@ -71,51 +71,54 @@ namespace cv{
} ;
template < typename LabelT >
struct CCStatsOp {
std : : vector < cv : : ConnectedComponentStats > & statsv ;
CCStatsOp ( std : : vector < cv : : ConnectedComponentStats > & _statsv ) : statsv ( _statsv ) {
cv : : Mat statsv ;
CCStatsOp ( OutputArray _statsv ) : statsv ( _statsv . getMat ( ) ) {
void init ( const LabelT nlabels ) {
statsv . clear ( ) ;
cv : : ConnectedComponentStats stats = cv : : ConnectedComponentStats ( ) ;
stats . lower_x = std : : numeric_limits < LabelT > : : max ( ) ;
stats . lower_y = std : : numeric_limits < LabelT > : : max ( ) ;
stats . upper_x = std : : numeric_limits < LabelT > : : min ( ) ;
stats . upper_y = std : : numeric_limits < LabelT > : : min ( ) ;
stats . centroid_x = 0 ;
stats . centroid_y = 0 ;
stats . integral_x = 0 ;
stats . integral_y = 0 ;
stats . area = 0 ;
statsv . resize ( nlabels , stats ) ;
statsv = cv : : Mat ( nlabels , CC_STAT_MAX , cv : : DataType < double > : : type ) ;
for ( int l = 0 ; l < ( int ) nlabels ; + + l ) {
double * row = & statsv . at < double > ( l , 0 ) ;
row [ CC_STAT_LEFT ] = std : : numeric_limits < LabelT > : : max ( ) ;
row [ CC_STAT_TOP ] = std : : numeric_limits < LabelT > : : max ( ) ;
row [ CC_STAT_WIDTH ] = std : : numeric_limits < LabelT > : : min ( ) ;
row [ CC_STAT_HEIGHT ] = std : : numeric_limits < LabelT > : : min ( ) ;
row [ CC_STAT_CX ] = 0 ;
row [ CC_STAT_CY ] = 0 ;
row [ CC_STAT_AREA ] = 0 ;
row [ CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_X ] = 0 ;
row [ CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_Y ] = 0 ;
void operator ( ) ( int r , int c , LabelT l ) {
ConnectedComponentStats & stats = statsv [ l ] ;
if ( c > stats . upper_x ) {
stats . upper_x = c ;
double * row = & statsv . at < double > ( l , 0 ) ;
if ( c > row [ CC_STAT_WIDTH ] ) {
row [ CC_STAT_WIDTH ] = c ;
} else {
if ( c < stats . lower_x ) {
stats . lower_x = c ;
if ( c < row [ CC_STAT_LEFT ] ) {
row [ CC_STAT_LEFT ] = c ;
if ( r > stats . upper_y ) {
stats . upper_y = r ;
if ( r > row [ CC_STAT_HEIGHT ] ) {
row [ CC_STAT_HEIGHT ] = r ;
} else {
if ( r < stats . lower_y ) {
stats . lower_y = r ;
if ( r < row [ CC_STAT_TOP ] ) {
row [ CC_STAT_TOP ] = r ;
stats . integral_x + = c ;
stats . integral_y + = r ;
stats . area + + ;
row [ CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_X ] + = c ;
row [ CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_Y ] + = r ;
row [ CC_STAT_AREA ] + + ;
void finish ( ) {
for ( size_t l = 0 ; l < statsv . size ( ) ; + + l ) {
ConnectedComponentStats & stats = statsv [ l ] ;
stats . lower_x = std : : min ( stats . lower_x , stats . upper_x ) ;
stats . lower_y = std : : min ( stats . lower_y , stats . upper_y ) ;
stats . centroid_x = stats . integral_x / double ( stats . area ) ;
stats . centroid_y = stats . integral_y / double ( stats . area ) ;
for ( int l = 0 ; l < statsv . rows ; + + l ) {
double * row = & statsv . at < double > ( l , 0 ) ;
row [ CC_STAT_LEFT ] = std : : min ( row [ CC_STAT_LEFT ] , row [ CC_STAT_WIDTH ] ) ;
row [ CC_STAT_WIDTH ] = row [ CC_STAT_WIDTH ] - row [ CC_STAT_LEFT ] + 1 ;
row [ CC_STAT_TOP ] = std : : min ( row [ CC_STAT_TOP ] , row [ CC_STAT_HEIGHT ] ) ;
row [ CC_STAT_HEIGHT ] = row [ CC_STAT_HEIGHT ] - row [ CC_STAT_TOP ] + 1 ;
row [ CC_STAT_CX ] = row [ CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_X ] / double ( row [ CC_STAT_AREA ] ) ;
row [ CC_STAT_CY ] = row [ CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_Y ] / double ( row [ CC_STAT_AREA ] ) ;
} ;
@ -193,7 +196,11 @@ namespace cv{
const int G8 [ 4 ] [ 2 ] = { { 1 , - 1 } , { 1 , 0 } , { 1 , 1 } , { 0 , - 1 } } ; //a, b, c, d neighborhoods
template < typename LabelT , typename PixelT , typename StatsOp = NoOp < LabelT > , int connectivity = 8 >
struct LabelingImpl {
LabelT operator ( ) ( Mat & L , const Mat & I , StatsOp & sop ) {
LabelT operator ( ) ( InputArray _I , OutputArray _L , StatsOp & sop ) {
cv : : Mat I = _I . getMat ( ) ;
cv : : Mat L = _L . getMat ( ) ;
CV_Assert ( L . rows = = I . rows ) ;
CV_Assert ( L . cols = = I . cols ) ;
const int rows = L . rows ;
const int cols = L . cols ;
size_t Plength = ( size_t ( rows + 3 - 1 ) / 3 ) * ( size_t ( cols + 3 - 1 ) / 3 ) ;
@ -340,9 +347,7 @@ namespace cv{
//L's type must have an appropriate depth for the number of pixels in I
template < typename StatsOp >
int connectedComponents_sub1 ( Mat & L , const Mat & I , int connectivity , StatsOp & sop ) {
CV_Assert ( L . rows = = I . rows ) ;
CV_Assert ( L . cols = = I . cols ) ;
int connectedComponents_sub1 ( InputArray I , OutputArray L , int connectivity , StatsOp & sop ) {
CV_Assert ( L . channels ( ) = = 1 & & I . channels ( ) = = 1 ) ;
CV_Assert ( connectivity = = 8 | | connectivity = = 4 ) ;
@ -354,9 +359,9 @@ int connectedComponents_sub1(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity, StatsOp &so
if ( lDepth = = CV_8U ) {
if ( iDepth = = CV_8U | | iDepth = = CV_8S ) {
if ( connectivity = = 4 ) {
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < uint8_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 4 > ( ) ( L , I , sop ) ;
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < uint8_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 4 > ( ) ( I , L , sop ) ;
} else {
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < uint8_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 8 > ( ) ( L , I , sop ) ;
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < uint8_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 8 > ( ) ( I , L , sop ) ;
} else {
CV_Assert ( false ) ;
@ -364,9 +369,9 @@ int connectedComponents_sub1(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity, StatsOp &so
} else if ( lDepth = = CV_16U ) {
if ( iDepth = = CV_8U | | iDepth = = CV_8S ) {
if ( connectivity = = 4 ) {
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < uint16_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 4 > ( ) ( L , I , sop ) ;
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < uint16_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 4 > ( ) ( I , L , sop ) ;
} else {
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < uint16_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 8 > ( ) ( L , I , sop ) ;
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < uint16_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 8 > ( ) ( I , L , sop ) ;
} else {
CV_Assert ( false ) ;
@ -376,9 +381,9 @@ int connectedComponents_sub1(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity, StatsOp &so
//OpenCV: how should we proceed? .at<T> typechecks in debug mode
if ( iDepth = = CV_8U | | iDepth = = CV_8S ) {
if ( connectivity = = 4 ) {
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < int32_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 4 > ( ) ( L , I , sop ) ;
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < int32_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 4 > ( ) ( I , L , sop ) ;
} else {
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < int32_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 8 > ( ) ( L , I , sop ) ;
return ( int ) LabelingImpl < int32_t , uint8_t , StatsOp , 8 > ( ) ( I , L , sop ) ;
} else {
CV_Assert ( false ) ;
@ -389,28 +394,28 @@ int connectedComponents_sub1(Mat &L, const Mat &I, int connectivity, StatsOp &so
return - 1 ;
int connectedComponents ( Mat & L , const Mat & I , int connectivity ) {
int connectedComponents ( InputArray I , OutputArray L , int connectivity ) {
int lDepth = L . depth ( ) ;
if ( lDepth = = CV_8U ) {
connectedcomponents : : NoOp < uint8_t > sop ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( L , I , connectivity , sop ) ;
connectedcomponents : : NoOp < uint8_t > sop ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( I , L , connectivity , sop ) ;
} else if ( lDepth = = CV_16U ) {
connectedcomponents : : NoOp < uint16_t > sop ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( L , I , connectivity , sop ) ;
connectedcomponents : : NoOp < uint16_t > sop ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( I , L , connectivity , sop ) ;
} else if ( lDepth = = CV_32S ) {
connectedcomponents : : NoOp < uint32_t > sop ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( L , I , connectivity , sop ) ;
connectedcomponents : : NoOp < uint32_t > sop ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( I , L , connectivity , sop ) ;
} else {
CV_Assert ( false ) ;
return 0 ;
int connectedComponentsWithStats ( Mat & L , const Mat & I , std : : vector < ConnectedComponentStats > & statsv , int connectivity ) {
int connectedComponentsWithStats ( InputArray I , OutputArray L , OutputArray statsv , int connectivity ) {
int lDepth = L . depth ( ) ;
if ( lDepth = = CV_8U ) {
connectedcomponents : : CCStatsOp < uint8_t > sop ( statsv ) ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( L , I , connectivity , sop ) ;
connectedcomponents : : CCStatsOp < uint8_t > sop ( statsv ) ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( I , L , connectivity , sop ) ;
} else if ( lDepth = = CV_16U ) {
connectedcomponents : : CCStatsOp < uint16_t > sop ( statsv ) ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( L , I , connectivity , sop ) ;
connectedcomponents : : CCStatsOp < uint16_t > sop ( statsv ) ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( I , L , connectivity , sop ) ;
} else if ( lDepth = = CV_32S ) {
connectedcomponents : : CCStatsOp < uint32_t > sop ( statsv ) ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( L , I , connectivity , sop ) ;
connectedcomponents : : CCStatsOp < uint32_t > sop ( statsv ) ; return connectedComponents_sub1 ( I , L , connectivity , sop ) ;
} else {
CV_Assert ( false ) ;
return 0 ;