} |
new_tr = soup.new_tag('tr', **attrs) |
attrs_left = {'class': 'memItemLeft', 'valign': 'top', 'align': 'right'} |
new_td_left = soup.new_tag('td', **attrs_left) |
new_td_left.append(str(s.get('ret', None))) |
soup, new_td_left = new_heading_td(soup, s, None, type) |
new_tr.append(new_td_left) |
attrs_right = {'class': 'memItemRight', 'valign': 'bottom'} |
new_td_right = soup.new_tag('td', **attrs_right) |
attrs_a = {'class': 'el', 'href': href} |
new_a = soup.new_tag('a', **attrs_a) |
new_a.append('cv2.' + str(s.get('name', None))) |
new_td_right.append(new_a) |
new_td_right.append("(" + s['arg'] +")") |
soup, new_td_right = new_heading_td(soup, s, href, type) |
new_tr.append(new_td_right) |
old = element.next_sibling |
if old is not None: |
if old.name != 'tr': |
old = None |
elif not 'memitem:python' in old.get('class', []): |
old = None |
# if already existed replace with the new |
if old is None: |
element.insert_after(new_tr) |
else: |
old.replace_with(new_tr) |
soup = insert_or_replace(soup, element, new_tr, "tr", "memitem:python") |
return soup |
def append_python_signature(function_variants, anchor_list, soup): |
type = anchor_list[0].type |
if type == "fn": |
if type == "method" or type == "fn": |
if len(anchor_list) == 1: |
tmp_anchor = anchor_list[0].anchor |
a_list = get_anchor_list(tmp_anchor, soup) |
for a in a_list: |
if a['href'] == "#" + tmp_anchor: |
tmp_element = a.parent |
# ignore the More... link <td class = mdescRight> |
if tmp_element is None or tmp_element['class'][0] == 'mdescRight': |
continue |
# Function Documentation (tables) |
table = a.findNext('table') |
if table is not None: |
soup = append_python_signatures_to_table(soup, function_variants, table) |
continue |
str = get_heading_text(a) |
if "Functions" in str: |
soup = append_python_signatures_to_heading(soup, function_variants, a.parent, a['href']) |
print("One more") |
soup = append_python_signatures_to_table(soup, function_variants, table, type) |
else: |
str = get_heading_text(a) |
if "Functions" in str: |
soup = append_python_signatures_to_heading(soup, function_variants, a.parent, a['href'], type) |
return soup |
def update_html(file, soup): |