or without path, a synthetic image is generated with pixel values are a gaussian distribution @ref cv::RNG::fill center(60+/-10,40+/-5,50+/-20) in first quadrant,
A slidebar is inserted in image window. Init slidebar value is 90, it means that only histogram cell greater than 9/100000.0 (23 pixels for an 512X512 pixels) will be display.
We are ready to open a viz window with a callback function to capture keyboard event in viz window. Using @ref cv::viz::Viz3d::spinOnce enable keyboard event to be capture in @ref cv::imshow window too.
The function DrawHistogram3D processes histogram Mat to display it in a Viz window. Number of plan, row and column in [three dimensional Mat](@ref CVMat_Details ) can be found using this code :
To get histogram value at a specific location we use @ref cv::Mat::at(int i0,int i1, int i2) method with three arguments k, i and j where k is plane number, i row number and j column number.