Open Source Computer Vision Library
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2610 lines
114 KiB

#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
#include "opencv2/ml/ml.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#undef min
#undef max
#include "sys/types.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
const string paramsFile = "params.xml";
const string vocabularyFile = "vocabulary.xml.gz";
const string bowImageDescriptorsDir = "/bowImageDescriptors";
const string svmsDir = "/svms";
const string plotsDir = "/plots";
void help()
printf("\nThis program shows how to read in, train on and produce test results for the PASCAL VOC (Visual Object Challenge) data. \n"
"It shows how to use detectors, descriptors and recognition methods \n"
"Usage: \n"
"./bagofwords_classification \n"
"--voc_path=<Path to Pascal VOC data (e.g. /home/my/VOCdevkit/VOC2010). \n"
" Note: VOC2007-VOC2010 are supported.> \n"
"--result_directory=<Path to result directory. Following folders will be created in [result directory]: \n"
" bowImageDescriptors - to store image descriptors, \n"
" svms - to store trained svms, \n"
" plots - to store files for plots creating. \n"
"[--feature_detector]=<Feature detector name (e.g. SURF, FAST...) - see createFeatureDetector() function in detectors.cpp \n"
" Currently 12/2010, this is FAST, STAR, SIFT, SURF, MSER, GFTT, HARRIS> \n"
"[--descriptor_extractor]=<Descriptor extractor name (e.g. SURF, SIFT) - see createDescriptorExtractor() function in descriptors.cpp \n"
" Currently 12/2010, this is SURF, OpponentSIFT, SIFT, OpponentSURF, BRIEF> \n"
"[--descriptor_matcher]=<Descriptor matcher name (e.g. BruteForce) - see createDescriptorMatcher() function in matchers.cpp \n"
" Currently 12/2010, this is BruteForce, BruteForce-L1, FlannBased, BruteForce-Hamming, BruteForce-HammingLUT> \n"
void makeDir( const string& dir )
#if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32
CreateDirectory( dir.c_str(), 0 );
mkdir( dir.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH );
void makeUsedDirs( const string& rootPath )
makeDir(rootPath + bowImageDescriptorsDir);
makeDir(rootPath + svmsDir);
makeDir(rootPath + plotsDir);
* Classes to work with PASCAL VOC dataset *
// TODO: refactor this part of the code
//used to specify the (sub-)dataset over which operations are performed
enum ObdDatasetType {CV_OBD_TRAIN, CV_OBD_TEST};
class ObdObject
string object_class;
Rect boundingBox;
//extended object data specific to VOC
class VocObjectData
bool difficult;
bool occluded;
bool truncated;
VocPose pose;
//enum VocDataset {CV_VOC2007, CV_VOC2008, CV_VOC2009, CV_VOC2010};
class ObdImage
ObdImage(string p_id, string p_path) : id(p_id), path(p_path) {}
string id;
string path;
//used by getDetectorGroundTruth to sort a two dimensional list of floats in descending order
class ObdScoreIndexSorter
float score;
int image_idx;
int obj_idx;
bool operator < (const ObdScoreIndexSorter& compare) const {return (score < compare.score);}
class VocData
VocData( const string& vocPath, bool useTestDataset )
{ initVoc( vocPath, useTestDataset ); }
/* functions for returning classification/object data for multiple images given an object class */
void getClassImages(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<char>& object_present);
void getClassObjects(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<vector<ObdObject> >& objects);
void getClassObjects(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<vector<ObdObject> >& objects, vector<vector<VocObjectData> >& object_data, vector<VocGT>& ground_truth);
/* functions for returning object data for a single image given an image id */
ObdImage getObjects(const string& id, vector<ObdObject>& objects);
ObdImage getObjects(const string& id, vector<ObdObject>& objects, vector<VocObjectData>& object_data);
ObdImage getObjects(const string& obj_class, const string& id, vector<ObdObject>& objects, vector<VocObjectData>& object_data, VocGT& ground_truth);
/* functions for returning the ground truth (present/absent) for groups of images */
void getClassifierGroundTruth(const string& obj_class, const vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<char>& ground_truth);
void getClassifierGroundTruth(const string& obj_class, const vector<string>& images, vector<char>& ground_truth);
int getDetectorGroundTruth(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<vector<Rect> >& bounding_boxes, const vector<vector<float> >& scores, vector<vector<char> >& ground_truth, vector<vector<char> >& detection_difficult, bool ignore_difficult = true);
/* functions for writing VOC-compatible results files */
void writeClassifierResultsFile(const string& out_dir, const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<float>& scores, const int competition = 1, const bool overwrite_ifexists = false);
/* functions for calculating metrics from a set of classification/detection results */
string getResultsFilename(const string& obj_class, const VocTask task, const ObdDatasetType dataset, const int competition = -1, const int number = -1);
void calcClassifierPrecRecall(const string& obj_class, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<float>& scores, vector<float>& precision, vector<float>& recall, float& ap, vector<size_t>& ranking);
void calcClassifierPrecRecall(const string& obj_class, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<float>& scores, vector<float>& precision, vector<float>& recall, float& ap);
void calcClassifierPrecRecall(const string& input_file, vector<float>& precision, vector<float>& recall, float& ap, bool outputRankingFile = false);
/* functions for calculating confusion matrices */
void calcClassifierConfMatRow(const string& obj_class, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<float>& scores, const VocConfCond cond, const float threshold, vector<string>& output_headers, vector<float>& output_values);
void calcDetectorConfMatRow(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<vector<float> >& scores, const vector<vector<Rect> >& bounding_boxes, const VocConfCond cond, const float threshold, vector<string>& output_headers, vector<float>& output_values, bool ignore_difficult = true);
/* functions for outputting gnuplot output files */
void savePrecRecallToGnuplot(const string& output_file, const vector<float>& precision, const vector<float>& recall, const float ap, const string title = string(), const VocPlotType plot_type = CV_VOC_PLOT_SCREEN);
/* functions for reading in result/ground truth files */
void readClassifierGroundTruth(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<char>& object_present);
void readClassifierResultsFile(const std:: string& input_file, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<float>& scores);
void readDetectorResultsFile(const string& input_file, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<vector<float> >& scores, vector<vector<Rect> >& bounding_boxes);
/* functions for getting dataset info */
const vector<string>& getObjectClasses();
string getResultsDirectory();
void initVoc( const string& vocPath, const bool useTestDataset );
void initVoc2007to2010( const string& vocPath, const bool useTestDataset);
void readClassifierGroundTruth(const string& filename, vector<string>& image_codes, vector<char>& object_present);
void readClassifierResultsFile(const string& input_file, vector<string>& image_codes, vector<float>& scores);
void readDetectorResultsFile(const string& input_file, vector<string>& image_codes, vector<vector<float> >& scores, vector<vector<Rect> >& bounding_boxes);
void extractVocObjects(const string filename, vector<ObdObject>& objects, vector<VocObjectData>& object_data);
string getImagePath(const string& input_str);
void getClassImages_impl(const string& obj_class, const string& dataset_str, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<char>& object_present);
void calcPrecRecall_impl(const vector<char>& ground_truth, const vector<float>& scores, vector<float>& precision, vector<float>& recall, float& ap, vector<size_t>& ranking, int recall_normalization = -1);
//test two bounding boxes to see if they meet the overlap criteria defined in the VOC documentation
float testBoundingBoxesForOverlap(const Rect detection, const Rect ground_truth);
//extract class and dataset name from a VOC-standard classification/detection results filename
void extractDataFromResultsFilename(const string& input_file, string& class_name, string& dataset_name);
//get classifier ground truth for a single image
bool getClassifierGroundTruthImage(const string& obj_class, const string& id);
//utility functions
void getSortOrder(const vector<float>& values, vector<size_t>& order, bool descending = true);
int stringToInteger(const string input_str);
void readFileToString(const string filename, string& file_contents);
string integerToString(const int input_int);
string checkFilenamePathsep(const string filename, bool add_trailing_slash = false);
void convertImageCodesToObdImages(const vector<string>& image_codes, vector<ObdImage>& images);
int extractXMLBlock(const string src, const string tag, const int searchpos, string& tag_contents);
//utility sorter
struct orderingSorter
bool operator ()(std::pair<size_t, vector<float>::const_iterator> const& a, std::pair<size_t, vector<float>::const_iterator> const& b)
return (*a.second) > (*b.second);
//data members
string m_vocPath;
string m_vocName;
//string m_resPath;
string m_annotation_path;
string m_image_path;
string m_imageset_path;
string m_class_imageset_path;
vector<string> m_classifier_gt_all_ids;
vector<char> m_classifier_gt_all_present;
string m_classifier_gt_class;
//data members
string m_train_set;
string m_test_set;
vector<string> m_object_classes;
float m_min_overlap;
bool m_sampled_ap;
//Return the classification ground truth data for all images of a given VOC object class
// - obj_class The VOC object class identifier string
// - dataset Specifies whether to extract images from the training or test set
// - images An array of ObdImage containing info of all images extracted from the ground truth file
// - object_present An array of bools specifying whether the object defined by 'obj_class' is present in each image or not
// This function is primarily useful for the classification task, where only
// whether a given object is present or not in an image is required, and not each object instance's
// position etc.
void VocData::getClassImages(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<char>& object_present)
string dataset_str;
//generate the filename of the classification ground-truth textfile for the object class
if (dataset == CV_OBD_TRAIN)
dataset_str = m_train_set;
} else {
dataset_str = m_test_set;
getClassImages_impl(obj_class, dataset_str, images, object_present);
void VocData::getClassImages_impl(const string& obj_class, const string& dataset_str, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<char>& object_present)
//generate the filename of the classification ground-truth textfile for the object class
string gtFilename = m_class_imageset_path;
//parse the ground truth file, storing in two separate vectors
//for the image code and the ground truth value
vector<string> image_codes;
readClassifierGroundTruth(gtFilename, image_codes, object_present);
//prepare output arrays
convertImageCodesToObdImages(image_codes, images);
//Return the object data for all images of a given VOC object class
// - obj_class The VOC object class identifier string
// - dataset Specifies whether to extract images from the training or test set
// - images An array of ObdImage containing info of all images in chosen dataset (tag, path etc.)
// - objects Contains the extended object info (bounding box etc.) for each object instance in each image
// - object_data Contains VOC-specific extended object info (marked difficult etc.)
// - ground_truth Specifies whether there are any difficult/non-difficult instances of the current
// object class within each image
// This function returns extended object information in addition to the absent/present
// classification data returned by getClassImages. The objects returned for each image in the 'objects'
// array are of all object classes present in the image, and not just the class defined by 'obj_class'.
// 'ground_truth' can be used to determine quickly whether an object instance of the given class is present
// in an image or not.
void VocData::getClassObjects(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<vector<ObdObject> >& objects)
vector<vector<VocObjectData> > object_data;
vector<VocGT> ground_truth;
void VocData::getClassObjects(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<vector<ObdObject> >& objects, vector<vector<VocObjectData> >& object_data, vector<VocGT>& ground_truth)
//generate the filename of the classification ground-truth textfile for the object class
string gtFilename = m_class_imageset_path;
if (dataset == CV_OBD_TRAIN)
} else {
//parse the ground truth file, storing in two separate vectors
//for the image code and the ground truth value
vector<string> image_codes;
vector<char> object_present;
readClassifierGroundTruth(gtFilename, image_codes, object_present);
//prepare output arrays
string annotationFilename;
vector<ObdObject> image_objects;
vector<VocObjectData> image_object_data;
VocGT image_gt;
//transfer to output arrays and read in object data for each image
for (size_t i = 0; i < image_codes.size(); ++i)
ObdImage image = getObjects(obj_class, image_codes[i], image_objects, image_object_data, image_gt);
//Return ground truth data for the objects present in an image with a given UID
// - id VOC Dataset unique identifier (string code in form YYYY_XXXXXX where YYYY is the year)
// - obj_class (*3) Specifies the object class to use to resolve 'ground_truth'
// - objects Contains the extended object info (bounding box etc.) for each object in the image
// - object_data (*2,3) Contains VOC-specific extended object info (marked difficult etc.)
// - ground_truth (*3) Specifies whether there are any difficult/non-difficult instances of the current
// object class within the image
// ObdImage containing path and other details of image file with given code
// There are three versions of this function
// * One returns a simple array of objects given an id [1]
// * One returns the same as (1) plus VOC specific object data [2]
// * One returns the same as (2) plus the ground_truth flag. This also requires an extra input obj_class [3]
ObdImage VocData::getObjects(const string& id, vector<ObdObject>& objects)
vector<VocObjectData> object_data;
ObdImage image = getObjects(id, objects, object_data);
return image;
ObdImage VocData::getObjects(const string& id, vector<ObdObject>& objects, vector<VocObjectData>& object_data)
//first generate the filename of the annotation file
string annotationFilename = m_annotation_path;
//extract objects contained in the current image from the xml
//generate image path from extracted string code
string path = getImagePath(id);
ObdImage image(id, path);
return image;
ObdImage VocData::getObjects(const string& obj_class, const string& id, vector<ObdObject>& objects, vector<VocObjectData>& object_data, VocGT& ground_truth)
//extract object data (except for ground truth flag)
ObdImage image = getObjects(id,objects,object_data);
//pregenerate a flag to indicate whether the current class is present or not in the image
ground_truth = CV_VOC_GT_NONE;
//iterate through all objects in current image
for (size_t j = 0; j < objects.size(); ++j)
if (objects[j].object_class == obj_class)
if (object_data[j].difficult == false)
//if at least one non-difficult example is present, this flag is always set to CV_VOC_GT_PRESENT
ground_truth = CV_VOC_GT_PRESENT;
} else {
//set if at least one object instance is present, but it is marked difficult
ground_truth = CV_VOC_GT_DIFFICULT;
return image;
//Return ground truth data for the presence/absence of a given object class in an arbitrary array of images
// - obj_class The VOC object class identifier string
// - images An array of ObdImage OR strings containing the images for which ground truth
// will be computed
// - ground_truth An output array indicating the presence/absence of obj_class within each image
void VocData::getClassifierGroundTruth(const string& obj_class, const vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<char>& ground_truth)
vector<ObdObject> objects;
vector<VocObjectData> object_data;
vector<char>::iterator gt_it = ground_truth.begin();
for (vector<ObdImage>::const_iterator it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it, ++gt_it)
//getObjects(obj_class, it->id, objects, object_data, voc_ground_truth);
(*gt_it) = (getClassifierGroundTruthImage(obj_class, it->id));
void VocData::getClassifierGroundTruth(const string& obj_class, const vector<string>& images, vector<char>& ground_truth)
vector<ObdObject> objects;
vector<VocObjectData> object_data;
vector<char>::iterator gt_it = ground_truth.begin();
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it, ++gt_it)
//getObjects(obj_class, (*it), objects, object_data, voc_ground_truth);
(*gt_it) = (getClassifierGroundTruthImage(obj_class, (*it)));
//Return ground truth data for the accuracy of detection results
// - obj_class The VOC object class identifier string
// - images An array of ObdImage containing the images for which ground truth
// will be computed
// - bounding_boxes A 2D input array containing the bounding box rects of the objects of
// obj_class which were detected in each image
// - ground_truth A 2D output array indicating whether each object detection was accurate
// or not
// - detection_difficult A 2D output array indicating whether the detection fired on an object
// marked as 'difficult'. This allows it to be ignored if necessary
// (the voc documentation specifies objects marked as difficult
// have no effects on the results and are effectively ignored)
// - (ignore_difficult) If set to true, objects marked as difficult will be ignored when returning
// the number of hits for p-r normalization (default = true)
// Returns the number of object hits in total in the gt to allow proper normalization
// of a p-r curve
// As stated in the VOC documentation, multiple detections of the same object in an image are
// considered FALSE detections e.g. 5 detections of a single object is counted as 1 correct
// detection and 4 false detections - it is the responsibility of the participant's system
// to filter multiple detections from its output
int VocData::getDetectorGroundTruth(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<vector<Rect> >& bounding_boxes, const vector<vector<float> >& scores, vector<vector<char> >& ground_truth, vector<vector<char> >& detection_difficult, bool ignore_difficult)
int recall_normalization = 0;
/* first create a list of indices referring to the elements of bounding_boxes and scores in
* descending order of scores */
vector<ObdScoreIndexSorter> sorted_ids;
/* first count how many objects to allow preallocation */
size_t obj_count = 0;
CV_Assert(images.size() == bounding_boxes.size());
CV_Assert(scores.size() == bounding_boxes.size());
for (size_t im_idx = 0; im_idx < scores.size(); ++im_idx)
CV_Assert(scores[im_idx].size() == bounding_boxes[im_idx].size());
obj_count += scores[im_idx].size();
/* preallocate id vector */
/* now copy across scores and indexes to preallocated vector */
int flat_pos = 0;
for (size_t im_idx = 0; im_idx < scores.size(); ++im_idx)
for (size_t ob_idx = 0; ob_idx < scores[im_idx].size(); ++ob_idx)
sorted_ids[flat_pos].score = scores[im_idx][ob_idx];
sorted_ids[flat_pos].image_idx = (int)im_idx;
sorted_ids[flat_pos].obj_idx = (int)ob_idx;
/* and sort the vector in descending order of score */
/* prepare ground truth + difficult vector (1st dimension) */
vector<vector<char> >(images.size()).swap(ground_truth);
vector<vector<char> >(images.size()).swap(detection_difficult);
vector<vector<char> > detected(images.size());
vector<vector<ObdObject> > img_objects(images.size());
vector<vector<VocObjectData> > img_object_data(images.size());
/* preload object ground truth bounding box data */
vector<vector<ObdObject> > img_objects_all(images.size());
vector<vector<VocObjectData> > img_object_data_all(images.size());
for (size_t image_idx = 0; image_idx < images.size(); ++image_idx)
/* prepopulate ground truth bounding boxes */
getObjects(images[image_idx].id, img_objects_all[image_idx], img_object_data_all[image_idx]);
/* meanwhile, also set length of target ground truth + difficult vector to same as number of object detections (2nd dimension) */
/* save only instances of the object class concerned */
for (size_t image_idx = 0; image_idx < images.size(); ++image_idx)
for (size_t obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < img_objects_all[image_idx].size(); ++obj_idx)
if (img_objects_all[image_idx][obj_idx].object_class == obj_class)
detected[image_idx].resize(img_objects[image_idx].size(), false);
/* calculate the total number of objects in the ground truth for the current dataset */
vector<ObdImage> gt_images;
vector<char> gt_object_present;
getClassImages(obj_class, dataset, gt_images, gt_object_present);
for (size_t image_idx = 0; image_idx < gt_images.size(); ++image_idx)
vector<ObdObject> gt_img_objects;
vector<VocObjectData> gt_img_object_data;
getObjects(gt_images[image_idx].id, gt_img_objects, gt_img_object_data);
for (size_t obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < gt_img_objects.size(); ++obj_idx)
if (gt_img_objects[obj_idx].object_class == obj_class)
if ((gt_img_object_data[obj_idx].difficult == false) || (ignore_difficult == false))
#ifdef PR_DEBUG
int printed_count = 0;
/* now iterate through detections in descending order of score, assigning to ground truth bounding boxes if possible */
for (size_t detect_idx = 0; detect_idx < sorted_ids.size(); ++detect_idx)
//read in indexes to make following code easier to read
int im_idx = sorted_ids[detect_idx].image_idx;
int ob_idx = sorted_ids[detect_idx].obj_idx;
//set ground truth for the current object to false by default
ground_truth[im_idx][ob_idx] = false;
detection_difficult[im_idx][ob_idx] = false;
float maxov = -1.0;
bool max_is_difficult = false;
int max_gt_obj_idx = -1;
//-- for each detected object iterate through objects present in the bounding box ground truth --
for (size_t gt_obj_idx = 0; gt_obj_idx < img_objects[im_idx].size(); ++gt_obj_idx)
if (detected[im_idx][gt_obj_idx] == false)
//check if the detected object and ground truth object overlap by a sufficient margin
float ov = testBoundingBoxesForOverlap(bounding_boxes[im_idx][ob_idx], img_objects[im_idx][gt_obj_idx].boundingBox);
if (ov != -1.0)
//if all conditions are met store the overlap score and index (as objects are assigned to the highest scoring match)
if (ov > maxov)
maxov = ov;
max_gt_obj_idx = (int)gt_obj_idx;
//store whether the maximum detection is marked as difficult or not
max_is_difficult = (img_object_data[im_idx][gt_obj_idx].difficult);
//-- if a match was found, set the ground truth of the current object to true --
if (maxov != -1.0)
CV_Assert(max_gt_obj_idx != -1);
ground_truth[im_idx][ob_idx] = true;
//store whether the maximum detection was marked as 'difficult' or not
detection_difficult[im_idx][ob_idx] = max_is_difficult;
//remove the ground truth object so it doesn't match with subsequent detected objects
//** this is the behaviour defined by the voc documentation **
detected[im_idx][max_gt_obj_idx] = true;
#ifdef PR_DEBUG
if (printed_count < 10)
cout << printed_count << ": id=" << images[im_idx].id << ", score=" << scores[im_idx][ob_idx] << " (" << ob_idx << ") [" << bounding_boxes[im_idx][ob_idx].x << "," <<
bounding_boxes[im_idx][ob_idx].y << "," << bounding_boxes[im_idx][ob_idx].width + bounding_boxes[im_idx][ob_idx].x <<
"," << bounding_boxes[im_idx][ob_idx].height + bounding_boxes[im_idx][ob_idx].y << "] detected=" << ground_truth[im_idx][ob_idx] <<
", difficult=" << detection_difficult[im_idx][ob_idx] << endl;
/* print ground truth */
for (int gt_obj_idx = 0; gt_obj_idx < img_objects[im_idx].size(); ++gt_obj_idx)
cout << " GT: [" << img_objects[im_idx][gt_obj_idx].boundingBox.x << "," <<
img_objects[im_idx][gt_obj_idx].boundingBox.y << "," << img_objects[im_idx][gt_obj_idx].boundingBox.width + img_objects[im_idx][gt_obj_idx].boundingBox.x <<
"," << img_objects[im_idx][gt_obj_idx].boundingBox.height + img_objects[im_idx][gt_obj_idx].boundingBox.y << "]";
if (gt_obj_idx == max_gt_obj_idx) cout << " <--- (" << maxov << " overlap)";
cout << endl;
return recall_normalization;
//Write VOC-compliant classifier results file
// - obj_class The VOC object class identifier string
// - dataset Specifies whether working with the training or test set
// - images An array of ObdImage containing the images for which data will be saved to the result file
// - scores A corresponding array of confidence scores given a query
// - (competition) If specified, defines which competition the results are for (see VOC documentation - default 1)
// The result file path and filename are determined automatically using m_results_directory as a base
void VocData::writeClassifierResultsFile( const string& out_dir, const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<float>& scores, const int competition, const bool overwrite_ifexists)
CV_Assert(images.size() == scores.size());
string output_file_base, output_file;
if (dataset == CV_OBD_TRAIN)
output_file_base = out_dir + "/comp" + integerToString(competition) + "_cls_" + m_train_set + "_" + obj_class;
} else {
output_file_base = out_dir + "/comp" + integerToString(competition) + "_cls_" + m_test_set + "_" + obj_class;
output_file = output_file_base + ".txt";
//check if file exists, and if so create a numbered new file instead
if (overwrite_ifexists == false)
struct stat stFileInfo;
if (stat(output_file.c_str(),&stFileInfo) == 0)
string output_file_new;
int filenum = 0;
output_file_new = output_file_base + "_" + integerToString(filenum);
output_file = output_file_new + ".txt";
} while (stat(output_file.c_str(),&stFileInfo) == 0);
//output data to file
std::ofstream result_file(output_file.c_str());
if (result_file.is_open())
for (size_t i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
result_file << images[i].id << " " << scores[i] << endl;
} else {
string err_msg = "could not open classifier results file '" + output_file + "' for writing. Before running for the first time, a 'results' subdirectory should be created within the VOC dataset base directory. e.g. if the VOC data is stored in /VOC/VOC2010 then the path /VOC/results must be created.";
//Utility function to construct a VOC-standard classification results filename
// - obj_class The VOC object class identifier string
// - task Specifies whether to generate a filename for the classification or detection task
// - dataset Specifies whether working with the training or test set
// - (competition) If specified, defines which competition the results are for (see VOC documentation
// default of -1 means this is set to 1 for the classification task and 3 for the detection task)
// - (number) If specified and above 0, defines which of a number of duplicate results file produced for a given set of
// of settings should be used (this number will be added as a postfix to the filename)
// This is primarily useful for returning the filename of a classification file previously computed using writeClassifierResultsFile
// for example when calling calcClassifierPrecRecall
string VocData::getResultsFilename(const string& obj_class, const VocTask task, const ObdDatasetType dataset, const int competition, const int number)
if ((competition < 1) && (competition != -1))
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg,"competition argument should be a positive non-zero number or -1 to accept the default");
if ((number < 1) && (number != -1))
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg,"number argument should be a positive non-zero number or -1 to accept the default");
string dset, task_type;
if (dataset == CV_OBD_TRAIN)
dset = m_train_set;
} else {
dset = m_test_set;
int comp = competition;
task_type = "cls";
if (comp == -1) comp = 1;
} else {
task_type = "det";
if (comp == -1) comp = 3;
stringstream ss;
if (number < 1)
ss << "comp" << comp << "_" << task_type << "_" << dset << "_" << obj_class << ".txt";
} else {
ss << "comp" << comp << "_" << task_type << "_" << dset << "_" << obj_class << "_" << number << ".txt";
string filename = ss.str();
return filename;
//Calculate metrics for classification results
// - ground_truth A vector of booleans determining whether the currently tested class is present in each input image
// - scores A vector containing the similarity score for each input image (higher is more similar)
// - precision A vector containing the precision calculated at each datapoint of a p-r curve generated from the result set
// - recall A vector containing the recall calculated at each datapoint of a p-r curve generated from the result set
// - ap The ap metric calculated from the result set
// - (ranking) A vector of the same length as 'ground_truth' and 'scores' containing the order of the indices in both of
// these arrays when sorting by the ranking score in descending order
// The result file path and filename are determined automatically using m_results_directory as a base
void VocData::calcClassifierPrecRecall(const string& obj_class, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<float>& scores, vector<float>& precision, vector<float>& recall, float& ap, vector<size_t>& ranking)
vector<char> res_ground_truth;
getClassifierGroundTruth(obj_class, images, res_ground_truth);
calcPrecRecall_impl(res_ground_truth, scores, precision, recall, ap, ranking);
void VocData::calcClassifierPrecRecall(const string& obj_class, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<float>& scores, vector<float>& precision, vector<float>& recall, float& ap)
vector<char> res_ground_truth;
getClassifierGroundTruth(obj_class, images, res_ground_truth);
vector<size_t> ranking;
calcPrecRecall_impl(res_ground_truth, scores, precision, recall, ap, ranking);
//< Overloaded version which accepts VOC classification result file input instead of array of scores/ground truth >
// - input_file The path to the VOC standard results file to use for calculating precision/recall
// If a full path is not specified, it is assumed this file is in the VOC standard results directory
// A VOC standard filename can be retrieved (as used by writeClassifierResultsFile) by calling getClassifierResultsFilename
void VocData::calcClassifierPrecRecall(const string& input_file, vector<float>& precision, vector<float>& recall, float& ap, bool outputRankingFile)
//read in classification results file
vector<string> res_image_codes;
vector<float> res_scores;
string input_file_std = checkFilenamePathsep(input_file);
readClassifierResultsFile(input_file_std, res_image_codes, res_scores);
//extract the object class and dataset from the results file filename
string class_name, dataset_name;
extractDataFromResultsFilename(input_file_std, class_name, dataset_name);
//generate the ground truth for the images extracted from the results file
vector<char> res_ground_truth;
getClassifierGroundTruth(class_name, res_image_codes, res_ground_truth);
if (outputRankingFile)
/* 1. store sorting order by score (descending) in 'order' */
vector<std::pair<size_t, vector<float>::const_iterator> > order(res_scores.size());
size_t n = 0;
for (vector<float>::const_iterator it = res_scores.begin(); it != res_scores.end(); ++it, ++n)
order[n] = make_pair(n, it);
/* 2. save ranking results to text file */
string input_file_std = checkFilenamePathsep(input_file);
size_t fnamestart = input_file_std.rfind("/");
string scoregt_file_str = input_file_std.substr(0,fnamestart+1) + "scoregt_" + class_name + ".txt";
std::ofstream scoregt_file(scoregt_file_str.c_str());
if (scoregt_file.is_open())
for (size_t i = 0; i < res_scores.size(); ++i)
scoregt_file << res_image_codes[order[i].first] << " " << res_scores[order[i].first] << " " << res_ground_truth[order[i].first] << endl;
} else {
string err_msg = "could not open scoregt file '" + scoregt_file_str + "' for writing.";
//finally, calculate precision+recall+ap
vector<size_t> ranking;
//< Protected implementation of Precision-Recall calculation used by both calcClassifierPrecRecall and calcDetectorPrecRecall >
void VocData::calcPrecRecall_impl(const vector<char>& ground_truth, const vector<float>& scores, vector<float>& precision, vector<float>& recall, float& ap, vector<size_t>& ranking, int recall_normalization)
CV_Assert(ground_truth.size() == scores.size());
//add extra element for p-r at 0 recall (in case that first retrieved is positive)
/* 1. store sorting order in 'order' */
VocData::getSortOrder(scores, ranking);
#ifdef PR_DEBUG
std::ofstream scoregt_file("D:/pr.txt");
if (scoregt_file.is_open())
for (int i = 0; i < scores.size(); ++i)
scoregt_file << scores[ranking[i]] << " " << ground_truth[ranking[i]] << endl;
int retrieved_hits = 0;
int recall_norm;
if (recall_normalization != -1)
recall_norm = recall_normalization;
} else {
recall_norm = (int)std::count_if(ground_truth.begin(),ground_truth.end(),std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<char>(),(char)1));
ap = 0;
recall[0] = 0;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < ground_truth.size(); ++idx)
if (ground_truth[ranking[idx]] != 0) ++retrieved_hits;
precision[idx+1] = static_cast<float>(retrieved_hits)/static_cast<float>(idx+1);
recall[idx+1] = static_cast<float>(retrieved_hits)/static_cast<float>(recall_norm);
if (idx == 0)
//add further point at 0 recall with the same precision value as the first computed point
precision[idx] = precision[idx+1];
if (recall[idx+1] == 1.0)
//if recall = 1, then end early as all positive images have been found
/* ap calculation */
if (m_sampled_ap == false)
/* make precision monotonically decreasing for purposes of calculating ap */
vector<float> precision_monot(precision.size());
vector<float>::iterator prec_m_it = precision_monot.begin();
for (vector<float>::iterator prec_it = precision.begin(); prec_it != precision.end(); ++prec_it, ++prec_m_it)
vector<float>::iterator max_elem;
max_elem = std::max_element(prec_it,precision.end());
(*prec_m_it) = (*max_elem);
/* calculate ap */
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < (recall.size()-1); ++idx)
ap += (recall[idx+1] - recall[idx])*precision_monot[idx+1] + //no need to take min of prec - is monotonically decreasing
0.5f*(recall[idx+1] - recall[idx])*std::abs(precision_monot[idx+1] - precision_monot[idx]);
} else {
for (float recall_pos = 0.f; recall_pos <= 1.f; recall_pos += 0.1f)
//find iterator of the precision corresponding to the first recall >= recall_pos
vector<float>::iterator recall_it = recall.begin();
vector<float>::iterator prec_it = precision.begin();
while ((*recall_it) < recall_pos)
if (recall_it == recall.end()) break;
/* if no recall >= recall_pos found, this level of recall is never reached so stop adding to ap */
if (recall_it == recall.end()) break;
/* if the prec_it is valid, compute the max precision at this level of recall or higher */
vector<float>::iterator max_prec = std::max_element(prec_it,precision.end());
ap += (*max_prec)/11;
/* functions for calculating confusion matrix rows */
//Calculate rows of a confusion matrix
// - obj_class The VOC object class identifier string for the confusion matrix row to compute
// - images An array of ObdImage containing the images to use for the computation
// - scores A corresponding array of confidence scores for the presence of obj_class in each image
// - cond Defines whether to use a cut off point based on recall (CV_VOC_CCOND_RECALL) or score
// (CV_VOC_CCOND_SCORETHRESH) the latter is useful for classifier detections where positive
// values are positive detections and negative values are negative detections
// - threshold Threshold value for cond. In case of CV_VOC_CCOND_RECALL, is proportion recall (e.g. 0.5).
// In the case of CV_VOC_CCOND_SCORETHRESH is the value above which to count results.
// - output_headers An output vector of object class headers for the confusion matrix row
// - output_values An output vector of values for the confusion matrix row corresponding to the classes
// defined in output_headers
// The methodology used by the classifier version of this function is that true positives have a single unit
// added to the obj_class column in the confusion matrix row, whereas false positives have a single unit
// distributed in proportion between all the columns in the confusion matrix row corresponding to the objects
// present in the image.
void VocData::calcClassifierConfMatRow(const string& obj_class, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<float>& scores, const VocConfCond cond, const float threshold, vector<string>& output_headers, vector<float>& output_values)
CV_Assert(images.size() == scores.size());
/* 1. store sorting order in 'ranking' */
vector<size_t> ranking;
VocData::getSortOrder(scores, ranking);
/* prepare object category headers */
output_headers = m_object_classes;
/* find the index of the target object class in the headers for later use */
int target_idx;
vector<string>::iterator target_idx_it = std::find(output_headers.begin(),output_headers.end(),obj_class);
/* if the target class can not be found, raise an exception */
if (target_idx_it == output_headers.end())
string err_msg = "could not find the target object class '" + obj_class + "' in list of valid classes.";
/* convert iterator to index */
target_idx = std::distance(output_headers.begin(),target_idx_it);
/* prepare variables related to calculating recall if using the recall threshold */
int retrieved_hits = 0;
int total_relevant = 0;
if (cond == CV_VOC_CCOND_RECALL)
vector<char> ground_truth;
/* in order to calculate the total number of relevant images for normalization of recall
it's necessary to extract the ground truth for the images under consideration */
getClassifierGroundTruth(obj_class, images, ground_truth);
total_relevant = std::count_if(ground_truth.begin(),ground_truth.end(),std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<char>(),(char)1));
/* iterate through images */
vector<ObdObject> img_objects;
vector<VocObjectData> img_object_data;
int total_images = 0;
for (size_t image_idx = 0; image_idx < images.size(); ++image_idx)
/* if using the score as the break condition, check for it now */
if (scores[ranking[image_idx]] <= threshold) break;
/* if continuing for this iteration, increment the image counter for later normalization */
/* for each image retrieve the objects contained */
getObjects(images[ranking[image_idx]].id, img_objects, img_object_data);
//check if the tested for object class is present
if (getClassifierGroundTruthImage(obj_class, images[ranking[image_idx]].id))
//if the target class is present, assign fully to the target class element in the confusion matrix row
output_values[target_idx] += 1.0;
if (cond == CV_VOC_CCOND_RECALL) ++retrieved_hits;
} else {
//first delete all objects marked as difficult
for (size_t obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < img_objects.size(); ++obj_idx)
if (img_object_data[obj_idx].difficult == true)
vector<ObdObject>::iterator it1 = img_objects.begin();
vector<VocObjectData>::iterator it2 = img_object_data.begin();
//if the target class is not present, add values to the confusion matrix row in equal proportions to all objects present in the image
for (size_t obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < img_objects.size(); ++obj_idx)
//find the index of the currently considered object
vector<string>::iterator class_idx_it = std::find(output_headers.begin(),output_headers.end(),img_objects[obj_idx].object_class);
//if the class name extracted from the ground truth file could not be found in the list of available classes, raise an exception
if (class_idx_it == output_headers.end())
string err_msg = "could not find object class '" + img_objects[obj_idx].object_class + "' specified in the ground truth file of '" + images[ranking[image_idx]].id +"'in list of valid classes.";
/* convert iterator to index */
int class_idx = std::distance(output_headers.begin(),class_idx_it);
//add to confusion matrix row in proportion
output_values[class_idx] += 1.f/static_cast<float>(img_objects.size());
//check break conditions if breaking on certain level of recall
if (cond == CV_VOC_CCOND_RECALL)
if(static_cast<float>(retrieved_hits)/static_cast<float>(total_relevant) >= threshold) break;
/* finally, normalize confusion matrix row */
for (vector<float>::iterator it = output_values.begin(); it < output_values.end(); ++it)
(*it) /= static_cast<float>(total_images);
// NOTE: doesn't ignore repeated detections
void VocData::calcDetectorConfMatRow(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, const vector<ObdImage>& images, const vector<vector<float> >& scores, const vector<vector<Rect> >& bounding_boxes, const VocConfCond cond, const float threshold, vector<string>& output_headers, vector<float>& output_values, bool ignore_difficult)
CV_Assert(images.size() == scores.size());
CV_Assert(images.size() == bounding_boxes.size());
//collapse scores and ground_truth vectors into 1D vectors to allow ranking
/* define final flat vectors */
vector<string> images_flat;
vector<float> scores_flat;
vector<Rect> bounding_boxes_flat;
/* first count how many objects to allow preallocation */
int obj_count = 0;
CV_Assert(scores.size() == bounding_boxes.size());
for (size_t img_idx = 0; img_idx < scores.size(); ++img_idx)
CV_Assert(scores[img_idx].size() == bounding_boxes[img_idx].size());
for (size_t obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < scores[img_idx].size(); ++obj_idx)
/* preallocate vectors */
/* now copy across to preallocated vectors */
int flat_pos = 0;
for (size_t img_idx = 0; img_idx < scores.size(); ++img_idx)
for (size_t obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < scores[img_idx].size(); ++obj_idx)
images_flat[flat_pos] = images[img_idx].id;
scores_flat[flat_pos] = scores[img_idx][obj_idx];
bounding_boxes_flat[flat_pos] = bounding_boxes[img_idx][obj_idx];
/* 1. store sorting order in 'ranking' */
vector<size_t> ranking;
VocData::getSortOrder(scores_flat, ranking);
/* prepare object category headers */
output_headers = m_object_classes;
/* prepare variables related to calculating recall if using the recall threshold */
int retrieved_hits = 0;
int total_relevant = 0;
if (cond == CV_VOC_CCOND_RECALL)
// vector<char> ground_truth;
// /* in order to calculate the total number of relevant images for normalization of recall
// it's necessary to extract the ground truth for the images under consideration */
// getClassifierGroundTruth(obj_class, images, ground_truth);
// total_relevant = std::count_if(ground_truth.begin(),ground_truth.end(),std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<bool>(),true));
/* calculate the total number of objects in the ground truth for the current dataset */
vector<ObdImage> gt_images;
vector<char> gt_object_present;
getClassImages(obj_class, dataset, gt_images, gt_object_present);
for (size_t image_idx = 0; image_idx < gt_images.size(); ++image_idx)
vector<ObdObject> gt_img_objects;
vector<VocObjectData> gt_img_object_data;
getObjects(gt_images[image_idx].id, gt_img_objects, gt_img_object_data);
for (size_t obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < gt_img_objects.size(); ++obj_idx)
if (gt_img_objects[obj_idx].object_class == obj_class)
if ((gt_img_object_data[obj_idx].difficult == false) || (ignore_difficult == false))
/* iterate through objects */
vector<ObdObject> img_objects;
vector<VocObjectData> img_object_data;
int total_objects = 0;
for (size_t image_idx = 0; image_idx < images.size(); ++image_idx)
/* if using the score as the break condition, check for it now */
if (scores_flat[ranking[image_idx]] <= threshold) break;
/* increment the image counter for later normalization */
/* for each image retrieve the objects contained */
getObjects(images[ranking[image_idx]].id, img_objects, img_object_data);
//find the ground truth object which has the highest overlap score with the detected object
float maxov = -1.0;
int max_gt_obj_idx = -1;
//-- for each detected object iterate through objects present in ground truth --
for (size_t gt_obj_idx = 0; gt_obj_idx < img_objects.size(); ++gt_obj_idx)
//check difficulty flag
if (ignore_difficult || (img_object_data[gt_obj_idx].difficult == false))
//if the class matches, then check if the detected object and ground truth object overlap by a sufficient margin
float ov = testBoundingBoxesForOverlap(bounding_boxes_flat[ranking[image_idx]], img_objects[gt_obj_idx].boundingBox);
if (ov != -1.f)
//if all conditions are met store the overlap score and index (as objects are assigned to the highest scoring match)
if (ov > maxov)
maxov = ov;
max_gt_obj_idx = gt_obj_idx;
//assign to appropriate object class if an object was detected
if (maxov != -1.0)
//find the index of the currently considered object
vector<string>::iterator class_idx_it = std::find(output_headers.begin(),output_headers.end(),img_objects[max_gt_obj_idx].object_class);
//if the class name extracted from the ground truth file could not be found in the list of available classes, raise an exception
if (class_idx_it == output_headers.end())
string err_msg = "could not find object class '" + img_objects[max_gt_obj_idx].object_class + "' specified in the ground truth file of '" + images[ranking[image_idx]].id +"'in list of valid classes.";
/* convert iterator to index */
int class_idx = std::distance(output_headers.begin(),class_idx_it);
//add to confusion matrix row in proportion
output_values[class_idx] += 1.0;
} else {
//otherwise assign to background class
output_values[output_values.size()-1] += 1.0;
//check break conditions if breaking on certain level of recall
if (cond == CV_VOC_CCOND_RECALL)
if(static_cast<float>(retrieved_hits)/static_cast<float>(total_relevant) >= threshold) break;
/* finally, normalize confusion matrix row */
for (vector<float>::iterator it = output_values.begin(); it < output_values.end(); ++it)
(*it) /= static_cast<float>(total_objects);
//Save Precision-Recall results to a p-r curve in GNUPlot format
// - output_file The file to which to save the GNUPlot data file. If only a filename is specified, the data
// file is saved to the standard VOC results directory.
// - precision Vector of precisions as returned from calcClassifier/DetectorPrecRecall
// - recall Vector of recalls as returned from calcClassifier/DetectorPrecRecall
// - ap ap as returned from calcClassifier/DetectorPrecRecall
// - (title) Title to use for the plot (if not specified, just the ap is printed as the title)
// This also specifies the filename of the output file if printing to pdf
// - (plot_type) Specifies whether to instruct GNUPlot to save to a PDF file (CV_VOC_PLOT_PDF) or directly
// to screen (CV_VOC_PLOT_SCREEN) in the datafile
// The GNUPlot data file can be executed using GNUPlot from the commandline in the following way:
// >> GNUPlot <output_file>
// This will then display the p-r curve on the screen or save it to a pdf file depending on plot_type
void VocData::savePrecRecallToGnuplot(const string& output_file, const vector<float>& precision, const vector<float>& recall, const float ap, const string title, const VocPlotType plot_type)
string output_file_std = checkFilenamePathsep(output_file);
//if no directory is specified, by default save the output file in the results directory
// if (output_file_std.find("/") == output_file_std.npos)
// {
// output_file_std = m_results_directory + output_file_std;
// }
std::ofstream plot_file(output_file_std.c_str());
if (plot_file.is_open())
plot_file << "set xrange [0:1]" << endl;
plot_file << "set yrange [0:1]" << endl;
plot_file << "set size square" << endl;
string title_text = title;
if (title_text.size() == 0) title_text = "Precision-Recall Curve";
plot_file << "set title \"" << title_text << " (ap: " << ap << ")\"" << endl;
plot_file << "set xlabel \"Recall\"" << endl;
plot_file << "set ylabel \"Precision\"" << endl;
plot_file << "set style data lines" << endl;
plot_file << "set nokey" << endl;
if (plot_type == CV_VOC_PLOT_PNG)
plot_file << "set terminal png" << endl;
string pdf_filename;
if (title.size() != 0)
pdf_filename = title;
} else {
pdf_filename = "prcurve";
plot_file << "set out \"" << title << ".png\"" << endl;
plot_file << "plot \"-\" using 1:2" << endl;
plot_file << "# X Y" << endl;
CV_Assert(precision.size() == recall.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < precision.size(); ++i)
plot_file << " " << recall[i] << " " << precision[i] << endl;
plot_file << "end" << endl;
if (plot_type == CV_VOC_PLOT_SCREEN)
plot_file << "pause -1" << endl;
} else {
string err_msg = "could not open plot file '" + output_file_std + "' for writing.";
void VocData::readClassifierGroundTruth(const string& obj_class, const ObdDatasetType dataset, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<char>& object_present)
string gtFilename = m_class_imageset_path;
if (dataset == CV_OBD_TRAIN)
} else {
vector<string> image_codes;
readClassifierGroundTruth(gtFilename, image_codes, object_present);
convertImageCodesToObdImages(image_codes, images);
void VocData::readClassifierResultsFile(const std:: string& input_file, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<float>& scores)
string input_file_std = checkFilenamePathsep(input_file);
//if no directory is specified, by default search for the input file in the results directory
// if (input_file_std.find("/") == input_file_std.npos)
// {
// input_file_std = m_results_directory + input_file_std;
// }
vector<string> image_codes;
readClassifierResultsFile(input_file_std, image_codes, scores);
convertImageCodesToObdImages(image_codes, images);
void VocData::readDetectorResultsFile(const string& input_file, vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<vector<float> >& scores, vector<vector<Rect> >& bounding_boxes)
string input_file_std = checkFilenamePathsep(input_file);
//if no directory is specified, by default search for the input file in the results directory
// if (input_file_std.find("/") == input_file_std.npos)
// {
// input_file_std = m_results_directory + input_file_std;
// }
vector<string> image_codes;
readDetectorResultsFile(input_file_std, image_codes, scores, bounding_boxes);
convertImageCodesToObdImages(image_codes, images);
const vector<string>& VocData::getObjectClasses()
return m_object_classes;
//string VocData::getResultsDirectory()
// return m_results_directory;
// Protected Functions ------------------------------------
string getVocName( const string& vocPath )
size_t found = vocPath.rfind( '/' );
if( found == string::npos )
found = vocPath.rfind( '\\' );
if( found == string::npos )
return vocPath;
return vocPath.substr(found + 1, vocPath.size() - found);
void VocData::initVoc( const string& vocPath, const bool useTestDataset )
initVoc2007to2010( vocPath, useTestDataset );
//Initialize file paths and settings for the VOC 2010 dataset
void VocData::initVoc2007to2010( const string& vocPath, const bool useTestDataset )
//check format of root directory and modify if necessary
m_vocName = getVocName( vocPath );
CV_Assert( !"VOC2007") || !"VOC2008") ||
!"VOC2009") || !"VOC2010") );
m_vocPath = checkFilenamePathsep( vocPath, true );
if (useTestDataset)
m_train_set = "trainval";
m_test_set = "test";
} else {
m_train_set = "train";
m_test_set = "val";
// initialize main classification/detection challenge paths
m_annotation_path = m_vocPath + "/Annotations/%s.xml";
m_image_path = m_vocPath + "/JPEGImages/%s.jpg";
m_imageset_path = m_vocPath + "/ImageSets/Main/%s.txt";
m_class_imageset_path = m_vocPath + "/ImageSets/Main/%s_%s.txt";
//define available object_classes for VOC2010 dataset
m_min_overlap = 0.5;
//up until VOC 2010, ap was calculated by sampling p-r curve, not taking complete curve
m_sampled_ap = ((m_vocName == "VOC2007") || (m_vocName == "VOC2008") || (m_vocName == "VOC2009"));
//Read a VOC classification ground truth text file for a given object class and dataset
// - filename The path of the text file to read
// - image_codes VOC image codes extracted from the GT file in the form 20XX_XXXXXX where the first four
// digits specify the year of the dataset, and the last group specifies a unique ID
// - object_present For each image in the 'image_codes' array, specifies whether the object class described
// in the loaded GT file is present or not
void VocData::readClassifierGroundTruth(const string& filename, vector<string>& image_codes, vector<char>& object_present)
std::ifstream gtfile(filename.c_str());
if (!gtfile.is_open())
string err_msg = "could not open VOC ground truth textfile '" + filename + "'.";
string line;
string image;
int obj_present;
while (!gtfile.eof())
std::istringstream iss(line);
iss >> image >> obj_present;
if (!
object_present.push_back(obj_present == 1);
} else {
if (!gtfile.eof()) CV_Error(CV_StsParseError,"error parsing VOC ground truth textfile.");
void VocData::readClassifierResultsFile(const string& input_file, vector<string>& image_codes, vector<float>& scores)
//check if results file exists
std::ifstream result_file(input_file.c_str());
if (result_file.is_open())
string line;
string image;
float score;
//read in the results file
while (!result_file.eof())
std::istringstream iss(line);
iss >> image >> score;
if (!
} else {
if(!result_file.eof()) CV_Error(CV_StsParseError,"error parsing VOC classifier results file.");
} else {
string err_msg = "could not open classifier results file '" + input_file + "' for reading.";
void VocData::readDetectorResultsFile(const string& input_file, vector<string>& image_codes, vector<vector<float> >& scores, vector<vector<Rect> >& bounding_boxes)
//check if results file exists
std::ifstream result_file(input_file.c_str());
if (result_file.is_open())
string line;
string image;
Rect bounding_box;
float score;
//read in the results file
while (!result_file.eof())
std::istringstream iss(line);
iss >> image >> score >> bounding_box.x >> bounding_box.y >> bounding_box.width >> bounding_box.height;
if (!
//convert right and bottom positions to width and height
bounding_box.width -= bounding_box.x;
bounding_box.height -= bounding_box.y;
//convert to 0-indexing
bounding_box.x -= 1;
bounding_box.y -= 1;
//store in output vectors
/* first check if the current image code has been seen before */
vector<string>::iterator image_codes_it = std::find(image_codes.begin(),image_codes.end(),image);
if (image_codes_it == image_codes.end())
vector<float> score_vect(1);
score_vect[0] = score;
vector<Rect> bounding_box_vect(1);
bounding_box_vect[0] = bounding_box;
} else {
/* if the image index has been seen before, add the current object below it in the 2D arrays */
int image_idx = std::distance(image_codes.begin(),image_codes_it);
} else {
if(!result_file.eof()) CV_Error(CV_StsParseError,"error parsing VOC detector results file.");
} else {
string err_msg = "could not open detector results file '" + input_file + "' for reading.";
//Read a VOC annotation xml file for a given image
// - filename The path of the xml file to read
// - objects Array of VocObject describing all object instances present in the given image
void VocData::extractVocObjects(const string filename, vector<ObdObject>& objects, vector<VocObjectData>& object_data)
#ifdef PR_DEBUG
int block = 1;
cout << "SAMPLE VOC OBJECT EXTRACTION for " << filename << ":" << endl;
string contents, object_contents, tag_contents;
readFileToString(filename, contents);
//keep on extracting 'object' blocks until no more can be found
if (extractXMLBlock(contents, "annotation", 0, contents) != -1)
int searchpos = 0;
searchpos = extractXMLBlock(contents, "object", searchpos, object_contents);
while (searchpos != -1)
#ifdef PR_DEBUG
cout << "SEARCHPOS:" << searchpos << endl;
cout << "start block " << block << " ---------" << endl;
cout << object_contents << endl;
cout << "end block " << block << " -----------" << endl;
ObdObject object;
VocObjectData object_d;
//object class -------------
if (extractXMLBlock(object_contents, "name", 0, tag_contents) == -1) CV_Error(CV_StsError,"missing <name> tag in object definition of '" + filename + "'");
//object bounding box -------------
int xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin;
if (extractXMLBlock(object_contents, "xmax", 0, tag_contents) == -1) CV_Error(CV_StsError,"missing <xmax> tag in object definition of '" + filename + "'");
xmax = stringToInteger(tag_contents);
if (extractXMLBlock(object_contents, "xmin", 0, tag_contents) == -1) CV_Error(CV_StsError,"missing <xmin> tag in object definition of '" + filename + "'");
xmin = stringToInteger(tag_contents);
if (extractXMLBlock(object_contents, "ymax", 0, tag_contents) == -1) CV_Error(CV_StsError,"missing <ymax> tag in object definition of '" + filename + "'");
ymax = stringToInteger(tag_contents);
if (extractXMLBlock(object_contents, "ymin", 0, tag_contents) == -1) CV_Error(CV_StsError,"missing <ymin> tag in object definition of '" + filename + "'");
ymin = stringToInteger(tag_contents);
object.boundingBox.x = xmin-1; //convert to 0-based indexing
object.boundingBox.width = xmax - xmin;
object.boundingBox.y = ymin-1;
object.boundingBox.height = ymax - ymin;
CV_Assert(xmin != 0);
CV_Assert(xmax > xmin);
CV_Assert(ymin != 0);
CV_Assert(ymax > ymin);
//object tags -------------
if (extractXMLBlock(object_contents, "difficult", 0, tag_contents) != -1)
object_d.difficult = (tag_contents == "1");
} else object_d.difficult = false;
if (extractXMLBlock(object_contents, "occluded", 0, tag_contents) != -1)
object_d.occluded = (tag_contents == "1");
} else object_d.occluded = false;
if (extractXMLBlock(object_contents, "truncated", 0, tag_contents) != -1)
object_d.truncated = (tag_contents == "1");
} else object_d.truncated = false;
if (extractXMLBlock(object_contents, "pose", 0, tag_contents) != -1)
if (tag_contents == "Frontal") object_d.pose = CV_VOC_POSE_FRONTAL;
if (tag_contents == "Rear") object_d.pose = CV_VOC_POSE_REAR;
if (tag_contents == "Left") object_d.pose = CV_VOC_POSE_LEFT;
if (tag_contents == "Right") object_d.pose = CV_VOC_POSE_RIGHT;
//add to array of objects
//extract next 'object' block from file if it exists
searchpos = extractXMLBlock(contents, "object", searchpos, object_contents);
//Converts an image identifier string in the format YYYY_XXXXXX to a single index integer of form XXXXXXYYYY
//where Y represents a year and returns the image path
string VocData::getImagePath(const string& input_str)
string path = m_image_path;
return path;
//Tests two boundary boxes for overlap (using the intersection over union metric) and returns the overlap if the objects
//defined by the two bounding boxes are considered to be matched according to the criterion outlined in
//the VOC documentation [namely intersection/union > some threshold] otherwise returns -1.0 (no match)
float VocData::testBoundingBoxesForOverlap(const Rect detection, const Rect ground_truth)
int detection_x2 = detection.x + detection.width;
int detection_y2 = detection.y + detection.height;
int ground_truth_x2 = ground_truth.x + ground_truth.width;
int ground_truth_y2 = ground_truth.y + ground_truth.height;
//first calculate the boundaries of the intersection of the rectangles
int intersection_x = std::max(detection.x, ground_truth.x); //rightmost left
int intersection_y = std::max(detection.y, ground_truth.y); //bottommost top
int intersection_x2 = std::min(detection_x2, ground_truth_x2); //leftmost right
int intersection_y2 = std::min(detection_y2, ground_truth_y2); //topmost bottom
//then calculate the width and height of the intersection rect
int intersection_width = intersection_x2 - intersection_x + 1;
int intersection_height = intersection_y2 - intersection_y + 1;
//if there is no overlap then return false straight away
if ((intersection_width <= 0) || (intersection_height <= 0)) return -1.0;
//otherwise calculate the intersection
int intersection_area = intersection_width*intersection_height;
//now calculate the union
int union_area = (detection.width+1)*(detection.height+1) + (ground_truth.width+1)*(ground_truth.height+1) - intersection_area;
//calculate the intersection over union and use as threshold as per VOC documentation
float overlap = static_cast<float>(intersection_area)/static_cast<float>(union_area);
if (overlap > m_min_overlap)
return overlap;
} else {
return -1.0;
//Extracts the object class and dataset from the filename of a VOC standard results text file, which takes
//the format 'comp<n>_{cls/det}_<dataset>_<objclass>.txt'
void VocData::extractDataFromResultsFilename(const string& input_file, string& class_name, string& dataset_name)
string input_file_std = checkFilenamePathsep(input_file);
size_t fnamestart = input_file_std.rfind("/");
size_t fnameend = input_file_std.rfind(".txt");
if ((fnamestart == input_file_std.npos) || (fnameend == input_file_std.npos))
CV_Error(CV_StsError,"Could not extract filename of results file.");
if (fnamestart >= fnameend)
CV_Error(CV_StsError,"Could not extract filename of results file.");
//extract dataset and class names, triggering exception if the filename format is not correct
string filename = input_file_std.substr(fnamestart, fnameend-fnamestart);
size_t datasetstart = filename.find("_");
datasetstart = filename.find("_",datasetstart+1);
size_t classstart = filename.find("_",datasetstart+1);
//allow for appended index after a further '_' by discarding this part if it exists
size_t classend = filename.find("_",classstart+1);
if (classend == filename.npos) classend = filename.size();
if ((datasetstart == filename.npos) || (classstart == filename.npos))
CV_Error(CV_StsError,"Error parsing results filename. Is it in standard format of 'comp<n>_{cls/det}_<dataset>_<objclass>.txt'?");
if (((datasetstart-classstart) < 1) || ((classend-datasetstart) < 1))
CV_Error(CV_StsError,"Error parsing results filename. Is it in standard format of 'comp<n>_{cls/det}_<dataset>_<objclass>.txt'?");
dataset_name = filename.substr(datasetstart,classstart-datasetstart-1);
class_name = filename.substr(classstart,classend-classstart);
bool VocData::getClassifierGroundTruthImage(const string& obj_class, const string& id)
/* if the classifier ground truth data for all images of the current class has not been loaded yet, load it now */
if (m_classifier_gt_all_ids.empty() || (m_classifier_gt_class != obj_class))
m_classifier_gt_class = obj_class;
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) //run twice (once over test set and once over training set)
//generate the filename of the classification ground-truth textfile for the object class
string gtFilename = m_class_imageset_path;
if (i == 0)
} else {
//parse the ground truth file, storing in two separate vectors
//for the image code and the ground truth value
vector<string> image_codes;
vector<char> object_present;
readClassifierGroundTruth(gtFilename, image_codes, object_present);
CV_Assert(m_classifier_gt_all_ids.size() == m_classifier_gt_all_present.size());
//search for the image code
vector<string>::iterator it = find (m_classifier_gt_all_ids.begin(), m_classifier_gt_all_ids.end(), id);
if (it != m_classifier_gt_all_ids.end())
//image found, so return corresponding ground truth
return m_classifier_gt_all_present[std::distance(m_classifier_gt_all_ids.begin(),it)] != 0;
} else {
string err_msg = "could not find classifier ground truth for image '" + id + "' and class '" + obj_class + "'";
return true;
// Protected Functions (utility) ------------------------------------
//returns a vector containing indexes of the input vector in sorted ascending/descending order
void VocData::getSortOrder(const vector<float>& values, vector<size_t>& order, bool descending)
/* 1. store sorting order in 'order_pair' */
vector<std::pair<size_t, vector<float>::const_iterator> > order_pair(values.size());
size_t n = 0;
for (vector<float>::const_iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it, ++n)
order_pair[n] = make_pair(n, it);
if (descending == false) std::reverse(order_pair.begin(),order_pair.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < order_pair.size(); ++i)
order[i] = order_pair[i].first;
void VocData::readFileToString(const string filename, string& file_contents)
std::ifstream ifs(filename.c_str());
if (ifs == false) CV_Error(CV_StsError,"could not open text file");
stringstream oss;
oss << ifs.rdbuf();
file_contents = oss.str();
int VocData::stringToInteger(const string input_str)
int result;
stringstream ss(input_str);
if ((ss >> result).fail())
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg,"could not perform string to integer conversion");
return result;
string VocData::integerToString(const int input_int)
string result;
stringstream ss;
if ((ss << input_int).fail())
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg,"could not perform integer to string conversion");
result = ss.str();
return result;
string VocData::checkFilenamePathsep( const string filename, bool add_trailing_slash )
string filename_new = filename;
size_t pos = filename_new.find("\\\\");
while (pos != filename_new.npos)
pos = filename_new.find("\\\\", pos);
pos = filename_new.find("\\");
while (pos != filename_new.npos)
pos = filename_new.find("\\", pos);
if (add_trailing_slash)
//add training slash if this is missing
if (filename_new.rfind("/") != filename_new.length()-1) filename_new += "/";
return filename_new;
void VocData::convertImageCodesToObdImages(const vector<string>& image_codes, vector<ObdImage>& images)
string path;
//transfer to output arrays
for (size_t i = 0; i < image_codes.size(); ++i)
//generate image path and indices from extracted string code
path = getImagePath(image_codes[i]);
images.push_back(ObdImage(image_codes[i], path));
//Extract text from within a given tag from an XML file
// - src XML source file
// - tag XML tag delimiting block to extract
// - searchpos position within src at which to start search
// - tag_contents text extracted between <tag> and </tag> tags
// - the position of the final character extracted in tag_contents within src
// (can be used to call extractXMLBlock recursively to extract multiple blocks)
// returns -1 if the tag could not be found
int VocData::extractXMLBlock(const string src, const string tag, const int searchpos, string& tag_contents)
size_t startpos, next_startpos, endpos;
int embed_count = 1;
//find position of opening tag
startpos = src.find("<" + tag + ">", searchpos);
if (startpos == string::npos) return -1;
//initialize endpos -
// start searching for end tag anywhere after opening tag
endpos = startpos;
//find position of next opening tag
next_startpos = src.find("<" + tag + ">", startpos+1);
//match opening tags with closing tags, and only
//accept final closing tag of same level as original
//opening tag
while (embed_count > 0)
endpos = src.find("</" + tag + ">", endpos+1);
if (endpos == string::npos) return -1;
//the next code is only executed if there are embedded tags with the same name
if (next_startpos != string::npos)
while (next_startpos<endpos)
//counting embedded start tags
next_startpos = src.find("<" + tag + ">", next_startpos+1);
if (next_startpos == string::npos) break;
//passing end tag so decrement nesting level
//finally, extract the tag region
startpos += tag.length() + 2;
if (startpos > src.length()) return -1;
if (endpos > src.length()) return -1;
tag_contents = src.substr(startpos,endpos-startpos);
return static_cast<int>(endpos);
* Sample on image classification *
// This part of the code was a little refactor
struct DDMParams
DDMParams() : detectorType("SURF"), descriptorType("SURF"), matcherType("BruteForce") {}
DDMParams( const string _detectorType, const string _descriptorType, const string& _matcherType ) :
detectorType(_detectorType), descriptorType(_descriptorType), matcherType(_matcherType){}
void read( const FileNode& fn )
fn["detectorType"] >> detectorType;
fn["descriptorType"] >> descriptorType;
fn["matcherType"] >> matcherType;
void write( FileStorage& fs ) const
fs << "detectorType" << detectorType;
fs << "descriptorType" << descriptorType;
fs << "matcherType" << matcherType;
void print() const
cout << "detectorType: " << detectorType << endl;
cout << "descriptorType: " << descriptorType << endl;
cout << "matcherType: " << matcherType << endl;
string detectorType;
string descriptorType;
string matcherType;
struct VocabTrainParams
VocabTrainParams() : trainObjClass("chair"), vocabSize(1000), memoryUse(200), descProportion(0.3f) {}
VocabTrainParams( const string _trainObjClass, size_t _vocabSize, size_t _memoryUse, float _descProportion ) :
trainObjClass(_trainObjClass), vocabSize(_vocabSize), memoryUse(_memoryUse), descProportion(_descProportion) {}
void read( const FileNode& fn )
fn["trainObjClass"] >> trainObjClass;
fn["vocabSize"] >> vocabSize;
fn["memoryUse"] >> memoryUse;
fn["descProportion"] >> descProportion;
void write( FileStorage& fs ) const
fs << "trainObjClass" << trainObjClass;
fs << "vocabSize" << vocabSize;
fs << "memoryUse" << memoryUse;
fs << "descProportion" << descProportion;
void print() const
cout << "trainObjClass: " << trainObjClass << endl;
cout << "vocabSize: " << vocabSize << endl;
cout << "memoryUse: " << memoryUse << endl;
cout << "descProportion: " << descProportion << endl;
string trainObjClass; // Object class used for training visual vocabulary.
// It shouldn't matter which object class is specified here - visual vocab will still be the same.
int vocabSize; //number of visual words in vocabulary to train
int memoryUse; // Memory to preallocate (in MB) when training vocab.
// Change this depending on the size of the dataset/available memory.
float descProportion; // Specifies the number of descriptors to use from each image as a proportion of the total num descs.
struct SVMTrainParamsExt
SVMTrainParamsExt() : descPercent(0.5f), targetRatio(0.4f), balanceClasses(true) {}
SVMTrainParamsExt( float _descPercent, float _targetRatio, bool _balanceClasses ) :
descPercent(_descPercent), targetRatio(_targetRatio), balanceClasses(_balanceClasses) {}
void read( const FileNode& fn )
fn["descPercent"] >> descPercent;
fn["targetRatio"] >> targetRatio;
fn["balanceClasses"] >> balanceClasses;
void write( FileStorage& fs ) const
fs << "descPercent" << descPercent;
fs << "targetRatio" << targetRatio;
fs << "balanceClasses" << balanceClasses;
void print() const
cout << "descPercent: " << descPercent << endl;
cout << "targetRatio: " << targetRatio << endl;
cout << "balanceClasses: " << balanceClasses << endl;
float descPercent; // Percentage of extracted descriptors to use for training.
float targetRatio; // Try to get this ratio of positive to negative samples (minimum).
bool balanceClasses; // Balance class weights by number of samples in each (if true cSvmTrainTargetRatio is ignored).
void readUsedParams( const FileNode& fn, string& vocName, DDMParams& ddmParams, VocabTrainParams& vocabTrainParams, SVMTrainParamsExt& svmTrainParamsExt )
fn["vocName"] >> vocName;
FileNode currFn = fn;
currFn = fn["ddmParams"]; currFn );
currFn = fn["vocabTrainParams"]; currFn );
currFn = fn["svmTrainParamsExt"]; currFn );
void writeUsedParams( FileStorage& fs, const string& vocName, const DDMParams& ddmParams, const VocabTrainParams& vocabTrainParams, const SVMTrainParamsExt& svmTrainParamsExt )
fs << "vocName" << vocName;
fs << "ddmParams" << "{";
fs << "}";
fs << "vocabTrainParams" << "{";
fs << "}";
fs << "svmTrainParamsExt" << "{";
fs << "}";
void printUsedParams( const string& vocPath, const string& resDir,
const DDMParams& ddmParams, const VocabTrainParams& vocabTrainParams,
const SVMTrainParamsExt& svmTrainParamsExt )
cout << "CURRENT CONFIGURATION" << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "vocPath: " << vocPath << endl;
cout << "resDir: " << resDir << endl;
cout << endl; ddmParams.print();
cout << endl; vocabTrainParams.print();
cout << endl; svmTrainParamsExt.print();
cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
bool readVocabulary( const string& filename, Mat& vocabulary )
cout << "Reading vocabulary...";
FileStorage fs( filename, FileStorage::READ );
if( fs.isOpened() )
fs["vocabulary"] >> vocabulary;
cout << "done" << endl;
return true;
return false;
bool writeVocabulary( const string& filename, const Mat& vocabulary )
cout << "Saving vocabulary..." << endl;
FileStorage fs( filename, FileStorage::WRITE );
if( fs.isOpened() )
fs << "vocabulary" << vocabulary;
return true;
return false;
Mat trainVocabulary( const string& filename, VocData& vocData, const VocabTrainParams& trainParams,
const Ptr<FeatureDetector>& fdetector, const Ptr<DescriptorExtractor>& dextractor )
Mat vocabulary;
if( !readVocabulary( filename, vocabulary) )
CV_Assert( dextractor->descriptorType() == CV_32FC1 );
const int descByteSize = dextractor->descriptorSize()*4;
const int maxDescCount = (trainParams.memoryUse * 1048576) / descByteSize; // Total number of descs to use for training.
cout << "Extracting VOC data..." << endl;
vector<ObdImage> images;
vector<char> objectPresent;
vocData.getClassImages( trainParams.trainObjClass, CV_OBD_TRAIN, images, objectPresent );
cout << "Computing descriptors..." << endl;
RNG& rng = theRNG();
TermCriteria terminate_criterion;
terminate_criterion.epsilon = FLT_EPSILON;
BOWKMeansTrainer bowTrainer( trainParams.vocabSize, terminate_criterion, 3, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS );
while( images.size() > 0 )
if( bowTrainer.descripotorsCount() >= maxDescCount )
assert( bowTrainer.descripotorsCount() == maxDescCount );
cout << "Breaking due to full memory ( descriptors count = " << bowTrainer.descripotorsCount()
<< "; descriptor size in bytes = " << descByteSize << "; all used memory = "
<< bowTrainer.descripotorsCount()*descByteSize << endl;
// Randomly pick an image from the dataset which hasn't yet been seen
// and compute the descriptors from that image.
int randImgIdx = rng( images.size() );
Mat colorImage = imread( images[randImgIdx].path );
vector<KeyPoint> imageKeypoints;
fdetector->detect( colorImage, imageKeypoints );
Mat imageDescriptors;
dextractor->compute( colorImage, imageKeypoints, imageDescriptors );
//check that there were descriptors calculated for the current image
if( !imageDescriptors.empty() )
int descCount = imageDescriptors.rows;
// Extract trainParams.descProportion descriptors from the image, breaking if the 'allDescriptors' matrix becomes full
int descsToExtract = static_cast<int>(trainParams.descProportion * static_cast<float>(descCount));
// Fill mask of used descriptors
vector<char> usedMask( descCount, false );
fill( usedMask.begin(), usedMask.begin() + descsToExtract, true );
for( int i = 0; i < descCount; i++ )
int i1 = rng(descCount), i2 = rng(descCount);
char tmp = usedMask[i1]; usedMask[i1] = usedMask[i2]; usedMask[i2] = tmp;
for( int i = 0; i < descCount; i++ )
if( usedMask[i] && bowTrainer.descripotorsCount() < maxDescCount )
bowTrainer.add( imageDescriptors.row(i) );
cout << images.size() << " images left, " << images[randImgIdx].id << " processed - "
<</* descs_extracted << "/" << image_descriptors.rows << " extracted - " << */
<< " % memory used" << ( imageDescriptors.empty() ? " -> no descriptors extracted, skipping" : "") << endl;
// Delete the current element from images so it is not added again
images.erase( images.begin() + randImgIdx );
cout << "Maximum allowed descriptor count: " << maxDescCount << ", Actual descriptor count: " << bowTrainer.descripotorsCount() << endl;
cout << "Training vocabulary..." << endl;
vocabulary = bowTrainer.cluster();
if( !writeVocabulary(filename, vocabulary) )
cout << "Error: file " << filename << " can not be opened to write" << endl;
return vocabulary;
bool readBowImageDescriptor( const string& file, Mat& bowImageDescriptor )
FileStorage fs( file, FileStorage::READ );
if( fs.isOpened() )
fs["imageDescriptor"] >> bowImageDescriptor;
return true;
return false;
bool writeBowImageDescriptor( const string& file, const Mat& bowImageDescriptor )
FileStorage fs( file, FileStorage::WRITE );
if( fs.isOpened() )
fs << "imageDescriptor" << bowImageDescriptor;
return true;
return false;
// Load in the bag of words vectors for a set of images, from file if possible
void calculateImageDescriptors( const vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<Mat>& imageDescriptors,
Ptr<BOWImgDescriptorExtractor>& bowExtractor, const Ptr<FeatureDetector>& fdetector,
const string& resPath )
CV_Assert( !bowExtractor->getVocabulary().empty() );
imageDescriptors.resize( images.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < images.size(); i++ )
string filename = resPath + bowImageDescriptorsDir + "/" + images[i].id + ".xml.gz";
if( readBowImageDescriptor( filename, imageDescriptors[i] ) )
cout << "Loaded bag of word vector for image " << i+1 << " of " << images.size() << " (" << images[i].id << ")" << endl;
Mat colorImage = imread( images[i].path );
cout << "Computing descriptors for image " << i+1 << " of " << images.size() << " (" << images[i].id << ")" << flush;
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
fdetector->detect( colorImage, keypoints );
cout << " + generating BoW vector" << std::flush;
bowExtractor->compute( colorImage, keypoints, imageDescriptors[i] );
cout << " ...DONE " << static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(i+1)/static_cast<float>(images.size())*100.0)
<< " % complete" << endl;
if( !imageDescriptors[i].empty() )
if( !writeBowImageDescriptor( filename, imageDescriptors[i] ) )
cout << "Error: file " << filename << "can not be opened to write bow image descriptor" << endl;
void removeEmptyBowImageDescriptors( vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<Mat>& bowImageDescriptors,
vector<char>& objectPresent )
CV_Assert( !images.empty() );
for( int i = (int)images.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
bool res = bowImageDescriptors[i].empty();
if( res )
cout << "Removing image " << images[i].id << " due to no descriptors..." << endl;
images.erase( images.begin() + i );
bowImageDescriptors.erase( bowImageDescriptors.begin() + i );
objectPresent.erase( objectPresent.begin() + i );
void removeBowImageDescriptorsByCount( vector<ObdImage>& images, vector<Mat> bowImageDescriptors, vector<char> objectPresent,
const SVMTrainParamsExt& svmParamsExt, int descsToDelete )
RNG& rng = theRNG();
int pos_ex = std::count( objectPresent.begin(), objectPresent.end(), (char)1 );
int neg_ex = std::count( objectPresent.begin(), objectPresent.end(), (char)0 );
while( descsToDelete != 0 )
int randIdx = rng(images.size());
// Prefer positive training examples according to svmParamsExt.targetRatio if required
if( objectPresent[randIdx] )
if( (static_cast<float>(pos_ex)/static_cast<float>(neg_ex+pos_ex) < svmParamsExt.targetRatio) &&
(neg_ex > 0) && (svmParamsExt.balanceClasses == false) )
{ continue; }
{ pos_ex--; }
{ neg_ex--; }
images.erase( images.begin() + randIdx );
bowImageDescriptors.erase( bowImageDescriptors.begin() + randIdx );
objectPresent.erase( objectPresent.begin() + randIdx );
CV_Assert( bowImageDescriptors.size() == objectPresent.size() );
void setSVMParams( CvSVMParams& svmParams, CvMat& class_wts_cv, const Mat& responses, bool balanceClasses )
int pos_ex = countNonZero(responses == 1);
int neg_ex = countNonZero(responses == -1);
cout << pos_ex << " positive training samples; " << neg_ex << " negative training samples" << endl;
svmParams.svm_type = CvSVM::C_SVC;
svmParams.kernel_type = CvSVM::RBF;
if( balanceClasses )
Mat class_wts( 2, 1, CV_32FC1 );
// The first training sample determines the '+1' class internally, even if it is negative,
// so store whether this is the case so that the class weights can be reversed accordingly.
bool reversed_classes = (<float>(0) < 0.f);
if( reversed_classes == false )
{<float>(0) = static_cast<float>(pos_ex)/static_cast<float>(pos_ex+neg_ex); // weighting for costs of positive class + 1 (i.e. cost of false positive - larger gives greater cost)<float>(1) = static_cast<float>(neg_ex)/static_cast<float>(pos_ex+neg_ex); // weighting for costs of negative class - 1 (i.e. cost of false negative)
{<float>(0) = static_cast<float>(neg_ex)/static_cast<float>(pos_ex+neg_ex);<float>(1) = static_cast<float>(pos_ex)/static_cast<float>(pos_ex+neg_ex);
class_wts_cv = class_wts;
svmParams.class_weights = &class_wts_cv;
void setSVMTrainAutoParams( CvParamGrid& c_grid, CvParamGrid& gamma_grid,
CvParamGrid& p_grid, CvParamGrid& nu_grid,
CvParamGrid& coef_grid, CvParamGrid& degree_grid )
c_grid = CvSVM::get_default_grid(CvSVM::C);
gamma_grid = CvSVM::get_default_grid(CvSVM::GAMMA);
p_grid = CvSVM::get_default_grid(CvSVM::P);
p_grid.step = 0;
nu_grid = CvSVM::get_default_grid(CvSVM::NU);
nu_grid.step = 0;
coef_grid = CvSVM::get_default_grid(CvSVM::COEF);
coef_grid.step = 0;
degree_grid = CvSVM::get_default_grid(CvSVM::DEGREE);
degree_grid.step = 0;
void trainSVMClassifier( CvSVM& svm, const SVMTrainParamsExt& svmParamsExt, const string& objClassName, VocData& vocData,
Ptr<BOWImgDescriptorExtractor>& bowExtractor, const Ptr<FeatureDetector>& fdetector,
const string& resPath )
/* first check if a previously trained svm for the current class has been saved to file */
string svmFilename = resPath + svmsDir + "/" + objClassName + ".xml.gz";
FileStorage fs( svmFilename, FileStorage::READ);
if( fs.isOpened() )
cout << "*** LOADING SVM CLASSIFIER FOR CLASS " << objClassName << " ***" << endl;
svm.load( svmFilename.c_str() );
cout << "*** TRAINING CLASSIFIER FOR CLASS " << objClassName << " ***" << endl;
cout << "CALCULATING BOW VECTORS FOR TRAINING SET OF " << objClassName << "..." << endl;
// Get classification ground truth for images in the training set
vector<ObdImage> images;
vector<Mat> bowImageDescriptors;
vector<char> objectPresent;
vocData.getClassImages( objClassName, CV_OBD_TRAIN, images, objectPresent );
// Compute the bag of words vector for each image in the training set.
calculateImageDescriptors( images, bowImageDescriptors, bowExtractor, fdetector, resPath );
// Remove any images for which descriptors could not be calculated
removeEmptyBowImageDescriptors( images, bowImageDescriptors, objectPresent );
CV_Assert( svmParamsExt.descPercent > 0.f && svmParamsExt.descPercent <= 1.f );
if( svmParamsExt.descPercent < 1.f )
int descsToDelete = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(images.size())*(1.0-svmParamsExt.descPercent));
cout << "Using " << (images.size() - descsToDelete) << " of " << images.size() <<
" descriptors for training (" << svmParamsExt.descPercent*100.0 << " %)" << endl;
removeBowImageDescriptorsByCount( images, bowImageDescriptors, objectPresent, svmParamsExt, descsToDelete );
// Prepare the input matrices for SVM training.
Mat trainData( images.size(), bowExtractor->getVocabulary().rows, CV_32FC1 );
Mat responses( images.size(), 1, CV_32SC1 );
// Transfer bag of words vectors and responses across to the training data matrices
for( size_t imageIdx = 0; imageIdx < images.size(); imageIdx++ )
// Transfer image descriptor (bag of words vector) to training data matrix
Mat submat = trainData.row(imageIdx);
if( bowImageDescriptors[imageIdx].cols != bowExtractor->descriptorSize() )
cout << "Error: computed bow image descriptor size " << bowImageDescriptors[imageIdx].cols
<< " differs from vocabulary size" << bowExtractor->getVocabulary().cols << endl;
bowImageDescriptors[imageIdx].copyTo( submat );
// Set response value<int>(imageIdx) = objectPresent[imageIdx] ? 1 : -1;
cout << "TRAINING SVM FOR CLASS ..." << objClassName << "..." << endl;
CvSVMParams svmParams;
CvMat class_wts_cv;
setSVMParams( svmParams, class_wts_cv, responses, svmParamsExt.balanceClasses );
CvParamGrid c_grid, gamma_grid, p_grid, nu_grid, coef_grid, degree_grid;
setSVMTrainAutoParams( c_grid, gamma_grid, p_grid, nu_grid, coef_grid, degree_grid );
svm.train_auto( trainData, responses, Mat(), Mat(), svmParams, 10, c_grid, gamma_grid, p_grid, nu_grid, coef_grid, degree_grid );
cout << "SVM TRAINING FOR CLASS " << objClassName << " COMPLETED" << endl; svmFilename.c_str() );
cout << "SAVED CLASSIFIER TO FILE" << endl;
void computeConfidences( CvSVM& svm, const string& objClassName, VocData& vocData,
Ptr<BOWImgDescriptorExtractor>& bowExtractor, const Ptr<FeatureDetector>& fdetector,
const string& resPath )
cout << "*** CALCULATING CONFIDENCES FOR CLASS " << objClassName << " ***" << endl;
cout << "CALCULATING BOW VECTORS FOR TEST SET OF " << objClassName << "..." << endl;
// Get classification ground truth for images in the test set
vector<ObdImage> images;
vector<Mat> bowImageDescriptors;
vector<char> objectPresent;
vocData.getClassImages( objClassName, CV_OBD_TEST, images, objectPresent );
// Compute the bag of words vector for each image in the test set
calculateImageDescriptors( images, bowImageDescriptors, bowExtractor, fdetector, resPath );
// Remove any images for which descriptors could not be calculated
removeEmptyBowImageDescriptors( images, bowImageDescriptors, objectPresent);
// Use the bag of words vectors to calculate classifier output for each image in test set
cout << "CALCULATING CONFIDENCE SCORES FOR CLASS " << objClassName << "..." << endl;
vector<float> confidences( images.size() );
float signMul = 1.f;
for( size_t imageIdx = 0; imageIdx < images.size(); imageIdx++ )
if( imageIdx == 0 )
// In the first iteration, determine the sign of the positive class
float classVal = confidences[imageIdx] = svm.predict( bowImageDescriptors[imageIdx], false );
float scoreVal = confidences[imageIdx] = svm.predict( bowImageDescriptors[imageIdx], true );
signMul = (classVal < 0) == (scoreVal < 0) ? 1.f : -1.f;
// svm output of decision function
confidences[imageIdx] = signMul * svm.predict( bowImageDescriptors[imageIdx], true );
cout << "WRITING QUERY RESULTS TO VOC RESULTS FILE FOR CLASS " << objClassName << "..." << endl;
vocData.writeClassifierResultsFile( resPath + plotsDir, objClassName, CV_OBD_TEST, images, confidences, 1, true );
cout << "DONE - " << objClassName << endl;
cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
void computeGnuPlotOutput( const string& resPath, const string& objClassName, VocData& vocData )
vector<float> precision, recall;
float ap;
const string resultFile = vocData.getResultsFilename( objClassName, CV_VOC_TASK_CLASSIFICATION, CV_OBD_TEST);
const string plotFile = resultFile.substr(0, resultFile.size()-4) + ".plt";
cout << "Calculating precision recall curve for class '" <<objClassName << "'" << endl;
vocData.calcClassifierPrecRecall( resPath + plotsDir + "/" + resultFile, precision, recall, ap, true );
cout << "Outputting to GNUPlot file..." << endl;
vocData.savePrecRecallToGnuplot( resPath + plotsDir + "/" + plotFile, precision, recall, ap, objClassName, CV_VOC_PLOT_PNG );
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv);
const string vocPath = parser.get<string>("--voc_path");
const string resPath = parser.get<string>("--result_directory");
const string featureDetectName = parser.get<string>("--feature_detector");
const string descExtName = parser.get<string>("--descriptor_extractor");
const string descMatchName = parser.get<string>("--descriptor_matcher");
if( vocPath.empty() || resPath.empty())
printf("Cannot find --voc_path=%s or --result_directory=%s\n", vocPath.c_str(), resPath.c_str());
return -1;
// Read or set default parameters
string vocName;
DDMParams ddmParams;
VocabTrainParams vocabTrainParams;
SVMTrainParamsExt svmTrainParamsExt;
makeUsedDirs( resPath );
FileStorage paramsFS( resPath + "/" + paramsFile, FileStorage::READ );
if( paramsFS.isOpened() )
readUsedParams( paramsFS.root(), vocName, ddmParams, vocabTrainParams, svmTrainParamsExt );
CV_Assert( vocName == getVocName(vocPath) );
vocName = getVocName(vocPath);
if( featureDetectName.empty() || descExtName.empty() || descMatchName.empty())
cout << "Feature detector, descriptor extractor, descriptor matcher must be set" << endl;
return -1;
ddmParams = DDMParams( featureDetectName.c_str(), descExtName.c_str(), descMatchName.c_str()); // from command line
// vocabTrainParams and svmTrainParamsExt is set by defaults resPath + "/" + paramsFile, FileStorage::WRITE );
if( paramsFS.isOpened() )
writeUsedParams( paramsFS, vocName, ddmParams, vocabTrainParams, svmTrainParamsExt );
cout << "File " << (resPath + "/" + paramsFile) << "can not be opened to write" << endl;
return -1;
// Create detector, descriptor, matcher.
Ptr<FeatureDetector> featureDetector = FeatureDetector::create( ddmParams.detectorType );
Ptr<DescriptorExtractor> descExtractor = DescriptorExtractor::create( ddmParams.descriptorType );
Ptr<BOWImgDescriptorExtractor> bowExtractor;
if( featureDetector.empty() || descExtractor.empty() )
cout << "featureDetector or descExtractor was not created" << endl;
return -1;
Ptr<DescriptorMatcher> descMatcher = DescriptorMatcher::create( ddmParams.matcherType );
if( featureDetector.empty() || descExtractor.empty() || descMatcher.empty() )
cout << "descMatcher was not created" << endl;
return -1;
bowExtractor = new BOWImgDescriptorExtractor( descExtractor, descMatcher );
// Print configuration to screen
printUsedParams( vocPath, resPath, ddmParams, vocabTrainParams, svmTrainParamsExt );
// Create object to work with VOC
VocData vocData( vocPath, false );
// 1. Train visual word vocabulary if a pre-calculated vocabulary file doesn't already exist from previous run
Mat vocabulary = trainVocabulary( resPath + "/" + vocabularyFile, vocData, vocabTrainParams,
featureDetector, descExtractor );
bowExtractor->setVocabulary( vocabulary );
// 2. Train a classifier and run a sample query for each object class
const vector<string>& objClasses = vocData.getObjectClasses(); // object class list
for( size_t classIdx = 0; classIdx < objClasses.size(); ++classIdx )
// Train a classifier on train dataset
CvSVM svm;
trainSVMClassifier( svm, svmTrainParamsExt, objClasses[classIdx], vocData,
bowExtractor, featureDetector, resPath );
// Now use the classifier over all images on the test dataset and rank according to score order
// also calculating precision-recall etc.
computeConfidences( svm, objClasses[classIdx], vocData,
bowExtractor, featureDetector, resPath );
// Calculate precision/recall/ap and use GNUPlot to output to a pdf file
computeGnuPlotOutput( resPath, objClasses[classIdx], vocData );
return 0;