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#include "precomp.hpp"
static const float ord_nan = FLT_MAX*0.5f;
static const int min_block_size = 1 << 16;
static const int block_size_delta = 1 << 10;
#define CV_CMP_NUM_PTR(a,b) (*(a) < *(b))
static CV_IMPLEMENT_QSORT_EX( icvSortIntPtr, int*, CV_CMP_NUM_PTR, int )
#define CV_CMP_PAIRS(a,b) (*((a).i) < *((b).i))
static CV_IMPLEMENT_QSORT_EX( icvSortPairs, CvPair16u32s, CV_CMP_PAIRS, int )
void CvERTreeTrainData::set_data( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
const CvMat* _responses, const CvMat* _var_idx, const CvMat* _sample_idx,
const CvMat* _var_type, const CvMat* _missing_mask, const CvDTreeParams& _params,
bool _shared, bool _add_labels, bool _update_data )
CvMat* sample_indices = 0;
CvMat* var_type0 = 0;
CvMat* tmp_map = 0;
int** int_ptr = 0;
CvPair16u32s* pair16u32s_ptr = 0;
CvDTreeTrainData* data = 0;
float *_fdst = 0;
int *_idst = 0;
unsigned short* udst = 0;
int* idst = 0;
CV_FUNCNAME( "CvERTreeTrainData::set_data" );
int sample_all = 0, r_type, cv_n;
int total_c_count = 0;
int tree_block_size, temp_block_size, max_split_size, nv_size, cv_size = 0;
int ds_step, dv_step, ms_step = 0, mv_step = 0; // {data|mask}{sample|var}_step
int vi, i, size;
char err[100];
const int *sidx = 0, *vidx = 0;
if ( _params.use_surrogates )
CV_ERROR(CV_StsBadArg, "CvERTrees do not support surrogate splits");
if( _update_data && data_root )
CV_ERROR(CV_StsBadArg, "CvERTrees do not support data update");
var_all = 0;
rng = &cv::theRNG();
CV_CALL( set_params( _params ));
// check parameter types and sizes
CV_CALL( cvCheckTrainData( _train_data, _tflag, _missing_mask, &var_all, &sample_all ));
train_data = _train_data;
responses = _responses;
missing_mask = _missing_mask;
if( _tflag == CV_ROW_SAMPLE )
ds_step = _train_data->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(_train_data->type);
dv_step = 1;
if( _missing_mask )
ms_step = _missing_mask->step, mv_step = 1;
dv_step = _train_data->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(_train_data->type);
ds_step = 1;
if( _missing_mask )
mv_step = _missing_mask->step, ms_step = 1;
tflag = _tflag;
sample_count = sample_all;
var_count = var_all;
if( _sample_idx )
CV_CALL( sample_indices = cvPreprocessIndexArray( _sample_idx, sample_all ));
sidx = sample_indices->data.i;
sample_count = sample_indices->rows + sample_indices->cols - 1;
if( _var_idx )
CV_CALL( var_idx = cvPreprocessIndexArray( _var_idx, var_all ));
vidx = var_idx->data.i;
var_count = var_idx->rows + var_idx->cols - 1;
if( !CV_IS_MAT(_responses) ||
(CV_MAT_TYPE(_responses->type) != CV_32SC1 &&
CV_MAT_TYPE(_responses->type) != CV_32FC1) ||
(_responses->rows != 1 && _responses->cols != 1) ||
_responses->rows + _responses->cols - 1 != sample_all )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "The array of _responses must be an integer or "
"floating-point vector containing as many elements as "
"the total number of samples in the training data matrix" );
is_buf_16u = false;
if ( sample_count < 65536 )
is_buf_16u = true;
if( _var_type )
CV_CALL( var_type0 = cvPreprocessVarType( _var_type, var_idx, var_count, &r_type ));
CV_CALL( var_type = cvCreateMat( 1, var_count+2, CV_32SC1 ));
cat_var_count = 0;
ord_var_count = -1;
is_classifier = r_type == CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL;
// step 0. calc the number of categorical vars
for( vi = 0; vi < var_count; vi++ )
char vt = var_type0 ? var_type0->data.ptr[vi] : CV_VAR_ORDERED;
var_type->data.i[vi] = vt == CV_VAR_CATEGORICAL ? cat_var_count++ : ord_var_count--;
ord_var_count = ~ord_var_count;
cv_n = params.cv_folds;
// set the two last elements of var_type array to be able
// to locate responses and cross-validation labels using
// the corresponding get_* functions.
var_type->data.i[var_count] = cat_var_count;
var_type->data.i[var_count+1] = cat_var_count+1;
// in case of single ordered predictor we need dummy cv_labels
// for safe split_node_data() operation
have_labels = cv_n > 0 || (ord_var_count == 1 && cat_var_count == 0) || _add_labels;
work_var_count = cat_var_count + (is_classifier ? 1 : 0) + (have_labels ? 1 : 0);
buf_size = (work_var_count + 1)*sample_count;
shared = _shared;
buf_count = shared ? 2 : 1;
if ( is_buf_16u )
CV_CALL( buf = cvCreateMat( buf_count, buf_size, CV_16UC1 ));
CV_CALL( pair16u32s_ptr = (CvPair16u32s*)cvAlloc( sample_count*sizeof(pair16u32s_ptr[0]) ));
CV_CALL( buf = cvCreateMat( buf_count, buf_size, CV_32SC1 ));
CV_CALL( int_ptr = (int**)cvAlloc( sample_count*sizeof(int_ptr[0]) ));
size = is_classifier ? cat_var_count+1 : cat_var_count;
size = !size ? 1 : size;
CV_CALL( cat_count = cvCreateMat( 1, size, CV_32SC1 ));
CV_CALL( cat_ofs = cvCreateMat( 1, size, CV_32SC1 ));
size = is_classifier ? (cat_var_count + 1)*params.max_categories : cat_var_count*params.max_categories;
size = !size ? 1 : size;
CV_CALL( cat_map = cvCreateMat( 1, size, CV_32SC1 ));
// now calculate the maximum size of split,
// create memory storage that will keep nodes and splits of the decision tree
// allocate root node and the buffer for the whole training data
max_split_size = cvAlign(sizeof(CvDTreeSplit) +
(MAX(0,sample_count - 33)/32)*sizeof(int),sizeof(void*));
tree_block_size = MAX((int)sizeof(CvDTreeNode)*8, max_split_size);
tree_block_size = MAX(tree_block_size + block_size_delta, min_block_size);
CV_CALL( tree_storage = cvCreateMemStorage( tree_block_size ));
CV_CALL( node_heap = cvCreateSet( 0, sizeof(*node_heap), sizeof(CvDTreeNode), tree_storage ));
nv_size = var_count*sizeof(int);
nv_size = cvAlign(MAX( nv_size, (int)sizeof(CvSetElem) ), sizeof(void*));
temp_block_size = nv_size;
if( cv_n )
if( sample_count < cv_n*MAX(params.min_sample_count,10) )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsOutOfRange,
"The many folds in cross-validation for such a small dataset" );
cv_size = cvAlign( cv_n*(sizeof(int) + sizeof(double)*2), sizeof(double) );
temp_block_size = MAX(temp_block_size, cv_size);
temp_block_size = MAX( temp_block_size + block_size_delta, min_block_size );
CV_CALL( temp_storage = cvCreateMemStorage( temp_block_size ));
CV_CALL( nv_heap = cvCreateSet( 0, sizeof(*nv_heap), nv_size, temp_storage ));
if( cv_size )
CV_CALL( cv_heap = cvCreateSet( 0, sizeof(*cv_heap), cv_size, temp_storage ));
CV_CALL( data_root = new_node( 0, sample_count, 0, 0 ));
max_c_count = 1;
_fdst = 0;
_idst = 0;
if (ord_var_count)
_fdst = (float*)cvAlloc(sample_count*sizeof(_fdst[0]));
if (is_buf_16u && (cat_var_count || is_classifier))
_idst = (int*)cvAlloc(sample_count*sizeof(_idst[0]));
// transform the training data to convenient representation
for( vi = 0; vi <= var_count; vi++ )
int ci;
const uchar* mask = 0;
int m_step = 0, step;
const int* idata = 0;
const float* fdata = 0;
int num_valid = 0;
if( vi < var_count ) // analyze i-th input variable
int vi0 = vidx ? vidx[vi] : vi;
ci = get_var_type(vi);
step = ds_step; m_step = ms_step;
if( CV_MAT_TYPE(_train_data->type) == CV_32SC1 )
idata = _train_data->data.i + vi0*dv_step;
fdata = _train_data->data.fl + vi0*dv_step;
if( _missing_mask )
mask = _missing_mask->data.ptr + vi0*mv_step;
else // analyze _responses
ci = cat_var_count;
step = CV_IS_MAT_CONT(_responses->type) ?
1 : _responses->step / CV_ELEM_SIZE(_responses->type);
if( CV_MAT_TYPE(_responses->type) == CV_32SC1 )
idata = _responses->data.i;
fdata = _responses->data.fl;
if( (vi < var_count && ci>=0) ||
(vi == var_count && is_classifier) ) // process categorical variable or response
int c_count, prev_label;
int* c_map;
if (is_buf_16u)
udst = (unsigned short*)(buf->data.s + ci*sample_count);
idst = buf->data.i + ci*sample_count;
// copy data
for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
int val = INT_MAX, si = sidx ? sidx[i] : i;
if( !mask || !mask[si*m_step] )
if( idata )
val = idata[si*step];
float t = fdata[si*step];
val = cvRound(t);
if( val != t )
sprintf( err, "%d-th value of %d-th (categorical) "
"variable is not an integer", i, vi );
CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, err );
if( val == INT_MAX )
sprintf( err, "%d-th value of %d-th (categorical) "
"variable is too large", i, vi );
CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, err );
if (is_buf_16u)
_idst[i] = val;
pair16u32s_ptr[i].u = udst + i;
pair16u32s_ptr[i].i = _idst + i;
idst[i] = val;
int_ptr[i] = idst + i;
c_count = num_valid > 0;
if (is_buf_16u)
icvSortPairs( pair16u32s_ptr, sample_count, 0 );
// count the categories
for( i = 1; i < num_valid; i++ )
if (*pair16u32s_ptr[i].i != *pair16u32s_ptr[i-1].i)
c_count ++ ;
icvSortIntPtr( int_ptr, sample_count, 0 );
// count the categories
for( i = 1; i < num_valid; i++ )
c_count += *int_ptr[i] != *int_ptr[i-1];
if( vi > 0 )
max_c_count = MAX( max_c_count, c_count );
cat_count->data.i[ci] = c_count;
cat_ofs->data.i[ci] = total_c_count;
// resize cat_map, if need
if( cat_map->cols < total_c_count + c_count )
tmp_map = cat_map;
CV_CALL( cat_map = cvCreateMat( 1,
MAX(cat_map->cols*3/2,total_c_count+c_count), CV_32SC1 ));
for( i = 0; i < total_c_count; i++ )
cat_map->data.i[i] = tmp_map->data.i[i];
cvReleaseMat( &tmp_map );
c_map = cat_map->data.i + total_c_count;
total_c_count += c_count;
c_count = -1;
if (is_buf_16u)
// compact the class indices and build the map
prev_label = ~*pair16u32s_ptr[0].i;
for( i = 0; i < num_valid; i++ )
int cur_label = *pair16u32s_ptr[i].i;
if( cur_label != prev_label )
c_map[++c_count] = prev_label = cur_label;
*pair16u32s_ptr[i].u = (unsigned short)c_count;
// replace labels for missing values with 65535
for( ; i < sample_count; i++ )
*pair16u32s_ptr[i].u = 65535;
// compact the class indices and build the map
prev_label = ~*int_ptr[0];
for( i = 0; i < num_valid; i++ )
int cur_label = *int_ptr[i];
if( cur_label != prev_label )
c_map[++c_count] = prev_label = cur_label;
*int_ptr[i] = c_count;
// replace labels for missing values with -1
for( ; i < sample_count; i++ )
*int_ptr[i] = -1;
else if( ci < 0 ) // process ordered variable
for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
float val = ord_nan;
int si = sidx ? sidx[i] : i;
if( !mask || !mask[si*m_step] )
if( idata )
val = (float)idata[si*step];
val = fdata[si*step];
if( fabs(val) >= ord_nan )
sprintf( err, "%d-th value of %d-th (ordered) "
"variable (=%g) is too large", i, vi, val );
CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, err );
if( vi < var_count )
data_root->set_num_valid(vi, num_valid);
// set sample labels
if (is_buf_16u)
udst = (unsigned short*)(buf->data.s + get_work_var_count()*sample_count);
idst = buf->data.i + get_work_var_count()*sample_count;
for (i = 0; i < sample_count; i++)
if (udst)
udst[i] = sidx ? (unsigned short)sidx[i] : (unsigned short)i;
idst[i] = sidx ? sidx[i] : i;
if( cv_n )
unsigned short* udst = 0;
int* idst = 0;
if (is_buf_16u)
udst = (unsigned short*)(buf->data.s + (get_work_var_count()-1)*sample_count);
for( i = vi = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
udst[i] = (unsigned short)vi++;
vi &= vi < cv_n ? -1 : 0;
for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
int a = (*rng)(sample_count);
int b = (*rng)(sample_count);
unsigned short unsh = (unsigned short)vi;
CV_SWAP( udst[a], udst[b], unsh );
idst = buf->data.i + (get_work_var_count()-1)*sample_count;
for( i = vi = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
idst[i] = vi++;
vi &= vi < cv_n ? -1 : 0;
for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
int a = (*rng)(sample_count);
int b = (*rng)(sample_count);
CV_SWAP( idst[a], idst[b], vi );
if ( cat_map )
cat_map->cols = MAX( total_c_count, 1 );
max_split_size = cvAlign(sizeof(CvDTreeSplit) +
(MAX(0,max_c_count - 33)/32)*sizeof(int),sizeof(void*));
CV_CALL( split_heap = cvCreateSet( 0, sizeof(*split_heap), max_split_size, tree_storage ));
have_priors = is_classifier && params.priors;
if( is_classifier )
int m = get_num_classes();
double sum = 0;
CV_CALL( priors = cvCreateMat( 1, m, CV_64F ));
for( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
double val = have_priors ? params.priors[i] : 1.;
if( val <= 0 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsOutOfRange, "Every class weight should be positive" );
priors->data.db[i] = val;
sum += val;
// normalize weights
if( have_priors )
cvScale( priors, priors, 1./sum );
CV_CALL( priors_mult = cvCloneMat( priors ));
CV_CALL( counts = cvCreateMat( 1, m, CV_32SC1 ));
CV_CALL( direction = cvCreateMat( 1, sample_count, CV_8UC1 ));
CV_CALL( split_buf = cvCreateMat( 1, sample_count, CV_32SC1 ));
if( data )
delete data;
if (_fdst)
cvFree( &_fdst );
if (_idst)
cvFree( &_idst );
cvFree( &int_ptr );
cvReleaseMat( &var_type0 );
cvReleaseMat( &sample_indices );
cvReleaseMat( &tmp_map );
void CvERTreeTrainData::get_ord_var_data( CvDTreeNode* n, int vi, float* ord_values_buf, int* missing_buf,
const float** ord_values, const int** missing, int* sample_indices_buf )
int vidx = var_idx ? var_idx->data.i[vi] : vi;
int node_sample_count = n->sample_count;
// may use missing_buf as buffer for sample indices!
const int* sample_indices = get_sample_indices(n, sample_indices_buf ? sample_indices_buf : missing_buf);
int td_step = train_data->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(train_data->type);
int m_step = missing_mask ? missing_mask->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(missing_mask->type) : 1;
if( tflag == CV_ROW_SAMPLE )
for( int i = 0; i < node_sample_count; i++ )
int idx = sample_indices[i];
missing_buf[i] = missing_mask ? *(missing_mask->data.ptr + idx * m_step + vi) : 0;
ord_values_buf[i] = *(train_data->data.fl + idx * td_step + vidx);
for( int i = 0; i < node_sample_count; i++ )
int idx = sample_indices[i];
missing_buf[i] = missing_mask ? *(missing_mask->data.ptr + vi* m_step + idx) : 0;
ord_values_buf[i] = *(train_data->data.fl + vidx* td_step + idx);
*ord_values = ord_values_buf;
*missing = missing_buf;
const int* CvERTreeTrainData::get_sample_indices( CvDTreeNode* n, int* indices_buf )
return get_cat_var_data( n, var_count + (is_classifier ? 1 : 0) + (have_labels ? 1 : 0), indices_buf );
const int* CvERTreeTrainData::get_cv_labels( CvDTreeNode* n, int* labels_buf )
if (have_labels)
return get_cat_var_data( n, var_count + (is_classifier ? 1 : 0), labels_buf );
return 0;
const int* CvERTreeTrainData::get_cat_var_data( CvDTreeNode* n, int vi, int* cat_values_buf )
int ci = get_var_type( vi);
const int* cat_values = 0;
if( !is_buf_16u )
cat_values = buf->data.i + n->buf_idx*buf->cols + ci*sample_count + n->offset;
else {
const unsigned short* short_values = (const unsigned short*)(buf->data.s + n->buf_idx*buf->cols +
ci*sample_count + n->offset);
for( int i = 0; i < n->sample_count; i++ )
cat_values_buf[i] = short_values[i];
cat_values = cat_values_buf;
return cat_values;
void CvERTreeTrainData::get_vectors( const CvMat* _subsample_idx,
float* values, uchar* missing,
float* responses, bool get_class_idx )
CvMat* subsample_idx = 0;
CvMat* subsample_co = 0;
cv::AutoBuffer<uchar> inn_buf(sample_count*(sizeof(float) + sizeof(int)));
CV_FUNCNAME( "CvERTreeTrainData::get_vectors" );
int i, vi, total = sample_count, count = total, cur_ofs = 0;
int* sidx = 0;
int* co = 0;
if( _subsample_idx )
CV_CALL( subsample_idx = cvPreprocessIndexArray( _subsample_idx, sample_count ));
sidx = subsample_idx->data.i;
CV_CALL( subsample_co = cvCreateMat( 1, sample_count*2, CV_32SC1 ));
co = subsample_co->data.i;
cvZero( subsample_co );
count = subsample_idx->cols + subsample_idx->rows - 1;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
int count_i = co[i*2];
if( count_i )
co[i*2+1] = cur_ofs*var_count;
cur_ofs += count_i;
if( missing )
memset( missing, 1, count*var_count );
for( vi = 0; vi < var_count; vi++ )
int ci = get_var_type(vi);
if( ci >= 0 ) // categorical
float* dst = values + vi;
uchar* m = missing ? missing + vi : 0;
int* lbls_buf = (int*)(uchar*)inn_buf;
const int* src = get_cat_var_data(data_root, vi, lbls_buf);
for( i = 0; i < count; i++, dst += var_count )
int idx = sidx ? sidx[i] : i;
int val = src[idx];
*dst = (float)val;
if( m )
*m = (!is_buf_16u && val < 0) || (is_buf_16u && (val == 65535));
m += var_count;
else // ordered
int* mis_buf = (int*)(uchar*)inn_buf;
const float *dst = 0;
const int* mis = 0;
get_ord_var_data(data_root, vi, values + vi, mis_buf, &dst, &mis, 0);
for (int si = 0; si < total; si++)
*(missing + vi + si) = mis[si] == 0 ? 0 : 1;
// copy responses
if( responses )
if( is_classifier )
int* lbls_buf = (int*)(uchar*)inn_buf;
const int* src = get_class_labels(data_root, lbls_buf);
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
int idx = sidx ? sidx[i] : i;
int val = get_class_idx ? src[idx] :
responses[i] = (float)val;
float* _values_buf = (float*)(uchar*)inn_buf;
int* sample_idx_buf = (int*)(_values_buf + sample_count);
const float* _values = get_ord_responses(data_root, _values_buf, sample_idx_buf);
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
int idx = sidx ? sidx[i] : i;
responses[i] = _values[idx];
cvReleaseMat( &subsample_idx );
cvReleaseMat( &subsample_co );
CvDTreeNode* CvERTreeTrainData::subsample_data( const CvMat* _subsample_idx )
CvDTreeNode* root = 0;
CV_FUNCNAME( "CvERTreeTrainData::subsample_data" );
if( !data_root )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "No training data has been set" );
if( !_subsample_idx )
// make a copy of the root node
CvDTreeNode temp;
int i;
root = new_node( 0, 1, 0, 0 );
temp = *root;
*root = *data_root;
root->num_valid = temp.num_valid;
if( root->num_valid )
for( i = 0; i < var_count; i++ )
root->num_valid[i] = data_root->num_valid[i];
root->cv_Tn = temp.cv_Tn;
root->cv_node_risk = temp.cv_node_risk;
root->cv_node_error = temp.cv_node_error;
CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "_subsample_idx must be null for extra-trees" );
return root;
double CvForestERTree::calc_node_dir( CvDTreeNode* node )
char* dir = (char*)data->direction->data.ptr;
int i, n = node->sample_count, vi = node->split->var_idx;
double L, R;
assert( !node->split->inversed );
if( data->get_var_type(vi) >= 0 ) // split on categorical var
cv::AutoBuffer<uchar> inn_buf(n*sizeof(int)*(!data->have_priors ? 1 : 2));
int* labels_buf = (int*)(uchar*)inn_buf;
const int* labels = data->get_cat_var_data( node, vi, labels_buf );
const int* subset = node->split->subset;
if( !data->have_priors )
int sum = 0, sum_abs = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
int idx = labels[i];
int d = ( ((idx >= 0)&&(!data->is_buf_16u)) || ((idx != 65535)&&(data->is_buf_16u)) ) ?
CV_DTREE_CAT_DIR(idx,subset) : 0;
sum += d; sum_abs += d & 1;
dir[i] = (char)d;
R = (sum_abs + sum) >> 1;
L = (sum_abs - sum) >> 1;
const double* priors = data->priors_mult->data.db;
double sum = 0, sum_abs = 0;
int *responses_buf = labels_buf + n;
const int* responses = data->get_class_labels(node, responses_buf);
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
int idx = labels[i];
double w = priors[responses[i]];
int d = idx >= 0 ? CV_DTREE_CAT_DIR(idx,subset) : 0;
sum += d*w; sum_abs += (d & 1)*w;
dir[i] = (char)d;
R = (sum_abs + sum) * 0.5;
L = (sum_abs - sum) * 0.5;
else // split on ordered var
float split_val = node->split->ord.c;
cv::AutoBuffer<uchar> inn_buf(n*(sizeof(int)*(!data->have_priors ? 1 : 2) + sizeof(float)));
float* val_buf = (float*)(uchar*)inn_buf;
int* missing_buf = (int*)(val_buf + n);
const float* val = 0;
const int* missing = 0;
data->get_ord_var_data( node, vi, val_buf, missing_buf, &val, &missing, 0 );
if( !data->have_priors )
L = R = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if ( missing[i] )
dir[i] = (char)0;
if ( val[i] < split_val)
dir[i] = (char)-1;
dir[i] = (char)1;
const double* priors = data->priors_mult->data.db;
int* responses_buf = missing_buf + n;
const int* responses = data->get_class_labels(node, responses_buf);
L = R = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
if ( missing[i] )
dir[i] = (char)0;
double w = priors[responses[i]];
if ( val[i] < split_val)
dir[i] = (char)-1;
L += w;
dir[i] = (char)1;
R += w;
node->maxlr = MAX( L, R );
return node->split->quality/(L + R);
CvDTreeSplit* CvForestERTree::find_split_ord_class( CvDTreeNode* node, int vi, float init_quality, CvDTreeSplit* _split,
uchar* _ext_buf )
const float epsilon = FLT_EPSILON*2;
const float split_delta = (1 + FLT_EPSILON) * FLT_EPSILON;
int n = node->sample_count, i;
int m = data->get_num_classes();
cv::AutoBuffer<uchar> inn_buf;
if( !_ext_buf )
inn_buf.allocate(n*(2*sizeof(int) + sizeof(float)));
uchar* ext_buf = _ext_buf ? _ext_buf : (uchar*)inn_buf;
float* values_buf = (float*)ext_buf;
int* missing_buf = (int*)(values_buf + n);
const float* values = 0;
const int* missing = 0;
data->get_ord_var_data( node, vi, values_buf, missing_buf, &values, &missing, 0 );
int* responses_buf = missing_buf + n;
const int* responses = data->get_class_labels( node, responses_buf );
double lbest_val = 0, rbest_val = 0, best_val = init_quality, split_val = 0;
const double* priors = data->have_priors ? data->priors_mult->data.db : 0;
bool is_find_split = false;
float pmin, pmax;
int smpi = 0;
while ( missing[smpi] && (smpi < n) )
assert(smpi < n);
pmin = values[smpi];
pmax = pmin;
for (; smpi < n; smpi++)
float ptemp = values[smpi];
int m = missing[smpi];
if (m) continue;
if ( ptemp < pmin)
pmin = ptemp;
if ( ptemp > pmax)
pmax = ptemp;
float fdiff = pmax-pmin;
if (fdiff > epsilon)
is_find_split = true;
cv::RNG* rng = data->rng;
split_val = pmin + rng->uniform(0.f, 1.f) * fdiff ;
if (split_val - pmin <= FLT_EPSILON)
split_val = pmin + split_delta;
if (pmax - split_val <= FLT_EPSILON)
split_val = pmax - split_delta;
// calculate Gini index
if ( !priors )
cv::AutoBuffer<int> lrc(m*2);
int *lc = lrc, *rc = lc + m;
int L = 0, R = 0;
// init arrays of class instance counters on both sides of the split
for( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
lc[i] = 0;
rc[i] = 0;
for( int si = 0; si < n; si++ )
int r = responses[si];
float val = values[si];
int m = missing[si];
if (m) continue;
if ( val < split_val )
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
lbest_val += lc[i]*lc[i];
rbest_val += rc[i]*rc[i];
best_val = (lbest_val*R + rbest_val*L) / ((double)(L*R));
cv::AutoBuffer<double> lrc(m*2);
double *lc = lrc, *rc = lc + m;
double L = 0, R = 0;
// init arrays of class instance counters on both sides of the split
for( i = 0; i < m; i++ )
lc[i] = 0;
rc[i] = 0;
for( int si = 0; si < n; si++ )
int r = responses[si];
float val = values[si];
int m = missing[si];
double p = priors[si];
if (m) continue;
if ( val < split_val )
lc[r] += p;
L += p;
rc[r] += p;
R += p;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
lbest_val += lc[i]*lc[i];
rbest_val += rc[i]*rc[i];
best_val = (lbest_val*R + rbest_val*L) / (L*R);
CvDTreeSplit* split = 0;
if( is_find_split )
split = _split ? _split : data->new_split_ord( 0, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0.0f );
split->var_idx = vi;
split->ord.c = (float)split_val;
split->ord.split_point = -1;
split->inversed = 0;
split->quality = (float)best_val;
return split;
CvDTreeSplit* CvForestERTree::find_split_cat_class( CvDTreeNode* node, int vi, float init_quality, CvDTreeSplit* _split,
uchar* _ext_buf )
int ci = data->get_var_type(vi);
int n = node->sample_count;
int cm = data->get_num_classes();
int vm = data->cat_count->data.i[ci];
double best_val = init_quality;
CvDTreeSplit *split = 0;
if ( vm > 1 )
cv::AutoBuffer<int> inn_buf;
if( !_ext_buf )
int* ext_buf = _ext_buf ? (int*)_ext_buf : (int*)inn_buf;
const int* labels = data->get_cat_var_data( node, vi, ext_buf );
const int* responses = data->get_class_labels( node, ext_buf + n );
const double* priors = data->have_priors ? data->priors_mult->data.db : 0;
// create random class mask
cv::AutoBuffer<int> valid_cidx(vm);
for (int i = 0; i < vm; i++)
valid_cidx[i] = -1;
for (int si = 0; si < n; si++)
int c = labels[si];
if ( ((c == 65535) && data->is_buf_16u) || ((c<0) && (!data->is_buf_16u)) )
int valid_ccount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vm; i++)
if (valid_cidx[i] >= 0)
valid_cidx[i] = valid_ccount;
if (valid_ccount > 1)
CvRNG* rng = forest->get_rng();
int l_cval_count = 1 + cvRandInt(rng) % (valid_ccount-1);
CvMat* var_class_mask = cvCreateMat( 1, valid_ccount, CV_8UC1 );
CvMat submask;
memset(var_class_mask->data.ptr, 0, valid_ccount*CV_ELEM_SIZE(var_class_mask->type));
cvGetCols( var_class_mask, &submask, 0, l_cval_count );
cvSet( &submask, cvScalar(1) );
for (int i = 0; i < valid_ccount; i++)
uchar temp;
int i1 = cvRandInt( rng ) % valid_ccount;
int i2 = cvRandInt( rng ) % valid_ccount;
CV_SWAP( var_class_mask->data.ptr[i1], var_class_mask->data.ptr[i2], temp );
split = _split ? _split : data->new_split_cat( 0, -1.0f );
split->var_idx = vi;
memset( split->subset, 0, (data->max_c_count + 31)/32 * sizeof(int));
// calculate Gini index
double lbest_val = 0, rbest_val = 0;
if( !priors )
cv::AutoBuffer<int> lrc(cm*2);
int *lc = lrc, *rc = lc + cm;
int L = 0, R = 0;
// init arrays of class instance counters on both sides of the split
for(int i = 0; i < cm; i++ )
lc[i] = 0;
rc[i] = 0;
for( int si = 0; si < n; si++ )
int r = responses[si];
int var_class_idx = labels[si];
if ( ((var_class_idx == 65535) && data->is_buf_16u) || ((var_class_idx<0) && (!data->is_buf_16u)) )
int mask_class_idx = valid_cidx[var_class_idx];
if (var_class_mask->data.ptr[mask_class_idx])
split->subset[var_class_idx >> 5] |= 1 << (var_class_idx & 31);
for (int i = 0; i < cm; i++)
lbest_val += lc[i]*lc[i];
rbest_val += rc[i]*rc[i];
best_val = (lbest_val*R + rbest_val*L) / ((double)(L*R));
cv::AutoBuffer<int> lrc(cm*2);
int *lc = lrc, *rc = lc + cm;
double L = 0, R = 0;
// init arrays of class instance counters on both sides of the split
for(int i = 0; i < cm; i++ )
lc[i] = 0;
rc[i] = 0;
for( int si = 0; si < n; si++ )
int r = responses[si];
int var_class_idx = labels[si];
if ( ((var_class_idx == 65535) && data->is_buf_16u) || ((var_class_idx<0) && (!data->is_buf_16u)) )
double p = priors[si];
int mask_class_idx = valid_cidx[var_class_idx];
if (var_class_mask->data.ptr[mask_class_idx])
split->subset[var_class_idx >> 5] |= 1 << (var_class_idx & 31);
for (int i = 0; i < cm; i++)
lbest_val += lc[i]*lc[i];
rbest_val += rc[i]*rc[i];
best_val = (lbest_val*R + rbest_val*L) / (L*R);
split->quality = (float)best_val;
return split;
CvDTreeSplit* CvForestERTree::find_split_ord_reg( CvDTreeNode* node, int vi, float init_quality, CvDTreeSplit* _split,
uchar* _ext_buf )
const float epsilon = FLT_EPSILON*2;
const float split_delta = (1 + FLT_EPSILON) * FLT_EPSILON;
int n = node->sample_count;
cv::AutoBuffer<uchar> inn_buf;
if( !_ext_buf )
inn_buf.allocate(n*(2*sizeof(int) + 2*sizeof(float)));
uchar* ext_buf = _ext_buf ? _ext_buf : (uchar*)inn_buf;
float* values_buf = (float*)ext_buf;
int* missing_buf = (int*)(values_buf + n);
const float* values = 0;
const int* missing = 0;
data->get_ord_var_data( node, vi, values_buf, missing_buf, &values, &missing, 0 );
float* responses_buf = (float*)(missing_buf + n);
int* sample_indices_buf = (int*)(responses_buf + n);
const float* responses = data->get_ord_responses( node, responses_buf, sample_indices_buf );
double best_val = init_quality, split_val = 0, lsum = 0, rsum = 0;
int L = 0, R = 0;
bool is_find_split = false;
float pmin, pmax;
int smpi = 0;
while ( missing[smpi] && (smpi < n) )
assert(smpi < n);
pmin = values[smpi];
pmax = pmin;
for (; smpi < n; smpi++)
float ptemp = values[smpi];
int m = missing[smpi];
if (m) continue;
if ( ptemp < pmin)
pmin = ptemp;
if ( ptemp > pmax)
pmax = ptemp;
float fdiff = pmax-pmin;
if (fdiff > epsilon)
is_find_split = true;
cv::RNG* rng = data->rng;
split_val = pmin + rng->uniform(0.f, 1.f) * fdiff ;
if (split_val - pmin <= FLT_EPSILON)
split_val = pmin + split_delta;
if (pmax - split_val <= FLT_EPSILON)
split_val = pmax - split_delta;
for (int si = 0; si < n; si++)
float r = responses[si];
float val = values[si];
int m = missing[si];
if (m) continue;
if (val < split_val)
lsum += r;
rsum += r;
best_val = (lsum*lsum*R + rsum*rsum*L)/((double)L*R);
CvDTreeSplit* split = 0;
if( is_find_split )
split = _split ? _split : data->new_split_ord( 0, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0.0f );
split->var_idx = vi;
split->ord.c = (float)split_val;
split->ord.split_point = -1;
split->inversed = 0;
split->quality = (float)best_val;
return split;
CvDTreeSplit* CvForestERTree::find_split_cat_reg( CvDTreeNode* node, int vi, float init_quality, CvDTreeSplit* _split,
uchar* _ext_buf )
int ci = data->get_var_type(vi);
int n = node->sample_count;
int vm = data->cat_count->data.i[ci];
double best_val = init_quality;
CvDTreeSplit *split = 0;
float lsum = 0, rsum = 0;
if ( vm > 1 )
int base_size = vm*sizeof(int);
cv::AutoBuffer<uchar> inn_buf(base_size);
if( !_ext_buf )
inn_buf.allocate(base_size + n*(2*sizeof(int) + sizeof(float)));
uchar* base_buf = (uchar*)inn_buf;
uchar* ext_buf = _ext_buf ? _ext_buf : base_buf + base_size;
int* labels_buf = (int*)ext_buf;
const int* labels = data->get_cat_var_data( node, vi, labels_buf );
float* responses_buf = (float*)(labels_buf + n);
int* sample_indices_buf = (int*)(responses_buf + n);
const float* responses = data->get_ord_responses( node, responses_buf, sample_indices_buf );
// create random class mask
int *valid_cidx = (int*)base_buf;
for (int i = 0; i < vm; i++)
valid_cidx[i] = -1;
for (int si = 0; si < n; si++)
int c = labels[si];
if ( ((c == 65535) && data->is_buf_16u) || ((c<0) && (!data->is_buf_16u)) )
int valid_ccount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vm; i++)
if (valid_cidx[i] >= 0)
valid_cidx[i] = valid_ccount;
if (valid_ccount > 1)
CvRNG* rng = forest->get_rng();
int l_cval_count = 1 + cvRandInt(rng) % (valid_ccount-1);
CvMat* var_class_mask = cvCreateMat( 1, valid_ccount, CV_8UC1 );
CvMat submask;
memset(var_class_mask->data.ptr, 0, valid_ccount*CV_ELEM_SIZE(var_class_mask->type));
cvGetCols( var_class_mask, &submask, 0, l_cval_count );
cvSet( &submask, cvScalar(1) );
for (int i = 0; i < valid_ccount; i++)
uchar temp;
int i1 = cvRandInt( rng ) % valid_ccount;
int i2 = cvRandInt( rng ) % valid_ccount;
CV_SWAP( var_class_mask->data.ptr[i1], var_class_mask->data.ptr[i2], temp );
split = _split ? _split : data->new_split_cat( 0, -1.0f);
split->var_idx = vi;
memset( split->subset, 0, (data->max_c_count + 31)/32 * sizeof(int));
int L = 0, R = 0;
for( int si = 0; si < n; si++ )
float r = responses[si];
int var_class_idx = labels[si];
if ( ((var_class_idx == 65535) && data->is_buf_16u) || ((var_class_idx<0) && (!data->is_buf_16u)) )
int mask_class_idx = valid_cidx[var_class_idx];
if (var_class_mask->data.ptr[mask_class_idx])
lsum += r;
split->subset[var_class_idx >> 5] |= 1 << (var_class_idx & 31);
rsum += r;
best_val = (lsum*lsum*R + rsum*rsum*L)/((double)L*R);
split->quality = (float)best_val;
return split;
void CvForestERTree::split_node_data( CvDTreeNode* node )
int vi, i, n = node->sample_count, nl, nr, scount = data->sample_count;
char* dir = (char*)data->direction->data.ptr;
CvDTreeNode *left = 0, *right = 0;
int new_buf_idx = data->get_child_buf_idx( node );
CvMat* buf = data->buf;
cv::AutoBuffer<int> temp_buf(n);
for( i = nl = nr = 0; i < n; i++ )
int d = dir[i];
nr += d;
nl += d^1;
bool split_input_data;
node->left = left = data->new_node( node, nl, new_buf_idx, node->offset );
node->right = right = data->new_node( node, nr, new_buf_idx, node->offset + nl );
split_input_data = node->depth + 1 < data->params.max_depth &&
(node->left->sample_count > data->params.min_sample_count ||
node->right->sample_count > data->params.min_sample_count);
cv::AutoBuffer<uchar> inn_buf(n*(sizeof(int)+sizeof(float)));
// split ordered vars
for( vi = 0; vi < data->var_count; vi++ )
int ci = data->get_var_type(vi);
if (ci >= 0) continue;
int n1 = node->get_num_valid(vi), nr1 = 0;
float* values_buf = (float*)(uchar*)inn_buf;
int* missing_buf = (int*)(values_buf + n);
const float* values = 0;
const int* missing = 0;
data->get_ord_var_data( node, vi, values_buf, missing_buf, &values, &missing, 0 );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
nr1 += (!missing[i] & dir[i]);
left->set_num_valid(vi, n1 - nr1);
right->set_num_valid(vi, nr1);
// split categorical vars, responses and cv_labels using new_idx relocation table
for( vi = 0; vi < data->get_work_var_count() + data->ord_var_count; vi++ )
int ci = data->get_var_type(vi);
if (ci < 0) continue;
int n1 = node->get_num_valid(vi), nr1 = 0;
const int* src_lbls = data->get_cat_var_data(node, vi, (int*)(uchar*)inn_buf);
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
temp_buf[i] = src_lbls[i];
if (data->is_buf_16u)
unsigned short *ldst = (unsigned short *)(buf->data.s + left->buf_idx*buf->cols +
ci*scount + left->offset);
unsigned short *rdst = (unsigned short *)(buf->data.s + right->buf_idx*buf->cols +
ci*scount + right->offset);
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
int d = dir[i];
int idx = temp_buf[i];
if (d)
*rdst = (unsigned short)idx;
nr1 += (idx != 65535);
*ldst = (unsigned short)idx;
if( vi < data->var_count )
left->set_num_valid(vi, n1 - nr1);
right->set_num_valid(vi, nr1);
int *ldst = buf->data.i + left->buf_idx*buf->cols +
ci*scount + left->offset;
int *rdst = buf->data.i + right->buf_idx*buf->cols +
ci*scount + right->offset;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
int d = dir[i];
int idx = temp_buf[i];
if (d)
*rdst = idx;
nr1 += (idx >= 0);
*ldst = idx;
if( vi < data->var_count )
left->set_num_valid(vi, n1 - nr1);
right->set_num_valid(vi, nr1);
// split sample indices
int *sample_idx_src_buf = (int*)(uchar*)inn_buf;
const int* sample_idx_src = 0;
if (split_input_data)
sample_idx_src = data->get_sample_indices(node, sample_idx_src_buf);
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
temp_buf[i] = sample_idx_src[i];
int pos = data->get_work_var_count();
if (data->is_buf_16u)
unsigned short* ldst = (unsigned short*)(buf->data.s + left->buf_idx*buf->cols +
pos*scount + left->offset);
unsigned short* rdst = (unsigned short*)(buf->data.s + right->buf_idx*buf->cols +
pos*scount + right->offset);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
int d = dir[i];
unsigned short idx = (unsigned short)temp_buf[i];
if (d)
*rdst = idx;
*ldst = idx;
int* ldst = buf->data.i + left->buf_idx*buf->cols +
pos*scount + left->offset;
int* rdst = buf->data.i + right->buf_idx*buf->cols +
pos*scount + right->offset;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
int d = dir[i];
int idx = temp_buf[i];
if (d)
*rdst = idx;
*ldst = idx;
// deallocate the parent node data that is not needed anymore
bool CvERTrees::train( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
const CvMat* _responses, const CvMat* _var_idx,
const CvMat* _sample_idx, const CvMat* _var_type,
const CvMat* _missing_mask, CvRTParams params )
bool result = false;
int var_count = 0;
CvDTreeParams tree_params( params.max_depth, params.min_sample_count,
params.regression_accuracy, params.use_surrogates, params.max_categories,
params.cv_folds, params.use_1se_rule, false, params.priors );
data = new CvERTreeTrainData();
CV_CALL(data->set_data( _train_data, _tflag, _responses, _var_idx,
_sample_idx, _var_type, _missing_mask, tree_params, true));
var_count = data->var_count;
if( params.nactive_vars > var_count )
params.nactive_vars = var_count;
else if( params.nactive_vars == 0 )
params.nactive_vars = (int)sqrt((double)var_count);
else if( params.nactive_vars < 0 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "<nactive_vars> must be non-negative" );
// Create mask of active variables at the tree nodes
CV_CALL(active_var_mask = cvCreateMat( 1, var_count, CV_8UC1 ));
if( params.calc_var_importance )
CV_CALL(var_importance = cvCreateMat( 1, var_count, CV_32FC1 ));
{ // initialize active variables mask
CvMat submask1, submask2;
CV_Assert( (active_var_mask->cols >= 1) && (params.nactive_vars > 0) && (params.nactive_vars <= active_var_mask->cols) );
cvGetCols( active_var_mask, &submask1, 0, params.nactive_vars );
cvSet( &submask1, cvScalar(1) );
if( params.nactive_vars < active_var_mask->cols )
cvGetCols( active_var_mask, &submask2, params.nactive_vars, var_count );
cvZero( &submask2 );
CV_CALL(result = grow_forest( params.term_crit ));
result = true;
return result;
bool CvERTrees::train( CvMLData* data, CvRTParams params)
bool result = false;
CV_FUNCNAME( "CvERTrees::train" );
CV_CALL( result = CvRTrees::train( data, params) );
return result;
bool CvERTrees::grow_forest( const CvTermCriteria term_crit )
bool result = false;
CvMat* sample_idx_for_tree = 0;
const int max_ntrees = term_crit.max_iter;
const double max_oob_err = term_crit.epsilon;
const int dims = data->var_count;
float maximal_response = 0;
CvMat* oob_sample_votes = 0;
CvMat* oob_responses = 0;
float* oob_samples_perm_ptr= 0;
float* samples_ptr = 0;
uchar* missing_ptr = 0;
float* true_resp_ptr = 0;
bool is_oob_or_vimportance = ((max_oob_err > 0) && (term_crit.type != CV_TERMCRIT_ITER)) || var_importance;
// oob_predictions_sum[i] = sum of predicted values for the i-th sample
// oob_num_of_predictions[i] = number of summands
// (number of predictions for the i-th sample)
// initialize these variable to avoid warning C4701
CvMat oob_predictions_sum = cvMat( 1, 1, CV_32FC1 );
CvMat oob_num_of_predictions = cvMat( 1, 1, CV_32FC1 );
nsamples = data->sample_count;
nclasses = data->get_num_classes();
if ( is_oob_or_vimportance )
if( data->is_classifier )
CV_CALL(oob_sample_votes = cvCreateMat( nsamples, nclasses, CV_32SC1 ));
// oob_responses[0,i] = oob_predictions_sum[i]
// = sum of predicted values for the i-th sample
// oob_responses[1,i] = oob_num_of_predictions[i]
// = number of summands (number of predictions for the i-th sample)
CV_CALL(oob_responses = cvCreateMat( 2, nsamples, CV_32FC1 ));
cvGetRow( oob_responses, &oob_predictions_sum, 0 );
cvGetRow( oob_responses, &oob_num_of_predictions, 1 );
CV_CALL(oob_samples_perm_ptr = (float*)cvAlloc( sizeof(float)*nsamples*dims ));
CV_CALL(samples_ptr = (float*)cvAlloc( sizeof(float)*nsamples*dims ));
CV_CALL(missing_ptr = (uchar*)cvAlloc( sizeof(uchar)*nsamples*dims ));
CV_CALL(true_resp_ptr = (float*)cvAlloc( sizeof(float)*nsamples ));
CV_CALL(data->get_vectors( 0, samples_ptr, missing_ptr, true_resp_ptr ));
double minval, maxval;
CvMat responses = cvMat(1, nsamples, CV_32FC1, true_resp_ptr);
cvMinMaxLoc( &responses, &minval, &maxval );
maximal_response = (float)MAX( MAX( fabs(minval), fabs(maxval) ), 0 );
trees = (CvForestTree**)cvAlloc( sizeof(trees[0])*max_ntrees );
memset( trees, 0, sizeof(trees[0])*max_ntrees );
CV_CALL(sample_idx_for_tree = cvCreateMat( 1, nsamples, CV_32SC1 ));
for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++)
sample_idx_for_tree->data.i[i] = i;
ntrees = 0;
while( ntrees < max_ntrees )
int i, oob_samples_count = 0;
double ncorrect_responses = 0; // used for estimation of variable importance
CvForestTree* tree = 0;
trees[ntrees] = new CvForestERTree();
tree = (CvForestERTree*)trees[ntrees];
CV_CALL(tree->train( data, 0, this ));
if ( is_oob_or_vimportance )
CvMat sample, missing;
// form array of OOB samples indices and get these samples
sample = cvMat( 1, dims, CV_32FC1, samples_ptr );
missing = cvMat( 1, dims, CV_8UC1, missing_ptr );
oob_error = 0;
for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++, += dims, += dims )
CvDTreeNode* predicted_node = 0;
// predict oob samples
if( !predicted_node )
CV_CALL(predicted_node = tree->predict(&sample, &missing, true));
if( !data->is_classifier ) //regression
double avg_resp, resp = predicted_node->value;[i] += (float)resp;[i] += 1;
// compute oob error
avg_resp =[i]/[i];
avg_resp -= true_resp_ptr[i];
oob_error += avg_resp*avg_resp;
resp = (resp - true_resp_ptr[i])/maximal_response;
ncorrect_responses += exp( -resp*resp );
else //classification
double prdct_resp;
CvPoint max_loc;
CvMat votes;
cvGetRow(oob_sample_votes, &votes, i);[predicted_node->class_idx]++;
// compute oob error
cvMinMaxLoc( &votes, 0, 0, 0, &max_loc );
prdct_resp = data->cat_map->data.i[max_loc.x];
oob_error += (fabs(prdct_resp - true_resp_ptr[i]) < FLT_EPSILON) ? 0 : 1;
ncorrect_responses += cvRound(predicted_node->value - true_resp_ptr[i]) == 0;
if( oob_samples_count > 0 )
oob_error /= (double)oob_samples_count;
// estimate variable importance
if( var_importance && oob_samples_count > 0 )
int m;
memcpy( oob_samples_perm_ptr, samples_ptr, dims*nsamples*sizeof(float));
for( m = 0; m < dims; m++ )
double ncorrect_responses_permuted = 0;
// randomly permute values of the m-th variable in the oob samples
float* mth_var_ptr = oob_samples_perm_ptr + m;
for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ )
int i1, i2;
float temp;
i1 = (*rng)(nsamples);
i2 = (*rng)(nsamples);
CV_SWAP( mth_var_ptr[i1*dims], mth_var_ptr[i2*dims], temp );
// turn values of (m-1)-th variable, that were permuted
// at the previous iteration, untouched
if( m > 1 )
oob_samples_perm_ptr[i*dims+m-1] = samples_ptr[i*dims+m-1];
// predict "permuted" cases and calculate the number of votes for the
// correct class in the variable-m-permuted oob data
sample = cvMat( 1, dims, CV_32FC1, oob_samples_perm_ptr );
missing = cvMat( 1, dims, CV_8UC1, missing_ptr );
for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++, += dims, += dims )
double predct_resp, true_resp;
predct_resp = tree->predict(&sample, &missing, true)->value;
true_resp = true_resp_ptr[i];
if( data->is_classifier )
ncorrect_responses_permuted += cvRound(true_resp - predct_resp) == 0;
true_resp = (true_resp - predct_resp)/maximal_response;
ncorrect_responses_permuted += exp( -true_resp*true_resp );
var_importance->data.fl[m] += (float)(ncorrect_responses
- ncorrect_responses_permuted);
if( term_crit.type != CV_TERMCRIT_ITER && oob_error < max_oob_err )
if( var_importance )
for ( int vi = 0; vi < var_importance->cols; vi++ )
var_importance->data.fl[vi] = ( var_importance->data.fl[vi] > 0 ) ?
var_importance->data.fl[vi] : 0;
cvNormalize( var_importance, var_importance, 1., 0, CV_L1 );
result = true;
cvFree( &oob_samples_perm_ptr );
cvFree( &samples_ptr );
cvFree( &missing_ptr );
cvFree( &true_resp_ptr );
cvReleaseMat( &sample_idx_for_tree );
cvReleaseMat( &oob_sample_votes );
cvReleaseMat( &oob_responses );
return result;
using namespace cv;
bool CvERTrees::train( const Mat& _train_data, int _tflag,
const Mat& _responses, const Mat& _var_idx,
const Mat& _sample_idx, const Mat& _var_type,
const Mat& _missing_mask, CvRTParams params )
CvMat tdata = _train_data, responses = _responses, vidx = _var_idx,
sidx = _sample_idx, vtype = _var_type, mmask = _missing_mask;
return train(&tdata, _tflag, &responses, ? &vidx : 0, ? &sidx : 0, ? &vtype : 0, ? &mmask : 0, params);
// End of file.