from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import os
import codecs
from pprint import pprint
import bs4
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Error: '
'Install BeautifulSoup (bs4) for adding'
' Python & Java signatures documentation')
def is_not_module_link(tmp_link):
""" Checks if a link belongs to a c++ method """
if tmp_link is None:
return True
if "group" not in tmp_link:
return True
if "#" in tmp_link:
return True
return False
def get_links_list(tmp_soup, filter_links):
""" Get a list of links from a soup """
tmp_href_list = []
for tmp_link in tmp_soup.findAll('a'):
tmp_href = tmp_link.get('href')
if filter_links:
if is_not_module_link(tmp_href):
return tmp_href_list
def load_html_file(file_dir):
""" Uses BeautifulSoup to load an html """
with open(file_dir) as fp:
tmp_soup = BeautifulSoup(fp, 'html.parser')
return tmp_soup
def add_item(tmp_soup, new_row, is_parameter, text):
""" Adds a new html tag for the table with the signature """
new_item = tmp_soup.new_tag('td')
if is_parameter:
new_item = tmp_soup.new_tag('td', **{'class': 'paramname'})
return new_row
def get_text_between_substrings(sig, begin_char, end_char):
return sig.partition(begin_char)[-1].rpartition(end_char)[0]
def add_signature_to_table(tmp_soup, new_row, signature, function_name, language, ident):
""" Add a signature to an html table"""
if ident:
new_item = tmp_soup.new_tag('td', style="padding-left: 0.5cm;")
new_item = tmp_soup.new_tag('td')
if str(signature.get('ret', None)) != "None":
new_item.append(signature.get('ret') + ' =')
if "Python" in language:
pass # function_name = "cv2." + function_name
elif "Java" in language:
# get word before function_name (= output)
str_before_bracket = signature.split('(', 1)[0]
list_of_words = str_before_bracket.split()
output = list_of_words[len(list_of_words) - 2]
new_item.append(output + " ")
new_row = add_item(tmp_soup, new_row, False, signature.get('name', function_name) + '(')
new_row = add_item(tmp_soup, new_row, True, signature['arg'])
new_row = add_item(tmp_soup, new_row, False, ')')
return new_row
def new_line(tmp_soup, tmp_table, new_row):
""" Adds a new line to the html table """
new_row = tmp_soup.new_tag('tr')
return new_row
def add_bolded(tmp_soup, new_row, text):
""" Adds bolded text to the table """
new_item = tmp_soup.new_tag('th', style="text-align:left")
return new_row
def create_description(tmp_soup, language, signatures, function_name):
""" Insert the new Python / Java table after the current html c++ table """
assert signatures
tmp_table = tmp_soup.new_tag('table')
new_row = tmp_soup.new_tag('tr')
new_row = add_bolded(tmp_soup, new_row, language)
ident = False
new_row = new_line(tmp_soup, tmp_table, new_row)
ident = True
for s in signatures:
new_row = new_line(tmp_soup, tmp_table, new_row)
new_row = add_signature_to_table(tmp_soup, new_row, s, function_name, language, ident)
new_row = new_line(tmp_soup, tmp_table, new_row)
return tmp_table
def add_signatures(tmp_soup, tmp_dir, module_name, config):
""" Add signatures to the current soup and rewrite the html file"""
sign_counter = 0
python_sign_counter = 0
java_sign_counter = 0
if config.ADD_JAVA:
functions_file = "java_doc_txts/" + module_name + "/functions.txt"
if os.path.exists(functions_file):
with open(functions_file, 'r') as f:
java_signatures = f.read().split("\n")
config.ADD_JAVA = False # This C++ module (module_name) may not exist in Java
# the HTML tag & class being used to find functions
for function in tmp_soup.findAll("h2", {"class": "memtitle"}):
function_name = None
for c in function.contents:
if isinstance(c, bs4.element.NavigableString):
fn = str(c).encode("ascii","ignore").decode().strip()
if not fn.endswith('()'): # all functions have () in it's name
# enums, structures, etc
function_name = fn[:-2]
if not function_name:
sign_counter += 1
cpp_table = function.findNext('table')
if config.ADD_PYTHON:
signatures = config.python_signatures.get("cv::" + str(function_name), None)
if signatures:
description = create_description(tmp_soup, "Python:", signatures, function_name)
description['class'] = 'python_language'
old = cpp_table.next_sibling
if old.name != 'table':
old = None
elif not 'python_language' in old.get('class', []):
old = None
if old is None:
python_sign_counter += 1
if config.ADD_JAVA:
for signature in java_signatures:
if function_name in signature:
create_description(cpp_table, tmp_soup, "Java:", signature, function_name)
java_sign_counter += 1
tmp_str = str(tmp_soup)
if os.name == 'nt': # if Windows
with open(tmp_dir, "wb") as tmp_file:
with open(tmp_dir, "w") as tmp_file:
logging.debug("Added [" + str(python_sign_counter) + \
"/" + str(sign_counter) + "] Python signatures")
logging.debug("Added [" + str(java_sign_counter) + \
"/" + str(sign_counter) + "] Java signatures")