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Image Processing
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Returns void
.. ocv:function:: void cornerHarris(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int bordertype = cv::BORDER_DEFAULT)
:param src: Source image. Only CV_8UC1 and CV_32FC1 images are supported now.
:param dst: Destination image containing cornerness values. It has the same size as src and CV_32FC1 type.
:param blockSize: Neighborhood size
:param ksize: Aperture parameter for the Sobel operator
:param k: Harris detector free parameter
:param bordertype: Pixel extrapolation method. Only BORDER_REFLECT101, BORDER_REFLECT, BORDER_CONSTANT and BORDER_REPLICATE are supported now.
Calculate Harris corner.
Returns void
.. ocv:function:: void cornerMinEigenVal(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int blockSize, int ksize, int bordertype = cv::BORDER_DEFAULT)
:param src: Source image. Only CV_8UC1 and CV_32FC1 images are supported now.
:param dst: Destination image containing cornerness values. It has the same size as src and CV_32FC1 type.
:param blockSize: Neighborhood size
:param ksize: Aperture parameter for the Sobel operator
:param bordertype: Pixel extrapolation method. Only BORDER_REFLECT101, BORDER_REFLECT, BORDER_CONSTANT and BORDER_REPLICATE are supported now.
Calculate MinEigenVal.
Returns void
.. ocv:function:: void calcHist(const oclMat &mat_src, oclMat &mat_hist)
:param src: Source arrays. They all should have the same depth, CV 8U, and the same size. Each of them can have an arbitrary number of channels.
:param dst: The output histogram, a dense or sparse dims-dimensional
Calculates histogram of one or more arrays. Supports only 8UC1 data type.
Returns void
.. ocv:function:: void remap(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, oclMat &map1, oclMat &map2, int interpolation, int bordertype, const Scalar &value = Scalar())
:param src: Source image. Only CV_8UC1 and CV_32FC1 images are supported now.
:param dst: Destination image containing cornerness values. It has the same size as src and CV_32FC1 type.
:param map1: The first map of either (x,y) points or just x values having the type CV_16SC2 , CV_32FC1 , or CV_32FC2 . See covertMaps() for details on converting a floating point representation to fixed-point for speed.
:param map2: The second map of y values having the type CV_32FC1 , or none (empty map if map1 is (x,y) points), respectively.
:param interpolation: The interpolation method
:param bordertype: Pixel extrapolation method. Only BORDER_CONSTANT are supported now.
:param value: The border value if borderType==BORDER CONSTANT
The function remap transforms the source image using the specified map: dst (x ,y) = src (map1(x , y) , map2(x , y)) where values of pixels with non-integer coordinates are computed using one of available interpolation methods. map1 and map2 can be encoded as separate floating-point maps in map1 and map2 respectively, or interleaved floating-point maps of (x,y) in map1. Supports CV_8UC1, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC4, CV_32FC1 , CV_32FC3 and CV_32FC4 data types.
Returns void
.. ocv:function:: void resize(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, Size dsize, double fx = 0, double fy = 0, int interpolation = INTER_LINEAR)
:param src: Source image.
:param dst: Destination image.
:param dsize: he destination image size. If it is zero, then it is computed as: dsize = Size(round(fx*src.cols), round(fy*src.rows)). Either dsize or both fx or fy must be non-zero.
:param fx: The scale factor along the horizontal axis. When 0, it is computed as (double)dsize.width/src.cols
:param fy: The scale factor along the vertical axis. When 0, it is computed as (double)dsize.height/src.rows
:param interpolation: The interpolation method: INTER NEAREST or INTER LINEAR
Resizes an image. Supports CV_8UC1, CV_8UC3, CV_8UC4, CV_32FC1 , CV_32FC3 and CV_32FC4 data types.
Returns void
.. ocv:function:: void warpAffine(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, const Mat &M, Size dsize, int flags = INTER_LINEAR)
:param src: Source image.
:param dst: Destination image.
:param M: 2times 3 transformation matrix
:param dsize: Size of the destination image
:param flags: A combination of interpolation methods, see cv::resize, and the optional flag WARP INVERSE MAP that means that M is the inverse transformation (dst to $src)
The function warpAffine transforms the source image using the specified matrix. Supports INTER_NEAREST, INTER_LINEAR, INTER_CUBIC types.
Returns void
.. ocv:function:: void warpPerspective(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, const Mat &M, Size dsize, int flags = INTER_LINEAR)
:param src: Source image.
:param dst: Destination image.
:param M: 2times 3 transformation matrix
:param dsize: Size of the destination image
:param flags: A combination of interpolation methods, see cv::resize, and the optional flag WARP INVERSE MAP that means that M is the inverse transformation (dst to $src)
Applies a perspective transformation to an image. Supports INTER_NEAREST, INTER_LINEAR, INTER_CUBIC types.
Returns void
.. ocv:function:: void cvtColor(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, int code , int dcn = 0)
:param src: Source image.
:param dst: Destination image.
:param code:The color space conversion code
:param dcn: The number of channels in the destination image; if the parameter is 0, the number of the channels will be derived automatically from src and the code
Converts image from one color space to another.For now, only RGB2GRAY is supportted. Supports.CV_8UC1,CV_8UC4,CV_32SC1,CV_32SC4,CV_32FC1,CV_32FC4
Returns Threshold value
.. ocv:function:: double threshold(const oclMat &src, oclMat &dst, double thresh, double maxVal, int type = THRESH_TRUNC)
:param src: The source array
:param dst: Destination array; will have the same size and the same type as src
:param thresh: Threshold value
:param maxVal: Maximum value to use with THRESH BINARY and THRESH BINARY INV thresholding types
:param type: Thresholding type
The function applies fixed-level thresholding to a single-channel array. The function is typically used to get a bi-level (binary) image out of a grayscale image or for removing a noise, i.e. filtering out pixels with too small or too large values. There are several types of thresholding that the function supports that are determined by thresholdType. Supports only CV_32FC1 and CV_8UC1 data type.
Builds plane warping maps.
.. ocv:function:: void ocl::buildWarpPlaneMaps(Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat& R, double f, double s, double dist, oclMat& map_x, oclMat& map_y)
Builds cylindrical warping maps.
.. ocv:function:: void ocl::buildWarpCylindricalMaps(Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat& R, double f, double s, oclMat& map_x, oclMat& map_y)
Builds spherical warping maps.
.. ocv:function:: void ocl::buildWarpSphericalMaps(Size src_size, Rect dst_roi, const Mat& R, double f, double s, oclMat& map_x, oclMat& map_y)
Builds transformation maps for perspective transformation.
.. ocv:function:: void buildWarpAffineMaps(const Mat& M, bool inverse, Size dsize, oclMat& xmap, oclMat& ymap)
:param M: *3x3* transformation matrix.
:param inverse: Flag specifying that ``M`` is an inverse transformation ( ``dst=>src`` ).
:param dsize: Size of the destination image.
:param xmap: X values with ``CV_32FC1`` type.
:param ymap: Y values with ``CV_32FC1`` type.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`ocl::warpPerspective` , :ocv:func:`ocl::remap`
Builds transformation maps for affine transformation.
.. ocv:function:: void buildWarpAffineMaps(const Mat& M, bool inverse, Size dsize, oclMat& xmap, oclMat& ymap)
:param M: *2x3* transformation matrix.
:param inverse: Flag specifying that ``M`` is an inverse transformation ( ``dst=>src`` ).
:param dsize: Size of the destination image.
:param xmap: X values with ``CV_32FC1`` type.
:param ymap: Y values with ``CV_32FC1`` type.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`ocl::warpAffine` , :ocv:func:`ocl::remap`
.. ocv:class:: ocl::PyrLKOpticalFlow
Class used for calculating an optical flow. ::
class PyrLKOpticalFlow
void sparse(const oclMat& prevImg, const oclMat& nextImg, const oclMat& prevPts, oclMat& nextPts,
oclMat& status, oclMat* err = 0);
void dense(const oclMat& prevImg, const oclMat& nextImg, oclMat& u, oclMat& v, oclMat* err = 0);
Size winSize;
int maxLevel;
int iters;
double derivLambda;
bool useInitialFlow;
float minEigThreshold;
bool getMinEigenVals;
void releaseMemory();
The class can calculate an optical flow for a sparse feature set or dense optical flow using the iterative Lucas-Kanade method with pyramids.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`calcOpticalFlowPyrLK`
Calculate an optical flow for a sparse feature set.
.. ocv:function:: void ocl::PyrLKOpticalFlow::sparse(const oclMat& prevImg, const oclMat& nextImg, const oclMat& prevPts, oclMat& nextPts, oclMat& status, oclMat* err = 0)
:param prevImg: First 8-bit input image (supports both grayscale and color images).
:param nextImg: Second input image of the same size and the same type as ``prevImg`` .
:param prevPts: Vector of 2D points for which the flow needs to be found. It must be one row matrix with CV_32FC2 type.
:param nextPts: Output vector of 2D points (with single-precision floating-point coordinates) containing the calculated new positions of input features in the second image. When ``useInitialFlow`` is true, the vector must have the same size as in the input.
:param status: Output status vector (CV_8UC1 type). Each element of the vector is set to 1 if the flow for the corresponding features has been found. Otherwise, it is set to 0.
:param err: Output vector (CV_32FC1 type) that contains the difference between patches around the original and moved points or min eigen value if ``getMinEigenVals`` is checked. It can be NULL, if not needed.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`calcOpticalFlowPyrLK`
Calculate dense optical flow.
.. ocv:function:: void ocl::PyrLKOpticalFlow::dense(const oclMat& prevImg, const oclMat& nextImg, oclMat& u, oclMat& v, oclMat* err = 0)
:param prevImg: First 8-bit grayscale input image.
:param nextImg: Second input image of the same size and the same type as ``prevImg`` .
:param u: Horizontal component of the optical flow of the same size as input images, 32-bit floating-point, single-channel
:param v: Vertical component of the optical flow of the same size as input images, 32-bit floating-point, single-channel
:param err: Output vector (CV_32FC1 type) that contains the difference between patches around the original and moved points or min eigen value if ``getMinEigenVals`` is checked. It can be NULL, if not needed.
Releases inner buffers memory.
.. ocv:function:: void ocl::PyrLKOpticalFlow::releaseMemory()
Interpolate frames (images) using provided optical flow (displacement field).
.. ocv:function:: void ocl::interpolateFrames(const oclMat& frame0, const oclMat& frame1, const oclMat& fu, const oclMat& fv, const oclMat& bu, const oclMat& bv, float pos, oclMat& newFrame, oclMat& buf)
:param frame0: First frame (32-bit floating point images, single channel).
:param frame1: Second frame. Must have the same type and size as ``frame0`` .
:param fu: Forward horizontal displacement.
:param fv: Forward vertical displacement.
:param bu: Backward horizontal displacement.
:param bv: Backward vertical displacement.
:param pos: New frame position.
:param newFrame: Output image.
:param buf: Temporary buffer, will have width x 6*height size, CV_32FC1 type and contain 6 oclMat: occlusion masks for first frame, occlusion masks for second, interpolated forward horizontal flow, interpolated forward vertical flow, interpolated backward horizontal flow, interpolated backward vertical flow.