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135 lines
6.8 KiB
135 lines
6.8 KiB
8 years ago
"const_ignore_list": [
"const_private_list" : [
"missing_consts" : {
"Imgproc" : {
"private" : [
"public" : [
["LINE_AA", 16], ["LINE_8", 8], ["LINE_4", 4]
"ManualFuncs" : {
"Imgproc" : {
"getTextSize" : {
"j_code" : [
"// C++: Size getTextSize(const String& text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int* baseLine);",
"//javadoc:getTextSize(text, fontFace, fontScale, thickness, baseLine)",
"public static Size getTextSize(String text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int[] baseLine) {",
" if(baseLine != null && baseLine.length != 1)",
" throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(\"'baseLine' must be 'int[1]' or 'null'.\");",
" Size retVal = new Size(n_getTextSize(text, fontFace, fontScale, thickness, baseLine));",
" return retVal;",
"jn_code" : [
"private static native double[] n_getTextSize(String text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int[] baseLine);\n"
"cpp_code" : [
" // C++: Size getTextSize(const String& text, int fontFace, double fontScale, int thickness, int* baseLine);",
" JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_n_1getTextSize (JNIEnv*, jclass, jstring, jint, jdouble, jint, jintArray);",
" JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_imgproc_Imgproc_n_1getTextSize",
" (JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring text, jint fontFace, jdouble fontScale, jint thickness, jintArray baseLine)",
" {",
" try {",
" LOGD(\"Core::n_1getTextSize()\");",
" jdoubleArray result;",
" result = env->NewDoubleArray(2);",
" if (result == NULL) {",
" return NULL; /* out of memory error thrown */",
" }",
" const char* utf_text = env->GetStringUTFChars(text, 0);",
" String n_text( utf_text ? utf_text : \"\" );",
" env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(text, utf_text);",
" int _baseLine;",
" int* pbaseLine = 0;",
" if (baseLine != NULL)",
" pbaseLine = &_baseLine;",
" cv::Size rsize = cv::getTextSize(n_text, (int)fontFace, (double)fontScale, (int)thickness, pbaseLine);",
" jdouble fill[2];",
" fill[0]=rsize.width;",
" fill[1]=rsize.height;",
" env->SetDoubleArrayRegion(result, 0, 2, fill);",
" if (baseLine != NULL) {",
" jint jbaseLine = (jint)(*pbaseLine);",
" env->SetIntArrayRegion(baseLine, 0, 1, &jbaseLine);",
" }",
" return result;",
" } catch(const cv::Exception& e) {",
" LOGD(\"Imgproc::n_1getTextSize() catched cv::Exception: %s\", e.what());",
" jclass je = env->FindClass(\"org/opencv/core/CvException\");",
" if(!je) je = env->FindClass(\"java/lang/Exception\");",
" env->ThrowNew(je, e.what());",
" return NULL;",
" } catch (...) {",
" LOGD(\"Imgproc::n_1getTextSize() catched unknown exception (...)\");",
" jclass je = env->FindClass(\"java/lang/Exception\");",
" env->ThrowNew(je, \"Unknown exception in JNI code {core::getTextSize()}\");",
" return NULL;",
" }",
" }"
"func_arg_fix" : {
"goodFeaturesToTrack" : { "corners" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point"} },
"minEnclosingCircle" : { "points" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point2f"} },
"fitEllipse" : { "points" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point2f"} },
"fillPoly" : { "pts" : {"ctype" : "vector_vector_Point"} },
"polylines" : { "pts" : {"ctype" : "vector_vector_Point"} },
"fillConvexPoly" : { "points" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point"} },
"approxPolyDP" : { "curve" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point2f"},
"approxCurve" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point2f"} },
"arcLength" : { "curve" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point2f"} },
"pointPolygonTest" : { "contour" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point2f"} },
"minAreaRect" : { "points" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point2f"} },
"getAffineTransform" : { "src" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point2f"},
"dst" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point2f"} },
"drawContours" : {"contours" : {"ctype" : "vector_vector_Point"} },
"findContours" : {"contours" : {"ctype" : "vector_vector_Point"} },
"convexityDefects" : { "contour" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point"},
"convexhull" : {"ctype" : "vector_int"},
"convexityDefects" : {"ctype" : "vector_Vec4i"} },
"isContourConvex" : { "contour" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point"} },
"convexHull" : { "points" : {"ctype" : "vector_Point"},
"hull" : {"ctype" : "vector_int"},
"returnPoints" : {"ctype" : ""} }