@ -545,8 +545,31 @@ The function returns the number of non-zero elements in src :
CV_EXPORTS_W int countNonZero ( InputArray src ) ;
/** @brief returns the list of locations of non-zero pixels
@ todo document
/** @brief Returns the list of locations of non-zero pixels
Given a binary matrix ( likely returned from an operation such
as threshold ( ) , compare ( ) , > , = = , etc , return all of
the non - zero indices as a cv : : Mat or std : : vector < cv : : Point > ( x , y )
For example :
@ code { . cpp }
cv : : Mat binaryImage ; // input, binary image
cv : : Mat locations ; // output, locations of non-zero pixels
cv : : findNonZero ( binaryImage , locations ) ;
// access pixel coordinates
Point pnt = locations . at < Point > ( i ) ;
@ endcode
@ code { . cpp }
cv : : Mat binaryImage ; // input, binary image
vector < Point > locations ; // output, locations of non-zero pixels
cv : : findNonZero ( binaryImage , locations ) ;
// access pixel coordinates
Point pnt = locations [ i ] ;
@ endcode
@ param src single - channel array ( type CV_8UC1 )
@ param idx the output array , type of cv : : Mat or std : : vector < Point > , corresponding to non - zero indices in the input
CV_EXPORTS_W void findNonZero ( InputArray src , OutputArray idx ) ;
@ -2745,8 +2768,6 @@ public:
//////////////////////////////////////// Algorithm ////////////////////////////////////
class CV_EXPORTS Algorithm ;
class CV_EXPORTS AlgorithmInfo ;
struct CV_EXPORTS AlgorithmInfoData ;
template < typename _Tp > struct ParamType { } ;
@ -2759,32 +2780,13 @@ matching, graph-cut etc.), background subtraction (which can be done using mixtu
models , codebook - based algorithm etc . ) , optical flow ( block matching , Lucas - Kanade , Horn - Schunck
etc . ) .
The class provides the following features for all derived classes :
- so called " virtual constructor " . That is , each Algorithm derivative is registered at program
start and you can get the list of registered algorithms and create instance of a particular
algorithm by its name ( see Algorithm : : create ) . If you plan to add your own algorithms , it is
good practice to add a unique prefix to your algorithms to distinguish them from other
algorithms .
- setting / retrieving algorithm parameters by name . If you used video capturing functionality
from OpenCV videoio module , you are probably familar with cvSetCaptureProperty ( ) ,
cvGetCaptureProperty ( ) , VideoCapture : : set ( ) and VideoCapture : : get ( ) . Algorithm provides
similar method where instead of integer id ' s you specify the parameter names as text strings .
See Algorithm : : set and Algorithm : : get for details .
- reading and writing parameters from / to XML or YAML files . Every Algorithm derivative can store
all its parameters and then read them back . There is no need to re - implement it each time .
Here is example of SIFT use in your application via Algorithm interface :
@ code
# include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
# include "opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp"
using namespace cv : : xfeatures2d ;
. . .
Ptr < Feature2D > sift = SIFT : : create ( ) ;
FileStorage fs ( " sift_params.xml " , FileStorage : : READ ) ;
if ( fs . isOpened ( ) ) // if we have file with parameters, read them
@ -2794,323 +2796,73 @@ Here is example of SIFT use in your application via Algorithm interface:
else // else modify the parameters and store them; user can later edit the file to use different parameters
sift - > setContrastThreshold ( 0.01f ) ; // lower the contrast threshold, compared to the default value
WriteStructContext ws ( fs , " sift_params " , CV_NODE_MAP ) ;
sift - > write ( fs ) ;
WriteStructContext ws ( fs , " sift_params " , CV_NODE_MAP ) ;
sift - > write ( fs ) ;
Mat image = imread ( " myimage.png " , 0 ) , descriptors ;
vector < KeyPoint > keypoints ;
sift - > detectAndCompute ( image , noArray ( ) , keypoints , descriptors ) ;
@ endcode
Creating Own Algorithms
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you want to make your own algorithm , derived from Algorithm , you should basically follow a few
conventions and add a little semi - standard piece of code to your class :
- Make a class and specify Algorithm as its base class .
- The algorithm parameters should be the class members . See Algorithm : : get ( ) for the list of
possible types of the parameters .
- Add public virtual method ` AlgorithmInfo * info ( ) const ; ` to your class .
- Add constructor function , AlgorithmInfo instance and implement the info ( ) method . The simplest
way is to take < https : //github.com/Itseez/opencv/tree/master/modules/ml/src/ml_init.cpp> as
the reference and modify it according to the list of your parameters .
- Add some public function ( e . g . ` initModule_ < mymodule > ( ) ` ) that calls info ( ) of your algorithm
and put it into the same source file as info ( ) implementation . This is to force C + + linker to
include this object file into the target application . See Algorithm : : create ( ) for details .
class CV_EXPORTS_W Algorithm
public :
public :
Algorithm ( ) ;
virtual ~ Algorithm ( ) ;
/**Returns the algorithm name*/
String name ( ) const ;
/** @brief returns the algorithm parameter
The method returns value of the particular parameter . Since the compiler can not deduce the
type of the returned parameter , you should specify it explicitly in angle brackets . Here are
the allowed forms of get :
- myalgo . get \ < int \ > ( " param_name " )
- myalgo . get \ < double \ > ( " param_name " )
- myalgo . get \ < bool \ > ( " param_name " )
- myalgo . get \ < String \ > ( " param_name " )
- myalgo . get \ < Mat \ > ( " param_name " )
- myalgo . get \ < vector \ < Mat \ > \ > ( " param_name " )
- myalgo . get \ < Algorithm \ > ( " param_name " ) ( it returns Ptr \ < Algorithm \ > ) .
In some cases the actual type of the parameter can be cast to the specified type , e . g . integer
parameter can be cast to double , bool can be cast to int . But " dangerous " transformations
( string \ < - \ > number , double - \ > int , 1 x1 Mat \ < - \ > number , . . . ) are not performed and the method
will throw an exception . In the case of Mat or vector \ < Mat \ > parameters the method does not
clone the matrix data , so do not modify the matrices . Use Algorithm : : set instead - slower , but
more safe .
@ param name The parameter name .
template < typename _Tp > typename ParamType < _Tp > : : member_type get ( const String & name ) const ;
/** @overload */
template < typename _Tp > typename ParamType < _Tp > : : member_type get ( const char * name ) const ;
CV_WRAP int getInt ( const String & name ) const ;
CV_WRAP double getDouble ( const String & name ) const ;
CV_WRAP bool getBool ( const String & name ) const ;
CV_WRAP String getString ( const String & name ) const ;
CV_WRAP Mat getMat ( const String & name ) const ;
CV_WRAP std : : vector < Mat > getMatVector ( const String & name ) const ;
CV_WRAP Ptr < Algorithm > getAlgorithm ( const String & name ) const ;
/** @brief Sets the algorithm parameter
The method sets value of the particular parameter . Some of the algorithm
parameters may be declared as read - only . If you try to set such a
parameter , you will get exception with the corresponding error message .
@ param name The parameter name .
@ param value The parameter value .
void set ( const String & name , int value ) ;
void set ( const String & name , double value ) ;
void set ( const String & name , bool value ) ;
void set ( const String & name , const String & value ) ;
void set ( const String & name , const Mat & value ) ;
void set ( const String & name , const std : : vector < Mat > & value ) ;
void set ( const String & name , const Ptr < Algorithm > & value ) ;
template < typename _Tp > void set ( const String & name , const Ptr < _Tp > & value ) ;
CV_WRAP void setInt ( const String & name , int value ) ;
CV_WRAP void setDouble ( const String & name , double value ) ;
CV_WRAP void setBool ( const String & name , bool value ) ;
CV_WRAP void setString ( const String & name , const String & value ) ;
CV_WRAP void setMat ( const String & name , const Mat & value ) ;
CV_WRAP void setMatVector ( const String & name , const std : : vector < Mat > & value ) ;
CV_WRAP void setAlgorithm ( const String & name , const Ptr < Algorithm > & value ) ;
template < typename _Tp > void setAlgorithm ( const String & name , const Ptr < _Tp > & value ) ;
void set ( const char * name , int value ) ;
void set ( const char * name , double value ) ;
void set ( const char * name , bool value ) ;
void set ( const char * name , const String & value ) ;
void set ( const char * name , const Mat & value ) ;
void set ( const char * name , const std : : vector < Mat > & value ) ;
void set ( const char * name , const Ptr < Algorithm > & value ) ;
template < typename _Tp > void set ( const char * name , const Ptr < _Tp > & value ) ;
void setInt ( const char * name , int value ) ;
void setDouble ( const char * name , double value ) ;
void setBool ( const char * name , bool value ) ;
void setString ( const char * name , const String & value ) ;
void setMat ( const char * name , const Mat & value ) ;
void setMatVector ( const char * name , const std : : vector < Mat > & value ) ;
void setAlgorithm ( const char * name , const Ptr < Algorithm > & value ) ;
template < typename _Tp > void setAlgorithm ( const char * name , const Ptr < _Tp > & value ) ;
CV_WRAP String paramHelp ( const String & name ) const ;
int paramType ( const char * name ) const ;
CV_WRAP int paramType ( const String & name ) const ;
CV_WRAP void getParams ( CV_OUT std : : vector < String > & names ) const ;
/** @brief Stores algorithm parameters in a file storage
The method stores all the algorithm parameters ( in alphabetic order ) to
the file storage . The method is virtual . If you define your own
Algorithm derivative , your can override the method and store some extra
information . However , it ' s rarely needed . Here are some examples :
- SIFT feature detector ( from xfeatures2d module ) . The class only
stores algorithm parameters and no keypoints or their descriptors .
Therefore , it ' s enough to store the algorithm parameters , which is
what Algorithm : : write ( ) does . Therefore , there is no dedicated
SIFT : : write ( ) .
- Background subtractor ( from video module ) . It has the algorithm
parameters and also it has the current background model . However ,
the background model is not stored . First , it ' s rather big . Then ,
if you have stored the background model , it would likely become
irrelevant on the next run ( because of shifted camera , changed
background , different lighting etc . ) . Therefore ,
BackgroundSubtractorMOG and BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 also rely on
the standard Algorithm : : write ( ) to store just the algorithm
parameters .
- Expectation Maximization ( from ml module ) . The algorithm finds
mixture of gaussians that approximates user data best of all . In
this case the model may be re - used on the next run to test new
data against the trained statistical model . So EM needs to store
the model . However , since the model is described by a few
parameters that are available as read - only algorithm parameters
( i . e . they are available via EM : : get ( ) ) , EM also relies on
Algorithm : : write ( ) to store both EM parameters and the model
( represented by read - only algorithm parameters ) .
@ param fs File storage .
virtual void write ( FileStorage & fs ) const ;
virtual void write ( FileStorage & fs ) const { ( void ) fs ; }
/** @brief Reads algorithm parameters from a file storage
The method reads all the algorithm parameters from the specified node of
a file storage . Similarly to Algorithm : : write ( ) , if you implement an
algorithm that needs to read some extra data and / or re - compute some
internal data , you may override the method .
@ param fn File node of the file storage .
virtual void read ( const FileNode & fn ) ;
virtual void read ( const FileNode & fn ) { ( void ) fn ; }
} ;
typedef Algorithm * ( * Constructor ) ( void ) ;
typedef int ( Algorithm : : * Getter ) ( ) const ;
typedef void ( Algorithm : : * Setter ) ( int ) ;
// define properties
/** @brief Returns the list of registered algorithms
# define CV_PURE_PROPERTY(type, name) \
CV_WRAP virtual type get # # name ( ) const = 0 ; \
CV_WRAP virtual void set # # name ( type val ) = 0 ;
This static method returns the list of registered algorithms in
alphabetical order . Here is how to use it :
@ code { . cpp }
vector < String > algorithms ;
Algorithm : : getList ( algorithms ) ;
cout < < " Algorithms: " < < algorithms . size ( ) < < endl ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < algorithms . size ( ) ; i + + )
cout < < algorithms [ i ] < < endl ;
@ endcode
@ param algorithms The output vector of algorithm names .
CV_WRAP static void getList ( CV_OUT std : : vector < String > & algorithms ) ;
CV_WRAP static Ptr < Algorithm > _create ( const String & name ) ;
# define CV_PURE_PROPERTY_S(type, name) \
CV_WRAP virtual type get # # name ( ) const = 0 ; \
CV_WRAP virtual void set # # name ( const type & val ) = 0 ;
/** @brief Creates algorithm instance by name
# define CV_PURE_PROPERTY_RO(type, name) \
CV_WRAP virtual type get # # name ( ) const = 0 ;
This static method creates a new instance of the specified algorithm . If
there is no such algorithm , the method will silently return a null
pointer . Also , you should specify the particular Algorithm subclass as
_Tp ( or simply Algorithm if you do not know it at that point ) . :
@ code { . cpp }
Ptr < BackgroundSubtractor > bgfg = Algorithm : : create < BackgroundSubtractor > ( " BackgroundSubtractor.MOG2 " ) ;
@ endcode
@ note This is important note about seemingly mysterious behavior of
Algorithm : : create ( ) when it returns NULL while it should not . The reason
is simple - Algorithm : : create ( ) resides in OpenCV ' s core module and the
algorithms are implemented in other modules . If you create algorithms
dynamically , C + + linker may decide to throw away the modules where the
actual algorithms are implemented , since you do not call any functions
from the modules . To avoid this problem , you need to call
initModule_ \ < modulename \ > ( ) ; somewhere in the beginning of the program
before Algorithm : : create ( ) . For example , call initModule_xfeatures2d ( )
in order to use SURF / SIFT , call initModule_ml ( ) to use expectation
maximization etc .
@ param name The algorithm name , one of the names returned by Algorithm : : getList ( ) .
template < typename _Tp > static Ptr < _Tp > create ( const String & name ) ;
// basic property implementation
virtual AlgorithmInfo * info ( ) const /* TODO: make it = 0 ; */ { return 0 ; }
} ;
# define CV_IMPL_PROPERTY_RO(type, name, member) \
inline type get # # name ( ) const { return member ; }
/** @todo document */
class CV_EXPORTS AlgorithmInfo
public :
friend class Algorithm ;
AlgorithmInfo ( const String & name , Algorithm : : Constructor create ) ;
~ AlgorithmInfo ( ) ;
void get ( const Algorithm * algo , const char * name , int argType , void * value ) const ;
void addParam_ ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name , int argType ,
void * value , bool readOnly ,
Algorithm : : Getter getter , Algorithm : : Setter setter ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
String paramHelp ( const char * name ) const ;
int paramType ( const char * name ) const ;
void getParams ( std : : vector < String > & names ) const ;
void write ( const Algorithm * algo , FileStorage & fs ) const ;
void read ( Algorithm * algo , const FileNode & fn ) const ;
String name ( ) const ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
int & value , bool readOnly = false ,
int ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( int ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
bool & value , bool readOnly = false ,
int ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( int ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
double & value , bool readOnly = false ,
double ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( double ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
String & value , bool readOnly = false ,
String ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( const String & ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
Mat & value , bool readOnly = false ,
Mat ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( const Mat & ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
std : : vector < Mat > & value , bool readOnly = false ,
std : : vector < Mat > ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( const std : : vector < Mat > & ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
Ptr < Algorithm > & value , bool readOnly = false ,
Ptr < Algorithm > ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( const Ptr < Algorithm > & ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
float & value , bool readOnly = false ,
float ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( float ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
unsigned int & value , bool readOnly = false ,
unsigned int ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( unsigned int ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
uint64 & value , bool readOnly = false ,
uint64 ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( uint64 ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
uchar & value , bool readOnly = false ,
uchar ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( uchar ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
template < typename _Tp , typename _Base > void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
Ptr < _Tp > & value , bool readOnly = false ,
Ptr < _Tp > ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( const Ptr < _Tp > & ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
template < typename _Tp > void addParam ( Algorithm & algo , const char * name ,
Ptr < _Tp > & value , bool readOnly = false ,
Ptr < _Tp > ( Algorithm : : * getter ) ( ) = 0 ,
void ( Algorithm : : * setter ) ( const Ptr < _Tp > & ) = 0 ,
const String & help = String ( ) ) ;
protected :
AlgorithmInfoData * data ;
void set ( Algorithm * algo , const char * name , int argType ,
const void * value , bool force = false ) const ;
} ;
# define CV_HELP_IMPL_PROPERTY(r_type, w_type, name, member) \
CV_IMPL_PROPERTY_RO ( r_type , name , member ) \
inline void set # # name ( w_type val ) { member = val ; }
/** @todo document */
struct CV_EXPORTS Param
enum { INT = 0 , BOOLEAN = 1 , REAL = 2 , STRING = 3 , MAT = 4 , MAT_VECTOR = 5 , ALGORITHM = 6 , FLOAT = 7 , UNSIGNED_INT = 8 , UINT64 = 9 , UCHAR = 11 } ;
Param ( ) ;
Param ( int _type , bool _readonly , int _offset ,
Algorithm : : Getter _getter = 0 ,
Algorithm : : Setter _setter = 0 ,
const String & _help = String ( ) ) ;
int type ;
int offset ;
bool readonly ;
Algorithm : : Getter getter ;
Algorithm : : Setter setter ;
String help ;
# define CV_HELP_WRAP_PROPERTY(r_type, w_type, name, internal_name, internal_obj) \
r_type get # # name ( ) const { return internal_obj . get # # internal_name ( ) ; } \
void set # # name ( w_type val ) { internal_obj . set # # internal_name ( val ) ; }
# define CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(type, name, member) CV_HELP_IMPL_PROPERTY(type, type, name, member)
# define CV_IMPL_PROPERTY_S(type, name, member) CV_HELP_IMPL_PROPERTY(type, const type &, name, member)
# define CV_WRAP_PROPERTY(type, name, internal_name, internal_obj) CV_HELP_WRAP_PROPERTY(type, type, name, internal_name, internal_obj)
# define CV_WRAP_PROPERTY_S(type, name, internal_name, internal_obj) CV_HELP_WRAP_PROPERTY(type, const type &, name, internal_name, internal_obj)
# define CV_WRAP_SAME_PROPERTY(type, name, internal_obj) CV_WRAP_PROPERTY(type, name, name, internal_obj)
# define CV_WRAP_SAME_PROPERTY_S(type, name, internal_obj) CV_WRAP_PROPERTY_S(type, name, name, internal_obj)
struct Param {
enum { INT = 0 , BOOLEAN = 1 , REAL = 2 , STRING = 3 , MAT = 4 , MAT_VECTOR = 5 , ALGORITHM = 6 , FLOAT = 7 ,
UNSIGNED_INT = 8 , UINT64 = 9 , UCHAR = 11 } ;
} ;
template < > struct ParamType < bool >
typedef bool const_param_type ;