@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
# ifdef __GNUC__
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-declarations"
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
# endif
// The following lines pull in the real gtest *.cc files.
@ -300,7 +301,7 @@ class GTEST_API_ SingleFailureChecker {
( substr ) ) ; \
{ \
: : testing : : ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter gtest_reporter ( \
: : testing : : ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter : : INTERCEPT_ALL_THREADS , \
: : testing : : ScopedFakeTestPartResultReporter : : INTERCEPT_ALL_THREADS , \
& gtest_failures ) ; \
if ( : : testing : : internal : : AlwaysTrue ( ) ) { statement ; } \
} \
@ -313,6 +314,7 @@ class GTEST_API_ SingleFailureChecker {
# include <stdarg.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <wchar.h>
# include <wctype.h>
@ -514,6 +516,12 @@ GTEST_API_ bool ShouldUseColor(bool stdout_is_tty);
// Formats the given time in milliseconds as seconds.
GTEST_API_ std : : string FormatTimeInMillisAsSeconds ( TimeInMillis ms ) ;
// Converts the given time in milliseconds to a date string in the ISO 8601
// format, without the timezone information. N.B.: due to the use the
// non-reentrant localtime() function, this function is not thread safe. Do
// not use it in any code that can be called from multiple threads.
GTEST_API_ std : : string FormatEpochTimeInMillisAsIso8601 ( TimeInMillis ms ) ;
// Parses a string for an Int32 flag, in the form of "--flag=value".
// On success, stores the value of the flag in *value, and returns
@ -592,6 +600,7 @@ class GTestFlagSaver {
GTEST_FLAG ( stream_result_to ) = stream_result_to_ ;
GTEST_FLAG ( throw_on_failure ) = throw_on_failure_ ;
private :
// Fields for saving the original values of flags.
bool also_run_disabled_tests_ ;
@ -834,8 +843,11 @@ class OsStackTraceGetterInterface {
class OsStackTraceGetter : public OsStackTraceGetterInterface {
public :
OsStackTraceGetter ( ) : caller_frame_ ( NULL ) { }
virtual String CurrentStackTrace ( int max_depth , int skip_count ) ;
virtual void UponLeavingGTest ( ) ;
virtual String CurrentStackTrace ( int max_depth , int skip_count )
virtual void UponLeavingGTest ( ) GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_ ( mutex_ ) ;
// This string is inserted in place of stack frames that are part of
// Google Test's implementation.
@ -950,6 +962,10 @@ class GTEST_API_ UnitTestImpl {
// Gets the number of tests that should run.
int test_to_run_count ( ) const ;
// Gets the time of the test program start, in ms from the start of the
// UNIX epoch.
TimeInMillis start_timestamp ( ) const { return start_timestamp_ ; }
// Gets the elapsed time, in milliseconds.
TimeInMillis elapsed_time ( ) const { return elapsed_time_ ; }
@ -1008,7 +1024,7 @@ class GTEST_API_ UnitTestImpl {
// For example, if Foo() calls Bar(), which in turn calls
// CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop(1), Foo() will be included in the
// trace but Bar() and CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop() won't.
String CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop ( int skip_count ) ;
String CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop ( int skip_count ) GTEST_NO_INLINE_ ;
// Finds and returns a TestCase with the given name. If one doesn't
// exist, creates one and returns it.
@ -1282,6 +1298,10 @@ class GTEST_API_ UnitTestImpl {
// Our random number generator.
internal : : Random random_ ;
// The time of the test program start, in ms from the start of the
// UNIX epoch.
TimeInMillis start_timestamp_ ;
// How long the test took to run, in milliseconds.
TimeInMillis elapsed_time_ ;
@ -1613,7 +1633,7 @@ UInt32 Random::Generate(UInt32 range) {
// Test. g_init_gtest_count is set to the number of times
// InitGoogleTest() has been called. We don't protect this variable
// under a mutex as it is only accessed in the main thread.
int g_init_gtest_count = 0 ;
GTEST_API_ int g_init_gtest_count = 0 ;
static bool GTestIsInitialized ( ) { return g_init_gtest_count ! = 0 ; }
// Iterates over a vector of TestCases, keeping a running sum of the
@ -1668,7 +1688,7 @@ void AssertHelper::operator=(const Message& message) const {
// Mutex for linked pointers.
GTEST_DEFINE_STATIC_MUTEX_ ( g_linked_ptr_mutex ) ;
GTEST_API_ GTEST_ DEFINE_STATIC_MUTEX_ ( g_linked_ptr_mutex ) ;
// Application pathname gotten in InitGoogleTest.
String g_executable_path ;
@ -2125,17 +2145,6 @@ TimeInMillis GetTimeInMillis() {
// class String
// Returns the input enclosed in double quotes if it's not NULL;
// otherwise returns "(null)". For example, "\"Hello\"" is returned
// for input "Hello".
// This is useful for printing a C string in the syntax of a literal.
// Known issue: escape sequences are not handled yet.
String String : : ShowCStringQuoted ( const char * c_str ) {
return c_str ? String : : Format ( " \" %s \" " , c_str ) : String ( " (null) " ) ;
// Copies at most length characters from str into a newly-allocated
// piece of memory of size length+1. The memory is allocated with new[].
// A terminating null byte is written to the memory, and a pointer to it
@ -2476,8 +2485,8 @@ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTREQ(const char* expected_expression,
return EqFailure ( expected_expression ,
actual_expression ,
String : : ShowCStringQuoted ( expected ) ,
String : : ShowCStringQuoted ( actual ) ,
PrintToString ( expected ) ,
PrintToString ( actual ) ,
false ) ;
@ -2492,8 +2501,8 @@ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRCASEEQ(const char* expected_expression,
return EqFailure ( expected_expression ,
actual_expression ,
String : : ShowCStringQuoted ( expected ) ,
String : : ShowCStringQuoted ( actual ) ,
PrintToString ( expected ) ,
PrintToString ( actual ) ,
true ) ;
@ -2841,15 +2850,6 @@ String String::ShowWideCString(const wchar_t * wide_c_str) {
return String ( internal : : WideStringToUtf8 ( wide_c_str , - 1 ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Similar to ShowWideCString(), except that this function encloses
// the converted string in double quotes.
String String : : ShowWideCStringQuoted ( const wchar_t * wide_c_str ) {
if ( wide_c_str = = NULL ) return String ( " (null) " ) ;
return String : : Format ( " L \" %s \" " ,
String : : ShowWideCString ( wide_c_str ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Compares two wide C strings. Returns true iff they have the same
// content.
@ -2875,8 +2875,8 @@ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTREQ(const char* expected_expression,
return EqFailure ( expected_expression ,
actual_expression ,
String : : ShowWideCStringQuoted ( expected ) ,
String : : ShowWideCStringQuoted ( actual ) ,
PrintToString ( expected ) ,
PrintToString ( actual ) ,
false ) ;
@ -2891,8 +2891,8 @@ AssertionResult CmpHelperSTRNE(const char* s1_expression,
return AssertionFailure ( ) < < " Expected: ( " < < s1_expression < < " ) != ( "
< < s2_expression < < " ), actual: "
< < String : : ShowWideCStringQuoted ( s1 )
< < " vs " < < String : : ShowWideCStringQuoted ( s2 ) ;
< < PrintToString ( s1 )
< < " vs " < < PrintToString ( s2 ) ;
// Compares two C strings, ignoring case. Returns true iff they have
@ -4015,8 +4015,6 @@ class PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter : public TestEventListener {
private :
static void PrintFailedTests ( const UnitTest & unit_test ) ;
internal : : String test_case_name_ ;
} ;
// Fired before each iteration of tests starts.
@ -4063,11 +4061,10 @@ void PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter::OnEnvironmentsSetUpStart(
void PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter : : OnTestCaseStart ( const TestCase & test_case ) {
test_case_name_ = test_case . name ( ) ;
const internal : : String counts =
FormatCountableNoun ( test_case . test_to_run_count ( ) , " test " , " tests " ) ;
ColoredPrintf ( COLOR_GREEN , " [----------] " ) ;
printf ( " %s from %s " , counts . c_str ( ) , test_case_name_ . c_str ( ) ) ;
printf ( " %s from %s " , counts . c_str ( ) , test_case . name ( ) ) ;
if ( test_case . type_param ( ) = = NULL ) {
printf ( " \n " ) ;
} else {
@ -4078,7 +4075,7 @@ void PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter::OnTestCaseStart(const TestCase& test_case) {
void PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter : : OnTestStart ( const TestInfo & test_info ) {
ColoredPrintf ( COLOR_GREEN , " [ RUN ] " ) ;
PrintTestName ( test_case_name_ . c_str ( ) , test_info . name ( ) ) ;
PrintTestName ( test_info . test_case_name ( ) , test_info . name ( ) ) ;
printf ( " \n " ) ;
fflush ( stdout ) ;
@ -4101,7 +4098,7 @@ void PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter::OnTestEnd(const TestInfo& test_info) {
} else {
ColoredPrintf ( COLOR_RED , " [ FAILED ] " ) ;
PrintTestName ( test_case_name_ . c_str ( ) , test_info . name ( ) ) ;
PrintTestName ( test_info . test_case_name ( ) , test_info . name ( ) ) ;
if ( test_info . result ( ) - > Failed ( ) )
PrintFullTestCommentIfPresent ( test_info ) ;
@ -4117,12 +4114,11 @@ void PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter::OnTestEnd(const TestInfo& test_info) {
void PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter : : OnTestCaseEnd ( const TestCase & test_case ) {
if ( ! GTEST_FLAG ( print_time ) ) return ;
test_case_name_ = test_case . name ( ) ;
const internal : : String counts =
FormatCountableNoun ( test_case . test_to_run_count ( ) , " test " , " tests " ) ;
ColoredPrintf ( COLOR_GREEN , " [----------] " ) ;
printf ( " %s from %s (%s ms total) \n \n " ,
counts . c_str ( ) , test_case_name_ . c_str ( ) ,
counts . c_str ( ) , test_case . name ( ) ,
internal : : StreamableToString ( test_case . elapsed_time ( ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
fflush ( stdout ) ;
@ -4507,6 +4503,32 @@ std::string FormatTimeInMillisAsSeconds(TimeInMillis ms) {
return ss . str ( ) ;
// Converts the given epoch time in milliseconds to a date string in the ISO
// 8601 format, without the timezone information.
std : : string FormatEpochTimeInMillisAsIso8601 ( TimeInMillis ms ) {
// Using non-reentrant version as localtime_r is not portable.
time_t seconds = static_cast < time_t > ( ms / 1000 ) ;
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning(push) // Saves the current warning state.
# pragma warning(disable:4996) // Temporarily disables warning 4996
// (function or variable may be unsafe).
const struct tm * const time_struct = localtime ( & seconds ) ; // NOLINT
# pragma warning(pop) // Restores the warning state again.
# else
const struct tm * const time_struct = localtime ( & seconds ) ; // NOLINT
# endif
if ( time_struct = = NULL )
return " " ; // Invalid ms value
return String : : Format ( " %d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d " , // YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
time_struct - > tm_year + 1900 ,
time_struct - > tm_mon + 1 ,
time_struct - > tm_mday ,
time_struct - > tm_hour ,
time_struct - > tm_min ,
time_struct - > tm_sec ) ;
// Streams an XML CDATA section, escaping invalid CDATA sequences as needed.
void XmlUnitTestResultPrinter : : OutputXmlCDataSection ( : : std : : ostream * stream ,
const char * data ) {
@ -4556,16 +4578,17 @@ void XmlUnitTestResultPrinter::OutputXmlTestInfo(::std::ostream* stream,
for ( int i = 0 ; i < result . total_part_count ( ) ; + + i ) {
const TestPartResult & part = result . GetTestPartResult ( i ) ;
if ( part . failed ( ) ) {
if ( + + failures = = 1 )
if ( + + failures = = 1 ) {
* stream < < " > \n " ;
* stream < < " <failure message= \" "
< < EscapeXmlAttribute ( part . summary ( ) ) . c_str ( )
< < " \" type= \" \" > " ;
const string location = internal : : FormatCompilerIndependentFileLocation (
part . file_name ( ) , part . line_number ( ) ) ;
const string message = location + " \n " + part . message ( ) ;
OutputXmlCDataSection ( stream ,
RemoveInvalidXmlCharacters ( message ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
const string summary = location + " \n " + part . summary ( ) ;
* stream < < " <failure message= \" "
< < EscapeXmlAttribute ( summary . c_str ( ) )
< < " \" type= \" \" > " ;
const string detail = location + " \n " + part . message ( ) ;
OutputXmlCDataSection ( stream , RemoveInvalidXmlCharacters ( detail ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
* stream < < " </failure> \n " ;
@ -4603,10 +4626,11 @@ void XmlUnitTestResultPrinter::PrintXmlUnitTest(FILE* out,
fprintf ( out , " <?xml version= \" 1.0 \" encoding= \" UTF-8 \" ?> \n " ) ;
fprintf ( out ,
" <testsuites tests= \" %d \" failures= \" %d \" disabled= \" %d \" "
" errors= \" 0 \" time= \" %s \" " ,
" errors= \" 0 \" timestamp= \" %s \" time = \" %s \" " ,
unit_test . total_test_count ( ) ,
unit_test . failed_test_count ( ) ,
unit_test . disabled_test_count ( ) ,
FormatEpochTimeInMillisAsIso8601 ( unit_test . start_timestamp ( ) ) . c_str ( ) ,
FormatTimeInMillisAsSeconds ( unit_test . elapsed_time ( ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( GTEST_FLAG ( shuffle ) ) {
fprintf ( out , " random_seed= \" %d \" " , unit_test . random_seed ( ) ) ;
@ -4812,8 +4836,8 @@ void StreamingListener::MakeConnection() {
// Pushes the given source file location and message onto a per-thread
// trace stack maintained by Google Test.
// L < UnitTest::mutex_
ScopedTrace : : ScopedTrace ( const char * file , int line , const Message & message ) {
ScopedTrace : : ScopedTrace ( const char * file , int line , const Message & message )
GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_ ( & UnitTest : : mutex_ ) {
TraceInfo trace ;
trace . file = file ;
trace . line = line ;
@ -4823,8 +4847,8 @@ ScopedTrace::ScopedTrace(const char* file, int line, const Message& message) {
// Pops the info pushed by the c'tor.
// L < UnitTest::mutex_
ScopedTrace : : ~ ScopedTrace ( ) {
ScopedTrace : : ~ ScopedTrace ( )
GTEST_LOCK_EXCLUDED_ ( & UnitTest : : mutex_ ) {
UnitTest : : GetInstance ( ) - > PopGTestTrace ( ) ;
@ -4838,14 +4862,14 @@ ScopedTrace::~ScopedTrace() {
// skip_count - the number of top frames to be skipped; doesn't count
// against max_depth.
// L < mutex_
// We use "L < mutex_" to denote that the function may acquire mutex_.
String OsStackTraceGetter : : CurrentStackTrace ( int , int ) {
String OsStackTraceGetter : : CurrentStackTrace ( int /* max_depth */ ,
int /* skip_count */ )
return String ( " " ) ;
// L < mutex_
void OsStackTraceGetter : : UponLeavingGTest ( ) {
void OsStackTraceGetter : : UponLeavingGTest ( )
const char * const
@ -4999,6 +5023,12 @@ int UnitTest::total_test_count() const { return impl()->total_test_count(); }
// Gets the number of tests that should run.
int UnitTest : : test_to_run_count ( ) const { return impl ( ) - > test_to_run_count ( ) ; }
// Gets the time of the test program start, in ms from the start of the
// UNIX epoch.
internal : : TimeInMillis UnitTest : : start_timestamp ( ) const {
return impl ( ) - > start_timestamp ( ) ;
// Gets the elapsed time, in milliseconds.
internal : : TimeInMillis UnitTest : : elapsed_time ( ) const {
return impl ( ) - > elapsed_time ( ) ;
@ -5052,12 +5082,13 @@ Environment* UnitTest::AddEnvironment(Environment* env) {
// assertion macros (e.g. ASSERT_TRUE, EXPECT_EQ, etc) eventually call
// this to report their results. The user code should use the
// assertion macros instead of calling this directly.
// L < mutex_
void UnitTest : : AddTestPartResult ( TestPartResult : : Type result_type ,
const char * file_name ,
int line_number ,
const internal : : String & message ,
const internal : : String & os_stack_trace ) {
void UnitTest : : AddTestPartResult (
TestPartResult : : Type result_type ,
const char * file_name ,
int line_number ,
const internal : : String & message ,
const internal : : String & os_stack_trace )
Message msg ;
msg < < message ;
@ -5141,7 +5172,6 @@ int UnitTest::Run() {
// process. In either case the user does not want to see pop-up dialogs
// about crashes - they are expected.
if ( impl ( ) - > catch_exceptions ( ) | | in_death_test_child_process ) {
// SetErrorMode doesn't exist on CE.
@ -5172,7 +5202,6 @@ int UnitTest::Run() {
0x0 , // Clear the following flags:
_WRITE_ABORT_MSG | _CALL_REPORTFAULT ) ; // pop-up window, core dump.
# endif
# endif // GTEST_HAS_SEH
@ -5190,16 +5219,16 @@ const char* UnitTest::original_working_dir() const {
// Returns the TestCase object for the test that's currently running,
// or NULL if no test is running.
// L < mutex_
const TestCase * UnitTest : : current_test_case ( ) const {
const TestCase * UnitTest : : current_test_case ( ) const
internal : : MutexLock lock ( & mutex_ ) ;
return impl_ - > current_test_case ( ) ;
// Returns the TestInfo object for the test that's currently running,
// or NULL if no test is running.
// L < mutex_
const TestInfo * UnitTest : : current_test_info ( ) const {
const TestInfo * UnitTest : : current_test_info ( ) const
internal : : MutexLock lock ( & mutex_ ) ;
return impl_ - > current_test_info ( ) ;
@ -5210,9 +5239,9 @@ int UnitTest::random_seed() const { return impl_->random_seed(); }
// Returns ParameterizedTestCaseRegistry object used to keep track of
// value-parameterized tests and instantiate and register them.
// L < mutex_
internal : : ParameterizedTestCaseRegistry &
UnitTest : : parameterized_test_registry ( ) {
UnitTest : : parameterized_test_registry ( )
return impl_ - > parameterized_test_registry ( ) ;
@ -5229,15 +5258,15 @@ UnitTest::~UnitTest() {
// Pushes a trace defined by SCOPED_TRACE() on to the per-thread
// Google Test trace stack.
// L < mutex_
void UnitTest : : PushGTestTrace ( const internal : : TraceInfo & trace ) {
void UnitTest : : PushGTestTrace ( const internal : : TraceInfo & trace )
internal : : MutexLock lock ( & mutex_ ) ;
impl_ - > gtest_trace_stack ( ) . push_back ( trace ) ;
// Pops a trace from the per-thread Google Test trace stack.
// L < mutex_
void UnitTest : : PopGTestTrace ( ) {
void UnitTest : : PopGTestTrace ( )
internal : : MutexLock lock ( & mutex_ ) ;
impl_ - > gtest_trace_stack ( ) . pop_back ( ) ;
@ -5273,6 +5302,7 @@ UnitTestImpl::UnitTestImpl(UnitTest* parent)
post_flag_parse_init_performed_ ( false ) ,
random_seed_ ( 0 ) , // Will be overridden by the flag before first use.
random_ ( 0 ) , // Will be reseeded before first use.
start_timestamp_ ( 0 ) ,
elapsed_time_ ( 0 ) ,
internal_run_death_test_flag_ ( NULL ) ,
@ -5504,6 +5534,7 @@ bool UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests() {
TestEventListener * repeater = listeners ( ) - > repeater ( ) ;
start_timestamp_ = GetTimeInMillis ( ) ;
repeater - > OnTestProgramStart ( * parent_ ) ;
// How many times to repeat the tests? We don't want to repeat them
@ -5865,7 +5896,7 @@ bool SkipPrefix(const char* prefix, const char** pstr) {
// part can be omitted.
// Returns the value of the flag, or NULL if the parsing failed.
static const char * ParseFlagValue ( const char * str ,
const char * ParseFlagValue ( const char * str ,
const char * flag ,
bool def_optional ) {
// str and flag must not be NULL.
@ -6240,13 +6271,18 @@ void InitGoogleTest(int* argc, wchar_t** argv) {
# include <crt_externs.h>
# endif // GTEST_OS_MAC
# include <errno.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <limits.h>
# include <signal.h>
# endif // GTEST_OS_LINUX
# include <stdarg.h>
@ -6256,6 +6292,10 @@ void InitGoogleTest(int* argc, wchar_t** argv) {
# include <sys / wait.h>
# include <spawn.h>
# endif // GTEST_OS_QNX
@ -6301,13 +6341,42 @@ GTEST_DEFINE_string_(
" Indicates the file, line number, temporal index of "
" the single death test to run, and a file descriptor to "
" which a success code may be sent, all separated by "
" colon s. This flag is specified if and only if the current "
" the '|' character s. This flag is specified if and only if the current "
" process is a sub-process launched for running a thread-safe "
" death test. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. " ) ;
} // namespace internal
namespace internal {
// Valid only for fast death tests. Indicates the code is running in the
// child process of a fast style death test.
static bool g_in_fast_death_test_child = false ;
// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the caller is currently
// executing in the context of the death test child process. Tools such as
// Valgrind heap checkers may need this to modify their behavior in death
// tests. IMPORTANT: This is an internal utility. Using it may break the
// implementation of death tests. User code MUST NOT use it.
bool InDeathTestChild ( ) {
// On Windows, death tests are thread-safe regardless of the value of the
// death_test_style flag.
return ! GTEST_FLAG ( internal_run_death_test ) . empty ( ) ;
# else
if ( GTEST_FLAG ( death_test_style ) = = " threadsafe " )
return ! GTEST_FLAG ( internal_run_death_test ) . empty ( ) ;
return g_in_fast_death_test_child ;
# endif
} // namespace internal
// ExitedWithCode constructor.
ExitedWithCode : : ExitedWithCode ( int exit_code ) : exit_code_ ( exit_code ) {
@ -7017,6 +7086,7 @@ DeathTest::TestRole NoExecDeathTest::AssumeRole() {
// Event forwarding to the listeners of event listener API mush be shut
// down in death test subprocesses.
GetUnitTestImpl ( ) - > listeners ( ) - > SuppressEventForwarding ( ) ;
g_in_fast_death_test_child = true ;
} else {
GTEST_DEATH_TEST_CHECK_SYSCALL_ ( close ( pipe_fd [ 1 ] ) ) ;
@ -7036,6 +7106,11 @@ class ExecDeathTest : public ForkingDeathTest {
ForkingDeathTest ( a_statement , a_regex ) , file_ ( file ) , line_ ( line ) { }
virtual TestRole AssumeRole ( ) ;
private :
static : : std : : vector < testing : : internal : : string >
GetArgvsForDeathTestChildProcess ( ) {
: : std : : vector < testing : : internal : : string > args = GetInjectableArgvs ( ) ;
return args ;
// The name of the file in which the death test is located.
const char * const file_ ;
// The line number on which the death test is located.
@ -7070,6 +7145,7 @@ class Arguments {
char * const * Argv ( ) {
return & args_ [ 0 ] ;
private :
std : : vector < char * > args_ ;
} ;
@ -7081,7 +7157,7 @@ struct ExecDeathTestArgs {
int close_fd ; // File descriptor to close; the read end of a pipe
} ;
inline char * * GetEnviron ( ) {
// When Google Test is built as a framework on MacOS X, the environ variable
// is unavailable. Apple's documentation (man environ) recommends using
@ -7095,6 +7171,7 @@ extern "C" char** environ;
inline char * * GetEnviron ( ) { return environ ; }
# endif // GTEST_OS_MAC
// The main function for a threadsafe-style death test child process.
// This function is called in a clone()-ed process and thus must avoid
// any potentially unsafe operations like malloc or libc functions.
@ -7127,6 +7204,7 @@ static int ExecDeathTestChildMain(void* child_arg) {
GetLastErrnoDescription ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
# endif // !GTEST_OS_QNX
// Two utility routines that together determine the direction the stack
// grows.
@ -7137,25 +7215,76 @@ static int ExecDeathTestChildMain(void* child_arg) {
// GTEST_NO_INLINE_ is required to prevent GCC 4.6 from inlining
// StackLowerThanAddress into StackGrowsDown, which then doesn't give
// correct answer.
bool StackLowerThanAddress ( const void * ptr ) GTEST_NO_INLINE_ ;
bool StackLowerThanAddress ( const void * ptr ) {
void StackLowerThanAddress ( const void * ptr , bool * result ) GTEST_NO_INLINE_ ;
void StackLowerThanAddress ( const void * ptr , bool * result ) {
int dummy ;
return & dummy < ptr ;
* result = ( & dummy < ptr ) ;
static bool StackGrowsDown ( ) {
int dummy ;
return StackLowerThanAddress ( & dummy ) ;
bool result ;
StackLowerThanAddress ( & dummy , & result ) ;
return result ;
// A threadsafe implementation of fork(2) for threadsafe-style death tests
// that uses clone(2). It dies with an error message if anything goes
// wrong.
static pid_t ExecDeathTestFork ( char * const * argv , int close_fd ) {
// Spawns a child process with the same executable as the current process in
// a thread-safe manner and instructs it to run the death test. The
// implementation uses fork(2) + exec. On systems where clone(2) is
// available, it is used instead, being slightly more thread-safe. On QNX,
// fork supports only single-threaded environments, so this function uses
// spawn(2) there instead. The function dies with an error message if
// anything goes wrong.
static pid_t ExecDeathTestSpawnChild ( char * const * argv , int close_fd ) {
ExecDeathTestArgs args = { argv , close_fd } ;
pid_t child_pid = - 1 ;
// Obtains the current directory and sets it to be closed in the child
// process.
const int cwd_fd = open ( " . " , O_RDONLY ) ;
GTEST_DEATH_TEST_CHECK_ ( cwd_fd ! = - 1 ) ;
// We need to execute the test program in the same environment where
// it was originally invoked. Therefore we change to the original
// working directory first.
const char * const original_dir =
UnitTest : : GetInstance ( ) - > original_working_dir ( ) ;
// We can safely call chdir() as it's a direct system call.
if ( chdir ( original_dir ) ! = 0 ) {
DeathTestAbort ( String : : Format ( " chdir( \" %s \" ) failed: %s " ,
original_dir ,
GetLastErrnoDescription ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
int fd_flags ;
// Set close_fd to be closed after spawn.
GTEST_DEATH_TEST_CHECK_SYSCALL_ ( fd_flags = fcntl ( close_fd , F_GETFD ) ) ;
fd_flags | FD_CLOEXEC ) ) ;
struct inheritance inherit = { 0 } ;
// spawn is a system call.
child_pid = spawn ( args . argv [ 0 ] , 0 , NULL , & inherit , args . argv , GetEnviron ( ) ) ;
// Restores the current working directory.
GTEST_DEATH_TEST_CHECK_ ( fchdir ( cwd_fd ) ! = - 1 ) ;
GTEST_DEATH_TEST_CHECK_SYSCALL_ ( close ( cwd_fd ) ) ;
# else // GTEST_OS_QNX
// When a SIGPROF signal is received while fork() or clone() are executing,
// the process may hang. To avoid this, we ignore SIGPROF here and re-enable
// it after the call to fork()/clone() is complete.
struct sigaction saved_sigprof_action ;
struct sigaction ignore_sigprof_action ;
memset ( & ignore_sigprof_action , 0 , sizeof ( ignore_sigprof_action ) ) ;
sigemptyset ( & ignore_sigprof_action . sa_mask ) ;
ignore_sigprof_action . sa_handler = SIG_IGN ;
SIGPROF , & ignore_sigprof_action , & saved_sigprof_action ) ) ;
# endif // GTEST_OS_LINUX
const bool use_fork = GTEST_FLAG ( death_test_use_fork ) ;
if ( ! use_fork ) {
@ -7172,14 +7301,19 @@ static pid_t ExecDeathTestFork(char* const* argv, int close_fd) {
GTEST_DEATH_TEST_CHECK_ ( munmap ( stack , stack_size ) ! = - 1 ) ;
# else
# else
const bool use_fork = true ;
# endif // GTEST_HAS_CLONE
# endif // GTEST_HAS_CLONE
if ( use_fork & & ( child_pid = fork ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
ExecDeathTestChildMain ( & args ) ;
_exit ( 0 ) ;
# endif // GTEST_OS_QNX
sigaction ( SIGPROF , & saved_sigprof_action , NULL ) ) ;
# endif // GTEST_OS_LINUX
GTEST_DEATH_TEST_CHECK_ ( child_pid ! = - 1 ) ;
return child_pid ;
@ -7216,7 +7350,7 @@ DeathTest::TestRole ExecDeathTest::AssumeRole() {
GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ , kInternalRunDeathTestFlag ,
file_ , line_ , death_test_index , pipe_fd [ 1 ] ) ;
Arguments args ;
args . AddArguments ( GetArgvs ( ) ) ;
args . AddArguments ( GetArgvsForDeathTestChildProcess ( ) ) ;
args . AddArgument ( filter_flag . c_str ( ) ) ;
args . AddArgument ( internal_flag . c_str ( ) ) ;
@ -7227,7 +7361,7 @@ DeathTest::TestRole ExecDeathTest::AssumeRole() {
// is necessary.
FlushInfoLog ( ) ;
const pid_t child_pid = ExecDeathTestFork ( args . Argv ( ) , pipe_fd [ 0 ] ) ;
const pid_t child_pid = ExecDeathTestSpawnChild ( args . Argv ( ) , pipe_fd [ 0 ] ) ;
GTEST_DEATH_TEST_CHECK_SYSCALL_ ( close ( pipe_fd [ 1 ] ) ) ;
set_child_pid ( child_pid ) ;
set_read_fd ( pipe_fd [ 0 ] ) ;
@ -7862,6 +7996,11 @@ void FilePath::Normalize() {
# include <mach / vm_map.h>
# endif // GTEST_OS_MAC
# include <devctl.h>
# include <sys / procfs.h>
# endif // GTEST_OS_QNX
// Indicates that this translation unit is part of Google Test's
// implementation. It must come before gtest-internal-inl.h is
@ -7904,6 +8043,26 @@ size_t GetThreadCount() {
// Returns the number of threads running in the process, or 0 to indicate that
// we cannot detect it.
size_t GetThreadCount ( ) {
const int fd = open ( " /proc/self/as " , O_RDONLY ) ;
if ( fd < 0 ) {
return 0 ;
procfs_info process_info ;
const int status =
devctl ( fd , DCMD_PROC_INFO , & process_info , sizeof ( process_info ) , NULL ) ;
close ( fd ) ;
if ( status = = EOK ) {
return static_cast < size_t > ( process_info . num_threads ) ;
} else {
return 0 ;
# else
size_t GetThreadCount ( ) {
@ -8295,7 +8454,6 @@ class CapturedStream {
public :
// The ctor redirects the stream to a temporary file.
CapturedStream ( int fd ) : fd_ ( fd ) , uncaptured_fd_ ( dup ( fd ) ) {
char temp_dir_path [ MAX_PATH + 1 ] = { ' \0 ' } ; // NOLINT
char temp_file_path [ MAX_PATH + 1 ] = { ' \0 ' } ; // NOLINT
@ -8312,10 +8470,15 @@ class CapturedStream {
< < temp_file_path ;
filename_ = temp_file_path ;
# else
// There's no guarantee that a test has write access to the
// current directory, so we create the temporary file in the /tmp
// directory instead.
// There's no guarantee that a test has write access to the current
// directory, so we create the temporary file in the /tmp directory instead.
// We use /tmp on most systems, and /mnt/sdcard on Android. That's because
// Android doesn't have /tmp.
char name_template [ ] = " /mnt/sdcard/gtest_captured_stream.XXXXXX " ;
# else
char name_template [ ] = " /tmp/captured_stream.XXXXXX " ;
const int captured_fd = mkstemp ( name_template ) ;
filename_ = name_template ;
@ -8434,11 +8597,23 @@ String GetCapturedStderr() { return GetCapturedStream(&g_captured_stderr); }
// A copy of all command line arguments. Set by InitGoogleTest().
: : std : : vector < String > g_argvs ;
: : std : : vector < testing : : internal : : string > g_argvs ;
static const : : std : : vector < testing : : internal : : string > * g_injected_test_argvs =
NULL ; // Owned.
// Returns the command line as a vector of strings.
const : : std : : vector < String > & GetArgvs ( ) { return g_argvs ; }
void SetInjectableArgvs ( const : : std : : vector < testing : : internal : : string > * argvs ) {
if ( g_injected_test_argvs ! = argvs )
delete g_injected_test_argvs ;
g_injected_test_argvs = argvs ;
const : : std : : vector < testing : : internal : : string > & GetInjectableArgvs ( ) {
if ( g_injected_test_argvs ! = NULL ) {
return * g_injected_test_argvs ;
return g_argvs ;
@ -8605,14 +8780,6 @@ namespace {
using : : std : : ostream ;
# if GTEST_OS_WINDOWS_MOBILE // Windows CE does not define _snprintf_s.
# define snprintf _snprintf
# elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 // VC 8.0 and later deprecate snprintf and _snprintf.
# define snprintf _snprintf_s
# elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER
# define snprintf _snprintf
// Prints a segment of bytes in the given object.
void PrintByteSegmentInObjectTo ( const unsigned char * obj_bytes , size_t start ,
size_t count , ostream * os ) {
@ -8627,7 +8794,7 @@ void PrintByteSegmentInObjectTo(const unsigned char* obj_bytes, size_t start,
* os < < ' - ' ;
snprintf ( text , sizeof ( text ) , " %02X " , obj_bytes [ j ] ) ;
GTEST_SNPRINTF_ ( text , sizeof ( text ) , " %02X " , obj_bytes [ j ] ) ;
* os < < text ;
@ -8741,9 +8908,9 @@ static CharFormat PrintAsCharLiteralTo(Char c, ostream* os) {
return kSpecialEscape ;
// Prints a char c as if it's part of a string literal, escaping it when
// Prints a w char_t c as if it's part of a string literal, escaping it when
// necessary; returns how c was formatted.
static CharFormat PrintAsWide StringLiteralTo ( wchar_t c , ostream * os ) {
static CharFormat PrintAsStringLiteralTo ( wchar_t c , ostream * os ) {
switch ( c ) {
case L ' \' ' :
* os < < " ' " ;
@ -8758,8 +8925,9 @@ static CharFormat PrintAsWideStringLiteralTo(wchar_t c, ostream* os) {
// Prints a char c as if it's part of a string literal, escaping it when
// necessary; returns how c was formatted.
static CharFormat PrintAsNarrowStringLiteralTo ( char c , ostream * os ) {
return PrintAsWideStringLiteralTo ( static_cast < unsigned char > ( c ) , os ) ;
static CharFormat PrintAsStringLiteralTo ( char c , ostream * os ) {
return PrintAsStringLiteralTo (
static_cast < wchar_t > ( static_cast < unsigned char > ( c ) ) , os ) ;
// Prints a wide or narrow character c and its code. '\0' is printed
@ -8805,48 +8973,63 @@ void PrintTo(wchar_t wc, ostream* os) {
PrintCharAndCodeTo < wchar_t > ( wc , os ) ;
// Prints the given array of characters to the ostream.
// The array starts at *begin, the length is len, it may include '\0' characters
// and may not be null-terminated.
static void PrintCharsAsStringTo ( const char * begin , size_t len , ostream * os ) {
* os < < " \" " ;
// Prints the given array of characters to the ostream. CharType must be either
// char or wchar_t.
// The array starts at begin, the length is len, it may include '\0' characters
// and may not be NUL-terminated.
template < typename CharType >
static void PrintCharsAsStringTo (
const CharType * begin , size_t len , ostream * os ) {
const char * const kQuoteBegin = sizeof ( CharType ) = = 1 ? " \" " : " L \" " ;
* os < < kQuoteBegin ;
bool is_previous_hex = false ;
for ( size_t index = 0 ; index < len ; + + index ) {
const char cur = begin [ index ] ;
const CharType cur = begin [ index ] ;
if ( is_previous_hex & & IsXDigit ( cur ) ) {
// Previous character is of '\x..' form and this character can be
// interpreted as another hexadecimal digit in its number. Break string to
// disambiguate.
* os < < " \" \" " ;
* os < < " \" " < < kQuoteBegin ;
is_previous_hex = PrintAsNarrow StringLiteralTo ( cur , os ) = = kHexEscape ;
is_previous_hex = PrintAsStringLiteralTo ( cur , os ) = = kHexEscape ;
* os < < " \" " ;
// Prints a (const) char/wchar_t array of 'len' elements, starting at address
// 'begin'. CharType must be either char or wchar_t.
template < typename CharType >
static void UniversalPrintCharArray (
const CharType * begin , size_t len , ostream * os ) {
// The code
// const char kFoo[] = "foo";
// generates an array of 4, not 3, elements, with the last one being '\0'.
// Therefore when printing a char array, we don't print the last element if
// it's '\0', such that the output matches the string literal as it's
// written in the source code.
if ( len > 0 & & begin [ len - 1 ] = = ' \0 ' ) {
PrintCharsAsStringTo ( begin , len - 1 , os ) ;
return ;
// If, however, the last element in the array is not '\0', e.g.
// const char kFoo[] = { 'f', 'o', 'o' };
// we must print the entire array. We also print a message to indicate
// that the array is not NUL-terminated.
PrintCharsAsStringTo ( begin , len , os ) ;
* os < < " (no terminating NUL) " ;
// Prints a (const) char array of 'len' elements, starting at address 'begin'.
void UniversalPrintArray ( const char * begin , size_t len , ostream * os ) {
PrintCharsAsStringTo ( begin , len , os ) ;
UniversalPrintCharArray ( begin , len , os ) ;
// Prints the given array of wide characters to the ostream.
// The array starts at *begin, the length is len, it may include L'\0'
// characters and may not be null-terminated.
static void PrintWideCharsAsStringTo ( const wchar_t * begin , size_t len ,
ostream * os ) {
* os < < " L \" " ;
bool is_previous_hex = false ;
for ( size_t index = 0 ; index < len ; + + index ) {
const wchar_t cur = begin [ index ] ;
if ( is_previous_hex & & isascii ( cur ) & & IsXDigit ( static_cast < char > ( cur ) ) ) {
// Previous character is of '\x..' form and this character can be
// interpreted as another hexadecimal digit in its number. Break string to
// disambiguate.
* os < < " \" L \" " ;
is_previous_hex = PrintAsWideStringLiteralTo ( cur , os ) = = kHexEscape ;
* os < < " \" " ;
// Prints a (const) wchar_t array of 'len' elements, starting at address
// 'begin'.
void UniversalPrintArray ( const wchar_t * begin , size_t len , ostream * os ) {
UniversalPrintCharArray ( begin , len , os ) ;
// Prints the given C string to the ostream.
@ -8872,7 +9055,7 @@ void PrintTo(const wchar_t* s, ostream* os) {
* os < < " NULL " ;
} else {
* os < < ImplicitCast_ < const void * > ( s ) < < " pointing to " ;
PrintWide CharsAsStringTo ( s , wcslen ( s ) , os ) ;
PrintCharsAsStringTo ( s , wcslen ( s ) , os ) ;
# endif // wchar_t is native
@ -8891,13 +9074,13 @@ void PrintStringTo(const ::std::string& s, ostream* os) {
// Prints a ::wstring object.
void PrintWideStringTo ( const : : wstring & s , ostream * os ) {
PrintWide CharsAsStringTo ( s . data ( ) , s . size ( ) , os ) ;
PrintCharsAsStringTo ( s . data ( ) , s . size ( ) , os ) ;
void PrintWideStringTo ( const : : std : : wstring & s , ostream * os ) {
PrintWide CharsAsStringTo ( s . data ( ) , s . size ( ) , os ) ;
PrintCharsAsStringTo ( s . data ( ) , s . size ( ) , os ) ;