:param m:The destination matrix. If it does not have a proper size or type before the operation, it will be reallocated
:param rtype:The desired destination matrix type, or rather, the depth(since the number of channels will be the same with the source one). If rtype is negative, the destination matrix will have the same type as the source.
:param alpha:must be default now
:param beta:must be default now
The method converts source pixel values to the target datatype. saturate cast is applied in the end to avoid possible overflows. Supports CV_8UC1, CV_8UC4, CV_32SC1, CV_32SC4, CV_32FC1, CV_32FC4.
:param s:Assigned scalar, which is converted to the actual array type
:param mask:The operation mask of the same size as ``*this``
Sets all or some of the array elements to the specified value. This is the advanced variant of Mat::operator=(const Scalar s) operator. Supports CV_8UC1, CV_8UC4, CV_32SC1, CV_32SC4, CV_32FC1, CV_32FC4.
:param x:The array of x-coordinates; must be single-precision or double-precision floating-point array
:param y:The array of y-coordinates; it must have the same size and same type as x
:param magnitude:The destination array of magnitudes of the same size and same type as x
:param angle:The destination array of angles of the same size and same type as x. The angles are measured in radians (0 to 2pi ) or in degrees (0 to 360 degrees).
:param angleInDegrees:The flag indicating whether the angles are measured in radians, which is default mode, or in degrees
Calculates the magnitude and angle of 2d vectors. Supports only CV_32F and CV_64F data types.
:param magnitude:The source floating-point array of magnitudes of 2D vectors. It can be an empty matrix (=Mat()) - in this case the function assumes that all the magnitudes are =1. If it's not empty, it must have the same size and same type as angle
:param angle:The source floating-point array of angles of the 2D vectors
:param x:The destination array of x-coordinates of 2D vectors; will have the same size and the same type as angle
:param y:The destination array of y-coordinates of 2D vectors; will have the same size and the same type as angle
:param angleInDegrees:The flag indicating whether the angles are measured in radians, which is default mode, or in degrees
The function polarToCart computes the cartesian coordinates of each 2D vector represented by the corresponding elements of magnitude and angle. Supports only CV_32F and CV_64F data types.
:param lut:Look-up table of 256 elements. In the case of multi-channel source array, the table should either have a single channel (in this case the same table is used for all channels) or the same number of channels as in the source array
:param dst:Destination array; will have the same size and the same number of channels as src, and the same depth as lut
Performs a look-up table transform of an array. Supports only CV_8UC1 and CV_8UC4 data type.
:param x:The floating-point array of x-coordinates of the vectors
:param y:he floating-point array of y-coordinates of the vectors; must have the same size as x
:param magnitude:The destination array; will have the same size and same type as x
The function magnitude calculates magnitude of 2D vectors formed from the corresponding elements of x and y arrays. Supports only CV_32F and CV_64F data type.
:param flipCode:Specifies how to flip the array: 0 means flipping around the x-axis, positive (e.g., 1) means flipping around y-axis, and negative (e.g., -1) means flipping around both axes.
The function flip flips the array in one of three different ways (row and column indices are 0-based). Supports all data types.
:param mean:The output parameter: computed mean value
:param stddev:The output parameter: computed standard deviation
The functions meanStdDev compute the mean and the standard deviation M of array elements, independently for each channel, and return it via the output parameters. Supports all data types except CV_32F,CV_64F
:param dst:The destination array or vector of arrays; The number of arrays must match src.channels(). The arrays themselves will be reallocated if needed
The functions split split multi-channel array into separate single-channel arrays. Supports all data types.
:param x:The source floating-point array of x-coordinates of 2D vectors
:param y:The source array of y-coordinates of 2D vectors; must have the same size and the same type as x
:param angle:The destination array of vector angles; it will have the same size and same type as x
:param angleInDegrees:When it is true, the function will compute angle in degrees, otherwise they will be measured in radians
The function phase computes the rotation angle of each 2D vector that is formed from the corresponding elements of x and y. Supports only CV_32FC1 and CV_64FC1 data type.
:param dft_size:Size of original input, which is used for transformation from complex to real.
:param flags:Optional flags:
***DFT_ROWS** transforms each individual row of the source matrix.
***DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT** performs a forward transformation of 1D or 2D real array. The result, though being a complex array, has complex-conjugate symmetry (*CCS*, see the function description below for details). Such an array can be packed into a real array of the same size as input, which is the fastest option and which is what the function does by default. However, you may wish to get a full complex array (for simpler spectrum analysis, and so on). Pass the flag to enable the function to produce a full-size complex output array.
***DFT_INVERSE** inverts DFT. Use for complex-complex cases (real-complex and complex-real cases are always forward and inverse, respectively).
***DFT_REAL_OUTPUT** specifies the output as real. The source matrix is the result of real-complex transform, so the destination matrix must be real.
Use to handle real matrices ( ``CV32FC1`` ) and complex matrices in the interleaved format ( ``CV32FC2`` ).
The dft_size must be powers of 2, 3 and 5. Real to complex dft output is not the same with cpu version. real to complex and complex to real does not support DFT_ROWS