@ -235,10 +235,7 @@ void ERFilterNM::er_tree_extract( InputArray image )
if ( thresholdDelta > 1 )
Mat tmp ;
src . copyTo ( tmp ) ;
src . release ( ) ;
src = ( image . getMat ( ) / thresholdDelta ) - 1 ;
src = ( src / thresholdDelta ) - 1 ;
const unsigned char * image_data = src . data ;
@ -2721,6 +2718,28 @@ float extract_features(InputOutputArray src, vector<ERStat> ®ions, vector<ERF
return max_stroke ;
static bool edge_comp ( Vec4f i , Vec4f j )
Point a = Point ( cvRound ( i [ 0 ] ) , cvRound ( i [ 1 ] ) ) ;
Point b = Point ( cvRound ( i [ 2 ] ) , cvRound ( i [ 3 ] ) ) ;
double edist_i = cv : : norm ( a - b ) ;
a = Point ( cvRound ( j [ 0 ] ) , cvRound ( j [ 1 ] ) ) ;
b = Point ( cvRound ( j [ 2 ] ) , cvRound ( j [ 3 ] ) ) ;
double edist_j = cv : : norm ( a - b ) ;
return ( edist_i < edist_j ) ;
static bool find_vertex ( vector < Point > & vertex , Point & p )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int ) vertex . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( vertex . at ( i ) = = p )
return true ;
return false ;
Find groups of Extremal Regions that are organized as text blocks . This function implements
the grouping algorithm described in :
@ -2734,16 +2753,25 @@ float extract_features(InputOutputArray src, vector<ERStat> ®ions, vector<ERF
( x , y coordinates ) and a similarity measure ( intensity , color , size , gradient magnitude , etc . ) ,
thus providing a set of hypotheses of text groups . Evidence Accumulation framework is used to
combine all these hypotheses to get the final estimate . Each of the resulting groups are finally
heuristically validated in order to assest if they form a valid horizontally - aligned text block .
validated by a classifier in order to assest if they form a valid horizontally - aligned text block .
\ param src Vector of sinle channel images CV_8UC1 from wich the regions were extracted .
\ param regions Vector of ER ' s retreived from the ERFilter algorithm from each channel
\ param filename The XML or YAML file with the classifier model ( e . g . trained_classifier_erGrouping . xml )
\ param minProbability The minimum probability for accepting a group
\ param groups The output of the algorithm are stored in this parameter as list of rectangles .
void erGrouping ( InputArrayOfArrays _src , vector < vector < ERStat > > & regions , std : : vector < Rect > & text_boxes )
void erGrouping ( InputArrayOfArrays _src , vector < vector < ERStat > > & regions , const std : : string & filename , float minProbability , std : : vector < Rect > & text_boxes )
// TODO assert correct vector<Mat>
CvBoost group_boost ;
if ( ifstream ( filename . c_str ( ) ) )
group_boost . load ( filename . c_str ( ) , " boost " ) ;
CV_Error ( CV_StsBadArg , " erGrouping: Default classifier file not found! " ) ;
std : : vector < Mat > src ;
_src . getMatVector ( src ) ;
@ -2868,18 +2896,22 @@ void erGrouping(InputArrayOfArrays _src, vector<vector<ERStat> > ®ions, std::
free ( D ) ;
/* --------------------------------- Groups Validation --------------------------------*/
/* Examine each of the clusters in order to assest if they are valid text lines or not */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// remove non-horizontally-aligned groups
vector < Rect > groups_rects ;
vector < vector < float > > data_arrays ( meaningful_clusters . size ( ) ) ;
vector < Rect > groups_rects ( meaningful_clusters . size ( ) ) ;
// Collect group level features and classify the group
for ( int i = ( int ) meaningful_clusters . size ( ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
Rect group_rect ;
float sumx = 0 , sumy = 0 , sumxy = 0 , sumx2 = 0 ;
// linear regression slope helps discriminating horizontal aligned groups
for ( int j = 0 ; j < ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) ; j + + )
if ( j = = 0 )
@ -2907,105 +2939,69 @@ void erGrouping(InputArrayOfArrays _src, vector<vector<ERStat> > ®ions, std::
float a1 = ( ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) * sumxy - sumx * sumy ) /
( ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) * sumx2 - sumx * sumx ) ;
if ( abs ( a1 ) > 0.13 )
meaningful_clusters . erase ( meaningful_clusters . begin ( ) + i ) ;
vector < float > data ;
if ( a1 ! = a1 )
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( 1.f ) ;
groups_rects . insert ( groups_rects . begin ( ) , group_rect ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( a1 ) ;
//TODO if group has less than 5 chars we can infer that is a single line so an additional rule can
// be added here in order to reject non-colinear small groups
groups_rects . at ( i ) = group_rect ;
// group probability mean
double group_probability_mean = 0 ;
// number of non-overlapping regions
vector < Rect > individual_components ;
/* TODO this is better code for detecting non-horizontally-aligned groups but only works for
* single lines so we need here a way to split the rejected groups into several line hypothesis
* and recursively apply the text line validation test until no more splits can be done
vector < Rect > groups_rects ;
for ( int i = meaningful_clusters . size ( ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
Rect group_rect ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) ; j + + )
if ( j = = 0 )
group_rect = regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . rect ;
} else {
group_rect = group_rect | regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . rect ;
// The variance of several similarity features is also helpful
vector < float > strokes ;
vector < float > grad_magnitudes ;
vector < float > intensities ;
vector < float > bg_intensities ;
float group_y_center = 0 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) ; j + + )
int region_y_center = regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . rect . y +
regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . rect . height / 2 ;
group_y_center + = region_y_center ;
group_y_center = group_y_center / ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) ;
// We'll try to remove groups with repetitive patterns using averaged SAD
// SAD = Sum of Absolute Differences
Mat grey = img ;
Mat sad = Mat : : zeros ( regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( 0 ) ) . rect . size ( ) , CV_8UC1 ) ;
Mat region_mask = Mat : : zeros ( grey . rows + 2 , grey . cols + 2 , CV_8UC1 ) ;
float sad_value = 0 ;
Mat ratios = Mat : : zeros ( 1 , ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) , CV_32FC1 ) ;
//Mat holes = Mat::zeros(1, (int)meaningful_clusters.at(i).size(), CV_32FC1);
float err = 0 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) ; j + + )
int region_y_center = regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . rect . y +
regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . rect . height / 2 ;
err + = pow ( group_y_center - region_y_center , 2 ) ;
err = sqrt ( err / ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) ) ;
err = err / group_rect . height ;
if ( err > 0.17 )
meaningful_clusters . erase ( meaningful_clusters . begin ( ) + i ) ;
groups_rects . insert ( groups_rects . begin ( ) , group_rect ) ;
ERStat * stat = & regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) ;
} */
// check for colinear groups that can be merged
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int ) meaningful_clusters . size ( ) ; i + + )
int ay1 = groups_rects . at ( i ) . y ;
int ay2 = groups_rects . at ( i ) . y + groups_rects . at ( i ) . height ;
int ax1 = groups_rects . at ( i ) . x ;
int ax2 = groups_rects . at ( i ) . x + groups_rects . at ( i ) . width ;
for ( int j = ( int ) meaningful_clusters . size ( ) - 1 ; j > i ; j - - )
int by1 = groups_rects . at ( j ) . y ;
int by2 = groups_rects . at ( j ) . y + groups_rects . at ( j ) . height ;
int bx1 = groups_rects . at ( j ) . x ;
int bx2 = groups_rects . at ( j ) . x + groups_rects . at ( j ) . width ;
//Fill the region
Mat region = region_mask ( Rect ( Point ( stat - > rect . x , stat - > rect . y ) ,
Point ( stat - > rect . br ( ) . x + 2 , stat - > rect . br ( ) . y + 2 ) ) ) ;
region = Scalar ( 0 ) ;
int newMaskVal = 255 ;
int flags = 4 + ( newMaskVal < < 8 ) + FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE + FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY ;
Rect rect ;
int y_intersection = min ( ay2 , by2 ) - max ( ay1 , by1 ) ;
floodFill ( grey ( Rect ( Point ( stat - > rect . x , stat - > rect . y ) , Point ( stat - > rect . br ( ) . x , stat - > rect . br ( ) . y ) ) ) ,
region , Point ( stat - > pixel % grey . cols - stat - > rect . x , stat - > pixel / grey . cols - stat - > rect . y ) ,
Scalar ( 255 ) , & rect , Scalar ( stat - > level ) , Scalar ( 0 ) , flags ) ;
if ( y_intersection > 0.75 * ( max ( groups_rects . at ( i ) . height , groups_rects . at ( j ) . height ) ) )
int xdist = min ( abs ( ax2 - bx1 ) , abs ( bx2 - ax1 ) ) ;
if ( xdist < 0.75 * ( max ( groups_rects . at ( i ) . height , groups_rects . at ( j ) . height ) ) )
Mat mask = Mat : : zeros ( regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( 0 ) ) . rect . size ( ) , CV_8UC1 ) ;
resize ( region , mask , mask . size ( ) ) ;
mask = mask - 254 ;
if ( j ! = 0 )
for ( int r = 0 ; r < ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( j ) . size ( ) ; r + + )
meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . push_back ( meaningful_clusters . at ( j ) . at ( r ) ) ;
meaningful_clusters . erase ( meaningful_clusters . begin ( ) + j ) ;
groups_rects . erase ( groups_rects . begin ( ) + j ) ;
// accumulate Sum of Absolute Differences
absdiff ( sad , mask , sad ) ;
Scalar s = sum ( sad ) ;
sad_value + = ( float ) s [ 0 ] / ( sad . rows * sad . cols ) ;
mask . copyTo ( sad ) ;
ratios . at < float > ( 0 , j ) = ( float ) min ( stat - > rect . width , stat - > rect . height ) /
max ( stat - > rect . width , stat - > rect . height ) ;
//holes.at<float>(0,j) = (float)stat->hole_area_ratio;
// remove groups with less than 3 non-overlapping regions
for ( int i = ( int ) meaningful_clusters . size ( ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
double group_probability_mean = 0 ;
Rect group_rect ;
vector < Rect > individual_components ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) ; j + + )
strokes . push_back ( ( float ) features . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . stroke_mean ) ;
grad_magnitudes . push_back ( ( float ) features . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . gradient_mean ) ;
intensities . push_back ( features . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . intensity_mean ) ;
bg_intensities . push_back ( features . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . boundary_intensity_mean ) ;
group_probability_mean + = regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( j ) ) . probability ;
if ( j = = 0 )
@ -3036,112 +3032,108 @@ void erGrouping(InputArrayOfArrays _src, vector<vector<ERStat> > ®ions, std::
group_probability_mean = group_probability_mean / meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . insert ( data_arrays . at ( i ) . begin ( ) , ( float ) individual_components . size ( ) ) ;
// variance of widths and heights help to discriminate groups with high height variability
vector < int > widths ;
vector < int > heights ;
// the MST edge orientations histogram may be dominated by the horizontal axis orientation
Subdiv2D subdiv ( Rect ( 0 , 0 , src . at ( 0 ) . cols , src . at ( 0 ) . rows ) ) ;
if ( individual_components . size ( ) < 3 ) // || (group_probability_mean < 0.5)
for ( int r = 0 ; r < ( int ) individual_components . size ( ) ; r + + )
meaningful_clusters . erase ( meaningful_clusters . begin ( ) + i ) ;
groups_rects . erase ( groups_rects . begin ( ) + i ) ;
continue ;
widths . push_back ( individual_components . at ( r ) . width ) ;
heights . push_back ( individual_components . at ( r ) . height ) ;
Point2f fp ( ( float ) individual_components . at ( r ) . x + individual_components . at ( r ) . width / 2 ,
( float ) individual_components . at ( r ) . y + individual_components . at ( r ) . height / 2 ) ;
subdiv . insert ( fp ) ;
// TODO remove groups with high height variability
Scalar mean , std ;
meanStdDev ( Mat ( widths ) , mean , std ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) ( std [ 0 ] / mean [ 0 ] ) ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) mean [ 0 ] ) ;
meanStdDev ( Mat ( heights ) , mean , std ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) ( std [ 0 ] / mean [ 0 ] ) ) ;
// Try to remove groups with repetitive patterns
for ( int i = ( int ) meaningful_clusters . size ( ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
Mat grey = img ;
Mat sad = Mat : : zeros ( regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( 0 ) ) . rect . size ( ) , CV_8UC1 ) ;
Mat region_mask = Mat : : zeros ( grey . rows + 2 , grey . cols + 2 , CV_8UC1 ) ;
float sad_value = 0 ;
Mat ratios = Mat : : zeros ( 1 , ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) , CV_32FC1 ) ;
Mat holes = Mat : : zeros ( 1 , ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) , CV_32FC1 ) ;
for ( int r = 0 ; r < ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) ; r + + )
ERStat * stat = & regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( r ) ) ;
//Fill the region
Mat region = region_mask ( Rect ( Point ( stat - > rect . x , stat - > rect . y ) ,
Point ( stat - > rect . br ( ) . x + 2 , stat - > rect . br ( ) . y + 2 ) ) ) ;
region = Scalar ( 0 ) ;
int newMaskVal = 255 ;
int flags = 4 + ( newMaskVal < < 8 ) + FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE + FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY ;
Rect rect ;
vector < Vec4f > edgeList ;
subdiv . getEdgeList ( edgeList ) ;
std : : sort ( edgeList . begin ( ) , edgeList . end ( ) , edge_comp ) ;
vector < Point > mst_vertices ;
floodFill ( grey ( Rect ( Point ( stat - > rect . x , stat - > rect . y ) , Point ( stat - > rect . br ( ) . x , stat - > rect . br ( ) . y ) ) ) ,
region , Point ( stat - > pixel % grey . cols - stat - > rect . x , stat - > pixel / grey . cols - stat - > rect . y ) ,
Scalar ( 255 ) , & rect , Scalar ( stat - > level ) , Scalar ( 0 ) , flags ) ;
int horiz_edges = 0 , non_horiz_edges = 0 ;
vector < float > edge_distances ;
Mat mask = Mat : : zeros ( regions . at ( c ) . at ( meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . at ( 0 ) ) . rect . size ( ) , CV_8UC1 ) ;
resize ( region , mask , mask . size ( ) ) ;
mask = mask - 254 ;
if ( r ! = 0 )
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < edgeList . size ( ) ; k + + )
// using Sum of Absolute Differences
absdiff ( sad , mask , sad ) ;
Scalar s = sum ( sad ) ;
sad_value + = ( float ) s [ 0 ] / ( sad . rows * sad . cols ) ;
mask . copyTo ( sad ) ;
ratios . at < float > ( 0 , r ) = ( float ) min ( stat - > rect . width , stat - > rect . height ) /
max ( stat - > rect . width , stat - > rect . height ) ;
holes . at < float > ( 0 , r ) = ( float ) stat - > hole_area_ratio ;
Scalar mean , std ;
meanStdDev ( holes , mean , std ) ;
float holes_mean = ( float ) mean [ 0 ] ;
meanStdDev ( ratios , mean , std ) ;
// Set empirically
if ( ( ( float ) sad_value / ( ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) - 1 ) < 0.12 ) | |
( ( ( float ) sad_value / ( ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) - 1 ) < 0.175 ) & & ( holes_mean < 0.015 ) ) | |
//TODO this must be num of non-overlapping regions.at(c) and probably 7 is ok!
( ( holes_mean < 0.005 ) & & ( ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) > 10 ) ) )
Vec4f e = edgeList [ k ] ;
Point pt0 = Point ( cvRound ( e [ 0 ] ) , cvRound ( e [ 1 ] ) ) ;
Point pt1 = Point ( cvRound ( e [ 2 ] ) , cvRound ( e [ 3 ] ) ) ;
if ( ( ( pt0 . x > 0 ) & & ( pt0 . x < src . at ( 0 ) . cols ) & & ( pt0 . y > 0 ) & & ( pt0 . y < src . at ( 0 ) . rows ) & &
( pt1 . x > 0 ) & & ( pt1 . x < src . at ( 0 ) . cols ) & & ( pt1 . y > 0 ) & & ( pt1 . y < src . at ( 0 ) . rows ) ) & &
( ( ! find_vertex ( mst_vertices , pt0 ) ) | |
( ! find_vertex ( mst_vertices , pt1 ) ) ) )
double angle = atan2 ( ( double ) ( pt0 . y - pt1 . y ) , ( double ) ( pt0 . x - pt1 . x ) ) ;
//if ( (abs(angle) < 0.35) || (abs(angle) > 5.93) || ((abs(angle) > 2.79)&&(abs(angle) < 3.49)) )
if ( ( abs ( angle ) < 0.25 ) | | ( abs ( angle ) > 6.03 ) | | ( ( abs ( angle ) > 2.88 ) & & ( abs ( angle ) < 3.4 ) ) )
meaningful_clusters . erase ( meaningful_clusters . begin ( ) + i ) ;
groups_rects . erase ( groups_rects . begin ( ) + i ) ;
horiz_edges + + ;
edge_distances . push_back ( ( float ) norm ( pt0 - pt1 ) ) ;
non_horiz_edges + + ;
mst_vertices . push_back ( pt0 ) ;
mst_vertices . push_back ( pt1 ) ;
// remove small groups inside others
vector < int > groups_to_remove ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int ) meaningful_clusters . size ( ) - 1 ; i + + )
for ( int j = i + 1 ; j < ( int ) meaningful_clusters . size ( ) ; j + + )
if ( horiz_edges = = 0 )
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( 0.f ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) horiz_edges / ( horiz_edges + non_horiz_edges ) ) ;
Rect intersection = groups_rects . at ( i ) & groups_rects . at ( j ) ;
// remove groups where objects are not equidistant enough
Scalar dist_mean , dist_std ;
meanStdDev ( Mat ( edge_distances ) , dist_mean , dist_std ) ;
if ( dist_std [ 0 ] = = 0 )
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( 0.f ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) ( dist_std [ 0 ] / dist_mean [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( intersection = = groups_rects . at ( i ) )
groups_to_remove . push_back ( i ) ;
if ( intersection = = groups_rects . at ( j ) )
groups_to_remove . push_back ( j ) ;
if ( dist_mean [ 0 ] = = 0 )
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( 0.f ) ;
els e
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) dist_mean [ 0 ] / data_arrays . at ( i ) . at ( 3 ) ) ;
//meanStdDev( holes, mean, std);
//float holes_mean = (float)mean[0];
meanStdDev ( ratios , mean , std ) ;
if ( ! groups_to_remove . empty ( ) )
int last_removed = - 1 ;
std : : sort ( groups_to_remove . begin ( ) , groups_to_remove . end ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = ( int ) groups_to_remove . size ( ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
if ( groups_to_remove . at ( i ) = = last_removed )
continue ;
last_removed = groups_to_remove . at ( i ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) sad_value / ( ( int ) meaningful_clusters . at ( i ) . size ( ) - 1 ) ) ;
meanStdDev ( Mat ( strokes ) , mean , std ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) ( std [ 0 ] / mean [ 0 ] ) ) ;
meanStdDev ( Mat ( grad_magnitudes ) , mean , std ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) ( std [ 0 ] / mean [ 0 ] ) ) ;
meanStdDev ( Mat ( intensities ) , mean , std ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) std [ 0 ] ) ;
meanStdDev ( Mat ( bg_intensities ) , mean , std ) ;
data_arrays . at ( i ) . push_back ( ( float ) std [ 0 ] ) ;
// Validate only groups with more than 2 non-overlapping regions
if ( data_arrays . at ( i ) . at ( 0 ) > 2 )
data_arrays . at ( i ) . insert ( data_arrays . at ( i ) . begin ( ) , 0.f ) ;
float votes = group_boost . predict ( Mat ( data_arrays . at ( i ) ) , Mat ( ) , Range : : all ( ) , false , true ) ;
// Logistic Correction returns a probability value (in the range(0,1))
double probability = ( double ) 1 - ( double ) 1 / ( 1 + exp ( - 2 * votes ) ) ;
meaningful_clusters . erase ( meaningful_clusters . begin ( ) + groups_to_remove . at ( i ) ) ;
groups_rects . erase ( groups_rects . begin ( ) + groups_to_remove . at ( i ) ) ;
if ( probability > minProbability )
text_boxes . push_back ( groups_rects . at ( i ) ) ;
groups_to_remove . clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int ) groups_rects . size ( ) ; i + + )
text_boxes . push_back ( groups_rects . at ( i ) ) ;
// check for colinear groups that can be merged