A few changes to comply with upstream requirements for merge.

-Change input/output order from (out Labeled, in Image) -> (in Image, Out Labeled) and convert
to Input/OutputArrays in the process.

-Adopt OutputArray for statistics export so that the algorithm is "wrapper friendly" and not requiring a new struct in
language bindings at the expense of using doubles for everything and slowing statistics computation down..
Jason Newton 12 years ago
parent d5aa679d3f
commit 00bdca7684
  1. 17
  2. 105
  3. 1
  4. 2

@ -1091,24 +1091,13 @@ enum { TM_SQDIFF=0, TM_SQDIFF_NORMED=1, TM_CCORR=2, TM_CCORR_NORMED=3, TM_CCOEFF
CV_EXPORTS_W void matchTemplate( InputArray image, InputArray templ,
OutputArray result, int method );
struct CV_EXPORTS ConnectedComponentStats
int lower_x;//!< lower left corner column
int lower_y;//!< lower left corner row
int upper_x;//!< upper right corner column
int upper_y;//!< upper right corner row
double centroid_x;//!< centroid column
double centroid_y;//!< centroid row
uint64 integral_x;//!< sum of all columns where the image was non-zero
uint64 integral_y;//!< sum of all rows where the image was non-zero
unsigned int area;//!< count of all non-zero pixels
//! computes the connected components labeled image of boolean image I with 4 or 8 way connectivity - returns N, the total
//number of labels [0, N-1] where 0 represents the background label. L's value type determines the label type, an important
//consideration based on the total number of labels or alternatively the total number of pixels.
CV_EXPORTS_W int connectedComponents(CV_OUT Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity = 8);
CV_EXPORTS_W int connectedComponentsWithStats(CV_OUT Mat &L, const Mat &I, CV_OUT std::vector<ConnectedComponentStats> &statsv, int connectivity = 8);
CV_EXPORTS_W int connectedComponents(InputArray image, OutputArray labels, int connectivity = 8);
CV_EXPORTS_W int connectedComponentsWithStats(InputArray image, OutputArray labels, OutputArray stats, int connectivity = 8);
//! mode of the contour retrieval algorithm

@ -71,51 +71,54 @@ namespace cv{
template<typename LabelT>
struct CCStatsOp{
std::vector<cv::ConnectedComponentStats> &statsv;
CCStatsOp(std::vector<cv::ConnectedComponentStats> &_statsv): statsv(_statsv){
cv::Mat statsv;
CCStatsOp(OutputArray _statsv): statsv(_statsv.getMat()){
void init(const LabelT nlabels){
cv::ConnectedComponentStats stats = cv::ConnectedComponentStats();
stats.lower_x = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::max();
stats.lower_y = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::max();
stats.upper_x = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::min();
stats.upper_y = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::min();
stats.centroid_x = 0;
stats.centroid_y = 0;
stats.integral_x = 0;
stats.integral_y = 0;
stats.area = 0;
statsv.resize(nlabels, stats);
statsv = cv::Mat(nlabels, CC_STAT_MAX, cv::DataType<double>::type);
for(int l = 0; l < (int) nlabels; ++l){
double *row = &statsv.at<double>(l, 0);
row[CC_STAT_LEFT] = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::max();
row[CC_STAT_TOP] = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::max();
row[CC_STAT_WIDTH] = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::min();
row[CC_STAT_HEIGHT] = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::min();
row[CC_STAT_CX] = 0;
row[CC_STAT_CY] = 0;
row[CC_STAT_AREA] = 0;
void operator()(int r, int c, LabelT l){
ConnectedComponentStats &stats = statsv[l];
if(c > stats.upper_x){
stats.upper_x = c;
double *row = &statsv.at<double>(l, 0);
if(c > row[CC_STAT_WIDTH]){
row[CC_STAT_WIDTH] = c;
if(c < stats.lower_x){
stats.lower_x = c;
if(c < row[CC_STAT_LEFT]){
row[CC_STAT_LEFT] = c;
if(r > stats.upper_y){
stats.upper_y = r;
if(r > row[CC_STAT_HEIGHT]){
row[CC_STAT_HEIGHT] = r;
if(r < stats.lower_y){
stats.lower_y = r;
if(r < row[CC_STAT_TOP]){
row[CC_STAT_TOP] = r;
stats.integral_x += c;
stats.integral_y += r;
void finish(){
for(size_t l = 0; l < statsv.size(); ++l){
ConnectedComponentStats &stats = statsv[l];
stats.lower_x = std::min(stats.lower_x, stats.upper_x);
stats.lower_y = std::min(stats.lower_y, stats.upper_y);
stats.centroid_x = stats.integral_x / double(stats.area);
stats.centroid_y = stats.integral_y / double(stats.area);
for(int l = 0; l < statsv.rows; ++l){
double *row = &statsv.at<double>(l, 0);
row[CC_STAT_LEFT] = std::min(row[CC_STAT_LEFT], row[CC_STAT_WIDTH]);
row[CC_STAT_WIDTH] = row[CC_STAT_WIDTH] - row[CC_STAT_LEFT] + 1;
row[CC_STAT_TOP] = std::min(row[CC_STAT_TOP], row[CC_STAT_HEIGHT]);
row[CC_STAT_CX] = row[CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_X] / double(row[CC_STAT_AREA]);
row[CC_STAT_CY] = row[CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_Y] / double(row[CC_STAT_AREA]);
@ -193,7 +196,11 @@ namespace cv{
const int G8[4][2] = {{1, -1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, -1}};//a, b, c, d neighborhoods
template<typename LabelT, typename PixelT, typename StatsOp = NoOp<LabelT>, int connectivity = 8>
struct LabelingImpl{
LabelT operator()(Mat &L, const Mat &I, StatsOp &sop){
LabelT operator()(InputArray _I, OutputArray _L, StatsOp &sop){
cv::Mat I = _I.getMat();
cv::Mat L = _L.getMat();
CV_Assert(L.rows == I.rows);
CV_Assert(L.cols == I.cols);
const int rows = L.rows;
const int cols = L.cols;
size_t Plength = (size_t(rows + 3 - 1)/3) * (size_t(cols + 3 - 1)/3);
@ -340,9 +347,7 @@ namespace cv{
//L's type must have an appropriate depth for the number of pixels in I
template<typename StatsOp>
int connectedComponents_sub1(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity, StatsOp &sop){
CV_Assert(L.rows == I.rows);
CV_Assert(L.cols == I.cols);
int connectedComponents_sub1(InputArray I, OutputArray L, int connectivity, StatsOp &sop){
CV_Assert(L.channels() == 1 && I.channels() == 1);
CV_Assert(connectivity == 8 || connectivity == 4);
@ -354,9 +359,9 @@ int connectedComponents_sub1(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity, StatsOp &so
if(lDepth == CV_8U){
if(iDepth == CV_8U || iDepth == CV_8S){
if(connectivity == 4){
return (int) LabelingImpl<uint8_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 4>()(L, I, sop);
return (int) LabelingImpl<uint8_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 4>()(I, L, sop);
return (int) LabelingImpl<uint8_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 8>()(L, I, sop);
return (int) LabelingImpl<uint8_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 8>()(I, L, sop);
@ -364,9 +369,9 @@ int connectedComponents_sub1(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity, StatsOp &so
}else if(lDepth == CV_16U){
if(iDepth == CV_8U || iDepth == CV_8S){
if(connectivity == 4){
return (int) LabelingImpl<uint16_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 4>()(L, I, sop);
return (int) LabelingImpl<uint16_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 4>()(I, L, sop);
return (int) LabelingImpl<uint16_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 8>()(L, I, sop);
return (int) LabelingImpl<uint16_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 8>()(I, L, sop);
@ -376,9 +381,9 @@ int connectedComponents_sub1(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity, StatsOp &so
//OpenCV: how should we proceed? .at<T> typechecks in debug mode
if(iDepth == CV_8U || iDepth == CV_8S){
if(connectivity == 4){
return (int) LabelingImpl<int32_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 4>()(L, I, sop);
return (int) LabelingImpl<int32_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 4>()(I, L, sop);
return (int) LabelingImpl<int32_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 8>()(L, I, sop);
return (int) LabelingImpl<int32_t, uint8_t, StatsOp, 8>()(I, L, sop);
@ -389,28 +394,28 @@ int connectedComponents_sub1(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity, StatsOp &so
return -1;
int connectedComponents(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity){
int connectedComponents(InputArray I, OutputArray L, int connectivity){
int lDepth = L.depth();
if(lDepth == CV_8U){
connectedcomponents::NoOp<uint8_t> sop; return connectedComponents_sub1(L, I, connectivity, sop);
connectedcomponents::NoOp<uint8_t> sop; return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop);
}else if(lDepth == CV_16U){
connectedcomponents::NoOp<uint16_t> sop; return connectedComponents_sub1(L, I, connectivity, sop);
connectedcomponents::NoOp<uint16_t> sop; return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop);
}else if(lDepth == CV_32S){
connectedcomponents::NoOp<uint32_t> sop; return connectedComponents_sub1(L, I, connectivity, sop);
connectedcomponents::NoOp<uint32_t> sop; return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop);
return 0;
int connectedComponentsWithStats(Mat &L, const Mat &I, std::vector<ConnectedComponentStats> &statsv, int connectivity){
int connectedComponentsWithStats(InputArray I, OutputArray L, OutputArray statsv, int connectivity){
int lDepth = L.depth();
if(lDepth == CV_8U){
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint8_t> sop(statsv); return connectedComponents_sub1(L, I, connectivity, sop);
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint8_t> sop(statsv); return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop);
}else if(lDepth == CV_16U){
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint16_t> sop(statsv); return connectedComponents_sub1(L, I, connectivity, sop);
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint16_t> sop(statsv); return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop);
}else if(lDepth == CV_32S){
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint32_t> sop(statsv); return connectedComponents_sub1(L, I, connectivity, sop);
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint32_t> sop(statsv); return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop);
return 0;

@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ typedef Ptr<FeatureDetector> Ptr_FeatureDetector;
typedef Ptr<DescriptorExtractor> Ptr_DescriptorExtractor;
typedef Ptr<Feature2D> Ptr_Feature2D;
typedef Ptr<DescriptorMatcher> Ptr_DescriptorMatcher;
typedef vector<ConnectedComponentStats> vector_ConnectedComponentStats;
typedef SimpleBlobDetector::Params SimpleBlobDetector_Params;

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ static void on_trackbar(int, void*)
Mat bw = threshval < 128 ? (img < threshval) : (img > threshval);
Mat labelImage(img.size(), CV_32S);
uint64_t nLabels = connectedComponents(labelImage, bw, 8);
int nLabels = connectedComponents(bw, labelImage, 8);
Vec3b colors[nLabels];
colors[0] = Vec3b(0, 0, 0);//background
for(int label = 1; label < nLabels; ++label){
