@ -144,7 +144,53 @@ __kernel void remapNNFConstant_C1_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsig |
*d = dst_data; |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapNNF1Constant_C1_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsigned char const * restrict src, |
__global float * map1, __global float * map2, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows, int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
{ |
int x = get_global_id(0); |
int y = get_global_id(1); |
if(x < threadCols && y < dst_rows) |
{ |
x = x << 2; |
int gx = x - (dst_offset&3); |
int4 Gx = (int4)(gx, gx+1, gx+2, gx+3); |
uchar4 nval =convert_uchar4(nVal); |
uchar val = nval.s0; |
int dstStart = (y * dst_step + x + dst_offset) - (dst_offset&3); |
int map1Start = y * map1_step + (x << 2) + map1_offset - ((dst_offset & 3) << 2); |
float4 map1_data; |
float4 map2_data; |
map1_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map1 + map1Start)); |
map2_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map2 + map1Start)); |
float8 map_data = (float8)(map1_data.s0, map2_data.s0, map1_data.s1, map2_data.s1, map1_data.s2, map2_data.s2, map1_data.s3, map2_data.s3); |
int8 map_dataZ = convert_int8_sat_rte(map_data); |
int4 srcIdx = map_dataZ.odd * src_step + map_dataZ.even + src_offset; |
uchar4 src_data; |
src_data.s0 = *(src + srcIdx.s0); |
src_data.s1 = *(src + srcIdx.s1); |
src_data.s2 = *(src + srcIdx.s2); |
src_data.s3 = *(src + srcIdx.s3); |
uchar4 dst_data; |
dst_data = convert_uchar4(map_dataZ.even >= (int4)(src_cols) || map_dataZ.odd >= (int4)(src_rows)) ? (uchar4)(val) : src_data; |
__global uchar4* d = (__global uchar4 *)(dst + dstStart); |
uchar4 dVal = *d; |
int4 con = (Gx >= 0 && Gx < dst_cols && y >= 0 && y < dst_rows); |
dst_data = (convert_uchar4(con) != convert_uchar4((int4)(0))) ? dst_data : dVal; |
*d = dst_data; |
} |
} |
@ -244,6 +290,60 @@ __kernel void remapNNFConstant_C4_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsig |
} |
__kernel void remapNNF1Constant_C4_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsigned char const * restrict src, |
__global float * map1, __global float * map2, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows, int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
{ |
int x = get_global_id(0); |
int y = get_global_id(1); |
if(x < threadCols && y < dst_rows) |
{ |
x = x << 4; |
int gx = x - (dst_offset&15); |
int16 Gx = (int16)(gx, gx+1, gx+2, gx+3, gx+4, gx+5, gx+6, gx+7, gx+8, gx+9, gx+10, gx+11, gx+12, gx+13, gx+14, gx+15); |
uchar4 nval =convert_uchar4(nVal); |
int dstStart = (y * dst_step + x + dst_offset) - (dst_offset&15); |
int map1Start = y * map1_step + x + map1_offset - (dst_offset&15); |
float4 map1_data; |
float4 map2_data; |
map1_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map1 + map1Start)); |
map2_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map2 + map1Start)); |
float8 map_data = (float8)(map1_data.s0, map2_data.s0, map1_data.s1, map2_data.s1, map1_data.s2, map2_data.s2, map1_data.s3, map2_data.s3); |
int8 map1_dataZ = convert_int8_sat_rte(map_data); |
int4 srcIdx = map1_dataZ.odd * src_step + (map1_dataZ.even <<((int4)(2))) + src_offset; |
uchar4 src_a, src_b, src_c, src_d; |
src_a = *((__global uchar4 *)((__global char*)src + srcIdx.s0)); |
src_b = *((__global uchar4 *)((__global char*)src + srcIdx.s1)); |
src_c = *((__global uchar4 *)((__global char*)src + srcIdx.s2)); |
src_d = *((__global uchar4 *)((__global char*)src + srcIdx.s3)); |
uchar16 dst_data; |
uchar4 dst_a, dst_b, dst_c, dst_d; |
dst_a = (map1_dataZ.s0 >= src_cols || map1_dataZ.s1 >= src_rows)? nval : src_a; |
dst_b = (map1_dataZ.s2 >= src_cols || map1_dataZ.s3 >= src_rows)? nval : src_b; |
dst_c = (map1_dataZ.s4 >= src_cols || map1_dataZ.s5 >= src_rows)? nval : src_c; |
dst_d = (map1_dataZ.s6 >= src_cols || map1_dataZ.s7 >= src_rows)? nval : src_d; |
dst_data = (uchar16)(dst_a, dst_b, dst_c, dst_d); |
__global uchar16* d = (__global uchar16 *)(dst + dstStart); |
uchar16 dVal = *d; |
int16 con = (Gx >= 0 && Gx < (dst_cols<<2) && y >= 0 && y < dst_rows); |
dst_data = (convert_uchar16(con) != ((uchar16)(0))) ? dst_data : dVal; |
*d = dst_data; |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapNNSConstant_C1_D5(__global float* dst, __global float const * restrict src, |
__global short * map1, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
@ -349,6 +449,61 @@ __kernel void remapNNFConstant_C1_D5(__global float* dst, __global float const * |
} |
__kernel void remapNNF1Constant_C1_D5(__global float* dst, __global float const * restrict src, |
__global float * map1, __global float * map2, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows ,int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
{ |
int x = get_global_id(0); |
int y = get_global_id(1); |
if(x < threadCols && y < dst_rows) |
{ |
x = x << 4; |
int gx = x - (dst_offset&15); |
int4 Gx = (int4)(gx, gx+4, gx+8, gx+12); |
float4 nval =convert_float4(nVal); |
float val = nval.s0; |
int dstStart = y * dst_step + x + dst_offset - (dst_offset&15); |
int map1Start = y * map1_step + x + map1_offset - (dst_offset&15); |
float4 map1_data; |
float4 map2_data; |
map1_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map1 + map1Start)); |
map2_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map2 + map1Start)); |
float8 map_data = (float8)(map1_data.s0, map2_data.s0, map1_data.s1, map2_data.s1, map1_data.s2, map2_data.s2, map1_data.s3, map2_data.s3); |
int8 map1_dataZ = convert_int8_sat_rte(map_data); |
int4 srcIdx = convert_int4(map1_dataZ.odd) * src_step + convert_int4(map1_dataZ.even <<(int4)(2)) + src_offset; |
float4 src_data; |
src_data.s0 = *((__global float *)((__global char*)src + srcIdx.s0)); |
src_data.s1 = *((__global float *)((__global char*)src + srcIdx.s1)); |
src_data.s2 = *((__global float *)((__global char*)src + srcIdx.s2)); |
src_data.s3 = *((__global float *)((__global char*)src + srcIdx.s3)); |
float4 dst_data; |
dst_data.s0 = (map1_dataZ.s0 >= src_cols || map1_dataZ.s1 >= src_rows)? val : src_data.s0; |
dst_data.s1 = (map1_dataZ.s2 >= src_cols || map1_dataZ.s3 >= src_rows)? val : src_data.s1; |
dst_data.s2 = (map1_dataZ.s4 >= src_cols || map1_dataZ.s5 >= src_rows)? val : src_data.s2; |
dst_data.s3 = (map1_dataZ.s6 >= src_cols || map1_dataZ.s7 >= src_rows)? val : src_data.s3; |
__global float4* d = (__global float4 *)((__global uchar*)dst + dstStart); |
float4 dVal = *d; |
int4 con = (Gx >= 0 && Gx < (dst_cols<<2) && y >= 0 && y < dst_rows); |
dst_data = (convert_float4(con) != (float4)(0)) ? dst_data : dVal; |
*d = dst_data; |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapNNSConstant_C4_D5(__global float * dst, __global float const * restrict src, |
__global short * map1, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
@ -389,6 +544,29 @@ __kernel void remapNNFConstant_C4_D5(__global float * dst, __global float const |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapNNF1Constant_C4_D5(__global float * dst, __global float const * restrict src, |
__global float * map1, __global float * map2, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows , int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
{ |
int x = get_global_id(0); |
int y = get_global_id(1); |
if(x < threadCols && y < dst_rows) |
{ |
int dstIdx = y * dst_step + (x << 4) + dst_offset ; |
int mapIdx = y * map1_step + (x << 2) + map1_offset ; |
float map1_data = *((__global float *)((__global char*)map1 + mapIdx)); |
float map2_data = *((__global float *)((__global char*)map2 + mapIdx)); |
float2 map_data = (float2)(map1_data, map2_data); |
int2 map1_dataZ = convert_int2_sat_rte(map_data); |
int srcIdx = map1_dataZ.y * src_step + (map1_dataZ.x << 4) + src_offset; |
float4 nval = convert_float4(nVal); |
float4 src_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global uchar *)src + srcIdx)); |
*((__global float4 *)((__global uchar*)dst + dstIdx)) = (map1_dataZ.x >= src_cols || map1_dataZ.y >= src_rows) ? nval : src_data; |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapLNFConstant_C1_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsigned char const * restrict src, |
__global float * map1, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
@ -493,6 +671,113 @@ __kernel void remapLNFConstant_C1_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsig |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapLNF1Constant_C1_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsigned char const * restrict src, |
__global float * map1, __global float * map2, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows , int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
{ |
int x = get_global_id(0); |
int y = get_global_id(1); |
if(x < threadCols && y < dst_rows) |
{ |
x = x << 2; |
int gx = x - (dst_offset&3); |
int4 Gx = (int4)(gx, gx+1, gx+2, gx+3); |
uchar4 nval =convert_uchar4(nVal); |
uchar val = nval.s0; |
int dstStart = (y * dst_step + x + dst_offset) - (dst_offset&3); |
int map1Start = y * map1_step + (x << 2) + map1_offset - ((dst_offset & 3) << 2); |
float4 map1_data; |
float4 map2_data; |
map1_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map1 + map1Start)); |
map2_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map2 + map1Start)); |
float8 map_data = (float8)(map1_data.s0, map2_data.s0, map1_data.s1, map2_data.s1, map1_data.s2, map2_data.s2, map1_data.s3, map2_data.s3); |
int8 map1_dataD = convert_int8(map_data); |
float8 temp = map_data - convert_float8(map1_dataD); |
float4 u = temp.even; |
float4 v = temp.odd; |
float4 ud = (float4)(1.0) - u; |
float4 vd = (float4)(1.0) - v; |
//float8 map1_dataU = map1_dataD + 1; |
int4 map1_dataDx = map1_dataD.even; |
int4 map1_dataDy = map1_dataD.odd; |
int4 map1_dataDx1 = map1_dataDx + (int4)(1); |
int4 map1_dataDy1 = map1_dataDy + (int4)(1); |
int4 src_StartU = map1_dataDy * src_step + map1_dataDx + src_offset; |
int4 src_StartD = src_StartU + src_step; |
/* |
//not using the vload |
int4 src_StartU1 = src_StartU + (int4)(1); |
int4 src_StartD1 = src_StartD + (int4)(1); |
uchar4 a, b, c, d; |
a.x = *(src_StartU.x + src); |
a.y = *(src_StartU.y + src); |
a.z = *(src_StartU.z + src); |
a.w = *(src_StartU.w + src); |
b.x = *(src_StartU1.x + src); |
b.y = *(src_StartU1.y + src); |
b.z = *(src_StartU1.z + src); |
b.w = *(src_StartU1.w + src); |
c.x = *(src_StartD.x + src); |
c.y = *(src_StartD.y + src); |
c.z = *(src_StartD.z + src); |
c.w = *(src_StartD.w + src); |
d.x = *(src_StartD1.x + src); |
d.y = *(src_StartD1.y + src); |
d.z = *(src_StartD1.z + src); |
d.w = *(src_StartD1.w + src); |
*/ |
uchar2 aU, aD, bU, bD, cU, cD, dU, dD; |
aU = vload2(0, src + src_StartU.s0); |
bU = vload2(0, src + src_StartU.s1); |
cU = vload2(0, src + src_StartU.s2); |
dU = vload2(0, src + src_StartU.s3); |
aD = vload2(0, src + src_StartD.s0); |
bD = vload2(0, src + src_StartD.s1); |
cD = vload2(0, src + src_StartD.s2); |
dD = vload2(0, src + src_StartD.s3); |
uchar4 a, b, c, d; |
a = (uchar4)(aU.x, bU.x, cU.x, dU.x); |
b = (uchar4)(aU.y, bU.y, cU.y, dU.y); |
c = (uchar4)(aD.x, bD.x, cD.x, dD.x); |
d = (uchar4)(aD.y, bD.y, cD.y, dD.y); |
int4 ac =(map1_dataDx >= src_cols || map1_dataDy >= src_rows || map1_dataDy< 0 || map1_dataDy < 0); |
int4 bc =(map1_dataDx1 >= src_cols || map1_dataDy >= src_rows || map1_dataDx1 < 0 || map1_dataDy < 0); |
int4 cc =(map1_dataDx >= src_cols || map1_dataDy1 >= src_rows || map1_dataDy1 < 0 || map1_dataDx < 0); |
int4 dc =(map1_dataDx1 >= src_cols || map1_dataDy1 >= src_rows || map1_dataDy1 < 0 || map1_dataDy1 < 0); |
a = (convert_uchar4(ac) == (uchar4)(0))? a : val; |
b = (convert_uchar4(bc) == (uchar4)(0))? b : val; |
c = (convert_uchar4(cc) == (uchar4)(0))? c : val; |
d = (convert_uchar4(dc) == (uchar4)(0))? d : val; |
uchar4 dst_data = convert_uchar4_sat_rte((convert_float4(a))* ud * vd +(convert_float4(b))* u * vd + (convert_float4(c))* ud * v + (convert_float4(d)) * u * v ); |
__global uchar4* D = (__global uchar4 *)(dst + dstStart); |
uchar4 dVal = *D; |
int4 con = (Gx >= 0 && Gx < dst_cols && y >= 0 && y < dst_rows); |
dst_data = (convert_uchar4(con) != (uchar4)(0)) ? dst_data : dVal; |
*D = dst_data; |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapLNSConstant_C1_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsigned char const * restrict src, |
__global short * map1, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows , int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
@ -626,6 +911,97 @@ __kernel void remapLNFConstant_C4_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsig |
*D = dst_data; |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapLNF1Constant_C4_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsigned char const * restrict src, |
__global float * map1, __global float * map2, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows , int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
{ |
int x = get_global_id(0); |
int y = get_global_id(1); |
if(x < threadCols && y < dst_rows) |
{ |
x = x << 4; |
int gx = x - (dst_offset&15); |
int16 Gx = (int16)(gx, gx+1, gx+2, gx+3, gx+4, gx+5, gx+6, gx+7, gx+8, gx+9, gx+10, gx+11, gx+12, gx+13, gx+14, gx+15); |
uchar4 nval =convert_uchar4(nVal); |
int dstStart = (y * dst_step + x + dst_offset) - (dst_offset&15); |
int map1Start = y * map1_step + x + map1_offset - (dst_offset & 15); |
float4 map1_data; |
float4 map2_data; |
map1_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map1 + map1Start)); |
map2_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map2 + map1Start)); |
float8 map_data = (float8)(map1_data.s0, map2_data.s0, map1_data.s1, map2_data.s1, map1_data.s2, map2_data.s2, map1_data.s3, map2_data.s3); |
int8 map1_dataD = convert_int8(map_data); |
float8 temp = map_data - convert_float8(map1_dataD); |
float4 u = temp.even; |
float4 v = temp.odd; |
float4 ud = (float4)(1.0) - u; |
float4 vd = (float4)(1.0) - v; |
//float8 map1_dataU = map1_dataD + 1; |
int4 map1_dataDx = map1_dataD.even; |
int4 map1_dataDy = map1_dataD.odd; |
int4 map1_dataDx1 = map1_dataDx + (int4)(1); |
int4 map1_dataDy1 = map1_dataDy + (int4)(1); |
int4 src_StartU = map1_dataDy * src_step + (convert_int4(map1_dataDx) << (int4)(2)) + src_offset; |
int4 src_StartD = src_StartU + src_step; |
uchar8 aU, bU, cU, dU, aD, bD, cD, dD; |
aU = vload8(0, src + src_StartU.s0); |
bU = vload8(0, src + src_StartU.s1); |
cU = vload8(0, src + src_StartU.s2); |
dU = vload8(0, src + src_StartU.s3); |
aD = vload8(0, src + src_StartD.s0); |
bD = vload8(0, src + src_StartD.s1); |
cD = vload8(0, src + src_StartD.s2); |
dD = vload8(0, src + src_StartD.s3); |
uchar16 a, b, c, d; |
a = (uchar16)(aU.s0123, bU.s0123, cU.s0123, dU.s0123); |
b = (uchar16)(aU.s4567, bU.s4567, cU.s4567, dU.s4567); |
c = (uchar16)(aD.s0123, bD.s0123, cD.s0123, dD.s0123); |
d = (uchar16)(aD.s4567, bD.s4567, cD.s4567, dD.s4567); |
int4 ac =(map1_dataDx >= src_cols || map1_dataDy >= src_rows || map1_dataDy< 0 || map1_dataDy < 0); |
int4 bc =(map1_dataDx1 >= src_cols || map1_dataDy >= src_rows || map1_dataDx1 < 0 || map1_dataDy < 0); |
int4 cc =(map1_dataDx >= src_cols || map1_dataDy1 >= src_rows || map1_dataDy1 < 0 || map1_dataDx < 0); |
int4 dc =(map1_dataDx1 >= src_cols || map1_dataDy1 >= src_rows || map1_dataDy1 < 0 || map1_dataDy1 < 0); |
int16 acc = (int16)((int4)(ac.x), (int4)(ac.y), (int4)(ac.z), (int4)(ac.w)); |
int16 bcc = (int16)((int4)(bc.x), (int4)(bc.y), (int4)(bc.z), (int4)(bc.w)); |
int16 ccc = (int16)((int4)(cc.x), (int4)(cc.y), (int4)(cc.z), (int4)(cc.w)); |
int16 dcc = (int16)((int4)(dc.x), (int4)(dc.y), (int4)(dc.z), (int4)(dc.w)); |
uchar16 val = (uchar16)(nval, nval, nval, nval); |
a = (convert_uchar16(acc) == (uchar16)(0))? a : val; |
b = (convert_uchar16(bcc) == (uchar16)(0))? b : val; |
c = (convert_uchar16(ccc) == (uchar16)(0))? c : val; |
d = (convert_uchar16(dcc) == (uchar16)(0))? d : val; |
float16 U = (float16)((float4)(u.x), (float4)(u.y), (float4)(u.z), (float4)(u.w)); |
float16 V = (float16)((float4)(v.x), (float4)(v.y), (float4)(v.z), (float4)(v.w)); |
float16 Ud = (float16)((float4)(ud.x), (float4)(ud.y), (float4)(ud.z), (float4)(ud.w)); |
float16 Vd = (float16)((float4)(vd.x), (float4)(vd.y), (float4)(vd.z), (float4)(vd.w)); |
uchar16 dst_data = convert_uchar16_sat_rte((convert_float16(a))* Ud * Vd +(convert_float16(b))* U * Vd + (convert_float16(c))* Ud * V + (convert_float16(d)) * U * V ); |
__global uchar16* D = (__global uchar16 *)(dst + dstStart); |
uchar16 dVal = *D; |
int16 con = (Gx >= 0 && Gx < (dst_cols<<2) && y >= 0 && y < dst_rows); |
dst_data = (convert_uchar16(con) != (uchar16)(0)) ? dst_data : dVal; |
*D = dst_data; |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapLNSConstant_C4_D0(__global unsigned char* dst, __global unsigned char const * restrict src, |
__global short * map1, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows, int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
@ -774,6 +1150,111 @@ __kernel void remapLNFConstant_C1_D5(__global float* dst, __global float const * |
*D = dst_data; |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapLNF1Constant_C1_D5(__global float* dst, __global float const * restrict src, |
__global float * map1, __global float * map2, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows , int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
{ |
int x = get_global_id(0); |
int y = get_global_id(1); |
if(x < threadCols && y < dst_rows) |
{ |
x = x << 4; |
int gx = x - (dst_offset&15); |
int4 Gx = (int4)(gx, gx+4, gx+8, gx+12); |
float4 nval =convert_float4(nVal); |
float4 val = (float4)(nval.s0); |
int dstStart = y * dst_step + x + dst_offset - (dst_offset & 15); |
int map1Start = y * map1_step + x + map1_offset - (dst_offset & 15); |
float4 map1_data; |
float4 map2_data; |
map1_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map1 + map1Start)); |
map2_data = *((__global float4 *)((__global char*)map2 + map1Start)); |
float8 map_data = (float8)(map1_data.s0, map2_data.s0, map1_data.s1, map2_data.s1, map1_data.s2, map2_data.s2, map1_data.s3, map2_data.s3); |
int8 map1_dataD = convert_int8(map_data); |
float8 temp = map_data - convert_float8(map1_dataD); |
float4 u = temp.even; |
float4 v = temp.odd; |
float4 ud = (float4)(1.0) - u; |
float4 vd = (float4)(1.0) - v; |
//float8 map1_dataU = map1_dataD + 1; |
int4 map1_dataDx = map1_dataD.even; |
int4 map1_dataDy = map1_dataD.odd; |
int4 map1_dataDx1 = map1_dataDx + (int4)(1); |
int4 map1_dataDy1 = map1_dataDy + (int4)(1); |
int4 src_StartU = map1_dataDy * src_step + (map1_dataDx << (int4)(2)) + src_offset; |
int4 src_StartD = src_StartU + src_step; |
/* |
//not using the vload |
int4 src_StartU1 = src_StartU + (int4)(1); |
int4 src_StartD1 = src_StartD + (int4)(1); |
float4 a, b, c, d; |
a.x = *(src_StartU.x + src); |
a.y = *(src_StartU.y + src); |
a.z = *(src_StartU.z + src); |
a.w = *(src_StartU.w + src); |
b.x = *(src_StartU1.x + src); |
b.y = *(src_StartU1.y + src); |
b.z = *(src_StartU1.z + src); |
b.w = *(src_StartU1.w + src); |
c.x = *(src_StartD.x + src); |
c.y = *(src_StartD.y + src); |
c.z = *(src_StartD.z + src); |
c.w = *(src_StartD.w + src); |
d.x = *(src_StartD1.x + src); |
d.y = *(src_StartD1.y + src); |
d.z = *(src_StartD1.z + src); |
d.w = *(src_StartD1.w + src); |
*/ |
float2 aU, aD, bU, bD, cU, cD, dU, dD; |
aU = vload2(0, (__global float *)((__global char*)src + src_StartU.s0)); |
bU = vload2(0, (__global float *)((__global char*)src + src_StartU.s1)); |
cU = vload2(0, (__global float *)((__global char*)src + src_StartU.s2)); |
dU = vload2(0, (__global float *)((__global char*)src + src_StartU.s3)); |
aD = vload2(0, (__global float *)((__global char*)src + src_StartD.s0)); |
bD = vload2(0, (__global float *)((__global char*)src + src_StartD.s1)); |
cD = vload2(0, (__global float *)((__global char*)src + src_StartD.s2)); |
dD = vload2(0, (__global float *)((__global char*)src + src_StartD.s3)); |
float4 a, b, c, d; |
a = (float4)(aU.x, bU.x, cU.x, dU.x); |
b = (float4)(aU.y, bU.y, cU.y, dU.y); |
c = (float4)(aD.x, bD.x, cD.x, dD.x); |
d = (float4)(aD.y, bD.y, cD.y, dD.y); |
int4 ac =(map1_dataDx >= (int4)(src_cols) || map1_dataDy >= (int4)(src_rows) || map1_dataDy < (int4)(0) || map1_dataDy < (int4)(0)); |
int4 bc =(map1_dataDx1 >= (int4)(src_cols) || map1_dataDy >= (int4)(src_rows) || map1_dataDx1 < (int4)(0) || map1_dataDy < (int4)(0)); |
int4 cc =(map1_dataDx >= (int4)(src_cols) || map1_dataDy1 >= (int4)(src_rows) || map1_dataDy1 < (int4)(0) || map1_dataDx < (int4)(0)); |
int4 dc =(map1_dataDx1 >= (int4)(src_cols) || map1_dataDy1 >= (int4)(src_rows) || map1_dataDy1 < (int4)(0) || map1_dataDy1 < (int4)(0)); |
a = (convert_float4(ac) == (float4)(0))? a : val; |
b = (convert_float4(bc) == (float4)(0))? b : val; |
c = (convert_float4(cc) == (float4)(0))? c : val; |
d = (convert_float4(dc) == (float4)(0))? d : val; |
float4 dst_data = a * ud * vd + b * u * vd + c * ud * v + d * u * v ; |
__global float4* D = (__global float4 *)((__global char*)dst + dstStart); |
float4 dVal = *D; |
int4 con = (Gx >= 0 && Gx < (dst_cols << 2) && y >= 0 && y < dst_rows); |
dst_data = (convert_float4(con) != (float4)(0)) ? dst_data : dVal; |
*D = dst_data; |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapLNSConstant_C1_D5(__global float* dst, __global float const * restrict src, |
__global short * map1, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows ,int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
@ -873,6 +1354,53 @@ __kernel void remapLNFConstant_C4_D5(__global float * dst, __global float const |
} |
} |
__kernel void remapLNF1Constant_C4_D5(__global float * dst, __global float const * restrict src, |
__global float * map1, __global float * map2, int dst_offset, int src_offset, int map1_offset, int dst_step, int src_step, |
int map1_step, int src_cols, int src_rows, int dst_cols, int dst_rows, int map1_cols, int map1_rows , int threadCols, F4 nVal) |
{ |
int x = get_global_id(0); |
int y = get_global_id(1); |
if(x < threadCols && y < dst_rows) |
{ |
int dstIdx = y * dst_step + (x << 4) + dst_offset ; |
int mapIdx = y * map1_step + (x << 2) + map1_offset ; |
float map1_data = *((__global float *)((__global char*)map1 + mapIdx)); |
float map2_data = *((__global float *)((__global char*)map2 + mapIdx)); |
float2 map_data = (float2)(map1_data, map2_data); |
int2 map1_dataZ = convert_int2(map_data); |
int mX = map1_dataZ.x; |
int mY = map1_dataZ.y; |
int mX1 = map1_dataZ.x + 1; |
int mY1 = map1_dataZ.y + 1; |
float u = map1_data - convert_float(map1_dataZ.x); |
float v = map2_data - convert_float(map1_dataZ.y); |
float ud = 1.0 - u; |
float vd = 1.0 - v; |
int srcIdx = map1_dataZ.y * src_step + (map1_dataZ.x << 4) + src_offset; |
float8 src_dataU = vload8(0,(__global float *)((__global char*)src + srcIdx)); |
float8 src_dataD = vload8(0,(__global float *)((__global char*)src + srcIdx + src_step)); |
float4 a = src_dataU.lo; |
float4 b = src_dataU.hi; |
float4 c = src_dataD.lo; |
float4 d = src_dataD.hi; |
float4 nval = convert_float4(nVal); |
a = (mX >= src_cols || mY >= src_rows ) ? nval : a; |
b = (mX1 >= src_cols || mY >= src_rows ) ? nval : b; |
c = (mX >= src_cols || mY1 >= src_rows ) ? nval : c; |
d = (mX1 >= src_cols || mY1 >= src_rows ) ? nval : d; |
float4 dst_data = a * ud * vd + b * u * vd + c * ud * v + d * u * v; |
*((__global float4 *)((__global uchar*)dst + dstIdx)) = a * ud * vd + b * u * vd + c * ud * v + d * u * v ; |
} |
} |
/* |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |