// DaSiamRPN tracker.
// Original paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.06048
// Link to original repo: https://github.com/foolwood/DaSiamRPN
// Links to onnx models:
// - network: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rr1lk9355vzolqv/dasiamrpn_model.onnx?dl=0
// - kernel_r1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/999cqx5zrfi7w4p/dasiamrpn_kernel_r1.onnx?dl=0
// - kernel_cls1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvmtszx5h339a0w/dasiamrpn_kernel_cls1.onnx?dl=0
# include <iostream>
# include <cmath>
# include <opencv2/dnn.hpp>
# include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
# include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
# include <opencv2/video.hpp>
using namespace cv ;
using namespace cv : : dnn ;
std : : string param_keys =
" { help h | | Print help message } "
" { input i | | Full path to input video folder, the specific camera index. (empty for camera 0) } "
" { net | dasiamrpn_model.onnx | Path to onnx model of net} "
" { kernel_cls1 | dasiamrpn_kernel_cls1.onnx | Path to onnx model of kernel_r1 } "
" { kernel_r1 | dasiamrpn_kernel_r1.onnx | Path to onnx model of kernel_cls1 } " ;
std : : string backend_keys = cv : : format (
" { backend | 0 | Choose one of computation backends: "
" %d: automatically (by default), "
" %d: Intel's Deep Learning Inference Engine (https://software.intel.com/openvino-toolkit), "
" %d: OpenCV implementation, "
" %d: VKCOM, "
" %d: CUDA } " , cv : : dnn : : DNN_BACKEND_DEFAULT , cv : : dnn : : DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE , cv : : dnn : : DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV , cv : : dnn : : DNN_BACKEND_VKCOM , cv : : dnn : : DNN_BACKEND_CUDA ) ;
std : : string target_keys = cv : : format (
" { target | 0 | Choose one of target computation devices: "
" %d: CPU target (by default), "
" %d: OpenCL, "
" %d: OpenCL fp16 (half-float precision), "
" %d: VPU, "
" %d: Vulkan, "
" %d: CUDA, "
" %d: CUDA fp16 (half-float preprocess) } " , cv : : dnn : : DNN_TARGET_CPU , cv : : dnn : : DNN_TARGET_OPENCL , cv : : dnn : : DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16 , cv : : dnn : : DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD , cv : : dnn : : DNN_TARGET_VULKAN , cv : : dnn : : DNN_TARGET_CUDA , cv : : dnn : : DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16 ) ;
std : : string keys = param_keys + backend_keys + target_keys ;
int run ( int argc , char * * argv )
// Parse command line arguments.
CommandLineParser parser ( argc , argv , keys ) ;
if ( parser . has ( " help " ) )
parser . printMessage ( ) ;
return 0 ;
std : : string inputName = parser . get < String > ( " input " ) ;
std : : string net = parser . get < String > ( " net " ) ;
std : : string kernel_cls1 = parser . get < String > ( " kernel_cls1 " ) ;
std : : string kernel_r1 = parser . get < String > ( " kernel_r1 " ) ;
int backend = parser . get < int > ( " backend " ) ;
int target = parser . get < int > ( " target " ) ;
Ptr < TrackerDaSiamRPN > tracker ;
TrackerDaSiamRPN : : Params params ;
params . model = samples : : findFile ( net ) ;
params . kernel_cls1 = samples : : findFile ( kernel_cls1 ) ;
params . kernel_r1 = samples : : findFile ( kernel_r1 ) ;
params . backend = backend ;
params . target = target ;
tracker = TrackerDaSiamRPN : : create ( params ) ;
catch ( const cv : : Exception & ee )
std : : cerr < < " Exception: " < < ee . what ( ) < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " Can't load the network by using the following files: " < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " siamRPN : " < < net < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " siamKernelCL1 : " < < kernel_cls1 < < std : : endl ;
std : : cout < < " siamKernelR1 : " < < kernel_r1 < < std : : endl ;
return 2 ;
const std : : string winName = " DaSiamRPN " ;
namedWindow ( winName , WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ) ;
// Open a video file or an image file or a camera stream.
VideoCapture cap ;
if ( inputName . empty ( ) | | ( isdigit ( inputName [ 0 ] ) & & inputName . size ( ) = = 1 ) )
int c = inputName . empty ( ) ? 0 : inputName [ 0 ] - ' 0 ' ;
std : : cout < < " Trying to open camera # " < < c < < " ... " < < std : : endl ;
if ( ! cap . open ( c ) )
std : : cout < < " Capture from camera # " < < c < < " didn't work. Specify -i=<video> parameter to read from video file " < < std : : endl ;
return 2 ;
else if ( inputName . size ( ) )
inputName = samples : : findFileOrKeep ( inputName ) ;
if ( ! cap . open ( inputName ) )
std : : cout < < " Could not open: " < < inputName < < std : : endl ;
return 2 ;
// Read the first image.
Mat image ;
cap > > image ;
if ( image . empty ( ) )
std : : cerr < < " Can't capture frame! " < < std : : endl ;
return 2 ;
Mat image_select = image . clone ( ) ;
putText ( image_select , " Select initial bounding box you want to track. " , Point ( 0 , 15 ) , FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 0.5 , Scalar ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) ) ;
putText ( image_select , " And Press the ENTER key. " , Point ( 0 , 35 ) , FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 0.5 , Scalar ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) ) ;
Rect selectRect = selectROI ( winName , image_select ) ;
std : : cout < < " ROI= " < < selectRect < < std : : endl ;
tracker - > init ( image , selectRect ) ;
TickMeter tickMeter ;
for ( int count = 0 ; ; + + count )
cap > > image ;
if ( image . empty ( ) )
std : : cerr < < " Can't capture frame " < < count < < " . End of video stream? " < < std : : endl ;
break ;
Rect rect ;
tickMeter . start ( ) ;
bool ok = tracker - > update ( image , rect ) ;
tickMeter . stop ( ) ;
float score = tracker - > getTrackingScore ( ) ;
std : : cout < < " frame " < < count < <
" : predicted score= " < < score < <
" rect= " < < rect < <
" time= " < < tickMeter . getTimeMilli ( ) < < " ms " < <
std : : endl ;
Mat render_image = image . clone ( ) ;
if ( ok )
rectangle ( render_image , rect , Scalar ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) , 2 ) ;
std : : string timeLabel = format ( " Inference time: %.2f ms " , tickMeter . getTimeMilli ( ) ) ;
std : : string scoreLabel = format ( " Score: %f " , score ) ;
putText ( render_image , timeLabel , Point ( 0 , 15 ) , FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 0.5 , Scalar ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) ) ;
putText ( render_image , scoreLabel , Point ( 0 , 35 ) , FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 0.5 , Scalar ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) ) ;
imshow ( winName , render_image ) ;
tickMeter . reset ( ) ;
int c = waitKey ( 1 ) ;
if ( c = = 27 /*ESC*/ )
break ;
std : : cout < < " Exit " < < std : : endl ;
return 0 ;
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
return run ( argc , argv ) ;
catch ( const std : : exception & e )
std : : cerr < < " FATAL: C++ exception: " < < e . what ( ) < < std : : endl ;
return 1 ;