@ -20,6 +20,15 @@ namespace opencv_test
G_TYPED_KERNEL ( GMinScalar , < GScalar ( GScalar , GScalar ) > , " custom.MinScalar " ) {
static GScalarDesc outMeta ( GScalarDesc , GScalarDesc ) { return empty_scalar_desc ( ) ; }
} ;
GAPI_OCV_KERNEL ( GCPUMinScalar , GMinScalar ) {
static void run ( const Scalar & sc1 , const Scalar & sc2 , Scalar & scOut ) {
scOut = Scalar ( std : : min ( sc1 [ 0 ] , sc2 [ 0 ] ) ) ;
} ;
inline void initTrackingPointsArray ( std : : vector < cv : : Point2f > & points , int width , int height ,
int nPointsX , int nPointsY )
@ -46,6 +55,14 @@ inline void initTrackingPointsArray(std::vector<cv::Point2f>& points, int width,
struct BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestOutput
BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestOutput ( std : : vector < Mat > & pyr , int maxLvl ) :
pyramid ( pyr ) , maxLevel ( maxLvl ) { }
std : : vector < Mat > & pyramid ;
int maxLevel = 0 ;
} ;
template < typename Type >
struct OptFlowLKTestInput
@ -61,6 +78,31 @@ struct OptFlowLKTestOutput
std : : vector < float > & errors ;
} ;
struct BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestParams
BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestParams ( ) : fileName ( " " ) , winSize ( - 1 ) , maxLevel ( - 1 ) ,
withDerivatives ( false ) , pyrBorder ( - 1 ) ,
derivBorder ( - 1 ) , tryReuseInputImage ( false ) { }
BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestParams ( const std : : string & name , int winSz , int maxLvl ,
bool withDeriv , int pBorder , int dBorder ,
bool tryReuse , const GCompileArgs & compArgs ) :
fileName ( name ) , winSize ( winSz ) , maxLevel ( maxLvl ) ,
withDerivatives ( withDeriv ) , pyrBorder ( pBorder ) ,
derivBorder ( dBorder ) , tryReuseInputImage ( tryReuse ) ,
compileArgs ( compArgs ) { }
std : : string fileName = " " ;
int winSize = - 1 ;
int maxLevel = - 1 ;
bool withDerivatives = false ;
int pyrBorder = - 1 ;
int derivBorder = - 1 ;
bool tryReuseInputImage = false ;
cv : : GCompileArgs compileArgs ;
} ;
struct OptFlowLKTestParams
OptFlowLKTestParams ( ) : fileNamePattern ( " " ) , format ( 1 ) , channels ( 0 ) , pointsNum { 0 , 0 } ,
@ -90,6 +132,42 @@ struct OptFlowLKTestParams
inline GComputation runOCVnGAPIBuildOptFlowPyramid ( TestFunctional & testInst ,
const BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestParams & params ,
BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestOutput & outOCV ,
BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestOutput & outGAPI )
testInst . initMatFromImage ( CV_8UC1 , params . fileName ) ;
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
outOCV . maxLevel = cv : : buildOpticalFlowPyramid ( testInst . in_mat1 , outOCV . pyramid ,
Size ( params . winSize , params . winSize ) ,
params . maxLevel , params . withDerivatives ,
params . pyrBorder , params . derivBorder ,
params . tryReuseInputImage ) ;
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
GMat in ;
GArray < GMat > out ;
GScalar outMaxLevel ;
std : : tie ( out , outMaxLevel ) =
cv : : gapi : : buildOpticalFlowPyramid ( in , Size ( params . winSize , params . winSize ) ,
params . maxLevel , params . withDerivatives ,
params . pyrBorder , params . derivBorder ,
params . tryReuseInputImage ) ;
GComputation c ( GIn ( in ) , GOut ( out , outMaxLevel ) ) ;
Scalar outMaxLevelSc ;
c . apply ( gin ( testInst . in_mat1 ) , gout ( outGAPI . pyramid , outMaxLevelSc ) ,
std : : move ( const_cast < GCompileArgs & > ( params . compileArgs ) ) ) ;
outGAPI . maxLevel = static_cast < int > ( outMaxLevelSc [ 0 ] ) ;
return c ;
template < typename GType , typename Type >
cv : : GComputation runOCVnGAPIOptFlowLK ( OptFlowLKTestInput < Type > & in ,
int width , int height ,
@ -184,8 +262,77 @@ inline cv::GComputation runOCVnGAPIOptFlowLKForPyr(TestFunctional& testInst,
gapiOut ) ;
inline GComputation runOCVnGAPIOptFlowPipeline ( TestFunctional & testInst ,
const BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestParams & params ,
OptFlowLKTestOutput & outOCV ,
OptFlowLKTestOutput & outGAPI ,
std : : vector < Point2f > & prevPoints )
testInst . initMatsFromImages ( 3 , params . fileName , 1 ) ;
initTrackingPointsArray ( prevPoints , testInst . in_mat1 . cols , testInst . in_mat1 . rows , 15 , 15 ) ;
Size winSize = Size ( params . winSize , params . winSize ) ;
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
std : : vector < Mat > pyr1 , pyr2 ;
int maxLevel1 = cv : : buildOpticalFlowPyramid ( testInst . in_mat1 , pyr1 , winSize ,
params . maxLevel , params . withDerivatives ,
params . pyrBorder , params . derivBorder ,
params . tryReuseInputImage ) ;
int maxLevel2 = cv : : buildOpticalFlowPyramid ( testInst . in_mat2 , pyr2 , winSize ,
params . maxLevel , params . withDerivatives ,
params . pyrBorder , params . derivBorder ,
params . tryReuseInputImage ) ;
cv : : calcOpticalFlowPyrLK ( pyr1 , pyr2 , prevPoints ,
outOCV . nextPoints , outOCV . statuses , outOCV . errors ,
winSize , std : : min ( maxLevel1 , maxLevel2 ) ) ;
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
GMat in1 , in2 ;
GArray < GMat > gpyr1 , gpyr2 ;
GScalar gmaxLevel1 , gmaxLevel2 ;
GArray < cv : : Point2f > gprevPts , gpredPts , gnextPts ;
GArray < uchar > gstatuses ;
GArray < float > gerrors ;
std : : tie ( gpyr1 , gmaxLevel1 ) = cv : : gapi : : buildOpticalFlowPyramid (
in1 , winSize , params . maxLevel ,
params . withDerivatives , params . pyrBorder ,
params . derivBorder , params . tryReuseInputImage ) ;
std : : tie ( gpyr2 , gmaxLevel2 ) = cv : : gapi : : buildOpticalFlowPyramid (
in2 , winSize , params . maxLevel ,
params . withDerivatives , params . pyrBorder ,
params . derivBorder , params . tryReuseInputImage ) ;
GScalar gmaxLevel = GMinScalar : : on ( gmaxLevel1 , gmaxLevel2 ) ;
std : : tie ( gnextPts , gstatuses , gerrors ) = cv : : gapi : : calcOpticalFlowPyrLK (
gpyr1 , gpyr2 , gprevPts , gpredPts , winSize ,
gmaxLevel ) ;
cv : : GComputation c ( GIn ( in1 , in2 , gprevPts , gpredPts ) , cv : : GOut ( gnextPts , gstatuses , gerrors ) ) ;
c . apply ( cv : : gin ( testInst . in_mat1 , testInst . in_mat2 , prevPoints , std : : vector < cv : : Point2f > { } ) ,
cv : : gout ( outGAPI . nextPoints , outGAPI . statuses , outGAPI . errors ) ,
std : : move ( const_cast < cv : : GCompileArgs & > ( params . compileArgs ) ) ) ;
return c ;
inline cv : : GComputation runOCVnGAPIBuildOptFlowPyramid ( TestFunctional & ,
const BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestParams & ,
BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestOutput & ,
BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestOutput & )
GAPI_Assert ( 0 & & " This function shouldn't be called without opencv_video " ) ;
inline cv : : GComputation runOCVnGAPIOptFlowLK ( TestFunctional & ,
std : : vector < cv : : Point2f > & ,
const OptFlowLKTestParams & ,
@ -205,8 +352,29 @@ inline cv::GComputation runOCVnGAPIOptFlowLKForPyr(TestFunctional&,
GAPI_Assert ( 0 & & " This function shouldn't be called without opencv_video " ) ;
inline GComputation runOCVnGAPIOptFlowPipeline ( TestFunctional & ,
const BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestParams & ,
OptFlowLKTestOutput & ,
OptFlowLKTestOutput & ,
std : : vector < Point2f > & )
GAPI_Assert ( 0 & & " This function shouldn't be called without opencv_video " ) ;
inline void compareOutputPyramids ( const BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestOutput & outOCV ,
const BuildOpticalFlowPyramidTestOutput & outGAPI )
GAPI_Assert ( outGAPI . maxLevel = = outOCV . maxLevel ) ;
GAPI_Assert ( outOCV . maxLevel > = 0 ) ;
size_t maxLevel = static_cast < size_t > ( outOCV . maxLevel ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < = maxLevel ; i + + )
EXPECT_TRUE ( AbsExact ( ) . to_compare_f ( ) ( outOCV . pyramid [ i ] , outGAPI . pyramid [ i ] ) ) ;
template < typename Elem >
inline bool compareVectorsAbsExactForOptFlow ( std : : vector < Elem > outOCV , std : : vector < Elem > outGAPI )
@ -221,7 +389,6 @@ inline void compareOutputsOptFlow(const OptFlowLKTestOutput& outOCV,
EXPECT_TRUE ( compareVectorsAbsExactForOptFlow ( outGAPI . errors , outOCV . errors ) ) ;
inline std : : ostream & operator < < ( std : : ostream & os , const cv : : TermCriteria & criteria )
os < < " { " ;
@ -236,7 +403,7 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const cv::TermCriteria& criter
os < < " COUNT | EPS; " ;
break ;
default :
os < < " TypeUndi fined; " ;
os < < " TypeUnde fined; " ;
break ;
} ;