@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ |
# To use Inference Engine backend, specify location of plugins: |
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/deeplearning_deploymenttoolkit/deployment_tools/external/mklml_lnx/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH |
# source /opt/intel/computer_vision_sdk/bin/setupvars.sh |
import cv2 as cv |
import numpy as np |
import argparse |
@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ parser.add_argument('--input', help='Path to image or video. Skip to capture fra |
parser.add_argument('--proto', help='Path to .prototxt') |
parser.add_argument('--model', help='Path to .caffemodel') |
parser.add_argument('--dataset', help='Specify what kind of model was trained. ' |
'It could be (COCO, MPI) depends on dataset.') |
'It could be (COCO, MPI, HAND) depends on dataset.') |
parser.add_argument('--thr', default=0.1, type=float, help='Threshold value for pose parts heat map') |
parser.add_argument('--width', default=368, type=int, help='Resize input to specific width.') |
parser.add_argument('--height', default=368, type=int, help='Resize input to specific height.') |
parser.add_argument('--scale', default=0.003922, type=float, help='Scale for blob.') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
@ -30,8 +31,7 @@ if args.dataset == 'COCO': |
["Neck", "RHip"], ["RHip", "RKnee"], ["RKnee", "RAnkle"], ["Neck", "LHip"], |
["LHip", "LKnee"], ["LKnee", "LAnkle"], ["Neck", "Nose"], ["Nose", "REye"], |
["REye", "REar"], ["Nose", "LEye"], ["LEye", "LEar"] ] |
else: |
assert(args.dataset == 'MPI') |
elif args.dataset == 'MPI': |
BODY_PARTS = { "Head": 0, "Neck": 1, "RShoulder": 2, "RElbow": 3, "RWrist": 4, |
"LShoulder": 5, "LElbow": 6, "LWrist": 7, "RHip": 8, "RKnee": 9, |
"RAnkle": 10, "LHip": 11, "LKnee": 12, "LAnkle": 13, "Chest": 14, |
@ -41,11 +41,33 @@ else: |
["RElbow", "RWrist"], ["Neck", "LShoulder"], ["LShoulder", "LElbow"], |
["LElbow", "LWrist"], ["Neck", "Chest"], ["Chest", "RHip"], ["RHip", "RKnee"], |
["RKnee", "RAnkle"], ["Chest", "LHip"], ["LHip", "LKnee"], ["LKnee", "LAnkle"] ] |
else: |
assert(args.dataset == 'HAND') |
BODY_PARTS = { "Wrist": 0, |
"ThumbMetacarpal": 1, "ThumbProximal": 2, "ThumbMiddle": 3, "ThumbDistal": 4, |
"IndexFingerMetacarpal": 5, "IndexFingerProximal": 6, "IndexFingerMiddle": 7, "IndexFingerDistal": 8, |
"MiddleFingerMetacarpal": 9, "MiddleFingerProximal": 10, "MiddleFingerMiddle": 11, "MiddleFingerDistal": 12, |
"RingFingerMetacarpal": 13, "RingFingerProximal": 14, "RingFingerMiddle": 15, "RingFingerDistal": 16, |
"LittleFingerMetacarpal": 17, "LittleFingerProximal": 18, "LittleFingerMiddle": 19, "LittleFingerDistal": 20, |
} |
POSE_PAIRS = [ ["Wrist", "ThumbMetacarpal"], ["ThumbMetacarpal", "ThumbProximal"], |
["ThumbProximal", "ThumbMiddle"], ["ThumbMiddle", "ThumbDistal"], |
["Wrist", "IndexFingerMetacarpal"], ["IndexFingerMetacarpal", "IndexFingerProximal"], |
["IndexFingerProximal", "IndexFingerMiddle"], ["IndexFingerMiddle", "IndexFingerDistal"], |
["Wrist", "MiddleFingerMetacarpal"], ["MiddleFingerMetacarpal", "MiddleFingerProximal"], |
["MiddleFingerProximal", "MiddleFingerMiddle"], ["MiddleFingerMiddle", "MiddleFingerDistal"], |
["Wrist", "RingFingerMetacarpal"], ["RingFingerMetacarpal", "RingFingerProximal"], |
["RingFingerProximal", "RingFingerMiddle"], ["RingFingerMiddle", "RingFingerDistal"], |
["Wrist", "LittleFingerMetacarpal"], ["LittleFingerMetacarpal", "LittleFingerProximal"], |
["LittleFingerProximal", "LittleFingerMiddle"], ["LittleFingerMiddle", "LittleFingerDistal"] ] |
inWidth = args.width |
inHeight = args.height |
inScale = args.scale |
net = cv.dnn.readNetFromCaffe(cv.samples.findFile(args.proto), cv.samples.findFile(args.model)) |
net = cv.dnn.readNet(cv.samples.findFile(args.proto), cv.samples.findFile(args.model)) |
cap = cv.VideoCapture(args.input if args.input else 0) |
@ -57,12 +79,12 @@ while cv.waitKey(1) < 0: |
frameWidth = frame.shape[1] |
frameHeight = frame.shape[0] |
inp = cv.dnn.blobFromImage(frame, 1.0 / 255, (inWidth, inHeight), |
inp = cv.dnn.blobFromImage(frame, inScale, (inWidth, inHeight), |
(0, 0, 0), swapRB=False, crop=False) |
net.setInput(inp) |
out = net.forward() |
assert(len(BODY_PARTS) == out.shape[1]) |
assert(len(BODY_PARTS) <= out.shape[1]) |
points = [] |
for i in range(len(BODY_PARTS)): |