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Add support for WinRT in the MF capture framework by removing the disallowed calls to enumerate devices and create a sample grabber sink and adding framework for the MediaCapture interface and a custom sink which interfaces with the sample grabber callback interface. The change requires discussion for making it completely functional as redundancy is required given that if the source is a video file, the old code pathways must be used. Otherwise all IMFMediaSession, IMFMediaSource, and IMFActivate code must use a MediaCapture code path and all sink code must use the CMediaSink custom sink. Support for the custom sink is extended to non-WinRT not for compatibility as Windows Vista client is a minimum regardless, but because it offers more flexibility, could be faster and is able to be used as an optionally different code path during sink creation based on a future configuration parameter. My discussion and proposal to finish this change: Devices are so easily enumerated through WinRT Windows.Devices namespace that wrapping the calls in a library is quite a chore for little benefit though to get the various modes and formats could still be a worthwhile project. For now conditional compilation to remove videodevices and any offending non-video file related activity in videodevice. In my opinion, this is a different , far less fundamental and important change which can possibly be done as a future project and also much more easily implemented in C++/CX. ImageGrabber has the IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback replaced with a base class (SharedSampleGrabber) which also be is base class for ImageGrabberRT. This change is necessary as the custom sink does not require a thread to pump events which is done through MediaCapture already. IMFSampleGrabberSinkCallback is the common element between both models and that piece can be shared. Initializing the new ImageGrabberRT is as simple as passing an already initialized MediaCapture object and any video format/encoding parameters. The concurrency event is necessary to wait for completion and is the way the underlying, IAsyncAction wrappers in the task library work as well. Native WIN32 event objects would be an option if HAVE_CONCURRENCY is not defined. I could even imagine doing it with sleep/thread yield and InterlockedCompareExchange yet I am not enthusiastic about that approach either. Since there is a specific compiler HAVE_ for concurrency, I do not like pulling it in though I think for WinRT it is safe to say we will always have it available though should probably conditionally compile with the Interlocked option as WIN32 events would require HAVE_WIN32. It looks like C++/CX cannot be used for the IMediaExtension sink (which should not be a problem) as using COM objects requires WRL and though deriving from IMediaExtension can be done, there is little purpose without COM. Objects from C++/CX can be swapped to interact with objects from native C++ as Inspectable* can reinterpret_cast to the ref object IInspectable^ and vice-versa. A solution to the COM class with C++/CX would be great so we could have dual support. Also without #define for every WRL object in use, the code will get quite muddy given that the */^ would need to be ifdef'd everywhere. Update cap_msmf.cpp Fixed bugs and completed the change. I believe the new classes need to be moved to a header file as the file has become to large and more classes need to be added for handling all the asynchronous problems (one wrapping IAsyncAction in a task and another for making a task out of IAsyncAction). Unfortunately, blocking on the UI thread is not an option in WinRT so a synchronous architecture is considered "illegal" by Microsoft's standards even if implementable (C++/CX ppltasks library throws errors if you try it). Worse, either by design or a bug in the MF MediaCapture class with Custom Sinks causes a crash if stop/start previewing without reinitializing (spPreferredPreviewMediaType is fatally nulled). After decompiling Windows.Media.dll, I worked around this in my own projects by using an activate-able custom sink ID which strangely assigns 1 to this pointer allowing it to be reinitialized in what can only be described as a hack by Microsoft. This would add additional overhead to the project to implement especially for static libraries as it requires IDL/DLL exporting followed by manifest declaration. Better to document that it is not supported. Furthermore, an additional class for IMFAttributes should be implemented to make clean architecture for passing around attributes as opposed to directly calling non-COM interface calls on the objects and making use of SetProperties which would also be a set up for an object that uses the RuntimeClass activation ID. The remaining changes are not difficult and will be complete soon along with debug tracing messages. Update and rename cap_msmf.h to cap_msmf.hpp Successful test - samples are grabbed Library updated and cleaned up with comments, marshaling, exceptions and linker settings Fixed trailing whitespace VS 2013 support and cleanup consistency plus C++/CX new object fixed VS 2013 Update 2 library bug fix integrated Various minor cleanup Create agile_wrl.h a-wi's changes integrated Update cap_msmf.hpp Update cap_msmf.cpp Regression test fixes and simplifications
11 years ago
* ==++==
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Modified for native C++ WRL support by Gregory Morse
* ==--==
* =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
* ppltasks_winrt.h
* Parallel Patterns Library - PPL Tasks
* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
#pragma once
#include <concrt.h>
#include <ppltasks.h>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
#include <pplconcrt.h>
// Cannot build using a compiler that is older than dev10 SP1
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_FULL_VER < 160040219 /*IFSTRIP=IGN*/
#error ERROR: Visual Studio 2010 SP1 or later is required to build ppltasks
#endif /*IFSTRIP=IGN*/
#include <ppl.h>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <exception>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
#include <algorithm>
#ifndef __cplusplus_winrt
#include <wrl\implements.h>
#include <wrl\async.h>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
#include "agile_wrl.h"
#include <>
#include <ctxtcall.h>
// It is safe to include winapifamily as WINAPI_FAMILY was defined by the user
#include <winapifamily.h>
// UI thread context support is not required for desktop and Windows Store apps
// UI thread context support is not required for desktop and Windows Store apps
#else /* WINAPI_FAMILY */
// Not supported without a WINAPI_FAMILY setting.
#endif /* WINAPI_FAMILY */
#include <uithreadctxt.h>
#pragma detect_mismatch("_PPLTASKS_WITH_WINRT", "0")
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define _DBG_ONLY(X) X
#define _DBG_ONLY(X)
#endif // #ifdef _DEBUG
// std::copy_exception changed to std::make_exception_ptr from VS 2010 to VS 11.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_VER < 1700 /*IFSTRIP=IGN*/
namespace std
template<class _E> exception_ptr make_exception_ptr(_E _Except)
return copy_exception(_Except);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800 && defined(__cplusplus_winrt)
#define _PPLTASK_ASYNC_LOGGING 1 // Only enable async logging under dev12 winrt
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 28197)
#pragma warning(disable: 4100) // Unreferenced formal parameter - needed for document generation
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // constant express in if condition - we use it for meta programming
#pragma warning(disable: 4702) // Unreachable code - it is caused by user lambda throw exceptions
// All CRT public header files are required to be protected from the macro new
#pragma push_macro("new")
#undef new
// stuff ported from Dev11 CRT
// NOTE: this doesn't actually match std::declval. it behaves differently for void!
// so don't blindly change it to std::declval.
namespace stdx
template<class _T>
_T&& declval();
/// <summary>
/// The <c>Concurrency_winrt</c> namespace provides classes and functions that give you access to the Concurrency Runtime,
/// a concurrent programming framework for C++. For more information, see <see cref="Concurrency Runtime"/>.
/// </summary>
namespace Concurrency_winrt
// In debug builds, default to 10 frames, unless this is overridden prior to #includ'ing ppltasks.h. In retail builds, default to only one frame.
#ifdef _DEBUG
/// <summary>
/// Helper macro to determine how many stack frames need to be saved. When any number less or equal to 1 is specified,
/// only one frame is captured and no stackwalk will be involved. Otherwise, the number of callstack frames will be captured.
/// </summary>
/// <ramarks>
/// This needs to be defined as a macro rather than a function so that if we're only gathering one frame, _ReturnAddress()
/// will evaluate to client code, rather than a helper function inside of _TaskCreationCallstack, itself.
/// </remarks>
#if !defined(_DEBUG)
#pragma message ("WARNING: Redefinning PPL_TASK_SAVE_FRAME_COUNT under Release build for non-desktop applications is not supported; only one frame will be captured!")
#define _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK() ::Concurrency_winrt::details::_TaskCreationCallstack::_CaptureSingleFrameCallstack(_ReturnAddress())
#define _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK() ::Concurrency_winrt::details::_TaskCreationCallstack::_CaptureMultiFramesCallstack(PPL_TASK_SAVE_FRAME_COUNT)
#define _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK() ::Concurrency_winrt::details::_TaskCreationCallstack::_CaptureSingleFrameCallstack(_ReturnAddress())
/// <summary>
/// A type that represents the terminal state of a task. Valid values are <c>completed</c> and <c>canceled</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="task Class"/>
typedef Concurrency::task_group_status task_status;
template <typename _Type> class task;
template <> class task<void>;
/// <summary>
/// Returns an indication of whether the task that is currently executing has received a request to cancel its
/// execution. Cancellation is requested on a task if the task was created with a cancellation token, and
/// the token source associated with that token is canceled.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the currently executing task has received a request for cancellation, <c>false</c> otherwise.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If you call this method in the body of a task and it returns <c>true</c>, you must respond with a call to
/// <see cref="cancel_current_task Function">cancel_current_task</see> to acknowledge the cancellation request,
/// after performing any cleanup you need. This will abort the execution of the task and cause it to enter into
/// the <c>canceled</c> state. If you do not respond and continue execution, or return instead of calling
/// <c>cancel_current_task</c>, the task will enter the <c>completed</c> state when it is done.
/// state.
/// <para>A task is not cancellable if it was created without a cancellation token.</para>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="task Class"/>
/// <seealso cref="cancellation_token_source Class"/>
/// <seealso cref="cancellation_token Class"/>
/// <seealso cref="cancel_current_task Function"/>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
inline bool __cdecl is_task_cancellation_requested()
return ::Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection_t::_Is_cancellation_requested();
inline bool __cdecl is_task_cancellation_requested()
// ConcRT scheduler under the hood is using TaskCollection, which is same as task_group
return ::Concurrency::is_current_task_group_canceling();
/// <summary>
/// Cancels the currently executing task. This function can be called from within the body of a task to abort the
/// task's execution and cause it to enter the <c>canceled</c> state. While it may be used in response to
/// the <see cref="is_task_cancellation_requested Function">is_task_cancellation_requested</see> function, you may
/// also use it by itself, to initiate cancellation of the task that is currently executing.
/// <para>It is not a supported scenario to call this function if you are not within the body of a <c>task</c>.
/// Doing so will result in undefined behavior such as a crash or a hang in your application.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="task Class"/>
/// <seealso cref="is_task_cancellation_requested"/>
//#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
inline __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl cancel_current_task()
throw Concurrency::task_canceled();
//_CRTIMP2 __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl cancel_current_task();
namespace details
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
/// <summary>
/// Callstack container, which is used to capture and preserve callstacks in ppltasks.
/// Members of this class is examined by vc debugger, thus there will be no public access methods.
/// Please note that names of this class should be kept stable for debugger examining.
/// </summary>
class _TaskCreationCallstack
// If _M_SingleFrame != nullptr, there will be only one frame of callstacks, which is stored in _M_SingleFrame;
// otherwise, _M_Frame will store all the callstack frames.
void* _M_SingleFrame;
std::vector<void *> _M_frames;
_M_SingleFrame = nullptr;
// Store one frame of callstack. This function works for both Debug / Release CRT.
static _TaskCreationCallstack _CaptureSingleFrameCallstack(void *_SingleFrame)
_TaskCreationCallstack _csc;
_csc._M_SingleFrame = _SingleFrame;
return _csc;
// Capture _CaptureFrames number of callstack frames. This function only work properly for Desktop or Debug CRT.
static _TaskCreationCallstack _CaptureMultiFramesCallstack(size_t _CaptureFrames)
_TaskCreationCallstack _csc;
// skip 2 frames to make sure callstack starts from user code
_csc._M_frames.resize(::Concurrency::details::platform::CaptureCallstack(&_csc._M_frames[0], 2, _CaptureFrames));
return _csc;
typedef UINT32 _Unit_type;
struct _TypeSelectorNoAsync {};
struct _TypeSelectorAsyncOperationOrTask {};
struct _TypeSelectorAsyncOperation : public _TypeSelectorAsyncOperationOrTask { };
struct _TypeSelectorAsyncTask : public _TypeSelectorAsyncOperationOrTask { };
struct _TypeSelectorAsyncAction {};
struct _TypeSelectorAsyncActionWithProgress {};
struct _TypeSelectorAsyncOperationWithProgress {};
template<typename _Ty>
struct _NormalizeVoidToUnitType
typedef _Ty _Type;
struct _NormalizeVoidToUnitType<void>
typedef _Unit_type _Type;
template<typename _T>
struct _IsUnwrappedAsyncSelector
static const bool _Value = true;
struct _IsUnwrappedAsyncSelector<_TypeSelectorNoAsync>
static const bool _Value = false;
template <typename _Ty>
struct _UnwrapTaskType
typedef _Ty _Type;
template <typename _Ty>
struct _UnwrapTaskType<task<_Ty>>
typedef _Ty _Type;
template <typename _T>
_TypeSelectorAsyncTask _AsyncOperationKindSelector(task<_T>);
_TypeSelectorNoAsync _AsyncOperationKindSelector(...);
template <typename _Type>
struct _Unhat
typedef _Type _Value;
template <typename _Type>
struct _Unhat<_Type*>
typedef _Type _Value;
//struct _NonUserType { public: int _Dummy; };
template <typename _Type, bool _IsValueTypeOrRefType = __is_valid_winrt_type(_Type)>
struct _ValueTypeOrRefType
typedef _Unit_type _Value;
template <typename _Type>
struct _ValueTypeOrRefType<_Type, true>
typedef _Type _Value;
template <typename _Ty>
_Ty _UnwrapAsyncActionWithProgressSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress_impl<_Ty>*);
template <typename _Ty>
_Ty _UnwrapAsyncActionWithProgressSelector(...);
template <typename _Ty, typename _Progress>
_Progress _UnwrapAsyncOperationWithProgressProgressSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress_impl<_Ty, _Progress>*);
template <typename _Ty, typename _Progress>
_Progress _UnwrapAsyncOperationWithProgressProgressSelector(...);
template <typename _T1, typename _T2>
_T2 _ProgressTypeSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_T1, _T2>*);
template <typename _T1>
_T1 _ProgressTypeSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress<_T1>*);
template <typename _Type>
struct _GetProgressType
typedef decltype(_ProgressTypeSelector(stdx::declval<_Type>())) _Value;
template <typename _T>
_TypeSelectorAsyncOperation _AsyncOperationKindSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_T>*);
_TypeSelectorAsyncAction _AsyncOperationKindSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction*);
template <typename _T1, typename _T2>
_TypeSelectorAsyncOperationWithProgress _AsyncOperationKindSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_T1, _T2>*);
template <typename _T>
_TypeSelectorAsyncActionWithProgress _AsyncOperationKindSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress<_T>*);
template <typename _Type>
struct _IsIAsyncInfo
static const bool _Value = std::is_base_of<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo, typename _Unhat<_Type>::_Value>::value ||
std::is_same<_TypeSelectorAsyncAction, decltype(details::_AsyncOperationKindSelector(stdx::declval<_Type>()))>::value ||
std::is_same<_TypeSelectorAsyncOperation, decltype(details::_AsyncOperationKindSelector(stdx::declval<_Type>()))>::value ||
std::is_same<_TypeSelectorAsyncOperationWithProgress, decltype(details::_AsyncOperationKindSelector(stdx::declval<_Type>()))>::value ||
std::is_same<_TypeSelectorAsyncActionWithProgress, decltype(details::_AsyncOperationKindSelector(stdx::declval<_Type>()))>::value;
template <>
struct _IsIAsyncInfo<void>
static const bool _Value = false;
template <typename _Ty>
_Ty _UnwrapAsyncOperationSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation_impl<_Ty>*);
template <typename _Ty>
_Ty _UnwrapAsyncOperationSelector(...);
template <typename _Ty, typename _Progress>
_Ty _UnwrapAsyncOperationWithProgressSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress_impl<_Ty, _Progress>*);
template <typename _Ty, typename _Progress>
_Ty _UnwrapAsyncOperationWithProgressSelector(...);
// Unwrap functions for asyncOperations
template<typename _Ty>
auto _GetUnwrappedType(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_Ty>*) -> typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationSelector(stdx::declval<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_Ty>*>()))>::type;
void _GetUnwrappedType(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction*);
template<typename _Ty, typename _Progress>
auto _GetUnwrappedType(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_Ty, _Progress>*) -> typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationWithProgressSelector(stdx::declval<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_Ty, _Progress>*>()))>::type;
template<typename _Progress>
void _GetUnwrappedType(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress<_Progress>*);
template <typename _T>
_T _ReturnAsyncOperationKindSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_T>*);
void _ReturnAsyncOperationKindSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction*);
template <typename _T1, typename _T2>
_T1 _ReturnAsyncOperationKindSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_T1, _T2>*);
template <typename _T>
void _ReturnAsyncOperationKindSelector(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress<_T>*);
class _ProgressReporterCtorArgType{};
template <typename _Type, bool _IsAsync = _IsIAsyncInfo<_Type>::_Value>
struct _TaskTypeTraits
typedef typename details::_UnwrapTaskType<_Type>::_Type _TaskRetType;
typedef _TaskRetType _TaskRetType_abi;
typedef decltype(_AsyncOperationKindSelector(stdx::declval<_Type>())) _AsyncKind;
typedef typename details::_NormalizeVoidToUnitType<_TaskRetType>::_Type _NormalizedTaskRetType;
static const bool _IsAsyncTask = _IsAsync;
static const bool _IsUnwrappedTaskOrAsync = details::_IsUnwrappedAsyncSelector<_AsyncKind>::_Value;
template<typename _Type>
struct _TaskTypeTraits<_Type, true>
typedef decltype(_ReturnAsyncOperationKindSelector(stdx::declval<_Type>())) _TaskRetType;
typedef decltype(_GetUnwrappedType(stdx::declval<_Type>())) _TaskRetType_abi;
typedef _TaskRetType _NormalizedTaskRetType;
typedef decltype(_AsyncOperationKindSelector(stdx::declval<_Type>())) _AsyncKind;
static const bool _IsAsyncTask = true;
static const bool _IsUnwrappedTaskOrAsync = details::_IsUnwrappedAsyncSelector<_AsyncKind>::_Value;
template <typename _ReturnType, typename _Function> auto _IsCallable(_Function _Func, int, int, int) -> decltype(_Func(stdx::declval<task<_ReturnType>*>()), std::true_type()) { (void)_Func; return std::true_type(); }
template <typename _ReturnType, typename _Function> auto _IsCallable(_Function _Func, int, int, ...) -> decltype(_Func(stdx::declval<_ReturnType*>()), std::true_type()) { (void)_Func; return std::true_type(); }
template <typename _ReturnType, typename _Function> auto _IsCallable(_Function _Func, int, ...) -> decltype(_Func(), std::true_type()) { (void)_Func; return std::true_type(); }
template <typename _ReturnType, typename _Function> std::false_type _IsCallable(_Function, ...) { return std::false_type(); }
template <>
struct _TaskTypeTraits<void>
typedef void _TaskRetType;
typedef void _TaskRetType_abi;
typedef _TypeSelectorNoAsync _AsyncKind;
typedef _Unit_type _NormalizedTaskRetType;
static const bool _IsAsyncTask = false;
static const bool _IsUnwrappedTaskOrAsync = false;
// ***************************************************************************
// Template type traits and helpers for async production APIs:
struct _ZeroArgumentFunctor { };
struct _OneArgumentFunctor { };
struct _TwoArgumentFunctor { };
struct _ThreeArgumentFunctor { };
// ****************************************
// mutable functions
// ********************
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg1 _Arg1ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg2 _Arg2ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg3 _Arg3ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypeClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_ThreeArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
// ********************
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_Arg1 _Arg1ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_Arg2 _Arg2ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
void _Arg3ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypeClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_TwoArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// ********************
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_Arg1 _Arg1ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1));
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
void _Arg2ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1));
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
void _Arg3ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1));
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypeClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1));
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_OneArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1));
// ********************
// void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg1ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)());
// void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg2ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)());
// void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg3ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)());
// void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypeClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)());
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType>
_ZeroArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(_Class::*)());
// ********************
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg1 _Arg1ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3) const);
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg2 _Arg2ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3) const);
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg3 _Arg3ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3) const);
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypeClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3) const);
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_ThreeArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3) const);
// ********************
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_Arg1 _Arg1ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2) const);
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_Arg2 _Arg2ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2) const);
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
void _Arg3ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2) const);
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypeClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2) const);
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_TwoArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1, _Arg2) const);
// ********************
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_Arg1 _Arg1ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1) const);
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
void _Arg2ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1) const);
// non-void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
void _Arg3ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1) const);
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypeClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1) const);
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_OneArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(_Class::*)(_Arg1) const);
// ********************
// void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg1ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)() const);
// void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg2ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)() const);
// void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg3ClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)() const);
// void arg:
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypeClassHelperThunk(_ReturnType(_Class::*)() const);
template<typename _Class, typename _ReturnType>
_ZeroArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(_Class::*)() const);
// ****************************************
// ********************
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg1 _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg2 _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg3 _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_ThreeArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg1 _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg2 _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg3 _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_ThreeArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg1 _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg2 _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_Arg3 _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2, typename _Arg3>
_ThreeArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3));
// ********************
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_Arg1 _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_Arg2 _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
void _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_TwoArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_Arg1 _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_Arg2 _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
void _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_TwoArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_Arg1 _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_Arg2 _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
void _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1, typename _Arg2>
_TwoArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1, _Arg2));
// ********************
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_Arg1 _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
void _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
void _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_OneArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_Arg1 _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
void _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
void _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_OneArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_Arg1 _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
void _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
void _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Arg1>
_OneArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)(_Arg1));
// ********************
template<typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
_ZeroArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__cdecl *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
_ZeroArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__stdcall *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg1PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg2PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
void _Arg3PFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
_ReturnType _ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)());
template<typename _ReturnType>
_ZeroArgumentFunctor _ArgumentCountHelper(_ReturnType(__fastcall *)());
template<typename _T>
struct _FunctorArguments
static const size_t _Count = 0;
struct _FunctorArguments<_OneArgumentFunctor>
static const size_t _Count = 1;
struct _FunctorArguments<_TwoArgumentFunctor>
static const size_t _Count = 2;
struct _FunctorArguments<_ThreeArgumentFunctor>
static const size_t _Count = 3;
template<typename _T>
struct _FunctorTypeTraits
typedef decltype(_ArgumentCountHelper(&(_T::operator()))) _ArgumentCountType;
static const size_t _ArgumentCount = _FunctorArguments<_ArgumentCountType>::_Count;
typedef decltype(_ReturnTypeClassHelperThunk(&(_T::operator()))) _ReturnType;
typedef decltype(_Arg1ClassHelperThunk(&(_T::operator()))) _Argument1Type;
typedef decltype(_Arg2ClassHelperThunk(&(_T::operator()))) _Argument2Type;
typedef decltype(_Arg3ClassHelperThunk(&(_T::operator()))) _Argument3Type;
template<typename _T>
struct _FunctorTypeTraits<_T *>
typedef decltype(_ArgumentCountHelper(stdx::declval<_T*>())) _ArgumentCountType;
static const size_t _ArgumentCount = _FunctorArguments<_ArgumentCountType>::_Count;
typedef decltype(_ReturnTypePFNHelperThunk(stdx::declval<_T*>())) _ReturnType;
typedef decltype(_Arg1PFNHelperThunk(stdx::declval<_T*>())) _Argument1Type;
typedef decltype(_Arg2PFNHelperThunk(stdx::declval<_T*>())) _Argument2Type;
typedef decltype(_Arg3PFNHelperThunk(stdx::declval<_T*>())) _Argument3Type;
task<void> _To_task();
template <typename _Function> auto _IsVoidConversionHelper(_Function _Func, int) -> typename decltype(_Func(_To_task()), std::true_type());
template <typename _Function> std::false_type _IsVoidConversionHelper(_Function _Func, ...);
template <typename T> std::true_type _VoidIsTaskHelper(task<T> _Arg, int);
template <typename T> std::false_type _VoidIsTaskHelper(T _Arg, ...);
template<typename _Function, typename _ExpectedParameterType, const bool _IsVoidConversion = std::is_same<decltype(_IsVoidConversionHelper(stdx::declval<_Function>(), 0)), std::true_type>::value, const size_t _Count = _FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_ArgumentCount>
struct _FunctionTypeTraits
typedef typename _Unhat<typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument2Type>::_Value _FuncRetType;
static_assert(std::is_same<typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument1Type, _ExpectedParameterType>::value ||
std::is_same<typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument1Type, task<_ExpectedParameterType>>::value, "incorrect parameter type for the callable object in 'then'; consider _ExpectedParameterType or task<_ExpectedParameterType> (see below)");
typedef decltype(_VoidIsTaskHelper(stdx::declval<_FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument1Type>(), 0)) _Takes_task;
//if there is a continuation parameter, then must use void/no return value
template<typename _Function, typename _ExpectedParameterType, const bool _IsVoidConversion>
struct _FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, _ExpectedParameterType, _IsVoidConversion, 1>
typedef void _FuncRetType;
static_assert(std::is_same<typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument1Type, _ExpectedParameterType>::value ||
std::is_same<typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument1Type, task<_ExpectedParameterType>>::value, "incorrect parameter type for the callable object in 'then'; consider _ExpectedParameterType or task<_ExpectedParameterType> (see below)");
typedef decltype(_VoidIsTaskHelper(stdx::declval<_FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument1Type>(), 0)) _Takes_task;
template<typename _Function>
struct _FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, void, true, 1>
typedef void _FuncRetType;
static_assert(std::is_same<typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument1Type, decltype(_To_task())>::value, "incorrect parameter type for the callable object in 'then'; consider _ExpectedParameterType or task<_ExpectedParameterType> (see below)");
typedef decltype(_VoidIsTaskHelper(stdx::declval<_FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument1Type>(), 0)) _Takes_task;
template<typename _Function>
struct _FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, void, false, 1>
typedef typename _Unhat<typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument1Type>::_Value _FuncRetType;
typedef std::false_type _Takes_task;
template<typename _Function, typename _ExpectedParameterType, const bool _IsVoidConversion>
struct _FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, _ExpectedParameterType, _IsVoidConversion, 0>
typedef void _FuncRetType;
typedef std::false_type _Takes_task;
template<typename _Function, typename _ReturnType>
struct _ContinuationTypeTraits
typedef typename task<typename _TaskTypeTraits<typename _FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, _ReturnType>::_FuncRetType>::_TaskRetType_abi> _TaskOfType;
// _InitFunctorTypeTraits is used to decide whether a task constructed with a lambda should be unwrapped. Depending on how the variable is
// declared, the constructor may or may not perform unwrapping. For eg.
// This declaration SHOULD NOT cause unwrapping
// task<task<void>> t1([]() -> task<void> {
// task<void> t2([]() {});
// return t2;
// });
// This declaration SHOULD cause unwrapping
// task<void>> t1([]() -> task<void> {
// task<void> t2([]() {});
// return t2;
// });
// If the type of the task is the same as the return type of the function, no unwrapping should take place. Else normal rules apply.
template <typename _TaskType, typename _FuncRetType>
struct _InitFunctorTypeTraits
typedef typename _TaskTypeTraits<_FuncRetType>::_AsyncKind _AsyncKind;
static const bool _IsAsyncTask = _TaskTypeTraits<_FuncRetType>::_IsAsyncTask;
static const bool _IsUnwrappedTaskOrAsync = _TaskTypeTraits<_FuncRetType>::_IsUnwrappedTaskOrAsync;
template<typename T>
struct _InitFunctorTypeTraits<T, T>
typedef _TypeSelectorNoAsync _AsyncKind;
static const bool _IsAsyncTask = false;
static const bool _IsUnwrappedTaskOrAsync = false;
/// <summary>
/// Helper object used for LWT invocation.
/// </summary>
struct _TaskProcThunk
_TaskProcThunk(const std::function<HRESULT(void)> & _Callback) :
static void __cdecl _Bridge(void *_PData)
_TaskProcThunk *_PThunk = reinterpret_cast<_TaskProcThunk *>(_PData);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_Holder _ThunkHolder(_PThunk);
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
delete _PThunk;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// RAII holder
struct _Holder
_Holder(_TaskProcThunk * _PThunk) : _M_pThunk(_PThunk)
delete _M_pThunk;
_TaskProcThunk * _M_pThunk;
_Holder& operator=(const _Holder&);
std::function<HRESULT(void)> _M_func;
_TaskProcThunk& operator=(const _TaskProcThunk&);
/// <summary>
/// Schedule a functor with automatic inlining. Note that this is "fire and forget" scheduling, which cannot be
/// waited on or canceled after scheduling.
/// This schedule method will perform automatic inlining base on <paramref value="_InliningMode"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Func">
/// The user functor need to be scheduled.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_InliningMode">
/// The inlining scheduling policy for current functor.
/// </param>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
typedef Concurrency::details::_TaskInliningMode_t _TaskInliningMode;
typedef Concurrency::details::_TaskInliningMode _TaskInliningMode;
static void _ScheduleFuncWithAutoInline(const std::function<HRESULT(void)> & _Func, _TaskInliningMode _InliningMode)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection_t::_RunTask(&_TaskProcThunk::_Bridge, new _TaskProcThunk(_Func), _InliningMode);
Concurrency::details::_StackGuard _Guard;
if (_Guard._ShouldInline(_InliningMode))
Concurrency::details::_CurrentScheduler::_ScheduleTask(reinterpret_cast<Concurrency::TaskProc>(&_TaskProcThunk::_Bridge), new _TaskProcThunk(_Func));
class _ContextCallback
typedef std::function<HRESULT(void)> _CallbackFunction;
static _ContextCallback _CaptureCurrent()
_ContextCallback _Context;
return _Context;
_ContextCallback(bool _DeferCapture = false)
if (_DeferCapture)
_M_context._M_captureMethod = _S_captureDeferred;
_M_context._M_pContextCallback = nullptr;
// Resolves a context that was created as _S_captureDeferred based on the environment (ancestor, current context).
void _Resolve(bool _CaptureCurrent)
if (_M_context._M_captureMethod == _S_captureDeferred)
_M_context._M_pContextCallback = nullptr;
if (_CaptureCurrent)
if (_IsCurrentOriginSTA())
// This method will fail if not called from the UI thread.
HRESULT _Hr = CaptureUiThreadContext(&_M_context._M_pContextCallback);
if (FAILED(_Hr))
_M_context._M_pContextCallback = nullptr;
void _Capture()
HRESULT _Hr = CoGetObjectContext(IID_IContextCallback, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&_M_context._M_pContextCallback));
if (FAILED(_Hr))
_M_context._M_pContextCallback = nullptr;
_ContextCallback(const _ContextCallback& _Src)
_ContextCallback(_ContextCallback&& _Src)
_M_context._M_pContextCallback = _Src._M_context._M_pContextCallback;
_Src._M_context._M_pContextCallback = nullptr;
_ContextCallback& operator=(const _ContextCallback& _Src)
if (this != &_Src)
return *this;
_ContextCallback& operator=(_ContextCallback&& _Src)
if (this != &_Src)
_M_context._M_pContextCallback = _Src._M_context._M_pContextCallback;
_Src._M_context._M_pContextCallback = nullptr;
return *this;
bool _HasCapturedContext() const
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_M_context._M_captureMethod != _S_captureDeferred);
return (_M_context._M_pContextCallback != nullptr);
HRESULT _CallInContext(_CallbackFunction _Func) const
if (!_HasCapturedContext())
ComCallData callData;
ZeroMemory(&callData, sizeof(callData));
callData.pUserDefined = reinterpret_cast<void *>(&_Func);
HRESULT _Hr = _M_context._M_pContextCallback->ContextCallback(&_Bridge, &callData, IID_ICallbackWithNoReentrancyToApplicationSTA, 5, nullptr);
if (FAILED(_Hr))
return _Hr;
return S_OK;
bool operator==(const _ContextCallback& _Rhs) const
return (_M_context._M_pContextCallback == _Rhs._M_context._M_pContextCallback);
bool operator!=(const _ContextCallback& _Rhs) const
return !(operator==(_Rhs));
void _Reset()
if (_M_context._M_captureMethod != _S_captureDeferred && _M_context._M_pContextCallback != nullptr)
void _Assign(IContextCallback *_PContextCallback)
_M_context._M_pContextCallback = _PContextCallback;
if (_M_context._M_captureMethod != _S_captureDeferred && _M_context._M_pContextCallback != nullptr)
static HRESULT __stdcall _Bridge(ComCallData *_PParam)
_CallbackFunction *pFunc = reinterpret_cast<_CallbackFunction *>(_PParam->pUserDefined);
return (*pFunc)();
// Returns the origin information for the caller (runtime / Windows Runtime apartment as far as task continuations need know)
static bool _IsCurrentOriginSTA()
HRESULT hr = CoGetApartmentType(&_AptType, &_AptTypeQualifier);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// We determine the origin of a task continuation by looking at where .then is called, so we can tell whether
// to need to marshal the continuation back to the originating apartment. If an STA thread is in executing in
// a neutral aparment when it schedules a continuation, we will not marshal continuations back to the STA,
// since variables used within a neutral apartment are expected to be apartment neutral.
switch (_AptType)
return true;
return false;
IContextCallback *_M_pContextCallback;
size_t _M_captureMethod;
} _M_context;
static const size_t _S_captureDeferred = 1;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Type>
struct _ResultHolder
void Set(const _Type& _type)
_Result = _type;
_Type Get()
return _Result;
_Type _Result;
template<typename _Type>
struct _ResultHolder<_Type*>
void Set(_Type* const & _type)
_M_Result = _type;
_Type* Get()
return _M_Result.Get();
// ::Platform::Agile handle specialization of all hats
// including ::Platform::String and ::Platform::Array
Agile<_Type*> _M_Result;
// The below are for composability with tasks auto-created from when_any / when_all / && / || constructs.
template<typename _Type>
struct _ResultHolder<std::vector<_Type*>>
void Set(const std::vector<_Type*>& _type)
for (auto _PTask = _type.begin(); _PTask != _type.end(); ++_PTask)
std::vector<_Type*> Get()
// Return vectory<T^> with the objects that are marshaled in the proper appartment
std::vector<_Type*> _Return;
for (auto _PTask = _Result.begin(); _PTask != _Result.end(); ++_PTask)
_Return.push_back(_PTask->Get()); // Agile will marshal the object to appropriate appartment if neccessary
return _Return;
std::vector< Agile<_Type*> > _Result;
template<typename _Type>
struct _ResultHolder<std::pair<_Type*, void*> >
void Set(const std::pair<_Type*, size_t>& _type)
_M_Result = _type;
std::pair<_Type*, size_t> Get()
return std::make_pair(_M_Result.first, _M_Result.second);
std::pair<Agile<_Type*>, size_t> _M_Result;
template<typename _Type>
struct _ResultContext
static _ContextCallback _GetContext(bool /* _RuntimeAggregate */)
return _ContextCallback();
static _Type _GetValue(_Type _ObjInCtx, const _ContextCallback & /* _Ctx */, bool /* _RuntimeAggregate */)
return _ObjInCtx;
template<typename _Type, size_t N = 0, bool bIsArray = std::is_array<_Type>::value>
struct _MarshalHelper
template<typename _Type, size_t N>
struct _MarshalHelper<_Type, N, true>
static _Type* _Perform(_Type(&_ObjInCtx)[N], const _ContextCallback& _Ctx)
static_assert(__is_valid_winrt_type(_Type*), "must be a WinRT array compatible type");
if (_ObjInCtx == nullptr)
return nullptr;
IStream * _PStream;
_Ctx._CallInContext([&]() -> HRESULT {
// It isn't safe to simply reinterpret_cast a hat type to IUnknown* because some types do not have a real vtable ptr.
// Instead, we could to create a property value to make it "grow" the vtable ptr but instead primitives are not marshalled.
IUnknown * _PUnk = winrt_array_type::create(_ObjInCtx, N);
_Hr = CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(winrt_type<_Type>::getuuid(), _PUnk, &_PStream);
return S_OK;
// With an APPX manifest, this call should never fail.
_Type* _Proxy;
// Cannot use IID_PPV_ARGS with ^ types.
_Hr = CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(_PStream, winrt_type<_Type>::getuuid(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&_Proxy));
if (FAILED(_Hr))
throw std::make_exception_ptr(_Hr);
return _Proxy;
template<typename _Type>
struct _MarshalHelper<_Type, 0, false>
static _Type* _Perform(_Type* _ObjInCtx, const _ContextCallback& _Ctx)
static_assert(std::is_base_of<IUnknown, _Type>::value || __is_valid_winrt_type(_Type), "must be a COM or WinRT type");
if (_ObjInCtx == nullptr)
return nullptr;
IStream * _PStream;
_Ctx._CallInContext([&]() -> HRESULT {
// It isn't safe to simply reinterpret_cast a hat type to IUnknown* because some types do not have a real vtable ptr.
// Instead, we could to create a property value to make it "grow" the vtable ptr but instead primitives are not marshalled.
IUnknown * _PUnk = winrt_type<_Type>::create(_ObjInCtx);
_Hr = CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(winrt_type<_Type>::getuuid(), _PUnk, &_PStream);
return S_OK;
// With an APPX manifest, this call should never fail.
_Type* _Proxy;
// Cannot use IID_PPV_ARGS with ^ types.
_Hr = CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream(_PStream, winrt_type<_Type>::getuuid(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&_Proxy));
if (FAILED(_Hr))
throw std::make_exception_ptr(_Hr);
return _Proxy;
// Arrays must be converted to IPropertyValue objects.
struct _MarshalHelper<HSTRING__>
static HSTRING _Perform(HSTRING _ObjInCtx, const _ContextCallback& _Ctx)
return _ObjInCtx;
template<typename _Type>
_Type* _Marshal(_Type* _ObjInCtx, const _ContextCallback& _Ctx)
return _MarshalHelper<_Type>::_Perform(_ObjInCtx, _Ctx);
template<typename _Type>
struct _InContext
static _Type _Get(_Type _ObjInCtx, const _ContextCallback& _Ctx)
return _ObjInCtx;
template<typename _Type>
struct _InContext<_Type*>
static _Type* _Get(_Type* _ObjInCtx, const _ContextCallback& _Ctx)
_ContextCallback _CurrentContext = _ContextCallback::_CaptureCurrent();
if (!_Ctx._HasCapturedContext() || _Ctx == _CurrentContext)
return _ObjInCtx;
// The object is from another apartment. If it's marshalable, do so.
return _Marshal<_Type>(_ObjInCtx, _Ctx);
template<typename _Type>
struct _ResultContext<_Type*>
static _Type* _GetValue(_Type* _ObjInCtx, const _ContextCallback& _Ctx, bool /* _RuntimeAggregate */)
return _InContext<_Type*>::_Get(_ObjInCtx, _Ctx);
static _ContextCallback _GetContext(bool /* _RuntimeAggregate */)
return _ContextCallback::_CaptureCurrent();
// The below are for composability with tasks auto-created from when_any / when_all / && / || constructs.
template<typename _Type>
struct _ResultContext<std::vector<_Type*>>
static std::vector<_Type*> _GetValue(std::vector<_Type*> _ObjInCtx, const _ContextCallback& _Ctx, bool _RuntimeAggregate)
if (!_RuntimeAggregate)
return _ObjInCtx;
_ContextCallback _CurrentContext = _ContextCallback::_CaptureCurrent();
if (!_Ctx._HasCapturedContext() || _Ctx == _CurrentContext)
return _ObjInCtx;
for (auto _It = _ObjInCtx.begin(); _It != _ObjInCtx.end(); ++_It)
*_It = _Marshal<_Type>(*_It, _Ctx);
return _ObjInCtx;
static _ContextCallback _GetContext(bool _RuntimeAggregate)
if (!_RuntimeAggregate)
return _ContextCallback();
return _ContextCallback::_CaptureCurrent();
template<typename _Type>
struct _ResultContext<std::pair<_Type*, size_t>>
static std::pair<_Type*, size_t> _GetValue(std::pair<_Type*, size_t> _ObjInCtx, const _ContextCallback& _Ctx, bool _RuntimeAggregate)
if (!_RuntimeAggregate)
return _ObjInCtx;
_ContextCallback _CurrentContext = _ContextCallback::_CaptureCurrent();
if (!_Ctx._HasCapturedContext() || _Ctx == _CurrentContext)
return _ObjInCtx;
return std::pair<_Type*, size_t>(_Marshal<_Type>(_ObjInCtx.first, _Ctx), _ObjInCtx.second);
static _ContextCallback _GetContext(bool _RuntimeAggregate)
if (!_RuntimeAggregate)
return _ContextCallback();
return _ContextCallback::_CaptureCurrent();
// An exception thrown by the task body is captured in an exception holder and it is shared with all value based continuations rooted at the task.
// The exception is 'observed' if the user invokes get()/wait() on any of the tasks that are sharing this exception holder. If the exception
// is not observed by the time the internal object owned by the shared pointer destructs, the process will fail fast.
struct _ExceptionHolder
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void ReportUnhandledError()
if (_M_winRTException != nullptr)
throw _M_winRTException.Get();
explicit _ExceptionHolder(const std::exception_ptr& _E, const _TaskCreationCallstack &_stackTrace) :
_M_exceptionObserved(0), _M_stdException(_E), _M_stackTrace(_stackTrace)
explicit _ExceptionHolder(IRestrictedErrorInfo*& _E, const _TaskCreationCallstack &_stackTrace) :
_M_exceptionObserved(0), _M_winRTException(_E), _M_stackTrace(_stackTrace)
explicit _ExceptionHolder(const std::exception_ptr& _E, void* _SourceAddressHint) :
_M_exceptionObserved(0), _M_stdException(_E), _M_disassembleMe(_SourceAddressHint)
explicit _ExceptionHolder(IRestrictedErrorInfo*& _E, void* _SourceAddressHint) :
_M_exceptionObserved(0), _M_disassembleMe(_SourceAddressHint), _M_winRTException(_E)
if (_M_exceptionObserved == 0)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// If you are trapped here, it means an exception thrown in task chain didn't get handled.
// Please add task-based continuation to handle all exceptions coming from tasks.
// this->_M_stackTrace keeps the creation callstack of the task generates this exception.
// Disassemble at this->_M_disassembleMe to get to the source location right after either the creation of the task (constructor
// or then method) that encountered this exception, or the set_exception call for a task_completion_event.
void _RethrowUserException()
if (_M_exceptionObserved == 0)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Concurrency::details::atomic_exchange(_M_exceptionObserved, 1l);
_InterlockedExchange(&_M_exceptionObserved, 1);
if (_M_winRTException != nullptr)
throw _M_winRTException.Get();
// A variable that remembers if this exception was every rethrown into user code (and hence handled by the user). Exceptions that
// are unobserved when the exception holder is destructed will terminate the process.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Concurrency::details::atomic_long _M_exceptionObserved;
long volatile _M_exceptionObserved;
// Either _M_stdException or _M_winRTException is populated based on the type of exception encountered.
std::exception_ptr _M_stdException;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IRestrictedErrorInfo> _M_winRTException;
// Disassembling this value will point to a source instruction right after a call instruction. If the call is to create_task,
// a task constructor or the then method, the task created by that method is the one that encountered this exception. If the call
// is to task_completion_event::set_exception, the set_exception method was the source of the exception.
// DO NOT REMOVE THIS VARIABLE. It is extremely helpful for debugging.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_TaskCreationCallstack _M_stackTrace;
void* _M_disassembleMe;
#ifndef RUNTIMECLASS_Concurrency_winrt_details__AsyncInfoImpl_DEFINED
#define RUNTIMECLASS_Concurrency_winrt_details__AsyncInfoImpl_DEFINED
extern const __declspec(selectany) WCHAR RuntimeClass_Concurrency_winrt_details__AsyncInfoImpl[] = L"Concurrency_winrt.details._AsyncInfoImpl";
/// <summary>
/// Base converter class for converting asynchronous interfaces to IAsyncOperation
/// </summary>
template<typename _AsyncOperationType, typename _CompletionHandlerType, typename _Result_abi>
struct _AsyncInfoImpl abstract : public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass<
Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassFlags< Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassType::WinRt>,
InspectableClass(RuntimeClass_Concurrency_winrt_details__AsyncInfoImpl, BaseTrust)
// The async action, action with progress or operation with progress that this stub forwards to.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Agile<_AsyncOperationType> _M_asyncInfo;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<_AsyncOperationType> _M_asyncInfo;
// The context in which this async info is valid - may be different from the context where the completion handler runs,
// and may require marshalling before it is used.
_ContextCallback _M_asyncInfoContext;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<_CompletionHandlerType> _M_CompletedHandler;
_AsyncInfoImpl(_AsyncOperationType* _AsyncInfo) : _M_asyncInfo(_AsyncInfo)
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
, _M_asyncInfoContext(_ContextCallback::_CaptureCurrent())
virtual HRESULT OnStart() { return S_OK; }
virtual void OnCancel() {
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo> pAsyncInfo;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _M_asyncInfo.Get()->QueryInterface<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo>(pAsyncInfo.GetAddressOf())))
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _M_asyncInfo.As(&pAsyncInfo)))
throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
virtual void OnClose() {
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo> pAsyncInfo;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _M_asyncInfo.Get()->QueryInterface<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo>(pAsyncInfo.GetAddressOf())))
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _M_asyncInfo.As(&pAsyncInfo)))
throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
virtual STDMETHODIMP get_ErrorCode(HRESULT* errorCode)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo> pAsyncInfo;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _M_asyncInfo.Get()->QueryInterface<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo>(pAsyncInfo.GetAddressOf())))
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _M_asyncInfo.As(&pAsyncInfo)))
return pAsyncInfo->get_ErrorCode(errorCode);
return hr;
virtual STDMETHODIMP get_Id(UINT* id)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo> pAsyncInfo;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _M_asyncInfo.Get()->QueryInterface<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo>(pAsyncInfo.GetAddressOf())))
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _M_asyncInfo.As(&pAsyncInfo)))
return pAsyncInfo->get_Id(id);
return hr;
virtual STDMETHODIMP get_Status(ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus *status)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo> pAsyncInfo;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _M_asyncInfo.Get()->QueryInterface<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo>(pAsyncInfo.GetAddressOf())))
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _M_asyncInfo.As(&pAsyncInfo)))
return pAsyncInfo->get_Status(status);
return hr;
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetResults(_Result_abi*) { throw std::runtime_error("derived class must implement"); }
virtual STDMETHODIMP get_Completed(_CompletionHandlerType** handler)
if (!handler) return E_POINTER;
return S_OK;
virtual STDMETHODIMP put_Completed(_CompletionHandlerType* value)
_M_CompletedHandler = value;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<_CompletionHandlerType> handler = Microsoft::WRL::Callback<_CompletionHandlerType>([&](_AsyncOperationType*, ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus status) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// Update the saved _M_asyncInfo with a proxy valid in the current context if required. Some Windows APIs return an IAsyncInfo
// that is only valid for the thread that called the API to retrieve. Since this completion handler can run on any thread, we
// need to ensure that the async info is valid in the current apartment. _M_asyncInfo will be accessed via calls to 'this' inside
// _AsyncInit.
_M_asyncInfo = _ResultContext<_AsyncOperationType*>::_GetValue(_M_asyncInfo.Get(), _M_asyncInfoContext, false);
return _M_CompletedHandler->Invoke(_M_asyncInfo.Get(), status);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return _M_asyncInfo.Get()->put_Completed(handler.Get());
return _M_asyncInfo->put_Completed(handler.Get());
extern const __declspec(selectany) WCHAR RuntimeClass_IAsyncOperationToAsyncOperationConverter[] = L"_IAsyncOperationToAsyncOperationConverter";
/// <summary>
/// Class _IAsyncOperationToAsyncOperationConverter is used to convert an instance of IAsyncOperationWithProgress<T> into IAsyncOperation<T>
/// </summary>
template<typename _Result>
struct _IAsyncOperationToAsyncOperationConverter :
typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationSelector(stdx::declval<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_Result>*>()))>::type>
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationSelector(stdx::declval<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_Result>*>()))>::type _Result_abi;
InspectableClass(RuntimeClass_IAsyncOperationToAsyncOperationConverter, BaseTrust)
_IAsyncOperationToAsyncOperationConverter(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_Result>* _Operation) :
_Result_abi>(_Operation) {}
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetResults(_Result_abi* results) override {
if (!results) return E_POINTER;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return _M_asyncInfo.Get()->GetResults(results);
return _M_asyncInfo->GetResults(results);
extern const __declspec(selectany) WCHAR RuntimeClass_IAsyncOperationWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter[] = L"_IAsyncOperationWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter";
/// <summary>
/// Class _IAsyncOperationWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter is used to convert an instance of IAsyncOperationWithProgress<T> into IAsyncOperation<T>
/// </summary>
template<typename _Result, typename _Progress>
struct _IAsyncOperationWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter :
_AsyncInfoImpl<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_Result, _Progress>,
ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler<_Result, _Progress>,
typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationWithProgressSelector(stdx::declval<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_Result, _Progress>*>()))>::type>
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationWithProgressSelector(stdx::declval<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_Result, _Progress>*>()))>::type _Result_abi;
InspectableClass(RuntimeClass_IAsyncOperationWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter, BaseTrust)
_IAsyncOperationWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_Result, _Progress>* _Operation) :
_AsyncInfoImpl<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_Result, _Progress>,
ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler<_Result, _Progress>,
_Result_abi>(_Operation) {}
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetResults(_Result_abi* results) override {
if (!results) return E_POINTER;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return _M_asyncInfo.Get()->GetResults(results);
return _M_asyncInfo->GetResults(results);
extern const __declspec(selectany) WCHAR RuntimeClass_IAsyncActionToAsyncOperationConverter[] = L"_IAsyncActionToAsyncOperationConverter";
/// <summary>
/// Class _IAsyncActionToAsyncOperationConverter is used to convert an instance of IAsyncAction into IAsyncOperation<_Unit_type>
/// </summary>
struct _IAsyncActionToAsyncOperationConverter :
InspectableClass(RuntimeClass_IAsyncActionToAsyncOperationConverter, BaseTrust)
_IAsyncActionToAsyncOperationConverter(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction* _Operation) :
_Unit_type>(_Operation) {}
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetResults(details::_Unit_type* results)
if (!results) return E_POINTER;
// Invoke GetResults on the IAsyncAction to allow exceptions to be thrown to higher layers before returning a dummy value.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _M_asyncInfo.Get()->GetResults();
HRESULT hr = _M_asyncInfo->GetResults();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *results = _Unit_type();
return hr;
extern const __declspec(selectany) WCHAR RuntimeClass_IAsyncActionWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter[] = L"_IAsyncActionWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter";
/// <summary>
/// Class _IAsyncActionWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter is used to convert an instance of IAsyncActionWithProgress into IAsyncOperation<_Unit_type>
/// </summary>
template<typename _Progress>
struct _IAsyncActionWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter :
InspectableClass(RuntimeClass_IAsyncActionWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter, BaseTrust)
_IAsyncActionWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress<_Progress>* _Action) :
_Unit_type>(_Action) {}
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetResults(_Unit_type* results) override
if (!results) return E_POINTER;
// Invoke GetResults on the IAsyncActionWithProgress to allow exceptions to be thrown before returning a dummy value.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _M_asyncInfo.Get()->GetResults();
HRESULT hr = _M_asyncInfo->GetResults();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *results = _Unit_type();
return hr;
/// <summary>
/// The <c>task_continuation_context</c> class allows you to specify where you would like a continuation to be executed.
/// It is only useful to use this class from a Windows Store app. For non-Windows Store apps, the task continuation's
/// execution context is determined by the runtime, and not configurable.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="task Class"/>
class task_continuation_context : public details::_ContextCallback
/// <summary>
/// Creates the default task continuation context.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The default continuation context.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The default context is used if you don't specifiy a continuation context when you call the <c>then</c> method. In Windows
/// applications for Windows 7 and below, as well as desktop applications on Windows 8 and higher, the runtime determines where
/// task continuations will execute. However, in a Windows Store app, the default continuation context for a continuation on an
/// apartment aware task is the apartment where <c>then</c> is invoked.
/// <para>An apartment aware task is a task that unwraps a Windows Runtime <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface, or a task that is descended from such
/// a task. Therefore, if you schedule a continuation on an apartment aware task in a Windows Runtime STA, the continuation will execute in
/// that STA.</para>
/// <para>A continuation on a non-apartment aware task will execute in a context the Runtime chooses.</para>
/// </remarks>
static task_continuation_context use_default()
// The callback context is created with the context set to CaptureDeferred and resolved when it is used in .then()
return task_continuation_context(true); // sets it to deferred, is resolved in the constructor of _ContinuationTaskHandle
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task continuation context which allows the Runtime to choose the execution context for a continuation.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A task continuation context that represents an arbitrary location.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// When this continuation context is used the continuation will execute in a context the runtime chooses even if the antecedent task
/// is apartment aware.
/// <para><c>use_arbitrary</c> can be used to turn off the default behavior for a continuation on an apartment
/// aware task created in an STA. </para>
/// <para>This method is only available to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// </remarks>
static task_continuation_context use_arbitrary()
task_continuation_context _Arbitrary(true);
return _Arbitrary;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a task continuation context object that represents the current execution context.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The current execution context.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This method captures the caller's Windows Runtime context so that continuations can be executed in the right apartment.
/// <para>The value returned by <c>use_current</c> can be used to indicate to the Runtime that the continuation should execute in
/// the captured context (STA vs MTA) regardless of whether or not the antecedent task is apartment aware. An apartment aware task is
/// a task that unwraps a Windows Runtime <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface, or a task that is descended from such a task. </para>
/// <para>This method is only available to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// </remarks>
static task_continuation_context use_current()
task_continuation_context _Current(true);
return _Current;
task_continuation_context(bool _DeferCapture = false) : details::_ContextCallback(_DeferCapture)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
class task_options;
namespace details
struct _Internal_task_options
bool _M_hasPresetCreationCallstack;
_TaskCreationCallstack _M_presetCreationCallstack;
void _set_creation_callstack(const _TaskCreationCallstack &_callstack)
_M_hasPresetCreationCallstack = true;
_M_presetCreationCallstack = _callstack;
_M_hasPresetCreationCallstack = false;
inline _Internal_task_options &_get_internal_task_options(task_options &options);
inline const _Internal_task_options &_get_internal_task_options(const task_options &options);
/// <summary>
/// Represents the allowed options for creating a task
/// </summary>
class task_options
/// <summary>
/// Default list of task creation options
/// </summary>
: _M_Scheduler(Concurrency::get_ambient_scheduler()),
/// <summary>
/// Task option that specify a cancellation token
/// </summary>
task_options(Concurrency::cancellation_token _Token)
: _M_Scheduler(Concurrency::get_ambient_scheduler()),
/// <summary>
/// Task option that specify a continuation context. This is valid only for continuations (then)
/// </summary>
task_options(task_continuation_context _ContinuationContext)
: _M_Scheduler(Concurrency::get_ambient_scheduler()),
/// <summary>
/// Task option that specify a cancellation token and a continuation context. This is valid only for continuations (then)
/// </summary>
task_options(Concurrency::cancellation_token _Token, task_continuation_context _ContinuationContext)
: _M_Scheduler(Concurrency::get_ambient_scheduler()),
/// <summary>
/// Task option that specify a scheduler with shared lifetime
/// </summary>
template<typename _SchedType>
task_options(std::shared_ptr<_SchedType> _Scheduler)
: _M_Scheduler(std::move(_Scheduler)),
/// <summary>
/// Task option that specify a scheduler reference
/// </summary>
task_options(Concurrency::scheduler_interface& _Scheduler)
: _M_Scheduler(&_Scheduler),
/// <summary>
/// Task option that specify a scheduler
/// </summary>
task_options(Concurrency::scheduler_ptr _Scheduler)
: _M_Scheduler(std::move(_Scheduler)),
/// <summary>
/// Task option copy constructor
/// </summary>
task_options(const task_options& _TaskOptions)
: _M_Scheduler(_TaskOptions.get_scheduler()),
/// <summary>
/// Sets the given token in the options
/// </summary>
void set_cancellation_token(Concurrency::cancellation_token _Token)
_M_CancellationToken = _Token;
_M_HasCancellationToken = true;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the given continuation context in the options
/// </summary>
void set_continuation_context(task_continuation_context _ContinuationContext)
_M_ContinuationContext = _ContinuationContext;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether a cancellation token was specified by the user
/// </summary>
bool has_cancellation_token() const
return _M_HasCancellationToken;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the cancellation token
/// </summary>
Concurrency::cancellation_token get_cancellation_token() const
return _M_CancellationToken;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the continuation context
/// </summary>
task_continuation_context get_continuation_context() const
return _M_ContinuationContext;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether a scheduler n was specified by the user
/// </summary>
bool has_scheduler() const
return _M_HasScheduler;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the scheduler
/// </summary>
Concurrency::scheduler_ptr get_scheduler() const
return _M_Scheduler;
task_options const& operator=(task_options const& _Right);
friend details::_Internal_task_options &details::_get_internal_task_options(task_options &);
friend const details::_Internal_task_options &details::_get_internal_task_options(const task_options &);
Concurrency::scheduler_ptr _M_Scheduler;
Concurrency::cancellation_token _M_CancellationToken;
task_continuation_context _M_ContinuationContext;
details::_Internal_task_options _M_InternalTaskOptions;
bool _M_HasCancellationToken;
bool _M_HasScheduler;
namespace details
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
inline _Internal_task_options & _get_internal_task_options(task_options &options)
return options._M_InternalTaskOptions;
inline const _Internal_task_options & _get_internal_task_options(const task_options &options)
return options._M_InternalTaskOptions;
struct _Task_impl_base;
template<typename _ReturnType> struct _Task_impl;
template<typename _ReturnType>
struct _Task_ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<_Task_impl<_ReturnType>> _Type;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static _Type _Make(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _Ct, Concurrency::scheduler_ptr _Scheduler_arg) { return std::make_shared<_Task_impl<_ReturnType>>(_Ct, _Scheduler_arg); }
static _Type _Make(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _Ct) { return std::make_shared<_Task_impl<_ReturnType>>(_Ct); }
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
typedef Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection_t::_TaskProcHandle_t _UnrealizedChore_t;
typedef _UnrealizedChore_t _UnrealizedChore;
typedef Concurrency::extensibility::scoped_critical_section_t scoped_lock;
typedef Concurrency::extensibility::critical_section_t critical_section;
typedef Concurrency::details::atomic_size_t atomic_size_t;
typedef Concurrency::details::_UnrealizedChore _UnrealizedChore;
typedef Concurrency::critical_section::scoped_lock scoped_lock;
typedef Concurrency::critical_section critical_section;
typedef volatile size_t atomic_size_t;
typedef std::shared_ptr<_Task_impl_base> _Task_ptr_base;
// The weak-typed base task handler for continuation tasks.
struct _ContinuationTaskHandleBase : _UnrealizedChore
_ContinuationTaskHandleBase * _M_next;
task_continuation_context _M_continuationContext;
bool _M_isTaskBasedContinuation;
// This field gives inlining scheduling policy for current chore.
_TaskInliningMode _M_inliningMode;
virtual _Task_ptr_base _GetTaskImplBase() const = 0;
_ContinuationTaskHandleBase() :
_M_next(nullptr), _M_isTaskBasedContinuation(false), _M_continuationContext(task_continuation_context::use_default()), _M_inliningMode(Concurrency::details::_NoInline)
virtual ~_ContinuationTaskHandleBase() {}
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// GUID used for identifying causality logs from PPLTask
const ::Platform::Guid _PPLTaskCausalityPlatformID(0x7A76B220, 0xA758, 0x4E6E, 0xB0, 0xE0, 0xD7, 0xC6, 0xD7, 0x4A, 0x88, 0xFE);
__declspec(selectany) volatile long _isCausalitySupported = 0;
inline bool _IsCausalitySupported()
if (_isCausalitySupported == 0)
long _causality = 1;
_osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX);
// The Causality is supported on Windows version higher than Windows 8
_osvi.dwMajorVersion = 6;
_osvi.dwMinorVersion = 3;
DWORDLONG _conditionMask = 0;
if (::VerifyVersionInfo(&_osvi, VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION, _conditionMask))
_causality = 2;
_isCausalitySupported = _causality;
return _causality == 2;
return _isCausalitySupported == 2 ? true : false;
return true;
// Stateful logger rests inside task_impl_base.
struct _TaskEventLogger
_Task_impl_base *_M_task;
bool _M_scheduled;
bool _M_taskPostEventStarted;
// Log before scheduling task
void _LogScheduleTask(bool _isContinuation)
if (details::_IsCausalitySupported())
::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::AsyncCausalityTracer::TraceOperationCreation(::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalityTraceLevel::Required, ::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalitySource::Library,
_PPLTaskCausalityPlatformID, reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long>(_M_task),
_isContinuation ? "Concurrency::PPLTask::ScheduleContinuationTask" : "Concurrency::PPLTask::ScheduleTask", 0);
_M_scheduled = true;
// It will log the cancel event but not canceled state. _LogTaskCompleted will log the terminal state, which includes cancel state.
void _LogCancelTask()
if (details::_IsCausalitySupported())
::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::AsyncCausalityTracer::TraceOperationRelation(::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalityTraceLevel::Important, ::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalitySource::Library,
_PPLTaskCausalityPlatformID, reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long>(_M_task), ::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalityRelation::Cancel);
// Log when task reaches terminal state. Note: the task can reach a terminal state (by cancellation or exception) without having run
void _LogTaskCompleted();
// Log when task body (which includes user lambda and other scheduling code) begin to run
void _LogTaskExecutionStarted() { }
// Log when task body finish executing
void _LogTaskExecutionCompleted()
if (_M_taskPostEventStarted && details::_IsCausalitySupported())
::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::AsyncCausalityTracer::TraceSynchronousWorkCompletion(::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalityTraceLevel::Required, ::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalitySource::Library,
// Log right before user lambda being invoked
void _LogWorkItemStarted()
if (details::_IsCausalitySupported())
::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::AsyncCausalityTracer::TraceSynchronousWorkStart(::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalityTraceLevel::Required, ::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalitySource::Library,
_PPLTaskCausalityPlatformID, reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long>(_M_task), ::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalitySynchronousWork::Execution);
// Log right after user lambda being invoked
void _LogWorkItemCompleted()
if (details::_IsCausalitySupported())
::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::AsyncCausalityTracer::TraceSynchronousWorkCompletion(::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalityTraceLevel::Required, ::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalitySource::Library,
::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::AsyncCausalityTracer::TraceSynchronousWorkStart(::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalityTraceLevel::Required, ::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalitySource::Library,
_PPLTaskCausalityPlatformID, reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long>(_M_task), ::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalitySynchronousWork::CompletionNotification);
_M_taskPostEventStarted = true;
_TaskEventLogger(_Task_impl_base *_task) : _M_task(_task)
_M_scheduled = false;
_M_taskPostEventStarted = false;
// Exception safe logger for user lambda
struct _TaskWorkItemRAIILogger
_TaskEventLogger &_M_logger;
_TaskWorkItemRAIILogger(_TaskEventLogger &_taskHandleLogger) : _M_logger(_taskHandleLogger)
_TaskWorkItemRAIILogger &operator =(const _TaskWorkItemRAIILogger &); // cannot be assigned
inline void _LogCancelTask(_Task_impl_base *) {}
struct _TaskEventLogger
void _LogScheduleTask(bool) {}
void _LogCancelTask() {}
void _LogWorkItemStarted() {}
void _LogWorkItemCompleted() {}
void _LogTaskExecutionStarted() {}
void _LogTaskExecutionCompleted() {}
void _LogTaskCompleted() {}
_TaskEventLogger(_Task_impl_base *) {}
struct _TaskWorkItemRAIILogger
_TaskWorkItemRAIILogger(_TaskEventLogger &) {}
/// <summary>
/// The _PPLTaskHandle is the strong-typed task handle base. All user task functions need to be wrapped in this task handler
/// to be executable by PPL. By deriving from a different _BaseTaskHandle, it can be used for both initial tasks and continuation tasks.
/// For initial tasks, _PPLTaskHandle will be derived from _UnrealizedChore, and for continuation tasks, it will be derived from
/// _ContinuationTaskHandleBase. The life time of the _PPLTaskHandle object is be managed by runtime if task handle is scheduled.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The result type of the _Task_impl.
/// </typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="_DerivedTaskHandle">
/// The derived task handle class. The <c>operator ()</c> needs to be implemented.
/// </typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="_BaseTaskHandle">
/// The base class from which _PPLTaskHandle should be derived. This is either _UnrealizedChore or _ContinuationTaskHandleBase.
/// </typeparam>
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _DerivedTaskHandle, typename _BaseTaskHandle>
struct _PPLTaskHandle : _BaseTaskHandle
_PPLTaskHandle(const typename _Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type & _PTask) : _M_pTask(_PTask)
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
m_pFunction = reinterpret_cast <Concurrency::TaskProc> (&_UnrealizedChore::_InvokeBridge<_PPLTaskHandle>);
virtual ~_PPLTaskHandle() {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Here is the sink of all task completion code paths
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
virtual void invoke() const
void operator()() const
// All exceptions should be rethrown to finish cleanup of the task collection. They will be caught and handled
// by the runtime.
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_M_pTask != nullptr);
if (!_M_pTask->_TransitionedToStarted()) {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static_cast<const _DerivedTaskHandle *>(this)->_SyncCancelAndPropagateException();
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// All derived task handle must implement this contract function.
static_cast<const _DerivedTaskHandle *>(this)->_Perform();
catch (const Concurrency::task_canceled &)
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
catch (const Concurrency::details::_Interruption_exception &)
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
catch (IRestrictedErrorInfo*& _E)
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
catch (...)
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Cast _M_pTask pointer to "type-less" _Task_impl_base pointer, which can be used in _ContinuationTaskHandleBase.
// The return value should be automatically optimized by R-value ref.
_Task_ptr_base _GetTaskImplBase() const
return _M_pTask;
typename _Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type _M_pTask;
_PPLTaskHandle const & operator=(_PPLTaskHandle const&); // no assignment operator
/// <summary>
/// The base implementation of a first-class task. This class contains all the non-type specific
/// implementation details of the task.
/// </summary>
struct _Task_impl_base
enum _TaskInternalState
// Tracks the state of the task, rather than the task collection on which the task is scheduled
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_Task_impl_base(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _PTokenState, Concurrency::scheduler_ptr _Scheduler_arg)
: _M_TaskState(_Created),
_M_fFromAsync(false), _M_fUnwrappedTask(false),
_M_pRegistration(nullptr), _M_Continuations(nullptr), _M_TaskCollection(_Scheduler_arg),
_Task_impl_base(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _PTokenState) : _M_TaskState(_Created),
_M_fFromAsync(false), _M_fRuntimeAggregate(false), _M_fUnwrappedTask(false),
_M_pRegistration(nullptr), _M_Continuations(nullptr), _M_pTaskCollection(nullptr),
// Set cancelation token
_M_pTokenState = _PTokenState;
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_M_pTokenState != nullptr);
if (_M_pTokenState != Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None())
virtual ~_Task_impl_base()
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_M_pTokenState != nullptr);
if (_M_pTokenState != Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None())
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
if (_M_pTaskCollection != nullptr)
_M_pTaskCollection = nullptr;
task_status _Wait()
bool _DoWait = true;
if (_IsNonBlockingThread())
// In order to prevent Windows Runtime STA threads from blocking the UI, calling task.wait() task.get() is illegal
// if task has not been completed.
if (!_IsCompleted() && !_IsCanceled())
throw Concurrency::invalid_operation("Illegal to wait on a task in a Windows Runtime STA");
// Task Continuations are 'scheduled' *inside* the chore that is executing on the ancestors's task group. If a continuation
// needs to be marshalled to a different apartment, instead of scheduling, we make a synchronous cross apartment COM
// call to execute the continuation. If it then happens to do something which waits on the ancestor (say it calls .get(), which
// task based continuations are wont to do), waiting on the task group results in on the chore that is making this
// synchronous callback, which causes a deadlock. To avoid this, we test the state ancestor's event , and we will NOT wait on
// if it has finished execution (which means now we are on the inline synchronous callback).
_DoWait = false;
if (_DoWait)
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// Wait for the task to be actually scheduled, otherwise the underlying task collection
// might not be created yet. If we don't wait, we will miss the chance to inline this task.
// A PPL task created by a task_completion_event does not have an underlying TaskCollection. For
// These tasks, a call to wait should wait for the event to be set. The TaskCollection must either
// be nullptr or allocated (the setting of _M_Scheduled) ensures that.
// If this task was created from a Windows Runtime async operation, do not attempt to inline it. The
// async operation will take place on a thread in the appropriate apartment Simply wait for the completed
// event to be set.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (_M_fFromAsync)
if ((_M_pTaskCollection == nullptr) || _M_fFromAsync)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Wait on the task collection to complete. The task collection is guaranteed to still be
// valid since the task must be still within scope so that the _Task_impl_base destructor
// has not yet been called. This call to _Wait potentially inlines execution of work.
// Invoking wait on a task collection resets the state of the task collection. This means that
// if the task collection itself were canceled, or had encountered an exception, only the first
// call to wait will receive this status. However, both cancellation and exceptions flowing through
// tasks set state in the task impl itself.
// When it returns cancelled, either work chore or the cancel thread should already have set task's state
// properly -- cancelled state or completed state (because there was no interruption point).
// For tasks with unwrapped tasks, we should not change the state of current task, since the unwrapped task are still running.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
catch (Concurrency::details::_Interruption_exception&)
// The _TaskCollection will never be an interruption point since it has a none token.
catch (Concurrency::task_canceled&)
// task_canceled is a special exception thrown by cancel_current_task. The spec states that cancel_current_task
// must be called from code that is executed within the task (throwing it from parallel work created by and waited
// upon by the task is acceptable). We can safely assume that the task wrapper _PPLTaskHandle::operator() has seen
// the exception and canceled the task. Swallow the exception here.
catch (IRestrictedErrorInfo*& _E)
// Its possible the task body hasn't seen the exception, if so we need to cancel with exception here.
// Rethrow will mark the exception as observed.
catch (...)
// Its possible the task body hasn't seen the exception, if so we need to cancel with exception here.
if (!_HasUserException())
// Rethrow will mark the exception as observed.
// If the lambda body for this task (executed or waited upon in _RunAndWait above) happened to return a task
// which is to be unwrapped and plumbed to the output of this task, we must not only wait on the lambda body, we must
// wait on the **INNER** body. It is in theory possible that we could inline such if we plumb a series of things through;
// however, this takes the tact of simply waiting upon the completion signal.
if (_M_fUnwrappedTask)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (_HasUserException())
else if (_IsCanceled())
return Concurrency::canceled;
return Concurrency::completed;
/// <summary>
/// Requests cancellation on the task and schedules continuations if the task can be transitioned to a terminal state.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_SynchronousCancel">
/// Set to true if the cancel takes place as a result of the task body encountering an exception, or because an ancestor or task_completion_event the task
/// was registered with were canceled with an exception. A synchronous cancel is one that assures the task could not be running on a different thread at
/// the time the cancellation is in progress. An asynchronous cancel is one where the thread performing the cancel has no control over the thread that could
/// be executing the task, that is the task could execute concurrently while the cancellation is in progress.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_UserException">
/// Whether an exception other than the internal runtime cancellation exceptions caused this cancellation.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_PropagatedFromAncestor">
/// Whether this exception came from an ancestor task or a task_completion_event as opposed to an exception that was encountered by the task itself. Only valid when
/// _UserException is set to true.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_ExHolder">
/// The exception holder that represents the exception. Only valid when _UserException is set to true.
/// </param>
virtual bool _CancelAndRunContinuations(bool _SynchronousCancel, bool _UserException, bool _PropagatedFromAncestor, const std::shared_ptr<_ExceptionHolder>& _ExHolder) = 0;
bool _Cancel(bool _SynchronousCancel)
// Send in a dummy value for exception. It is not used when the first parameter is false.
return _CancelAndRunContinuations(_SynchronousCancel, false, false, _M_exceptionHolder);
bool _CancelWithExceptionHolder(const std::shared_ptr<_ExceptionHolder>& _ExHolder, bool _PropagatedFromAncestor)
// This task was canceled because an ancestor task encountered an exception.
return _CancelAndRunContinuations(true, true, _PropagatedFromAncestor, _ExHolder);
bool _CancelWithException(IRestrictedErrorInfo*& _Exception)
// This task was canceled because the task body encountered an exception.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return _CancelAndRunContinuations(true, true, false, std::make_shared<_ExceptionHolder>(_Exception, _GetTaskCreationCallstack()));
return _CancelAndRunContinuations(true, true, false, std::make_shared<_ExceptionHolder>(_Exception, _GetTaskCreationAddressHint()));
bool _CancelWithException(const std::exception_ptr& _Exception)
// This task was canceled because the task body encountered an exception.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return _CancelAndRunContinuations(true, true, false, std::make_shared<_ExceptionHolder>(_Exception, _GetTaskCreationCallstack()));
return _CancelAndRunContinuations(true, true, false, std::make_shared<_ExceptionHolder>(_Exception, _GetTaskCreationAddressHint()));
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void _RegisterCancellation(std::weak_ptr<_Task_impl_base> _WeakPtr)
void _RegisterCancellation()
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto _CancellationCallback = [_WeakPtr](){
// Taking ownership of the task prevents dead lock during destruction
// if the destructor waits for the cancellations to be finished
auto _task = _WeakPtr.lock();
if (_task != nullptr)
_M_pRegistration = new Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenCallback<decltype(_CancellationCallback)>(_CancellationCallback);
_M_pRegistration = _M_pTokenState->_RegisterCallback(reinterpret_cast<Concurrency::TaskProc>(&_CancelViaToken), (_Task_impl_base *)this);
void _DeregisterCancellation()
if (_M_pRegistration != nullptr)
_M_pRegistration = nullptr;
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
static void _CancelViaToken(_Task_impl_base *_PImpl)
bool _IsCreated()
return (_M_TaskState == _Created);
bool _IsStarted()
return (_M_TaskState == _Started);
bool _IsPendingCancel()
return (_M_TaskState == _PendingCancel);
bool _IsCompleted()
return (_M_TaskState == _Completed);
bool _IsCanceled()
return (_M_TaskState == _Canceled);
bool _HasUserException()
return static_cast<bool>(_M_exceptionHolder);
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
void _SetScheduledEvent()
const std::shared_ptr<_ExceptionHolder>& _GetExceptionHolder()
return _M_exceptionHolder;
bool _IsApartmentAware()
return _M_fFromAsync;
void _SetAsync(bool _Async = true)
_M_fFromAsync = _Async;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_TaskCreationCallstack _GetTaskCreationCallstack()
return _M_pTaskCreationCallstack;
void _SetTaskCreationCallstack(const _TaskCreationCallstack &_Callstack)
_M_pTaskCreationCallstack = _Callstack;
void* _GetTaskCreationAddressHint()
return _M_pTaskCreationAddressHint;
void _SetTaskCreationAddressHint(void* _AddressHint)
_M_pTaskCreationAddressHint = _AddressHint;
/// <summary>
/// Helper function to schedule the task on the Task Collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_PTaskHandle">
/// The task chore handle that need to be executed.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_InliningMode">
/// The inlining scheduling policy for current _PTaskHandle.
/// </param>
void _ScheduleTask(_UnrealizedChore * _PTaskHandle, _TaskInliningMode _InliningMode)
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// Construct the task collection; We use none token to provent it becoming interruption point.
_M_pTaskCollection = Concurrency::details::_AsyncTaskCollection::_NewCollection(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
// _M_pTaskCollection->_ScheduleWithAutoInline will schedule the chore onto AsyncTaskCollection with automatic inlining, in a way that honors cancellation etc.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_M_TaskCollection._ScheduleTask(_PTaskHandle, _InliningMode);
// Do not need to check its returning state, more details please refer to _Wait method.
_M_pTaskCollection->_ScheduleWithAutoInline(_PTaskHandle, _InliningMode);
catch (const Concurrency::task_canceled &)
// task_canceled is a special exception thrown by cancel_current_task. The spec states that cancel_current_task
// must be called from code that is executed within the task (throwing it from parallel work created by and waited
// upon by the task is acceptable). We can safely assume that the task wrapper _PPLTaskHandle::operator() has seen
// the exception and canceled the task. Swallow the exception here.
catch (const Concurrency::details::_Interruption_exception &)
// The _TaskCollection will never be an interruption point since it has a none token.
catch (...)
// This exception could only have come from within the chore body. It should've been caught
// and the task should be canceled with exception. Swallow the exception here.
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// Set the event in case anyone is waiting to notify that this task has been scheduled. In the case where we
// execute the chore inline, the event should be set after the chore has executed, to prevent a different thread
// performing a wait on the task from waiting on the task collection before the chore is actually added to it,
// and thereby returning from the wait() before the chore has executed.
/// <summary>
/// Function executes a continuation. This function is recorded by a parent task implementation
/// when a continuation is created in order to execute later.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_PTaskHandle">
/// The continuation task chore handle that need to be executed.
/// </param>
void _RunContinuation(_ContinuationTaskHandleBase * _PTaskHandle)
_Task_ptr_base _ImplBase = _PTaskHandle->_GetTaskImplBase();
if (_IsCanceled() && !_PTaskHandle->_M_isTaskBasedContinuation)
if (_HasUserException())
// If the ancestor encountered an exception, transfer the exception to the continuation
// This traverses down the tree to propagate the exception.
_ImplBase->_CancelWithExceptionHolder(_GetExceptionHolder(), true);
// If the ancestor was canceled, then your own execution should be canceled.
// This traverses down the tree to cancel it.
// This can only run when the ancestor has completed or it's a task based continuation that fires when a task is canceled
// (with or without a user exception).
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_IsCompleted() || _PTaskHandle->_M_isTaskBasedContinuation);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return _ImplBase->_ScheduleContinuationTask(_PTaskHandle);
// If it has been canceled here (before starting), do nothing. The guy firing cancel will do the clean up.
if (!_ImplBase->_IsCanceled())
return _ImplBase->_ScheduleContinuationTask(_PTaskHandle);
// If the handle is not scheduled, we need to manually delete it.
delete _PTaskHandle;
// Schedule a continuation to run
void _ScheduleContinuationTask(_ContinuationTaskHandleBase * _PTaskHandle)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Ensure that the continuation runs in proper context (this might be on a Concurrency Runtime thread or in a different Windows Runtime apartment)
if (_PTaskHandle->_M_continuationContext._HasCapturedContext())
// For those continuations need to be scheduled inside captured context, we will try to apply automatic inlining to their inline modes,
// if they haven't been specified as _ForceInline yet. This change will encourage those continuations to be executed inline so that reduce
// the cost of marshaling.
// For normal continuations we won't do any change here, and their inline policies are completely decided by ._ThenImpl method.
if (_PTaskHandle->_M_inliningMode != Concurrency::details::_ForceInline)
_PTaskHandle->_M_inliningMode = Concurrency::details::_DefaultAutoInline;
details::_ScheduleFuncWithAutoInline([_PTaskHandle]() -> HRESULT {
// Note that we cannot directly capture "this" pointer, instead, we should use _TaskImplPtr, a shared_ptr to the _Task_impl_base.
// Because "this" pointer will be invalid as soon as _PTaskHandle get deleted. _PTaskHandle will be deleted after being scheduled.
auto _TaskImplPtr = _PTaskHandle->_GetTaskImplBase();
if (details::_ContextCallback::_CaptureCurrent() == _PTaskHandle->_M_continuationContext)
_TaskImplPtr->_ScheduleTask(_PTaskHandle, Concurrency::details::_ForceInline);
// It's entirely possible that the attempt to marshal the call into a differing context will fail. In this case, we need to handle
// the exception and mark the continuation as canceled with the appropriate exception. There is one slight hitch to this:
// NOTE: COM's legacy behavior is to swallow SEH exceptions and marshal them back as HRESULTS. This will in effect turn an SEH into
// a C++ exception that gets tagged on the task. One unfortunate result of this is that various pieces of the task infrastructure will
// not be in a valid state after this in /EHsc (due to the lack of destructors running, etc...).
// Dev10 compiler needs this!
auto _PTaskHandle1 = _PTaskHandle;
_PTaskHandle->_M_continuationContext._CallInContext([_PTaskHandle1, _TaskImplPtr]() -> HRESULT {
_TaskImplPtr->_ScheduleTask(_PTaskHandle1, Concurrency::details::_ForceInline);
return S_OK;
catch (IRestrictedErrorInfo*& _E)
catch (...)
return S_OK;
}, _PTaskHandle->_M_inliningMode);
_ScheduleTask(_PTaskHandle, _PTaskHandle->_M_inliningMode);
/// <summary>
/// Schedule the actual continuation. This will either schedule the function on the continuation task's implementation
/// if the task has completed or append it to a list of functions to execute when the task actually does complete.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_FuncInputType">
/// The input type of the task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="_FuncOutputType">
/// The output type of the task.
/// </typeparam>
void _ScheduleContinuation(_ContinuationTaskHandleBase * _PTaskHandle)
enum { _Nothing, _Schedule, _Cancel, _CancelWithException } _Do = _Nothing;
// If the task has canceled, cancel the continuation. If the task has completed, execute the continuation right away.
// Otherwise, add it to the list of pending continuations
scoped_lock _LockHolder(_M_ContinuationsCritSec);
if (_IsCompleted() || (_IsCanceled() && _PTaskHandle->_M_isTaskBasedContinuation))
_Do = _Schedule;
else if (_IsCanceled())
if (_HasUserException())
_Do = _CancelWithException;
_Do = _Cancel;
// chain itself on the continuation chain.
_PTaskHandle->_M_next = _M_Continuations;
_M_Continuations = _PTaskHandle;
// Cancellation and execution of continuations should be performed after releasing the lock. Continuations off of
// async tasks may execute inline.
switch (_Do)
case _Schedule:
case _Cancel:
// If the ancestor was canceled, then your own execution should be canceled.
// This traverses down the tree to cancel it.
delete _PTaskHandle;
case _CancelWithException:
// If the ancestor encountered an exception, transfer the exception to the continuation
// This traverses down the tree to propagate the exception.
_PTaskHandle->_GetTaskImplBase()->_CancelWithExceptionHolder(_GetExceptionHolder(), true);
delete _PTaskHandle;
case _Nothing:
// In this case, we have inserted continuation to continuation chain,
// nothing more need to be done, just leave.
void _RunTaskContinuations()
// The link list can no longer be modified at this point,
// since all following up continuations will be scheduled by themselves.
_ContinuationList _Cur = _M_Continuations, _Next;
_M_Continuations = nullptr;
while (_Cur)
// Current node might be deleted after running,
// so we must fetch the next first.
_Next = _Cur->_M_next;
_Cur = _Next;
static bool _IsNonBlockingThread()
HRESULT hr = CoGetApartmentType(&_AptType, &_AptTypeQualifier);
// If it failed, it's not a Windows Runtime/COM initialized thread. This is not a failure.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
switch (_AptType)
return true;
switch (_AptTypeQualifier)
// A thread executing in a neutral apartment is either STA or MTA. To find out if this thread is allowed
// to wait, we check the app qualifier. If it is an STA thread executing in a neutral apartment, waiting
// is illegal, because the thread is responsible for pumping messages and waiting on a task could take the
// thread out of circulation for a while.
return true;
// This method is used to throw an exepection in _Wait() if called within STA. We
// want the same behavior if _Wait is called on the UI thread.
if (SUCCEEDED(CaptureUiThreadContext(nullptr)))
return true;
return false;
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Result, typename _OpType, typename _CompHandlerType, typename _ResultType>
static void _AsyncInit(const typename _Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type & _OuterTask,
_AsyncInfoImpl<_OpType, _CompHandlerType, _ResultType>* _AsyncOp)
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_GetUnwrappedType(stdx::declval<_OpType*>()))>::type _Result_abi;
// This method is invoked either when a task is created from an existing async operation or
// when a lambda that creates an async operation executes.
// If the outer task is pending cancel, cancel the async operation before setting the completed handler. The COM reference on
// the IAsyncInfo object will be released when all *references to the operation go out of scope.
// This assertion uses the existence of taskcollection to determine if the task was created from an event.
// That is no longer valid as even tasks created from a user lambda could have no underlying taskcollection
// when a custom scheduler is used.
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
_CONCRT_ASSERT(((_OuterTask->_M_pTaskCollection == nullptr) || _OuterTask->_M_fUnwrappedTask) && !_OuterTask->_IsCanceled());
// Pass the shared_ptr by value into the lambda instead of using 'this'.
[_OuterTask, _AsyncOp](_OpType* _Operation, ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus _Status) mutable -> HRESULT
if (_Status == ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Canceled)
else if (_Status == ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Error)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo> pAsyncInfo;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _Operation->QueryInterface<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo>(pAsyncInfo.GetAddressOf())) && SUCCEEDED(hr = pAsyncInfo->get_ErrorCode(&_hr)))
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_Status == ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Completed);
_NormalizeVoidToUnitType<_Result_abi>::_Type results;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _AsyncOp->GetResults(&results)))
// Take away this shared pointers reference on the task instead of waiting for the delegate to be released. It could
// be released on a different thread after a delay, and not releasing the reference here could cause the tasks to hold
// on to resources longer than they should. As an example, without this reset, writing to a file followed by reading from
// it using the Windows Runtime Async APIs causes a sharing violation.
// Using const_cast is the workaround for failed mutable keywords
const_cast<_Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type &>(_OuterTask).reset();
return hr;
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _InternalReturnType>
static void _AsyncInit(const typename _Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type& _OuterTask, const task<_InternalReturnType> & _UnwrappedTask)
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_OuterTask->_M_fUnwrappedTask && !_OuterTask->_IsCanceled());
// We must ensure that continuations off _OuterTask (especially exception handling ones) continue to function in the
// presence of an exception flowing out of the inner task _UnwrappedTask. This requires an exception handling continuation
// off the inner task which does the appropriate funnelling to the outer one. We use _Then instead of then to prevent
// the exception from being marked as observed by our internal continuation. This continuation must be scheduled regardless
// of whether or not the _OuterTask task is canceled.
_UnwrappedTask._Then([_OuterTask](task<_InternalReturnType> _AncestorTask) -> HRESULT {
if (_AncestorTask._GetImpl()->_IsCompleted())
if (_AncestorTask._GetImpl()->_HasUserException())
// Set _PropagatedFromAncestor to false, since _AncestorTask is not an ancestor of _UnwrappedTask.
// Instead, it is the enclosing task.
_OuterTask->_CancelWithExceptionHolder(_AncestorTask._GetImpl()->_GetExceptionHolder(), false);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, nullptr, Concurrency::details::_DefaultAutoInline);
}, nullptr, false, Concurrency::details::_DefaultAutoInline);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Concurrency::scheduler_ptr _GetScheduler() const
return _M_TaskCollection._GetScheduler();
Concurrency::event _M_Completed;
Concurrency::event _M_Scheduled;
// Tracks the internal state of the task
volatile _TaskInternalState _M_TaskState;
// Set to true either if the ancestor task had the flag set to true, or if the lambda that does the work of this task returns an
// async operation or async action that is unwrapped by the runtime.
bool _M_fFromAsync;
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// Set to true if we need to marshal the inner parts of an aggregate type like std::vector<T^> or std::pair<T^, size_t>. We only marshal
// the contained T^s if we create the vector or pair, such as on a when_any or a when_all operation.
bool _M_fRuntimeAggregate;
// Set to true when a continuation unwraps a task or async operation.
bool _M_fUnwrappedTask;
// An exception thrown by the task body is captured in an exception holder and it is shared with all value based continuations rooted at the task.
// The exception is 'observed' if the user invokes get()/wait() on any of the tasks that are sharing this exception holder. If the exception
// is not observed by the time the internal object owned by the shared pointer destructs, the process will fail fast.
std::shared_ptr<_ExceptionHolder> _M_exceptionHolder;
typedef _ContinuationTaskHandleBase * _ContinuationList;
critical_section _M_ContinuationsCritSec;
_ContinuationList _M_Continuations;
// The cancellation token state.
Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _M_pTokenState;
// The registration on the token.
Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenRegistration * _M_pRegistration;
// The async task collection wrapper
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection_t _M_TaskCollection;
// Callstack for function call (constructor or .then) that created this task impl.
_TaskCreationCallstack _M_pTaskCreationCallstack;
_TaskEventLogger _M_taskEventLogger;
Concurrency::details::_AsyncTaskCollection * _M_pTaskCollection;
// Points to the source code instruction right after the function call (constructor or .then) that created this task impl.
void* _M_pTaskCreationAddressHint;
// Must not be copied by value:
_Task_impl_base(const _Task_impl_base&);
_Task_impl_base const & operator=(_Task_impl_base const&);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
inline void _TaskEventLogger::_LogTaskCompleted()
if (_M_scheduled)
::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus _State;
if (_M_task->_IsCompleted())
_State = ::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Completed;
else if (_M_task->_HasUserException())
_State = ::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Error;
_State = ::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Canceled;
if (details::_IsCausalitySupported())
::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::AsyncCausalityTracer::TraceOperationCompletion(::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalityTraceLevel::Required, ::Windows::Foundation::Diagnostics::CausalitySource::Library,
_PPLTaskCausalityPlatformID, reinterpret_cast<unsigned long long>(_M_task), _State);
template<typename _ReturnType>
struct _Task_impl : public _Task_impl_base
typedef ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo _AsyncOperationType;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_Task_impl(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _Ct, Concurrency::scheduler_ptr _Scheduler_arg)
: _Task_impl_base(_Ct, _Scheduler_arg)
_Task_impl(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _Ct) : _Task_impl_base(_Ct)
_M_unwrapped_async_op = nullptr;
virtual ~_Task_impl()
// We must invoke _DeregisterCancellation in the derived class destructor. Calling it in the base class destructor could cause
// a partially initialized _Task_impl to be in the list of registrations for a cancellation token.
virtual bool _CancelAndRunContinuations(bool _SynchronousCancel, bool _UserException, bool _PropagatedFromAncestor, const std::shared_ptr<_ExceptionHolder> & _ExceptionHolder)
enum { _Nothing, _RunContinuations, _Cancel } _Do = _Nothing;
scoped_lock _LockHolder(_M_ContinuationsCritSec);
if (_UserException)
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_SynchronousCancel && !_IsCompleted());
// If the state is _Canceled, the exception has to be coming from an ancestor.
_CONCRT_ASSERT(!_IsCanceled() || _PropagatedFromAncestor);
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// If the state is _Started or _PendingCancel, the exception cannot be coming from an ancestor.
_CONCRT_ASSERT((!_IsStarted() && !_IsPendingCancel()) || !_PropagatedFromAncestor);
// We should not be canceled with an exception more than once.
if (_M_TaskState == _Canceled)
// If the task has finished cancelling there should not be any continuation records in the array.
return false;
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_M_TaskState != _Completed);
_M_exceptionHolder = _ExceptionHolder;
// Completed is a non-cancellable state, and if this is an asynchronous cancel, we're unable to do better than the last async cancel
// which is to say, cancellation is already initiated, so return early.
if (_IsCompleted() || _IsCanceled() || (_IsPendingCancel() && !_SynchronousCancel))
_CONCRT_ASSERT(!_IsCompleted() || !_HasUserException());
return false;
_CONCRT_ASSERT(!_SynchronousCancel || !_HasUserException());
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (_SynchronousCancel)
if (_SynchronousCancel || _IsCreated())
// Be aware that this set must be done BEFORE _M_Scheduled being set, or race will happen between this and wait()
_M_TaskState = _Canceled;
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// Cancellation completes the task, so all dependent tasks must be run to cancel them
// They are canceled when they begin running (see _RunContinuation) and see that their
// ancestor has been canceled.
_Do = _RunContinuations;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (_IsStarted())
// should not initiate cancellation under a lock
_Do = _Cancel;
// The _M_TaskState variable transitions to _Canceled when cancellation is completed (the task is not executing user code anymore).
// In the case of a synchronous cancel, this can happen immediately, whereas with an asynchronous cancel, the task has to move from
// _Started to _PendingCancel before it can move to _Canceled when it is finished executing.
_M_TaskState = _PendingCancel;
switch (_Do)
case _Cancel:
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_IsStarted() && !_UserException);
// The _M_TaskState variable transitions to _Canceled when cancellation is completed (the task is not executing user code anymore).
// In the case of a synchronous cancel, this can happen immediately, whereas with an asynchronous cancel, the task has to move from
// _Started to _PendingCancel before it can move to _Canceled when it is finished executing.
_M_TaskState = _PendingCancel;
if (_M_unwrapped_async_op != nullptr)
// We will only try to cancel async operation but not unwrapped tasks, since unwrapped tasks cannot be canceled without its token.
if (_M_unwrapped_async_op) _M_unwrapped_async_op->Cancel();
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Optimistic trying for cancelation
if (_M_pTaskCollection != nullptr)
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// Only execute continuations and mark the task as completed if we were able to move the task to the _Canceled state.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
case _RunContinuations:
if (_RunContinuations)
if (_M_Continuations)
// Scheduling cancellation with automatic inlining.
details::_ScheduleFuncWithAutoInline([=]() -> HRESULT { _RunTaskContinuations(); return S_OK; }, Concurrency::details::_DefaultAutoInline);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return true;
void _FinalizeAndRunContinuations(_ReturnType _Result)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_M_Result = _Result;
_M_ResultContext = _ResultContext<_ReturnType>::_GetContext(_M_fRuntimeAggregate);
// Hold this lock to ensure continuations being concurrently either get added
// to the _M_Continuations vector or wait for the result
scoped_lock _LockHolder(_M_ContinuationsCritSec);
// A task could still be in the _Created state if it was created with a task_completion_event.
// It could also be in the _Canceled state for the same reason.
_CONCRT_ASSERT(!_HasUserException() && !_IsCompleted());
if (_IsCanceled())
// Always transition to "completed" state, even in the face of unacknowledged pending cancellation
_M_TaskState = _Completed;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// This method is invoked when the starts executing. The task returns early if this method returns true.
bool _TransitionedToStarted()
scoped_lock _LockHolder(_M_ContinuationsCritSec);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Canceled state could only result from antecedent task's canceled state, but that code path will not reach here.
if (_IsPendingCancel())
if (_IsCanceled())
return false;
_M_TaskState = _Started;
return true;
void _SetUnwrappedAsyncOp(_AsyncOperationType* _AsyncOp)
scoped_lock _LockHolder(_M_ContinuationsCritSec);
// Cancel the async operation if the task itself is canceled, since the thread that canceled the task missed it.
if (_IsPendingCancel())
if (_AsyncOp) _AsyncOp->Cancel();
_M_unwrapped_async_op = _AsyncOp;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Return true if the task has reached a terminal state
bool _IsDone()
return _IsCompleted() || _IsCanceled();
_ReturnType _GetResult()
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return _M_Result.Get();
return _ResultContext<_ReturnType>::_GetValue(_M_Result, _M_ResultContext, _M_fRuntimeAggregate);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_ResultHolder<_ReturnType> _M_Result; // this means that the result type must have a public default ctor.
_ReturnType _M_Result; // this means that the result type must have a public default ctor.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<_AsyncOperationType> _M_unwrapped_async_op;
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
_ContextCallback _M_ResultContext;
template<typename _ResultType>
struct _Task_completion_event_impl
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_Task_completion_event_impl(const _Task_completion_event_impl&);
_Task_completion_event_impl& operator=(const _Task_completion_event_impl&);
typedef std::vector<typename _Task_ptr<_ResultType>::_Type> _TaskList;
_Task_completion_event_impl() : _M_fHasValue(false), _M_fIsCanceled(false)
bool _HasUserException()
return _M_exceptionHolder != nullptr;
for (auto _TaskIt = _M_tasks.begin(); _TaskIt != _M_tasks.end(); ++_TaskIt)
_CONCRT_ASSERT(!_M_fHasValue && !_M_fIsCanceled);
// Cancel the tasks since the event was never signaled or canceled.
// We need to protect the loop over the array, so concurrent_vector would not have helped
_TaskList _M_tasks;
critical_section _M_taskListCritSec;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_ResultHolder<_ResultType> _M_value;
_ResultType _M_value;
std::shared_ptr<_ExceptionHolder> _M_exceptionHolder;
bool _M_fHasValue;
bool _M_fIsCanceled;
// Utility method for dealing with void functions
inline std::function<HRESULT(_Unit_type*)> _MakeVoidToUnitFunc(const std::function<HRESULT(void)>& _Func)
return [=](_Unit_type* retVal) -> HRESULT { HRESULT hr = _Func(); *retVal = _Unit_type(); return hr; };
template <typename _Type>
std::function<HRESULT(_Unit_type, _Type*)> _MakeUnitToTFunc(const std::function<HRESULT(_Type*)>& _Func)
return [=](_Unit_type, _Type* retVal) -> HRESULT { HRESULT hr = _Func(retVal); return hr; };
template <typename _Type>
std::function<HRESULT(_Type, _Unit_type*)> _MakeTToUnitFunc(const std::function<HRESULT(_Type)>& _Func)
return[=](_Type t, _Unit_type* retVal) -> HRESULT { HRESULT hr = _Func(t); *retVal = _Unit_type(); return hr; };
inline std::function<HRESULT(_Unit_type, _Unit_type*)> _MakeUnitToUnitFunc(const std::function<HRESULT(void)>& _Func)
return [=](_Unit_type, _Unit_type* retVal) -> HRESULT { HRESULT hr = _Func(); *retVal = _Unit_type(); return hr; };
/// <summary>
/// The <c>task_completion_event</c> class allows you to delay the execution of a task until a condition is satisfied,
/// or start a task in response to an external event.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ResultType">
/// The result type of this <c>task_completion_event</c> class.
/// </typeparam>
/// <remarks>
/// Use a task created from a task completion event when your scenario requires you to create a task that will complete, and
/// thereby have its continuations scheduled for execution, at some point in the future. The <c>task_completion_event</c> must
/// have the same type as the task you create, and calling the set method on the task completion event with a value of that type
/// will cause the associated task to complete, and provide that value as a result to its continuations.
/// <para>If the task completion event is never signaled, any tasks created from it will be canceled when it is destructed.</para>
/// <para><c>task_completion_event</c> behaves like a smart pointer, and should be passed by value.</para>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="task Class"/>
template<typename _ResultType>
class task_completion_event
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task_completion_event</c> object.
/// </summary>
task_completion_event() : _M_Impl(std::make_shared<details::_Task_completion_event_impl<_ResultType>>())
/// <summary>
/// Sets the task completion event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Result">
/// The result to set this event with.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The method returns <c>true</c> if it was successful in setting the event. It returns <c>false</c> if the event is already set.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// In the presence of multiple or concurrent calls to <c>set</c>, only the first call will succeed and its result (if any) will be stored in the
/// task completion event. The remaining sets are ignored and the method will return false. When you set a task completion event, all the
/// tasks created from that event will immediately complete, and its continuations, if any, will be scheduled. Task completion objects that have
/// a <typeparamref name="_ResultType"/> other than <c>void</c> will pass the value <paramref value="_Result"/> to their continuations.
/// </remarks>
bool set(_ResultType _Result) const // 'const' (even though it's not deep) allows to safely pass events by value into lambdas
// Subsequent sets are ignored. This makes races to set benign: the first setter wins and all others are ignored.
if (_IsTriggered())
return false;
_TaskList _Tasks;
bool _RunContinuations = false;
details::scoped_lock _LockHolder(_M_Impl->_M_taskListCritSec);
if (!_IsTriggered())
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_M_Impl->_M_value = _Result;
_M_Impl->_M_fHasValue = true;
_RunContinuations = true;
if (_RunContinuations)
for (auto _TaskIt = _Tasks.begin(); _TaskIt != _Tasks.end(); ++_TaskIt)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// If current task was cancelled by a cancellation_token, it would be in cancel pending state.
if ((*_TaskIt)->_IsPendingCancel())
// Tasks created with task_completion_events can be marked as async, (we do this in when_any and when_all
// if one of the tasks involved is an async task). Since continuations of async tasks can execute inline, we
// need to run continuations after the lock is released.
// Tasks created with task_completion_events can be marked as async, (we do this in when_any and when_all
// if one of the tasks involved is an async task). Since continuations of async tasks can execute inline, we
// need to run continuations after the lock is released.
if (_M_Impl->_HasUserException())
return true;
return false;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _E>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
bool set_exception(_E _Except) const // 'const' (even though it's not deep) allows to safely pass events by value into lambdas
// It is important that _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK() evaluate to the instruction after the call instruction for set_exception.
return _Cancel(std::make_exception_ptr(_Except), _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK());
/// <summary>
/// Propagates an exception to all tasks associated with this event.
/// </summary>
/// <param>
/// The exception_ptr that indicates the exception to set this event with.
/// </param>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
bool set_exception(std::exception_ptr _ExceptionPtr) const // 'const' (even though it's not deep) allows to safely pass events by value into lambdas
// It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the instruction after the call instruction for set_exception.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return _Cancel(_ExceptionPtr, _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK());
return _Cancel(_ExceptionPtr, _ReturnAddress());
/// <summary>
/// Internal method to cancel the task_completion_event. Any task created using this event will be marked as canceled if it has
/// not already been set.
/// </summary>
bool _Cancel() const
// Cancel with the stored exception if one exists.
return _CancelInternal();
/// <summary>
/// Internal method to cancel the task_completion_event with the exception provided. Any task created using this event will be canceled
/// with the same exception.
/// </summary>
template<typename _ExHolderType>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
bool _Cancel(_ExHolderType _ExHolder, const details::_TaskCreationCallstack &_SetExceptionAddressHint = details::_TaskCreationCallstack()) const
bool _Cancel(_ExHolderType _ExHolder, void* _SetExceptionAddressHint = nullptr) const
bool _Canceled;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if(_StoreException(_ExHolder, _SetExceptionAddressHint))
if (_StoreException(_ExHolder))
_Canceled = _CancelInternal();
_Canceled = false;
return _Canceled;
/// <summary>
/// Internal method that stores an exception in the task completion event. This is used internally by when_any.
/// Note, this does not cancel the task completion event. A task completion event with a stored exception
/// can bet set() successfully. If it is canceled, it will cancel with the stored exception, if one is present.
/// </summary>
template<typename _ExHolderType>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
bool _StoreException(_ExHolderType _ExHolder, const details::_TaskCreationCallstack &_SetExceptionAddressHint = details::_TaskCreationCallstack()) const
bool _StoreException(_ExHolderType _ExHolder, void* _SetExceptionAddressHint = nullptr) const
details::scoped_lock _LockHolder(_M_Impl->_M_taskListCritSec);
if (!_IsTriggered() && !_M_Impl->_HasUserException())
// Create the exception holder only if we have ensured there we will be successful in setting it onto the
// task completion event. Failing to do so will result in an unobserved task exception.
_M_Impl->_M_exceptionHolder = _ToExceptionHolder(_ExHolder, _SetExceptionAddressHint);
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Tests whether current event has been either Set, or Canceled.
/// </summary>
bool _IsTriggered() const
return _M_Impl->_M_fHasValue || _M_Impl->_M_fIsCanceled;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static std::shared_ptr<details::_ExceptionHolder> _ToExceptionHolder(const std::shared_ptr<details::_ExceptionHolder>& _ExHolder, const details::_TaskCreationCallstack&)
static std::shared_ptr<details::_ExceptionHolder> _ToExceptionHolder(const std::shared_ptr<details::_ExceptionHolder>& _ExHolder, void*)
return _ExHolder;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static std::shared_ptr<details::_ExceptionHolder> _ToExceptionHolder(std::exception_ptr _ExceptionPtr, const details::_TaskCreationCallstack &_SetExceptionAddressHint)
static std::shared_ptr<details::_ExceptionHolder> _ToExceptionHolder(std::exception_ptr _ExceptionPtr, void* _SetExceptionAddressHint)
return std::make_shared<details::_ExceptionHolder>(_ExceptionPtr, _SetExceptionAddressHint);
template <typename T> friend class task; // task can register itself with the event by calling the private _RegisterTask
template <typename T> friend class task_completion_event;
typedef typename details::_Task_completion_event_impl<_ResultType>::_TaskList _TaskList;
/// <summary>
/// Cancels the task_completion_event.
/// </summary>
bool _CancelInternal() const
// Cancellation of task completion events is an internal only utility. Our usage is such that _CancelInternal
// will never be invoked if the task completion event has been set.
if (_M_Impl->_M_fIsCanceled)
return false;
_TaskList _Tasks;
bool _Cancel = false;
details::scoped_lock _LockHolder(_M_Impl->_M_taskListCritSec);
if (!_M_Impl->_M_fIsCanceled)
_M_Impl->_M_fIsCanceled = true;
_Cancel = true;
bool _UserException = _M_Impl->_HasUserException();
if (_Cancel)
for (auto _TaskIt = _Tasks.begin(); _TaskIt != _Tasks.end(); ++_TaskIt)
// Need to call this after the lock is released. See comments in set().
if (_UserException)
(*_TaskIt)->_CancelWithExceptionHolder(_M_Impl->_M_exceptionHolder, true);
return _Cancel;
/// <summary>
/// Register a task with this event. This function is called when a task is constructed using
/// a task_completion_event.
/// </summary>
void _RegisterTask(const typename details::_Task_ptr<_ResultType>::_Type & _TaskParam)
details::scoped_lock _LockHolder(_M_Impl->_M_taskListCritSec);
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
//If an exception was already set on this event, then cancel the task with the stored exception.
if (_M_Impl->_HasUserException())
_TaskParam->_CancelWithExceptionHolder(_M_Impl->_M_exceptionHolder, true);
else if (_M_Impl->_M_fHasValue)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
std::shared_ptr<details::_Task_completion_event_impl<_ResultType>> _M_Impl;
/// <summary>
/// The <c>task_completion_event</c> class allows you to delay the execution of a task until a condition is satisfied,
/// or start a task in response to an external event.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Use a task created from a task completion event when your scenario requires you to create a task that will complete, and
/// thereby have its continuations scheduled for execution, at some point in the future. The <c>task_completion_event</c> must
/// have the same type as the task you create, and calling the set method on the task completion event with a value of that type
/// will cause the associated task to complete, and provide that value as a result to its continuations.
/// <para>If the task completion event is never signaled, any tasks created from it will be canceled when it is destructed.</para>
/// <para><c>task_completion_event</c> behaves like a smart pointer, and should be passed by value.</para>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="task Class"/>
class task_completion_event<void>
/// <summary>
/// Sets the task completion event.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The method returns <c>true</c> if it was successful in setting the event. It returns <c>false</c> if the event is already set.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// In the presence of multiple or concurrent calls to <c>set</c>, only the first call will succeed and its result (if any) will be stored in the
/// task completion event. The remaining sets are ignored and the method will return false. When you set a task completion event, all the
/// tasks created from that event will immediately complete, and its continuations, if any, will be scheduled. Task completion objects that have
/// a <typeparamref name="_ResultType"/> other than <c>void</c> will pass the value <paramref value="_Result"/> to their continuations.
/// </remarks>
bool set() const // 'const' (even though it's not deep) allows to safely pass events by value into lambdas
return _M_unitEvent.set(details::_Unit_type());
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _E>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
bool set_exception(_E _Except) const // 'const' (even though it's not deep) allows to safely pass events by value into lambdas
return _M_unitEvent._Cancel(std::make_exception_ptr(_Except), _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK());
/// <summary>
/// Propagates an exception to all tasks associated with this event.
/// </summary>
/// <param>
/// The exception_ptr that indicates the exception to set this event with.
/// </param>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
bool set_exception(std::exception_ptr _ExceptionPtr) const // 'const' (even though it's not deep) allows to safely pass events by value into lambdas
// It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the instruction after the call instruction for set_exception.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return _M_unitEvent._Cancel(_ExceptionPtr, _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK());
return _M_unitEvent._Cancel(_ExceptionPtr, _ReturnAddress());
/// <summary>
/// Cancel the task_completion_event. Any task created using this event will be marked as canceled if it has
/// not already been set.
/// </summary>
void _Cancel() const // 'const' (even though it's not deep) allows to safely pass events by value into lambdas
/// <summary>
/// Cancel the task_completion_event with the exception holder provided. Any task created using this event will be canceled
/// with the same exception.
/// </summary>
void _Cancel(const std::shared_ptr<details::_ExceptionHolder>& _ExHolder) const
/// <summary>
/// Method that stores an exception in the task completion event. This is used internally by when_any.
/// Note, this does not cancel the task completion event. A task completion event with a stored exception
/// can bet set() successfully. If it is canceled, it will cancel with the stored exception, if one is present.
/// </summary>
bool _StoreException(const std::shared_ptr<details::_ExceptionHolder>& _ExHolder) const
return _M_unitEvent._StoreException(_ExHolder);
/// <summary>
/// Test whether current event has been either Set, or Canceled.
/// </summary>
bool _IsTriggered() const
return _M_unitEvent._IsTriggered();
template <typename T> friend class task; // task can register itself with the event by calling the private _RegisterTask
/// <summary>
/// Register a task with this event. This function is called when a task is constructed using
/// a task_completion_event.
/// </summary>
void _RegisterTask(details::_Task_ptr<details::_Unit_type>::_Type _TaskParam)
// The void event contains an event a dummy type so common code can be used for events with void and non-void results.
task_completion_event<details::_Unit_type> _M_unitEvent;
namespace details
// Compile-time validation helpers
// Task constructor validation: issue helpful diagnostics for common user errors. Do not attempt full validation here.
// Anything callable is fine
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
auto _IsValidTaskCtor(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) -> typename decltype(_Param(), std::true_type());
// Anything callable with a task return value is fine
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
auto _IsValidTaskCtor(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, int, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param(stdx::declval<task<_ReturnType>*>()), std::true_type());
// Anything callable with a return value is fine
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
auto _IsValidTaskCtor(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param(stdx::declval<_ReturnType*>()), std::true_type());
// Anything that has GetResults is fine: this covers AsyncAction*
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
auto _IsValidTaskCtor(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param->GetResults(), std::true_type());
// Anything that has GetResults(TResult_abi*) is fine: this covers AsyncOperation*
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
auto _IsValidTaskCtor(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param->GetResults(stdx::declval<decltype(_GetUnwrappedType(stdx::declval<_Ty>()))*>()), std::true_type());
// Allow parameters with set: this covers task_completion_event
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
auto _IsValidTaskCtor(_Ty _Param, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param.set(stdx::declval<_ReturnType>()), std::true_type());
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
auto _IsValidTaskCtor(_Ty _Param, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param.set(), std::true_type());
// All else is invalid
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
std::false_type _IsValidTaskCtor(_Ty _Param, ...);
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
void _ValidateTaskConstructorArgs(_Ty _Param)
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(details::_IsValidTaskCtor<_ReturnType>(_Param, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), std::true_type>::value,
"incorrect argument for task constructor; can be a callable object, an asynchronous operation, or a task_completion_event"
static_assert(!(std::is_same<_Ty, _ReturnType>::value && details::_IsIAsyncInfo<_Ty>::_Value),
"incorrect template argument for task; consider using the return type of the async operation");
// Helpers for create_async validation
// A parameter lambda taking no arguments is valid
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
static auto _IsValidCreateAsync(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) -> typename decltype(_Param(), std::true_type());
// A parameter lambda taking a result argument is valid
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
static auto _IsValidCreateAsync(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param(stdx::declval<_ReturnType*>()), std::true_type());
// A parameter lambda taking an cancellation_token argument is valid
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
static auto _IsValidCreateAsync(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, int, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param(Concurrency::cancellation_token::none()), std::true_type());
// A parameter lambda taking an cancellation_token argument and a result argument is valid
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
static auto _IsValidCreateAsync(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param(Concurrency::cancellation_token::none(), stdx::declval<_ReturnType*>()), std::true_type());
// A parameter lambda taking a progress report argument is valid
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
static auto _IsValidCreateAsync(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param(details::_ProgressReporterCtorArgType()), std::true_type());
// A parameter lambda taking a progress report argument and a result argument is valid
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
static auto _IsValidCreateAsync(_Ty _Param, int, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param(details::_ProgressReporterCtorArgType(), stdx::declval<_ReturnType*>()), std::true_type());
// A parameter lambda taking a progress report and a cancellation_token argument is valid
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
static auto _IsValidCreateAsync(_Ty _Param, int, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param(details::_ProgressReporterCtorArgType(), Concurrency::cancellation_token::none()), std::true_type());
// A parameter lambda taking a progress report and a cancellation_token argument and a result argument is valid
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
static auto _IsValidCreateAsync(_Ty _Param, int, ...) -> typename decltype(_Param(details::_ProgressReporterCtorArgType(), Concurrency::cancellation_token::none(), stdx::declval<_ReturnType*>()), std::true_type());
// All else is invalid
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
static std::false_type _IsValidCreateAsync(_Ty _Param, ...);
/// <summary>
/// The Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) <c>task</c> class. A <c>task</c> object represents work that can be executed asynchronously,
/// and concurrently with other tasks and parallel work produced by parallel algorithms in the Concurrency Runtime. It produces
/// a result of type <typeparamref name="_ResultType"/> on successful completion. Tasks of type <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c> produce no result.
/// A task can be waited upon and canceled independently of other tasks. It can also be composed with other tasks using
/// continuations(<c>then</c>), and join(<c>when_all</c>) and choice(<c>when_any</c>) patterns.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The result type of this task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <remarks>
/// For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.
/// </remarks>
template<typename _ReturnType>
class task
/// <summary>
/// The type of the result an object of this class produces.
/// </summary>
typedef _ReturnType result_type;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task</c> object.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The default constructor for a <c>task</c> is only present in order to allow tasks to be used within containers.
/// A default constructed task cannot be used until you assign a valid task to it. Methods such as <c>get</c>, <c>wait</c> or <c>then</c>
/// will throw an <see cref="invalid_argument Class">invalid_argument</see> exception when called on a default constructed task.
/// <para>A task that is created from a <c>task_completion_event</c> will complete (and have its continuations scheduled) when the task
/// completion event is set.</para>
/// <para>The version of the constructor that takes a cancellation token creates a task that can be canceled using the
/// <c>cancellation_token_source</c> the token was obtained from. Tasks created without a cancellation token are not cancelable.</para>
/// <para>Tasks created from a <c>Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo</c> interface or a lambda that returns an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface
/// reach their terminal state when the enclosed Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action completes. Similarly, tasks created
/// from a lamda that returns a <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c> reach their terminal state when the inner task reaches its terminal state,
/// and not when the lamda returns.</para>
/// <para><c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer and is safe to pass around by value. It can be accessed by multiple threads
/// without the need for locks.</para>
/// <para>The constructor overloads that take a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface or a lambda returning such an interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// <para>For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
task() : _M_Impl(nullptr)
// The default constructor should create a task with a nullptr impl. This is a signal that the
// task is not usable and should throw if any wait(), get() or then() APIs are used.
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task</c> object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Ty">
/// The type of the parameter from which the task is to be constructed.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Param">
/// The parameter from which the task is to be constructed. This could be a lambda, a function object, a <c>task_completion_event&lt;result_type&gt;</c>
/// object, or a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo if you are using tasks in your Windows Store app. The lambda or function
/// object should be a type equivalent to <c>std::function&lt;X(void)&gt;</c>, where X can be a variable of type <c>result_type</c>,
/// <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, or a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo in Windows Store apps.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Token">
/// The cancellation token to associate with this task. A task created without a cancellation token cannot be canceled. It implicitly receives
/// the token <c>cancellation_token::none()</c>.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The default constructor for a <c>task</c> is only present in order to allow tasks to be used within containers.
/// A default constructed task cannot be used until you assign a valid task to it. Methods such as <c>get</c>, <c>wait</c> or <c>then</c>
/// will throw an <see cref="invalid_argument Class">invalid_argument</see> exception when called on a default constructed task.
/// <para>A task that is created from a <c>task_completion_event</c> will complete (and have its continuations scheduled) when the task
/// completion event is set.</para>
/// <para>The version of the constructor that takes a cancellation token creates a task that can be canceled using the
/// <c>cancellation_token_source</c> the token was obtained from. Tasks created without a cancellation token are not cancelable.</para>
/// <para>Tasks created from a <c>Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo</c> interface or a lambda that returns an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface
/// reach their terminal state when the enclosed Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action completes. Similarly, tasks created
/// from a lamda that returns a <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c> reach their terminal state when the inner task reaches its terminal state,
/// and not when the lamda returns.</para>
/// <para><c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer and is safe to pass around by value. It can be accessed by multiple threads
/// without the need for locks.</para>
/// <para>The constructor overloads that take a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface or a lambda returning such an interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// <para>For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Ty>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
explicit task(_Ty _Param)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
task_options _TaskOptions;
details::_ValidateTaskConstructorArgs<_ReturnType, _Ty>(_Param);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_CreateImpl(_TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue(), _TaskOptions.get_scheduler());
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of the task constructor.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Param, details::_IsCallable<_ReturnType>(_Param, 0, 0, 0));
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task</c> object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Ty">
/// The type of the parameter from which the task is to be constructed.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Param">
/// The parameter from which the task is to be constructed. This could be a lambda, a function object, a <c>task_completion_event&lt;result_type&gt;</c>
/// object, or a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo if you are using tasks in your Windows Store app. The lambda or function
/// object should be a type equivalent to <c>std::function&lt;X(void)&gt;</c>, where X can be a variable of type <c>result_type</c>,
/// <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, or a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo in Windows Store apps.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Token">
/// The cancellation token to associate with this task. A task created without a cancellation token cannot be canceled. It implicitly receives
/// the token <c>cancellation_token::none()</c>.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The default constructor for a <c>task</c> is only present in order to allow tasks to be used within containers.
/// A default constructed task cannot be used until you assign a valid task to it. Methods such as <c>get</c>, <c>wait</c> or <c>then</c>
/// will throw an <see cref="invalid_argument Class">invalid_argument</see> exception when called on a default constructed task.
/// <para>A task that is created from a <c>task_completion_event</c> will complete (and have its continuations scheduled) when the task
/// completion event is set.</para>
/// <para>The version of the constructor that takes a cancellation token creates a task that can be canceled using the
/// <c>cancellation_token_source</c> the token was obtained from. Tasks created without a cancellation token are not cancelable.</para>
/// <para>Tasks created from a <c>Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo</c> interface or a lambda that returns an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface
/// reach their terminal state when the enclosed Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action completes. Similarly, tasks created
/// from a lamda that returns a <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c> reach their terminal state when the inner task reaches its terminal state,
/// and not when the lamda returns.</para>
/// <para><c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer and is safe to pass around by value. It can be accessed by multiple threads
/// without the need for locks.</para>
/// <para>The constructor overloads that take a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface or a lambda returning such an interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// <para>For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Ty>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
explicit task(_Ty _Param, const task_options &_TaskOptions)
explicit task(_Ty _Param, Concurrency::cancellation_token _Token)
details::_ValidateTaskConstructorArgs<_ReturnType, _Ty>(_Param);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_CreateImpl(_TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue(), _TaskOptions.get_scheduler());
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of the task constructor.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_SetTaskCreationCallstack(details::_get_internal_task_options(_TaskOptions)._M_hasPresetCreationCallstack ? details::_get_internal_task_options(_TaskOptions)._M_presetCreationCallstack : _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK());
_TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Param, details::_IsCallable<_ReturnType>(_Param, 0, 0, 0));
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task</c> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Other">
/// The source <c>task</c> object.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The default constructor for a <c>task</c> is only present in order to allow tasks to be used within containers.
/// A default constructed task cannot be used until you assign a valid task to it. Methods such as <c>get</c>, <c>wait</c> or <c>then</c>
/// will throw an <see cref="invalid_argument Class">invalid_argument</see> exception when called on a default constructed task.
/// <para>A task that is created from a <c>task_completion_event</c> will complete (and have its continuations scheduled) when the task
/// completion event is set.</para>
/// <para>The version of the constructor that takes a cancellation token creates a task that can be canceled using the
/// <c>cancellation_token_source</c> the token was obtained from. Tasks created without a cancellation token are not cancelable.</para>
/// <para>Tasks created from a <c>Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo</c> interface or a lambda that returns an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface
/// reach their terminal state when the enclosed Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action completes. Similarly, tasks created
/// from a lamda that returns a <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c> reach their terminal state when the inner task reaches its terminal state,
/// and not when the lamda returns.</para>
/// <para><c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer and is safe to pass around by value. It can be accessed by multiple threads
/// without the need for locks.</para>
/// <para>The constructor overloads that take a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface or a lambda returning such an interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// <para>For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
task(const task& _Other) : _M_Impl(_Other._M_Impl) {}
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task</c> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Other">
/// The source <c>task</c> object.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The default constructor for a <c>task</c> is only present in order to allow tasks to be used within containers.
/// A default constructed task cannot be used until you assign a valid task to it. Methods such as <c>get</c>, <c>wait</c> or <c>then</c>
/// will throw an <see cref="invalid_argument Class">invalid_argument</see> exception when called on a default constructed task.
/// <para>A task that is created from a <c>task_completion_event</c> will complete (and have its continuations scheduled) when the task
/// completion event is set.</para>
/// <para>The version of the constructor that takes a cancellation token creates a task that can be canceled using the
/// <c>cancellation_token_source</c> the token was obtained from. Tasks created without a cancellation token are not cancelable.</para>
/// <para>Tasks created from a <c>Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo</c> interface or a lambda that returns an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface
/// reach their terminal state when the enclosed Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action completes. Similarly, tasks created
/// from a lamda that returns a <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c> reach their terminal state when the inner task reaches its terminal state,
/// and not when the lamda returns.</para>
/// <para><c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer and is safe to pass around by value. It can be accessed by multiple threads
/// without the need for locks.</para>
/// <para>The constructor overloads that take a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface or a lambda returning such an interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// <para>For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
task(task&& _Other) : _M_Impl(std::move(_Other._M_Impl)) {}
/// <summary>
/// Replaces the contents of one <c>task</c> object with another.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Other">
/// The source <c>task</c> object.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// As <c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer, after a copy assignment, this <c>task</c> objects represents the same
/// actual task as <paramref name="_Other"/> does.
/// </remarks>
task& operator=(const task& _Other)
if (this != &_Other)
_M_Impl = _Other._M_Impl;
return *this;
/// <summary>
/// Replaces the contents of one <c>task</c> object with another.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Other">
/// The source <c>task</c> object.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// As <c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer, after a copy assignment, this <c>task</c> objects represents the same
/// actual task as <paramref name="_Other"/> does.
/// </remarks>
task& operator=(task&& _Other)
if (this != &_Other)
_M_Impl = std::move(_Other._M_Impl);
return *this;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a continuation task to this task.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Function">
/// The type of the function object that will be invoked by this task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Func">
/// The continuation function to execute when this task completes. This continuation function must take as input
/// a variable of either <c>result_type</c> or <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, where <c>result_type</c> is the type
/// of the result this task produces.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The newly created continuation task. The result type of the returned task is determined by what <paramref name="_Func"/> returns.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The overloads of <c>then</c> that take a lambda or functor that returns a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.
/// <para>For more information on how to use task continuations to compose asynchronous work, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Function>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
auto then(const _Function& _Func) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, _ReturnType>::_TaskOfType
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
task_options _TaskOptions;
return _ThenImpl<_ReturnType, _Function>(_Func, _TaskOptions);
auto _ContinuationTask = _ThenImpl<_ReturnType, _Function>(_Func, nullptr, task_continuation_context::use_default());
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of then.
return _ContinuationTask;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a continuation task to this task.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Function">
/// The type of the function object that will be invoked by this task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Func">
/// The continuation function to execute when this task completes. This continuation function must take as input
/// a variable of either <c>result_type</c> or <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, where <c>result_type</c> is the type
/// of the result this task produces.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_CancellationToken">
/// The cancellation token to associate with the continuation task. A continuation task that is created without a cancellation token will inherit
/// the token of its antecedent task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The newly created continuation task. The result type of the returned task is determined by what <paramref name="_Func"/> returns.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The overloads of <c>then</c> that take a lambda or functor that returns a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.
/// <para>For more information on how to use task continuations to compose asynchronous work, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Function>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto then(const _Function& _Func, task_options _TaskOptions) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, _ReturnType>::_TaskOfType
auto then(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token _CancellationToken) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, _ReturnType>::_TaskOfType
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
return _ThenImpl<_ReturnType, _Function>(_Func, _TaskOptions);
auto _ContinuationTask = _ThenImpl<_ReturnType, _Function>(_Func, _CancellationToken._GetImplValue(), task_continuation_context::use_default());
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of then.
return _ContinuationTask;
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
/// <summary>
/// Adds a continuation task to this task.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Function">
/// The type of the function object that will be invoked by this task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Func">
/// The continuation function to execute when this task completes. This continuation function must take as input
/// a variable of either <c>result_type</c> or <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, where <c>result_type</c> is the type
/// of the result this task produces.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_ContinuationContext">
/// A variable that specifies where the continuation should execute. This variable is only useful when used in a
/// Windows Store app. For more information, see <see cref="task_continuation_context Class">task_continuation_context</see>
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The newly created continuation task. The result type of the returned task is determined by what <paramref name="_Func"/> returns.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The overloads of <c>then</c> that take a lambda or functor that returns a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.
/// <para>For more information on how to use task continuations to compose asynchronous work, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Function>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
auto then(const _Function& _Func, task_continuation_context _ContinuationContext) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, _ReturnType>::_TaskOfType
auto _ContinuationTask = _ThenImpl<_ReturnType, _Function>(_Func, nullptr, _ContinuationContext);
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of then.
return _ContinuationTask;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a continuation task to this task.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Function">
/// The type of the function object that will be invoked by this task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Func">
/// The continuation function to execute when this task completes. This continuation function must take as input
/// a variable of either <c>result_type</c> or <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, where <c>result_type</c> is the type
/// of the result this task produces.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_CancellationToken">
/// The cancellation token to associate with the continuation task. A continuation task that is created without a cancellation token will inherit
/// the token of its antecedent task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_ContinuationContext">
/// A variable that specifies where the continuation should execute. This variable is only useful when used in a
/// Windows Store app. For more information, see <see cref="task_continuation_context Class">task_continuation_context</see>
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The newly created continuation task. The result type of the returned task is determined by what <paramref name="_Func"/> returns.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The overloads of <c>then</c> that take a lambda or functor that returns a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.
/// <para>For more information on how to use task continuations to compose asynchronous work, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Function>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
auto then(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token _CancellationToken, task_continuation_context _ContinuationContext) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, _ReturnType>::_TaskOfType
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
task_options _TaskOptions(_CancellationToken, _ContinuationContext);
return _ThenImpl<_ReturnType, _Function>(_Func, _TaskOptions);
auto _ContinuationTask = _ThenImpl<_ReturnType, _Function>(_Func, _CancellationToken._GetImplValue(), _ContinuationContext);
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of then.
return _ContinuationTask;
/// <summary>
/// Waits for this task to reach a terminal state. It is possible for <c>wait</c> to execute the task inline, if all of the tasks
/// dependencies are satisfied, and it has not already been picked up for execution by a background worker.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A <c>task_status</c> value which could be either <c>completed</c> or <c>canceled</c>. If the task encountered an exception
/// during execution, or an exception was propagated to it from an antecedent task, <c>wait</c> will throw that exception.
/// </returns>
task_status wait() const
if (_M_Impl == nullptr)
throw Concurrency::invalid_operation("wait() cannot be called on a default constructed task.");
return _M_Impl->_Wait();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the result this task produced. If the task is not in a terminal state, a call to <c>get</c> will wait for the task to
/// finish. This method does not return a value when called on a task with a <c>result_type</c> of <c>void</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The result of the task.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If the task is canceled, a call to <c>get</c> will throw a <see cref="task_canceled Class">task_canceled</see> exception. If the task
/// encountered an different exception or an exception was propagated to it from an antecedent task, a call to <c>get</c> will throw that exception.
/// </remarks>
_ReturnType get() const
if (_M_Impl == nullptr)
throw Concurrency::invalid_operation("get() cannot be called on a default constructed task.");
if (_M_Impl->_Wait() == Concurrency::canceled)
throw Concurrency::task_canceled();
return _M_Impl->_GetResult();
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the task is completed.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// True if the task has completed, false otherwise.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The function returns true if the task is completed or canceled (with or without user exception).
/// </remarks>
bool is_done() const
if (!_M_Impl)
throw Concurrency::invalid_operation("is_done() cannot be called on a default constructed task.");
return _M_Impl->_IsDone();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the scheduler for this task
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A pointer to the scheduler
/// </returns>
Concurrency::scheduler_ptr scheduler() const
if (!_M_Impl)
throw Concurrency::invalid_operation("scheduler() cannot be called on a default constructed task.");
return _M_Impl->_GetScheduler();
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the task unwraps a Windows Runtime <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface or is descended from such a task.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the task unwraps an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface or is descended from such a task, <c>false</c> otherwise.
/// </returns>
bool is_apartment_aware() const
if (_M_Impl == nullptr)
throw Concurrency::invalid_operation("is_apartment_aware() cannot be called on a default constructed task.");
return _M_Impl->_IsApartmentAware();
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether two <c>task</c> objects represent the same internal task.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the objects refer to the same underlying task, and <c>false</c> otherwise.
/// </returns>
bool operator==(const task<_ReturnType>& _Rhs) const
return (_M_Impl == _Rhs._M_Impl);
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether two <c>task</c> objects represent different internal tasks.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the objects refer to different underlying tasks, and <c>false</c> otherwise.
/// </returns>
bool operator!=(const task<_ReturnType>& _Rhs) const
return !operator==(_Rhs);
/// <summary>
/// Create an underlying task implementation.
/// </summary>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void _CreateImpl(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _Ct, Concurrency::scheduler_ptr _Scheduler)
void _CreateImpl(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _Ct)
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_Ct != nullptr);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_M_Impl = details::_Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Make(_Ct, _Scheduler);
_M_Impl = details::_Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Make(_Ct);
if (_Ct != Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None())
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
/// <summary>
/// Return the underlying implementation for this task.
/// </summary>
const typename details::_Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type & _GetImpl() const
return _M_Impl;
/// <summary>
/// Set the implementation of the task to be the supplied implementaion.
/// </summary>
void _SetImpl(const typename details::_Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type & _Impl)
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_M_Impl == nullptr);
_M_Impl = _Impl;
/// <summary>
/// Set the implementation of the task to be the supplied implementaion using a move instead of a copy.
/// </summary>
void _SetImpl(typename details::_Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type && _Impl)
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_M_Impl == nullptr);
_M_Impl = std::move(_Impl);
/// <summary>
/// Sets a property determining whether the task is apartment aware.
/// </summary>
void _SetAsync(bool _Async = true)
/// <summary>
/// Sets a field in the task impl to the return address for calls to the task constructors and the then method.
/// </summary>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void _SetTaskCreationCallstack(const details::_TaskCreationCallstack &_callstack)
void _SetTaskCreationAddressHint(void* _Address)
/// <summary>
/// An internal version of then that takes additional flags and always execute the continuation inline by default.
/// When _ForceInline is set to false, continuations inlining will be limited to default _DefaultAutoInline.
/// This function is Used for runtime internal continuations only.
/// </summary>
template<typename _Function>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto _Then(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState,
details::_TaskInliningMode _InliningMode = Concurrency::details::_ForceInline) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, _ReturnType>::_TaskOfType
// inherit from antecedent
auto _Scheduler = _GetImpl()->_GetScheduler();
return _ThenImpl<_ReturnType, _Function>(_Func, _PTokenState, task_continuation_context::use_default(), _Scheduler, _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK(), _InliningMode);
auto _Then(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState, bool _Aggregating,
details::_TaskInliningMode _InliningMode = Concurrency::details::_ForceInline) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, _ReturnType>::_TaskOfType
return _ThenImpl<_ReturnType, _Function>(_Func, _PTokenState, task_continuation_context::use_default(), _Aggregating, _InliningMode);
template <typename T> friend class task;
// A helper class template that transforms an intial task lambda returns void into a lambda that returns a non-void type (details::_Unit_type is used
// to substitute for void). This is to minimize the special handling required for 'void'.
template<typename _RetType>
class _Init_func_transformer
static auto _Perform(std::function<HRESULT(_RetType*)> _Func) -> decltype(_Func)
return _Func;
class _Init_func_transformer<void>
static auto _Perform(std::function<HRESULT(void)> _Func) -> decltype(details::_MakeVoidToUnitFunc(_Func))
return details::_MakeVoidToUnitFunc(_Func);
// The task handle type used to construct an 'initial task' - a task with no dependents.
template <typename _InternalReturnType, typename _Function, typename _TypeSelection>
struct _InitialTaskHandle :
details::_PPLTaskHandle<_ReturnType, _InitialTaskHandle<_InternalReturnType, _Function, _TypeSelection>, details::_UnrealizedChore>
_Function _M_function;
_InitialTaskHandle(const typename details::_Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type & _TaskImpl, const _Function & _Function) : _M_function(_Function), _PPLTaskHandle(_TaskImpl)
virtual ~_InitialTaskHandle() {}
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template <typename _Func, typename _RetArg>
auto _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_Func && _func, _RetArg && _retArg) const -> decltype(_func(std::forward<_RetArg>(_retArg)))
details::_TaskWorkItemRAIILogger _LogWorkItem(this->_M_pTask->_M_taskEventLogger);
return _func(std::forward<_RetArg>(_retArg));
void _Perform() const
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void _SyncCancelAndPropagateException() const
// Overload 0: returns _InternalReturnType
// This is the most basic task with no unwrapping
void _Init(details::_TypeSelectorNoAsync) const
_ReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_Init_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType>::_Perform(_M_function), &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _Init_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType>::_Perform(_M_function)(&retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
// Overload 1: returns IAsyncOperation<_InternalReturnType>*
// or
// returns task<_InternalReturnType>
// This is task whose functor returns an async operation or a task which will be unwrapped for continuation
// Depending on the output type, the right _AsyncInit gets invoked
void _Init(details::_TypeSelectorAsyncTask) const
task<_InternalReturnType> retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_M_function, &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _M_function(&retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_ReturnType, _InternalReturnType>(_M_pTask, retVal);
void _Init(details::_TypeSelectorAsyncOperation) const
_ReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_M_function, &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _M_function(&retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_ReturnType, _InternalReturnType>(_M_pTask,
// Overload 2: returns IAsyncAction*
// This is task whose functor returns an async action which will be unwrapped for continuation
void _Init(details::_TypeSelectorAsyncAction) const
_ReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_M_function, &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _M_function(&retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_ReturnType, _InternalReturnType>(_M_pTask, Microsoft::WRL::Make<details::_IAsyncActionToAsyncOperationConverter>(retVal).Get());
// Overload 3: returns IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_InternalReturnType, _ProgressType>*
// This is task whose functor returns an async operation with progress which will be unwrapped for continuation
void _Init(details::_TypeSelectorAsyncOperationWithProgress) const
typedef details::_GetProgressType<decltype(_M_function())>::_Value _ProgressType;
_ReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_M_function, &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _M_function(&retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_ReturnType, _InternalReturnType>(_M_pTask,
Microsoft::WRL::Make<details::_IAsyncOperationWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter<_InternalReturnType, _ProgressType>>(retVal).Get());
// Overload 4: returns IAsyncActionWithProgress<_ProgressType>*
// This is task whose functor returns an async action with progress which will be unwrapped for continuation
void _Init(details::_TypeSelectorAsyncActionWithProgress) const
typedef details::_GetProgressType<decltype(_M_function())>::_Value _ProgressType;
_ReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_M_function, &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _M_function(&retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_ReturnType, _InternalReturnType>(_M_pTask,
/// <summary>
/// A helper class template that transforms a continuation lambda that either takes or returns void, or both, into a lambda that takes and returns a
/// non-void type (details::_Unit_type is used to substitute for void). This is to minimize the special handling required for 'void'.
/// </summary>
template<typename _InpType, typename _OutType>
class _Continuation_func_transformer
static auto _Perform(std::function<HRESULT(_InpType, _OutType*)> _Func) -> decltype(_Func)
return _Func;
template<typename _OutType>
class _Continuation_func_transformer<void, _OutType>
static auto _Perform(std::function<HRESULT(_OutType*)> _Func) -> decltype(details::_MakeUnitToTFunc<_OutType>(_Func))
return details::_MakeUnitToTFunc<_OutType>(_Func);
template<typename _InType>
class _Continuation_func_transformer<_InType, void>
static auto _Perform(std::function<HRESULT(_InType)> _Func) -> decltype(details::_MakeTToUnitFunc<_InType>(_Func))
return details::_MakeTToUnitFunc<_InType>(_Func);
class _Continuation_func_transformer<void, void>
static auto _Perform(std::function<HRESULT(void)> _Func) -> decltype(details::_MakeUnitToUnitFunc(_Func))
return details::_MakeUnitToUnitFunc(_Func);
/// <summary>
/// The task handle type used to create a 'continuation task'.
/// </summary>
template <typename _InternalReturnType, typename _ContinuationReturnType, typename _Function, typename _IsTaskBased, typename _TypeSelection>
struct _ContinuationTaskHandle :
details::_PPLTaskHandle<typename details::_NormalizeVoidToUnitType<_ContinuationReturnType>::_Type,
_ContinuationTaskHandle<_InternalReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType, _Function, _IsTaskBased, _TypeSelection>, details::_ContinuationTaskHandleBase>
typedef typename details::_NormalizeVoidToUnitType<_ContinuationReturnType>::_Type _NormalizedContinuationReturnType;
typename details::_Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type _M_ancestorTaskImpl;
_Function _M_function;
_ContinuationTaskHandle(const typename details::_Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type & _AncestorImpl,
const typename details::_Task_ptr<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType>::_Type & _ContinuationImpl,
const _Function & _Func, const task_continuation_context & _Context, details::_TaskInliningMode _InliningMode) :
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
details::_PPLTaskHandle<typename details::_NormalizeVoidToUnitType<_ContinuationReturnType>::_Type,
_ContinuationTaskHandle<_InternalReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType, _Function, _IsTaskBased, _TypeSelection>, details::_ContinuationTaskHandleBase>
, _M_ancestorTaskImpl(_AncestorImpl)
, _M_function(_Func)
_M_ancestorTaskImpl(_AncestorImpl), _PPLTaskHandle(_ContinuationImpl), _M_function(_Func)
_M_isTaskBasedContinuation = _IsTaskBased::value;
_M_continuationContext = _Context;
_M_inliningMode = _InliningMode;
virtual ~_ContinuationTaskHandle() {}
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template <typename _Func, typename _Arg, typename _RetArg>
auto _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_Func && _func, _Arg && _value, _RetArg && _retArg) const -> decltype(_func(std::forward<_Arg>(_value), std::forward<_RetArg>(_retArg)))
details::_TaskWorkItemRAIILogger _LogWorkItem(this->_M_pTask->_M_taskEventLogger);
return _func(std::forward<_Arg>(_value), std::forward<_RetArg>(_retArg));
void _Perform() const
_Continue(_IsTaskBased(), _TypeSelection());
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void _SyncCancelAndPropagateException() const
if (_M_ancestorTaskImpl->_HasUserException())
// If the ancestor encountered an exception, transfer the exception to the continuation
// This traverses down the tree to propagate the exception.
this->_M_pTask->_CancelWithExceptionHolder(_M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetExceptionHolder(), true);
// If the ancestor was canceled, then your own execution should be canceled.
// This traverses down the tree to cancel it.
// Overload 0-0: _InternalReturnType -> _TaskType
// This is a straight task continuation which simply invokes its target with the ancestor's completion argument
void _Continue(std::false_type, details::_TypeSelectorNoAsync) const
_NormalizedContinuationReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>::_Perform(_M_function), _M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &retVal);
HRESULT hr =_Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>::_Perform(_M_function)(_M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
// Overload 0-1: _InternalReturnType -> IAsyncOperation<_TaskType>*
// or
// _InternalReturnType -> task<_TaskType>
// This is a straight task continuation which returns an async operation or a task which will be unwrapped for continuation
// Depending on the output type, the right _AsyncInit gets invoked
void _Continue(std::false_type, details::_TypeSelectorAsyncTask) const
typedef typename details::_FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, _InternalReturnType>::_FuncRetType _FuncOutputType;
_FuncOutputType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _FuncOutputType>::_Perform(_M_function), _M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _FuncOutputType>::_Perform(_M_function)(_M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>(
void _Continue(std::false_type, details::_TypeSelectorAsyncOperation) const
typedef typename details::_FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, _InternalReturnType>::_FuncRetType _FuncOutputType;
_FuncOutputType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _FuncOutputType>::_Perform(_M_function), _M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _FuncOutputType>::_Perform(_M_function)(_M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>(
// Overload 0-2: _InternalReturnType -> IAsyncAction*
// This is a straight task continuation which returns an async action which will be unwrapped for continuation
void _Continue(std::false_type, details::_TypeSelectorAsyncAction) const
typedef details::_FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, _InternalReturnType>::_FuncRetType _FuncOutputType;
_FuncOutputType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _FuncOutputType>::_Perform(_M_function), _M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _FuncOutputType>::_Perform(_M_function)(_M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>(
// Overload 0-3: _InternalReturnType -> IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_TaskType, _ProgressType>*
// This is a straight task continuation which returns an async operation with progress which will be unwrapped for continuation
void _Continue(std::false_type, details::_TypeSelectorAsyncOperationWithProgress) const
typedef details::_FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, _InternalReturnType>::_FuncRetType _FuncOutputType;
_FuncOutputType _OpWithProgress;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _FuncOutputType>::_Perform(_M_function), _M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &_OpWithProgress);
HRESULT hr = _Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _FuncOutputType>::_Perform(_M_function)(_M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &_OpWithProgress);
typedef details::_GetProgressType<decltype(_OpWithProgress)>::_Value _ProgressType;
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>(
Microsoft::WRL::Make<details::_IAsyncOperationWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter<_ContinuationReturnType, _ProgressType>>(_OpWithProgress).Get());
// Overload 0-4: _InternalReturnType -> IAsyncActionWithProgress<_ProgressType>*
// This is a straight task continuation which returns an async action with progress which will be unwrapped for continuation
void _Continue(std::false_type, details::_TypeSelectorAsyncActionWithProgress) const
typedef details::_FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, _InternalReturnType>::_FuncRetType _FuncOutputType;
_FuncOutputType _OpWithProgress;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _FuncOutputType>::_Perform(_M_function), _M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &_OpWithProgress);
HRESULT hr = _Continuation_func_transformer<_InternalReturnType, _FuncOutputType>::_Perform(_M_function)(_M_ancestorTaskImpl->_GetResult(), &_OpWithProgress);
typedef details::_GetProgressType<decltype(_OpWithProgress)>::_Value _ProgressType;
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>(
// Overload 1-0: task<_InternalReturnType> -> _TaskType
// This is an exception handling type of continuation which takes the task rather than the task's result.
void _Continue(std::true_type, details::_TypeSelectorNoAsync) const
typedef task<_InternalReturnType> _FuncInputType;
task<_InternalReturnType> _ResultTask;
_NormalizedContinuationReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_Continuation_func_transformer<_FuncInputType, _ContinuationReturnType>::_Perform(_M_function), std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _Continuation_func_transformer<_FuncInputType, _ContinuationReturnType>::_Perform(_M_function)(std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
// Overload 1-1: task<_InternalReturnType> -> IAsyncOperation<_TaskType>^
// or
// task<_TaskType>
// This is an exception handling type of continuation which takes the task rather than
// the task's result. It also returns an async operation or a task which will be unwrapped
// for continuation
void _Continue(std::true_type, details::_TypeSelectorAsyncTask) const
// The continuation takes a parameter of type task<_Input>, which is the same as the ancestor task.
task<_InternalReturnType> _ResultTask;
_ContinuationReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_M_function, std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _M_function(std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>(_M_pTask, retVal);
void _Continue(std::true_type, details::_TypeSelectorAsyncOperation) const
// The continuation takes a parameter of type task<_Input>, which is the same as the ancestor task.
task<_InternalReturnType> _ResultTask;
_ContinuationReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_M_function, std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _M_function(std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>(_M_pTask,
// Overload 1-2: task<_InternalReturnType> -> IAsyncAction*
// This is an exception handling type of continuation which takes the task rather than
// the task's result. It also returns an async action which will be unwrapped for continuation
void _Continue(std::true_type, details::_TypeSelectorAsyncAction) const
// The continuation takes a parameter of type task<_Input>, which is the same as the ancestor task.
task<_InternalReturnType> _ResultTask;
_ContinuationReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_M_function, std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _M_function(std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>(_M_pTask,
// Overload 1-3: task<_InternalReturnType> -> IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_TaskType, _ProgressType>*
// This is an exception handling type of continuation which takes the task rather than
// the task's result. It also returns an async operation with progress which will be unwrapped
// for continuation
void _Continue(std::true_type, details::_TypeSelectorAsyncOperationWithProgress) const
// The continuation takes a parameter of type task<_Input>, which is the same as the ancestor task.
task<_InternalReturnType> _ResultTask;
typedef details::_GetProgressType<decltype(_M_function(_ResultTask))>::_Value _ProgressType;
_ContinuationReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_M_function, std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _M_function(std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>(_M_pTask,
Microsoft::WRL::Make<details::_IAsyncOperationWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter<_ContinuationReturnType, _ProgressType>>(retVal));
// Overload 1-4: task<_InternalReturnType> -> IAsyncActionWithProgress<_ProgressType>*
// This is an exception handling type of continuation which takes the task rather than
// the task's result. It also returns an async operation with progress which will be unwrapped
// for continuation
void _Continue(std::true_type, details::_TypeSelectorAsyncActionWithProgress) const
// The continuation takes a parameter of type task<_Input>, which is the same as the ancestor task.
task<_InternalReturnType> _ResultTask;
typedef details::_GetProgressType<decltype(_M_function(_ResultTask))>::_Value _ProgressType;
_ContinuationReturnType retVal;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
HRESULT hr = _LogWorkItemAndInvokeUserLambda(_M_function, std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
HRESULT hr = _M_function(std::move(_ResultTask), &retVal);
if (FAILED(hr)) throw std::make_exception_ptr(hr);
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_NormalizedContinuationReturnType, _ContinuationReturnType>(_M_pTask,
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using a lambda, function pointer or function object.
/// </summary>
template<typename _InternalReturnType, typename _Function>
void _TaskInitWithFunctor(const _Function& _Func)
typedef details::_InitFunctorTypeTraits<_InternalReturnType, details::_FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, void>::_FuncRetType> _Async_type_traits;
_M_Impl->_M_fFromAsync = _Async_type_traits::_IsAsyncTask;
_M_Impl->_M_fUnwrappedTask = _Async_type_traits::_IsUnwrappedTaskOrAsync;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_M_Impl->_ScheduleTask(new _InitialTaskHandle<_InternalReturnType, _Function, typename _Async_type_traits::_AsyncKind>(_GetImpl(), _Func), Concurrency::details::_NoInline);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using a task completion event.
/// </summary>
void _TaskInitNoFunctor(task_completion_event<_ReturnType>& _Event)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using an asynchronous operation IAsyncOperation<T>*
/// </summary>
template<typename _Result, typename _OpType, typename _CompHandlerType, typename _ResultType>
void _TaskInitAsyncOp(details::_AsyncInfoImpl<_OpType, _CompHandlerType, _ResultType>* _AsyncOp)
_M_Impl->_M_fFromAsync = true;
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// Mark this task as started here since we can set the state in the constructor without acquiring a lock. Once _AsyncInit
// returns a completion could execute concurrently and the task must be fully initialized before that happens.
_M_Impl->_M_TaskState = details::_Task_impl_base::_Started;
// Pass the shared pointer into _AsyncInit for storage in the Async Callback.
details::_Task_impl_base::_AsyncInit<_ReturnType, _Result>(_M_Impl, _AsyncOp);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using an asynchronous operation IAsyncOperation<T>*
/// </summary>
template<typename _Result>
void _TaskInitNoFunctor(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_Result>* _AsyncOp)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using an asynchronous operation with progress IAsyncOperationWithProgress<T, P>*
/// </summary>
template<typename _Result, typename _Progress>
void _TaskInitNoFunctor(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_Result, _Progress>* _AsyncOp)
_TaskInitAsyncOp<_Result>(Microsoft::WRL::Make<details::_IAsyncOperationWithProgressToAsyncOperationConverter<_Result, _Progress>>(_AsyncOp).Get());
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using a callable object.
/// </summary>
template<typename _Function>
void _TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Function & _Func, std::true_type)
_TaskInitWithFunctor<_ReturnType, _Function>(_Func);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using a non-callable object.
/// </summary>
template<typename _Ty>
void _TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Ty & _Param, std::false_type)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _InternalReturnType, typename _Function>
auto _ThenImpl(const _Function& _Func, const task_options& _TaskOptions) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, _InternalReturnType>::_TaskOfType
if (!_M_Impl)
throw Concurrency::invalid_operation("then() cannot be called on a default constructed task.");
Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState = _TaskOptions.has_cancellation_token() ? _TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue() : nullptr;
auto _Scheduler = _TaskOptions.has_scheduler() ? _TaskOptions.get_scheduler() : _GetImpl()->_GetScheduler();
auto _CreationStack = details::_get_internal_task_options(_TaskOptions)._M_hasPresetCreationCallstack ? details::_get_internal_task_options(_TaskOptions)._M_presetCreationCallstack : details::_TaskCreationCallstack();
return _ThenImpl<_InternalReturnType, _Function>(_Func, _PTokenState, _TaskOptions.get_continuation_context(), _Scheduler, _CreationStack);
/// <summary>
/// The one and only implementation of then for void and non-void tasks.
/// </summary>
template<typename _InternalReturnType, typename _Function>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto _ThenImpl(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState, const task_continuation_context& _ContinuationContext, Concurrency::scheduler_ptr _Scheduler, details::_TaskCreationCallstack _CreationStack,
details::_TaskInliningMode _InliningMode = Concurrency::details::_NoInline) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, _InternalReturnType>::_TaskOfType
auto _ThenImpl(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState, const task_continuation_context& _ContinuationContext,
bool _Aggregating = false, details::_TaskInliningMode _InliningMode = Concurrency::details::_NoInline) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, _InternalReturnType>::_TaskOfType
if (_M_Impl == nullptr)
throw Concurrency::invalid_operation("then() cannot be called on a default constructed task.");
typedef details::_FunctionTypeTraits<_Function, _InternalReturnType> _Function_type_traits;
typedef details::_TaskTypeTraits<typename _Function_type_traits::_FuncRetType> _Async_type_traits;
typedef typename _Async_type_traits::_TaskRetType _TaskType;
// A **nullptr** token state indicates that it was not provided by the user. In this case, we inherit the antecedent's token UNLESS this is a
// an exception handling continuation. In that case, we break the chain with a _None. That continuation is never canceled unless the user
// explicitly passes the same token.
if (_PTokenState == nullptr)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (_Function_type_traits::_Takes_task::value)
if (_Function_type_traits::_Takes_task())
_PTokenState = Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None();
_PTokenState = _GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState;
task<_TaskType> _ContinuationTask;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_ContinuationTask._CreateImpl(_PTokenState, _Scheduler);
_ContinuationTask._GetImpl()->_M_fFromAsync = (_GetImpl()->_M_fFromAsync || _Async_type_traits::_IsAsyncTask);
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
_ContinuationTask._GetImpl()->_M_fRuntimeAggregate = _Aggregating;
_ContinuationTask._GetImpl()->_M_fUnwrappedTask = _Async_type_traits::_IsUnwrappedTaskOrAsync;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_GetImpl()->_ScheduleContinuation(new _ContinuationTaskHandle<_InternalReturnType, _TaskType, _Function, typename _Function_type_traits::_Takes_task, typename _Async_type_traits::_AsyncKind>(
_GetImpl(), _ContinuationTask._GetImpl(), _Func, _ContinuationContext, _InliningMode));
return _ContinuationTask;
// The underlying implementation for this task
typename details::_Task_ptr<_ReturnType>::_Type _M_Impl;
/// <summary>
/// The Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) <c>task</c> class. A <c>task</c> object represents work that can be executed asynchronously,
/// and concurrently with other tasks and parallel work produced by parallel algorithms in the Concurrency Runtime. It produces
/// a result of type <typeparamref name="_ResultType"/> on successful completion. Tasks of type <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c> produce no result.
/// A task can be waited upon and canceled independently of other tasks. It can also be composed with other tasks using
/// continuations(<c>then</c>), and join(<c>when_all</c>) and choice(<c>when_any</c>) patterns.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.
/// </remarks>
class task<void>
/// <summary>
/// The type of the result an object of this class produces.
/// </summary>
typedef void result_type;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task</c> object.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The default constructor for a <c>task</c> is only present in order to allow tasks to be used within containers.
/// A default constructed task cannot be used until you assign a valid task to it. Methods such as <c>get</c>, <c>wait</c> or <c>then</c>
/// will throw an <see cref="invalid_argument Class">invalid_argument</see> exception when called on a default constructed task.
/// <para>A task that is created from a <c>task_completion_event</c> will complete (and have its continuations scheduled) when the task
/// completion event is set.</para>
/// <para>The version of the constructor that takes a cancellation token creates a task that can be canceled using the
/// <c>cancellation_token_source</c> the token was obtained from. Tasks created without a cancellation token are not cancelable.</para>
/// <para>Tasks created from a <c>Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo</c> interface or a lambda that returns an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface
/// reach their terminal state when the enclosed Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action completes. Similarly, tasks created
/// from a lamda that returns a <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c> reach their terminal state when the inner task reaches its terminal state,
/// and not when the lamda returns.</para>
/// <para><c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer and is safe to pass around by value. It can be accessed by multiple threads
/// without the need for locks.</para>
/// <para>The constructor overloads that take a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface or a lambda returning such an interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// <para>For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
task() : _M_unitTask()
// The default constructor should create a task with a nullptr impl. This is a signal that the
// task is not usable and should throw if any wait(), get() or then() APIs are used.
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task</c> object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Ty">
/// The type of the parameter from which the task is to be constructed.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Param">
/// The parameter from which the task is to be constructed. This could be a lambda, a function object, a <c>task_completion_event&lt;result_type&gt;</c>
/// object, or a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo if you are using tasks in your Windows Store app. The lambda or function
/// object should be a type equivalent to <c>std::function&lt;X(void)&gt;</c>, where X can be a variable of type <c>result_type</c>,
/// <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, or a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo in Windows Store apps.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The default constructor for a <c>task</c> is only present in order to allow tasks to be used within containers.
/// A default constructed task cannot be used until you assign a valid task to it. Methods such as <c>get</c>, <c>wait</c> or <c>then</c>
/// will throw an <see cref="invalid_argument Class">invalid_argument</see> exception when called on a default constructed task.
/// <para>A task that is created from a <c>task_completion_event</c> will complete (and have its continuations scheduled) when the task
/// completion event is set.</para>
/// <para>The version of the constructor that takes a cancellation token creates a task that can be canceled using the
/// <c>cancellation_token_source</c> the token was obtained from. Tasks created without a cancellation token are not cancelable.</para>
/// <para>Tasks created from a <c>Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo</c> interface or a lambda that returns an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface
/// reach their terminal state when the enclosed Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action completes. Similarly, tasks created
/// from a lamda that returns a <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c> reach their terminal state when the inner task reaches its terminal state,
/// and not when the lamda returns.</para>
/// <para><c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer and is safe to pass around by value. It can be accessed by multiple threads
/// without the need for locks.</para>
/// <para>The constructor overloads that take a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface or a lambda returning such an interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// <para>For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Ty>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
explicit task(_Ty _Param)
details::_ValidateTaskConstructorArgs<void, _Ty>(_Param);
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of the task constructor.
_TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Param, details::_IsCallable<void>(_Param, 0, 0, 0));
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task</c> object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Ty">
/// The type of the parameter from which the task is to be constructed.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Param">
/// The parameter from which the task is to be constructed. This could be a lambda, a function object, a <c>task_completion_event&lt;result_type&gt;</c>
/// object, or a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo if you are using tasks in your Windows Store app. The lambda or function
/// object should be a type equivalent to <c>std::function&lt;X(void)&gt;</c>, where X can be a variable of type <c>result_type</c>,
/// <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, or a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo in Windows Store apps.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Token">
/// The cancellation token to associate with this task. A task created without a cancellation token cannot be canceled. It implicitly receives
/// the token <c>cancellation_token::none()</c>.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The default constructor for a <c>task</c> is only present in order to allow tasks to be used within containers.
/// A default constructed task cannot be used until you assign a valid task to it. Methods such as <c>get</c>, <c>wait</c> or <c>then</c>
/// will throw an <see cref="invalid_argument Class">invalid_argument</see> exception when called on a default constructed task.
/// <para>A task that is created from a <c>task_completion_event</c> will complete (and have its continuations scheduled) when the task
/// completion event is set.</para>
/// <para>The version of the constructor that takes a cancellation token creates a task that can be canceled using the
/// <c>cancellation_token_source</c> the token was obtained from. Tasks created without a cancellation token are not cancelable.</para>
/// <para>Tasks created from a <c>Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo</c> interface or a lambda that returns an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface
/// reach their terminal state when the enclosed Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action completes. Similarly, tasks created
/// from a lamda that returns a <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c> reach their terminal state when the inner task reaches its terminal state,
/// and not when the lamda returns.</para>
/// <para><c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer and is safe to pass around by value. It can be accessed by multiple threads
/// without the need for locks.</para>
/// <para>The constructor overloads that take a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface or a lambda returning such an interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// <para>For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Ty>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
explicit task(_Ty _Param, const task_options& _TaskOptions = task_options())
explicit task(_Ty _Param, Concurrency::cancellation_token _CancellationToken)
details::_ValidateTaskConstructorArgs<void, _Ty>(_Param);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_M_unitTask._CreateImpl(_TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue(), _TaskOptions.get_scheduler());
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of the task constructor.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_M_unitTask._SetTaskCreationCallstack(details::_get_internal_task_options(_TaskOptions)._M_hasPresetCreationCallstack ? details::_get_internal_task_options(_TaskOptions)._M_presetCreationCallstack : _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK());
_TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Param, details::_IsCallable<void>(_Param, 0, 0, 0));
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task</c> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Other">
/// The source <c>task</c> object.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The default constructor for a <c>task</c> is only present in order to allow tasks to be used within containers.
/// A default constructed task cannot be used until you assign a valid task to it. Methods such as <c>get</c>, <c>wait</c> or <c>then</c>
/// will throw an <see cref="invalid_argument Class">invalid_argument</see> exception when called on a default constructed task.
/// <para>A task that is created from a <c>task_completion_event</c> will complete (and have its continuations scheduled) when the task
/// completion event is set.</para>
/// <para>The version of the constructor that takes a cancellation token creates a task that can be canceled using the
/// <c>cancellation_token_source</c> the token was obtained from. Tasks created without a cancellation token are not cancelable.</para>
/// <para>Tasks created from a <c>Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo</c> interface or a lambda that returns an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface
/// reach their terminal state when the enclosed Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action completes. Similarly, tasks created
/// from a lamda that returns a <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c> reach their terminal state when the inner task reaches its terminal state,
/// and not when the lamda returns.</para>
/// <para><c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer and is safe to pass around by value. It can be accessed by multiple threads
/// without the need for locks.</para>
/// <para>The constructor overloads that take a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface or a lambda returning such an interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// <para>For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
task(const task& _Other) : _M_unitTask(_Other._M_unitTask){}
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a <c>task</c> object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Other">
/// The source <c>task</c> object.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// The default constructor for a <c>task</c> is only present in order to allow tasks to be used within containers.
/// A default constructed task cannot be used until you assign a valid task to it. Methods such as <c>get</c>, <c>wait</c> or <c>then</c>
/// will throw an <see cref="invalid_argument Class">invalid_argument</see> exception when called on a default constructed task.
/// <para>A task that is created from a <c>task_completion_event</c> will complete (and have its continuations scheduled) when the task
/// completion event is set.</para>
/// <para>The version of the constructor that takes a cancellation token creates a task that can be canceled using the
/// <c>cancellation_token_source</c> the token was obtained from. Tasks created without a cancellation token are not cancelable.</para>
/// <para>Tasks created from a <c>Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo</c> interface or a lambda that returns an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface
/// reach their terminal state when the enclosed Windows Runtime asynchronous operation or action completes. Similarly, tasks created
/// from a lamda that returns a <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c> reach their terminal state when the inner task reaches its terminal state,
/// and not when the lamda returns.</para>
/// <para><c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer and is safe to pass around by value. It can be accessed by multiple threads
/// without the need for locks.</para>
/// <para>The constructor overloads that take a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface or a lambda returning such an interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// <para>For more information, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
task(task&& _Other) : _M_unitTask(std::move(_Other._M_unitTask)) {}
/// <summary>
/// Replaces the contents of one <c>task</c> object with another.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Other">
/// The source <c>task</c> object.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// As <c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer, after a copy assignment, this <c>task</c> objects represents the same
/// actual task as <paramref name="_Other"/> does.
/// </remarks>
task& operator=(const task& _Other)
if (this != &_Other)
_M_unitTask = _Other._M_unitTask;
return *this;
/// <summary>
/// Replaces the contents of one <c>task</c> object with another.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Other">
/// The source <c>task</c> object.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// As <c>task</c> behaves like a smart pointer, after a copy assignment, this <c>task</c> objects represents the same
/// actual task as <paramref name="_Other"/> does.
/// </remarks>
task& operator=(task&& _Other)
if (this != &_Other)
_M_unitTask = std::move(_Other._M_unitTask);
return *this;
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
/// <summary>
/// Adds a continuation task to this task.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Function">
/// The type of the function object that will be invoked by this task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Func">
/// The continuation function to execute when this task completes. This continuation function must take as input
/// a variable of either <c>result_type</c> or <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, where <c>result_type</c> is the type
/// of the result this task produces.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The newly created continuation task. The result type of the returned task is determined by what <paramref name="_Func"/> returns.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The overloads of <c>then</c> that take a lambda or functor that returns a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.
/// <para>For more information on how to use task continuations to compose asynchronous work, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Function>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
auto then(const _Function& _Func) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, void>::_TaskOfType
auto _ContinuationTask = _M_unitTask._ThenImpl<void, _Function>(_Func, nullptr, task_continuation_context::use_default());
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of then.
return _ContinuationTask;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a continuation task to this task.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Function">
/// The type of the function object that will be invoked by this task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Func">
/// The continuation function to execute when this task completes. This continuation function must take as input
/// a variable of either <c>result_type</c> or <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, where <c>result_type</c> is the type
/// of the result this task produces.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_CancellationToken">
/// The cancellation token to associate with the continuation task. A continuation task that is created without a cancellation token will inherit
/// the token of its antecedent task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The newly created continuation task. The result type of the returned task is determined by what <paramref name="_Func"/> returns.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The overloads of <c>then</c> that take a lambda or functor that returns a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.
/// <para>For more information on how to use task continuations to compose asynchronous work, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Function>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto then(const _Function& _Func, task_options _TaskOptions = task_options()) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, void>::_TaskOfType
return _M_unitTask._ThenImpl<void, _Function>(_Func, _TaskOptions);
auto then(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token _CancellationToken) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, void>::_TaskOfType
auto _ContinuationTask = _M_unitTask._ThenImpl<void, _Function>(_Func, _CancellationToken._GetImplValue(), task_continuation_context::use_default());
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of then.
return _ContinuationTask;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a continuation task to this task.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Function">
/// The type of the function object that will be invoked by this task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Func">
/// The continuation function to execute when this task completes. This continuation function must take as input
/// a variable of either <c>result_type</c> or <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, where <c>result_type</c> is the type
/// of the result this task produces.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_ContinuationContext">
/// A variable that specifies where the continuation should execute. This variable is only useful when used in a
/// Windows Store app. For more information, see <see cref="task_continuation_context Class">task_continuation_context</see>
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The newly created continuation task. The result type of the returned task is determined by what <paramref name="_Func"/> returns.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The overloads of <c>then</c> that take a lambda or functor that returns a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.
/// <para>For more information on how to use task continuations to compose asynchronous work, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Function>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
auto then(const _Function& _Func, task_continuation_context _ContinuationContext) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, void>::_TaskOfType
auto _ContinuationTask = _M_unitTask._ThenImpl<void, _Function>(_Func, nullptr, _ContinuationContext);
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of then.
return _ContinuationTask;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a continuation task to this task.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Function">
/// The type of the function object that will be invoked by this task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Func">
/// The continuation function to execute when this task completes. This continuation function must take as input
/// a variable of either <c>result_type</c> or <c>task&lt;result_type&gt;</c>, where <c>result_type</c> is the type
/// of the result this task produces.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_CancellationToken">
/// The cancellation token to associate with the continuation task. A continuation task that is created without a cancellation token will inherit
/// the token of its antecedent task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_ContinuationContext">
/// A variable that specifies where the continuation should execute. This variable is only useful when used in a
/// Windows Store app. For more information, see <see cref="task_continuation_context Class">task_continuation_context</see>
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The newly created continuation task. The result type of the returned task is determined by what <paramref name="_Func"/> returns.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The overloads of <c>then</c> that take a lambda or functor that returns a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface, are only available
/// to Windows Store apps.
/// <para>For more information on how to use task continuations to compose asynchronous work, see <see cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>.</para>
/// </remarks>
template<typename _Function>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto then(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token _CancellationToken, task_continuation_context _ContinuationContext) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, void>::_TaskOfType
task_options _TaskOptions(_CancellationToken, _ContinuationContext);
return _M_unitTask._ThenImpl<void, _Function>(_Func, _TaskOptions);
auto then(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token _CancellationToken, task_continuation_context _ContinuationContext) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, void>::_TaskOfType
auto _ContinuationTask = _M_unitTask._ThenImpl<void, _Function>(_Func, _CancellationToken._GetImplValue(), _ContinuationContext);
// Do not move the next line out of this function. It is important that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the the call site of then.
return _ContinuationTask;
/// <summary>
/// Waits for this task to reach a terminal state. It is possible for <c>wait</c> to execute the task inline, if all of the tasks
/// dependencies are satisfied, and it has not already been picked up for execution by a background worker.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A <c>task_status</c> value which could be either <c>completed</c> or <c>canceled</c>. If the task encountered an exception
/// during execution, or an exception was propagated to it from an antecedent task, <c>wait</c> will throw that exception.
/// </returns>
task_status wait() const
return _M_unitTask.wait();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the result this task produced. If the task is not in a terminal state, a call to <c>get</c> will wait for the task to
/// finish. This method does not return a value when called on a task with a <c>result_type</c> of <c>void</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the task is canceled, a call to <c>get</c> will throw a <see cref="task_canceled Class">task_canceled</see> exception. If the task
/// encountered an different exception or an exception was propagated to it from an antecedent task, a call to <c>get</c> will throw that exception.
/// </remarks>
void get() const
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the task is completed.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// True if the task has completed, false otherwise.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The function returns true if the task is completed or canceled (with or without user exception).
/// </remarks>
bool is_done() const
return _M_unitTask.is_done();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the scheduler for this task
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// A pointer to the scheduler
/// </returns>
Concurrency::scheduler_ptr scheduler() const
return _M_unitTask.scheduler();
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the task unwraps a Windows Runtime <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface or is descended from such a task.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the task unwraps an <c>IAsyncInfo</c> interface or is descended from such a task, <c>false</c> otherwise.
/// </returns>
bool is_apartment_aware() const
return _M_unitTask.is_apartment_aware();
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether two <c>task</c> objects represent the same internal task.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the objects refer to the same underlying task, and <c>false</c> otherwise.
/// </returns>
bool operator==(const task<void>& _Rhs) const
return (_M_unitTask == _Rhs._M_unitTask);
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether two <c>task</c> objects represent different internal tasks.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the objects refer to different underlying tasks, and <c>false</c> otherwise.
/// </returns>
bool operator!=(const task<void>& _Rhs) const
return !operator==(_Rhs);
/// <summary>
/// Create an underlying task implementation.
/// </summary>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void _CreateImpl(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _Ct, Concurrency::scheduler_ptr _Scheduler)
_M_unitTask._CreateImpl(_Ct, _Scheduler);
void _CreateImpl(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState * _Ct)
/// <summary>
/// Return the underlying implementation for this task.
/// </summary>
const details::_Task_ptr<details::_Unit_type>::_Type & _GetImpl() const
return _M_unitTask._M_Impl;
/// <summary>
/// Set the implementation of the task to be the supplied implementaion.
/// </summary>
void _SetImpl(const details::_Task_ptr<details::_Unit_type>::_Type & _Impl)
/// <summary>
/// Set the implementation of the task to be the supplied implementaion using a move instead of a copy.
/// </summary>
void _SetImpl(details::_Task_ptr<details::_Unit_type>::_Type && _Impl)
/// <summary>
/// Sets a property determining whether the task is apartment aware.
/// </summary>
void _SetAsync(bool _Async = true)
/// <summary>
/// Sets a field in the task impl to the return address for calls to the task constructors and the then method.
/// </summary>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void _SetTaskCreationCallstack(const details::_TaskCreationCallstack &_callstack)
void _SetTaskCreationAddressHint(void* _Address)
/// <summary>
/// An internal version of then that takes additional flags and executes the continuation inline. Used for runtime internal continuations only.
/// </summary>
template<typename _Function>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto _Then(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState,
details::_TaskInliningMode _InliningMode = Concurrency::details::_ForceInline) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, void>::_TaskOfType
// inherit from antecedent
auto _Scheduler = _GetImpl()->_GetScheduler();
return _M_unitTask._ThenImpl<void, _Function>(_Func, _PTokenState, task_continuation_context::use_default(), _Scheduler, _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK(), _InliningMode);
auto _Then(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState,
bool _Aggregating, details::_TaskInliningMode _InliningMode = Concurrency::details::_ForceInline) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits<_Function, void>::_TaskOfType
return _M_unitTask._ThenImpl<void, _Function>(_Func, _PTokenState, task_continuation_context::use_default(), _Aggregating, _InliningMode);
template <typename T> friend class task;
template <typename T> friend class task_completion_event;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using a task completion event.
/// </summary>
void _TaskInitNoFunctor(task_completion_event<void>& _Event)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using an asynchronous action IAsyncAction*
/// </summary>
void _TaskInitNoFunctor(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction* _AsyncAction)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using an asynchronous action with progress IAsyncActionWithProgress<_P>*
/// </summary>
template<typename _P>
void _TaskInitNoFunctor(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress<_P>* _AsyncActionWithProgress)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using a callable object.
/// </summary>
template<typename _Function>
void _TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Function & _Func, std::true_type)
_M_unitTask._TaskInitWithFunctor<void, _Function>(_Func);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a task using a non-callable object.
/// </summary>
template<typename _T>
void _TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_T & _Param, std::false_type)
// The void task contains a task of a dummy type so common code can be used for tasks with void and non-void results.
task<details::_Unit_type> _M_unitTask;
namespace details
/// <summary>
/// The following type traits are used for the create_task function.
/// </summary>
// Unwrap task<T>
template<typename _Ty>
_Ty _GetUnwrappedType(task<_Ty>);
// Unwrap all supported types
template<typename _Ty>
auto _GetUnwrappedReturnType(_Ty _Arg, int) -> decltype(_GetUnwrappedType(_Arg));
// fallback
template<typename _Ty>
_Ty _GetUnwrappedReturnType(_Ty, ...);
/// <summary>
/// <c>_GetTaskType</c> functions will retrieve task type <c>T</c> in <c>task[T](Arg)</c>,
/// for given constructor argument <c>Arg</c> and its property "callable".
/// It will automatically unwrap argument to get the final return type if necessary.
/// </summary>
// Non-Callable
template<typename _Ty>
_Ty _GetTaskType(task_completion_event<_Ty>, std::false_type);
// Non-Callable
template<typename _Ty>
auto _GetTaskType(_Ty _NonFunc, std::false_type) -> decltype(_GetUnwrappedType(_NonFunc));
// Callable
template<typename _Ty>
auto _GetTaskType(_Ty _Func, std::true_type) -> decltype(_GetUnwrappedReturnType(stdx::declval<_FunctionTypeTraits<_Ty, void>::_FuncRetType>(), 0));
// Special callable returns void
void _GetTaskType(std::function<HRESULT()>, std::true_type);
struct _BadArgType{};
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
auto _FilterValidTaskType(_Ty _Param, int) -> decltype(_GetTaskType(_Param, _IsCallable<_ReturnType>(_Param, 0, 0, 0)));
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
_BadArgType _FilterValidTaskType(_Ty _Param, ...);
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
struct _TaskTypeFromParam
typedef decltype(_FilterValidTaskType<_ReturnType>(stdx::declval<_Ty>(), 0)) _Type;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a PPL <see cref="task Class">task</c> object. <c>create_task</c> can be used anywhere you would have used a task constructor.
/// It is provided mainly for convenience, because it allows use of the <c>auto</c> keyword while creating tasks.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Ty">
/// The type of the parameter from which the task is to be constructed.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Param">
/// The parameter from which the task is to be constructed. This could be a lambda or function object, a <c>task_completion_event</c>
/// object, a different <c>task</c> object, or a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface if you are using tasks in your Windows Store app.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A new task of type <c>T</c>, that is inferred from <paramref name="_Param"/>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The first overload behaves like a task constructor that takes a single parameter.
/// <para>The second overload associates the cancellation token provided with the newly created task. If you use this overload you are not
/// allowed to pass in a different <c>task</c> object as the first parameter.</para>
/// <para>The type of the returned task is inferred from the first parameter to the function. If <paramref name="_Param"/> is a <c>task_completion_event&lt;T&gt;</c>,
/// a <c>task&lt;T&gt;</c>, or a functor that returns either type <c>T</c> or <c>task&lt;T&gt;</c>, the type of the created task is <c>task&lt;T&gt;</c>.
/// <para>In a Windows Store app, if <paramref name="_Param"/> is of type Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation&ltT&gt^ or
/// Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress&ltT,P&gt^, or a functor that returns either of those types, the created task will be of type <c>task&lt;T&gt;</c>.
/// If <paramref name="_Param"/> is of type Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction^ or Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress&lt;P&gt;^, or a functor
/// that returns either of those types, the created task will have type <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.</para>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="task Class"/>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto create_task(_Ty _Param, task_options _TaskOptions = task_options()) -> task<typename details::_TaskTypeFromParam<_ReturnType, _Ty>::_Type>
auto create_task(_Ty _Param) -> task<typename details::_TaskTypeFromParam<_ReturnType, _Ty>::_Type>
static_assert(!std::is_same<typename details::_TaskTypeFromParam<_ReturnType, _Ty>::_Type, details::_BadArgType>::value,
"incorrect argument for create_task; can be a callable object, an asynchronous operation, or a task_completion_event"
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
task<typename details::_TaskTypeFromParam<_ReturnType, _Ty>::_Type> _CreatedTask(_Param, _TaskOptions);
task<typename details::_TaskTypeFromParam<_ReturnType, _Ty>::_Type> _CreatedTask(_Param);
// Ideally we would like to forceinline create_task, but __forceinline does nothing on debug builds. Therefore, we ask for no inlining
// and overwrite the creation address hint set by the task constructor. DO NOT REMOVE this next line from create_task. It is
// essential that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the instruction right after the call to create_task in client code.
return _CreatedTask;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a PPL <see cref="task Class">task</c> object. <c>create_task</c> can be used anywhere you would have used a task constructor.
/// It is provided mainly for convenience, because it allows use of the <c>auto</c> keyword while creating tasks.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Ty">
/// The type of the parameter from which the task is to be constructed.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Param">
/// The parameter from which the task is to be constructed. This could be a lambda or function object, a <c>task_completion_event</c>
/// object, a different <c>task</c> object, or a Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo interface if you are using tasks in your Windows Store app.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Token">
/// The cancellation token to associate with the task. When the source for this token is canceled, cancellation will be requested on the task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A new task of type <c>T</c>, that is inferred from <paramref name="_Param"/>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The first overload behaves like a task constructor that takes a single parameter.
/// <para>The second overload associates the cancellation token provided with the newly created task. If you use this overload you are not
/// allowed to pass in a different <c>task</c> object as the first parameter.</para>
/// <para>The type of the returned task is inferred from the first parameter to the function. If <paramref name="_Param"/> is a <c>task_completion_event&lt;T&gt;</c>,
/// a <c>task&lt;T&gt;</c>, or a functor that returns either type <c>T</c> or <c>task&lt;T&gt;</c>, the type of the created task is <c>task&lt;T&gt;</c>.
/// <para>In a Windows Store app, if <paramref name="_Param"/> is of type Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation&ltT&gt^ or
/// Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress&ltT,P&gt^, or a functor that returns either of those types, the created task will be of type <c>task&lt;T&gt;</c>.
/// If <paramref name="_Param"/> is of type Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction^ or Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress&lt;P&gt;^, or a functor
/// that returns either of those types, the created task will have type <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.</para>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="task Class"/>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _ReturnType>
task<_ReturnType> create_task(const task<_ReturnType>& _Task)
task<_ReturnType> _CreatedTask(_Task);
return _CreatedTask;
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Ty>
auto create_task(_Ty _Param, Concurrency::cancellation_token _Token) -> task<typename details::_TaskTypeFromParam<_ReturnType, _Ty>::_Type>
static_assert(!std::is_same<typename details::_TaskTypeFromParam<_ReturnType, _Ty>::_Type, details::_BadArgType>::value,
"incorrect argument for create_task; can be a callable object, an asynchronous operation, or a task_completion_event"
task<typename details::_TaskTypeFromParam<_ReturnType, _Ty>::_Type> _CreatedTask(_Param, _Token);
// Ideally we would like to forceinline create_task, but __forceinline does nothing on debug builds. Therefore, we ask for no inlining
// and overwrite the creation address hint set by the task constructor. DO NOT REMOVE this next line from create_task. It is
// essential that _ReturnAddress() evaluate to the instruction right after the call to create_task in client code.
return _CreatedTask;
namespace details
template<typename _T>
task<typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationSelector(stdx::declval<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_T>*>()))>::type> _To_task_helper(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_T>* op)
return task<_T>(op);
template<typename _T, typename _Progress>
task<typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationWithProgressSelector(stdx::declval<ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_T, _Progress>*>()))>::type> _To_task_helper(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_T, _Progress>* op)
return task<_T>(op);
inline task<void> _To_task_helper(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction* op)
return task<void>(op);
template<typename _Progress>
task<void> _To_task_helper(ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress<_Progress>* op)
return task<void>(op);
template<typename _ProgressType>
class _ProgressDispatcherBase
virtual ~_ProgressDispatcherBase()
virtual void _Report(const _ProgressType& _Val) = 0;
template<typename _ProgressType, typename _ClassPtrType>
class _ProgressDispatcher : public _ProgressDispatcherBase<_ProgressType>
virtual ~_ProgressDispatcher()
_ProgressDispatcher(_ClassPtrType _Ptr) : _M_ptr(_Ptr)
virtual void _Report(const _ProgressType& _Val)
_ClassPtrType _M_ptr;
} // namespace details
/// <summary>
/// The progress reporter class allows reporting progress notifications of a specific type. Each progress_reporter object is bound
/// to a particular asynchronous action or operation.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ProgressType">
/// The payload type of each progress notification reported through the progress reporter.
/// </typeparam>
/// <remarks>
/// This type is only available to Windows Store apps.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="create_async Function"/>
template<typename _ProgressType>
class progress_reporter
typedef std::shared_ptr<details::_ProgressDispatcherBase<_ProgressType>> _PtrType;
/// <summary>
/// Sends a progress report to the asynchronous action or operation to which this progress reporter is bound.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Val">
/// The payload to report through a progress notification.
/// </param>
void report(const _ProgressType& _Val) const
template<typename _ClassPtrType>
static progress_reporter _CreateReporter(_ClassPtrType _Ptr)
progress_reporter _Reporter;
details::_ProgressDispatcherBase<_ProgressType> *_PDispatcher = new details::_ProgressDispatcher<_ProgressType, _ClassPtrType>(_Ptr);
_Reporter._M_dispatcher = _PtrType(_PDispatcher);
return _Reporter;
progress_reporter() {}
_PtrType _M_dispatcher;
namespace details
// maps internal definitions for AsyncStatus and defines states that are not client visible
enum _AsyncStatusInternal
_AsyncCreated = -1, // externally invisible
// client visible states (must match AsyncStatus exactly)
_AsyncStarted = ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Started, // 0
_AsyncCompleted = ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Completed, // 1
_AsyncCanceled = ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Canceled, // 2
_AsyncError = ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus::Error, // 3
// non-client visible internal states
// designates whether the "GetResults" method returns a single result (after complete fires) or multiple results
// (which are progressively consumable between Start state and before Close is called)
enum _AsyncResultType
SingleResult = 0x0001,
MultipleResults = 0x0002
template<typename _T>
struct _ProgressTypeTraits
static const bool _TakesProgress = false;
typedef void _ProgressType;
template<typename _T>
struct _ProgressTypeTraits<progress_reporter<_T>>
static const bool _TakesProgress = true;
typedef typename _T _ProgressType;
template<typename _T, bool bTakesToken = std::is_same<_T, Concurrency::cancellation_token>::value, bool bTakesProgress = _ProgressTypeTraits<_T>::_TakesProgress>
struct _TokenTypeTraits
static const bool _TakesToken = false;
typedef typename _T _ReturnType;
template<typename _T>
struct _TokenTypeTraits<_T, false, true>
static const bool _TakesToken = false;
typedef void _ReturnType;
template<typename _T>
struct _TokenTypeTraits<_T, true, false>
static const bool _TakesToken = true;
typedef void _ReturnType;
template<typename _T, size_t count = _FunctorTypeTraits<_T>::_ArgumentCount>
struct _CAFunctorOptions
static const bool _TakesProgress = false;
static const bool _TakesToken = false;
typedef void _ProgressType;
typedef void _ReturnType;
template<typename _T>
struct _CAFunctorOptions<_T, 1>
typedef typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_T>::_Argument1Type _Argument1Type;
static const bool _TakesProgress = _ProgressTypeTraits<_Argument1Type>::_TakesProgress;
static const bool _TakesToken = _TokenTypeTraits<_Argument1Type>::_TakesToken;
typedef typename _ProgressTypeTraits<_Argument1Type>::_ProgressType _ProgressType;
typedef typename _TokenTypeTraits<_Argument1Type>::_ReturnType _ReturnType;
template<typename _T>
struct _CAFunctorOptions<_T, 2>
typedef typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_T>::_Argument1Type _Argument1Type;
typedef typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_T>::_Argument2Type _Argument2Type;
static const bool _TakesProgress = _ProgressTypeTraits<_Argument1Type>::_TakesProgress;
static const bool _TakesToken = !_TakesProgress ? true : _TokenTypeTraits<_Argument2Type>::_TakesToken;
typedef typename _ProgressTypeTraits<_Argument1Type>::_ProgressType _ProgressType;
typedef typename _TokenTypeTraits<_Argument2Type>::_ReturnType _ReturnType;
template<typename _T>
struct _CAFunctorOptions<_T, 3>
typedef typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_T>::_Argument1Type _Argument1Type;
static const bool _TakesProgress = true;
static const bool _TakesToken = true;
typedef typename _ProgressTypeTraits<_Argument1Type>::_ProgressType _ProgressType;
typedef typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_T>::_Argument3Type _ReturnType;
class _Zip
// ***************************************************************************
// Async Operation Task Generators
// Functor returns an IAsyncInfo - result needs to be wrapped in a task:
template<typename _AsyncSelector, typename _ReturnType>
struct _SelectorTaskGenerator
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Function>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<_ReturnType>(_Func(_pRet), _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<_ReturnType>(_Func(_Cts.get_token(), _pRet), _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<_ReturnType>(_Func(_Progress, _pRet), _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<_ReturnType>(_Func(_Progress, _Cts.get_token(), _pRet), _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return task<_ReturnType>(_Func(_pRet), _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return task<_ReturnType>(_Func(_Cts.get_token(), _pRet), _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return task<_ReturnType>(_Func(_Progress, _pRet), _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return task<_ReturnType>(_Func(_Progress, _Cts.get_token(), _pRet), _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _AsyncSelector>
struct _SelectorTaskGenerator<_AsyncSelector, void>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Function>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<void>(_Func(), _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<void>(_Func(_Cts.get_token()), _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<void>(_Func(_Progress), _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<void>(_Func(_Progress, _Cts.get_token()), _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
return task<void>(_Func(), _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
return task<void>(_Func(_Cts.get_token()), _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
return task<void>(_Func(_Progress), _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
return task<void>(_Func(_Progress, _Cts.get_token()), _Cts.get_token());
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// For create_async lambdas that return a (non-task) result, we oversubscriber the current task for the duration of the
// lambda.
struct _Task_generator_oversubscriber
// Functor returns a result - it needs to be wrapped in a task:
template<typename _ReturnType>
struct _SelectorTaskGenerator<details::_TypeSelectorNoAsync, _ReturnType>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4702)
template<typename _Function>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<_ReturnType>([=](_ReturnType* retVal) -> HRESULT {
Concurrency::details::_Task_generator_oversubscriber_t _Oversubscriber;
HRESULT hr = _Func(_pRet);
retVal = _pRet;
return hr;
}, _taskOptinos);
#pragma warning(pop)
template<typename _Function>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<_ReturnType>([=](_ReturnType* retVal) -> HRESULT {
Concurrency::details::_Task_generator_oversubscriber_t _Oversubscriber;
HRESULT hr = _Func(_Cts.get_token(), _pRet);
retVal = _pRet;
return hr;
}, _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<_ReturnType>([=](_ReturnType* retVal) -> HRESULT {
Concurrency::details::_Task_generator_oversubscriber_t _Oversubscriber;
HRESULT hr = _Func(_Progress, _pRet);
retVal = _pRet;
return hr;
}, _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<_ReturnType>([=](_ReturnType* retVal) -> HRESULT {
Concurrency::details::_Task_generator_oversubscriber_t _Oversubscriber;
HRESULT hr = _Func(_Progress, _Cts.get_token(), _pRet);
retVal = _pRet;
return hr;
}, _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return task<_ReturnType>([=](_ReturnType* retVal) -> HRESULT {
_Task_generator_oversubscriber _Oversubscriber;
HRESULT hr = _Func(_pRet);
retVal = _pRet;
return hr;
}, _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return task<_ReturnType>([=](_ReturnType* retVal) -> HRESULT {
_Task_generator_oversubscriber _Oversubscriber;
HRESULT hr = _Func(_Cts.get_token(), _pRet);
retVal = _pRet;
return hr;
}, _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return task<_ReturnType>([=](_ReturnType* retVal) -> HRESULT {
_Task_generator_oversubscriber _Oversubscriber;
HRESULT hr = _Func(_Progress, _pRet);
retVal = _pRet;
return hr;
}, _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return task<_ReturnType>([=](_ReturnType* retVal) -> HRESULT {
_Task_generator_oversubscriber _Oversubscriber;
HRESULT hr = _Func(_Progress, _Cts.get_token(), _pRet);
retVal = _pRet;
return hr;
}, _Cts.get_token());
struct _SelectorTaskGenerator<details::_TypeSelectorNoAsync, void>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Function>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<void>([=]() -> HRESULT {
Concurrency::details::_Task_generator_oversubscriber_t _Oversubscriber;
return _Func();
}, _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<void>([=]() -> HRESULT {
Concurrency::details::_Task_generator_oversubscriber_t _Oversubscriber;
return _Func(_Cts.get_token());
}, _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<void>([=]() -> HRESULT {
Concurrency::details::_Task_generator_oversubscriber_t _Oversubscriber;
return _Func(_Progress);
}, _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
task_options _taskOptinos(_Cts.get_token());
return task<void>([=]() -> HRESULT {
Concurrency::details::_Task_generator_oversubscriber_t _Oversubscriber;
return _Func(_Progress, _Cts.get_token());
}, _taskOptinos);
template<typename _Function>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
return task<void>([=]() -> HRESULT {
_Task_generator_oversubscriber _Oversubscriber;
return _Func();
}, _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
return task<void>([=]() -> HRESULT {
_Task_generator_oversubscriber _Oversubscriber;
return _Func(_Cts.get_token());
}, _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
return task<void>([=]() -> HRESULT {
_Task_generator_oversubscriber _Oversubscriber;
return _Func(_Progress);
}, _Cts.get_token());
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
static task<void> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
return task<void>([=]() -> HRESULT {
_Task_generator_oversubscriber _Oversubscriber;
return _Func(_Progress, _Cts.get_token());
}, _Cts.get_token());
// Functor returns a task - the task can directly be returned:
template<typename _ReturnType>
struct _SelectorTaskGenerator<details::_TypeSelectorAsyncTask, _ReturnType>
template<typename _Function>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
task<_ReturnType> _task;
return _task;
template<typename _Function>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
task<_ReturnType> _task;
_Func(_Cts.get_token(), &_task);
return _task;
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
task<_ReturnType> _task;
_Func(_Progress, &_task);
return _task;
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
static task<_ReturnType> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
task<_ReturnType> _task;
_Func(_Progress, _Cts.get_token(), &_task);
return _task;
struct _SelectorTaskGenerator<details::_TypeSelectorAsyncTask, void>
template<typename _Function>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<void> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
static task<void> _GenerateTask_0(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
task<void> _task;
return _task;
template<typename _Function>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1C(const _Function& _Func, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
task<void> _task;
_Func(_Cts.get_token(), &_task);
return _task;
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
static task<void> _GenerateTask_1P(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
task<void> _task;
_Func(_Progress, &_task);
return _task;
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressObject>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<void> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
static task<void> _GenerateTask_2PC(const _Function& _Func, const _ProgressObject& _Progress, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
task<void> _task;
_Func(_Progress, _Cts.get_token(), &_task);
return _task;
template<typename _Generator, bool _TakesToken, bool TakesProgress>
struct _TaskGenerator
template<typename _Generator>
struct _TaskGenerator<_Generator, false, false>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType>
static auto _GenerateTaskNoRet(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _callstack))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType>
static auto _GenerateTask(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _pRet, _callstack))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _pRet, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType>
static auto _GenerateTaskNoRet(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType>
static auto _GenerateTask(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _pRet))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _pRet);
template<typename _Generator>
struct _TaskGenerator<_Generator, true, false>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType>
static auto _GenerateTaskNoRet(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _callstack))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_1C(_Func, _Cts, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType>
static auto _GenerateTask(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _pRet, _callstack))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_1C(_Func, _Cts, _pRet, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType>
static auto _GenerateTaskNoRet(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_1C(_Func, _Cts);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType>
static auto _GenerateTask(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _pRet))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_1C(_Func, _Cts, _pRet);
template<typename _Generator>
struct _TaskGenerator<_Generator, false, true>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType>
static auto _GenerateTaskNoRet(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _callstack))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_1P(_Func, progress_reporter<_ProgressType>::_CreateReporter(_Ptr), _Cts, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType>
static auto _GenerateTask(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _pRet, _callstack))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_1P(_Func, progress_reporter<_ProgressType>::_CreateReporter(_Ptr), _Cts, _pRet, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType>
static auto _GenerateTaskNoRet(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_1P(_Func, progress_reporter<_ProgressType>::_CreateReporter(_Ptr), _Cts);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType>
static auto _GenerateTask(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _pRet))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_1P(_Func, progress_reporter<_ProgressType>::_CreateReporter(_Ptr), _Cts, _pRet);
template<typename _Generator>
struct _TaskGenerator<_Generator, true, true>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType>
static auto _GenerateTaskNoRet(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _callstack))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_2PC(_Func, progress_reporter<_ProgressType>::_CreateReporter(_Ptr), _Cts, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType>
static auto _GenerateTask(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _pRet, _callstack))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_2PC(_Func, progress_reporter<_ProgressType>::_CreateReporter(_Ptr), _Cts, _pRet, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType>
static auto _GenerateTaskNoRet(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_2PC(_Func, progress_reporter<_ProgressType>::_CreateReporter(_Ptr), _Cts);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType>
static auto _GenerateTask(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
-> decltype(_Generator::_GenerateTask_0(_Func, _Cts, _pRet))
return _Generator::_GenerateTask_2PC(_Func, progress_reporter<_ProgressType>::_CreateReporter(_Ptr), _Cts, _pRet);
// ***************************************************************************
// Async Operation Attributes Classes
// These classes are passed through the hierarchy of async base classes in order to hold multiple attributes of a given async construct in
// a single container. An attribute class must define:
// Mandatory:
// -------------------------
// _AsyncBaseType : The Windows Runtime interface which is being implemented.
// _CompletionDelegateType : The Windows Runtime completion delegate type for the interface.
// _ProgressDelegateType : If _TakesProgress is true, the Windows Runtime progress delegate type for the interface. If it is false, an empty Windows Runtime type.
// _ReturnType : The return type of the async construct (void for actions / non-void for operations)
// _TakesProgress : An indication as to whether or not
// _Generate_Task : A function adapting the user's function into what's necessary to produce the appropriate task
// Optional:
// -------------------------
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType, typename _TaskTraits, bool _TakesToken, bool _TakesProgress>
struct _AsyncAttributes
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType, typename _TaskTraits, bool _TakesToken>
struct _AsyncAttributes<_Function, _ProgressType, _ReturnType, _TaskTraits, _TakesToken, true>
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgress<_ReturnType, _ProgressType> _AsyncBaseType;
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationProgressHandler<_ReturnType, _ProgressType> _ProgressDelegateType;
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationWithProgressCompletedHandler<_ReturnType, _ProgressType> _CompletionDelegateType;
typedef typename _ReturnType _ReturnType;
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationWithProgressSelector(stdx::declval<_AsyncBaseType*>()))>::type _ReturnType_abi;
typedef typename _ProgressType _ProgressType;
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationWithProgressProgressSelector(stdx::declval<_AsyncBaseType*>()))>::type _ProgressType_abi;
typedef typename _TaskTraits::_AsyncKind _AsyncKind;
typedef typename _SelectorTaskGenerator<_AsyncKind, _ReturnType> _SelectorTaskGenerator;
typedef typename _TaskGenerator<_SelectorTaskGenerator, _TakesToken, true> _TaskGenerator;
static const bool _TakesProgress = true;
static const bool _TakesToken = _TakesToken;
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<typename _TaskTraits::_TaskRetType> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTask<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType_abi, _ReturnType>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts, _pRet, _callstack);
static task<typename _TaskTraits::_TaskRetType> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTask<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType_abi, _ReturnType>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts, _pRet);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressType, typename _ReturnType, typename _TaskTraits, bool _TakesToken>
struct _AsyncAttributes<_Function, _ProgressType, _ReturnType, _TaskTraits, _TakesToken, false>
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<_ReturnType> _AsyncBaseType;
typedef _Zip _ProgressDelegateType;
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<_ReturnType> _CompletionDelegateType;
typedef typename _ReturnType _ReturnType;
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncOperationSelector(stdx::declval<_AsyncBaseType*>()))>::type _ReturnType_abi;
typedef typename _TaskTraits::_AsyncKind _AsyncKind;
typedef typename _SelectorTaskGenerator<_AsyncKind, _ReturnType> _SelectorTaskGenerator;
typedef typename _TaskGenerator<_SelectorTaskGenerator, _TakesToken, false> _TaskGenerator;
static const bool _TakesProgress = false;
static const bool _TakesToken = _TakesToken;
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<typename _TaskTraits::_TaskRetType> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTask<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType, _ReturnType>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts, _pRet, _callstack);
static task<typename _TaskTraits::_TaskRetType> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTask<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType, _ReturnType>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts, _pRet);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressType, typename _TaskTraits, bool _TakesToken>
struct _AsyncAttributes<_Function, _ProgressType, void, _TaskTraits, _TakesToken, true>
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgress<_ProgressType> _AsyncBaseType;
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionProgressHandler<_ProgressType> _ProgressDelegateType;
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionWithProgressCompletedHandler<_ProgressType> _CompletionDelegateType;
typedef void _ReturnType;
typedef void _ReturnType_abi;
typedef typename _ProgressType _ProgressType;
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::Internal::GetAbiType<decltype(_UnwrapAsyncActionWithProgressSelector(stdx::declval<_AsyncBaseType*>()))>::type _ProgressType_abi;
typedef typename _TaskTraits::_AsyncKind _AsyncKind;
typedef typename _SelectorTaskGenerator<_AsyncKind, _ReturnType> _SelectorTaskGenerator;
typedef typename _TaskGenerator<_SelectorTaskGenerator, _TakesToken, true> _TaskGenerator;
static const bool _TakesProgress = true;
static const bool _TakesToken = _TakesToken;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr>
static task<void> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTaskNoRet<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType_abi>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr>
static task<task<void>> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTask<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType_abi>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts, _pRet, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr>
static task<void> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTaskNoRet<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType_abi>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr>
static task<task<void>> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTask<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType_abi>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts, _pRet);
template<typename _Function, typename _ProgressType, typename _TaskTraits, bool _TakesToken>
struct _AsyncAttributes<_Function, _ProgressType, void, _TaskTraits, _TakesToken, false>
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction _AsyncBaseType;
typedef _Zip _ProgressDelegateType;
typedef typename ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncActionCompletedHandler _CompletionDelegateType;
typedef void _ReturnType;
typedef void _ReturnType_abi;
typedef typename _TaskTraits::_AsyncKind _AsyncKind;
typedef typename _SelectorTaskGenerator<_AsyncKind, _ReturnType> _SelectorTaskGenerator;
typedef typename _TaskGenerator<_SelectorTaskGenerator, _TakesToken, false> _TaskGenerator;
static const bool _TakesProgress = false;
static const bool _TakesToken = _TakesToken;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr>
static task<void> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTaskNoRet<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr>
static task<task<void>> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTask<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts, _pRet, _callstack);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr>
static task<void> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTaskNoRet<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts);
template<typename _Function, typename _ClassPtr>
static task<task<void>> _Generate_Task(const _Function& _Func, _ClassPtr _Ptr, Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _Cts, _ReturnType* _pRet)
return _TaskGenerator::_GenerateTask<_Function, _ClassPtr, _ProgressType>(_Func, _Ptr, _Cts, _pRet);
template<typename _Function>
struct _AsyncLambdaTypeTraits
typedef typename _Unhat<typename _CAFunctorOptions<_Function>::_ReturnType>::_Value _ReturnType;
typedef typename _FunctorTypeTraits<_Function>::_Argument1Type _Argument1Type;
typedef typename _CAFunctorOptions<_Function>::_ProgressType _ProgressType;
static const bool _TakesProgress = _CAFunctorOptions<_Function>::_TakesProgress;
static const bool _TakesToken = _CAFunctorOptions<_Function>::_TakesToken;
typedef typename _TaskTypeTraits<_ReturnType> _TaskTraits;
typedef typename _AsyncAttributes<_Function, _ProgressType, typename _TaskTraits::_TaskRetType, _TaskTraits, _TakesToken, _TakesProgress> _AsyncAttributes;
// ***************************************************************************
// AsyncInfo (and completion) Layer:
#ifndef RUNTIMECLASS_Concurrency_winrt_details__AsyncInfoBase_DEFINED
#define RUNTIMECLASS_Concurrency_winrt_details__AsyncInfoBase_DEFINED
extern const __declspec(selectany) WCHAR RuntimeClass_Concurrency_winrt_details__AsyncInfoBase[] = L"Concurrency_winrt.details._AsyncInfoBase";
// Internal base class implementation for async operations (based on internal Windows representation for ABI level async operations)
template < typename _Attributes, _AsyncResultType resultType = SingleResult >
class _AsyncInfoBase abstract : public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass<
Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassFlags< Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassType::WinRt>, Microsoft::WRL::Implements<typename _Attributes::_AsyncBaseType, ABI::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncInfo>>
InspectableClass(RuntimeClass_Concurrency_winrt_details__AsyncInfoBase, BaseTrust)
_AsyncInfoBase() :
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
_M_id = Concurrency::details::_GetNextAsyncId();
_M_id = Concurrency::details::platform::GetNextAsyncId();
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetResults(typename _Attributes::_ReturnType_abi* results)
virtual STDMETHODIMP get_Id(unsigned int* id)
HRESULT hr = _CheckValidStateForAsyncInfoCall();
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (!id) return E_POINTER;
*id = _M_id;
return S_OK;
virtual STDMETHODIMP put_Id(unsigned int id)
HRESULT hr = _CheckValidStateForAsyncInfoCall();
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (id == 0)
else if (_M_currentStatus != _AsyncStatusInternal::_AsyncCreated)
_M_id = id;
return S_OK;
virtual STDMETHODIMP get_Status(ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus* status)
HRESULT hr = _CheckValidStateForAsyncInfoCall();
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (!status) return E_POINTER;
_AsyncStatusInternal _Current = _M_currentStatus;
// Map our internal cancel pending to cancelled. This way "pending cancelled" looks to the outside as "cancelled" but
// can still transition to "completed" if the operation completes without acknowledging the cancellation request
switch (_Current)
case _AsyncCancelPending:
_Current = _AsyncCanceled;
case _AsyncCreated:
_Current = _AsyncStarted;
*status = static_cast<ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus>(_Current);
return S_OK;
virtual STDMETHODIMP get_ErrorCode(HRESULT* errorCode)
HRESULT hr = _CheckValidStateForAsyncInfoCall();
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (!hr) return hr;
*errorCode = _M_errorCode;
return S_OK;
virtual STDMETHODIMP get_Progress(typename _Attributes::_ProgressDelegateType** _ProgressHandler)
return _GetOnProgress(_ProgressHandler);
virtual STDMETHODIMP put_Progress(typename _Attributes::_ProgressDelegateType* _ProgressHandler)
return _PutOnProgress(_ProgressHandler);
virtual STDMETHODIMP Cancel()
if (_TransitionToState(_AsyncCancelPending))
return S_OK;
virtual STDMETHODIMP Close()
if (_TransitionToState(_AsyncClosed))
if (_M_currentStatus != _AsyncClosed) // Closed => Closed transition is just ignored
return S_OK;
virtual STDMETHODIMP get_Completed(typename _Attributes::_CompletionDelegateType** _CompleteHandler)
if (!_CompleteHandler) return E_POINTER;
*_CompleteHandler = _M_completeDelegate.Get();
return S_OK;
virtual STDMETHODIMP put_Completed(typename _Attributes::_CompletionDelegateType* _CompleteHandler)
// this delegate property is "write once"
if (InterlockedIncrement(&_M_CompleteDelegateAssigned) == 1)
_M_completeDelegateContext = _ContextCallback::_CaptureCurrent();
_M_completeDelegate = _CompleteHandler;
// Guarantee that the write of _M_completeDelegate is ordered with respect to the read of state below
// as perceived from _FireCompletion on another thread.
if (_IsTerminalState())
return S_OK;
// _Start - this is not externally visible since async operations "hot start" before returning to the caller
if (_TransitionToState(_AsyncStarted))
return S_OK;
HRESULT _FireCompletion()
// we guarantee that completion can only ever be fired once
if (_M_completeDelegate != nullptr && InterlockedIncrement(&_M_CallbackMade) == 1)
hr = _M_completeDelegateContext._CallInContext([=]() -> HRESULT {
ABI::Windows::Foundation::AsyncStatus status;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = this->get_Status(&status)))
_M_completeDelegate->Invoke((_Attributes::_AsyncBaseType*)this, status);
_M_completeDelegate = nullptr;
return hr;
return hr;
virtual STDMETHODIMP _GetOnProgress(typename _Attributes::_ProgressDelegateType** _ProgressHandler)
virtual STDMETHODIMP _PutOnProgress(typename _Attributes::_ProgressDelegateType* _ProgressHandler)
bool _TryTransitionToCompleted()
return _TransitionToState(_AsyncStatusInternal::_AsyncCompleted);
bool _TryTransitionToCancelled()
return _TransitionToState(_AsyncStatusInternal::_AsyncCanceled);
bool _TryTransitionToError(const HRESULT error)
_InterlockedCompareExchange(reinterpret_cast<volatile LONG*>(&_M_errorCode), error, S_OK);
return _TransitionToState(_AsyncStatusInternal::_AsyncError);
// This method checks to see if the delegate properties can be
// modified in the current state and generates the appropriate
// error hr in the case of violation.
inline HRESULT _CheckValidStateForDelegateCall()
if (_M_currentStatus == _AsyncClosed)
return S_OK;
// This method checks to see if results can be collected in the
// current state and generates the appropriate error hr in
// the case of a violation.
inline HRESULT _CheckValidStateForResultsCall()
_AsyncStatusInternal _Current = _M_currentStatus;
if (_Current == _AsyncError)
return _M_errorCode;
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // Conditional expression is constant
// single result illegal before transition to Completed or Cancelled state
if (resultType == SingleResult)
#pragma warning(pop)
if (_Current != _AsyncCompleted)
// multiple results can be called after Start has been called and before/after Completed
else if (_Current != _AsyncStarted &&
_Current != _AsyncCancelPending &&
_Current != _AsyncCanceled &&
_Current != _AsyncCompleted)
return S_OK;
// This method can be called by derived classes periodically to determine
// whether the asynchronous operation should continue processing or should
// be halted.
inline bool _ContinueAsyncOperation()
return _M_currentStatus == _AsyncStarted;
// These two methods are used to allow the async worker implementation do work on
// state transitions. No real "work" should be done in these methods. In other words
// they should not block for a long time on UI timescales.
virtual void _OnStart() = 0;
virtual void _OnClose() = 0;
virtual void _OnCancel() = 0;
// This method is used to check if calls to the AsyncInfo properties
// (id, status, errorcode) are legal in the current state. It also
// generates the appropriate error hr to return in the case of an
// illegal call.
inline HRESULT _CheckValidStateForAsyncInfoCall()
_AsyncStatusInternal _Current = _M_currentStatus;
if (_Current == _AsyncClosed)
else if (_Current == _AsyncCreated)
return S_OK;
inline bool _TransitionToState(const _AsyncStatusInternal _NewState)
_AsyncStatusInternal _Current = _M_currentStatus;
// This enforces the valid state transitions of the asynchronous worker object
// state machine.
switch (_NewState)
case _AsyncStatusInternal::_AsyncStarted:
if (_Current != _AsyncCreated)
return false;
case _AsyncStatusInternal::_AsyncCompleted:
if (_Current != _AsyncStarted && _Current != _AsyncCancelPending)
return false;
case _AsyncStatusInternal::_AsyncCancelPending:
if (_Current != _AsyncStarted)
return false;
case _AsyncStatusInternal::_AsyncCanceled:
if (_Current != _AsyncStarted && _Current != _AsyncCancelPending)
return false;
case _AsyncStatusInternal::_AsyncError:
if (_Current != _AsyncStarted && _Current != _AsyncCancelPending)
return false;
case _AsyncStatusInternal::_AsyncClosed:
if (!_IsTerminalState(_Current))
return false;
return false;
// attempt the transition to the new state
// Note: if currentStatus_ == _Current, then there was no intervening write
// by the async work object and the swap succeeded.
_AsyncStatusInternal _RetState = static_cast<_AsyncStatusInternal>(
_InterlockedCompareExchange(reinterpret_cast<volatile LONG*>(&_M_currentStatus),
// ICE returns the former state, if the returned state and the
// state we captured at the beginning of this method are the same,
// the swap succeeded.
return (_RetState == _Current);
inline bool _IsTerminalState()
return _IsTerminalState(_M_currentStatus);
inline bool _IsTerminalState(_AsyncStatusInternal status)
return (status == _AsyncError ||
status == _AsyncCanceled ||
status == _AsyncCompleted ||
status == _AsyncClosed);
_ContextCallback _M_completeDelegateContext;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<typename _Attributes::_CompletionDelegateType> _M_completeDelegate; //ComPtr cannot be volatile as it does not have volatile accessors
_AsyncStatusInternal volatile _M_currentStatus;
HRESULT volatile _M_errorCode;
unsigned int _M_id;
long volatile _M_CompleteDelegateAssigned;
long volatile _M_CallbackMade;
// ***************************************************************************
// Progress Layer (optional):
template< typename _Attributes, bool _HasProgress, _AsyncResultType _ResultType = SingleResult >
class _AsyncProgressBase abstract : public _AsyncInfoBase<_Attributes, _ResultType>
template< typename _Attributes, _AsyncResultType _ResultType>
class _AsyncProgressBase<_Attributes, true, _ResultType> abstract : public _AsyncInfoBase<_Attributes, _ResultType>
_AsyncProgressBase() : _AsyncInfoBase<_Attributes, _ResultType>(),
virtual STDMETHODIMP _GetOnProgress(typename _Attributes::_ProgressDelegateType** _ProgressHandler) override
HRESULT hr = _CheckValidStateForDelegateCall();
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
*_ProgressHandler = _M_progressDelegate;
return S_OK;
virtual STDMETHODIMP _PutOnProgress(typename _Attributes::_ProgressDelegateType* _ProgressHandler) override
HRESULT hr = _CheckValidStateForDelegateCall();
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
_M_progressDelegate = _ProgressHandler;
_M_progressDelegateContext = _ContextCallback::_CaptureCurrent();
return S_OK;
void _FireProgress(const typename _Attributes::_ProgressType_abi& _ProgressValue)
if (_M_progressDelegate != nullptr)
_M_progressDelegateContext._CallInContext([=]() -> HRESULT {
_M_progressDelegate->Invoke((_Attributes::_AsyncBaseType*)this, _ProgressValue);
return S_OK;
_ContextCallback _M_progressDelegateContext;
typename _Attributes::_ProgressDelegateType* _M_progressDelegate;
template<typename _Attributes, _AsyncResultType _ResultType = SingleResult>
class _AsyncBaseProgressLayer abstract : public _AsyncProgressBase<_Attributes, _Attributes::_TakesProgress, _ResultType>
// ***************************************************************************
// Task Adaptation Layer:
// _AsyncTaskThunkBase provides a bridge between IAsync<Action/Operation> and task.
template<typename _Attributes, typename _ReturnType>
class _AsyncTaskThunkBase abstract : public _AsyncBaseProgressLayer<_Attributes>
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetResults()
HRESULT hr = _CheckValidStateForResultsCall();
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
return S_OK;
typedef task<_ReturnType> _TaskType;
_AsyncTaskThunkBase(const _TaskType& _Task)
: _M_task(_Task)
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
void _SetTaskCreationAddressHint(void* _SourceAddressHint)
if (!(std::is_same<_Attributes::_AsyncKind, _TypeSelectorAsyncTask>::value))
// Overwrite the creation address with the return address of create_async unless the
// lambda returned a task. If the create async lambda returns a task, that task is reused and
// we want to preserve its creation address hint.
virtual void _OnStart() override
_M_task.then([=](_TaskType _Antecedent) -> HRESULT {
catch (Concurrency::task_canceled&)
catch (IRestrictedErrorInfo*& _Ex)
hr = _Ex->GetErrorDetails(NULL, &_hr, NULL, NULL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = _hr;
catch (...)
return _FireCompletion();
_TaskType _M_task;
Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _M_cts;
template<typename _Attributes, typename _ReturnType, typename _Return>
class _AsyncTaskReturn abstract : public _AsyncTaskThunkBase<_Attributes, _Return>
virtual STDMETHODIMP GetResults(_ReturnType* results)
HRESULT hr = _CheckValidStateForResultsCall();
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
*results = _M_results;
return S_OK;
template <typename _Function>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void DoCreateTask(_Function _func, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
_M_task = _Attributes::_Generate_Task(_func, this, _M_cts, &_M_results, _callstack);
void DoCreateTask(_Function _func)
_M_task = _Attributes::_Generate_Task(_func, this, _M_cts, &_M_results);
_ReturnType _M_results;
template<typename _Attributes, typename _ReturnType>
class _AsyncTaskReturn<_Attributes, _ReturnType, void> abstract : public _AsyncTaskThunkBase<_Attributes, void>
template <typename _Function>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void DoCreateTask(_Function _func, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
_M_task = _Attributes::_Generate_Task(_func, this, _M_cts, _callstack);
void DoCreateTask(_Function _func)
_M_task = _Attributes::_Generate_Task(_func, this, _M_cts);
template<typename _Attributes>
class _AsyncTaskReturn<_Attributes, void, task<void>> abstract : public _AsyncTaskThunkBase<_Attributes, task<void>>
template <typename _Function>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
void DoCreateTask(_Function _func, const _TaskCreationCallstack & _callstack)
_M_task = _Attributes::_Generate_Task(_func, this, _M_cts, &_M_results, _callstack);
void DoCreateTask(_Function _func)
_M_task = _Attributes::_Generate_Task(_func, this, _M_cts, &_M_results);
task<void> _M_results;
template<typename _Attributes>
class _AsyncTaskThunk : public _AsyncTaskReturn<_Attributes, typename _Attributes::_ReturnType_abi, typename _Attributes::_ReturnType>
_AsyncTaskThunk(const _TaskType& _Task) :
virtual void _OnClose() override
virtual void _OnCancel() override
// ***************************************************************************
// Async Creation Layer:
template<typename _Function>
class _AsyncTaskGeneratorThunk : public _AsyncTaskThunk<typename _AsyncLambdaTypeTraits<_Function>::_AsyncAttributes>
typedef typename _AsyncLambdaTypeTraits<_Function>::_AsyncAttributes _Attributes;
typedef typename _AsyncTaskThunk<_Attributes> _Base;
typedef typename _Attributes::_AsyncBaseType _AsyncBaseType;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_AsyncTaskGeneratorThunk(const _Function& _Func, const _TaskCreationCallstack &_callstack) : _M_func(_Func), _M_creationCallstack(_callstack)
_AsyncTaskGeneratorThunk(const _Function& _Func) : _M_func(_Func)
// Virtual call here is safe as the class is declared 'sealed'
// The only thing we must do different from the base class is we must spin the hot task on transition from Created->Started. Otherwise,
// let the base thunk handle everything.
virtual void _OnStart() override
// Call the appropriate task generator to actually produce a task of the expected type. This might adapt the user lambda for progress reports,
// wrap the return result in a task, or allow for direct return of a task depending on the form of the lambda.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
DoCreateTask<_Function>(_M_func, _M_creationCallstack);
virtual void _OnCancel() override
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_TaskCreationCallstack _M_creationCallstack;
_Function _M_func;
} // namespace details
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Windows Runtime asynchronous construct based on a user supplied lambda or function object. The return type of <c>create_async</c> is
/// one of either <c>IAsyncAction^</c>, <c>IAsyncActionWithProgress&lt;TProgress&gt;^</c>, <c>IAsyncOperation&lt;TResult&gt;^</c>, or
/// <c>IAsyncOperationWithProgress&lt;TResult, TProgress&gt;^</c> based on the signature of the lambda passed to the method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_Func">
/// The lambda or function object from which to create a Windows Runtime asynchronous construct.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// An asynchronous construct represented by an IAsyncAction^, IAsyncActionWithProgress&lt;TProgress&gt;^, IAsyncOperation&lt;TResult&gt;^, or an
/// IAsyncOperationWithProgress&lt;TResult, TProgress&gt;^. The interface returned depends on the signature of the lambda passed into the function.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// The return type of the lambda determines whether the construct is an action or an operation.
/// <para>Lambdas that return void cause the creation of actions. Lambdas that return a result of type <c>TResult</c> cause the creation of
/// operations of TResult.</para>
/// <para>The lambda may also return a <c>task&lt;TResult&gt;</c> which encapsulates the aysnchronous work within itself or is the continuation of
/// a chain of tasks that represent the asynchronous work. In this case, the lambda itself is executed inline, since the tasks are the ones that
/// execute asynchronously, and the return type of the lambda is unwrapped to produce the asynchronous construct returned by <c>create_async</c>.
/// This implies that a lambda that returns a task&lt;void&gt; will cause the creation of actions, and a lambda that returns a task&lt;TResult&gt; will
/// cause the creation of operations of TResult.</para>
/// <para>The lambda may take either zero, one or two arguments. The valid arguments are <c>progress_reporter&lt;TProgress&gt;</c> and
/// <c>cancellation_token</c>, in that order if both are used. A lambda without arguments causes the creation of an asynchronous construct without
/// the capability for progress reporting. A lambda that takes a progress_reporter&lt;TProgress&gt; will cause <c>create_async</c> to return an asynchronous
/// construct which reports progress of type TProgress each time the <c>report</c> method of the progress_reporter object is called. A lambda that
/// takes a cancellation_token may use that token to check for cancellation, or pass it to tasks that it creates so that cancellation of the
/// asynchronous construct causes cancellation of those tasks.</para>
/// <para>If the body of the lambda or function object returns a result (and not a task&lt;TResult&gt;), the lamdba will be executed
/// asynchronously within the process MTA in the context of a task the Runtime implicitly creates for it. The <c>IAsyncInfo::Cancel</c> method will
/// cause cancellation of the implicit task.</para>
/// <para>If the body of the lambda returns a task, the lamba executes inline, and by declaring the lambda to take an argument of type
/// <c>cancellation_token</c> you can trigger cancellation of any tasks you create within the lambda by passing that token in when you create them.
/// You may also use the <c>register_callback</c> method on the token to cause the Runtime to invoke a callback when you call <c>IAsyncInfo::Cancel</c> on
/// the async operation or action produced..</para>
/// <para>This function is only available to Windows Store apps.</para>
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="task Class"/>
/// <seealso cref="progress_reporter Class"/>
/// <seealso cref="cancelation_token Class"/>
template<typename _ReturnType, typename _Function>
__declspec(noinline) // Ask for no inlining so that the _ReturnAddress intrinsic gives us the expected result
details::_AsyncTaskGeneratorThunk<_Function>* create_async(const _Function& _Func)
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(details::_IsValidCreateAsync<_ReturnType>(_Func, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)), std::true_type>::value,
"argument to create_async must be a callable object taking zero, one, two or three arguments");
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<details::_AsyncTaskGeneratorThunk<_Function>> _AsyncInfo = Microsoft::WRL::Make<details::_AsyncTaskGeneratorThunk<_Function>>(_Func, _CAPTURE_CALLSTACK());
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<details::_AsyncTaskGeneratorThunk<_Function>> _AsyncInfo = Microsoft::WRL::Make<details::_AsyncTaskGeneratorThunk<_Function>>(_Func);
return _AsyncInfo.Detach();
namespace details
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
// Internal API which retrieves the next async id.
_CRTIMP2 unsigned int __cdecl _GetNextAsyncId();
// Helper struct for when_all operators to know when tasks have completed
template<typename _Type>
struct _RunAllParam
_RunAllParam() : _M_completeCount(0), _M_numTasks(0)
void _Resize(size_t _Len, bool _SkipVector = false)
_M_numTasks = _Len;
if (!_SkipVector)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
task_completion_event<_Unit_type> _M_completed;
atomic_size_t _M_completeCount;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_ResultHolder<std::vector<_Type> > _M_vector;
_ResultHolder<_Type> _M_mergeVal;
std::vector<_Type> _M_vector;
std::vector<_ContextCallback> _M_contexts;
_Type _M_mergeVal;
size_t _M_numTasks;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Type>
struct _RunAllParam<std::vector<_Type> >
_RunAllParam() : _M_completeCount(0), _M_numTasks(0)
void _Resize(size_t _Len, bool _SkipVector = false)
_M_numTasks = _Len;
if (!_SkipVector)
task_completion_event<_Unit_type> _M_completed;
std::vector<_ResultHolder<std::vector<_Type> > > _M_vector;
atomic_size_t _M_completeCount;
size_t _M_numTasks;
// Helper struct specialization for void
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
struct _RunAllParam<_Unit_type>
struct _RunAllParam<void>
_RunAllParam() : _M_completeCount(0), _M_numTasks(0)
void _Resize(size_t _Len)
_M_numTasks = _Len;
task_completion_event<_Unit_type> _M_completed;
atomic_size_t _M_completeCount;
size_t _M_numTasks;
inline void _JoinAllTokens_Add(const Concurrency::cancellation_token_source& _MergedSrc, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PJoinedTokenState)
if (_PJoinedTokenState != nullptr && _PJoinedTokenState != Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None())
Concurrency::cancellation_token _T = Concurrency::cancellation_token::_FromImpl(_PJoinedTokenState);
template<typename _ElementType, typename _Function, typename _TaskType>
void _WhenAllContinuationWrapper(_RunAllParam<_ElementType>* _PParam, _Function _Func, task<_TaskType>& _Task)
if (_Task._GetImpl()->_IsCompleted())
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (Concurrency::details::atomic_increment(_PParam->_M_completeCount) == _PParam->_M_numTasks)
if (_InterlockedIncrementSizeT(&_PParam->_M_completeCount) == _PParam->_M_numTasks)
// Inline execute its direct continuation, the _ReturnTask
// It's safe to delete it since all usage of _PParam in _ReturnTask has been finished.
delete _PParam;
if (_Task._GetImpl()->_HasUserException())
// _Cancel will return false if the TCE is already canceled with or without exception
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (Concurrency::details::atomic_increment(_PParam->_M_completeCount) == _PParam->_M_numTasks)
if (_InterlockedIncrementSizeT(&_PParam->_M_completeCount) == _PParam->_M_numTasks)
delete _PParam;
template<typename _ElementType, typename _Iterator>
struct _WhenAllImpl
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<std::vector<_ElementType>> _Perform(const task_options& _TaskOptions, _Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
static task<std::vector<_ElementType>> _Perform(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState, _Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState = _TaskOptions.has_cancellation_token() ? _TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue() : nullptr;
auto _PParam = new _RunAllParam<_ElementType>();
Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _MergedSource;
// Step1: Create task completion event.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
task_options _Options(_TaskOptions);
task<_Unit_type> _All_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_completed, _Options);
task<_Unit_type> _All_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_completed, _MergedSource.get_token());
// The return task must be created before step 3 to enforce inline execution.
auto _ReturnTask = _All_tasks_completed._Then([=](_Unit_type, std::vector<_ElementType>* retVal) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
* retVal = _PParam->_M_vector.Get();
auto _Result = _PParam->_M_vector; // copy by value
size_t _Index = 0;
for (auto _It = _Result.begin(); _It != _Result.end(); ++_It)
*_It = _ResultContext<_ElementType>::_GetValue(*_It, _PParam->_M_contexts[_Index++], false);
*retVal = _Result;
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, nullptr);
}, nullptr, true);
// Step2: Combine and check tokens, and count elements in range.
if (_PTokenState)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_MergedSource, _PTokenState);
_PParam->_Resize(static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(_Begin, _End)));
size_t _TaskNum = 0;
for (auto _PTask = _Begin; _PTask != _End; ++_PTask)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_MergedSource, _PTask->_GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState);
// Step3: Check states of previous tasks.
if (_Begin == _End)
delete _PParam;
size_t _Index = 0;
for (auto _PTask = _Begin; _PTask != _End; ++_PTask)
if (_PTask->is_apartment_aware())
_PTask->_Then([_PParam, _Index](task<_ElementType> _ResultTask) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Dev10 compiler bug
typedef _ElementType _ElementTypeDev10;
auto _PParamCopy = _PParam;
auto _IndexCopy = _Index;
auto _Func = [_PParamCopy, _IndexCopy, &_ResultTask](){
_PParamCopy->_M_vector._Result[_IndexCopy] = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
auto _Func = [_PParam, _Index, &_ResultTask](){
_PParam->_M_vector[_Index] = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
_PParam->_M_contexts[_Index] = _ResultContext<_ElementType>::_GetContext(false);
_WhenAllContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
return _ReturnTask;
template<typename _ElementType, typename _Iterator>
struct _WhenAllImpl<std::vector<_ElementType>, _Iterator>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<std::vector<_ElementType>> _Perform(const task_options& _TaskOptions, _Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
static task<std::vector<_ElementType>> _Perform(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState, _Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState = _TaskOptions.has_cancellation_token() ? _TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue() : nullptr;
auto _PParam = new _RunAllParam<std::vector<_ElementType>>();
Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _MergedSource;
// Step1: Create task completion event.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
task_options _Options(_TaskOptions);
task<_Unit_type> _All_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_completed, _Options);
task<_Unit_type> _All_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_completed, _MergedSource.get_token());
// The return task must be created before step 3 to enforce inline execution.
auto _ReturnTask = _All_tasks_completed._Then([=](_Unit_type, std::vector<_ElementType>* retVal) -> HRESULT {
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_PParam->_M_completeCount == _PParam->_M_numTasks);
std::vector<_ElementType> _Result;
for (size_t _I = 0; _I < _PParam->_M_numTasks; _I++)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
const std::vector<_ElementType>& _Vec = _PParam->_M_vector[_I].Get();
std::vector<_ElementType>& _Vec = _PParam->_M_vector[_I];
for (auto _It = _Vec.begin(); _It != _Vec.end(); ++_It)
*_It = _ResultContext<_ElementType>::_GetValue(*_It, _PParam->_M_contexts[_I], false);
_Result.insert(_Result.end(), _Vec.begin(), _Vec.end());
*retVal = _Result;
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, nullptr);
}, nullptr, true);
// Step2: Combine and check tokens, and count elements in range.
if (_PTokenState)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_MergedSource, _PTokenState);
_PParam->_Resize(static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(_Begin, _End)));
size_t _TaskNum = 0;
for (auto _PTask = _Begin; _PTask != _End; ++_PTask)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_MergedSource, _PTask->_GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState);
// Step3: Check states of previous tasks.
if (_Begin == _End)
delete _PParam;
size_t _Index = 0;
for (auto _PTask = _Begin; _PTask != _End; ++_PTask)
if (_PTask->is_apartment_aware())
_PTask->_Then([_PParam, _Index](task<std::vector<_ElementType>> _ResultTask) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Dev10 compiler bug
typedef _ElementType _ElementTypeDev10;
auto _PParamCopy = _PParam;
auto _IndexCopy = _Index;
auto _Func = [_PParamCopy, _IndexCopy, &_ResultTask]() {
auto _Func = [_PParam, _Index, &_ResultTask]() {
_PParam->_M_vector[_Index] = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
_PParam->_M_contexts[_Index] = _ResultContext<_ElementType>::_GetContext(false);
_WhenAllContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
return _ReturnTask;
template<typename _Iterator>
struct _WhenAllImpl<void, _Iterator>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<void> _Perform(const task_options& _TaskOptions, _Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
static task<void> _Perform(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState, _Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState = _TaskOptions.has_cancellation_token() ? _TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue() : nullptr;
auto _PParam = new _RunAllParam<_Unit_type>();
Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _MergedSource;
// Step1: Create task completion event.
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
task_options _Options(_TaskOptions);
task<_Unit_type> _All_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_completed, _Options);
task<_Unit_type> _All_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_completed, _MergedSource.get_token());
// The return task must be created before step 3 to enforce inline execution.
auto _ReturnTask = _All_tasks_completed._Then([=](_Unit_type) -> HRESULT { return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, nullptr);
}, nullptr, false);
// Step2: Combine and check tokens, and count elements in range.
if (_PTokenState)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_MergedSource, _PTokenState);
_PParam->_Resize(static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(_Begin, _End)));
size_t _TaskNum = 0;
for (auto _PTask = _Begin; _PTask != _End; ++_PTask)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_MergedSource, _PTask->_GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState);
// Step3: Check states of previous tasks.
if (_Begin == _End)
delete _PParam;
for (auto _PTask = _Begin; _PTask != _End; ++_PTask)
if (_PTask->is_apartment_aware())
_PTask->_Then([_PParam](task<void> _ResultTask) -> HRESULT {
auto _Func = []() -> HRESULT { return S_OK; };
_WhenAllContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
return _ReturnTask;
template<typename _ReturnType>
task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> _WhenAllVectorAndValue(const task<std::vector<_ReturnType>>& _VectorTask, const task<_ReturnType>& _ValueTask,
bool _OutputVectorFirst)
auto _PParam = new _RunAllParam<_ReturnType>();
Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _MergedSource;
// Step1: Create task completion event.
task<_Unit_type> _All_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_completed, _MergedSource.get_token());
// The return task must be created before step 3 to enforce inline execution.
auto _ReturnTask = _All_tasks_completed._Then([=](_Unit_type, std::vector<_ReturnType>* retVal) -> HRESULT {
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_PParam->_M_completeCount == 2);
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto _Result = _PParam->_M_vector.Get(); // copy by value
auto _mergeVal = _PParam->_M_mergeVal.Get();
auto _Result = _PParam->_M_vector; // copy by value
for (auto _It = _Result.begin(); _It != _Result.end(); ++_It)
*_It = _ResultContext<_ReturnType>::_GetValue(*_It, _PParam->_M_contexts[0], false);
if (_OutputVectorFirst == true)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_Result.push_back(_ResultContext<_ReturnType>::_GetValue(_PParam->_M_mergeVal, _PParam->_M_contexts[1], false));
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_Result.insert(_Result.begin(), _mergeVal);
_Result.insert(_Result.begin(), _ResultContext<_ReturnType>::_GetValue(_PParam->_M_mergeVal, _PParam->_M_contexts[1], false));
*retVal = _Result;
return S_OK;
}, nullptr, true);
// Step2: Combine and check tokens.
_JoinAllTokens_Add(_MergedSource, _VectorTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState);
_JoinAllTokens_Add(_MergedSource, _ValueTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState);
// Step3: Check states of previous tasks.
_PParam->_Resize(2, true);
if (_VectorTask.is_apartment_aware() || _ValueTask.is_apartment_aware())
_VectorTask._Then([_PParam](task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> _ResultTask) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Dev10 compiler bug
typedef _ReturnType _ReturnTypeDev10;
auto _PParamCopy = _PParam;
auto _Func = [_PParamCopy, &_ResultTask]() {
auto _ResultLocal = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
auto _Func = [_PParam, &_ResultTask]() {
_PParam->_M_vector = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
_PParam->_M_contexts[0] = _ResultContext<_ReturnType>::_GetContext(false);
_WhenAllContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, _CancellationTokenState::_None());
}, _CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
_ValueTask._Then([_PParam](task<_ReturnType> _ResultTask) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Dev10 compiler bug
typedef _ReturnType _ReturnTypeDev10;
auto _PParamCopy = _PParam;
auto _Func = [_PParamCopy, &_ResultTask]() {
auto _ResultLocal = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
auto _Func = [_PParam, &_ResultTask]() {
_PParam->_M_mergeVal = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
_PParam->_M_contexts[1] = _ResultContext<_ReturnType>::_GetContext(false);
_WhenAllContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, _CancellationTokenState::_None());
}, _CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
return _ReturnTask;
} // namespace details
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete successfully when all of the tasks supplied as arguments complete successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Iterator">
/// The type of the input iterator.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Begin">
/// The position of the first element in the range of elements to be combined into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_End">
/// The position of the first element beyond the range of elements to be combined into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes sucessfully when all of the input tasks have completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output
/// task will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If one of the tasks is canceled or throws an exception, the returned task will complete early, in the canceled state, and the exception,
/// if one is encoutered, will be thrown if you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template <typename _Iterator>
auto when_all(_Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
-> decltype (details::_WhenAllImpl<typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type, _Iterator>::_Perform(nullptr, _Begin, _End))
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type _ElementType;
return details::_WhenAllImpl<_ElementType, _Iterator>::_Perform(nullptr, _Begin, _End);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete successfully when all of the tasks supplied as arguments complete successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Iterator">
/// The type of the input iterator.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Begin">
/// The position of the first element in the range of elements to be combined into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_End">
/// The position of the first element beyond the range of elements to be combined into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_CancellationToken">
/// The cancellation token which controls cancellation of the returned task. If you do not provide a cancellation token, the resulting
/// task will be created with a token that is a combination of all the cancelable tokens (tokens created by methods other than
/// <c>cancellation_token::none()</c>of the tasks supplied.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes sucessfully when all of the input tasks have completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output
/// task will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If one of the tasks is canceled or throws an exception, the returned task will complete early, in the canceled state, and the exception,
/// if one is encoutered, will be thrown if you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template <typename _Iterator>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto when_all(_Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End, const task_options& _TaskOptions = task_options())
-> decltype (details::_WhenAllImpl<typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type, _Iterator>::_Perform(_TaskOptions, _Begin, _End))
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type _ElementType;
return details::_WhenAllImpl<_ElementType, _Iterator>::_Perform(_TaskOptions, _Begin, _End);
auto when_all(_Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End, Concurrency::cancellation_token _CancellationToken)
-> decltype (details::_WhenAllImpl<typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type, _Iterator>::_Perform(_CancellationToken._GetImplValue(), _Begin, _End))
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type _ElementType;
return details::_WhenAllImpl<_ElementType, _Iterator>::_Perform(_CancellationToken._GetImplValue(), _Begin, _End);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete succesfully when both of the tasks supplied as arguments complete successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The type of the returned task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Lhs">
/// The first task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Rhs">
/// The second task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes successfully when both of the input tasks have completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output
/// task will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// <para> To allow for a construct of the sort taskA &amp;&amp; taskB &amp;&amp; taskC, which are combined in pairs, the &amp;&amp; operator
/// produces a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c> if either one or both of the tasks are of type <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If one of the tasks is canceled or throws an exception, the returned task will complete early, in the canceled state, and the exception,
/// if one is encoutered, will be thrown if you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template<typename _ReturnType>
task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> operator&&(const task<_ReturnType> & _Lhs, const task<_ReturnType> & _Rhs)
task<_ReturnType> _PTasks[2] = { _Lhs, _Rhs };
return when_all(_PTasks, _PTasks + 2);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete succesfully when both of the tasks supplied as arguments complete successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The type of the returned task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Lhs">
/// The first task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Rhs">
/// The second task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes successfully when both of the input tasks have completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output
/// task will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// <para> To allow for a construct of the sort taskA &amp;&amp; taskB &amp;&amp; taskC, which are combined in pairs, the &amp;&amp; operator
/// produces a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c> if either one or both of the tasks are of type <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If one of the tasks is canceled or throws an exception, the returned task will complete early, in the canceled state, and the exception,
/// if one is encoutered, will be thrown if you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template<typename _ReturnType>
task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> operator&&(const task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> & _Lhs, const task<_ReturnType> & _Rhs)
return details::_WhenAllVectorAndValue(_Lhs, _Rhs, true);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete succesfully when both of the tasks supplied as arguments complete successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The type of the returned task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Lhs">
/// The first task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Rhs">
/// The second task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes successfully when both of the input tasks have completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output
/// task will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// <para> To allow for a construct of the sort taskA &amp;&amp; taskB &amp;&amp; taskC, which are combined in pairs, the &amp;&amp; operator
/// produces a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c> if either one or both of the tasks are of type <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If one of the tasks is canceled or throws an exception, the returned task will complete early, in the canceled state, and the exception,
/// if one is encoutered, will be thrown if you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template<typename _ReturnType>
task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> operator&&(const task<_ReturnType> & _Lhs, const task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> & _Rhs)
return details::_WhenAllVectorAndValue(_Rhs, _Lhs, false);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete succesfully when both of the tasks supplied as arguments complete successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The type of the returned task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Lhs">
/// The first task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Rhs">
/// The second task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes successfully when both of the input tasks have completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output
/// task will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// <para> To allow for a construct of the sort taskA &amp;&amp; taskB &amp;&amp; taskC, which are combined in pairs, the &amp;&amp; operator
/// produces a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c> if either one or both of the tasks are of type <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If one of the tasks is canceled or throws an exception, the returned task will complete early, in the canceled state, and the exception,
/// if one is encoutered, will be thrown if you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template<typename _ReturnType>
task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> operator&&(const task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> & _Lhs, const task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> & _Rhs)
task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> _PTasks[2] = { _Lhs, _Rhs };
return when_all(_PTasks, _PTasks + 2);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete succesfully when both of the tasks supplied as arguments complete successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The type of the returned task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Lhs">
/// The first task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Rhs">
/// The second task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes successfully when both of the input tasks have completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output
/// task will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// <para> To allow for a construct of the sort taskA &amp;&amp; taskB &amp;&amp; taskC, which are combined in pairs, the &amp;&amp; operator
/// produces a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c> if either one or both of the tasks are of type <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If one of the tasks is canceled or throws an exception, the returned task will complete early, in the canceled state, and the exception,
/// if one is encoutered, will be thrown if you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
inline task<void> operator&&(const task<void> & _Lhs, const task<void> & _Rhs)
task<void> _PTasks[2] = { _Lhs, _Rhs };
return when_all(_PTasks, _PTasks + 2);
namespace details
// Helper struct for when_any operators to know when tasks have completed
template <typename _CompletionType>
struct _RunAnyParam
_RunAnyParam() : _M_completeCount(0), _M_numTasks(0), _M_exceptionRelatedToken(nullptr), _M_fHasExplicitToken(false)
if (Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_IsValid(_M_exceptionRelatedToken))
task_completion_event<_CompletionType> _M_Completed;
Concurrency::cancellation_token_source _M_cancellationSource;
Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState* _M_exceptionRelatedToken;
atomic_size_t _M_completeCount;
size_t _M_numTasks;
bool _M_fHasExplicitToken;
template<typename _CompletionType, typename _Function, typename _TaskType>
void _WhenAnyContinuationWrapper(_RunAnyParam<_CompletionType> * _PParam, const _Function & _Func, task<_TaskType>& _Task)
bool _IsTokenCancled = !_PParam->_M_fHasExplicitToken && _Task._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState != Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None() && _Task._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState->_IsCanceled();
if (_Task._GetImpl()->_IsCompleted() && !_IsTokenCancled)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (Concurrency::details::atomic_increment(_PParam->_M_completeCount) == _PParam->_M_numTasks)
if (_InterlockedIncrementSizeT(&_PParam->_M_completeCount) == _PParam->_M_numTasks)
delete _PParam;
_CONCRT_ASSERT(_Task._GetImpl()->_IsCanceled() || _IsTokenCancled);
if (_Task._GetImpl()->_HasUserException() && !_IsTokenCancled)
if (_PParam->_M_Completed._StoreException(_Task._GetImpl()->_GetExceptionHolder()))
// This can only enter once.
_PParam->_M_exceptionRelatedToken = _Task._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState;
// Deref token will be done in the _PParam destructor.
if (_PParam->_M_exceptionRelatedToken != Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None())
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
if (Concurrency::details::atomic_increment(_PParam->_M_completeCount) == _PParam->_M_numTasks)
if (_InterlockedIncrementSizeT(&_PParam->_M_completeCount) == _PParam->_M_numTasks)
// If no one has be completed so far, we need to make some final cancellation decision.
if (!_PParam->_M_Completed._IsTriggered())
// If we already explicit token, we can skip the token join part.
if (!_PParam->_M_fHasExplicitToken)
if (_PParam->_M_exceptionRelatedToken)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_PParam->_M_cancellationSource, _PParam->_M_exceptionRelatedToken);
// If haven't captured any exception token yet, there was no exception for all those tasks,
// so just pick a random token (current one) for normal cancellation.
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_PParam->_M_cancellationSource, _Task._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState);
// Do exception cancellation or normal cancellation based on whether it has stored exception.
delete _PParam;
template<typename _ElementType, typename _Iterator>
struct _WhenAnyImpl
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<std::pair<_ElementType, size_t>> _Perform(const task_options& _TaskOptions, _Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
static task<std::pair<_ElementType, size_t>> _Perform(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState, _Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
if (_Begin == _End)
throw Concurrency::invalid_operation("when_any(begin, end) cannot be called on an empty container.");
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState = _TaskOptions.has_cancellation_token() ? _TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue() : nullptr;
auto _PParam = new _RunAnyParam<std::pair<std::pair<_ElementType, size_t>, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>>();
if (_PTokenState)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_PParam->_M_cancellationSource, _PTokenState);
_PParam->_M_fHasExplicitToken = true;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
task_options _Options(_TaskOptions);
task<std::pair<std::pair<_ElementType, size_t>, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>> _Any_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_Completed, _Options);
task<std::pair<std::pair<_ElementType, size_t>, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>> _Any_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_Completed, _PParam->_M_cancellationSource.get_token());
_Any_tasks_completed._GetImpl()->_M_fRuntimeAggregate = true;
// Keep a copy ref to the token source
auto _CancellationSource = _PParam->_M_cancellationSource;
_PParam->_M_numTasks = static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(_Begin, _End));
size_t index = 0;
for (auto _PTask = _Begin; _PTask != _End; ++_PTask)
if (_PTask->is_apartment_aware())
_PTask->_Then([_PParam, index](task<_ElementType> _ResultTask) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto _PParamCopy = _PParam; // Dev10
auto _IndexCopy = index; // Dev10
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParamCopy, _IndexCopy]() {
_PParamCopy->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(_ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult(), _IndexCopy), _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState));
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParam, index]() {
_PParam->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(_ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult(), index), _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState));
_WhenAnyContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
// All _Any_tasks_completed._SetAsync() must be finished before this return continuation task being created.
return _Any_tasks_completed._Then([=](std::pair<std::pair<_ElementType, size_t>, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *> _Result, std::pair<_ElementType, size_t>* retVal) -> HRESULT {
if (!_PTokenState)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_CancellationSource, _Result.second);
*retVal = _Result.first;
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, nullptr);
}, nullptr, true);
template<typename _Iterator>
struct _WhenAnyImpl<void, _Iterator>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
static task<size_t> _Perform(const task_options& _TaskOptions, _Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
static task<size_t> _Perform(Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState, _Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
if (_Begin == _End)
throw Concurrency::invalid_operation("when_any(begin, end) cannot be called on an empty container.");
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState = _TaskOptions.has_cancellation_token() ? _TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue() : nullptr;
auto _PParam = new _RunAnyParam<std::pair<size_t, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>>();
if (_PTokenState)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_PParam->_M_cancellationSource, _PTokenState);
_PParam->_M_fHasExplicitToken = true;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
task_options _Options(_TaskOptions);
task<std::pair<size_t, _CancellationTokenState *>> _Any_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_Completed, _Options);
task<std::pair<size_t, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>> _Any_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_Completed, _PParam->_M_cancellationSource.get_token());
// Keep a copy ref to the token source
auto _CancellationSource = _PParam->_M_cancellationSource;
_PParam->_M_numTasks = static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(_Begin, _End));
size_t index = 0;
for (auto _PTask = _Begin; _PTask != _End; ++_PTask)
if (_PTask->is_apartment_aware())
_PTask->_Then([_PParam, index](task<void> _ResultTask) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto _PParamCopy = _PParam; // Dev10
auto _IndexCopy = index; // Dev10
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParamCopy, _IndexCopy]() {
_PParamCopy->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(_IndexCopy, _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState));
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParam, index]() {
_PParam->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(index, _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState));
_WhenAnyContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
// All _Any_tasks_completed._SetAsync() must be finished before this return continuation task being created.
return _Any_tasks_completed._Then([=](std::pair<size_t, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *> _Result, size_t* retVal) -> HRESULT {
if (!_PTokenState)
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_CancellationSource, _Result.second);
*retVal = _Result.first;
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, nullptr);
}, nullptr, false);
} // namespace details
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete successfully when any of the tasks supplied as arguments completes successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Iterator">
/// The type of the input iterator.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Begin">
/// The position of the first element in the range of elements to be combined into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_End">
/// The position of the first element beyond the range of elements to be combined into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes successfully when any one of the input tasks has completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::pair&lt;T, size_t&gt;&gt;></c>, where the first element of the pair is the result
/// of the completing task, and the second element is the index of the task that finished. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c>
/// the output is a <c>task&lt;size_t&gt;</c>, where the result is the index of the completing task.
/// </returns>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template<typename _Iterator>
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto when_any(_Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End, const task_options& _TaskOptions = task_options())
-> decltype (details::_WhenAnyImpl<typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type, _Iterator>::_Perform(_TaskOptions, _Begin, _End))
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type _ElementType;
return details::_WhenAnyImpl<_ElementType, _Iterator>::_Perform(_TaskOptions, _Begin, _End);
auto when_any(_Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End)
-> decltype (details::_WhenAnyImpl<typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type, _Iterator>::_Perform(nullptr, _Begin, _End))
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type _ElementType;
return details::_WhenAnyImpl<_ElementType, _Iterator>::_Perform(nullptr, _Begin, _End);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete successfully when any of the tasks supplied as arguments completes successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_Iterator">
/// The type of the input iterator.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Begin">
/// The position of the first element in the range of elements to be combined into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_End">
/// The position of the first element beyond the range of elements to be combined into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_CancellationToken">
/// The cancellation token which controls cancellation of the returned task. If you do not provide a cancellation token, the resulting
/// task will receive the cancellation token of the task that causes it to complete.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes successfully when any one of the input tasks has completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::pair&lt;T, size_t&gt;&gt;></c>, where the first element of the pair is the result
/// of the completing task, and the second element is the index of the task that finished. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c>
/// the output is a <c>task&lt;size_t&gt;</c>, where the result is the index of the completing task.
/// </returns>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template<typename _Iterator>
auto when_any(_Iterator _Begin, _Iterator _End, Concurrency::cancellation_token _CancellationToken)
-> decltype (details::_WhenAnyImpl<typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type, _Iterator>::_Perform(_CancellationToken._GetImplValue(), _Begin, _End))
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Iterator>::value_type::result_type _ElementType;
return details::_WhenAnyImpl<_ElementType, _Iterator>::_Perform(_CancellationToken._GetImplValue(), _Begin, _End);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete successfully when either of the tasks supplied as arguments completes successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The type of the returned task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Lhs">
/// The first task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Rhs">
/// The second task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes sucessfully when either of the input tasks has completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output task
/// will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// <para> To allow for a construct of the sort taskA || taskB &amp;&amp; taskC, which are combined in pairs, with &amp;&amp; taking precedence
/// over ||, the operator|| produces a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c> if one of the tasks is of type <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>
/// and the other one is of type <c>task&lt;T&gt;.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If both of the tasks are canceled or throw exceptions, the returned task will complete in the canceled state, and one of the exceptions,
/// if any are encountered, will be thrown when you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template<typename _ReturnType>
task<_ReturnType> operator||(const task<_ReturnType> & _Lhs, const task<_ReturnType> & _Rhs)
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
auto _PParam = new details::_RunAnyParam<std::pair<_ReturnType, size_t>>();
task<std::pair<_ReturnType, size_t>> _Any_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_Completed, _PParam->_M_cancellationSource.get_token());
// Chain the return continuation task here to ensure it will get inline execution when _M_Completed.set is called,
// So that _PParam can be used before it getting deleted.
auto _ReturnTask = _Any_tasks_completed._Then([=](std::pair<_ReturnType, size_t> _Ret, _ReturnType* retVal) -> HRESULT {
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_PParam->_M_cancellationSource, reinterpret_cast<Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>(_Ret.second));
*retVal = _Ret.first;
return S_OK;
}, nullptr);
auto _PParam = new details::_RunAnyParam<std::pair<_ReturnType, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>>();
task<std::pair<_ReturnType, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>> _Any_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_Completed, _PParam->_M_cancellationSource.get_token());
// Chain the return continuation task here to ensure it will get inline execution when _M_Completed.set is called,
// So that _PParam can be used before it getting deleted.
auto _ReturnTask = _Any_tasks_completed._Then([=](std::pair<_ReturnType, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *> _Ret, _ReturnType* retVal) -> HRESULT {
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_PParam->_M_cancellationSource, _Ret.second);
*retVal = _Ret.first;
return S_OK;
}, nullptr, false);
if (_Lhs.is_apartment_aware() || _Rhs.is_apartment_aware())
_PParam->_M_numTasks = 2;
auto _Continuation = [_PParam](task<_ReturnType> _ResultTask) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Dev10 compiler bug
auto _PParamCopy = _PParam;
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParamCopy]() {
_PParamCopy->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(_ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult(), reinterpret_cast<size_t>(_ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState)));
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParam]() {
_PParam->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(_ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult(), _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState));
_WhenAnyContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_Lhs._Then(_Continuation, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
_Rhs._Then(_Continuation, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
_Lhs._Then(_Continuation, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
_Rhs._Then(_Continuation, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
return _ReturnTask;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete successfully when any of the tasks supplied as arguments completes successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The type of the returned task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Lhs">
/// The first task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Rhs">
/// The second task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes sucessfully when either of the input tasks has completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output task
/// will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// <para> To allow for a construct of the sort taskA || taskB &amp;&amp; taskC, which are combined in pairs, with &amp;&amp; taking precedence
/// over ||, the operator|| produces a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c> if one of the tasks is of type <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>
/// and the other one is of type <c>task&lt;T&gt;.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If both of the tasks are canceled or throw exceptions, the returned task will complete in the canceled state, and one of the exceptions,
/// if any are encountered, will be thrown when you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template<typename _ReturnType>
task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> operator||(const task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> & _Lhs, const task<_ReturnType> & _Rhs)
auto _PParam = new details::_RunAnyParam<std::pair<std::vector<_ReturnType>, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>>();
task<std::pair<std::vector<_ReturnType>, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>> _Any_tasks_completed(_PParam->_M_Completed, _PParam->_M_cancellationSource.get_token());
#if _MSC_VER < 1800
_Any_tasks_completed._GetImpl()->_M_fRuntimeAggregate = true;
// Chain the return continuation task here to ensure it will get inline execution when _M_Completed.set is called,
// So that _PParam can be used before it getting deleted.
auto _ReturnTask = _Any_tasks_completed._Then([=](std::pair<std::vector<_ReturnType>, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *> _Ret, std::vector<_ReturnType>* retVal) -> HRESULT {
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_PParam->_M_cancellationSource, _Ret.second);
*retVal = _Ret.first;
return S_OK;
}, nullptr, true);
if (_Lhs.is_apartment_aware() || _Rhs.is_apartment_aware())
_PParam->_M_numTasks = 2;
_Lhs._Then([_PParam](task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> _ResultTask) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Dev10 compiler bug
auto _PParamCopy = _PParam;
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParamCopy]() {
auto _Result = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
_PParamCopy->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(_Result, _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState));
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParam]() {
std::vector<_ReturnType> _Result = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
_PParam->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(_Result, _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState));
_WhenAnyContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
_Rhs._Then([_PParam](task<_ReturnType> _ResultTask) -> HRESULT {
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
// Dev10 compiler bug
typedef _ReturnType _ReturnTypeDev10;
auto _PParamCopy = _PParam;
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParamCopy]() {
auto _Result = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
std::vector<_ReturnTypeDev10> _Vec;
_PParamCopy->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(_Vec, _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState));
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParam]() {
_ReturnType _Result = _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_GetResult();
std::vector<_ReturnType> _Vec;
_PParam->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(_Vec, _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState));
_WhenAnyContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
}, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
return _ReturnTask;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete successfully when any of the tasks supplied as arguments completes successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The type of the returned task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Lhs">
/// The first task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Rhs">
/// The second task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes sucessfully when either of the input tasks has completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output task
/// will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// <para> To allow for a construct of the sort taskA || taskB &amp;&amp; taskC, which are combined in pairs, with &amp;&amp; taking precedence
/// over ||, the operator|| produces a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c> if one of the tasks is of type <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>
/// and the other one is of type <c>task&lt;T&gt;.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If both of the tasks are canceled or throw exceptions, the returned task will complete in the canceled state, and one of the exceptions,
/// if any are encountered, will be thrown when you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
template<typename _ReturnType>
task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> operator||(const task<_ReturnType> & _Lhs, const task<std::vector<_ReturnType>> & _Rhs)
return _Rhs || _Lhs;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a task that will complete successfully when any of the tasks supplied as arguments completes successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="_ReturnType">
/// The type of the returned task.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="_Lhs">
/// The first task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <param name="_Rhs">
/// The second task to combine into the resulting task.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A task that completes sucessfully when either of the input tasks has completed successfully. If the input tasks are of type <c>T</c>,
/// the output of this function will be a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;</c>. If the input tasks are of type <c>void</c> the output task
/// will also be a <c>task&lt;void&gt;</c>.
/// <para> To allow for a construct of the sort taskA || taskB &amp;&amp; taskC, which are combined in pairs, with &amp;&amp; taking precedence
/// over ||, the operator|| produces a <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c> if one of the tasks is of type <c>task&lt;std::vector&lt;T&gt;&gt;</c>
/// and the other one is of type <c>task&lt;T&gt;.</para>
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// If both of the tasks are canceled or throw exceptions, the returned task will complete in the canceled state, and one of the exceptions,
/// if any are encountered, will be thrown when you call <c>get()</c> or <c>wait()</c> on that task.
/// </remarks>
/// <seealso cref="Task Parallelism (Concurrency Runtime)"/>
inline task<void> operator||(const task<void> & _Lhs, const task<void> & _Rhs)
auto _PParam = new details::_RunAnyParam<std::pair<details::_Unit_type, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>>();
task<std::pair<details::_Unit_type, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *>> _Any_task_completed(_PParam->_M_Completed, _PParam->_M_cancellationSource.get_token());
// Chain the return continuation task here to ensure it will get inline execution when _M_Completed.set is called,
// So that _PParam can be used before it getting deleted.
auto _ReturnTask = _Any_task_completed._Then([=](std::pair<details::_Unit_type, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState *> _Ret) -> HRESULT {
details::_JoinAllTokens_Add(_PParam->_M_cancellationSource, _Ret.second);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
}, nullptr);
}, nullptr, false);
if (_Lhs.is_apartment_aware() || _Rhs.is_apartment_aware())
_PParam->_M_numTasks = 2;
auto _Continuation = [_PParam](task<void> _ResultTask) mutable -> HRESULT {
// Dev10 compiler needs this.
auto _PParam1 = _PParam;
auto _Func = [&_ResultTask, _PParam1]() {
_PParam1->_M_Completed.set(std::make_pair(details::_Unit_type(), _ResultTask._GetImpl()->_M_pTokenState));
_WhenAnyContinuationWrapper(_PParam, _Func, _ResultTask);
return S_OK;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
_Lhs._Then(_Continuation, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
_Rhs._Then(_Continuation, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None());
_Lhs._Then(_Continuation, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
_Rhs._Then(_Continuation, Concurrency::details::_CancellationTokenState::_None(), false);
return _ReturnTask;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1800
template<typename _Ty>
task<_Ty> task_from_result(_Ty _Param, const task_options& _TaskOptions = task_options())
task_completion_event<_Ty> _Tce;
return create_task<_Ty>(_Tce, _TaskOptions);
// Work around VS 2010 compiler bug
#if _MSC_VER == 1600
inline task<bool> task_from_result(bool _Param)
task_completion_event<bool> _Tce;
return create_task<bool>(_Tce, task_options());
inline task<void> task_from_result(const task_options& _TaskOptions = task_options())
task_completion_event<void> _Tce;
return create_task<void>(_Tce, _TaskOptions);
template<typename _TaskType, typename _ExType>
task<_TaskType> task_from_exception(_ExType _Exception, const task_options& _TaskOptions = task_options())
task_completion_event<_TaskType> _Tce;
return create_task<_TaskType>(_Tce, _TaskOptions);
namespace details
/// <summary>
/// A convenient extension to Concurrency: loop until a condition is no longer met
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">
/// A function representing the body of the loop. It will be invoked at least once and
/// then repetitively as long as it returns true.
/// </param>
task<bool> do_while(std::function<task<bool>(void)> func)
task<bool> first = func();
return first.then([=](bool guard, task<bool>* retVal) -> HRESULT {
if (guard)
*retVal = do_while(func);
*retVal = first;
return S_OK;
} // namespace details
} // namespace Concurrency_winrt
namespace concurrency_winrt = Concurrency_winrt;
#pragma pop_macro("new")
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma pack(pop)