Open Source Computer Vision Library

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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <type_traits>
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include <opencv2/gapi/gtype_traits.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/util/util.hpp>
namespace cv
struct Own {};
namespace gapi
namespace own
struct ConvertibleToOwn{};
struct NotConvertibleToOwn{};
} // own
} // gapi
} // cv
struct NoGhape {};
struct HasGShape {
static constexpr cv::GShape shape = cv::GShape::GFRAME;
struct MimicGShape {
static constexpr int shape = 0;
#define DISALLOWED_LIST cv::gapi::own::NotConvertibleToOwn
namespace opencv_test
TEST(GAPIUtil, AllSatisfy)
static_assert(true == cv::detail::all_satisfy<std::is_integral, long, int, char>::value,
"[long, int, char] are all integral types");
static_assert(true == cv::detail::all_satisfy<std::is_integral, char>::value,
"char is an integral type");
static_assert(false == cv::detail::all_satisfy<std::is_integral, float, int, char>::value,
"[float, int, char] are NOT all integral types");
static_assert(false == cv::detail::all_satisfy<std::is_integral, int, char, float>::value,
"[int, char, float] are NOT all integral types");
static_assert(false == cv::detail::all_satisfy<std::is_integral, float>::value,
"float is not an integral types");
TEST(GAPIUtil, AllButLast)
using test1 = cv::detail::all_but_last<long, int, float>::type;
static_assert(true == cv::detail::all_satisfy<std::is_integral, test1>::value,
"[long, int] are all integral types (float skipped)");
using test2 = cv::detail::all_but_last<int, float, char>::type;
static_assert(false == cv::detail::all_satisfy<std::is_integral, test2>::value,
"[int, float] are NOT all integral types");
TEST(GAPIUtil, GShaped)
static_assert(!cv::detail::has_gshape<NoGhape>::value, "NoGhape hasn't got any shape");
static_assert(cv::detail::has_gshape<HasGShape>::value, "HasGShape has got GShape shape");
static_assert(!cv::detail::has_gshape<MimicGShape>::value, "MimicGShape hasn't got right shape");
TEST(GAPIUtil, GTypeList)
static_assert(cv::detail::contains<cv::gapi::own::NotConvertibleToOwn, GAPI_OWN_TYPES_LIST, DISALLOWED_LIST>::value, "NotConvertibleToOwn is in denial list");
static_assert(!cv::detail::contains<cv::gapi::own::ConvertibleToOwn>::value, "ConvertibleToOwn is not in empty denial list");
static_assert(!cv::detail::contains<cv::gapi::own::ConvertibleToOwn, GAPI_OWN_TYPES_LIST, DISALLOWED_LIST>::value, "ConvertibleToOwn is not in denial list");
} // namespace opencv_test