@ -13,14 +13,17 @@ |
#include <sys/types.h> |
#include <sys/types.h> |
#include <fcntl.h> |
#include <fcntl.h> |
#include <android/log.h> |
#include <android/log.h> |
#include <android/native_window.h> |
#include "media/NdkMediaCodec.h" |
#include "media/NdkMediaCodec.h" |
#include "media/NdkMediaMuxer.h" |
#include "media/NdkMediaExtractor.h" |
#include "media/NdkMediaExtractor.h" |
#include "media/NdkMediaFormat.h" |
#define INPUT_TIMEOUT_MS 2000 |
#define INPUT_TIMEOUT_MS 2000 |
#define COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar 19 |
#define COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar 19 |
#define COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar 21 |
#define COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar 21 |
#define COLOR_FormatSurface 0x7f000789 //See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities for codes
using namespace cv; |
using namespace cv; |
@ -327,6 +330,341 @@ public: |
} |
} |
}; |
}; |
class AndroidMediaNdkVideoWriter CV_FINAL : |
public cv::IVideoWriter |
{ |
typedef struct { |
int fourcc; |
const char* mime; |
OutputFormat muxerFormat; |
} |
FourCCInfo; |
static const int64_t TIMEOUT = 1000L; |
static const FourCCInfo FOURCC_INFO[]; |
static const FourCCInfo* findInfo(int fourcc) { |
for( const FourCCInfo *it = FOURCC_INFO; NULL != it->mime; it++ ) { |
if (fourcc == it->fourcc) return it; |
} |
return NULL; |
} |
AMediaFormat* format; |
AMediaCodec* encoder; |
AMediaMuxer* muxer; |
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 26 |
ANativeWindow* surface; |
#endif |
long frameIndex; |
int width; |
int height; |
double frameRate; |
ssize_t videoTrackIndex; |
int fd; |
void drainEncoder(bool end) { |
if (end) { |
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 26 |
AMediaCodec_signalEndOfInputStream(encoder); |
#else |
writeBytes(NULL, 0); |
#endif |
} |
AMediaCodecBufferInfo bufferInfo; |
ssize_t bufferIndex; |
size_t bufferSize; |
uint8_t *buffer; |
while (true) { |
bufferIndex = AMediaCodec_dequeueOutputBuffer(encoder, &bufferInfo, TIMEOUT); |
if (bufferIndex >= 0) { |
buffer = AMediaCodec_getOutputBuffer(encoder, (size_t)bufferIndex, &bufferSize); |
if (NULL == buffer || 0 == bufferSize){ |
LOGE("Can't get output buffer"); |
break; |
} |
if (videoTrackIndex >= 0) { |
bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = frameIndex * 1000000L / frameRate; |
LOGV("Muxer write to track %d: %d byte(s)", (int)videoTrackIndex, (int)bufferInfo.size); |
AMediaMuxer_writeSampleData(muxer, (size_t)videoTrackIndex, buffer, &bufferInfo); |
} else { |
LOGE("Invalid video track !"); |
} |
AMediaCodec_releaseOutputBuffer(encoder, (size_t)bufferIndex, false); |
if (bufferInfo.flags & AMEDIACODEC_BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) break; |
} else if (AMEDIACODEC_INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER == bufferIndex) { |
if (!end) break; |
videoTrackIndex = AMediaMuxer_addTrack(muxer, AMediaCodec_getOutputFormat(encoder)); |
if (videoTrackIndex >= 0) { |
AMediaMuxer_start(muxer); |
} |
LOGV("New videoTrackIndex: %d", (int)videoTrackIndex); |
} |
} |
} |
#if __ANDROID_API__ < 26 |
void writeBytes( uint8_t* inputBuffer, size_t inputBufferSize ) { |
LOGV("[writeBytes] inputBufferSize=%u", (unsigned int)inputBufferSize); |
ssize_t bufferIndex; |
size_t bufferSize; |
uint8_t* buffer; |
size_t partialSize; |
bool firstCall = true; |
uint32_t flags; |
while(inputBufferSize > 0 || firstCall) { |
bufferIndex = AMediaCodec_dequeueInputBuffer(encoder, TIMEOUT); |
if (bufferIndex >= 0) { |
firstCall = false; |
buffer = AMediaCodec_getInputBuffer(encoder, (size_t)bufferIndex, &bufferSize); |
if (NULL == buffer || 0 == bufferSize) break; |
flags = 0; |
partialSize = (inputBufferSize > bufferSize) ? bufferSize : inputBufferSize; |
if (partialSize > 0) { |
memcpy(buffer, inputBuffer, partialSize); |
inputBuffer += partialSize; |
inputBufferSize -= partialSize; |
if (inputBufferSize > 0) { |
} |
} else { |
} |
"[writeBytes] partial - bufferIndex=%d, bufferSize=%u, partialSize=%u, remaining inputBufferSize=%u", |
(int)bufferIndex, (unsigned int)bufferSize, (unsigned int)partialSize, (unsigned int)inputBufferSize |
); |
AMediaCodec_queueInputBuffer(encoder, (size_t)bufferIndex, 0, partialSize, frameIndex * 1000000L / frameRate, flags); |
if (NULL != inputBuffer) drainEncoder(false); |
} |
} |
} |
#endif |
public: |
AndroidMediaNdkVideoWriter(const cv::String& filename, int fourcc, double fps, cv::Size frameSize, const VideoWriterParameters& params) |
: format(NULL), |
encoder(NULL), |
muxer(NULL), |
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 26 |
surface(NULL), |
#endif |
frameIndex(0), |
width(0), |
height(0), |
frameRate(0.), |
videoTrackIndex(-1), |
fd(-1) { |
open(filename, fourcc, fps, frameSize, params); |
} |
virtual ~AndroidMediaNdkVideoWriter() { close(); } |
virtual int getCaptureDomain() const CV_OVERRIDE { return cv::CAP_ANDROID; } |
virtual void write(cv::InputArray image_ ) CV_OVERRIDE |
{ |
if (!image_.isMat()) { |
LOGE("Support only Mat input"); |
return; |
} |
Mat image = image_.getMat(); |
if (CV_8UC3 != image.type() || image.cols > width || image.rows > height) { |
"Expected input to be a mat of maximum %d x %d of type CV_8UC3 (%d), but received %d x %d of type: %d", |
width, height, CV_8UC3, |
image.cols, image.rows, image.type() |
); |
return; |
} |
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 26 |
ANativeWindow_Buffer buffer; |
if (0 != ANativeWindow_lock(surface, &buffer, NULL)) { |
LOGE("Failed to lock the surface"); |
} else { |
if (AHARDWAREBUFFER_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM == buffer.format) { |
Mat bufferMat(image.rows, image.cols, CV_8UC4, buffer.bits, buffer.stride * 4); |
cvtColor(image, bufferMat, CV_BGR2RGBA); |
} else { |
LOGE("Unknow surface buffer format: %u", buffer.format); |
} |
ANativeWindow_unlockAndPost(surface); |
} |
#else |
LOGV("[write] image: %d x %d", image.cols, image.rows); |
//OpenCV don't support RGB to NV12 so we need to connvert to YV12 and then manually changed it to NV12
Mat imageYV12; |
cvtColor(image, imageYV12, CV_BGR2YUV_YV12); |
//convert from YV12 to NV12
size_t yPlaneSize = width * height; |
size_t vPlaneSize = yPlaneSize / 4; |
Mat channels[2] = { |
Mat( vPlaneSize, 1, CV_8UC1, imageYV12.ptr() + yPlaneSize + vPlaneSize ).clone(), |
Mat( vPlaneSize, 1, CV_8UC1, imageYV12.ptr() + yPlaneSize ).clone() |
}; |
Mat vuMat( vPlaneSize, 1, CV_8UC2, imageYV12.ptr() + yPlaneSize ); |
merge(channels, 2, vuMat); |
writeBytes( imageYV12.ptr(), imageYV12.rows * imageYV12.cols ); |
#endif |
drainEncoder(false); |
frameIndex++; |
} |
virtual bool open( const cv::String& filename, int fourcc, double fps, cv::Size frameSize, const VideoWriterParameters& params ) |
{ |
media_status_t status; |
close(); |
const FourCCInfo* info = findInfo(fourcc); |
if (NULL == info) { |
LOGE("ERROR: findInfo"); |
return false; |
} |
format = AMediaFormat_new(); |
if (NULL == format) { |
LOGE("ERROR: AMediaFormat_new"); |
goto error; |
} |
LOGV("mime: %s, width: %d, height: %d, fps: %f", info->mime, frameSize.width, frameSize.height, fps); |
AMediaFormat_setString(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_MIME, info->mime); |
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_WIDTH, frameSize.width); |
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_HEIGHT, frameSize.height); |
AMediaFormat_setFloat(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_FRAME_RATE, (float)fps); |
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL, 5); |
AMediaFormat_setInt32(format, AMEDIAFORMAT_KEY_BIT_RATE, frameSize.width * frameSize.height * 5); |
AMediaFormat_setInt32( |
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 26 |
COLOR_FormatSurface |
#else |
COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar |
#endif |
); |
encoder = AMediaCodec_createEncoderByType(info->mime); |
if (NULL == encoder) { |
LOGE("ERROR: AMediaCodec_createEncoderByType"); |
goto error; |
} |
status = AMediaCodec_configure(encoder, format, NULL, NULL, AMEDIACODEC_CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE); |
if (AMEDIA_OK != status) { |
LOGE("ERROR: AMediaCodec_configure (%d)", status); |
goto error; |
} |
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 26 |
status = AMediaCodec_createInputSurface(encoder, &surface); |
if (AMEDIA_OK != status || NULL == surface) { |
LOGE("ERROR: AMediaCodec_createInputSurface (%d)", status); |
goto error; |
} |
#endif |
AMediaCodec_start(encoder); |
fd = ::open(filename.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); |
if (fd < 0) { |
LOGE("ERROR: open"); |
goto error; |
} |
muxer = AMediaMuxer_new(fd, info->muxerFormat); |
if (NULL == muxer) { |
LOGE("ERROR: AMediaMuxer_new"); |
goto error; |
} |
AMediaMuxer_setOrientationHint(muxer, params.get(CAP_PROP_ORIENTATION_META, 0)); |
frameIndex = 0; |
width = frameSize.width; |
height = frameSize.height; |
frameRate = fps; |
videoTrackIndex = -1; |
return true; |
error: |
close(); |
return false; |
} |
virtual void close() |
{ |
if (videoTrackIndex >= 0 && NULL != muxer) { |
drainEncoder(true); |
AMediaMuxer_stop(muxer); |
} |
if (NULL != encoder) AMediaCodec_delete(encoder); |
if (NULL != muxer) AMediaMuxer_delete(muxer); |
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 26 |
if (NULL != surface) ANativeWindow_release(surface); |
#endif |
if (fd >= 0) ::close(fd); |
if (NULL != format) AMediaFormat_delete(format); |
format = NULL; |
encoder = NULL; |
muxer = NULL; |
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 26 |
surface = NULL; |
#endif |
frameIndex = 0; |
width = 0; |
height = 0; |
frameRate = 0.; |
videoTrackIndex = -1; |
fd = -1; |
} |
virtual double getProperty(int) const CV_OVERRIDE { return 0.; } |
virtual bool setProperty(int, double) CV_OVERRIDE { return false; } |
virtual bool isOpened() const CV_OVERRIDE { return NULL != encoder; } |
}; |
const AndroidMediaNdkVideoWriter::FourCCInfo AndroidMediaNdkVideoWriter::FOURCC_INFO[] = { |
{ CV_FOURCC('H', '2', '6', '4'), "video/avc", AMEDIAMUXER_OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 }, |
{ CV_FOURCC('H', '2', '6', '5'), "video/hevc", AMEDIAMUXER_OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 }, |
{ CV_FOURCC('H', '2', '6', '3'), "video/3gpp", AMEDIAMUXER_OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 }, |
{ CV_FOURCC('M', 'P', '4', 'V'), "video/mp4v-es", AMEDIAMUXER_OUTPUT_FORMAT_MPEG_4 }, |
{ 0, NULL }, |
}; |
/****************** Implementation of interface functions ********************/ |
/****************** Implementation of interface functions ********************/ |
Ptr<IVideoCapture> cv::createAndroidCapture_file(const std::string &filename) { |
Ptr<IVideoCapture> cv::createAndroidCapture_file(const std::string &filename) { |
@ -335,3 +673,14 @@ Ptr<IVideoCapture> cv::createAndroidCapture_file(const std::string &filename) { |
return res; |
return res; |
return Ptr<IVideoCapture>(); |
return Ptr<IVideoCapture>(); |
} |
} |
Ptr<IVideoWriter> cv::createAndroidVideoWriter( |
const std::string& filename, int fourcc, |
double fps, const cv::Size& frameSize, |
const VideoWriterParameters& params) { |
Ptr<AndroidMediaNdkVideoWriter> writer = makePtr<AndroidMediaNdkVideoWriter>(filename, fourcc, fps, frameSize, params); |
if (writer && writer->isOpened()) |
return writer; |
return Ptr<IVideoWriter>(); |
} |