@ -404,8 +404,183 @@ Mat estimateGlobalMotionRobust( |
} |
MotionEstimatorRansacL2::MotionEstimatorRansacL2(MotionModel model) |
: MotionEstimatorBase(model) |
{ |
setRansacParams(RansacParams::default2dMotion(model)); |
setMinInlierRatio(0.1f); |
} |
Mat MotionEstimatorRansacL2::estimate(InputArray points0, InputArray points1, bool *ok) |
{ |
CV_Assert(points0.type() == points1.type()); |
const int npoints = points0.getMat().checkVector(2); |
CV_Assert(points1.getMat().checkVector(2) == npoints); |
// find motion
int ninliers = 0; |
Mat_<float> M; |
if (motionModel() != MM_HOMOGRAPHY) |
M = estimateGlobalMotionRobust( |
points0, points1, motionModel(), ransacParams_, 0, &ninliers); |
else |
{ |
vector<uchar> mask; |
M = findHomography(points0, points1, mask, CV_RANSAC, ransacParams_.thresh); |
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) |
if (mask[i]) ninliers++; |
} |
// check if we're confident enough in estimated motion
if (ok) *ok = true; |
if (static_cast<float>(ninliers) / npoints < minInlierRatio_) |
{ |
M = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F); |
if (ok) *ok = false; |
} |
return M; |
} |
MotionEstimatorL1::MotionEstimatorL1(MotionModel model) |
: MotionEstimatorBase(model) |
{ |
} |
// TODO will estimation of all motions as one LP problem be faster?
Mat MotionEstimatorL1::estimate(InputArray points0, InputArray points1, bool *ok) |
{ |
CV_Assert(points0.type() == points1.type()); |
const int npoints = points0.getMat().checkVector(2); |
CV_Assert(points1.getMat().checkVector(2) == npoints); |
const Point2f *points0_ = points0.getMat().ptr<Point2f>(); |
const Point2f *points1_ = points1.getMat().ptr<Point2f>(); |
#ifndef HAVE_CLP |
CV_Error(CV_StsError, "The library is built without Clp support"); |
if (ok) *ok = false; |
return Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F); |
#else |
CV_Assert(motionModel() <= MM_AFFINE && motionModel() != MM_RIGID); |
// prepare LP problem
int ncols = 6 + 2*npoints; |
int nrows = 4*npoints; |
if (motionModel() == MM_SIMILARITY) |
nrows += 2; |
else if (motionModel() == MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE) |
nrows += 3; |
else if (motionModel() == MM_TRANSLATION) |
nrows += 4; |
rows_.clear(); |
cols_.clear(); |
elems_.clear(); |
obj_.assign(ncols, 0); |
collb_.assign(ncols, -INF); |
colub_.assign(ncols, INF); |
int c = 6; |
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i, c += 2) |
{ |
obj_[c] = 1; |
collb_[c] = 0; |
obj_[c+1] = 1; |
collb_[c+1] = 0; |
} |
elems_.clear(); |
rowlb_.assign(nrows, -INF); |
rowub_.assign(nrows, INF); |
int r = 0; |
Point2f p0, p1; |
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i, r += 4) |
{ |
p0 = points0_[i]; |
p1 = points1_[i]; |
set(r, 0, p0.x); set(r, 1, p0.y); set(r, 2, 1); set(r, 6+2*i, -1); |
rowub_[r] = p1.x; |
set(r+1, 3, p0.x); set(r+1, 4, p0.y); set(r+1, 5, 1); set(r+1, 6+2*i+1, -1); |
rowub_[r+1] = p1.y; |
set(r+2, 0, p0.x); set(r+2, 1, p0.y); set(r+2, 2, 1); set(r+2, 6+2*i, 1); |
rowlb_[r+2] = p1.x; |
set(r+3, 3, p0.x); set(r+3, 4, p0.y); set(r+3, 5, 1); set(r+3, 6+2*i+1, 1); |
rowlb_[r+3] = p1.y; |
} |
if (motionModel() == MM_SIMILARITY) |
{ |
set(r, 0, 1); set(r, 4, -1); rowlb_[r] = rowub_[r] = 0; |
set(r+1, 1, 1); set(r+1, 3, 1); rowlb_[r+1] = rowub_[r+1] = 0; |
} |
else if (motionModel() == MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE) |
{ |
set(r, 0, 1); set(r, 4, -1); rowlb_[r] = rowub_[r] = 0; |
set(r+1, 1, 1); rowlb_[r+1] = rowub_[r+1] = 0; |
set(r+2, 3, 1); rowlb_[r+2] = rowub_[r+2] = 0; |
} |
else if (motionModel() == MM_TRANSLATION) |
{ |
set(r, 0, 1); rowlb_[r] = rowub_[r] = 1; |
set(r+1, 1, 1); rowlb_[r+1] = rowub_[r+1] = 0; |
set(r+2, 3, 1); rowlb_[r+2] = rowub_[r+2] = 0; |
set(r+3, 4, 1); rowlb_[r+3] = rowub_[r+3] = 1; |
} |
// solve
CoinPackedMatrix A(true, &rows_[0], &cols_[0], &elems_[0], elems_.size()); |
A.setDimensions(nrows, ncols); |
ClpSimplex model(false); |
model.loadProblem(A, &collb_[0], &colub_[0], &obj_[0], &rowlb_[0], &rowub_[0]); |
ClpDualRowSteepest dualSteep(1); |
model.setDualRowPivotAlgorithm(dualSteep); |
model.scaling(1); |
model.dual(); |
// extract motion
const double *sol = model.getColSolution(); |
Mat_<float> M = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F); |
M(0,0) = sol[0]; |
M(0,1) = sol[1]; |
M(0,2) = sol[2]; |
M(1,0) = sol[3]; |
M(1,1) = sol[4]; |
M(1,2) = sol[5]; |
if (ok) *ok = true; |
return M; |
#endif |
} |
FromFileMotionReader::FromFileMotionReader(const string &path) |
: GlobalMotionEstimatorBase(MM_UNKNOWN) |
: ImageMotionEstimatorBase(MM_UNKNOWN) |
{ |
file_.open(path.c_str()); |
CV_Assert(file_.is_open()); |
@ -424,19 +599,18 @@ Mat FromFileMotionReader::estimate(const Mat &/*frame0*/, const Mat &/*frame1*/, |
} |
ToFileMotionWriter::ToFileMotionWriter(const string &path, Ptr<GlobalMotionEstimatorBase> estimator) |
: GlobalMotionEstimatorBase(estimator->motionModel()) |
ToFileMotionWriter::ToFileMotionWriter(const string &path, Ptr<ImageMotionEstimatorBase> estimator) |
: ImageMotionEstimatorBase(estimator->motionModel()), motionEstimator_(estimator) |
{ |
file_.open(path.c_str()); |
CV_Assert(file_.is_open()); |
estimator_ = estimator; |
} |
Mat ToFileMotionWriter::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok) |
{ |
bool ok_; |
Mat_<float> M = estimator_->estimate(frame0, frame1, &ok_); |
Mat_<float> M = motionEstimator_->estimate(frame0, frame1, &ok_); |
file_ << M(0,0) << " " << M(0,1) << " " << M(0,2) << " " |
<< M(1,0) << " " << M(1,1) << " " << M(1,2) << " " |
<< M(2,0) << " " << M(2,1) << " " << M(2,2) << " " << ok_ << endl; |
@ -445,43 +619,26 @@ Mat ToFileMotionWriter::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok) |
} |
RansacMotionEstimator::RansacMotionEstimator(MotionModel model) |
: GlobalMotionEstimatorBase(model) |
{ |
KeypointBasedMotionEstimator::KeypointBasedMotionEstimator(Ptr<MotionEstimatorBase> estimator) |
: ImageMotionEstimatorBase(estimator->motionModel()), motionEstimator_(estimator) |
setDetector(new GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector()); |
setOptFlowEstimator(new SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimator()); |
setGridSize(Size(0,0)); |
setRansacParams(RansacParams::default2dMotion(model)); |
setOpticalFlowEstimator(new SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimator()); |
setOutlierRejector(new NullOutlierRejector()); |
setMinInlierRatio(0.1f); |
} |
Mat RansacMotionEstimator::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok) |
Mat KeypointBasedMotionEstimator::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok) |
{ |
// find keypoints
detector_->detect(frame0, keypointsPrev_); |
// add extra keypoints
if (gridSize_.width > 0 && gridSize_.height > 0) |
{ |
float dx = static_cast<float>(frame0.cols) / (gridSize_.width + 1); |
float dy = static_cast<float>(frame0.rows) / (gridSize_.height + 1); |
for (int x = 0; x < gridSize_.width; ++x) |
for (int y = 0; y < gridSize_.height; ++y) |
keypointsPrev_.push_back(KeyPoint((x+1)*dx, (y+1)*dy, 0.f)); |
} |
// extract points from keypoints
pointsPrev_.resize(keypointsPrev_.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < keypointsPrev_.size(); ++i) |
pointsPrev_[i] = keypointsPrev_[i].pt; |
// find correspondences
optFlowEstimator_->run(frame0, frame1, pointsPrev_, points_, status_, noArray()); |
// leave good correspondences only
@ -498,7 +655,7 @@ Mat RansacMotionEstimator::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool * |
} |
} |
// perfrom outlier rejection
// perform outlier rejection
IOutlierRejector *outlierRejector = static_cast<IOutlierRejector*>(outlierRejector_); |
if (!dynamic_cast<NullOutlierRejector*>(outlierRejector)) |
@ -508,8 +665,11 @@ Mat RansacMotionEstimator::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool * |
outlierRejector_->process(frame0.size(), pointsPrev_, points_, status_); |
pointsPrevGood_.clear(); pointsPrevGood_.reserve(points_.size()); |
pointsGood_.clear(); pointsGood_.reserve(points_.size()); |
pointsPrevGood_.clear(); |
pointsPrevGood_.reserve(points_.size()); |
pointsGood_.clear(); |
pointsGood_.reserve(points_.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < points_.size(); ++i) |
{ |
@ -521,49 +681,21 @@ Mat RansacMotionEstimator::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool * |
} |
} |
size_t npoints = pointsGood_.size(); |
// find motion
int ninliers = 0; |
Mat_<float> M; |
if (motionModel_ != MM_HOMOGRAPHY) |
M = estimateGlobalMotionRobust( |
pointsPrevGood_, pointsGood_, motionModel_, ransacParams_, 0, &ninliers); |
else |
{ |
vector<uchar> mask; |
M = findHomography(pointsPrevGood_, pointsGood_, mask, CV_RANSAC, ransacParams_.thresh); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) |
if (mask[i]) ninliers++; |
} |
// check if we're confident enough in estimated motion
if (ok) *ok = true; |
if (static_cast<float>(ninliers) / npoints < minInlierRatio_) |
{ |
M = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F); |
if (ok) *ok = false; |
} |
return M; |
// estimate motion
return motionEstimator_->estimate(pointsPrevGood_, pointsGood_, ok); |
} |
RansacMotionEstimatorGpu::RansacMotionEstimatorGpu(MotionModel model) |
: GlobalMotionEstimatorBase(model) |
KeypointBasedMotionEstimatorGpu::KeypointBasedMotionEstimatorGpu(Ptr<MotionEstimatorBase> estimator) |
: ImageMotionEstimatorBase(estimator->motionModel()), motionEstimator_(estimator) |
{ |
CV_Assert(gpu::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() > 0); |
setRansacParams(RansacParams::default2dMotion(model)); |
CV_Assert(gpu::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount() > 0);
setOutlierRejector(new NullOutlierRejector()); |
setMinInlierRatio(0.1f); |
} |
Mat RansacMotionEstimatorGpu::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok) |
Mat KeypointBasedMotionEstimatorGpu::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok) |
{ |
frame0_.upload(frame0); |
frame1_.upload(frame1); |
@ -571,7 +703,7 @@ Mat RansacMotionEstimatorGpu::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, boo |
} |
Mat RansacMotionEstimatorGpu::estimate(const gpu::GpuMat &frame0, const gpu::GpuMat &frame1, bool *ok) |
Mat KeypointBasedMotionEstimatorGpu::estimate(const gpu::GpuMat &frame0, const gpu::GpuMat &frame1, bool *ok) |
{ |
// convert frame to gray if it's color
@ -585,29 +717,29 @@ Mat RansacMotionEstimatorGpu::estimate(const gpu::GpuMat &frame0, const gpu::Gpu |
} |
// find keypoints
detector_(grayFrame0, pointsPrev_); |
// find correspondences
optFlowEstimator_.run(frame0, frame1, pointsPrev_, points_, status_);
// leave good correspondences only
gpu::compactPoints(pointsPrev_, points_, status_); |
pointsPrev_.download(hostPointsPrev_); |
points_.download(hostPoints_); |
// perfrom outlier rejection
// perform outlier rejection
IOutlierRejector *outlierRejector = static_cast<IOutlierRejector*>(outlierRejector_); |
if (!dynamic_cast<NullOutlierRejector*>(outlierRejector)) |
{ |
outlierRejector_->process(frame0.size(), hostPointsPrev_, hostPoints_, rejectionStatus_); |
hostPointsPrevTmp_.clear(); hostPointsPrevTmp_.reserve(hostPoints_.cols); |
hostPointsTmp_.clear(); hostPointsTmp_.reserve(hostPoints_.cols); |
hostPointsPrevTmp_.clear(); |
hostPointsPrevTmp_.reserve(hostPoints_.cols); |
hostPointsTmp_.clear(); |
hostPointsTmp_.reserve(hostPoints_.cols); |
for (int i = 0; i < hostPoints_.cols; ++i) |
{ |
@ -622,216 +754,10 @@ Mat RansacMotionEstimatorGpu::estimate(const gpu::GpuMat &frame0, const gpu::Gpu |
hostPoints_ = Mat(1, hostPointsTmp_.size(), CV_32FC2, &hostPointsTmp_[0]); |
} |
// find motion
int npoints = hostPoints_.cols; |
int ninliers = 0; |
Mat_<float> M; |
if (motionModel_ != MM_HOMOGRAPHY) |
M = estimateGlobalMotionRobust( |
hostPointsPrev_, hostPoints_, motionModel_, ransacParams_, 0, &ninliers); |
else |
{ |
vector<uchar> mask; |
M = findHomography(hostPointsPrev_, hostPoints_, mask, CV_RANSAC, ransacParams_.thresh); |
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) |
if (mask[i]) ninliers++; |
} |
// check if we're confident enough in estimated motion
if (ok) *ok = true; |
if (static_cast<float>(ninliers) / npoints < minInlierRatio_) |
{ |
M = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F); |
if (ok) *ok = false; |
} |
return M; |
} |
#endif // #if HAVE_OPENCV_GPU
LpBasedMotionEstimator::LpBasedMotionEstimator(MotionModel model) |
: GlobalMotionEstimatorBase(model) |
{ |
setDetector(new GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector()); |
setOptFlowEstimator(new SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimator()); |
setOutlierRejector(new NullOutlierRejector()); |
} |
// TODO will estimation of all motions as one LP problem be faster?
Mat LpBasedMotionEstimator::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1, bool *ok) |
{ |
// find keypoints
detector_->detect(frame0, keypointsPrev_); |
// extract points from keypoints
pointsPrev_.resize(keypointsPrev_.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < keypointsPrev_.size(); ++i) |
pointsPrev_[i] = keypointsPrev_[i].pt; |
// find correspondences
optFlowEstimator_->run(frame0, frame1, pointsPrev_, points_, status_, noArray()); |
// leave good correspondences only
pointsPrevGood_.clear(); pointsPrevGood_.reserve(points_.size()); |
pointsGood_.clear(); pointsGood_.reserve(points_.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < points_.size(); ++i) |
{ |
if (status_[i]) |
{ |
pointsPrevGood_.push_back(pointsPrev_[i]); |
pointsGood_.push_back(points_[i]); |
} |
} |
// perfrom outlier rejection
IOutlierRejector *outlierRejector = static_cast<IOutlierRejector*>(outlierRejector_); |
if (!dynamic_cast<NullOutlierRejector*>(outlierRejector)) |
{ |
pointsPrev_.swap(pointsPrevGood_); |
points_.swap(pointsGood_); |
outlierRejector_->process(frame0.size(), pointsPrev_, points_, status_); |
pointsPrevGood_.clear(); pointsPrevGood_.reserve(points_.size()); |
pointsGood_.clear(); pointsGood_.reserve(points_.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < points_.size(); ++i) |
{ |
if (status_[i]) |
{ |
pointsPrevGood_.push_back(pointsPrev_[i]); |
pointsGood_.push_back(points_[i]); |
} |
} |
} |
// prepare LP problem
#ifndef HAVE_CLP |
CV_Error(CV_StsError, "The library is built without Clp support"); |
if (ok) *ok = false; |
return Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F); |
#else |
CV_Assert(motionModel_ <= MM_AFFINE && motionModel_ != MM_RIGID); |
int npoints = static_cast<int>(pointsGood_.size()); |
int ncols = 6 + 2*npoints; |
int nrows = 4*npoints; |
if (motionModel_ == MM_SIMILARITY) |
nrows += 2; |
else if (motionModel_ == MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE) |
nrows += 3; |
else if (motionModel_ == MM_TRANSLATION) |
nrows += 4; |
rows_.clear(); |
cols_.clear(); |
elems_.clear(); |
obj_.assign(ncols, 0); |
collb_.assign(ncols, -INF); |
colub_.assign(ncols, INF); |
int c = 6; |
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i, c += 2) |
{ |
obj_[c] = 1; |
collb_[c] = 0; |
obj_[c+1] = 1; |
collb_[c+1] = 0; |
} |
elems_.clear(); |
rowlb_.assign(nrows, -INF); |
rowub_.assign(nrows, INF); |
int r = 0; |
Point2f p0, p1; |
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i, r += 4) |
{ |
p0 = pointsPrevGood_[i]; |
p1 = pointsGood_[i]; |
set(r, 0, p0.x); set(r, 1, p0.y); set(r, 2, 1); set(r, 6+2*i, -1); |
rowub_[r] = p1.x; |
set(r+1, 3, p0.x); set(r+1, 4, p0.y); set(r+1, 5, 1); set(r+1, 6+2*i+1, -1); |
rowub_[r+1] = p1.y; |
set(r+2, 0, p0.x); set(r+2, 1, p0.y); set(r+2, 2, 1); set(r+2, 6+2*i, 1); |
rowlb_[r+2] = p1.x; |
set(r+3, 3, p0.x); set(r+3, 4, p0.y); set(r+3, 5, 1); set(r+3, 6+2*i+1, 1); |
rowlb_[r+3] = p1.y; |
} |
if (motionModel_ == MM_SIMILARITY) |
{ |
set(r, 0, 1); set(r, 4, -1); rowlb_[r] = rowub_[r] = 0; |
set(r+1, 1, 1); set(r+1, 3, 1); rowlb_[r+1] = rowub_[r+1] = 0; |
} |
else if (motionModel_ == MM_TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE) |
{ |
set(r, 0, 1); set(r, 4, -1); rowlb_[r] = rowub_[r] = 0; |
set(r+1, 1, 1); rowlb_[r+1] = rowub_[r+1] = 0; |
set(r+2, 3, 1); rowlb_[r+2] = rowub_[r+2] = 0; |
} |
else if (motionModel_ == MM_TRANSLATION) |
{ |
set(r, 0, 1); rowlb_[r] = rowub_[r] = 1; |
set(r+1, 1, 1); rowlb_[r+1] = rowub_[r+1] = 0; |
set(r+2, 3, 1); rowlb_[r+2] = rowub_[r+2] = 0; |
set(r+3, 4, 1); rowlb_[r+3] = rowub_[r+3] = 1; |
} |
// solve
CoinPackedMatrix A(true, &rows_[0], &cols_[0], &elems_[0], elems_.size()); |
A.setDimensions(nrows, ncols); |
ClpSimplex model(false); |
model.loadProblem(A, &collb_[0], &colub_[0], &obj_[0], &rowlb_[0], &rowub_[0]); |
ClpDualRowSteepest dualSteep(1); |
model.setDualRowPivotAlgorithm(dualSteep); |
model.scaling(1); |
model.dual(); |
// extract motion
const double *sol = model.getColSolution(); |
Mat_<float> M = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_32F); |
M(0,0) = sol[0]; |
M(0,1) = sol[1]; |
M(0,2) = sol[2]; |
M(1,0) = sol[3]; |
M(1,1) = sol[4]; |
M(1,2) = sol[5]; |
if (ok) *ok = true; |
return M; |
#endif |
// estimate motion
return motionEstimator_->estimate(hostPointsPrev_, hostPoints_, ok); |
} |
Mat getMotion(int from, int to, const vector<Mat> &motions) |