The methos runs operation in parallel. Operation is passed by arguments. Operation have to be a function pointer, a function object or a lambda(C++11).
All of below operation is equal. Put 0xFF to first channel of all matrix elements. ::
Mat image(1920, 1080, CV_8UC3);
typedef cv::Point3_<uint8_t> Pixel;
// first. raw pointer access.
for (int r = 0; r < image.rows; ++r) {
Pixel* ptr = image.ptr<Pixel>(0, r);
const Pixel* ptr_end = ptr + image.cols;
for (; ptr != ptr_end; ++ptr) {
ptr->x = 255;
// Using MatIterator. (Simple but there are a Iterator's overhead)
for (Pixel &p : cv::Mat_<Pixel>(image)) {
p.x = 255;
// Parallel execution with function object.
struct Operator {
void operator ()(Pixel &pixel, const int * position) {
pixel.x = 255;
// Parallel execution using C++11 lambda.
image.forEach<Pixel>([](Pixel &p, const int * position) -> void {
p.x = 255;
position parameter is index of current pixel. ::
// Creating 3D matrix (255 x 255 x 255) typed uint8_t,
// and initialize all elements by the value which equals elements position.
// i.e. pixels (x,y,z) = (1,2,3) is (b,g,r) = (1,2,3).