@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ |
#Cross compile TBB from source |
project(tbb) |
# Development release |
set(tbb_ver "tbb41_20130516oss") |
set(tbb_url "http://threadingbuildingblocks.org/sites/default/files/software_releases/source/tbb41_20130516oss_src.tgz") |
set(tbb_md5 "08c14d1c196bc9595d8c52bedc239937") |
if (WIN32 AND NOT ARM) |
message(FATAL_ERROR "BUILD_TBB option supports Windows on ARM only!\nUse regular official TBB build instead of the BUILD_TBB option!") |
endif() |
# 4.1 update 4 - works fine |
set(tbb_ver "tbb41_20130613oss") |
set(tbb_url "http://threadingbuildingblocks.org/sites/default/files/software_releases/source/tbb41_20130613oss_src.tgz") |
set(tbb_md5 "108c8c1e481b0aaea61878289eb28b6a") |
set(tbb_version_file "version_string.ver") |
ocv_warnings_disable(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -Wshadow -Wunused-parameter) |
@ -121,7 +125,7 @@ if(NOT EXISTS "${tbb_src_dir}") |
if(NOT tbb_untar_RESULT EQUAL 0 OR NOT EXISTS "${tbb_src_dir}") |
message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to unpack TBB sources (${tbb_untar_RESULT} ${tbb_src_dir})") |
message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to unpack TBB sources from ${tbb_tarball} to ${tbb_src_dir} with error ${tbb_untar_RESULT}") |
endif() |
endif() |
@ -137,18 +141,22 @@ file(GLOB lib_hdrs "${tbb_src_dir}/src/tbb/*.h") |
list(APPEND lib_srcs "${tbb_src_dir}/src/rml/client/rml_tbb.cpp") |
if (WIN32) |
add_definitions(-D__TBB_DYNAMIC_LOAD_ENABLED=0 |
/D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602 |
add_definitions(/D__TBB_DYNAMIC_LOAD_ENABLED=0 |
) # defines were copied from windows.cl.inc |
if (ARM) |
add_definitions(/D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602 |
) |
endif() |
else() |
add_definitions(-D__TBB_DYNAMIC_LOAD_ENABLED=0 #required |
@ -193,16 +201,18 @@ set(TBB_SOURCE_FILES ${TBB_SOURCE_FILES} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${tbb_vers |
add_library(tbb ${TBB_SOURCE_FILES}) |
if (ARM AND WIN32) |
if (WIN32) |
if (ARM) |
set(platform_macro /D_M_ARM=1) |
endif() |
add_custom_command(TARGET tbb |
COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} /nologo /TC /EP ${tbb_src_dir}\\src\\tbb\\win32-tbb-export.def /DTBB_NO_LEGACY=1 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D__TBB_BUILD=1 /D_M_ARM=1 /I${tbb_src_dir}\\src /I${tbb_src_dir}\\include > "${tbb_src_dir}\\src\\tbb\\tbb.def" |
COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} /nologo /TC /EP ${tbb_src_dir}\\src\\tbb\\win32-tbb-export.def /DTBB_NO_LEGACY=1 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /D__TBB_BUILD=1 ${platform_macro} /I${tbb_src_dir}\\src /I${tbb_src_dir}\\include > "${tbb_src_dir}\\src\\tbb\\tbb.def" |
WORKING_DIRECTORY ${tbb_src_dir}\\src\\tbb |
COMMENT "Generating tbb.def file" VERBATIM |
) |
endif() |
if (WIN32) |
set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} /DEF:${tbb_src_dir}/src/tbb/tbb.def /DLL /MAP /fixed:no /INCREMENTAL:NO") |
else() |
target_link_libraries(tbb c m dl) |