@ -53,22 +53,24 @@ Ptr<Filter> cv::gpu::createLinearFilter(int, int, InputArray, Point, int, Scalar
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createLaplacianFilter ( int , int , int , double , int , Scalar ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < Filter > ( ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createFilter2D_GPU ( const Ptr < BaseFilter_GPU > & , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createSeparableFilter_GPU ( const Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > & , const Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > & , int , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createSeparableFilter_GPU ( const Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > & , const Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > & , int , int , int , GpuMat & ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createSeparableLinearFilter ( int , int , InputArray , InputArray , Point , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < Filter > ( ) ; }
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createDerivFilter ( int , int , int , int , int , bool , double , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < Filter > ( ) ; }
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createSobelFilter ( int , int , int , int , int , double , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < Filter > ( ) ; }
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createScharrFilter ( int , int , int , int , double , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < Filter > ( ) ; }
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createGaussianFilter ( int , int , Size , double , double , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < Filter > ( ) ; }
Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > cv : : gpu : : getRowSumFilter_GPU ( int , int , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > cv : : gpu : : getColumnSumFilter_GPU ( int , int , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < BaseFilter_GPU > cv : : gpu : : getMorphologyFilter_GPU ( int , int , const Mat & , const Size & , Point ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < BaseFilter_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createMorphologyFilter_GPU ( int , int , const Mat & , const Point & , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createMorphologyFilter_GPU ( int , int , const Mat & , GpuMat & , const Point & , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > cv : : gpu : : getLinearRowFilter_GPU ( int , int , const Mat & , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > cv : : gpu : : getLinearColumnFilter_GPU ( int , int , const Mat & , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( int , int , const Mat & , const Mat & , const Point & , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( int , int , const Mat & , const Mat & , GpuMat & , const Point & , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createDerivFilter_GPU ( int , int , int , int , int , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createDerivFilter_GPU ( int , int , int , int , int , GpuMat & , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createGaussianFilter_GPU ( int , Size , double , double , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createGaussianFilter_GPU ( int , Size , GpuMat & , double , double , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < BaseFilter_GPU > cv : : gpu : : getMaxFilter_GPU ( int , int , const Size & , Point ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < BaseFilter_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
Ptr < BaseFilter_GPU > cv : : gpu : : getMinFilter_GPU ( int , int , const Size & , Point ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; return Ptr < BaseFilter_GPU > ( 0 ) ; }
@ -78,14 +80,7 @@ void cv::gpu::dilate(const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, const Mat&, Point, int) { throw_no_
void cv : : gpu : : dilate ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , const Mat & , GpuMat & , Point , int , Stream & ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
void cv : : gpu : : morphologyEx ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , int , const Mat & , Point , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
void cv : : gpu : : morphologyEx ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , int , const Mat & , GpuMat & , GpuMat & , Point , int , Stream & ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
void cv : : gpu : : sepFilter2D ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , int , const Mat & , const Mat & , Point , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
void cv : : gpu : : sepFilter2D ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , int , const Mat & , const Mat & , GpuMat & , Point , int , int , Stream & ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
void cv : : gpu : : Sobel ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , int , int , int , int , double , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
void cv : : gpu : : Sobel ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , int , int , int , GpuMat & , int , double , int , int , Stream & ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
void cv : : gpu : : Scharr ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , int , int , int , double , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
void cv : : gpu : : Scharr ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , int , int , int , GpuMat & , double , int , int , Stream & ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
void cv : : gpu : : GaussianBlur ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , Size , double , double , int , int ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
void cv : : gpu : : GaussianBlur ( const GpuMat & , GpuMat & , Size , GpuMat & , double , double , int , int , Stream & ) { throw_no_cuda ( ) ; }
# else
@ -185,6 +180,8 @@ Ptr<Filter> cv::gpu::createBoxFilter(int srcType, int dstType, Size ksize, Point
if ( dstType < 0 )
dstType = srcType ;
dstType = CV_MAKE_TYPE ( CV_MAT_DEPTH ( dstType ) , CV_MAT_CN ( srcType ) ) ;
return new NPPBoxFilter ( srcType , dstType , ksize , anchor , borderMode , borderVal ) ;
@ -291,6 +288,8 @@ Ptr<Filter> cv::gpu::createLinearFilter(int srcType, int dstType, InputArray ker
if ( dstType < 0 )
dstType = srcType ;
dstType = CV_MAKE_TYPE ( CV_MAT_DEPTH ( dstType ) , CV_MAT_CN ( srcType ) ) ;
return new LinearFilter ( srcType , dstType , kernel , anchor , borderMode , borderVal ) ;
@ -314,189 +313,258 @@ Ptr<Filter> cv::gpu::createLaplacianFilter(int srcType, int dstType, int ksize,
return gpu : : createLinearFilter ( srcType , dstType , kernel , Point ( - 1 , - 1 ) , borderMode , borderVal ) ;
// Separable Linear Filter
namespace filter
template < typename T , typename D >
void linearRow ( PtrStepSzb src , PtrStepSzb dst , const float * kernel , int ksize , int anchor , int brd_type , int cc , cudaStream_t stream ) ;
template < typename T , typename D >
void linearColumn ( PtrStepSzb src , PtrStepSzb dst , const float * kernel , int ksize , int anchor , int brd_type , int cc , cudaStream_t stream ) ;
class SeparableLinearFilter : public Filter
public :
SeparableLinearFilter ( int srcType , int dstType ,
InputArray rowKernel , InputArray columnKernel ,
Point anchor , int rowBorderMode , int columnBorderMode ) ;
void apply ( InputArray src , OutputArray dst , Stream & stream = Stream : : Null ( ) ) ;
private :
typedef void ( * func_t ) ( PtrStepSzb src , PtrStepSzb dst , const float * kernel , int ksize , int anchor , int brd_type , int cc , cudaStream_t stream ) ;
int srcType_ , bufType_ , dstType_ ;
GpuMat rowKernel_ , columnKernel_ ;
func_t rowFilter_ , columnFilter_ ;
Point anchor_ ;
int rowBorderMode_ , columnBorderMode_ ;
GpuMat buf_ ;
} ;
SeparableLinearFilter : : SeparableLinearFilter ( int srcType , int dstType ,
InputArray _rowKernel , InputArray _columnKernel ,
Point anchor , int rowBorderMode , int columnBorderMode ) :
srcType_ ( srcType ) , dstType_ ( dstType ) , anchor_ ( anchor ) , rowBorderMode_ ( rowBorderMode ) , columnBorderMode_ ( columnBorderMode )
static const func_t rowFilterFuncs [ 7 ] [ 4 ] =
{ filter : : linearRow < uchar , float > , 0 , filter : : linearRow < uchar3 , float3 > , filter : : linearRow < uchar4 , float4 > } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ filter : : linearRow < ushort , float > , 0 , filter : : linearRow < ushort3 , float3 > , filter : : linearRow < ushort4 , float4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearRow < short , float > , 0 , filter : : linearRow < short3 , float3 > , filter : : linearRow < short4 , float4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearRow < int , float > , 0 , filter : : linearRow < int3 , float3 > , filter : : linearRow < int4 , float4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearRow < float , float > , 0 , filter : : linearRow < float3 , float3 > , filter : : linearRow < float4 , float4 > } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
} ;
static const func_t columnFilterFuncs [ 7 ] [ 4 ] =
{ filter : : linearColumn < float , uchar > , 0 , filter : : linearColumn < float3 , uchar3 > , filter : : linearColumn < float4 , uchar4 > } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ filter : : linearColumn < float , ushort > , 0 , filter : : linearColumn < float3 , ushort3 > , filter : : linearColumn < float4 , ushort4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearColumn < float , short > , 0 , filter : : linearColumn < float3 , short3 > , filter : : linearColumn < float4 , short4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearColumn < float , int > , 0 , filter : : linearColumn < float3 , int3 > , filter : : linearColumn < float4 , int4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearColumn < float , float > , 0 , filter : : linearColumn < float3 , float3 > , filter : : linearColumn < float4 , float4 > } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
} ;
const int sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH ( srcType ) ;
const int cn = CV_MAT_CN ( srcType ) ;
const int ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH ( dstType ) ;
Mat rowKernel = _rowKernel . getMat ( ) ;
Mat columnKernel = _columnKernel . getMat ( ) ;
CV_Assert ( sdepth < = CV_64F & & cn < = 4 ) ;
CV_Assert ( rowKernel . channels ( ) = = 1 ) ;
CV_Assert ( columnKernel . channels ( ) = = 1 ) ;
CV_Assert ( rowBorderMode = = BORDER_REFLECT101 | | rowBorderMode = = BORDER_REPLICATE | | rowBorderMode = = BORDER_CONSTANT | | rowBorderMode = = BORDER_REFLECT | | rowBorderMode = = BORDER_WRAP ) ;
CV_Assert ( columnBorderMode = = BORDER_REFLECT101 | | columnBorderMode = = BORDER_REPLICATE | | columnBorderMode = = BORDER_CONSTANT | | columnBorderMode = = BORDER_REFLECT | | columnBorderMode = = BORDER_WRAP ) ;
Mat kernel32F ;
rowKernel . convertTo ( kernel32F , CV_32F ) ;
rowKernel_ . upload ( kernel32F . reshape ( 1 , 1 ) ) ;
columnKernel . convertTo ( kernel32F , CV_32F ) ;
columnKernel_ . upload ( kernel32F . reshape ( 1 , 1 ) ) ;
CV_Assert ( rowKernel_ . cols > 0 & & rowKernel_ . cols < = 32 ) ;
CV_Assert ( columnKernel_ . cols > 0 & & columnKernel_ . cols < = 32 ) ;
normalizeAnchor ( anchor_ . x , rowKernel_ . cols ) ;
normalizeAnchor ( anchor_ . y , columnKernel_ . cols ) ;
bufType_ = CV_MAKE_TYPE ( CV_32F , cn ) ;
rowFilter_ = rowFilterFuncs [ sdepth ] [ cn - 1 ] ;
CV_Assert ( rowFilter_ ! = 0 ) ;
columnFilter_ = columnFilterFuncs [ ddepth ] [ cn - 1 ] ;
CV_Assert ( columnFilter_ ! = 0 ) ;
void SeparableLinearFilter : : apply ( InputArray _src , OutputArray _dst , Stream & _stream )
GpuMat src = _src . getGpuMat ( ) ;
CV_Assert ( src . type ( ) = = srcType_ ) ;
_dst . create ( src . size ( ) , dstType_ ) ;
GpuMat dst = _dst . getGpuMat ( ) ;
ensureSizeIsEnough ( src . size ( ) , bufType_ , buf_ ) ;
DeviceInfo devInfo ;
const int cc = devInfo . major ( ) * 10 + devInfo . minor ( ) ;
cudaStream_t stream = StreamAccessor : : getStream ( _stream ) ;
rowFilter_ ( src , buf_ , rowKernel_ . ptr < float > ( ) , rowKernel_ . cols , anchor_ . x , rowBorderMode_ , cc , stream ) ;
columnFilter_ ( buf_ , dst , columnKernel_ . ptr < float > ( ) , columnKernel_ . cols , anchor_ . y , columnBorderMode_ , cc , stream ) ;
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createSeparableLinearFilter ( int srcType , int dstType , InputArray rowKernel , InputArray columnKernel , Point anchor , int rowBorderMode , int columnBorderMode )
if ( dstType < 0 )
dstType = srcType ;
dstType = CV_MAKE_TYPE ( CV_MAT_DEPTH ( dstType ) , CV_MAT_CN ( srcType ) ) ;
if ( columnBorderMode < 0 )
columnBorderMode = rowBorderMode ;
return new SeparableLinearFilter ( srcType , dstType , rowKernel , columnKernel , anchor , rowBorderMode , columnBorderMode ) ;
// Deriv Filter
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createDerivFilter ( i nt srcType , int dstType , int dx , int dy , int ksize , bool nor maliz e, doubl e scale , int rowBorderMode , int columnBorderMode )
inline void normalizeROI ( Rect & roi , const Size & ksize , const Point & anchor , const Size & src_size )
if ( roi = = Rect ( 0 , 0 , - 1 , - 1 ) )
roi = Rect ( anchor . x , anchor . y , src_size . width - ksize . width , src_size . height - ksize . height ) ;
CV_Assert ( roi . x > = 0 & & roi . y > = 0 & & roi . width < = src_size . width & & roi . height < = src_size . height ) ;
Mat kx , ky ;
getDerivKernels ( kx , ky , dx , dy , ksize , normalize , CV_32F ) ;
inline void normalizeKernel ( const Mat & kernel , GpuMat & gpu_krnl , int type = CV_8U , int * nDivisor = 0 , bool reverse = false )
if ( scale ! = 1 )
int scale = nDivisor & & ( kernel . depth ( ) = = CV_32F | | kernel . depth ( ) = = CV_64F ) ? 256 : 1 ;
if ( nDivisor ) * nDivisor = scale ;
// usually the smoothing part is the slowest to compute,
// so try to scale it instead of the faster differenciating part
if ( dx = = 0 )
kx * = scale ;
ky * = scale ;
Mat temp ( kernel . size ( ) , type ) ;
kernel . convertTo ( temp , type , scale ) ;
Mat cont_krnl = temp . reshape ( 1 , 1 ) ;
return gpu : : createSeparableLinearFilter ( srcType , dstType , kx , ky , Point ( - 1 , - 1 ) , rowBorderMode , columnBorderMode ) ;
if ( reverse )
int count = cont_krnl . cols > > 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; + + i )
std : : swap ( cont_krnl . at < int > ( 0 , i ) , cont_krnl . at < int > ( 0 , cont_krnl . cols - 1 - i ) ) ;
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createSobelFilter ( int srcType , int dstType , int dx , int dy , int ksize , double scale , int rowBorderMode , int columnBorderMode )
return gpu : : createDerivFilter ( srcType , dstType , dx , dy , ksize , false , scale , rowBorderMode , columnBorderMode ) ;
gpu_krnl . upload ( cont_krnl ) ;
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createScharrFilter ( int srcType , int dstType , int dx , int dy , double scale , int rowBorderMode , int columnBorderMode )
return gpu : : createDerivFilter ( srcType , dstType , dx , dy , - 1 , false , scale , rowBorderMode , columnBorderMode ) ;
// Filter2D
// Gaussian Filter
na mespac e
Ptr < Filter > cv : : gpu : : createGaussianFilter ( i nt srcType , int dstType , Size ksize , double sig ma1 , doubl e sigma2 , int rowBord erMode , int columnBorderMode )
struct Filter2DEngine_GPU : public FilterEngine_GPU
Filter2DEngine_GPU ( const Ptr < BaseFilter_GPU > & filter2D_ , int srcType_ , int dstType_ ) :
filter2D ( filter2D_ ) , srcType ( srcType_ ) , dstType ( dstType_ )
{ }
const int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH ( srcType ) ;
if ( sigma2 < = 0 )
sigma2 = sigma1 ;
// automatic detection of kernel size from sigma
if ( ksize . width < = 0 & & sigma1 > 0 )
ksize . width = cvRound ( sigma1 * ( depth = = CV_8U ? 3 : 4 ) * 2 + 1 ) | 1 ;
if ( ksize . height < = 0 & & sigma2 > 0 )
ksize . height = cvRound ( sigma2 * ( depth = = CV_8U ? 3 : 4 ) * 2 + 1 ) | 1 ;
CV_Assert ( ksize . width > 0 & & ksize . width % 2 = = 1 & & ksize . height > 0 & & ksize . height % 2 = = 1 ) ;
sigma1 = std : : max ( sigma1 , 0.0 ) ;
sigma2 = std : : max ( sigma2 , 0.0 ) ;
Mat kx = getGaussianKernel ( ksize . width , sigma1 , CV_32F ) ;
Mat ky ;
if ( ksize . height = = ksize . width & & std : : abs ( sigma1 - sigma2 ) < DBL_EPSILON )
ky = kx ;
ky = getGaussianKernel ( ksize . height , sigma2 , CV_32F ) ;
return createSeparableLinearFilter ( srcType , dstType , kx , ky , Point ( - 1 , - 1 ) , rowBorderMode , columnBorderMode ) ;
virtual void apply ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , Rect roi = Rect ( 0 , 0 , - 1 , - 1 ) , Stream & stream = Stream : : Null ( ) )
CV_Assert ( src . type ( ) = = srcType ) ;
Size src_size = src . size ( ) ;
dst . create ( src_size , dstType ) ;
if ( roi . size ( ) ! = src_size )
dst . setTo ( Scalar : : all ( 0 ) , stream ) ;
normalizeROI ( roi , filter2D - > ksize , filter2D - > anchor , src_size ) ;
GpuMat srcROI = src ( roi ) ;
GpuMat dstROI = dst ( roi ) ;
( * filter2D ) ( srcROI , dstROI , stream ) ;
Ptr < BaseFilter_GPU > filter2D ;
int srcType , dstType ;
} ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createFilter2D_GPU ( const Ptr < BaseFilter_GPU > & filter2D , int srcType , int dstType )
return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( new Filter2DEngine_GPU ( filter2D , srcType , dstType ) ) ;
// SeparableFilter
struct SeparableFilterEngine_GPU : public FilterEngine_GPU
SeparableFilterEngine_GPU ( const Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > & rowFilter_ , const Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > & columnFilter_ ,
int srcType_ , int bufType_ , int dstType_ ) :
rowFilter ( rowFilter_ ) , columnFilter ( columnFilter_ ) ,
srcType ( srcType_ ) , bufType ( bufType_ ) , dstType ( dstType_ )
ksize = Size ( rowFilter - > ksize , columnFilter - > ksize ) ;
anchor = Point ( rowFilter - > anchor , columnFilter - > anchor ) ;
pbuf = & buf ;
SeparableFilterEngine_GPU ( const Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > & rowFilter_ , const Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > & columnFilter_ ,
int srcType_ , int bufType_ , int dstType_ ,
GpuMat & buf_ ) :
rowFilter ( rowFilter_ ) , columnFilter ( columnFilter_ ) ,
srcType ( srcType_ ) , bufType ( bufType_ ) , dstType ( dstType_ )
ksize = Size ( rowFilter - > ksize , columnFilter - > ksize ) ;
anchor = Point ( rowFilter - > anchor , columnFilter - > anchor ) ;
pbuf = & buf_ ;
virtual void apply ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , Rect roi = Rect ( 0 , 0 , - 1 , - 1 ) , Stream & stream = Stream : : Null ( ) )
CV_Assert ( src . type ( ) = = srcType ) ;
Size src_size = src . size ( ) ;
dst . create ( src_size , dstType ) ;
if ( roi . size ( ) ! = src_size )
dst . setTo ( Scalar : : all ( 0 ) , stream ) ;
ensureSizeIsEnough ( src_size , bufType , * pbuf ) ;
normalizeROI ( roi , ksize , anchor , src_size ) ;
GpuMat srcROI = src ( roi ) ;
GpuMat dstROI = dst ( roi ) ;
GpuMat bufROI = ( * pbuf ) ( roi ) ;
( * rowFilter ) ( srcROI , bufROI , stream ) ;
( * columnFilter ) ( bufROI , dstROI , stream ) ;
Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > rowFilter ;
Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > columnFilter ;
int srcType , bufType , dstType ;
Size ksize ;
Point anchor ;
GpuMat buf ;
GpuMat * pbuf ;
} ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createSeparableFilter_GPU ( const Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > & rowFilter ,
const Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > & columnFilter , int srcType , int bufType , int dstType )
return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( new SeparableFilterEngine_GPU ( rowFilter , columnFilter , srcType , bufType , dstType ) ) ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createSeparableFilter_GPU ( const Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > & rowFilter ,
const Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > & columnFilter , int srcType , int bufType , int dstType , GpuMat & buf )
return Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > ( new SeparableFilterEngine_GPU ( rowFilter , columnFilter , srcType , bufType , dstType , buf ) ) ;
inline void normalizeROI ( Rect & roi , const Size & ksize , const Point & anchor , const Size & src_size )
if ( roi = = Rect ( 0 , 0 , - 1 , - 1 ) )
roi = Rect ( anchor . x , anchor . y , src_size . width - ksize . width , src_size . height - ksize . height ) ;
CV_Assert ( roi . x > = 0 & & roi . y > = 0 & & roi . width < = src_size . width & & roi . height < = src_size . height ) ;
inline void normalizeKernel ( const Mat & kernel , GpuMat & gpu_krnl , int type = CV_8U , int * nDivisor = 0 , bool reverse = false )
int scale = nDivisor & & ( kernel . depth ( ) = = CV_32F | | kernel . depth ( ) = = CV_64F ) ? 256 : 1 ;
if ( nDivisor ) * nDivisor = scale ;
Mat temp ( kernel . size ( ) , type ) ;
kernel . convertTo ( temp , type , scale ) ;
Mat cont_krnl = temp . reshape ( 1 , 1 ) ;
if ( reverse )
int count = cont_krnl . cols > > 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; + + i )
std : : swap ( cont_krnl . at < int > ( 0 , i ) , cont_krnl . at < int > ( 0 , cont_krnl . cols - 1 - i ) ) ;
gpu_krnl . upload ( cont_krnl ) ;
@ -829,433 +897,6 @@ void cv::gpu::morphologyEx(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, int op, const Mat& ke
// Separable Linear Filter
namespace filter
template < typename T , typename D >
void linearRow ( PtrStepSzb src , PtrStepSzb dst , const float * kernel , int ksize , int anchor , int brd_type , int cc , cudaStream_t stream ) ;
template < typename T , typename D >
void linearColumn ( PtrStepSzb src , PtrStepSzb dst , const float * kernel , int ksize , int anchor , int brd_type , int cc , cudaStream_t stream ) ;
typedef NppStatus ( * nppFilter1D_t ) ( const Npp8u * pSrc , Npp32s nSrcStep , Npp8u * pDst , Npp32s nDstStep , NppiSize oROI ,
const Npp32s * pKernel , Npp32s nMaskSize , Npp32s nAnchor , Npp32s nDivisor ) ;
typedef void ( * gpuFilter1D_t ) ( PtrStepSzb src , PtrStepSzb dst , const float kernel [ ] , int ksize , int anchor , int brd_type , int cc , cudaStream_t stream ) ;
struct NppLinearRowFilter : public BaseRowFilter_GPU
NppLinearRowFilter ( int ksize_ , int anchor_ , const GpuMat & kernel_ , Npp32s nDivisor_ , nppFilter1D_t func_ ) :
BaseRowFilter_GPU ( ksize_ , anchor_ ) , kernel ( kernel_ ) , nDivisor ( nDivisor_ ) , func ( func_ ) { }
virtual void operator ( ) ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , Stream & s = Stream : : Null ( ) )
NppiSize sz ;
sz . width = src . cols ;
sz . height = src . rows ;
cudaStream_t stream = StreamAccessor : : getStream ( s ) ;
NppStreamHandler h ( stream ) ;
nppSafeCall ( func ( src . ptr < Npp8u > ( ) , static_cast < int > ( src . step ) , dst . ptr < Npp8u > ( ) , static_cast < int > ( dst . step ) , sz ,
kernel . ptr < Npp32s > ( ) , ksize , anchor , nDivisor ) ) ;
if ( stream = = 0 )
cudaSafeCall ( cudaDeviceSynchronize ( ) ) ;
GpuMat kernel ;
Npp32s nDivisor ;
nppFilter1D_t func ;
} ;
struct GpuLinearRowFilter : public BaseRowFilter_GPU
GpuLinearRowFilter ( int ksize_ , int anchor_ , const GpuMat & kernel_ , gpuFilter1D_t func_ , int brd_type_ ) :
BaseRowFilter_GPU ( ksize_ , anchor_ ) , kernel ( kernel_ ) , func ( func_ ) , brd_type ( brd_type_ ) { }
virtual void operator ( ) ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , Stream & s = Stream : : Null ( ) )
DeviceInfo devInfo ;
int cc = devInfo . major ( ) * 10 + devInfo . minor ( ) ;
func ( src , dst , kernel . ptr < float > ( ) , ksize , anchor , brd_type , cc , StreamAccessor : : getStream ( s ) ) ;
GpuMat kernel ;
gpuFilter1D_t func ;
int brd_type ;
} ;
Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > cv : : gpu : : getLinearRowFilter_GPU ( int srcType , int bufType , const Mat & rowKernel , int anchor , int borderType )
static const gpuFilter1D_t funcs [ 7 ] [ 4 ] =
{ filter : : linearRow < uchar , float > , 0 , filter : : linearRow < uchar3 , float3 > , filter : : linearRow < uchar4 , float4 > } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ filter : : linearRow < ushort , float > , 0 , filter : : linearRow < ushort3 , float3 > , filter : : linearRow < ushort4 , float4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearRow < short , float > , 0 , filter : : linearRow < short3 , float3 > , filter : : linearRow < short4 , float4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearRow < int , float > , 0 , filter : : linearRow < int3 , float3 > , filter : : linearRow < int4 , float4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearRow < float , float > , 0 , filter : : linearRow < float3 , float3 > , filter : : linearRow < float4 , float4 > } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
} ;
static const nppFilter1D_t npp_funcs [ ] =
0 , nppiFilterRow_8u_C1R , 0 , 0 , nppiFilterRow_8u_C4R
} ;
if ( ( bufType = = srcType ) & & ( srcType = = CV_8UC1 | | srcType = = CV_8UC4 ) )
CV_Assert ( borderType = = BORDER_CONSTANT ) ;
GpuMat gpu_row_krnl ;
int nDivisor ;
normalizeKernel ( rowKernel , gpu_row_krnl , CV_32S , & nDivisor , true ) ;
const int ksize = gpu_row_krnl . cols ;
normalizeAnchor ( anchor , ksize ) ;
return Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > ( new NppLinearRowFilter ( ksize , anchor , gpu_row_krnl , nDivisor , npp_funcs [ CV_MAT_CN ( srcType ) ] ) ) ;
CV_Assert ( borderType = = BORDER_REFLECT101 | | borderType = = BORDER_REPLICATE | | borderType = = BORDER_CONSTANT | | borderType = = BORDER_REFLECT | | borderType = = BORDER_WRAP ) ;
const int sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH ( srcType ) ;
const int cn = CV_MAT_CN ( srcType ) ;
CV_Assert ( sdepth < = CV_64F & & cn < = 4 ) ;
CV_Assert ( CV_MAT_DEPTH ( bufType ) = = CV_32F & & CV_MAT_CN ( bufType ) = = cn ) ;
const gpuFilter1D_t func = funcs [ sdepth ] [ cn - 1 ] ;
CV_Assert ( func ! = 0 ) ;
GpuMat gpu_row_krnl ;
normalizeKernel ( rowKernel , gpu_row_krnl , CV_32F ) ;
const int ksize = gpu_row_krnl . cols ;
CV_Assert ( ksize > 0 & & ksize < = 32 ) ;
normalizeAnchor ( anchor , ksize ) ;
return Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > ( new GpuLinearRowFilter ( ksize , anchor , gpu_row_krnl , func , borderType ) ) ;
struct NppLinearColumnFilter : public BaseColumnFilter_GPU
NppLinearColumnFilter ( int ksize_ , int anchor_ , const GpuMat & kernel_ , Npp32s nDivisor_ , nppFilter1D_t func_ ) :
BaseColumnFilter_GPU ( ksize_ , anchor_ ) , kernel ( kernel_ ) , nDivisor ( nDivisor_ ) , func ( func_ ) { }
virtual void operator ( ) ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , Stream & s = Stream : : Null ( ) )
NppiSize sz ;
sz . width = src . cols ;
sz . height = src . rows ;
cudaStream_t stream = StreamAccessor : : getStream ( s ) ;
NppStreamHandler h ( stream ) ;
nppSafeCall ( func ( src . ptr < Npp8u > ( ) , static_cast < int > ( src . step ) , dst . ptr < Npp8u > ( ) , static_cast < int > ( dst . step ) , sz ,
kernel . ptr < Npp32s > ( ) , ksize , anchor , nDivisor ) ) ;
if ( stream = = 0 )
cudaSafeCall ( cudaDeviceSynchronize ( ) ) ;
GpuMat kernel ;
Npp32s nDivisor ;
nppFilter1D_t func ;
} ;
struct GpuLinearColumnFilter : public BaseColumnFilter_GPU
GpuLinearColumnFilter ( int ksize_ , int anchor_ , const GpuMat & kernel_ , gpuFilter1D_t func_ , int brd_type_ ) :
BaseColumnFilter_GPU ( ksize_ , anchor_ ) , kernel ( kernel_ ) , func ( func_ ) , brd_type ( brd_type_ ) { }
virtual void operator ( ) ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , Stream & s = Stream : : Null ( ) )
DeviceInfo devInfo ;
int cc = devInfo . major ( ) * 10 + devInfo . minor ( ) ;
if ( ksize > 16 & & cc < 20 )
CV_Error ( cv : : Error : : StsNotImplemented , " column linear filter doesn't implemented for kernel size > 16 for device with compute capabilities less than 2.0 " ) ;
func ( src , dst , kernel . ptr < float > ( ) , ksize , anchor , brd_type , cc , StreamAccessor : : getStream ( s ) ) ;
GpuMat kernel ;
gpuFilter1D_t func ;
int brd_type ;
} ;
Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > cv : : gpu : : getLinearColumnFilter_GPU ( int bufType , int dstType , const Mat & columnKernel , int anchor , int borderType )
static const gpuFilter1D_t funcs [ 7 ] [ 4 ] =
{ filter : : linearColumn < float , uchar > , 0 , filter : : linearColumn < float3 , uchar3 > , filter : : linearColumn < float4 , uchar4 > } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ filter : : linearColumn < float , ushort > , 0 , filter : : linearColumn < float3 , ushort3 > , filter : : linearColumn < float4 , ushort4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearColumn < float , short > , 0 , filter : : linearColumn < float3 , short3 > , filter : : linearColumn < float4 , short4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearColumn < float , int > , 0 , filter : : linearColumn < float3 , int3 > , filter : : linearColumn < float4 , int4 > } ,
{ filter : : linearColumn < float , float > , 0 , filter : : linearColumn < float3 , float3 > , filter : : linearColumn < float4 , float4 > } ,
{ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 }
} ;
static const nppFilter1D_t npp_funcs [ ] =
0 , nppiFilterColumn_8u_C1R , 0 , 0 , nppiFilterColumn_8u_C4R
} ;
if ( ( bufType = = dstType ) & & ( bufType = = CV_8UC1 | | bufType = = CV_8UC4 ) )
CV_Assert ( borderType = = BORDER_CONSTANT ) ;
GpuMat gpu_col_krnl ;
int nDivisor ;
normalizeKernel ( columnKernel , gpu_col_krnl , CV_32S , & nDivisor , true ) ;
const int ksize = gpu_col_krnl . cols ;
normalizeAnchor ( anchor , ksize ) ;
return Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > ( new NppLinearColumnFilter ( ksize , anchor , gpu_col_krnl , nDivisor , npp_funcs [ CV_MAT_CN ( bufType ) ] ) ) ;
CV_Assert ( borderType = = BORDER_REFLECT101 | | borderType = = BORDER_REPLICATE | | borderType = = BORDER_CONSTANT | | borderType = = BORDER_REFLECT | | borderType = = BORDER_WRAP ) ;
const int ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH ( dstType ) ;
const int cn = CV_MAT_CN ( dstType ) ;
CV_Assert ( ddepth < = CV_64F & & cn < = 4 ) ;
CV_Assert ( CV_MAT_DEPTH ( bufType ) = = CV_32F & & CV_MAT_CN ( bufType ) = = cn ) ;
gpuFilter1D_t func = funcs [ ddepth ] [ cn - 1 ] ;
CV_Assert ( func ! = 0 ) ;
GpuMat gpu_col_krnl ;
normalizeKernel ( columnKernel , gpu_col_krnl , CV_32F ) ;
const int ksize = gpu_col_krnl . cols ;
CV_Assert ( ksize > 0 & & ksize < = 32 ) ;
normalizeAnchor ( anchor , ksize ) ;
return Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > ( new GpuLinearColumnFilter ( ksize , anchor , gpu_col_krnl , func , borderType ) ) ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( int srcType , int dstType , const Mat & rowKernel , const Mat & columnKernel ,
const Point & anchor , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType )
if ( columnBorderType < 0 )
columnBorderType = rowBorderType ;
int cn = CV_MAT_CN ( srcType ) ;
int bdepth = CV_32F ;
int bufType = CV_MAKETYPE ( bdepth , cn ) ;
Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > rowFilter = getLinearRowFilter_GPU ( srcType , bufType , rowKernel , anchor . x , rowBorderType ) ;
Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > columnFilter = getLinearColumnFilter_GPU ( bufType , dstType , columnKernel , anchor . y , columnBorderType ) ;
return createSeparableFilter_GPU ( rowFilter , columnFilter , srcType , bufType , dstType ) ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( int srcType , int dstType , const Mat & rowKernel , const Mat & columnKernel , GpuMat & buf ,
const Point & anchor , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType )
if ( columnBorderType < 0 )
columnBorderType = rowBorderType ;
int cn = CV_MAT_CN ( srcType ) ;
int bdepth = CV_32F ;
int bufType = CV_MAKETYPE ( bdepth , cn ) ;
Ptr < BaseRowFilter_GPU > rowFilter = getLinearRowFilter_GPU ( srcType , bufType , rowKernel , anchor . x , rowBorderType ) ;
Ptr < BaseColumnFilter_GPU > columnFilter = getLinearColumnFilter_GPU ( bufType , dstType , columnKernel , anchor . y , columnBorderType ) ;
return createSeparableFilter_GPU ( rowFilter , columnFilter , srcType , bufType , dstType , buf ) ;
void cv : : gpu : : sepFilter2D ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , int ddepth , const Mat & kernelX , const Mat & kernelY ,
Point anchor , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType )
if ( ddepth < 0 )
ddepth = src . depth ( ) ;
dst . create ( src . size ( ) , CV_MAKETYPE ( ddepth , src . channels ( ) ) ) ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > f = createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( src . type ( ) , dst . type ( ) , kernelX , kernelY , anchor , rowBorderType , columnBorderType ) ;
f - > apply ( src , dst , Rect ( 0 , 0 , src . cols , src . rows ) ) ;
void cv : : gpu : : sepFilter2D ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , int ddepth , const Mat & kernelX , const Mat & kernelY , GpuMat & buf ,
Point anchor , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType ,
Stream & stream )
if ( ddepth < 0 )
ddepth = src . depth ( ) ;
dst . create ( src . size ( ) , CV_MAKETYPE ( ddepth , src . channels ( ) ) ) ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > f = createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( src . type ( ) , dst . type ( ) , kernelX , kernelY , buf , anchor , rowBorderType , columnBorderType ) ;
f - > apply ( src , dst , Rect ( 0 , 0 , src . cols , src . rows ) , stream ) ;
// Deriv Filter
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createDerivFilter_GPU ( int srcType , int dstType , int dx , int dy , int ksize , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType )
Mat kx , ky ;
getDerivKernels ( kx , ky , dx , dy , ksize , false , CV_32F ) ;
return createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( srcType , dstType , kx , ky , Point ( - 1 , - 1 ) , rowBorderType , columnBorderType ) ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createDerivFilter_GPU ( int srcType , int dstType , int dx , int dy , int ksize , GpuMat & buf , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType )
Mat kx , ky ;
getDerivKernels ( kx , ky , dx , dy , ksize , false , CV_32F ) ;
return createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( srcType , dstType , kx , ky , buf , Point ( - 1 , - 1 ) , rowBorderType , columnBorderType ) ;
void cv : : gpu : : Sobel ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , int ddepth , int dx , int dy , int ksize , double scale , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType )
GpuMat buf ;
Sobel ( src , dst , ddepth , dx , dy , buf , ksize , scale , rowBorderType , columnBorderType ) ;
void cv : : gpu : : Sobel ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , int ddepth , int dx , int dy , GpuMat & buf , int ksize , double scale , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType , Stream & stream )
Mat kx , ky ;
getDerivKernels ( kx , ky , dx , dy , ksize , false , CV_32F ) ;
if ( scale ! = 1 )
// usually the smoothing part is the slowest to compute,
// so try to scale it instead of the faster differenciating part
if ( dx = = 0 )
kx * = scale ;
ky * = scale ;
sepFilter2D ( src , dst , ddepth , kx , ky , buf , Point ( - 1 , - 1 ) , rowBorderType , columnBorderType , stream ) ;
void cv : : gpu : : Scharr ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , int ddepth , int dx , int dy , double scale , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType )
GpuMat buf ;
Scharr ( src , dst , ddepth , dx , dy , buf , scale , rowBorderType , columnBorderType ) ;
void cv : : gpu : : Scharr ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , int ddepth , int dx , int dy , GpuMat & buf , double scale , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType , Stream & stream )
Mat kx , ky ;
getDerivKernels ( kx , ky , dx , dy , - 1 , false , CV_32F ) ;
if ( scale ! = 1 )
// usually the smoothing part is the slowest to compute,
// so try to scale it instead of the faster differenciating part
if ( dx = = 0 )
kx * = scale ;
ky * = scale ;
sepFilter2D ( src , dst , ddepth , kx , ky , buf , Point ( - 1 , - 1 ) , rowBorderType , columnBorderType , stream ) ;
// Gaussian Filter
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createGaussianFilter_GPU ( int type , Size ksize , double sigma1 , double sigma2 , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType )
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH ( type ) ;
if ( sigma2 < = 0 )
sigma2 = sigma1 ;
// automatic detection of kernel size from sigma
if ( ksize . width < = 0 & & sigma1 > 0 )
ksize . width = cvRound ( sigma1 * ( depth = = CV_8U ? 3 : 4 ) * 2 + 1 ) | 1 ;
if ( ksize . height < = 0 & & sigma2 > 0 )
ksize . height = cvRound ( sigma2 * ( depth = = CV_8U ? 3 : 4 ) * 2 + 1 ) | 1 ;
CV_Assert ( ksize . width > 0 & & ksize . width % 2 = = 1 & & ksize . height > 0 & & ksize . height % 2 = = 1 ) ;
sigma1 = std : : max ( sigma1 , 0.0 ) ;
sigma2 = std : : max ( sigma2 , 0.0 ) ;
Mat kx = getGaussianKernel ( ksize . width , sigma1 , std : : max ( depth , CV_32F ) ) ;
Mat ky ;
if ( ksize . height = = ksize . width & & std : : abs ( sigma1 - sigma2 ) < DBL_EPSILON )
ky = kx ;
ky = getGaussianKernel ( ksize . height , sigma2 , std : : max ( depth , CV_32F ) ) ;
return createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( type , type , kx , ky , Point ( - 1 , - 1 ) , rowBorderType , columnBorderType ) ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > cv : : gpu : : createGaussianFilter_GPU ( int type , Size ksize , GpuMat & buf , double sigma1 , double sigma2 , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType )
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH ( type ) ;
if ( sigma2 < = 0 )
sigma2 = sigma1 ;
// automatic detection of kernel size from sigma
if ( ksize . width < = 0 & & sigma1 > 0 )
ksize . width = cvRound ( sigma1 * ( depth = = CV_8U ? 3 : 4 ) * 2 + 1 ) | 1 ;
if ( ksize . height < = 0 & & sigma2 > 0 )
ksize . height = cvRound ( sigma2 * ( depth = = CV_8U ? 3 : 4 ) * 2 + 1 ) | 1 ;
CV_Assert ( ksize . width > 0 & & ksize . width % 2 = = 1 & & ksize . height > 0 & & ksize . height % 2 = = 1 ) ;
sigma1 = std : : max ( sigma1 , 0.0 ) ;
sigma2 = std : : max ( sigma2 , 0.0 ) ;
Mat kx = getGaussianKernel ( ksize . width , sigma1 , std : : max ( depth , CV_32F ) ) ;
Mat ky ;
if ( ksize . height = = ksize . width & & std : : abs ( sigma1 - sigma2 ) < DBL_EPSILON )
ky = kx ;
ky = getGaussianKernel ( ksize . height , sigma2 , std : : max ( depth , CV_32F ) ) ;
return createSeparableLinearFilter_GPU ( type , type , kx , ky , buf , Point ( - 1 , - 1 ) , rowBorderType , columnBorderType ) ;
void cv : : gpu : : GaussianBlur ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , Size ksize , double sigma1 , double sigma2 , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType )
if ( ksize . width = = 1 & & ksize . height = = 1 )
src . copyTo ( dst ) ;
return ;
dst . create ( src . size ( ) , src . type ( ) ) ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > f = createGaussianFilter_GPU ( src . type ( ) , ksize , sigma1 , sigma2 , rowBorderType , columnBorderType ) ;
f - > apply ( src , dst , Rect ( 0 , 0 , src . cols , src . rows ) ) ;
void cv : : gpu : : GaussianBlur ( const GpuMat & src , GpuMat & dst , Size ksize , GpuMat & buf , double sigma1 , double sigma2 , int rowBorderType , int columnBorderType , Stream & stream )
if ( ksize . width = = 1 & & ksize . height = = 1 )
src . copyTo ( dst ) ;
return ;
dst . create ( src . size ( ) , src . type ( ) ) ;
Ptr < FilterEngine_GPU > f = createGaussianFilter_GPU ( src . type ( ) , ksize , buf , sigma1 , sigma2 , rowBorderType , columnBorderType ) ;
f - > apply ( src , dst , Rect ( 0 , 0 , src . cols , src . rows ) , stream ) ;
// Image Rank Filter