@ -79,6 +79,14 @@ class ONNXImporter |
void expandMid(const std::string& prefix, opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto, |
const std::string& input, size_t n); |
void addNegation(const LayerParams& layerParams, opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto, int input_id); |
void lstm_extractConsts(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& lstm_proto, size_t idx, int* blobShape_, int size); |
void lstm_add_reshape(const std::string& input_name, const std::string& output_name, int* layerShape, size_t n); |
std::string lstm_add_slice(int index, const std::string& input_name, int* begin, int* end, size_t n); |
std::string lstm_fix_dims(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& lstm_proto, |
int batch_size, int num_directions, int hidden_size, bool need_y, const std::string& y_name, |
const int index); |
void lstm_add_transform(int num_directions, int batch_size, int hidden_size, |
int index, const std::string& input_name, const std::string& output_name); |
public: |
ONNXImporter(Net& net, const char *onnxFile); |
ONNXImporter(Net& net, const char* buffer, size_t sizeBuffer); |
@ -1555,45 +1563,24 @@ void ONNXImporter::parseConstant(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::No |
addConstant(node_proto.output(0), layerParams.blobs[0]); |
} |
void ONNXImporter::parseLSTM(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto_) |
void transformBlobs(std::vector<Mat>& blobs) |
{ |
opencv_onnx::NodeProto node_proto = node_proto_; |
const std::string output_name = node_proto.output(0); |
LayerParams lstmParams = layerParams; |
lstmParams.name += "/lstm"; |
// https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#lstm
CV_Assert(node_proto.input_size() >= 7); |
Mat Wx = getBlob(node_proto, 1); |
Mat Wh = getBlob(node_proto, 2); |
Mat b = getBlob(node_proto, 3); |
Mat Wx = blobs[0]; |
Mat Wh = blobs[1]; |
Mat b = blobs[2]; |
std::vector<Mat> cudaWorkaround; |
cudaWorkaround.push_back(Wx.clone()); |
cudaWorkaround.push_back(Wh.clone()); |
cudaWorkaround.push_back(b.clone()); |
const int numHidden = lstmParams.get<int>("hidden_size"); |
const int numHidden = Wh.size[2]; |
const int numDirs = Wx.size[0]; // Is 1 for forward only and 2 for bidirectional LSTM.
const int numFeatures = Wx.size[2]; |
// Following checks are deduced from the IFGO->IGFO loop below
// Wx is numDirs X numHidden*3 X numFeatures
// Wh is numDirs X numHidden*3 X numHidden
CV_CheckLE(numHidden * 3, Wx.size[1], "Wx should have beat least 3x hidden_size in dimension 1"); |
CV_CheckLE(numHidden * 3, Wh.size[1], "Wh should have be at least 3x hidden_size in dimension 1"); |
CV_CheckLE(numHidden, Wh.size[2], "Wh should have be at least hidden_size in dimension 2"); |
Mat h0, c0; |
if (!node_proto.input(5).empty()) { |
h0 = getBlob(node_proto, 5); |
h0 = h0.reshape(1, h0.size[0] * h0.size[1]); |
} else { |
// initial_h attribute can be empty in case of keras2onnx producer. fill it with zeros
h0 = Mat::zeros(numDirs * numFeatures, numHidden, CV_32FC1); |
} |
if (!node_proto.input(6).empty()) { |
c0 = getBlob(node_proto, 6); |
c0 = c0.reshape(1, c0.size[0] * c0.size[1]); |
} else { |
// initial_c attribute can be empty in case of keras2onnx producer. fill it with zeros
c0 = Mat::zeros(numDirs * numFeatures, numHidden, CV_32FC1); |
} |
Mat h0 = blobs[3]; |
h0 = h0.reshape(1, h0.size[0] * h0.size[1]); |
Mat c0 = blobs[4]; |
c0 = c0.reshape(1, c0.size[0] * c0.size[1]); |
b = b.reshape(1, b.size[0]); |
Mat bx = b.colRange(0, b.cols / 2); |
@ -1627,31 +1614,245 @@ void ONNXImporter::parseLSTM(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodePr |
Wx = Wx.reshape(1, Wx.size[0] * Wx.size[1]); |
Wh = Wh.reshape(1, Wh.size[0] * Wh.size[1]); |
blobs[0] = Wh; |
blobs[1] = Wx; |
blobs[2] = b.reshape(1, 1); |
blobs[3] = h0; |
blobs[4] = c0; |
lstmParams.blobs.resize(5); |
lstmParams.blobs[0] = Wh; |
lstmParams.blobs[1] = Wx; |
lstmParams.blobs[2] = b; |
lstmParams.blobs[3] = h0; |
lstmParams.blobs[4] = c0; |
if (blobs.size() == 5) { |
// so that future patch removing copies can leave all indexing as is
blobs.insert(blobs.begin(), cudaWorkaround.begin(), cudaWorkaround.end()); |
return; |
} |
// read direction attribute
lstmParams.set("reverse", lstmParams.get<String>("direction", "") == "reverse"); |
lstmParams.set("bidirectional", lstmParams.get<String>("direction", "") == "bidirectional"); |
Mat P = blobs[5]; |
blobs[5] = P.colRange(0, numHidden); |
blobs[5] = blobs[5].clone().reshape(1, blobs[5].total()); // Single column.
blobs[5] = Mat::diag(blobs[5]); |
node_proto.set_output(0, lstmParams.name); // set different name so output shapes will be registered on that name
addLayer(lstmParams, node_proto); |
blobs.push_back(P.colRange(numHidden, 2 * numHidden)); |
blobs[6] = blobs[6].clone().reshape(1, blobs[6].total()); // Single column.
blobs[6] = Mat::diag(blobs[6]); |
MatShape lstmShape = outShapes[node_proto.output(0)]; |
blobs.push_back(P.colRange(2 * numHidden, 3 * numHidden)); |
blobs[7] = blobs[7].clone().reshape(1, blobs[7].total()); // Single column.
blobs[7] = Mat::diag(blobs[7]); |
// Add fake 1 as it is done in ONNX
lstmShape.insert(lstmShape.begin() + 1, 1); |
// so that future patch removing copies can leave all indexing as is
blobs.insert(blobs.begin(), cudaWorkaround.begin(), cudaWorkaround.end()); |
} |
layerParams.type = "Reshape"; |
layerParams.set("dim", DictValue::arrayInt(&lstmShape[0], lstmShape.size())); |
node_proto.set_input(0, lstmParams.name); // redirect input to LSTM
node_proto.set_output(0, output_name); // keep origin LSTM's name
addLayer(layerParams, node_proto); |
void ONNXImporter::lstm_extractConsts(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& lstm_proto, size_t idx, int* blobShape_, int size) |
{ |
MatShape blobShape(blobShape_, blobShape_ + size); |
Mat blob; |
if (idx < lstm_proto.input_size() && !lstm_proto.input(idx).empty()) |
{ |
blob = getBlob(lstm_proto, idx); |
CV_Assert(shape(blob) == blobShape); |
} |
else |
{ |
blob = Mat(blobShape, CV_32FC1, 0.); |
} |
layerParams.blobs.push_back(blob); |
}; |
void ONNXImporter::lstm_add_reshape(const std::string& input_name, const std::string& output_name, int* layerShape, size_t n) |
{ |
LayerParams reshapeLp; |
reshapeLp.name = cv::format("%s/reshape", input_name.c_str()); |
reshapeLp.type = "Reshape"; |
CV_Assert(layer_id.find(reshapeLp.name) == layer_id.end()); |
reshapeLp.set("dim", DictValue::arrayInt(layerShape, n)); |
opencv_onnx::NodeProto reshape_proto; |
reshape_proto.add_input(input_name); |
reshape_proto.add_output(output_name); |
addLayer(reshapeLp, reshape_proto); |
}; |
std::string ONNXImporter::lstm_add_slice(int index, const std::string& input_name, int* begin, int* end, size_t n) |
{ |
LayerParams sliceLP; |
sliceLP.name = cv::format("%s/slice_%d", input_name.c_str(), index); |
sliceLP.type = "Slice"; |
CV_Assert(layer_id.find(sliceLP.name) == layer_id.end()); |
sliceLP.set("begin", DictValue::arrayInt(begin, n)); |
sliceLP.set("end", DictValue::arrayInt(end, n)); |
sliceLP.set("axis", 0); |
opencv_onnx::NodeProto slice_proto; |
slice_proto.add_input(input_name); |
slice_proto.add_output(sliceLP.name); |
addLayer(sliceLP, slice_proto); |
return slice_proto.output(0); |
}; |
std::string ONNXImporter::lstm_fix_dims(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& lstm_proto, |
int batch_size, int num_directions, int hidden_size, bool need_y, const std::string& y_name, |
const int index) |
{ |
std::string reshape_output = cv::format("%s/reshape_%d", layerParams.name.c_str(), index); |
// reshape from Seq, Batch, Dirs*Hidden to Seq, Batch, Dirs, Hidden
// to not confuse reshape with dynamic first dimension, zero means 'leave unchanged'
int layerShape[] = {0, batch_size, num_directions, hidden_size}; |
lstm_add_reshape(lstm_proto.output(index), reshape_output, layerShape, sizeof(layerShape) / sizeof(layerShape[0])); |
// permute from Seq, Batch, Dirs, Hidden to Seq, Dirs, Batch, Hidden
LayerParams permuteLP; |
permuteLP.name = reshape_output + "/permute"; |
permuteLP.type = "Permute"; |
CV_Assert(layer_id.find(permuteLP.name) == layer_id.end()); |
int order[] = {0, 2, 1, 3}; |
permuteLP.set("order", DictValue::arrayInt(order, 4)); |
opencv_onnx::NodeProto permute_proto; |
permute_proto.add_input(reshape_output); |
permute_proto.add_output((need_y && index == 0) ? y_name : static_cast<std::string>(permuteLP.name)); |
addLayer(permuteLP, permute_proto); |
return permute_proto.output(0); |
}; |
void ONNXImporter::lstm_add_transform(int num_directions, int batch_size, int hidden_size, |
int index, const std::string& input_name, const std::string& output_name) |
{ |
if (num_directions == 1) |
{ |
// Slice: Yh = Y[-1, :, :, :]
int begin[] = {-1}, end[] = {INT_MAX}; |
std::string slice_output = lstm_add_slice(index, input_name, begin, end, sizeof(begin) / sizeof(begin[0])); |
// Reshape: 1x1xBxH -> 1xBxH
int layerShape[] = {1, batch_size, hidden_size}; |
lstm_add_reshape(slice_output, output_name, layerShape, sizeof(layerShape) / sizeof(layerShape[0])); |
} |
else |
{ |
// Slice: SxDxBxH -> last sequence, first direction
int begin0[] = {-1, 0}, end0[] = {INT_MAX, 1}; |
std::string slice_0 = lstm_add_slice(0, input_name, begin0, end0, sizeof(begin0) / sizeof(begin0[0])); |
// Slice: SxDxBxH -> first sequence, last direction
int begin1[] = {0, -1}, end1[] = {1, INT_MAX}; |
std::string slice_1 = lstm_add_slice(1, input_name, begin1, end1, sizeof(begin1) / sizeof(begin1[0])); |
LayerParams concatLP; |
concatLP.name = cv::format("%s/concat", input_name.c_str()); |
concatLP.type = "Concat"; |
CV_Assert(layer_id.find(concatLP.name) == layer_id.end()); |
concatLP.set("axis", 1); // 1x1xBxH -> 1x2xBxH
opencv_onnx::NodeProto concat_proto; |
concat_proto.add_input(slice_0); |
concat_proto.add_input(slice_1); |
concat_proto.add_output(concatLP.name); |
addLayer(concatLP, concat_proto); |
// Reshape: 1x2xBxH -> 2xBxH
int layerShape[] = {2, batch_size, hidden_size}; |
lstm_add_reshape(concat_proto.output(0), output_name, layerShape, sizeof(layerShape) / sizeof(layerShape[0])); |
} |
}; |
void ONNXImporter::parseLSTM(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto_) |
{ |
opencv_onnx::NodeProto lstm_proto = node_proto_; |
layerParams.name += "/lstm"; |
// https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/main/docs/Operators.md#LSTM
CV_Assert(lstm_proto.input_size() >= 3); |
for (size_t i = 1; i < 3; ++i) |
{ |
const std::string& name = lstm_proto.input(i); |
CV_Assert(!name.empty() && constBlobs.count(name) == 1); |
} |
IterShape_t shapeIt = outShapes.find(lstm_proto.input(0)); |
CV_Assert(shapeIt != outShapes.end()); |
const MatShape x_shape = shapeIt->second; |
const int seq_length = x_shape[0]; |
const int batch_size = x_shape[1]; |
const int input_size = x_shape[2]; |
const int hidden_size = layerParams.get<int>("hidden_size"); |
const int num_directions = constBlobs[lstm_proto.input(1)].size[0]; |
int w_size[] = {num_directions, 4*hidden_size, input_size}; |
lstm_extractConsts(layerParams, lstm_proto, 1, w_size, sizeof(w_size) / sizeof(w_size[0])); // W
int r_size[] = {num_directions, 4*hidden_size, hidden_size}; |
lstm_extractConsts(layerParams, lstm_proto, 2, r_size, sizeof(r_size) / sizeof(r_size[0])); // R
int b_size[] = {num_directions, 8*hidden_size}; |
lstm_extractConsts(layerParams, lstm_proto, 3, b_size, sizeof(b_size) / sizeof(b_size[0])); // B
if (4 < lstm_proto.input_size() && !lstm_proto.input(4).empty()) |
{ |
Mat blob = getBlob(lstm_proto, 4); |
CV_Assert(blob.total() == batch_size); |
for (MatIterator_<int32_t> it = blob.begin<int32_t>(); it != blob.end<int32_t>(); ++it) |
{ |
CV_Assert(*it == seq_length); |
} |
} |
int h_size[] = {num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size}; |
lstm_extractConsts(layerParams, lstm_proto, 5, h_size, sizeof(h_size) / sizeof(h_size[0])); // initial_h
int c_size[] = {num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size}; |
lstm_extractConsts(layerParams, lstm_proto, 6, c_size, sizeof(c_size) / sizeof(c_size[0])); // initial_c
if (lstm_proto.input_size() > 7 && !lstm_proto.input(7).empty()) |
{ |
layerParams.set("use_peephole", true); |
int p_size[] = {num_directions, 3 * hidden_size}; |
lstm_extractConsts(layerParams, lstm_proto, 7, p_size, sizeof(p_size) / sizeof(p_size[0])); // P
} |
transformBlobs(layerParams.blobs); |
layerParams.set("is_onnx", true); |
layerParams.set("reverse", layerParams.get<String>("direction", "") == "reverse"); |
layerParams.set("bidirectional", layerParams.get<String>("direction", "") == "bidirectional"); |
bool need_yc = lstm_proto.output_size() > 2 && !lstm_proto.output(2).empty(); |
bool need_yh = lstm_proto.output_size() > 1 && !lstm_proto.output(1).empty(); |
bool need_y = lstm_proto.output_size() > 0 && !lstm_proto.output(0).empty(); |
const std::string y_name = need_y ? lstm_proto.output(0) : ""; |
const std::string yh_name = need_yh ? lstm_proto.output(1) : ""; |
const std::string yc_name = need_yc ? lstm_proto.output(2) : ""; |
layerParams.set("produce_cell_output", need_yc); |
lstm_proto.clear_output(); |
if (need_y || need_yh) |
{ |
// give random names to LSTMLayer's outputs because every output needs postprocessing
lstm_proto.add_output(cv::format("%s_y", layerParams.name.c_str())); |
} |
if (need_yc) |
{ |
lstm_proto.add_output(yc_name); |
} |
addLayer(layerParams, lstm_proto); |
std::string y_output = lstm_fix_dims(layerParams, lstm_proto, batch_size, num_directions, hidden_size, need_y, |
y_name, 0); |
if (need_yh) |
{ |
lstm_add_transform(num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size, 0, y_output, yh_name); |
} |
} |
void ONNXImporter::parseGRU(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto_) |