@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ Here is a simple Java wrapper for our JNI stuff:
public class NativeGLRenderer {
System.loadLibrary("opencv_java3"); // comment this when using OpenCV Manager
System.loadLibrary("opencv_java4"); // comment this when using OpenCV Manager
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ Unfortunately `UMat` keeps OpenCL _buffer_ internally, that can't be wrapped ove
path/to/cmake.exe -GNinja -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM="path/to/ninja.exe" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/opencv/platforms/android/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a with NEON" -DCMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH=ON path/to/opencv
path/to/ninja.exe install/strip
To use your own modified `libopencv_java3.so` you have to keep inside your APK, not to use OpenCV Manager and load it manually via `System.loadLibrary("opencv_java3")`.
To use your own modified `libopencv_java4.so` you have to keep inside your APK, not to use OpenCV Manager and load it manually via `System.loadLibrary("opencv_java4")`.
#if defined __GNUC__ && defined __arm__ && (defined __ARM_PCS_VFP || defined __ARM_VFPV3__ || defined __ARM_NEON__) && !defined __SOFTFP__ && !defined(__CUDACC__)
// 1. general scheme
#define ARM_ROUND(_value, _asm_string) \
@ -112,9 +108,6 @@ cvRound( double value )
#elif ((defined _MSC_VER && defined _M_ARM) || defined CV_ICC || \
#elif defined CV_ICC || defined __GNUC__
# if defined ARM_ROUND_DBL
@ -200,9 +193,6 @@ CV_INLINE int cvRound(float value)
#elif ((defined _MSC_VER && defined _M_ARM) || defined CV_ICC || \
LOGE("ERROR in DetectionBasedTracker::SeparateDetectionWork::SeparateDetectionWork in pthread_cond_init(&objectDetectorThreadStartStop,, NULL) is %d",res);
LOGE("\n\n\nATTENTION!!! dangerous algorithm error: destructor DetectionBasedTracker::DetectionBasedTracker::~SeparateDetectionWork is called before stopping the workthread");
if(!isWorking()){//it is a rare case, but may cause a crash
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::SeparateDetectionWork::workcycleObjectDetector() --- go out from the workcycle from inner part of lock just before waiting");
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::SeparateDetectionWork::resetTracking: since workthread is detecting objects at the moment, we should make cascadeInThread stop detecting and forget the detecting results");