The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
#include "opencv2/ts.hpp"
#include "precomp.hpp"
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
#include <climits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
namespace cv{namespace optim{
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
using std::vector;
const void dprintf(const char* format,...){
va_list args;
va_start (args,format);
void const print_matrix(const Mat& X){
dprintf("\ttype:%d vs %d,\tsize: %d-on-%d\n",X.type(),CV_64FC1,X.rows,X.cols);
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
for(int i=0;i<X.rows;i++){
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
for(int j=0;j<X.cols;j++){
dprintf("%g, ",<double>(i,j));
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
void const print_simplex_state(const Mat& c,const Mat&b,double v,const vector<int>& N,const vector<int>& B){
dprintf("\tprint simplex state\n");
dprintf("here c goes\n");
dprintf("non-basic: ");
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = N.begin() ; it != N.end(); ++it){
dprintf("%d, ",*it);
dprintf("here b goes\n");
dprintf("basic: ");
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = B.begin() ; it != B.end(); ++it){
dprintf("%d, ",*it);
/**Due to technical considerations, the format of input b and c is somewhat special:
*both b and c should be one column bigger than corresponding b and c of linear problem and the leftmost column will be used internally
by this procedure - it should not be cleaned before the call to procedure and may contain mess after
it also initializes N and B and does not make any assumptions about their init values
* @return SOLVELP_UNFEASIBLE if problem is unfeasible, 0 if feasible.
const int initialize_simplex(Mat_<double>& c, Mat_<double>& b,double& v,vector<int>& N,vector<int>& B);
const inline void pivot(Mat_<double>& c,Mat_<double>& b,double& v,vector<int>& N,vector<int>& B, int leaving_index,int entering_index);
/**@return SOLVELP_UNBOUNDED means the problem is unbdd, SOLVELP_MULTI means multiple solutions, SOLVELP_SINGLE means one solution.
const int inner_simplex(Mat_<double>& c, Mat_<double>& b,double& v,vector<int>& N,vector<int>& B);
const void swap_columns(Mat_<double>& A,int col1,int col2);
//return codes:-2 (no_sol - unbdd),-1(no_sol - unfsbl), 0(single_sol), 1(multiple_sol=>least_l2_norm)
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
int solveLP(const Mat& Func, const Mat& Constr, Mat& z){
dprintf("call to solveLP\n");
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
//sanity check (size, type, no. of channels)
//copy arguments for we will shall modify them
Mat_<double> bigC=Mat_<double>(1,Func.cols+1),
double v=0;
vector<int> N,B;
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
Mat_<double> c=bigC.colRange(1,bigC.cols),
int res=0;
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
//return the optimal solution
const int z_size[]={1,c.cols};
MatIterator_<double> it=z.begin<double>();
for(int i=1;i<=c.cols;i++,it++){
std::vector<int>::iterator pos=B.begin();
return res;
const int initialize_simplex(Mat_<double>& c, Mat_<double>& b,double& v,vector<int>& N,vector<int>& B){
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = N.begin()+1 ; it != N.end(); ++it){
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = B.begin()+1 ; it != B.end(); ++it){
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
int k=0;
double min=DBL_MAX;
for(int i=0;i<b.rows;i++){
return 0;
Mat_<double> old_c=c.clone();
for(int i=0;i<b.rows;i++){
dprintf("\tWE MAKE PIVOT\n");
dprintf("\tAFTER INNER_SIMPLEX\n");
vector<int>::iterator it=std::find(B.begin(),B.end(),0);
int it_offset=it-B.begin();
int it_offset=it-N.begin();
dprintf("after swaps\n");
//start from 1, because we ignore x_0
for(int i=1;i<old_c.cols;i++){
dprintf("i=%d from nonbasic\n",i);
int it_offset=it-N.begin();
dprintf("i=%d from basic\n",i);
int it_offset=std::find(B.begin(),B.end(),i)-B.begin();
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
dprintf("after restore\n");
return 0;
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
const int inner_simplex(Mat_<double>& c, Mat_<double>& b,double& v,vector<int>& N,vector<int>& B){
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
int count=0;
dprintf("iteration #%d\n",count++);
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
static MatIterator_<double> pos_ptr;
int e=-1,pos_ctr=0,min_var=INT_MAX;
bool all_nonzero=true;
dprintf("hello from e==-1\n");
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
int l=-1;
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
double min=DBL_MAX;
int row_it=0;
double ite=0;
MatIterator_<double> min_row_ptr=b.begin();
for(MatIterator_<double> it=b.begin();it!=b.end();it+=b.cols,row_it++){
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
double myite=0;
//check constraints, select the tightest one, reinforcing Bland's rule
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
double val=it[b.cols-1]/myite;
if(val<min || (val==min && B[row_it]<min_var)){
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
dprintf("the tightest constraint is in row %d with %g\n",l,min);
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
dprintf("objective, v=%g\n",v);
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
dprintf("non-basic: ");
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = N.begin() ; it != N.end(); ++it){
dprintf("%d, ",*it);
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
dprintf("\nbasic: ");
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = B.begin() ; it != B.end(); ++it){
dprintf("%d, ",*it);
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
const inline void pivot(Mat_<double>& c,Mat_<double>& b,double& v,vector<int>& N,vector<int>& B, int leaving_index,int entering_index){
double coef=b(leaving_index,entering_index);
for(int i=0;i<b.cols;i++){
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
for(int i=0;i<b.rows;i++){
double coef=b(i,entering_index);
for(int j=0;j<b.cols;j++){
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
//objective function
for(int i=0;i<(b.cols-1);i++){
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
dprintf("v was %g\n",v);
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
int tmp=N[entering_index];
The first draft of simplex algorithm, simple tests.
What we have now corresponds to "formal simplex algorithm", described in
Cormen's "Intro to Algorithms". It will work *only* if the initial
problem has (0,0,0,...,0) as feasible solution (consequently, it will
work unpredictably if problem was unfeasible or did not have zero-vector as
feasible solution). Moreover, it might cycle.
TODO (first priority)
1. Implement initialize_simplex() procedure, that shall check for
feasibility and generate initial feasible solution. (in particular, code
should pass all 4 tests implemented at the moment)
2. Implement Bland's rule to avoid cycling.
3. Make the code more clear.
4. Implement several non-trivial tests (??) and check algorithm against
them. Debug if necessary.
TODO (second priority)
1. Concentrate on stability and speed (make difficult tests)
12 years ago
const inline void swap_columns(Mat_<double>& A,int col1,int col2){
for(int i=0;i<A.rows;i++){
double tmp=A(i,col1);