Open Source Computer Vision Library
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#!/usr/bin/env python
""" OpenCV performance test results charts generator.
This script formats results of a performance test as a table or a series of tables according to test
### Description
Performance data is stored in the GTest log file created by performance tests. Default name is
`test_details.xml`. It can be changed with the `--gtest_output=xml:<location>/<filename>.xml` test
option. See for more details.
Script accepts an XML with performance test results as an input. Only one test (aka testsuite)
containing multiple cases (aka testcase) with different parameters can be used. Test should have 2
or more parameters, for example resolution (640x480), data type (8UC1), mode (NORM_TYPE), etc.
Parameters #2 and #1 will be used as table row and column by default, this mapping can be changed
with `-x` and `-y` options. Parameter combination besides the two selected for row and column will
be represented as a separate table. I.e. one table (RES x TYPE) for `NORM_L1`, another for
`NORM_L2`, etc.
Test can be selected either by using `--gtest_filter` option when running the test, or by using the
`--filter` script option.
### Options:
-f REGEX, --filter=REGEX - regular expression used to select a test
-x ROW, -y COL - choose different parameters for rows and columns
-u UNITS, --units=UNITS - units for output values (s, ms (default), us, ns or ticks)
-m NAME, --metric=NAME - output metric (mean, median, stddev, etc.)
-o FMT, --output=FMT - output format ('txt', 'html' or 'auto')
### Example:
./ -f sum opencv_perf_core.xml
Geometric mean for
sum::Size_MatType::(Y, X)
X\Y 127x61 640x480 1280x720 1920x1080
8UC1 0.03 ms 1.21 ms 3.61 ms 8.11 ms
8UC4 0.10 ms 3.56 ms 10.67 ms 23.90 ms
32FC1 0.05 ms 1.77 ms 5.23 ms 11.72 ms
import testlog_parser, sys, os, xml, re
from table_formatter import *
from optparse import OptionParser
cvsize_re = re.compile("^\d+x\d+$")
cvtype_re = re.compile("^(CV_)(8U|8S|16U|16S|32S|32F|64F)(C\d{1,3})?$")
def keyselector(a):
if cvsize_re.match(a):
size = [int(d) for d in a.split('x')]
return size[0] * size[1]
elif cvtype_re.match(a):
if a.startswith("CV_"):
a = a[3:]
depth = 7
if a[0] == '8':
depth = (0, 1) [a[1] == 'S']
elif a[0] == '1':
depth = (2, 3) [a[2] == 'S']
elif a[2] == 'S':
depth = 4
elif a[0] == '3':
depth = 5
elif a[0] == '6':
depth = 6
cidx = a.find('C')
if cidx < 0:
channels = 1
channels = int(a[a.index('C') + 1:])
#return (depth & 7) + ((channels - 1) << 3)
return ((channels-1) & 511) + (depth << 9)
return a
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
alphanum_keyselector = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', str(keyselector(key))) ]
def getValueParams(test):
param = test.get("value_param")
if not param:
return []
if param.startswith("("):
param = param[1:]
if param.endswith(")"):
param = param[:-1]
args = []
prev_pos = 0
start = 0
balance = 0
while True:
idx = param.find(",", prev_pos)
if idx < 0:
idxlb = param.find("(", prev_pos, idx)
while idxlb >= 0:
balance += 1
idxlb = param.find("(", idxlb+1, idx)
idxrb = param.find(")", prev_pos, idx)
while idxrb >= 0:
balance -= 1
idxrb = param.find(")", idxrb+1, idx)
assert(balance >= 0)
if balance == 0:
start = idx + 1
prev_pos = idx + 1
return args
#return [p.strip() for p in param.split(",")]
def nextPermutation(indexes, lists, x, y):
idx = len(indexes)-1
while idx >= 0:
while idx == x or idx == y:
idx -= 1
if idx < 0:
return False
v = indexes[idx] + 1
if v < len(lists[idx]):
indexes[idx] = v;
return True;
indexes[idx] = 0;
idx -= 1
return False
def getTestWideName(sname, indexes, lists, x, y):
name = sname + "::("
for i in range(len(indexes)):
if i > 0:
name += ", "
if i == x:
name += "X"
elif i == y:
name += "Y"
name += lists[i][indexes[i]]
return str(name + ")")
def getTest(stests, x, y, row, col):
for pair in stests:
if pair[1][x] == row and pair[1][y] == col:
return pair[0]
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="format", help="output results in text format (can be 'txt', 'html' or 'auto' - default)", metavar="FMT", default="auto")
parser.add_option("-u", "--units", dest="units", help="units for output values (s, ms (default), us, ns or ticks)", metavar="UNITS", default="ms")
parser.add_option("-m", "--metric", dest="metric", help="output metric", metavar="NAME", default="gmean")
parser.add_option("-x", "", dest="x", help="argument number for rows", metavar="ROW", default=1)
parser.add_option("-y", "", dest="y", help="argument number for columns", metavar="COL", default=0)
parser.add_option("-f", "--filter", dest="filter", help="regex to filter tests", metavar="REGEX", default=None)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
print("Usage:\n", os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), "<log_name1>.xml", file=sys.stderr)
options.generateHtml = detectHtmlOutputType(options.format)
if options.metric not in metrix_table:
options.metric = "gmean"
if options.metric.endswith("%"):
options.metric = options.metric[:-1]
getter = metrix_table[options.metric][1]
tests = testlog_parser.parseLogFile(args[0])
if options.filter:
expr = re.compile(options.filter)
tests = [(t,getValueParams(t)) for t in tests if]
tests = [(t,getValueParams(t)) for t in tests]
args[0] = os.path.basename(args[0])
if not tests:
print("Error - no tests matched", file=sys.stderr)
argsnum = len(tests[0][1])
sname = tests[0][0].shortName()
arglists = []
for i in range(argsnum):
names = set()
names1 = set()
for pair in tests:
sn = pair[0].shortName()
if len(pair[1]) > 1:
if sn == sname:
if len(pair[1]) != argsnum:
print("Error - unable to create chart tables for functions having different argument numbers", file=sys.stderr)
for i in range(argsnum):
arglists[i][pair[1][i]] = 1
if names1 or len(names) != 1:
print("Error - unable to create tables for functions from different test suits:", file=sys.stderr)
i = 1
for name in sorted(names):
print("%4s: %s" % (i, name), file=sys.stderr)
i += 1
if names1:
print("Other suits in this log (can not be chosen):", file=sys.stderr)
for name in sorted(names1):
print("%4s: %s" % (i, name), file=sys.stderr)
i += 1
if argsnum < 2:
print("Error - tests from %s have less than 2 parameters" % sname, file=sys.stderr)
for i in range(argsnum):
arglists[i] = sorted([str(key) for key in arglists[i].keys()], key=alphanum_keyselector)
if options.generateHtml and options.format != "moinwiki":
htmlPrintHeader(sys.stdout, "Report %s for %s" % (args[0], sname))
indexes = [0] * argsnum
x = int(options.x)
y = int(options.y)
if x == y or x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= argsnum or y >= argsnum:
x = 1
y = 0
while True:
stests = []
for pair in tests:
t = pair[0]
v = pair[1]
for i in range(argsnum):
if i != x and i != y:
if v[i] != arglists[i][indexes[i]]:
t = None
if t:
tbl = table(metrix_table[options.metric][0] + " for\n" + getTestWideName(sname, indexes, arglists, x, y))
tbl.newColumn("x", "X\Y")
for col in arglists[y]:
tbl.newColumn(col, col, align="center")
for row in arglists[x]:
tbl.newCell("x", row)
for col in arglists[y]:
case = getTest(stests, x, y, row, col)
if case:
status = case.get("status")
if status != "run":
tbl.newCell(col, status, color = "red")
val = getter(case, None, options.units)
if isinstance(val, float):
tbl.newCell(col, "%.2f %s" % (val, options.units), val)
tbl.newCell(col, val, val)
tbl.newCell(col, "-")
if options.generateHtml:
tbl.htmlPrintTable(sys.stdout, options.format == "moinwiki")
if not nextPermutation(indexes, arglists, x, y):
if options.generateHtml and options.format != "moinwiki":