Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation
#include <opencv2/gapi.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/garg.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gopaque.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/render/render_types.hpp> // Prim
#define ID(T, E) T
#define ID_(T, E) ID(T, E),
#define WRAP_ARGS(T, E, G) \
G(T, E)
#define SWITCH(type, LIST_G, HC) \
switch(type) { \
default: \
GAPI_Error("Unsupported type"); \
using cv::gapi::wip::draw::Prim;
#define GARRAY_TYPE_LIST_G(G, G2) \
WRAP_ARGS(bool , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_BOOL, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(int , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_INT, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(int64_t , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_INT64, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(double , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_DOUBLE, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(float , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_FLOAT, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(std::string , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_STRING, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Point , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_POINT, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Point2f , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_POINT2F, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Point3f , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_POINT3F, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Size , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_SIZE, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Rect , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_RECT, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Scalar , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_SCALAR, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Mat , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_MAT, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(Prim , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_DRAW_PRIM, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::GArg , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_ANY, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::GMat , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_GMAT, G2) \
#define GOPAQUE_TYPE_LIST_G(G, G2) \
WRAP_ARGS(bool , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_BOOL, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(int , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_INT, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(int64_t , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_INT64, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(double , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_DOUBLE, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(float , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_FLOAT, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(std::string , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_STRING, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Point , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_POINT, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Point2f , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_POINT2F, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Point3f , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_POINT3F, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Size , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_SIZE, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::GArg , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_ANY, G) \
WRAP_ARGS(cv::Rect , cv::gapi::ArgType::CV_RECT, G2) \
namespace cv {
namespace gapi {
// NB: cv.gapi.CV_BOOL in python
enum ArgType {
GAPI_EXPORTS_W inline cv::GInferOutputs infer(const String& name, const cv::GInferInputs& inputs)
return infer<Generic>(name, inputs);
GAPI_EXPORTS_W inline GInferOutputs infer(const std::string& name,
const cv::GOpaque<cv::Rect>& roi,
const GInferInputs& inputs)
return infer<Generic>(name, roi, inputs);
GAPI_EXPORTS_W inline GInferListOutputs infer(const std::string& name,
const cv::GArray<cv::Rect>& rois,
const GInferInputs& inputs)
return infer<Generic>(name, rois, inputs);
GAPI_EXPORTS_W inline GInferListOutputs infer2(const std::string& name,
const cv::GMat in,
const GInferListInputs& inputs)
return infer2<Generic>(name, in, inputs);
} // namespace gapi
namespace detail {
template <template <typename> class Wrapper, typename T>
struct WrapType { using type = Wrapper<T>; };
template <template <typename> class T, typename... Types>
using MakeVariantType = cv::util::variant<typename WrapType<T, Types>::type...>;
template<typename T> struct ArgTypeTraits;
template <> \
struct ArgTypeTraits<T> { \
static constexpr const cv::gapi::ArgType type = E; \
}; \
} // namespace detail
GOpaqueT() = default;
using Storage = cv::detail::MakeVariantType<cv::GOpaque, GOPAQUE_TYPE_LIST_G(ID_, ID)>;
template<typename T>
GOpaqueT(cv::GOpaque<T> arg) : m_type(cv::detail::ArgTypeTraits<T>::type), m_arg(arg) { };
GAPI_WRAP GOpaqueT(gapi::ArgType type) : m_type(type)
#define HC(T, K) case K: \
m_arg = cv::GOpaque<T>(); \
#undef HC
cv::detail::GOpaqueU strip() {
#define HC(T, K) case Storage:: index_of<cv::GOpaque<T>>(): \
return cv::util::get<cv::GOpaque<T>>(m_arg).strip(); \
#undef HC
GAPI_WRAP gapi::ArgType type() { return m_type; }
const Storage& arg() const { return m_arg; }
gapi::ArgType m_type;
Storage m_arg;
GArrayT() = default;
using Storage = cv::detail::MakeVariantType<cv::GArray, GARRAY_TYPE_LIST_G(ID_, ID)>;
template<typename T>
GArrayT(cv::GArray<T> arg) : m_type(cv::detail::ArgTypeTraits<T>::type), m_arg(arg) { };
GAPI_WRAP GArrayT(gapi::ArgType type) : m_type(type)
#define HC(T, K) case K: \
m_arg = cv::GArray<T>(); \
#undef HC
cv::detail::GArrayU strip() {
#define HC(T, K) case Storage:: index_of<cv::GArray<T>>(): \
return cv::util::get<cv::GArray<T>>(m_arg).strip(); \
#undef HC
GAPI_WRAP gapi::ArgType type() { return m_type; }
const Storage& arg() const { return m_arg; }
gapi::ArgType m_type;
Storage m_arg;
namespace gapi {
namespace wip {
GOutputs() = default;
GOutputs(const std::string& id, cv::GKernel::M outMeta, cv::GArgs &&ins);
GAPI_WRAP cv::GMat getGMat();
GAPI_WRAP cv::GScalar getGScalar();
GAPI_WRAP cv::GArrayT getGArray(cv::gapi::ArgType type);
GAPI_WRAP cv::GOpaqueT getGOpaque(cv::gapi::ArgType type);
class Priv;
std::shared_ptr<Priv> m_priv;
GOutputs op(const std::string& id, cv::GKernel::M outMeta, cv::GArgs&& args);
template <typename... T>
GOutputs op(const std::string& id, cv::GKernel::M outMeta, T&&... args)
return op(id, outMeta, cv::GArgs{cv::GArg(std::forward<T>(args))... });
} // namespace wip
} // namespace gapi
} // namespace cv
cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs cv::gapi::wip::op(const std::string& id,
cv::GKernel::M outMeta,
cv::GArgs&& args)
cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs outputs{id, outMeta, std::move(args)};
return outputs;
class cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::Priv
Priv(const std::string& id, cv::GKernel::M outMeta, cv::GArgs &&ins);
cv::GMat getGMat();
cv::GScalar getGScalar();
cv::GArrayT getGArray(cv::gapi::ArgType);
cv::GOpaqueT getGOpaque(cv::gapi::ArgType);
int output = 0;
std::unique_ptr<cv::GCall> m_call;
cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::Priv::Priv(const std::string& id, cv::GKernel::M outMeta, cv::GArgs &&args)
cv::GKinds kinds;
std::transform(args.begin(), args.end(), std::back_inserter(kinds),
[](const cv::GArg& arg) { return arg.opaque_kind; });
Merge pull request #23843 from TolyaTalamanov:at/fix-missing-opaque-kind-for-kernel G-API: Fix incorrect OpaqueKind for Kernel outputs #23843 ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist #### Overview The PR is going to fix several problems: 1. Major: `GKernel` doesn't hold `kind` for its outputs. Since `GModelBuilder` traverse graph from outputs to inputs once it reaches any output of the operation it will use its `kind` to create `Data` meta for all operation outputs. Since it essential for `python` to know `GTypeInfo` (which is `shape` and `kind`) it will be confused. Consider this operation: ``` @cv.gapi.op('custom.square_mean', in_types=[cv.GArray.Int], out_types=[cv.GOpaque.Float, cv.GArray.Int]) class GSquareMean: @staticmethod def outMeta(desc): return cv.empty_gopaque_desc(), cv.empty_array_desc() ``` Even though `GOpaque` is `Float`, corresponding metadata might have `Int` kind because it might be taken from `cv.GArray.Int` so it will be a problem if one of the outputs of these operation is graph output because python will cast it to the wrong type based on `Data` meta. 2. Minor: Some of the OpenVINO `IR`'s doesn't any layout information for input. It's usually true only for `IRv10` but since `OpenVINO 2.0` need this information to correctly configure resize we need to put default layout if there no such assigned in `ov::Model`. See details at - [ ] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [ ] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [ ] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake
2 years ago
m_call.reset(new cv::GCall{cv::GKernel{id, {}, outMeta, {}, std::move(kinds), {}, {}}});
cv::GMat cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::Priv::getGMat()
Merge pull request #23843 from TolyaTalamanov:at/fix-missing-opaque-kind-for-kernel G-API: Fix incorrect OpaqueKind for Kernel outputs #23843 ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist #### Overview The PR is going to fix several problems: 1. Major: `GKernel` doesn't hold `kind` for its outputs. Since `GModelBuilder` traverse graph from outputs to inputs once it reaches any output of the operation it will use its `kind` to create `Data` meta for all operation outputs. Since it essential for `python` to know `GTypeInfo` (which is `shape` and `kind`) it will be confused. Consider this operation: ``` @cv.gapi.op('custom.square_mean', in_types=[cv.GArray.Int], out_types=[cv.GOpaque.Float, cv.GArray.Int]) class GSquareMean: @staticmethod def outMeta(desc): return cv.empty_gopaque_desc(), cv.empty_array_desc() ``` Even though `GOpaque` is `Float`, corresponding metadata might have `Int` kind because it might be taken from `cv.GArray.Int` so it will be a problem if one of the outputs of these operation is graph output because python will cast it to the wrong type based on `Data` meta. 2. Minor: Some of the OpenVINO `IR`'s doesn't any layout information for input. It's usually true only for `IRv10` but since `OpenVINO 2.0` need this information to correctly configure resize we need to put default layout if there no such assigned in `ov::Model`. See details at - [ ] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [ ] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [ ] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake
2 years ago
// _empty_ constructor is passed here.
return m_call->yield(output++);
cv::GScalar cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::Priv::getGScalar()
Merge pull request #23843 from TolyaTalamanov:at/fix-missing-opaque-kind-for-kernel G-API: Fix incorrect OpaqueKind for Kernel outputs #23843 ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist #### Overview The PR is going to fix several problems: 1. Major: `GKernel` doesn't hold `kind` for its outputs. Since `GModelBuilder` traverse graph from outputs to inputs once it reaches any output of the operation it will use its `kind` to create `Data` meta for all operation outputs. Since it essential for `python` to know `GTypeInfo` (which is `shape` and `kind`) it will be confused. Consider this operation: ``` @cv.gapi.op('custom.square_mean', in_types=[cv.GArray.Int], out_types=[cv.GOpaque.Float, cv.GArray.Int]) class GSquareMean: @staticmethod def outMeta(desc): return cv.empty_gopaque_desc(), cv.empty_array_desc() ``` Even though `GOpaque` is `Float`, corresponding metadata might have `Int` kind because it might be taken from `cv.GArray.Int` so it will be a problem if one of the outputs of these operation is graph output because python will cast it to the wrong type based on `Data` meta. 2. Minor: Some of the OpenVINO `IR`'s doesn't any layout information for input. It's usually true only for `IRv10` but since `OpenVINO 2.0` need this information to correctly configure resize we need to put default layout if there no such assigned in `ov::Model`. See details at - [ ] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [ ] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [ ] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake
2 years ago
// _empty_ constructor is passed here.
return m_call->yieldScalar(output++);
cv::GArrayT cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::Priv::getGArray(cv::gapi::ArgType type)
Merge pull request #23843 from TolyaTalamanov:at/fix-missing-opaque-kind-for-kernel G-API: Fix incorrect OpaqueKind for Kernel outputs #23843 ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist #### Overview The PR is going to fix several problems: 1. Major: `GKernel` doesn't hold `kind` for its outputs. Since `GModelBuilder` traverse graph from outputs to inputs once it reaches any output of the operation it will use its `kind` to create `Data` meta for all operation outputs. Since it essential for `python` to know `GTypeInfo` (which is `shape` and `kind`) it will be confused. Consider this operation: ``` @cv.gapi.op('custom.square_mean', in_types=[cv.GArray.Int], out_types=[cv.GOpaque.Float, cv.GArray.Int]) class GSquareMean: @staticmethod def outMeta(desc): return cv.empty_gopaque_desc(), cv.empty_array_desc() ``` Even though `GOpaque` is `Float`, corresponding metadata might have `Int` kind because it might be taken from `cv.GArray.Int` so it will be a problem if one of the outputs of these operation is graph output because python will cast it to the wrong type based on `Data` meta. 2. Minor: Some of the OpenVINO `IR`'s doesn't any layout information for input. It's usually true only for `IRv10` but since `OpenVINO 2.0` need this information to correctly configure resize we need to put default layout if there no such assigned in `ov::Model`. See details at - [ ] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [ ] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [ ] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake
2 years ago
#define HC(T, K) \
case K: { \
const auto kind = cv::detail::GTypeTraits<cv::GArray<T>>::op_kind; \
m_call->kernel().outKinds.emplace_back(kind); \
m_call->kernel().outCtors.emplace_back(cv::detail::GObtainCtor<cv::GArray<T>>::get()); \
return cv::GArrayT(m_call->yieldArray<T>(output++)); \
#undef HC
cv::GOpaqueT cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::Priv::getGOpaque(cv::gapi::ArgType type)
Merge pull request #23843 from TolyaTalamanov:at/fix-missing-opaque-kind-for-kernel G-API: Fix incorrect OpaqueKind for Kernel outputs #23843 ### Pull Request Readiness Checklist #### Overview The PR is going to fix several problems: 1. Major: `GKernel` doesn't hold `kind` for its outputs. Since `GModelBuilder` traverse graph from outputs to inputs once it reaches any output of the operation it will use its `kind` to create `Data` meta for all operation outputs. Since it essential for `python` to know `GTypeInfo` (which is `shape` and `kind`) it will be confused. Consider this operation: ``` @cv.gapi.op('custom.square_mean', in_types=[cv.GArray.Int], out_types=[cv.GOpaque.Float, cv.GArray.Int]) class GSquareMean: @staticmethod def outMeta(desc): return cv.empty_gopaque_desc(), cv.empty_array_desc() ``` Even though `GOpaque` is `Float`, corresponding metadata might have `Int` kind because it might be taken from `cv.GArray.Int` so it will be a problem if one of the outputs of these operation is graph output because python will cast it to the wrong type based on `Data` meta. 2. Minor: Some of the OpenVINO `IR`'s doesn't any layout information for input. It's usually true only for `IRv10` but since `OpenVINO 2.0` need this information to correctly configure resize we need to put default layout if there no such assigned in `ov::Model`. See details at - [ ] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License. - [ ] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV - [ ] The PR is proposed to the proper branch - [ ] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work - [ ] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name. - [ ] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake
2 years ago
#define HC(T, K) \
case K: { \
const auto kind = cv::detail::GTypeTraits<cv::GOpaque<T>>::op_kind; \
m_call->kernel().outKinds.emplace_back(kind); \
m_call->kernel().outCtors.emplace_back(cv::detail::GObtainCtor<cv::GOpaque<T>>::get()); \
return cv::GOpaqueT(m_call->yieldOpaque<T>(output++)); \
#undef HC
cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::GOutputs(const std::string& id,
cv::GKernel::M outMeta,
cv::GArgs &&ins) :
m_priv(new cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::Priv(id, outMeta, std::move(ins)))
cv::GMat cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::getGMat()
return m_priv->getGMat();
cv::GScalar cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::getGScalar()
return m_priv->getGScalar();
cv::GArrayT cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::getGArray(cv::gapi::ArgType type)
return m_priv->getGArray(type);
cv::GOpaqueT cv::gapi::wip::GOutputs::getGOpaque(cv::gapi::ArgType type)
return m_priv->getGOpaque(type);