Open Source Computer Vision Library
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172 lines
4.9 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp"
#ifdef WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <cvconfig.h>
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
void help()
cout << "This program demonstrated the use of the latentSVM detector." << endl <<
"It reads in a trained object models and then uses them to detect the objects in an images." << endl <<
endl <<
"Call:" << endl <<
"./latentsvm_multidetect <imagesFolder> <modelsFolder> [<overlapThreshold>][<threadsNumber>]" << endl <<
"<overlapThreshold> - threshold for the non-maximum suppression algorithm." << endl <<
"Example of <modelsFolder> is opencv_extra/testdata/cv/latentsvmdetector/models_VOC2007" << endl <<
endl <<
"Keys:" << endl <<
"'n' - to go to the next image;" << endl <<
"'esc' - to quit." << endl <<
void detectAndDrawObjects( Mat& image, LatentSvmDetector& detector, const vector<Scalar>& colors, float overlapThreshold, int numThreads )
vector<LatentSvmDetector::ObjectDetection> detections;
TickMeter tm;
detector.detect( image, detections, overlapThreshold, numThreads);
cout << "Detection time = " << tm.getTimeSec() << " sec" << endl;
const vector<string> classNames = detector.getClassNames();
CV_Assert( colors.size() == classNames.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < detections.size(); i++ )
const LatentSvmDetector::ObjectDetection& od = detections[i];
rectangle( image, od.rect, colors[od.classID], 3 );
// put text over the all rectangles
for( size_t i = 0; i < detections.size(); i++ )
const LatentSvmDetector::ObjectDetection& od = detections[i];
putText( image, classNames[od.classID], Point(od.rect.x+4,od.rect.y+13), FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.55, colors[od.classID], 2 );
void readDirectory( const string& directoryName, vector<string>& filenames, bool addDirectoryName=true )
#ifdef WIN32
struct _finddata_t s_file;
string str = directoryName + "\\*.*";
intptr_t h_file = _findfirst( str.c_str(), &s_file );
if( h_file != static_cast<intptr_t>(-1.0) )
if( addDirectoryName )
filenames.push_back(directoryName + "\\" +;
while( _findnext( h_file, &s_file ) == 0 );
_findclose( h_file );
DIR* dir = opendir( directoryName.c_str() );
if( dir != NULL )
struct dirent* dent;
while( (dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL )
if( addDirectoryName )
filenames.push_back( directoryName + "/" + string(dent->d_name) );
filenames.push_back( string(dent->d_name) );
sort( filenames.begin(), filenames.end() );
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
string images_folder, models_folder;
float overlapThreshold = 0.2;
int numThreads = -1;
if( argc > 2 )
images_folder = argv[1];
models_folder = argv[2];
if( argc > 3 ) overlapThreshold = atof(argv[3]);
if( overlapThreshold < 0 || overlapThreshold > 1)
cout << "overlapThreshold must be in interval (0,1)." << endl;
if( argc > 4 ) numThreads = atoi(argv[4]);
vector<string> images_filenames, models_filenames;
readDirectory( images_folder, images_filenames );
readDirectory( models_folder, models_filenames );
LatentSvmDetector detector( models_filenames );
if( detector.empty() )
cout << "Models cann't be loaded" << endl;
const vector<string>& classNames = detector.getClassNames();
cout << "Loaded " << classNames.size() << " models:" << endl;
for( size_t i = 0; i < classNames.size(); i++ )
cout << i << ") " << classNames[i] << "; ";
cout << endl;
cout << "overlapThreshold = " << overlapThreshold << endl;
vector<Scalar> colors;
generateColors( colors, detector.getClassNames().size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < images_filenames.size(); i++ )
Mat image = imread( images_filenames[i] );
if( image.empty() ) continue;
cout << "Process image " << images_filenames[i] << endl;
detectAndDrawObjects( image, detector, colors, overlapThreshold, numThreads );
imshow( "result", image );
int c = waitKey();
if( (char)c == 'n')
else if( (char)c == '\x1b' )
return 0;