3 changed files with 1046 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ |
#pragma once |
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(LINUX) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(ANDROID) |
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp> |
#include <vector> |
class DetectionBasedTracker |
{ |
public: |
struct Parameters |
{ |
int minObjectSize; |
int maxObjectSize; |
double scaleFactor; |
int maxTrackLifetime; |
int minNeighbors; |
int minDetectionPeriod; //the minimal time between run of the big object detector (on the whole frame) in ms (1000 mean 1 sec), default=0
Parameters(); |
}; |
DetectionBasedTracker(const std::string& cascadeFilename, const Parameters& params); |
virtual ~DetectionBasedTracker(); |
virtual bool run(); |
virtual void stop(); |
virtual void resetTracking(); |
virtual void process(const cv::Mat& imageGray); |
bool setParameters(const Parameters& params); |
const Parameters& getParameters(); |
typedef std::pair<cv::Rect, int> Object; |
virtual void getObjects(std::vector<cv::Rect>& result) const; |
virtual void getObjects(std::vector<Object>& result) const; |
protected: |
struct InnerParameters |
{ |
int numLastPositionsToTrack; |
int numStepsToWaitBeforeFirstShow; |
int numStepsToTrackWithoutDetectingIfObjectHasNotBeenShown; |
int numStepsToShowWithoutDetecting; |
float coeffTrackingWindowSize; |
float coeffObjectSizeToTrack; |
float coeffObjectSpeedUsingInPrediction; |
InnerParameters(); |
}; |
struct TrackedObject |
{ |
typedef std::vector<cv::Rect> PositionsVector; |
PositionsVector lastPositions; |
int numDetectedFrames; |
int numFramesNotDetected; |
int id; |
TrackedObject(const cv::Rect& rect):numDetectedFrames(1), numFramesNotDetected(0) |
{ |
lastPositions.push_back(rect); |
id=getNextId(); |
}; |
static int getNextId() |
{ |
static int _id=0; |
return _id++; |
} |
}; |
Parameters parameters; |
InnerParameters innerParameters; |
int numTrackedSteps; |
std::vector<TrackedObject> trackedObjects; |
std::vector<float> weightsPositionsSmoothing; |
std::vector<float> weightsSizesSmoothing; |
cv::CascadeClassifier cascadeInThread; |
cv::CascadeClassifier cascadeForTracking; |
cv::Mat imageSeparateDetecting; |
void workcycleObjectDetector(); |
friend void* workcycleObjectDetectorFunction(void* p); |
pthread_t second_workthread; |
pthread_mutex_t mutex; |
pthread_cond_t objectDetectorRun; |
pthread_cond_t objectDetectorThreadStartStop; |
std::vector<cv::Rect> resultDetect; |
volatile bool isObjectDetectingReady; |
volatile bool shouldObjectDetectingResultsBeForgot; |
enum StateSeparatedThread { |
}; |
volatile StateSeparatedThread stateThread; |
enum StateSeparatedObjectDetector{ |
}; |
volatile StateSeparatedObjectDetector stateSeparatedObjectDetector; |
void updateTrackedObjects(const std::vector<cv::Rect>& detectedObjects); |
cv::Rect calcTrackedObjectPositionToShow(int i) const; |
void detectInRegion(const cv::Mat& img, const cv::Rect& r, std::vector<cv::Rect>& detectedObjectsInRegions); |
}; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,748 @@ |
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(LINUX) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(ANDROID) |
#include "opencv2/contrib/detection_based_tracker.hpp" |
#define DEBUGLOGS 1 |
#include <android/log.h> |
#define LOGD0(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)) |
#define LOGI0(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)) |
#define LOGW0(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)) |
#define LOGE0(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)) |
#else |
#include <stdio.h> |
#define LOGD0(_str, ...) do{printf(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);} while(0) |
#define LOGI0(_str, ...) do{printf(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);} while(0) |
#define LOGW0(_str, ...) do{printf(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);} while(0) |
#define LOGE0(_str, ...) do{printf(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);} while(0) |
#endif |
#define LOGD(_str, ...) LOGD0(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__) |
#define LOGI(_str, ...) LOGI0(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__) |
#define LOGW(_str, ...) LOGW0(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__) |
#define LOGE(_str, ...) LOGE0(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__) |
#else |
#define LOGD(...) do{} while(0) |
#define LOGI(...) do{} while(0) |
#define LOGW(...) do{} while(0) |
#define LOGE(...) do{} while(0) |
#endif |
using namespace cv; |
using namespace std; |
static inline cv::Point2f centerRect(const cv::Rect& r) |
{ |
return cv::Point2f(r.x+((float)r.width)/2, r.y+((float)r.height)/2); |
}; |
static inline cv::Rect scale_rect(const cv::Rect& r, float scale) |
{ |
cv::Point2f m=centerRect(r); |
float width = r.width * scale; |
float height = r.height * scale; |
int x=cvRound(m.x - width/2); |
int y=cvRound(m.y - height/2); |
return cv::Rect(x, y, cvRound(width), cvRound(height)); |
}; |
DetectionBasedTracker::Parameters::Parameters() |
{ |
minObjectSize=96; |
maxObjectSize=INT_MAX; |
scaleFactor=1.1; |
maxTrackLifetime=5; |
minNeighbors=2; |
minDetectionPeriod=0; |
} |
DetectionBasedTracker::InnerParameters::InnerParameters() |
{ |
numLastPositionsToTrack=4; |
numStepsToWaitBeforeFirstShow=6; |
numStepsToTrackWithoutDetectingIfObjectHasNotBeenShown=3; |
numStepsToShowWithoutDetecting=3; |
coeffTrackingWindowSize=2.0; |
coeffObjectSizeToTrack=0.85; |
coeffObjectSpeedUsingInPrediction=0.8; |
} |
DetectionBasedTracker::DetectionBasedTracker(const std::string& cascadeFilename, const Parameters& params) |
:innerParameters(), |
numTrackedSteps(0), |
cascadeInThread(cascadeFilename), |
cascadeForTracking(cascadeFilename), |
isObjectDetectingReady(false), |
shouldObjectDetectingResultsBeForgot(false), |
stateSeparatedObjectDetector(OBJECT_DETECTOR_NOT_STARTED) |
{ |
CV_Assert( (params.minObjectSize > 0) |
&& (params.maxObjectSize >= 0) |
&& (params.scaleFactor > 1.0) |
&& (params.maxTrackLifetime >= 0) ); |
parameters=params; |
weightsPositionsSmoothing.push_back(1); |
weightsSizesSmoothing.push_back(0.5); |
weightsSizesSmoothing.push_back(0.3); |
weightsSizesSmoothing.push_back(0.2); |
int res=0; |
res=pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);//TODO: should be attributes?
if (res) { |
LOGE("ERROR in DetectionBasedTracker::DetectionBasedTracker in pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL) is %d", res); |
throw(std::exception()); |
} |
res=pthread_cond_init (&objectDetectorRun, NULL); |
if (res) { |
LOGE("ERROR in DetectionBasedTracker::DetectionBasedTracker in pthread_cond_init(&objectDetectorRun,, NULL) is %d", res); |
pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); |
throw(std::exception()); |
} |
res=pthread_cond_init (&objectDetectorThreadStartStop, NULL); |
if (res) { |
LOGE("ERROR in DetectionBasedTracker::DetectionBasedTracker in pthread_cond_init(&objectDetectorThreadStartStop,, NULL) is %d", res); |
pthread_cond_destroy(&objectDetectorRun); |
pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); |
throw(std::exception()); |
} |
} |
DetectionBasedTracker::~DetectionBasedTracker() |
{ |
if(stateThread!=STATE_THREAD_STOPPED) { |
LOGE("\n\n\nATTENTION!!! dangerous algorithm error: destructor DetectionBasedTracker::~DetectionBasedTracker is called before stopping the workthread"); |
} |
pthread_cond_destroy(&objectDetectorThreadStartStop); |
pthread_cond_destroy(&objectDetectorRun); |
pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); |
} |
void DetectionBasedTracker::process(const Mat& imageGray) |
{ |
static long long timeWhenDetectingThreadStartedWork=-1; |
CV_Assert(imageGray.type()==CV_8UC1); |
if (stateThread == STATE_THREAD_STOPPED) { |
run(); |
} |
static double freq = getTickFrequency(); |
static long long time_when_last_call_started=getTickCount(); |
{ |
double delta_time_from_prev_call=1000.0 * (((double)(getTickCount() - time_when_last_call_started)) / freq); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::process: time from the previous call is %f ms", (double)delta_time_from_prev_call); |
time_when_last_call_started=getTickCount(); |
} |
Mat imageDetect=imageGray; |
Size sz=imageDetect.size(); |
int D=parameters.minObjectSize; |
if (D < 1)
D=1; |
Size objectSize=Size(D,D); |
bool shouldHandleResult=false; |
vector<Rect> rectsWhereRegions; |
bool shouldCommunicateWithDetectingThread=(stateSeparatedObjectDetector==OBJECT_DETECTOR_WAITING_IMAGE); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::process: shouldCommunicateWithDetectingThread=%d", (shouldCommunicateWithDetectingThread?1:0)); |
if (shouldCommunicateWithDetectingThread) { |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); |
if (isObjectDetectingReady) { |
shouldHandleResult=true; |
rectsWhereRegions=resultDetect; |
isObjectDetectingReady=false; |
double lastBigDetectionDuration=1000.0 * (((double)(getTickCount() - timeWhenDetectingThreadStartedWork )) / freq); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::process: lastBigDetectionDuration=%f ms", (double)lastBigDetectionDuration); |
} |
bool shouldSendNewDataToWorkThread=true; |
if (timeWhenDetectingThreadStartedWork > 0) { |
double time_from_previous_launch_in_ms=1000.0 * (((double)(getTickCount() - timeWhenDetectingThreadStartedWork )) / freq); //the same formula as for lastBigDetectionDuration
shouldSendNewDataToWorkThread = (time_from_previous_launch_in_ms >= parameters.minDetectionPeriod); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::process: shouldSendNewDataToWorkThread was 1, now it is %d, since time_from_previous_launch_in_ms=%.2f, minDetectionPeriod=%d",
(shouldSendNewDataToWorkThread?1:0), time_from_previous_launch_in_ms, parameters.minDetectionPeriod); |
} |
if (shouldSendNewDataToWorkThread) { |
imageSeparateDetecting.create(imageGray.size(), CV_8UC1); |
{ |
uchar*; //for debugging only
imageGray.copyTo(imageSeparateDetecting);//may change imageSeparateDetecting ptr. But should not.
uchar*; //for debugging only
CV_Assert(databefore == dataafter); // for debugging only
} |
timeWhenDetectingThreadStartedWork = getTickCount() ; |
pthread_cond_signal(&objectDetectorRun); |
} |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
} |
if (shouldHandleResult) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::process: get _rectsWhereRegions were got from resultDetect"); |
} else { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::process: get _rectsWhereRegions from previous positions"); |
for(size_t i=0; i < trackedObjects.size(); i++) { |
int n=trackedObjects[i].lastPositions.size(); |
CV_Assert(n > 0); |
Rect r=trackedObjects[i].lastPositions[n-1]; |
if(r.area()==0) { |
LOGE("DetectionBasedTracker::process: ERROR: ATTENTION: strange algorithm's behavior: trackedObjects[i].rect() is empty"); |
continue; |
} |
//correction by speed of rectangle
if (n > 1) { |
Point2f center=centerRect(r); |
Point2f center_prev=centerRect(trackedObjects[i].lastPositions[n-2]); |
Point2f shift=(center - center_prev) * innerParameters.coeffObjectSpeedUsingInPrediction; |
r.x+=cvRound(shift.x); |
r.y+=cvRound(shift.y); |
} |
rectsWhereRegions.push_back(r); |
} |
} |
LOGI("DetectionBasedTracker::process: tracked objects num==%d", (int)trackedObjects.size()); |
vector<Rect> detectedObjectsInRegions; |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::process: rectsWhereRegions.size()=%d", (int)rectsWhereRegions.size()); |
for(size_t i=0; i < rectsWhereRegions.size(); i++) { |
Rect r=rectsWhereRegions[i]; |
detectInRegion(imageDetect, r, detectedObjectsInRegions); |
} |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::process: detectedObjectsInRegions.size()=%d", (int)detectedObjectsInRegions.size()); |
updateTrackedObjects(detectedObjectsInRegions); |
} |
void DetectionBasedTracker::getObjects(std::vector<cv::Rect>& result) const |
{ |
result.clear(); |
for(size_t i=0; i < trackedObjects.size(); i++) { |
Rect r=calcTrackedObjectPositionToShow(i); |
if (r.area()==0) { |
continue; |
} |
result.push_back(r); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::process: found a object with SIZE %d x %d, rect={%d, %d, %d x %d}", r.width, r.height, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); |
} |
} |
void DetectionBasedTracker::getObjects(std::vector<Object>& result) const |
{ |
result.clear(); |
for(size_t i=0; i < trackedObjects.size(); i++) { |
Rect r=calcTrackedObjectPositionToShow(i); |
if (r.area()==0) { |
continue; |
} |
result.push_back(Object(r, trackedObjects[i].id)); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::process: found a object with SIZE %d x %d, rect={%d, %d, %d x %d}", r.width, r.height, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); |
} |
} |
#ifdef __GNUC__ |
#define CATCH_ALL_AND_REPEATE(_block) \ |
while(true) { \
try { \
_block; \
break; \
} \
catch(cv::Exception& e) { \
LOGE("\n %s: ERROR: OpenCV Exception caught: \n'%s'\n\n", __func__, e.what()); \
} catch(std::exception& e) { \
LOGE("\n %s: ERROR: Exception caught: \n'%s'\n\n", __func__, e.what()); \
} catch(...) { \
LOGE("\n %s: ERROR: UNKNOWN Exception caught\n\n", __func__); \
} \
} |
#else |
#define CATCH_ALL_AND_REPEATE(_block) \ |
while(true) { \
try { \
_block; \
break; \
} \
catch(cv::Exception& e) { \
LOGE("\n ERROR: OpenCV Exception caught: \n'%s'\n\n", e.what()); \
} catch(std::exception& e) { \
LOGE("\n ERROR: Exception caught: \n'%s'\n\n", e.what()); \
} catch(...) { \
LOGE("\n ERROR: UNKNOWN Exception caught\n\n"); \
} \
} |
#endif |
void* workcycleObjectDetectorFunction(void* p) |
{ |
CATCH_ALL_AND_REPEATE({ ((DetectionBasedTracker*)p)->workcycleObjectDetector(); }); |
return NULL; |
} |
bool DetectionBasedTracker::run() |
{ |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::run() --- start"); |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); |
if (stateThread != STATE_THREAD_STOPPED) { |
LOGE("DetectionBasedTracker::run is called while the previous run is not stopped"); |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
return false; |
} |
pthread_create(&second_workthread, NULL, workcycleObjectDetectorFunction, (void*)this); //TODO: add attributes?
pthread_cond_wait(&objectDetectorThreadStartStop, &mutex); |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::run() --- end"); |
return true; |
} |
void DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() |
{ |
static double freq = getTickFrequency(); |
LOGD0("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- start"); |
vector<Rect> objects; |
{ |
pthread_cond_signal(&objectDetectorThreadStartStop); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- before waiting"); |
stateSeparatedObjectDetector=OBJECT_DETECTOR_WAITING_IMAGE; |
pthread_cond_wait(&objectDetectorRun, &mutex); |
stateSeparatedObjectDetector=OBJECT_DETECTOR_HANDLING_IMAGE; |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- after waiting"); |
} |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
bool isFirstStep=true; |
isObjectDetectingReady=false; |
while(stateThread == STATE_THREAD_WORKING) |
{ |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- next step"); |
if (! isFirstStep) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- before waiting"); |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); |
stateSeparatedObjectDetector=OBJECT_DETECTOR_WAITING_IMAGE; |
pthread_cond_wait(&objectDetectorRun, &mutex); |
stateSeparatedObjectDetector=OBJECT_DETECTOR_HANDLING_IMAGE; |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- after waiting"); |
} else { |
isFirstStep=false; |
} |
if (stateThread != STATE_THREAD_WORKING) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- go out from the workcycle just after waiting"); |
break; |
} |
if (imageSeparateDetecting.empty()) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- imageSeparateDetecting is empty, continue"); |
continue; |
} |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- start handling imageSeparateDetecting, img.size=%dx%d,",
imageSeparateDetecting.size().width, imageSeparateDetecting.size().height, (void*); |
int64 t1_detect=getTickCount(); |
int minObjectSize=parameters.minObjectSize; |
Size min_objectSize=Size(minObjectSize, minObjectSize); |
int maxObjectSize=parameters.maxObjectSize; |
Size max_objectSize(maxObjectSize, maxObjectSize); |
cascadeInThread.detectMultiScale( imageSeparateDetecting, objects, |
parameters.scaleFactor, parameters.minNeighbors, 0 |
, |
min_objectSize, |
max_objectSize |
); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- end handling imageSeparateDetecting"); |
if (stateThread != STATE_THREAD_WORKING) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- go out from the workcycle just after detecting"); |
break; |
} |
int64 t2_detect=getTickCount(); |
int64 dt_detect=t2_detect-t1_detect; |
double dt_detect_ms=((double)dt_detect)/freq * 1000.0; |
LOGI("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector() --- objects num==%d, t_ms=%.4f", (int)objects.size(), dt_detect_ms); |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); |
if (!shouldObjectDetectingResultsBeForgot) { |
resultDetect=objects; |
isObjectDetectingReady=true; |
} else { //shouldObjectDetectingResultsBeForgot==true
resultDetect.clear(); |
isObjectDetectingReady=false; |
shouldObjectDetectingResultsBeForgot=false; |
} |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
objects.clear(); |
}// while(stateThread == STATE_THREAD_WORKING)
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); |
if (stateThread == STATE_THREAD_STOPPING) { |
} |
stateSeparatedObjectDetector=OBJECT_DETECTOR_NOT_STARTED; |
isObjectDetectingReady=false; |
shouldObjectDetectingResultsBeForgot=false; |
pthread_cond_signal(&objectDetectorThreadStartStop); |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
LOGI("DetectionBasedTracker::workcycleObjectDetector: Returning"); |
} |
void DetectionBasedTracker::stop() |
{ |
//FIXME: TODO: should add quickStop functionality
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); |
if (stateThread != STATE_THREAD_WORKING) { |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
LOGE("SimpleHighguiDemoCore::stop is called but the SimpleHighguiDemoCore pthread is not active"); |
return; |
} |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::stop: before going to sleep to wait for the signal from the workthread"); |
pthread_cond_signal(&objectDetectorRun); |
pthread_cond_wait(&objectDetectorThreadStartStop, &mutex); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::stop: after receiving the signal from the workthread, stateThread=%d", (int)stateThread); |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
} |
void DetectionBasedTracker::resetTracking() |
{ |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::resetTracking"); |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); |
if ((stateThread == STATE_THREAD_WORKING) && (stateSeparatedObjectDetector == OBJECT_DETECTOR_HANDLING_IMAGE)) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::resetTracking: since workthread is detecting objects at the moment, we should make cascadeInThread stop detecting and forget the detecting results"); |
shouldObjectDetectingResultsBeForgot=true; |
//cascadeInThread.setStopFlag();//FIXME: TODO: this feature also should be contributed to OpenCV
} else { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::resetTracking: since workthread is NOT detecting objects at the moment, we should NOT make any additional actions"); |
} |
resultDetect.clear(); |
trackedObjects.clear(); |
isObjectDetectingReady=false; |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
} |
void DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects(const vector<Rect>& detectedObjects) |
{ |
enum { |
}; |
int N1=trackedObjects.size(); |
int N2=detectedObjects.size(); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: N1=%d, N2=%d", N1, N2); |
for(int i=0; i < N1; i++) { |
trackedObjects[i].numDetectedFrames++; |
} |
vector<int> correspondence(detectedObjects.size(), NEW_RECTANGLE); |
correspondence.clear(); |
correspondence.resize(detectedObjects.size(), NEW_RECTANGLE); |
for(int i=0; i < N1; i++) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: i=%d", i); |
TrackedObject& curObject=trackedObjects[i]; |
int bestIndex=-1; |
int bestArea=-1; |
int numpositions=curObject.lastPositions.size(); |
CV_Assert(numpositions > 0); |
Rect prevRect=curObject.lastPositions[numpositions-1]; |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: prevRect[%d]={%d, %d, %d x %d}", i, prevRect.x, prevRect.y, prevRect.width, prevRect.height); |
for(int j=0; j < N2; j++) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: j=%d", j); |
if (correspondence[j] >= 0) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: j=%d is rejected, because it has correspondence=%d", j, correspondence[j]); |
continue; |
} |
if (correspondence[j] !=NEW_RECTANGLE) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: j=%d is rejected, because it is intersected with another rectangle", j); |
continue; |
} |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: detectedObjects[%d]={%d, %d, %d x %d}",
j, detectedObjects[j].x, detectedObjects[j].y, detectedObjects[j].width, detectedObjects[j].height); |
Rect r=prevRect & detectedObjects[j]; |
if ( (r.width > 0) && (r.height > 0) ) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: There is intersection between prevRect and detectedRect, r={%d, %d, %d x %d}", |
r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); |
correspondence[j]=INTERSECTED_RECTANGLE; |
if ( r.area() > bestArea) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: The area of intersection is %d, it is better than bestArea=%d", r.area(), bestArea); |
bestIndex=j; |
bestArea=r.area(); |
} |
} |
} |
if (bestIndex >= 0) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: The best correspondence for i=%d is j=%d", i, bestIndex); |
correspondence[bestIndex]=i; |
for(int j=0; j < N2; j++) { |
if (correspondence[j] >= 0) |
continue; |
Rect r=detectedObjects[j] & detectedObjects[bestIndex]; |
if ( (r.width > 0) && (r.height > 0) ) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: Found intersection between " |
"rectangles j=%d and bestIndex=%d, rectangle j=%d is marked as intersected", j, bestIndex, j); |
correspondence[j]=INTERSECTED_RECTANGLE; |
} |
} |
} else { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: There is no correspondence for i=%d ", i); |
curObject.numFramesNotDetected++; |
} |
} |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: start second cycle"); |
for(int j=0; j < N2; j++) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: j=%d", j); |
int i=correspondence[j]; |
if (i >= 0) {//add position
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: add position"); |
trackedObjects[i].lastPositions.push_back(detectedObjects[j]); |
while ((int)trackedObjects[i].lastPositions.size() > (int) innerParameters.numLastPositionsToTrack) { |
trackedObjects[i].lastPositions.erase(trackedObjects[i].lastPositions.begin()); |
} |
trackedObjects[i].numFramesNotDetected=0; |
} else if (i==NEW_RECTANGLE){ //new object
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: new object"); |
trackedObjects.push_back(detectedObjects[j]); |
} else { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: was auxiliary intersection"); |
} |
} |
std::vector<TrackedObject>::iterator it=trackedObjects.begin(); |
while( it != trackedObjects.end() ) { |
if ( (it->numFramesNotDetected > parameters.maxTrackLifetime)
|| |
(it->numDetectedFrames <= innerParameters.numStepsToWaitBeforeFirstShow) |
&& |
(it->numFramesNotDetected > innerParameters.numStepsToTrackWithoutDetectingIfObjectHasNotBeenShown) |
) |
) |
{ |
int numpos=it->lastPositions.size(); |
CV_Assert(numpos > 0); |
Rect r = it->lastPositions[numpos-1]; |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::updateTrackedObjects: deleted object {%d, %d, %d x %d}", |
r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); |
it=trackedObjects.erase(it); |
} else { |
it++; |
} |
} |
} |
Rect DetectionBasedTracker::calcTrackedObjectPositionToShow(int i) const |
{ |
if ( (i < 0) || (i >= (int)trackedObjects.size()) ) { |
LOGE("DetectionBasedTracker::calcTrackedObjectPositionToShow: ERROR: wrong i=%d", i); |
return Rect(); |
} |
if (trackedObjects[i].numDetectedFrames <= innerParameters.numStepsToWaitBeforeFirstShow){ |
LOGI("DetectionBasedTracker::calcTrackedObjectPositionToShow: trackedObjects[%d].numDetectedFrames=%d <= numStepsToWaitBeforeFirstShow=%d --- return empty Rect()",
i, trackedObjects[i].numDetectedFrames, innerParameters.numStepsToWaitBeforeFirstShow); |
return Rect(); |
} |
if (trackedObjects[i].numFramesNotDetected > innerParameters.numStepsToShowWithoutDetecting) { |
return Rect(); |
} |
const TrackedObject::PositionsVector& lastPositions=trackedObjects[i].lastPositions; |
int N=lastPositions.size(); |
if (N<=0) { |
LOGE("DetectionBasedTracker::calcTrackedObjectPositionToShow: ERROR: no positions for i=%d", i); |
return Rect(); |
} |
int Nsize=std::min(N, (int)weightsSizesSmoothing.size()); |
int Ncenter= std::min(N, (int)weightsPositionsSmoothing.size()); |
Point2f center; |
double w=0, h=0; |
if (Nsize > 0) { |
double sum=0; |
for(int j=0; j < Nsize; j++) { |
int k=N-j-1; |
w+= lastPositions[k].width * weightsSizesSmoothing[j]; |
h+= lastPositions[k].height * weightsSizesSmoothing[j]; |
sum+=weightsSizesSmoothing[j]; |
} |
w /= sum; |
h /= sum; |
} else { |
w=lastPositions[N-1].width; |
h=lastPositions[N-1].height; |
} |
if (Ncenter > 0) { |
double sum=0; |
for(int j=0; j < Ncenter; j++) { |
int k=N-j-1; |
Point tl(lastPositions[k].tl()); |
Point br(lastPositions[k].br()); |
Point2f c1; |
c1=tl; |
c1=c1* 0.5f; |
Point2f c2; |
c2=br; |
c2=c2*0.5f; |
c1=c1+c2; |
center=center+ (c1 * weightsPositionsSmoothing[j]); |
sum+=weightsPositionsSmoothing[j]; |
} |
center *= (float)(1 / sum); |
} else { |
int k=N-1; |
Point tl(lastPositions[k].tl()); |
Point br(lastPositions[k].br()); |
Point2f c1; |
c1=tl; |
c1=c1* 0.5f; |
Point2f c2; |
c2=br; |
c2=c2*0.5f; |
center=c1+c2; |
} |
Point2f tl=center-(Point2f(w,h)*0.5); |
Rect res(cvRound(tl.x), cvRound(tl.y), cvRound(w), cvRound(h)); |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::calcTrackedObjectPositionToShow: Result for i=%d: {%d, %d, %d x %d}", i, res.x, res.y, res.width, res.height); |
return res; |
} |
void DetectionBasedTracker::detectInRegion(const Mat& img, const Rect& r, vector<Rect>& detectedObjectsInRegions) |
{ |
Rect r0(Point(), img.size()); |
Rect r1=scale_rect(r, innerParameters.coeffTrackingWindowSize); |
r1=r1 & r0; |
if ( (r1.width <=0) || (r1.height <= 0) ) { |
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::detectInRegion: Empty intersection"); |
return; |
} |
int d=std::min(r.width, r.height); |
d=cvRound(d * innerParameters.coeffObjectSizeToTrack); |
vector<Rect> tmpobjects; |
Mat img1(img, r1);//subimage for rectangle -- without data copying
LOGD("DetectionBasedTracker::detectInRegion: img1.size()=%d x %d, d=%d", |
img1.size().width, img1.size().height, d); |
int maxObjectSize=parameters.maxObjectSize; |
Size max_objectSize(maxObjectSize, maxObjectSize); |
cascadeForTracking.detectMultiScale( img1, tmpobjects, |
parameters.scaleFactor, parameters.minNeighbors, 0 |
, |
Size(d,d), |
max_objectSize |
); |
for(size_t i=0; i < tmpobjects.size(); i++) { |
Rect curres(tmpobjects[i].tl() +, tmpobjects[i].size()); |
detectedObjectsInRegions.push_back(curres); |
} |
} |
bool DetectionBasedTracker::setParameters(const Parameters& params) |
{ |
if ( (params.minObjectSize <= 0) |
|| (params.maxObjectSize < 0) |
|| (params.scaleFactor <= 1.0) |
|| (params.maxTrackLifetime < 0) ) |
{ |
LOGE("DetectionBasedTracker::setParameters: ERROR: wrong parameters value"); |
return false; |
} |
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); |
parameters=params; |
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); |
return true; |
} |
const DetectionBasedTracker::Parameters& DetectionBasedTracker::getParameters() |
{ |
return parameters; |
} |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ |
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(LINUX) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(ANDROID) |
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/core/internal.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp> |
#include "opencv2/contrib/detection_based_tracker.hpp" |
#include <vector> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#define DEBUGLOGS 1 |
#include <android/log.h> |
#define LOGD0(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)) |
#define LOGI0(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)) |
#define LOGW0(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)) |
#define LOGE0(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)) |
#else |
#include <stdio.h> |
#define LOGD0(_str, ...) do{printf(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);} while(0) |
#define LOGI0(_str, ...) do{printf(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);} while(0) |
#define LOGW0(_str, ...) do{printf(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);} while(0) |
#define LOGE0(_str, ...) do{printf(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);} while(0) |
#endif |
#define LOGD(_str, ...) LOGD0(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__) |
#define LOGI(_str, ...) LOGI0(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__) |
#define LOGW(_str, ...) LOGW0(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__) |
#define LOGE(_str, ...) LOGE0(_str , ## __VA_ARGS__) |
#else |
#define LOGD(...) do{} while(0) |
#define LOGI(...) do{} while(0) |
#define LOGW(...) do{} while(0) |
#define LOGE(...) do{} while(0) |
#endif |
using namespace cv; |
using namespace std; |
#define ORIGINAL 0 |
void usage() |
{ |
LOGE0("usage: filepattern outfilepattern cascadefile"); |
LOGE0("\t where "); |
LOGE0("\t filepattern --- pattern for the paths to the source images"); |
LOGE0("\t (e.g.\"./Videos/FACESJPG2/Faces2_%%08d.jpg\" "); |
LOGE0("\t outfilepattern --- pattern for the paths for images which will be generated"); |
LOGE0("\t (e.g.\"./resFaces2_%%08d.jpg\" "); |
LOGE0("\t cascadefile --- path to the cascade file"); |
LOGE0("\t (e.g.\"opencv/data/lbpcascades/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml\" "); |
} |
int test_FaceDetector(int argc, char *argv[]) |
{ |
if (argc < 4) { |
usage(); |
return -1; |
} |
const char* filepattern=argv[1]; |
const char* outfilepattern=argv[2]; |
const char* cascadefile=argv[3]; |
LOGD0("filepattern='%s'", filepattern); |
LOGD0("outfilepattern='%s'", outfilepattern); |
LOGD0("cascadefile='%s'", cascadefile); |
vector<Mat> images; |
{ |
char filename[256]; |
for(int n=1; ; n++) { |
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), filepattern, n); |
LOGD("filename='%s'", filename); |
Mat m0; |
m0=imread(filename); |
if (m0.empty()) { |
LOGI0("Cannot read the file --- break"); |
break; |
} |
images.push_back(m0); |
} |
LOGD("read %d images", (int)images.size()); |
} |
DetectionBasedTracker::Parameters params; |
std::string cascadeFrontalfilename=cascadefile; |
DetectionBasedTracker fd(cascadeFrontalfilename, params); |
||||; |
Mat gray; |
Mat m; |
int64 tprev=getTickCount(); |
double freq=getTickFrequency(); |
int num_images=images.size(); |
for(int n=1; n <= num_images; n++) { |
int64 tcur=getTickCount(); |
int64 dt=tcur-tprev; |
tprev=tcur; |
double t_ms=((double)dt)/freq * 1000.0; |
LOGD("\n\nSTEP n=%d from prev step %f ms\n\n", n, t_ms); |
m=images[n-1]; |
CV_Assert(! m.empty()); |
cvtColor(m, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); |
fd.process(gray); |
vector<Rect> result; |
fd.getObjects(result); |
for(size_t i=0; i < result.size(); i++) { |
Rect r=result[i]; |
CV_Assert(r.area() > 0); |
Point; |
Point; |
Scalar color=Scalar(0, 250, 0); |
rectangle(m, tl, br, color, 3); |
} |
} |
{ |
char outfilename[256]; |
for(int n=1; n <= num_images; n++) { |
snprintf(outfilename, sizeof(outfilename), outfilepattern, n); |
LOGD("outfilename='%s'", outfilename); |
m=images[n-1]; |
imwrite(outfilename, m); |
} |
} |
fd.stop(); |
return 0; |
} |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
{ |
return test_FaceDetector(argc, argv); |
} |
#else // #if defined(__linux__) || defined(LINUX) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(ANDROID)
#include <stdio.h> |
int main() |
{ |
printf("This sample works for UNIX or ANDROID only\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
#endif |
Reference in new issue